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全国测绘工作会议以来,我局围绕国家局确定的“十五”测绘事业发展的指导思想和总体目标,抓住机遇。深化改革,扎实工作,开拓进取;加强基础测绘工作,树立测绘单位形象;加快科技创新和人才培养,提高测绘单位的整体素质;切实履行管理职能,形成依法行政的拳头;  相似文献   

党的十五大提出依法治国,建设社会主义法治国家,对政府行政管理提出了新的要求。进入新世纪,各项改革力度继续加大,“十五”计划又提出:加强信息资源开发,推动信息技术在国民经济和社会发展各领域的广泛应用;建设基础国情、公共信息资源,完善地理信息系统;进一步开放市场,建立和完善全国统一、公平竞争、规范有序的市场体系;推进政府工作法制化,依法行政,从严治政。如何应对新形势的挑战,做好测绘行政管理工作,江苏局的做法是不断创新。  相似文献   

湖北省测绘局近几年始终保持着持续快速健康的发展态势,其中一个重要原因就是他们切实履行行业管理职能,为事业的发展营造了良好的内外部环境。湖北省测绘局在测绘行业管理中,不断适应社会主义市场经济,硕果挂满枝头。  相似文献   

周林 《河南测绘》2004,(3):31-32
安阳市在河南省测绘局的业务指导下,认真贯彻《中华人民共和国测绘法》、《河南省测绘管理条例》以及国家有关测绘法工作的一系方针政策,紧紧围绕经济建设这个中心,以基础测绘为重点,以服务安阳市的城市建设和社会经济发展大局为日的,认真履行测绘管理职能,强化测绘保障能力,推进测绘依法行政,加强测绘统一监督管理,突出创新意识,使测绘行政管理工作取得了长足的发展。  相似文献   

燕希 《四川测绘》2000,23(4):185-186
我省测绘市场分布于国土、地矿、冶金、能源、交通、铁路、农业、水利、城乡规划等二十多个经济建设领域 ,有 2 50多支测绘队伍、万余名测绘职工。随着我国经济体制改革的不断深入 ,测绘活动的服务面越来越广 ,测绘生产已从单一的封闭型向多种的生产经营型转变 ;测绘生产单位也逐步从事业性质向企业或企业化管理方向转变 ;测绘成果也更多地进入了市场 ,测绘产品逐步向商品化方向转化 ;测绘市场已初步形成。为了促进测绘事业发展 ,建立适应社会主义市场经济的测绘工作新体制 ,加强测绘工作的宏观管理、规范测绘市场行为 ,1 993年 7月 1日 ,全…  相似文献   

本刊讯记者柯玉和报道为弘扬先进,激发积极性和创造性,更好地发挥职工群众在测绘管理和测绘保障服务中的积极作用,江苏省测绘  相似文献   

The National Geodetic Survey (NGS) has become increasingly involved with research and development for relative positioning using the Global Positioning System (GPS). The NGS has procured two MacrometersTM and is also a participant in the development of the Texas Instruments' TI4100. The Macrometers were delivered in March 1983 and 3 months of testing has now been completed. These data have been processed using a variety of newly developed processing techniques, and numerical intercomparisons of several base line solutions are given. A byproduct of one technique is the estimation of the relative variations of the ground clocks to the subnanosecond level. Macrometer is a registered trademark of Macrometrics, Inc., Woburn, Massachusetts, U.S.A. Presented at the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, XVIII General Assembly, Hamburg, August 15–27, 1983.  相似文献   

明确目标 找准定位整体设计和部署国土资源信息化工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对当前国土资源信息化存在的突出问题和困难,在金土工程二期即将规划和设计之际,迫切需要按照信息化顶层设计的理论和方法,基于国土资源管理实际,形成国土资源信息化顶层设计。本文通过对建部10年以来国土资源信息化工作的全面总结,结合当前国内外信息化发展趋势,以及国土资源管理工作的客观需要,围绕国土资源信息化规划目标,整体设计国土资源信息化业务架构、数据架构、应用架构和技术架构,指导今后一个时期国土资源信息化建设。  相似文献   

