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In southwest Ireland 2,500 m of Upper Famennian to basal Namurian marine sandstones and mudstones, the Cork Beds, overlie rocks of Old Red Sandstone facies. Coastal exposures of the Cork Beds are interpreted as showing gradual upward change from alluvial strata, through thick subtidal and shelf sediments to pyritic muds. A review of recent palaeontological evidence shows that the thick shallow marine part of the Cork Beds is older than the major development of lime-stones north of the Cork Harbour—Kenmare Une, whose equivalents to the south are in the condensed basinal sediments. The Lower Carboniferous portion of the Cork Facies is shown to be thicker in South Cork than in West Cork. In Lower Carboniferous times a positive area–the Glandore High–separated two sub-basins with different depositional histories. Six palaeogeographic maps are used to demonstrate the progressive shift of facies belts as Lower Carboniferous marine transgression progressed. Finally, brief comparison is made with rocks of the same age in southwest England.  相似文献   

New floral and faunal data from the oldest Dinantian limestones (Foel Formation) in the Dyserth area, suggest that these sediments are of Chadian age, rather than the Asbian age concluded by earlier workers. The basal late Chadian limestones rest conformably on Dinantian Basement Beds of ?Chadian age or older. The initial inundation of St. George's Land occurred during Chadian times, when shallow-water marine limestones accumulated in the Dyserth area and further to the south, together with terrestrially derived siliciclastics, containing drifted plant fragments. Periodically, a restricted hypersaline lagoonal environment was established but an open marine, neritic environment with abundant stenohaline fauna prevailed in this area. These Chadian sediments accumulated on the proximal part of a carbonate ramp and are presumed to have passed laterally downslope into deeper water basinal facies with Waulsortian buildups of the Irish Sea Basin. In the later Arundian, a carbonate ramp–to–platform transition occurred, with widespread deposition of shallow-water carbonates. In the Asbian this platform developed a rimmed margin, with buildups forming a linear belt between platform and basin. An almost complete Chadian to Brigantian Lower Carboniferous sequence can now be recognized in North Wales. This succession is comparable with the shelf succession in south Cumbria on the northern margin of the Irish Sea Basin.  相似文献   

Barrier islands developed on the southeastern flanks of a volcanic terrain during the Lower Silurian transgression of southwest Wales. The barriers are preserved in transgressive sequences overlying basalts and comprising from base upwards: lagoon→barrier island→offshore marine sediments. The thickness of the barrier island sediments varies from 5 m to 28 m. Comparison with modern barriers suggests that the thin sequences result from narrow (<2 km), steadily transgressing barrier islands, whereas the thicker sequences represent broad (2–4 km), slowly transgressing forms. In one case the barrier became narrower as the rate of migration accelerated in response to decreased fluviatile sediment supply caused by rising sea-level. Despite the high preservation potential of inlet fill deposits, the latter are generally absent in these Silurian barriers because inlet migration was slow compared with the rate of barrier retreat. Possibly much shell material was dissolved during early diagenesis.  相似文献   

The Eibiswald Bucht is a small subbasin of the Western Styrian Basin exposing sediments of Lower Miocene age. In the past the entire sequence exposed in the Eibiswalder Bucht has been interpreted as being of fluvial/lacustrine origin; here, results are presented of detailed sedimentological investigations that lead to a revision of this concept. The lowermost siliciclastic sedimentary unit of the Eibiswalder Bucht sequence is the Radl Formation. It is overlain by the Eibiswald Beds, which are subdivided into the Lower, Middle and Upper Eibiswald Beds. The Radl Formation and the Lower Eibiswald Beds are interpreted as a fan delta complex deposited along NNW-SSE striking faults. Based on the sedimentary facies this fan delta can be subdivided into a subaerial alluvial fan facies group, a proximal delta facies group and a distal delta/prodelta facies group. The Radl Formation comprises the alluvial fan and proximal delta facies groups, the Lower Eibiswald Beds the distal delta/prodelta facies group. The alluvial fan and the proximal delta consist of diverse deposits of gravelly flows. The distal delta/prodelta consists of wave-reworked, bioturbated, low density turbidites intercalated with minor gravelly mass flows. The prodelta can be regarded as as the basin facies of the small and shallow Eibiswalder Bucht, where marine conditions prevailed. The basin was probably in part connected with the Eastern Styrian Basin, the contemporary depositional environment of the Styrian Schlier (mainly turbiditic marine offshore sediments in the Eastern Styrian Basin). Analysis of the clast composition, in conjunction with the paleotransport direction of the coarse delta mass flows of the Radl Formation, shows that the source rocks were exclusively crystalline rocks ranging from greenschists to eclogites.  相似文献   

