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The Rb/Sr ratios of lake sediments have been suggested as indicators of weathering intensity by increasing work. However, the geochemistry of Rb/Sr ratios of lake sediments is variable between different lakes. In this study, we investigated the spatial and temporal patterns of Rb/Sr ratios, as well as those of other major elements in surface sediments of Lake Qinghai. We find that the spatial pattern of Rb/Sr ratios of the bulk sediments correlates well with that of the mass accumulation rate, and those of the terrigenous fractions, e.g., SiO2, Ti, and Fe. The temporal variations of Rb/Sr ratios also synchronize with those of SiO2, Ti, and Fe of each individual core. These suggest that Rb/Sr ratios of the surface sediments are closely related to terrigenous input from the catchment. Two out of eight cores show similar trends between Rb/Sr ratios and precipitation indices on decadal scales; however, the other cores do not show such relationship. The result of this study suggests that physical weathering and chemical weathering in Lake Qinghai catchment have opposite influence on Rb/Sr ratios of the bulk sediments, and they compete in dominating the Rb/Sr ratios of lake sediments on different spatial and temporal scales. Therefore, it is necessary to study the geochemistry of Rb/Sr ratio of lake sediments (especially that on short term timescales) particularly before it is used as an indicator of weathering intensity of the catchment.  相似文献   

The Banke and Ririwai complexes have plutonic phases of igneous activity composed mainly of granitic rocks. These granitic ring complexes are associated with Sn-Nb mineralization and are characterized by high Li, F and Rb contents and Rb/Sr ratios, and low Ba and Sr contents and Ba/Rb ratios. — The altered and mineralized granites have variable Rb/Sr and Ba/Rb ratios differing significantly from those of fresh rocks. These ratios as well as the Li, F and Rb concentrations are good indicators of granitic rocks associated with postmagmatic alteration and mineralization providing valuable tools for Sn-Nb exploration within the Nigerian Younger Granite province.  相似文献   

Prediction of a unique sequence of metasomatic zones that would develop by intergranular diffusion with local equilibrium is possible only for relatively simple systems, unless extensive thermochemical and kinetic information is available. The complexity of the problem for a given example will depend on what portion of the set of chemical components required to describe the example are ‘diffusing components’, that is, components that move relative to ‘inert markers’. Diffusing components are commonly K-components (Thompson, 1970) for the various local equilibria of a sequence of metasomatic zones, since diffusion tends to impose a monotonie variation of the chemical potentials of these components across the zones. The number of diffusing components may vary from zone to zone in a particular example, as may the number of diffusing components that are K-components. Calculation of the rate of growth of a specific sequence of zones is relatively straightforward only for cases where the zones are primarily due to the variation of the chemical potential of one independent diffusing component. Calculation of the material transfer involved in the growth of a sequence of zones, assuming a single sharp initial contact is meaningful only if ‘inert markers’ or a discontinuity in the otherwise-constant ratio of two components indicate the present location of the initial contact. Examination of some natural calc-silicate diffusion zones suggests that a diffusion-imposed gradient in the chemical potential of calcium is largely responsible for the observed zonation. Metasomatic zones developed at the boundaries of ultramafic bodies, however, are produced by diffusion-imposed chemical potential gradients of several components, notably silica and magnesia, the number varying from zone to zone.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a comprehensive experimental study of the formation of granitoid melts at the expense of olivine-normative amphibolites. It was shown that trondhjemite-tonalite and granite-granodiorite melts can be generated by incongruent melting reactions at pressures of 5–25 kbar at T = 800–1000°C. The compositions of coexisting phases and phase reactions were investigated in detail. It was found that interaction between these hydrous melts and the overlying peridotite material results in the metasomatic alteration of peridotites and formation of andesite melts. The granitization of amphibolite was explored. Infiltration granitization was experimentally reproduced for the first time at T = 750°C and P f = 5 kbar. Fluid percolation through amphibolite produced a column of feldspathized and debasified rocks and granite melt completely replacing amphibolite in the proximal zone. Another extreme type of granitization occurring in amphibolite at the contact with granite melt was investigated at T = 800–950°C and P f = 7 kbar. The diffusion of silica and alkalis resulted in the metasomatic alteration of amphibolite and formation of granitic droplets and lenses with the development of migmatite-like zones, which significantly differ in composition and structure from the zones of infiltration granitization. All the models addressed in this paper (derivation of granitoid series, interaction of granitoid melts with peridotites, and infiltration and diffusion granitization) provide insight into the mechanism of formation of many natural objects.  相似文献   