全球卫星导航系统(GNSS)的发展促进了基于位置服务(LBS)的迅速普及,人们对高可靠、高可信、高精度定位、导航、授时(PNT)服务需求日益迫切.PNT是一个融合多类技术、包括多级系统的体系架构.围绕PNT服务体系优化,国内外学者相继提出了全源导航定位(All source positioning and navigation)、弹性PNT(Resilient PNT)、云定位(Cloud Positioning)等新的架构和技术体系.本文提出以具备通信、计算、存储、定位、感知等能力的异构定位资源为基础设施,通过智能管理与调度分布在不同地理位置的异构定位资源实现用户高可靠、高可信、高精度的PNT信息服务.并由此给出了雾定位(Fog Positioning)与泛源导航定位(Omnipresent Positioning and Navigation)的定义,指出雾定位的定义由分布式计算架构演化而来,强调构成PNT服务体系的架构;而泛源导航定位的概念是从定位技术的发展演化而来,强调利用可获取的泛在导航定位数据源进行协同融合处理,实现泛在定位的能力.在此基础上,通过与云定位比较,指出雾定位是云定位向用户端的延伸,是定位资源的泛在化实现,同时雾是一种动态的、弹性的云,因此雾定位是一种具备“弹性”性能的PNT架构.而泛在定位是PNT信息服务发展重要目标,雾定位给出了实现这一目标的潜在手段,即泛源导航定位.最后,结合城市环境、室内环境等复杂场景,研究了雾定位/泛源导航定位的基本服务模式.   相似文献   

Journal of Geographical Systems - Over the past 20 years, professional and collegiate baseball has undergone a transformation, with statistics and analytics increasingly factoring into...  相似文献   

SmartStation定位模型及精度测试   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈正宇  刘春 《测绘工程》2006,15(6):27-29,33
介绍一种全新的测量仪器—SmartStation。分析SmartStation定位模型的特点,研究影响精度的主要因素,由定位模型得出这种测量方式的便捷性。根据影响精度的主要因素进行了精度测试,通过测试结果得出SmartStation应用的相关结论。  相似文献   

Multipath in GPS navigation and positioning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

GNSS navigation and positioning for the GEOHALO experiment in Italy   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
GEOHALO is a joint experiment of several German institutes for atmospheric research and earth observation where exploring airborne gravimetry over Italy using the High Altitude and LOng Range (HALO) aircraft data is one of the major goals. The kinematic positioning of the aircraft, on which all remote sensing instruments are located, by Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) is affected by the characteristics of long-distance, long-time duration, and high-platform dynamics which are a key factor for the success of the GEOHALO project. We outline the strategy and method of GNSS data processing which takes into account multiple GNSS systems (GPS and GLONASS), multiple static reference stations including stations from the International GNSS Service (IGS) and the EUropean REFerence network (EUREF), multiple GNSS-receiving equipments mounted on the kinematic platform, geometric relations between multiple antennas, and assumptions of similar characteristic of atmospheric effects within a small area above the aircraft. From this precondition, various data processing methods for kinematic positioning have been developed, applied and compared. It is shown that the proposed method based on multiple reference stations and multiple kinematic stations with a common atmospheric delay parameter can effectively improve the reliability and accuracy of GNSS kinematic positioning.  相似文献   

GPS伪距改正及精密动态单点定位精度分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
给出了GPS伪距定位在动态模式下的改正模型:对流层折射延迟、电离层延迟改正、地球自转改正、相对论效应改正、卫星天线和接收机天线改正、固体潮改正。并针对单频GPS接收机进行动态伪距定位的试验,分析了各项改正对GPS伪距定位的精度影响及综合改正后的精度分析。  相似文献   

