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Sapphirine has been found in two types of magnesian, metabasic lenses from tectonite zones within the Central Gneiss Belt of the south-west Grenville Province, Canada. The first type (association I) comes from a lenticular mafic lens within highly tectonized anorthosite, the second type (association II) comes from meta-eclogitic pods with foliated amphibolite rims. In each case the sapphirine-bearing assemblages record a wealth of reaction textures. The primary mineralogy in association II is represented by high alumina clinopyroxene, garnet and kyanite ± plagioclase and records pressures of around 14-16 kbar; in association I the primary mineralogy is represented by plagioclase, two pyroxenes and possibly olivine but here the equilibrium pressure is unknown.
The host gneisses equilibrated at approximately 8 to 10 kbar and 700-750°C by continuous cation exchange reactions during and after the culmination of the Grenvillian orogeny at 1.16-1.0 Ga. It is unlikely that the higher pressures recorded in the meta-eclogitic pods represent an earlier high-pressure metamorphism as the pods are restricted to shear zones. A tectonic mode of emplacement into a crust undergoing granulite facies metamorphism is more likely. Sapphirine formed by discontinuous decompression reactions; in association II this involved a reaction between garnet and kyanite and resulted in the formation of magnesian granulite facies assemblages. At the same time primary clinopyroxene became much less aluminous by evolving plagioclase. Pressures and temperatures from coexisting phases, that are believed to have equilibrated at the same time as sapphirine formation, are estimated as 11 to 12 kbar and 750°C. These probably represent the peak conditions for granulite facies metamorphism in the south-west Grenville Province.  相似文献   

Ultramafic blocks that themselves contain eclogite lenses in the Triassic Su-Lu ultrahigh-P terrane of eastern China range in size from hundreds of metres to kilometres. The ultramafic blocks are enclosed in quartzofeldspathic gneiss of early Proterozoic age. Ultramafic rocks include garnetiferous lherzolite, wehrlite, pyroxenite, and hornblende peridotite. Garnet lherzolites are relatively depleted in Al2O3 (<3.8wt%), CaO (<3.2%) and TiO2 (<0.11 wt%), and are low in total REE contents (several p.p.m.), suggesting that the rocks are residual mantle material that was subjected to low degrees of partial melting. The eclogite lenses or layers within the ultramafic rocks are characterized by higher MgO and CaO, lower Al2O3 and TiO2 contents, and a higher CaO/Al2O3 ratio compared to eclogites enclosed in the quartzofeldspathic gneiss. Scatter in the plots of major and trace elements vs. MgO, REE patterns and La, Sm and Lu contents suggest that some eclogites were derived from melts formed by various degrees (0.05–0.20) of partial melting of peridotite, and that other eclogites formed by accumulation of garnet and clinopyroxene ± trapped melt in the upper mantle. Both ultramafic and eclogitic rocks have experienced a complex metamorphic history. At least six stages of recrystallization occurred in the ultramafic rocks based on an analysis of reaction textures and mineral compositions. Stage I is a high temperature protolith assemblage of Ol + Opx + Cpx + Spl. Stage II consists of the ultrahigh-pressure assemblage Ol + Cpx + Opx + Grt. Stage III is manifested by the appearance of fine-grained garnet after coarse-grained garnet. Stage IV is characterized by formation of kelyphitic rims of fibrous Opx and Cpx around garnet, and replacement of garnet by spinel and pargasitic-hornblende. Stage V is represented by the assemblage Ol + Opx + Prg-Hbl + Spl. The mineral assemblages of stages VIA and VIB are Ol + Tr-Amp + Chl and Serp + Chl ± talc, respectively. Garnet and orthopyroxene all show a decrease in MgO with retrogressive recrystallization and Na2O in clinopyroxene also decreases throughout this history. Eclogites enclosed within ultramafic blocks consist of Grt + Omp + Rt ± Qtz ± Phn. A few quartz-bearing eclogites contain rounded and oval inclusion of polycrystalline quartz aggregates after coesite in garnet and omphacite. Minor retrograde features include thin symplectic rims or secondary amphiboles after Cpx, and ilmenite after rutile. P-T estimates indicate that the ultrahigh-metamorphism (stage II) of ultramafic rocks occurred at 820-900d? C and 36-41 kbar and that peak metamorphism of eclogites occurred at 730-900d? C and >28 kbar. Consonant with earlier plate tectonic models, we suggest that these rocks were underplated at the base of the continental crust. The rocks then underwent ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism and were tectonically emplaced into thickened continental crust during the Triassic collision between the Sino-Korean and Yangtze cratons.  相似文献   