Metasomatic oxidation of upper mantle periodotite   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Examination of Fe3+ in metasomatized spinel peridotite xenoliths reveals new information about metasomatic redox processes. Composite xenoliths from Dish Hill, California possess remnants of magmatic dikes which were the sources of the silicate fluids responsible for metasomatism of the peridotite part of the same xenoliths. Mössbauer spectra of mineral separates taken at several distances from the dike remnants provide data on Fe3+ contents of minerals in the metasomatized peridotite. Clinopyroxenes contain 33% of total iron (FeT) as Fe3+ (Fe3+/FeT=0.33); orthopyroxenes contain 0.06–0.09 Fe3+/FeT; spinels contain 0.30–0.40 Fe3+/FeT; olivines contain 0.01–0.06 Fe3+/FeT; and metasomatic amphibole in the peridotite contains 0.85–0.90 Fe3+/FeT. In each mineral, Fe3+ and Fe2+ cations per formula unit (p.f.u.) decrease with distance from the dike, but the Fe3+/FeT ratios of each mineral do not vary. Clinopyroxene, spinel, and olivine Fe3+/FeT ratios are significantly higher than in unmetasomatized spinel peridotites. Metasomatic changes in Fe3+/FeT ratios in each mineral are controlled by the oxygen fugacity of the system, but the mechanism by which each phase accommodates this ratio is affected by crystal chemistry, kinetics, rock mode, fluid composition, fluid/rock ratio, and fluid-mineral partition coefficients. Ratio increases in pyroxene and spinel occur by exchange reactions involving diffusion of Fe3+ into existing mineral grains rather than by oxidation of existing Fe2+ in peridotite mineral grains. The very high Fe3+/FeT ratio in the metasomatic amphibole may be a function of the high Fe3+/FeT of the metasomatic fluid, crystal chemical limitations on the amount of Fe3+ that could be accommodated by the pyroxene, spinel, and olivine of the peridotite, and the ability of the amphibole structure to accommodate large amounts of 3 + valence cations. In the samples studied, metasomatic amphibole accounts for half of the bulk-rock Fe2O3. This suggests that patent metasomatism may produce a greater change in the redox state of mantle peridotite than cryptic metasomatism. Comparison of the metasomatized samples with unmetasomatized peridotites reveals that both Fe2+ and Fe3+ cations p.f.u. were increased during metasomatism and 50% or more of iron added was Fe3+. With increasing distance from the dike, the ratio of added Fe3+ to added Fe2+ increases. The high Fe3+/FeT of amphibole and phlogopite in the dikes and in the peridotite, and the high ratios of added Fe3+/added Fe2+ in pyroxenes and spinel suggest that the Fe3+/FeT ratio of the metasomatic silicate fluid was high. As the fluid perolated through and reacted with the peridotite, Fe3+ and C–O–H volatile species were concentrated in the fluid, increasing the fluid Fe3+/FeT.  相似文献   

New isotope dilution results are presented for Rb and Sr concentrations in U.S.G.S. standard rocks and NBS-70a K-feldspar. The results (based on at least five analyses of each rock), are generally accurate to ± 0.5% and resolve discrepancies in previously published data. X-ray fluorescence analyses of the same samples yield Rb and Sr determinations which are only accurate to ± 5%, but Rb/Sr ratios which are as precise and in excellent agreement with the isotope dilution values. It is concluded that X.R.F. determination of Rb/Sr ratios is perfectly suitable for whole-rock Rb1bSr geochronology.87Sr86Sr ratios have been determined on G-2, GSP-1, BCR-1 and AGV-1 as well as the Eimer and Amend SrCO3 standard.  相似文献   

Mesosiderites are thermal metamorphic breccias consisting of fragments of pyroxene-plagioclase rocks and FeNi metal. The silicate constituent of mesosiderites has a chemical and oxygen isotopic composition analogous to those of meteorites of the HED group: howardites, eucrites, and diogenites. The hypothesis currently most widely accepted for the genesis of mesosiderites is the impact mixing of the material of a differentiated asteroid and an iron meteorite. In contrast to many other classes of meteorites, mesosiderites exhibit no traces of metasomatic processes. The Budulan mesosiderite is the first meteorite of this type in which traces of metasomatism under the effect of an anhydrous fluid were detected. The metasomatic alterations are manifested as chemical zoning of olivine, aggregates of secondary minerals, and the mobilization and redeposition of iron and nickel in the form of metals and sulfides. These alterations were most probably caused by a reaction of olivine with S- and/or CO-bearing gases of endogenic or supergenic provenance. Traces of such metasomatic alterations were previously found in some meteorites and lunar rocks, and these processes could likely play a certain role in the differentiation of chondritic bodies.  相似文献   