The biostratigraphic study of the Low Cretaceous sediments of the Middle Messoyakha swell (Malaya Kheta region) distinguished 12 biostratons based on biofossil data and thus confirmed Boreal Berriassian, Valanginian, and Lower Hauterivian strata. The genetic types of the sediments were determined by lithofacies and biofacies analyses. In the deposit, the Bazhenovo and Kulomzino horizons (Berriassian to basal Valanginian) consist of relatively deep-water marine, shallow-water marine, and coastal-continental facies that displace one another along the strike. The Tara and Ust’-Balyk horizons (middle Lower Valanginian to Lower Hauterivian) are composed of shallow-water marine facies. Paleontological data suggest a low-hilled island covered with conifer-gingko forests with fern understory in the place of the Middle Messoyakha swell in the Berriassian Age.  相似文献   

A thick succession of Middle Caradoc sediments (Glanrafon Beds) with occasional volcanic horizons is described. Faunas found within the succession prove a Soudleyan to Lower Longvillian age for these sediments. Detailed mapping has shown the presence of an unconformity between the Glanrafon Beds and the overlying Lower Rhyolite Tuff of the Snowdon Volcanic Series. A new fauna from the sediments within the Capel Curig Volcanic Series proves a Soudleyan (?Lower) age for this period of vulcanicity.  相似文献   

In Jabalpur area about 18 m to 45 m thick Lameta Formation is stratigraphically divisible into five lithounits namely, Green Sandstone, Lower Limestone, Mottled Nodular Beds, Upper Limestone and Upper Sandstone. Having differentiated lithofacies constitution and here grouped as facies associations, these units are intensively burrowed and sparingly fossiliferous. Ichnogenera including Arenicolites, Calycraterion, Fucusopsis, Laevicyclus, Macanopsis, Ophiomorpha, Paleomeandron, Rhizocorallium, Stipsellus, Thalassinoides and Zoophycos are recovered from the Lower Limestone, Mottled Nodular Beds and Upper Limestone associations of the Lameta Formation of Jabalpur area.Among these, Arenicolites, Calycraterion, Laevicyclus, Ophiomorpha, Rhizocorallium, Stipsellus and Thalassinoides belong to mixed Skolithos and Cruziana ichnofacies and indicate sandy backshore to sublittoral condition of deposition. Additionally rhyzocretes, some times chertified, are also present in different parts of the Lameta Formation. Ichnofacies assemblage supported by sedimentological information suggests that the Lameta Formation of Jabalpur area was deposited in coastal marine settings where sediments were subaerially exposed intermittently.  相似文献   