马云飞  焦建刚  郭天牧  闫馨云  刘健  高超  王静  李峰 《地质学报》2022,96(12):4312-4330
内蒙古四子王旗小南山铜镍矿床及外围分布几处镁铁质- 超镁铁质岩体,其成因联系及成矿潜力尚不清晰,制约了该地区铜镍硫化物矿床的找矿工作。本文对小南山、土脑包和白音敖包岩体开展了年代学、岩石学及地球化学研究,结果显示,小南山地区存在两类镁铁质- 超镁铁质岩:小南山、土脑包含铜镍硫化物岩体由辉长岩、辉石岩组成,矿物组合以斜长石、单斜辉石为主,含少量斜方辉石和橄榄石,发育次闪石化、滑石化和绿泥石化;而白音敖包辉长岩不含铜镍硫化物,矿物组合以斜长石、单斜辉石为主,发育绿泥石化和钠黝帘石化,白音敖包辉长岩锆石U- Pb年龄为277. 2±7. 3 Ma,与小南山岩体(272. 7±2. 9 Ma)同期。此外,小南山和土脑包辉长岩Mg#值为0. 56~0. 67,m/f值为1. 25~1. 98,MgO与Ni、Co负相关,Ni与Cu/Zr值正相关,稀土元素配分曲线为右倾型;白音敖包辉长岩Mg#值为0. 50~0. 51,m/f值为0. 97~1. 02,MgO与Ni、Co相关性不明显,Cu/Zr值集中在1附近,稀土元素配分曲线为平坦型。岩石地球化学数据指示小南山和土脑包岩体是源自流体交代岩石圈地幔部分熔融,原生岩浆为高镁拉斑玄武质岩浆,岩浆上升过程受到10%~20%陆壳混染,外来硫的加入和分离结晶作用导致硫化物熔离成矿;白音敖包辉长岩由派生岩浆结晶形成,其岩浆源区受到交代作用不明显,岩浆上升过程仅受到5%左右的地壳物质混染,钻探验证没有发现矿体。  相似文献   

The Mitsuishi ultramafic rock body in Hokkaido, Japan, consists mainly of serpentinized peridotites that originated from a depleted mantle. This study aims to show new evidence of small-scale mélange fabric of serpentinite matrix in the rock body. Each serpentinite block in the serpentine matrix shows large and stable intensities of natural remanent magnetization (NRM). However, the directions of serpentinite blocks' NRM in the matrix are randomly scattered. A Curie temperature (Tc) of 580 °C corresponding to pure magnetite was also observed. Additionally, there is no evidence of heating over 580 °C after serpentinization. The blocks in the matrix must have obtained crystallization remanent magnetization (CRM) during serpentinization. The directions of the blocks' characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM) are also scattered. It shows that serpentinite blocks were magnetized prior to uplifting. The results of the study indicate that the magnetic carrier of the serpentinite blocks in the matrix is mainly composed of magnetite, and it can keep original magnetization before uplifting. The results also imply that the scattering directions of NRM indicate the presence of small-scale mélange fabric of serpentinite matrix.  相似文献   

