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Deep CTD Casts in the Challenger Deep,Mariana Trench   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
On 1 December 1992, CTD (conductivity-temperature-depth profiler) casts were made at three stations in a north-south section of the Challenger Deep to examine temperature and salinity profiles. The station in the Challenger Deep was located at 11°22.78′ N and 142°34.95′ E, and the CTD cast was made down to 11197 db or 10877 m, 7 m above the bottom by reeling out titanium cable of 10980 m length. The southern station was located at 11° 14.19′ N and 142°34.79′ E, 16.1 km from the central station, where water depth is 9012 m. CTD was lowered to 7014 db or 6872 m. The northern station was located at 11°31.47′ N and 142° 35.30′ E, 15.9 km from the central station, and CTD was lowered to 8536 db or 8336 m, 10 m above the bottom. Below the thermocline, potential temperature decreased monotonously down to 7300–7500 db beyond a sill depth between 5500 m and 6000 m, or between 5597 db and 6112 db, of the trench. Potential temperature increased from 7500 db to the bottom at a constant rate of 0.9 m°C/1000 db. Salinity increased down to 6020–6320 db, and then stayed almost constant down to around 9000 db. From 9500 db to the bottom, salinity increased up to 34.703 psu at 11197 db. Potential density referred to 8000 db increased monotonously down to about 6200 db, and it was almost constant from 6500 db to 9500 db. Potential density increased from 9500 db in accordance with the salinity increase. Geostrophic flows were calculated from the CTD data at three stations. Below an adopted reference level of 3000 db, the flow was westward in the north of Challenger Deep and eastward in the south, which suggests a cyclonic circulation over the Challenger Deep. Sound speed in Challenger Deep was estimated from the CTD data, and a relation among readout depth of the sonic depth recorder, true depth, and pressure was examined.  相似文献   

文章分析了CTD温度实验室校准不确定度来源项,按不确定度的评定方法,以实例形式分析评定了CTD温度实验室校准结果的不确定度。  相似文献   

内潮对吕宋海峡地转流动力计算的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2008年8~9月份吕宋海峡121°E断面上19.5°N~21°N之间4个连续站的CTD资料,讨论了内潮引起的温、盐剖面扰动对地转流诊断计算的影响,指出:在吕宋海峡,内潮引起的温、盐剖面扰动对地转流诊断计算的干扰不可忽略。因此,地转流诊断计算必须剔除温、盐剖面中的"内潮噪声"。另外,本文根据4个连续站时间平均后的温、盐剖面,通过动力计算法得到了吕宋海峡121°E断面上的地转流场,得出结论如下:吕宋海峡地转流速度较大部分多位于350 m以浅,流速最大值出现在表层;黑潮入侵南海主要发生于19.8°N~21°N的上层;在19.5°N~21°N之间,50~1 700 m深度范围内,海水体积通量呈现"上进下出"的垂向结构,350 m以浅为入流,流量约为2.6 Sv(1 Sv=1×106m3.s-1),350 m以深为出流,流量约为3.1 Sv。同期观测所得121°E断面上的盐度分布验证了本文所得地转流场的合理性。  相似文献   

The bottom currents in the Challenger Deep, the deepest in the world, were measured with super-deep current meters moored at 11°22′ N and 142°35′ E, where the depth is 10915 m. Three current meters were set at 9687 m, 10489 m and 10890 m at the station in the center of the Challenger Deep for 442 days from 1 August 1995 to 16 October 1996. Although rotor revolutions in 60 minutes of recording interval were zero for 37.5% of the time, the maximum current at the deepest layer of 10890 m was 8.1 cm s−1, being composed of tidal currents, inertia motion and long period variations. Two current meters were set at 6608 m and 7009 m at a station 24.9 km north of the center for 443 days from 31 July 1995 to 16 October 1996, and two current meters at 6214 m and 6615 m at a station 40.9 km south of the center for 441 days from 2 August 1995 to 16 October 1996. The mean flow at 7009 m depth at the northern station was 0.7 cm s−1 to 240°T, and that at 6615 m depth at the southern station was 0.5 cm s−1 to 267°T. A westward mean flow prevailed at the stations, and no cyclonic circulation with mean flows of the opposite directions was observed in the Mariana Trench at a longitude of 142°35′ E. Power spectra of daily mean currents showed three spectral peaks at periods of 100 days, 28–32 days and 14–15 days. The peak at 100 day period was common to the power spectra.  相似文献   