湖泊沉积物Rb/Sr比值通常被视为流域化学风化强度的代用指标, 然而不同湖泊沉积物Rb/Sr比值的古气候意义有时也存在一定差异。本研究以六盘山朝那湫湖泊73cm长度(1743~2012A.D.的沉积序列)岩芯沉积物Rb/Sr比值为分析对象, 结合同一岩芯其他主要元素以及古气候代用指标(TOC、C/N比值、δ13Corg等)指示的环境变化信息, 对朝那湫湖泊沉积物Rb/Sr比值在十年/数十年尺度上的古气候意义进行综合判别。研究结果显示: 朝那湫湖泊沉积物中的Rb、Sr元素主要以残渣态赋存, Rb/Sr比值与其他陆源组分元素有较好的相关性, Rb/Sr比值变化主要受控于陆源碎屑物质输入。Rb/Sr比值与同一岩芯TOC、C/N比值、δ13Corg等降水代用指标以及邻近区域树轮等古气候记录的对比结果表明: 在十年/数十年尺度上, 气候偏干期, 陆源碎屑物质输入较多, 沉积物Rb/Sr比值减小; 气候偏湿期, 陆源碎屑物质输入较少, 沉积物Rb/Sr比值增大。这主要是由朝那湫流域降水特点和植被覆盖共同决定的, 同时也暗示朝那湫流域物理风化和化学风化强度可能呈反向变化。因此, 在将Rb/Sr比值作为流域化学风化强度的代用指标之前, 有必要对湖泊沉积物的Rb、Sr元素的赋存形态进行辨别, 并结合湖泊自身沉积环境以及其他古气候指标进行综合分析, 方可获得更加全面准确的流域物理侵蚀搬运或化学风化信息。


Nonisothermal equilibrium physicochemical dynamics has been numerically modeled to estimate the effect of reduced asthenosphere fluids on continental lithosphere profiles beneath the Siberian Platform (SP). When the over-asthenosphere continental mantle is metasomatically changed by reduced magmatic fluids, the following sequence of zones forms: (1) zone where initial rocks are intensively sublimated and depleted by most petrogenic components; the restite in this case becomes carbonated, salinated and graphitized; (2) zone of Si and Fe enrichment and carbon deposition in initial rocks depleted in Na, K, P, Mn; (3) zone of diamond-bearing lherzolites enriched with Na; (4) zone of hydrated rocks enriched with K; (5) zone of hydrated rocks not enriched with petrogenic components. Zone 1 can be responsible for the formation of kimberlite melts, zones 3 and 4 can be substrates of alkaline magma melting, and zone 5 can be the source of mafic tholeiitic magma.  相似文献   

Extremely pure samples of clinopyroxene phenocrysts from two volcanic rocks have been analyzed for K, Rb, Cs, Sr and Ba. In conjunction with matrix concentrations, partition coefficients are obtained which are in the range 0.001–0.004 for K, Rb, Cs and Ba. These values are lower than those in the literature by factors of 6–100 but are in good agreement with values determined experimentally at pressures of 15–30 kb by Shimizu (Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta38, 1974). Values for partition coefficients measured on separates of impure or cloudy pyroxenes from these same rocks were higher and similar to those in the literature. We suggest this effect is related to ‘trapping,’ during crystal growth, of liquid which is enriched in the larger ions (such as Rb and Cs) due to lack of diffusion equilibrium in the liquid. Partition coefficient values for olivine and plagioclase from one of these same rocks were also determined.  相似文献   

New Rb/Sr data on mineral and whole rock samples from in and around the south-east corner of the Tauern Window are presented. Pennine orthogeneisses yield an Rb/Sr whole rock age of 279±9 m.y., while orthogneiss samples from the Altkristallin Sheet near Innerkrems, Carinthia, yield an age of 381±30 m.y. by the same technique. The apparent mineral age break across the margins of the Tauern Window is investigated in an area of good structural and petrofabric control. The post-Palaeozoic history of the Eastern Alps is then discussed in the context of the available Rb/Sr data. It is argued that the bulk of the Katschberg Phyllites are of pre-Mesozoic age; that the major overthrusting movements of the Austroalpine Units were completed by 60–65 m.y.; and that the Peri-Adriatic intrusives can be little older than middle Tertiary.  相似文献   

柴北缘斜长角闪岩的地球化学特征及其构造背景   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分布在柴北缘超高压变质带中的斜长角闪岩主要有两种类型,一种由榴辉岩退变而成,一种只经历角闪岩相变质作用。它们的原岩属于拉斑玄武质岩石,轻稀土富集,Nd同位素组成亏损,这些玄武岩浆分别来自不同的地幔源区,地壳混染不明显,形成的环境可能为大陆裂谷或初始洋盆,这可能是柴北缘早古生代洋盆打开的前兆。随着早古生代洋盆的关闭,这些基性火成岩部分经历了超高压变质作用,即发生了深俯冲,部分只经历角闪岩相变质。无论哪种情况,它们在遭受变质作用之前,就与陆壳岩石共生在一起,支持柴北缘榴辉岩、斜长角闪岩与片麻岩的关系为原地关系(in situ)?  相似文献   