Abstract Peridotite and infolded marble of the Seiad ultramafic complex were recrystallized in the upper amphibolite facies as part of the regional progressive metamorphism of the Rattlesnake Creek terrane. Field relations, including the occurrence of metarodingites, and metasomatic zones between dissimilar rock types, demonstrate that the metasediments and serpentinized ultramafic rocks were juxtaposed prior to regional, barrovian metamorphism. Temperatures are estimated to have reached 760–800°C at pressures of 7–8 kbar during the peak of metamorphism. Four low-variance parageneses have been identified within a small (3 km2) area of the complex, which may reasonably be assumed to have formed under the same P and T conditions. Isobaric T-X co2 diagrams of appropriate equilibria are presented for three different internally consistent sets of thermodynamic data. Despite the seemingly small numerical differences between the standard state thermodynamic properties of the data sets, only one diagram allows the four observed assemblages to coexist within a reasonable temperature range. All three phase diagrams require differences in fluid composition on the scale of a thin section; strong evidence for effective control of pore fluid composition by local mineral reactions during metamorphism.  相似文献   

本文对新疆中天山南缘乌瓦门蛇绿混杂岩中的超镁铁岩进行了岩石矿物学和地球化学研究,对其成因和形成环境进行限定。乌瓦门蛇绿混杂岩中的超镁铁岩为蛇纹石化二辉橄榄岩,由橄榄石(Fo=89.1~90.6)、斜方辉石(Wo0.4-2.4En87.2~90.7Fs8.9-10.9;Mg#=89.0~91.0)、单斜辉石(Wo49.1-51.3En16.0~48.4Fs0.9-4.3;Mg#=90.2~92.1)和尖晶石(Mg#=71.8~77.5;Cr#=9.3~13.4)组成。主量元素组成上,以低Mg O(37.74%~41.34%)、高Al2O3(2.58%~3.39%)、高Ca O(2.23%~3.68%)和高Ti O2(0.05%~0.11%)为特征。微量元素上,亏损稀土元素(REE总量为1.73×10-6~4.63×10-6),亏损不相容元素(如,Rb=0.4×10-6~1.39×10-6,Zr=0.73×10-6~3.28×10-6,Hf=0.04×10-6~0.11×10-6),富集相容元素(如,Cr=2516×10-6~2793×10-6,Co=84.6×10-6~119×10-6,Ni=1641×10-6~2261×10-6)。矿物学和地球化学特征一致指示,乌瓦门蛇绿混杂岩中的超镁铁岩为经历过低程度(5%~10%)部分熔融作用的残余地幔橄榄岩,形成于洋中脊环境,是MOR型蛇绿岩中的地幔橄榄岩。  相似文献   

The Eskay Creek, British Columbia, Canada, is a polymetallic, gold- and silver-rich, volcanic-hosted, massive sulfide deposit. The ore in the deposit is divided into subzones distinguished by mineralogy, texture, grade and metallurgical characteristics. This study presents the results of a mineralogical examination of three composite field samples, with emphasis on the chemistry of sphalerite. Sphalerite is associated with variable amounts of Hg-tetrahedrite and cinnabar, and an array of sulfides, sulphosalts and non-opaque minerals. Electron micro probe analyses of sphalerite in the three composite samples reveal wide variations in compositions. The Hg content in sphalerite in the three samples varies between 0.08 and 16.35 wt%, whereas the Fe content ranges from 0.33 to 2.29 wt%. The chemical formula of the sphalerite shows the compositional range (Zn0.89–0.98Hg0.01–0.09.Fe0.005–0.02)S. Sphalerite exhibits an almost perfect substitution of Hg and Zn, as shown by the negative covariance between them. Sphalerite with the highest Hg contents tends to have the lowest Fe concentrations. The highest Hg contents in sphalerite are recorded in the samples with the highest bulk Hg concentrations and with the highest cinnabar contents.