In the previous paper (Toba and Murakami, 1998) we reported on an unusual path of the Kuroshio Current System, which occurred in April 1997 (April 1997 event), using the Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS) data of the Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS). The April 1997 event was characterized by the flow of the Kuroshio along the western slope (northward) and the eastern slope (southward) of the Izu-Ogasawara Ridge, a very southerly turning point at about 32°N, followed by a straight northward path up to 37°N of the Kuroshio Extension along the eastern flank of the Izu-Ogasawara and the Japan Trenches. Overlaying of depth contours on ADEOS-OCTS chlorophyll-a images at the April 1997 event demonstrates the bottom topography effects on the current paths. A new finding based on TOPEX/Poseidon altimeter data is that the sea-surface gradient across the Kuroshio/Kuroshio Extension diminished greatly in the sea area southeast of the central Japan, as a very temporary phenomenon prior to this event. This temporary diminishing of the upper-ocean current velocity might have caused a stronger bottom effect along the Izu-Ogasawara Ridge, and over the Izu-Ogasawara Trench disclosed a weak background, barotropic trench-flank current pattern, which existed otherwise independently of the Kuroshio Extension. The very southerly path of the Kuroshio Extension from winter 1996 to autumn 1998 corresponded, with a time lag of about 1.5 years, to the previous La Niña tendency with weaker North Equatorial Current. The April 1997 event occurred in accordance with its extreme condition.  相似文献   

基于有限体积法的MIKE3 Flow Model建立了渤海地区水动力和温盐数值计算模型,并考虑了渤海沿岸十六条主要河流径流输入、风、降水、蒸发、太阳辐射(短波辐射、长波辐射、感热、潜热)等因素的影响。输出2010年数据作为结果,水动力和温盐模拟结果验证良好。经分析得到如下结论:模拟得到的2010年渤海温盐全年变化均呈一峰一谷形式。渤海冬季最高温度出现在渤海海峡附近海域,温度约4.5℃;渤海夏季平均海表温度26.34℃,较1970~1996年渤海海区夏季的平均温度区间22.5~26.5℃明显偏高;夏季温跃层集中在5m-15m深度范围内,渤海海峡处跃层深度超过了20m;模拟得到的冬季莱州湾盐度在27.8~30.4PSU的范围,夏季25~29.5PSU;莱州湾和辽东湾在夏季出现低盐区,辽东湾顶的低盐区面积约1364km^2,黄河口处的低盐区面积约448km^2,小清河口附近的低盐区面积约1029km^2;渤海大部分海域夏季盐度分层并不像温跃层那样明显。  相似文献   

利用美国国家海洋大气管理局2007年发布的全球海域温、盐数据库资料,美国地球物理数据中心2006年发布的海底地形数据库资料以及日本海洋科学与技术机构2003年发布的1997—2002年东海地区月平均降水量资料,研究东海黑潮表层盐度的月季分布特征,并分析其影响因素。结果表明,东海黑潮表层盐度存在明显的月季变化特征。总体而言,12月至次年3月表层盐度高,6—9月表层盐度低,4、5月和10、11月为过渡阶段;表层盐度高值分布在东海黑潮主段靠近东边界一侧;6—9月入口段的表层盐度高于出口段的表层盐度,其他月份入口段的表层盐度低于出口段的表层盐度。东海黑潮表层盐度主要受表层温度、降水、径流的影响。冬、春、秋季的表层盐度分布在黑潮主段靠近陆架一侧区域受表层温度影响大;降水对东海黑潮表层盐度产生局部小范围的影响,时间主要集中在1月和6—8月份,区域分布在低纬25°N以南和30°N附近。长江冲淡水夏季对东海黑潮表层盐度的影响大于其他季节对东海黑潮表层盐度的影响,7月长江径流量达到最大值时,对应的黑潮扇形区的盐度最低。  相似文献   