Th/U ratios in metamorphic zircon   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The Th/U ratios of zircon crystals are routinely used to help understand their growth mechanism. Despite the wide application of Th/U ratios in understanding the geological significance of zircon U–Pb ages, the main controls on the Th/U ratio in metamorphic zircon are poorly understood. Here, phase equilibria modelling coupled with solubility expressions for accessory minerals are used to investigate the controls on the Th/U ratios of suprasolidus metamorphic zircon in an average amphibolite facies metapelite composition. We also present a new database of metamorphic Th/U ratios in zircon from Western Australia. Several factors affecting the Th/U ratio are investigated, including the bulk rock concentrations of Th and U, the amount of monazite in the system, and open v. closed system behaviour. Our modelling predicts that the main controls on the Th/U ratio of suprasolidus metamorphic zircon are the concentrations of Th and U in the system, and the breakdown and growth of monazite in equilibrium with zircon. Furthermore, the relative timing of zircon and monazite growth during cooling and melt crystallization has an important role in the Th/U ratio of zircon. Early grown zircon near the peak of metamorphism is expected to have elevated Th/U ratios whereas zircon that grew near the solidus is predicted to have relatively low Th/U ratios, which reflects the coeval growth of monazite during cooling and melt crystallization. Our modelling approach aims to provide an improved understanding of the main controls of Th/U in metamorphic zircon in migmatites and hence better apply this geochemical ratio as a tool to assist in interpretation of the genesis of metamorphic zircon.  相似文献   

S. P. Korikovsky 《Petrology》2009,17(4):315-330
The paper is devoted to mineral equilibria occurring during the transformation of medium-pressure metabasites into eclogites at geothermal gradients of 11–19°C/km; it presents materials on the evolution of the composition and types of prograde zoning in garnet and clinopyroxene, significance and distinctive features of armored inclusions of earlier metamorphic stages in garnets and the possibility of their application in calculating the P-T path of eclogitization. Results of the analysis of mineral assemblages, data on mineral zoning, and evolution of phase equilibria are used to outline depth subfacies of crustal eclogites and describe in detail equilibria in basic and acid rocks of each subfacies. Conditions under which orthopyroxene is stable in the eclogite facies are analyzed within the temperature range of 630–700°C in correlation with the bulk composition of the eclogites. Published materials on high-pressure mineral transformations in eclogite-facies acid gneisses are analyzed.  相似文献   

大陆科学钻探工程CCSD主孔中发现的大量流体交代脉体   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对位于苏北榴辉岩分布区中国大陆科学钻探工程CCSD5000多m主孔岩心进行岩矿鉴定的过程中, 普查发现存在各种各样的脉体, 可大致分为四大系列(1) 与超高压/高压变质阶段有关的脉体系列; (2) 与减压部分熔融阶段有关的脉体系列; (3) 与退变质(主要绿帘角闪岩相和绿片岩相) 有关的脉体系列; (4) 折返晚期超低压-低温热液脉体.尤其特别的是于3578.5~4006m深度发现了大量特殊的富含稀土矿物的脉体.CCSD主孔岩心的脉体分布广泛、类型繁多, 有的与矿化作用密切有关, 在成因上可能属于大规模地质流体交代的结果.   相似文献   

Based on their REE features, stratoid or lenticular amphibolites in the Dabie Complex are di-vided into two types:one is characterized by flat REE distribution patterns and the other by LREE-enrichment. Results of the REE quantitative modeling suggest that the amphibolites were formed from 20% partial melting of garnet lherzolite and 35-56% fractional crystallization of olivine(type TH1) or 14-20% fractional crystallization of olivine and clinopyroxene(type TH2).  相似文献   

The measurement of diffusion coefficients for Na, K, Rb and Cs has been realized by the technique of active salt deposits on glasses of albite and orthoclase composition, at normal pressure and in the temperature range 300–1000°C. The values of D are between 10?6 and 10?12 cm2 s?1 and, for every type of run, they vary with temperature according to Arrhenius laws, with activation energies ranging from 13 to 68 kcal mole?1. These important variations are related to the size of the diffusing element (at 700°C in albite glass DNa/DK/DRbDCs ~- 107/105/103/1) and to the size of the major alkali element (for rubidium at 800°C Dor·gl/Dab·gl ~- 20). By comparison with available data on diffusion in feldspars, we emphasize the influence of the defect density on the diffusion process.  相似文献   

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