Dynamic positioning configuration and its first-order optimization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Traditional geodetic network optimization deals with static and discrete control points. The modern space geodetic network is, on the other hand, composed of moving control points in space (satellites) and on the Earth (ground stations). The network configuration composed of these facilities is essentially dynamic and continuous. Moreover, besides the position parameter which needs to be estimated, other geophysical information or signals can also be extracted from the continuous observations. The dynamic (continuous) configuration of the space network determines whether a particular frequency of signals can be identified by this system. In this paper, we employ the functional analysis and graph theory to study the dynamic configuration of space geodetic networks, and mainly focus on the optimal estimation of the position and clock-offset parameters. The principle of the D-optimization is introduced in the Hilbert space after the concept of the traditional discrete configuration is generalized from the finite space to the infinite space. It shows that the D-optimization developed in the discrete optimization is still valid in the dynamic configuration optimization, and this is attributed to the natural generalization of least squares from the Euclidean space to the Hilbert space. Then, we introduce the principle of D-optimality invariance under the combination operation and rotation operation, and propose some D-optimal simplex dynamic configurations: (1) (Semi) circular configuration in 2-dimensional space; (2) the D-optimal cone configuration and D-optimal helical configuration which is close to the GPS constellation in 3-dimensional space. The initial design of GPS constellation can be approximately treated as a combination of 24 D-optimal helixes by properly adjusting the ascending node of different satellites to realize a so-called Walker constellation. In the case of estimating the receiver clock-offset parameter, we show that the circular configuration, the symmetrical cone configuration and helical curve configuration are still D-optimal. It shows that the given total observation time determines the optimal frequency (repeatability) of moving known points and vice versa, and one way to improve the repeatability is to increase the rotational speed. Under the Newton’s law of motion, the frequency of satellite motion determines the orbital altitude. Furthermore, we study three kinds of complex dynamic configurations, one of which is the combination of D-optimal cone configurations and a so-called Walker constellation composed of D-optimal helical configuration, the other is the nested cone configuration composed of n cones, and the last is the nested helical configuration composed of n orbital planes. It shows that an effective way to achieve high coverage is to employ the configuration composed of a certain number of moving known points instead of the simplex configuration (such as D-optimal helical configuration), and one can use the D-optimal simplex solutions or D-optimal complex configurations in any combination to achieve powerful configurations with flexile coverage and flexile repeatability. Alternately, how to optimally generate and assess the discrete configurations sampled from the continuous one is discussed. The proposed configuration optimization framework has taken the well-known regular polygons (such as equilateral triangle and quadrangular) in two-dimensional space and regular polyhedrons (regular tetrahedron, cube, regular octahedron, regular icosahedron, or regular dodecahedron) into account. It shows that the conclusions made by the proposed technique are more general and no longer limited by different sampling schemes. By the conditional equation of D-optimal nested helical configuration, the relevance issues of GNSS constellation optimization are solved and some examples are performed by GPS constellation to verify the validation of the newly proposed optimization technique. The proposed technique is potentially helpful in maintenance and quadratic optimization of single GNSS of which the orbital inclination and the orbital altitude change under the precession, as well as in optimally nesting GNSSs to perform global homogeneous coverage of the Earth.  相似文献   

低成本高精度定位技术研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
智能手机等低成本接收机的飞速发展,使得连续性、完好性、高精度成为其新的定位需求。GNSS接收机的高精度定位在智能交通、增强现实、变形监测、精密农业等众多领域都有重要应用;而在低成本GNSS接收机中,厘米级定位技术却没有得到广泛的应用。实现低成本终端的高精度定位受其接收机信号处理能力,以及由天线性能引起的相位中心误差、多径误差等问题的制约。通过天线运动方式实现定位精度的提高也为定位成本降低带来了新的契机。本文重点研究了如何实现高精度定位技术在低成本接收机中的应用,总结现有的高精度定位技术,对低成本接收机所面临的问题进行分析,展开低价高精度定位解决方案的讨论;最后,基于现有的国内外研究成果展望未来低成本高精度定位的研究趋势。  相似文献   

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