根据 1 970~ 1 996年渤海观测资料的各月平均值 ,绘制大面、38.5°N断面分布图与典型海域的季节变化图 ,进而概述渤海的温盐场特征 ,并探讨其成因 ,更好地为研究渤海环境变异提供高分辨率的平均场。研究表明 ,渤海温盐度对气候因子、径流量变化等因素响应很快 ,大约滞后 1个月左右 ,具有明显的季节特征。外强迫、岸形和地形所共同诱导的海水平均环流 ,是形成其水平分布和季节变化的决定因素之一。  相似文献   

根据 1 996~ 1 999年的标准断面资料及 1 997、1 998年夏季的 6幅卫星遥感温度图像 ,初步分析了黄、东海 2 7°~ 34°N观测区的温、盐度分布。认为 1 997年测区内的温、盐度分布具有明显的特色 ,而 1 998年长江特大洪水主要是对 30°N以北海域上层有所影响。综合 4年中 8月份的温、盐度分布态势 ,夏季气温比较正常的 1 996年与 1 998年两年测区内的温、盐度分布比较类似 ,而都属北热南凉的 1 997年和 1 999年两年测区内的温、盐度分布也较为类似。  相似文献   

渤海盐度年代际变异对环流结构的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
收集并利用1950年代~1990年代后共5个年代的渤海盐度统计资料,诊断计算了不同时期的渤海密度流分布及其变化。通过对比分析,揭示了冬、夏两季渤海盐度的年代际变异特征及其对环流结构的影响。结果显示,自1980年代以来,渤海的盐度格局发生了显著的变化,盐度的水平梯度减小,渤海内部盐度由明显低于海峡区向普遍高于海峡区转变。渤海密度流在冬季较弱,对总环流的贡献较小,而在夏季较强,并在总环流中占优。夏季,渤海密度流随盐度变异有所改变,在1990年代后环流系统在海区中部、渤海湾以及莱州湾呈现出局部的差异,原有流动明显减弱。夏季渤海重要断面的密度流流量和盐通量值整体上呈减小趋势,渤海与外海间的平均水及盐交换量由1950年代的7.85×104 m3/s、2.49×106kg/s降至1990年代后的7.09×104 m3/s、2.27×106 kg/s。  相似文献   

北黄海温盐分布季节变化特征分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
利用2006~2007年夏冬春秋4个季节北黄海的大面调查资料,分析了4个季节北黄海温度和盐度大面以及典型断面分布特征,得出以下结论:2007年冷水团势力范围强于2006年,北黄海冷水团的形成受地形影响.黄海暖流冬春季较强,冬季最强,夏季最弱,秋季开始形成.鲁北沿岸流冬季最强,春季减弱,夏秋季消失,但夏季鲁北沿岸存在冬季鲁北沿岸流水的残余体,即鲁北沿岸水.辽南沿岸水4个季节都以低盐为特征,除夏季低盐中心位于庄河口外,其它3个季节低盐中心均位于调查区域的东北角.渤海与北黄海之间的水交换4个季节都存在.春季,断面盐跃层形成滞后于温跃层;秋季,断面盐跃层消失滞后于温跃层.  相似文献   

长江口邻近海域水团特征与影响范围的季节变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴晓丹  宋金明  李学刚 《海洋科学》2014,38(12):110-119
基于2009年—2011年调查资料,研究长江口及其邻近海域水体温度和盐度时空分布特征,剖析该海域水团特征与影响范围的季节变化。结果表明,从春末到秋初,长江水以高温形式向外海扩展,秋末至翌年春初,径流水以低温形式从河口流向东南。西北部海区受黄海冷水团影响,水温较低,东北部受南黄海西部逆时针环流影响,盐度较低,东南部海区受黑潮及分支台湾暖流影响,呈高温高盐状态。受径流量和季风季节差异,长江冲淡水影响一般夏季最强,扩展范围最大,秋末冬初最弱。其双向延伸趋势在夏季有最清晰表现,一支自河口向东北方向延伸,指向南黄海中部,一支穿过杭州湾口及舟山群岛一带沿岸南下,或自长江口向东南方向扩展。温度垂向变化表明夏季存在上升流,并明确处于以31.5°N,122.67°E为中心,在经纬方向上各达1°范围内。  相似文献   