A. G. PLINT 《Sedimentology》1983,30(5):625-653
The Bracklesham Formation is of Middle Eocene age and occurs throughout the Hampshire Basin of southern England. The basin is elongated east-west and filled with Lower Tertiary sediments. Its southern margin is marked by either large, northward-facing monoclines, or faults, both of which underwent differential movement, with uplift of the southern side throughout the Middle Eocene. The Bracklesham Formation, which is up to 240 m thick, shows pronounced lateral facies changes with dominantly marine sediments in the east passing to alluvial sediments in the west. Four principal sedimentary environments: marine, lagoonal, estuarine and alluvial are distinguished. Marine sediments comprise six facies including offshore silty clays and glauconitic silty sands, beach and aeolian dune sands, and flint conglomerates formed on pebble beaches. Offshore sediments predominate in the eastern part of the basin, as far west as Alum Bay, where they are replaced by nearshore sediments. Lagoonal sediments comprise four facies and formed in back-barrier lagoons, coastal marshes and, on occasions, were deposited over much of the basin during periods of low salinity and restricted tidal motion. Five estuarine facies represent tidal channels, channel mouth-bars and abandoned channels. These sediments suggest that much of the Bracklesham Formation was deposited under micro- to meso-tidal conditions. Alluvial sediments dominate the formation to the west of Alum Bay. They comprise coarse to fine sands deposited on the point-bars of meandering rivers, interbedded with thick sequences of laminated interchannel mudstones, deposited in marshes, swamps and lakes. Extensive layers of ball clay were periodically deposited in a lake occupying much of the alluvial basin. In alluvial areas, fault movement exposed Mesozoic rocks along the southern margin of the basin, the erosion of which generated fault-scarp alluvial fan gravels. Locally, pisolitic limestone formed in pools fed by springs emerging at the faulted Chalk-Tertiary contact. In marine areas, flint pebbles were eroded from coastal exposures of chalk and accumulated on pebble beaches and in estuaries. From other evidence it is suggested that older Tertiary sediments were also reworked. The Bracklesham Formation is strongly cyclic and was deposited during five marine transgressions, the effects of which can be recognized throughout the basin in both marine and alluvial areas. Each of the five transgressive cycles is a few tens of metres thick and contains little evidence of intervening major regression. The cycles are thought to represent small-scale eustatic sea-level rises (‘paracycles’) superimposed upon a major transgressive ‘cycle’ that began at the base of the Bracklesham Formation, following a major regression, and was terminated, at the top of the Barton Formation by another major regression. This major cycle can be recognized world-wide and may reflect a period of rapid northward extension of the mid-Atlantic ridge.  相似文献   

On the basis of field data, datings from both electron spin resonance – and optically stimulated luminescence, and micro- and macrofauna, in addition to presence of diatoms, three Late Pleistocene marine units have been identified in the coastal areas of the Kola Peninsula. The stratigraphically lowest sequence is correlated to the Ponoi Beds and the Boreal transgression, attributed to the marine isotope stages (MIS) 5e to 5d in the White Sea depression and to MIS 5e to 5c in the Barents Sea. Thermophilic fauna and diatoms indicate normal water salinity and a water temperature above zero. The second marine unit, referred as the Strel'na Beds, can be correlated with the Early Weischselian transgression, termed the Belomorian transgression. With low water salinity and a water temperature similar or colder than the present times, Belomorian transgressions are reliably detected in the White Sea and are not clearly found in the Barents Sea. The results obtained from the sediments of the Ponoi and Strel'na Beds indicate a continuously existing marine reservoir from 130 to 80–70 ka ago (entire MIS 5) in the White Sea depression. The early Middle Weichselian Barents–Kara ice-sheet invasion and its recession might have caused the glacioeustatic Middle Weichselian (MIS 3) transgression, and the third Late Pleistocene marine sequence has been deposited in the regressing shallow cold sea with less saline waters. The results help in the understanding of the history of Late Quaternary ice sheets in North Eurasia and provide evidence for the debatable Early and Middle Weichselian marine events.  相似文献   

Borings from the barrier island/lagoon system of the Eastern Shore of Virginia penetrated an unconformity which separates Pleistocene barrier island and offshore marine sediments from the overlying Holocene tidal delta and barrier island sediments. Offshore marine sediments and deposits within the flood-tidal delta (marsh, tidal flat-bay, inlet-mouth bar complex) are recognized on the basis of sediment color, composition, grain-size changes in the vertical sequence, presence of organic matter, and faunal suite. Subsurface data, historical records, and morphology of lateral accretion on barrier islands suggest that major inlets in the vicinity of Wachapreague have been relatively stable throughout Holocene time; they appear to be located where Pleistocene stream valleys previously existed. Holocene barrier islands apparently developed on drainage divide areas following post-Wisconsin transgression of the sea.