The compositional variations of sphalerite are important because they can be used in mapping ore forming fluids and indicate possible temporal variations. Second, determination of the compositional variation of the sphalerite in the mine has metallurgical implications because the mineral is an important Zn source. The mineralogical data indicate that non-physical processes (e.g. pyrometallurgy) must be used to separate Hg from Zn concentrates, with direct environmental implications, that is, release of metals, such as Hg, into the environment during mining and processing.  相似文献   

江浪穹窿位于扬子陆块西缘,本文作者在穹窿南部新发现一套侵入于二叠系及志留系的超基性岩,岩石主要由蛇纹石(约60%)、橄榄石(约30%)和少量磁铁矿(约5%)、角闪石(约5%)组成。为探讨超基性岩的成因,本文进行了LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年、岩石地球化学及Sr-Nd同位素研究。定年结果表明,超基性岩中发育大量2427~430 Ma的捕获锆石,最年轻一组岩浆锆石206Pb/238U加权平均年龄为222.3±4.4 Ma(MSWD=1.9,n=6)。主微量元素分析显示岩石:(1)具有低的SiO2含量(46.76%~39.07%)、高的Mg#值(82.3~74.0)与Cr、Co、Ni丰度;(2)稀土元素含量(ΣREE平均31.8 μg/g)与(La/Yb)N值(5.26~1.38)偏低,稀土配分型式较为平坦,具有较弱的Ce负异常(Ce/Ce*=0.80~0.67);(3)富集大离子亲石元素Rb、Ba和U,亏损高场强元素Zr和Hf;(4)(Th/Yb)PM值(29.8~1.56)、(Th/Ta)PM值(0.22~0.03)、(La/Nb)PM值(1.91~0.39)及La/Sm值(5.88~1.11)较低。Sr-Nd同位素分析显示,超基性岩具有较低的(87Sr/86Sr)i值(0.706872~0.702598)和高的εNd(t)值(8.02~5.64),成分接近于亏损地幔和岛弧玄武岩,计算表明地壳物质的混染程度低于5%。结合前人研究成果,本文认为超基性岩结晶年龄为222.3 Ma,可能形成于古特提斯洋闭合阶段的岛弧背景;原始岩浆来自高度部分熔融的地幔源区,上升侵位过程中可能经历了铬铁矿与橄榄石的分离结晶作用。此外,捕获锆石的年龄谱反映江浪穹窿很可能存在太古宙—古元古代变质基底,并且具有Rodinia超大陆会聚—裂解以及泛非事件的地质年龄记录。  相似文献   

Abstract Ganguvarpatti is part of a Precambrian terrane characterized by granulite facies rocks, including charnockites, mafic granulites, sapphirine-bearing granulites, leptynites and gneisses. A sequence of reactions deduced from the multiphase reaction textures provide information on the metamorphic history of this area, as they formed in response to decompression during uplift. Geothermobarometry and constraints from reaction textures define a segment of a P–T path traversed by the granulites of Ganguvarpatti. Near-peak metamorphic conditions of c. 800°C and 8 kbar were succeeded by a symplectitic stage at a significantly lower pressure ( c. 700°C and 4.5 kbar), documenting a nearly isothermal decompression P–T path and rapid uplift ( c. 12 km) followed by cooling. The presence of many fluid inclusions of extremely low density in the charnockites is consistent with a nearly isothermal uplift path. Attainment of a maximum pressure of c. 8 kbar indicates c. 27 km depth of burial during metamorphism. This would imply a total crustal thickness of c. 65–70 km at 2.6–2.5 Ga. Such a profound crustal thickness and a clockwise decompressive P–T path is interpreted as a consequence of tectonic thickening of crust, accomplished by collision tectonics of the southern granulite terrane against the Dharwar craton along the Palghat–Cauvery shear zone via northward subduction.  相似文献   

A suite of spinel–cordierite granulites from Viziangram, Eastern Ghats Belt, India preserve mineral assemblages and reaction textures indicative of peak metamorphic conditions of >1000 °C, >8<10 kbar, followed successively by near isobaric cooling (down to 750–800 °C), near isothermal decompression (to 4–5 kbar), and late hydration. P–T conditions of each stage are evaluated through a combination of petrogenetic grid approach and thermobarometry. Sapphirine is developed in sillimanite‐bearing acid pegmatite veins that intruded the spinel–cordierite granulite close to peak metamorphic conditions, and also in the host rock in immediate contact with the pegmatite. Both sillimanite and sapphirine in the pegmatite are considered to be magmatic phases. Field observations and textural characteristics suggest that Al‐metasomatism of the spinel–cordierite granulite due to the intrusion of pegmatite was responsible for sapphirine formation in the spinel granulite.  相似文献   