We collected surface water along the 142nd E meridian from Tasmania to Antarctica in December 1999. We measured temperature, salinity and total chlorophyll a; additionally, we collected suspended particle size fractions and used fluorometric analysis to determine the quantity of chlorophyll a in each of four cell size classes: picoplankton (<3 μm), two nanoplankton fractions (3–10 μm and 10–20 μm) and microplankton (> 20 μm). Changes in temperature and salinity show that we crossed 6 water masses separated by 5 fronts. We found low abundance (<0.2 mg m−3) of chlorophyll in all size classes, with the exception of higher values near the continent (0.2 to 0.4 mg m−3). Lowest chlorophyll values (<0.1 mg m−3) were found in the Polar Frontal Zone (51° to 54°S). Microplankton made up the largest portion of total chlorophyll throughout most of the region. We conclude that biomass of all phytoplankton fractions, especially pico-and nanoplankton, was constrained by limiting factors, most probably iron, throughout the region and that ecosystem dynamics within a zone are not circumpolar but are regionalized within sectors.  相似文献   

长江与黄河河口沉积物环境磁学特征及其对比研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对采自长江现行主河道和黄河入海口处的表层沉积样品进行了环境磁学参数的测量和对比研究.结果表明:长江和黄河河口沉积物的磁性载体主要是亚铁磁性物质,亚铁磁性矿物晶粒以假单畴-多畴为主,同时亦有超顺磁晶粒的存在;长江河口沉积物的磁性明显强于黄河河口沉积物,特别是质量磁化率、非磁滞剩磁及饱和等温剩磁,两者相对偏差在40%以上;在粗粒级沉积物(>0.063 mm)中,长江河口沉积物的磁化率与全样磁化率平均值差别较小,在4%左右;黄河河口沉积物差别很大,可达34%.两者的差别反映了长江和黄河沉积物中磁性矿物赋存方式的差异;长江和黄河河口沉积物磁性特征的差异与两者粒度特征对比明显.长江和黄河河口沉积物的这些磁学方面的差别是源岩特征和气候环境差异上的反映,可以作为判别两者物源的有效示踪剂.  相似文献   

Sea surface temperature fields in the East Sea are composed of various spatial structures such as eddies, fronts, filaments, turbulent-like features and other mesoscale variations associated with the oceanic circulations of the East Sea. These complex SST structures have many spatial scales and evole with time. Semi-monthly averaged SST distributions based on extensive satellite observations of SSTs from 1990 through 1995 were constructed to examine the characteristics of their spatial and temporal scale variations by using statistical methods of multi-dimensional autocorrelation functions and spectral analysis. Two-dimensional autocorrelation functions in the central part of the East Sea revealed that most of the spatial SST structures are anisotropic in the shape of ellipsoids with minor axes of about 90–290 km and major axes of 100–400 km. Two dimensional spatial scale analysis demonstrated a consistent pattern of seasonal variation that the scales appear small in winter and spring, increase gradually to summer, and then decrease again until the spring of the next year. These structures also show great spatial inhomogeneity and rapid temporal change on time scales as short as a semi-month in some cases. The slopes in spectral energy density spectra of SSTs show characteristics quite similar to horizontal and geostrophic turbulence. Temporal spectra at each latitude are demonstrated by predominant peaks of one and two cycles per year in all regions of the East Sea, implying that SSTs present very strong annual and semi-annual variations. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

长江口及邻近水域夏季鱼卵、仔鱼数量分布特征   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
蒋玫  沈新强 《海洋科学》2006,30(6):92-97
根据2001~2003年间,每年8月共3个航次对长江口及其邻近水域20个定点测站(30°05′~31°15′N;121°30′~122°50′E)鱼卵、仔鱼调查的资料,着重就该水域鱼卵、仔鱼的数量时空分布的年际变化特征以及有关的水文生物环境影响因子做了分析和探讨。结果表明,鱼卵、仔鱼的数量3 a的年际变化较大,2002年数量为高峰期。平面分布主要集中于长江口和舟山渔场内,杭州湾相对较少。种类以中华小公鱼(Stolephorus chinensis)的卵和仔鱼的分布最多,其变动直接影响总量的变化。盐度相对水温对鱼卵、仔鱼所产生的效应更为明显,降盐以及径流量的加大对鱼卵、仔鱼总量的增加产生一定的影响。而浮游桡足类的数量变动对鱼卵、仔鱼产生一定的作用。调查区内经济性鱼类资源量的日益减少,低值鱼类比例的增加成为资源结构的变动趋势。  相似文献   