The initial phase of tidal delta development was characterized by vertically accreting, fan-shaped, inlet-mouth bars; tidal channels stabilized after bar crests had shoaled sufficiently for marsh to form. With landward progradation across the lagoon, sand-rich deposits graded laterally away from the inlets and vertically into clayey sand and silty clay of the tidal flat-bay and marsh environments.

Ebb inlet-mouth bars developed asymmetrically southward in response to littoral drift. Flood tidal deltas also built preferentially toward the south as indicated by: (1) sand distribution of the inlet-mouth bar complex; and (2) greater development of marsh south of the inlets.  相似文献   

The central English county of Warwickshire has been shaped by a 600 million‐year history of deposition, erosion, tectonism, continental drift, environmental change and biological evolution. The Neoproterozoic and Lower Palaeozoic rocks indicate island arc accretion, marine transgression and subduction‐related intrusive igneous activity. Upper Palaeozoic through to Triassic times witnessed mainly continental environments, as central England drifted north across the equator. Late Triassic marine transgression led to deposition of richly fossiliferous Jurassic sediments. The bedrock geology shows evidence for the influence of deep‐seated structural lineaments within the central English basement. Influenced by these structures, the modern landscape has been shaped largely by Palaeogene and Neogene uplift and erosion, further alteration by Quaternary erosion and weathering, and glacial and fluvial deposition.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1999,14(6):735-745
In the Lower Andarax river basin 3 aquifer units have been defined, namely the Carbonate Aquifer, the Deep Aquifer and the Detrital Aquifer, which between them contain a wide variety of water types. Identification of hydrogeochemical processes has been performed by studying a series of ionic ratios, comprising the principal constituents together with B and Li (Cl vs SO4, Cl vs Mg, Cl vs Li, B vs Li). Among the processes detected, the circulation of groundwaters with high concentrations of SO4 was found to have significant effects. Moreover, in the coastal region, naturally occurring processes related to the flushing of saline waters from sediments of marine origin occur in conjunction with others, clearly of human origin, that are related to saltwater intrusion. A further factor is the entry, from overlying deposits, of waters with a high saline content; this salinity is related to the flushing of sediments of marine origin. The use of B and Li together enables waters in which salinity is related to seawater to be distinguished from others in which salinity is related to evaporitic layers or to thermal areas. The concentration of Li is directly related to water temperature, while that of B is greater in the most saline sectors, of gypsiferous and/or seawater origin.  相似文献   

Gotland is an island in the central Baltic, long recognized as the most outstanding outcrop of Silurian shallow-water marine sediments in the world. These represent deposition in tropical environments in an epeiric sea on the small continent of Baltica. The sediments are interbedded limestones and shales with subordinate sandstones and are developed as a carbonate platform on the underlying Precambrian, Cambrian and Ordovician. Particularly spectacular are reef deposits, rich in stromatoporoid sponges, which occur throughout the Gotland sequence. The sequence is almost undisturbed and provides an excellent field laboratoy to study a variety of Silurian facies.  相似文献   

Six years of intensive study of the shallow water sediments of the northwestern Gulf of Mexico have indicated that there are many criteria by which ancient sediments deposited under similar conditions can be recognized. Thus the presence of echinoid fragments and of glauconite-filled Foraminifera tests favors marine shelf deposition over bay deposits; calcareous aggregates and grains of gypsum suggest high salinity bay deposits; abundance of wood fibers, high mica content, ferruginous aggregates, and well laminated sediments all are suggestive of deposition near river mouths; greater roundness distinguishes dunes from adjacent beach sands; and coarser grain size distinguishes beach sands from shallow shelf sands in the vicinity.Faunal assemblages of Foraminifera, Ostracoda, and Mollusca all serve to distinguish between bay and shelf deposits. Within the bays the faunas show a close relationship to salinity conditions whereas on the shelf the faunas are arranged in bands parallel to the shore and to the depth contours. Certain generalizations concerning the relation of faunas to environment can be made without detailed knowledge of the species.Contribution from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, New Series No. 997. Investigation supported by a grant from American Petroleum Institute, Project 51.  相似文献   