The Prairie Creek lamproite is the largest of seven ultramafic vents that make up the Prairie Creek lamproite province. Diamonds were first discovered in 1906, and commercial mining continued intermittently until about 1931. The evaluation program undertaken by the Arkansas State Parks Commission in the 1990s resulted in the mapping and evaluation of four major vent facies rock types: olivine lamproite, epiclastic sediments, phlogopite-rich tuff and olivine-rich tuff. Significant diamond contents were found only within the phlogopite-rich tuff (0.11 carat/100 tonnes) and olivine-rich tuff (1.1 carats/100 tonnes).Stratigraphic relationships indicate that the diamondiferous tuffs have undergone <50 m of erosion. Extrapolation of the surface rock units and their diamond contents to the pre-erosion surface suggests that 93,000 carats of diamonds were liberated and then concentrated as a natural surface enrichment. Early commercial production focused on the natural surface concentrations, an assumption supported by historic mining records. Historical grades suggest that 58,000 carats were contained in these surface deposits, about half of those diamonds being recovered during commercial operation. These relationships suggest that 35,000 carats remain as eluvial and alluvial deposits adjacent to the existing tourist area. This erosion model minimizes the prospects for either primary or alluvial commercial mining; however, it does validate early historic mining records and suggests areas for further tourist development within existing park boundaries.  相似文献   

Jurassic basanite necks occurring at the junction of two major fault zones in Scania contain ultramafic (peridotites, pyroxenites) and mafic xenoliths, which together indicate a diversity of upper mantle and lower crustal assemblages beneath this region. The peridotites can be subdivided into lherzolites, dunites and harzburgites. Most lherzolites are porphyroclastic, containing orthopyroxene and olivine porphyroclasts. They consist of Mg-rich silicates (Mg# = Mg/(Mg + Fetot) × 100; 88–94) and vermicular spinel. Calculated equilibration temperatures are lower in porphyroclastic lherzolites (975–1,007°C) than in equigranular lherzolite (1,079°C), indicating an origin from different parts of the upper mantle. According to the spinel composition the lherzolites represent residues of 8–13% fractional melting. They are similar in texture, mineralogy and major element composition to mantle xenoliths from Cenozoic Central European volcanic fields. Dunitic and harzburgitic peridotites are equigranular and only slightly deformed. Silicate minerals have lower to similar Mg# (83–92) as lherzolites and lack primary spinel. Resorbed patches in dunite and harzburgite xenoliths might be the remnants of metasomatic processes that changed the upper mantle composition. Pyroxenites are coarse, undeformed and have silicate minerals with partly lower Mg# than peridotites (70–91). Pyroxenitic oxides are pleonaste spinels. According to two-pyroxene thermometry pyroxenites show a large range of equilibration temperatures (919–1,280°C). In contrast, mafic xenoliths, which are mostly layered gabbronorites with pyroxene- and plagioclase-rich layers, have a narrow range of equilibration temperatures (828–890°C). These temperature ranges, together with geochemical evidence, indicate that pyroxenites and gabbroic xenoliths represent mafic intrusions within the Fennoscandian crust.  相似文献   

Sapphirine occurs in a 3-5 m wide zone between amphibole-lherzolite and garnetiferous metagabbro at Finero in the Ivrea Zone, NW Italian Alps. Layers consisting of plag + hb + sa + cpx + opx + sp + gt are interbanded with spinel pyroxenites, which may contain sapphirine replacing spinel. All minerals are very magnesian, with XMg between 0.78 and 0.92. Bulk rock analyses suggest that precursors to the sapphirine-bearing rocks were igneous cumulates of plagioclase + olivine + hornblende + spinel. Up to 16wt% CaO does not inhibit sapphirine formation and it is the unusually Mg-rich nature of the host rocks which allows sapphirine development. The early igneous assemblage was replaced by one of cpx + sa + hb +± plag at a pressure of 9 ± 1 kbar and temperatures of 900 ± 50°C. Subsequent rapid uplift caused the instability of gt, gt + hb, hb and sa + cpx to form opx + plag ± sp ± sa symplectites.  相似文献   