本文基于船载及锚定ADCP、CTD观测,获得了大、小潮时的温度、盐度、浊度、潮位、流速等观测数据,研究杭州湾南部的一个主要弯曲航道——螺头水道内的潮流动力学特性。螺头水道水深超过100 m、最大潮差大于2.5 m。涨潮时,强潮流速出现在水道北岸,落潮时,强潮流速出现在水道南岸,最大流速值分别为约2 m/s和1.8 m/s。受压强梯度、密度梯度、科氏力和离心力影响,涨落潮过渡时在水道的横断面产生较为明显的环流。夏季存在较弱的层化现象,深水处受环流的影响,盐度、温度的混合较强。锚定观测数据表明,温度、盐度的变化频率与潮流的变化频率相似,但存在高于M2分潮频率的谱峰值。因此,笔者认为潮流与横向环流的相互作用,可能导致更高频率的盐度和温度变化。  相似文献   

利用1951—2010年台北、台中、福州和厦门4站2—3月降水资料和北太平洋海温资料,通过合成分析、对比分析和相关分析等方法,研究了华南东部过渡季节(2—3月)降水变化的一致性和气候变化特征及其与北太平洋海温的关系。结果表明:台北、台中、福州和厦门4站过渡季节(2—3月)降水变化具有很好的一致性和明显的年代际变化特征。华南东部过渡季节(2—3月)降水与北太平洋海温存在着很好的相关关系;不同类型的降水异常年份,有着不同的海温距平分布特征,降水偏多年,表现为厄尔尼诺分布型,降水偏少年,则表现为拉尼娜分布型,且这种距平分布型在其前期9月开始出现端倪,12月发展成熟。前期12—1月赤道东太平洋关键区和西风漂流区关键区海温变化,对华南东部过渡季节(2—3月)降水具有较好的预测指示意义。  相似文献   

水电联产已经成为目前大型海水淡化工程的主要建设模式,然而海水淡化过程产生的高浓热盐水直接排海对受纳水体的污染是1个有待解决的重要问题.为建立一个能够较准确地模拟高浓热盐水排入海洋中的输移扩散情况的三维数学模型,用来预测高浓热盐水进入海洋水体后经湍动混合与输移扩散后的时空分布特性,揭示高浓热盐水在潮流作用下的运动及演变规律,进而对排放影响作出分析判断.采用文中建立的数学模型对胶州湾西岸的某电厂高浓热盐水表面排海问题进行数值模拟,研究表明该模型较好地模拟和复演了胶州湾的潮流场和高浓热盐水输移扩散情况,规则半日潮流对浓盐水的输移扩散起着决定性作用,通过比较不同排放口底层温度升高和盐度升高等值线包络面积得出较合理的排放口选址.该模型为合理布置水电联产设备的取水口和排放口位置提供了有效途径,为沿海水电联产产物浓盐水排放后对近海水域的环境污染控制具有一定的实际意义和理论价值.  相似文献   

长江口水域春季鱼卵仔鱼分布及其与温度盐度的关系   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
利用2003年春季在长江口水域进行调查的数据,对该水域的鱼卵仔鱼的种类组成和数量分布、表层水温、盐度的分布特征以及它们之间的关系进行了研究。结果表明:共捕获鱼卵仔鱼13种,出现率为81.25%。鱼卵出现站位资源密度(CPUE)为1~760粒/网,平均每网采获鱼卵63.6粒;仔稚鱼出现站位CPUE为1~174尾/网,平均每网捕获仔稚鱼18.75尾。按照表层温度、盐度的变化,该水域可分为高温低盐、低温高盐、低温低盐三个区。鱼卵出现水域主要集中在高温低盐区;而仔稚鱼在长江口水域广有分布,但主要出现水域是高温低盐和低温低盐区控制的近岸水域,在远离海岸的低温高盐区仅有少量的分布。  相似文献   

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