Large, well-developed flood tidal deltas on a barrier island coastline generally indicate a wave-dominated, microtidal sedimentary regime. Vibracores in a lagoon behind the barrier island Shackleford Banks, North Carolina contain an upward fining sequence of coarse-medium, very shelly sand, medium-fine laminated sand, fine-very fine cross-laminated sand and marsh mud. This sequence is interpreted as being a flood tidal delta deposit based on analogy with modern flood tidal delta sediments and represents lagoonal deposition in response to a migrating or closing inlet. The sand facies defined in lagoonal vibracores is found to be continuous beneath a lagoonal marsh and correlative with inlet sections identified in Shackleford Banks drill holes. The correlation of flood tidal delta deposits with inlet sequences in this microtidal environment indicates a close relationship between barrier and backbarrier inlet controlled sedimentation.  相似文献   


The oldest rocks in the Western Highlands of New Guinea are granite and metamorphic rocks, and these are unconformably overlain by an incomplete marine succession of Permian, Upper Jurassic, Cretaceous, Eocene, Oligocene and Miocene sediments with a maximum thickness of 34,000 ft. The sedimentary succession in the east of the region is much thicker than in the west. Jurassic seas transgressed from the east. Studies of the faunas and petrology of the sediments show that the western part of the region was out of range of the sources of Cretaceous vulcanism and slow pelagic sedimentation continued into the Lower Miocene. By the Middle Miocene a volcanic island arc had developed in the vicinity of the Lai Syncline and the sediments are of shallow-water type, rich in volcanic debris.

Both sediments and basement were folded into a number of anticlines and synclines at the end of the Pliocene. Vigorous erosion was followed by extensive Pleistocene vulcanism in the west. Pleistocene glaciation occurred in the Bismarck Range down to about 13,000 feet above sea-level.  相似文献   

The age of the Mt Read Volcanics in the Que River area,western Tasmania   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Sediments associated with the Mt Read Volcanics in the Que River area contain fossils that indicate that the Mt Read Volcanics (in part at least) are late Middle Cambrian (Ptychagnostus punctuosus or P. nathorsti Zone) in age, and that they are in part marine. The sediments are defined as the Que River Beds.  相似文献   

New palaeoenvironmental data from the Lateglacial in Southwest Iceland add to the record of climatic events during deglaciation of the region. Recently exposed sediments on the north coast of Seltjarnarnes Peninsula in the Reykjavik area, Southwest Iceland, contain evidence of marine deposition during the Bølling Interstadial. The glaciomarine sediments contain both slightly reworked marine macrofossils and microfossils indicating normal marine salinity and subarctic climate conditions. Previous sedimentological studies and radiocarbon dating of the sporadic sediments covering the lava bedrock in Reykjavik have revealed lateglacial marine units from the Allerød, the Allerød—Younger Dryas transition, the Younger Dryas and from the Preboreal. Until now, the only Bølling evidence has consisted of scattered radiocarbon-dated redeposited shell fragments. From the Bollagardar deposits we report the first faunas dated to the Bølling chronozone preserved in marine sediments in the Reykjavik area. Recently published work in Hvalfjördur and Borgarfjördur, West Iceland, has shown that sea level was relatively high during the Bølling and that deglaciation was rapid. Bølling, Allerød and Younger Dryas deposits in the coastal areas of the Reykjavík region accumulated in a relatively open marine environment in oceanographic conditions similar to the present ones. Combined previous and present results indicate that several episodes of glaciomarine deposition occurred.  相似文献   

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