Abstract. The Francis Creek area located at the Sybil graben in North Queensland, Australia, has some features of epithermal gold mineralization such as gold-bearing quartz vein and silica body hosted in rhyodacitic rocks of the Late Carboniferous Hells Gate Formation. In order to understand the nature of the paleo-hydrothermal activity in this area and to aid exploration for an economic gold deposit in this area, we carried out hydrothermal alteration mapping surrounding the veins and silica body, over an area of about 7 times 5 km2.
We defined two alteration zones and inferred the center of hydrothermal activity. Fluid inclusion shows the boiling feature, and the microthermometry analysis resulted in the trapping temperature of 240°C and low salinity. This temperature is consistent with the formation temperature of clay mineral in the host rocks. On the basis of whole-rock composition, the silica body was identified as silicified rocks. Precious metal minerals such as electrum and acanthite coexist with sulfide minerals. Iodagylite was identified as a product of weathering. The sulfide minerals imply that the low-sulfidation epithermal gold mineralization occurred in the Francis Creek area.  相似文献   

沂水杂岩中超镁铁质岩的岩石地球化学特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
主要以捕虏体形式存在于沂水岩浆杂岩和变质杂岩中的超镁铁质岩石不发育鬣刺结构,岩石化学组成以高MgO和低SiO2、TiO2、K2O含量为主要特征。按岩石中是否含有橄榄石大致可以分为橄榄辉石岩和尖晶角闪二辉石岩两种,前者以强烈发育蛇纹石化为特征,矿物组合以单斜(透)辉石+橄榄石为主(偶见斜方辉石),蚀变矿物组合为蛇纹石±铬铁矿+磁铁矿±角闪石±尖晶石等;后者以局部发育滑石化为特征,矿物组合以斜方(古铜)辉石+单斜(透)辉石+尖晶石为主,其次是角闪石+磁铁矿±滑石等。岩石总体以稀土元素总量(∑REE)相对较低、LREE/HREE=1.64~4.40为特征,稀土元素的球粒陨石标准化配分图解显示所有样品均具Eu和Ce的负异常,除3个橄榄辉石岩样品外,多数样品无明显的轻稀土元素、轻重稀土元素和重稀土元素分异。岩石的微量元素组成以不相容元素Rb、Ba、U、Nb、Sr、Zr等具有明显不同的异常为特征:Ba、Nb呈现负异常,而Rb、U呈现正异常,Sr部分呈正异常,Zr和Ti负异常出现在橄榄辉石岩中,其他样品无Zr异常。样品YS0631的SHRIMP锆石U-Pb定年结果显示其变质锆石年龄值为2 560~2 605 Ma;另有一颗结晶锆石的年龄值为2 719 Ma,εHf(t)值为8.2,亏损地幔模式年龄为2 680 Ma。综上所述,该超镁铁质岩石源于地幔,形成于新太古代早期,随后遭受深熔及岩浆作用影响,经历了变质作用的改造。  相似文献   

Sapphirine–quartz granulites from the Cocachacra region of the Arequipa Massif in southern Peru record early Neoproterozoic ultrahigh‐temperature metamorphism. Phase equilibrium modelling and zircon petrochronology are used to quantify timing and pressure–temperature (P–T) conditions of metamorphism. Modelling of three magnetite‐bearing sapphirine–quartz samples indicates peak temperatures of >950°C at ~0.7 GPa and a clockwise P–T evolution. Elevated concentrations of Al in orthopyroxene are also consistent with ultrahigh‐temperature conditions. Neoblastic zircon records ages of c. 1.0–0.9 Ga that are interpreted to record protracted ultrahigh‐temperature metamorphism. Th/U ratios of zircon of up to 100 reflect U‐depleted whole‐rock compositions. Concentrations of heavy rare earth elements in zircon do not show systematic trends with U–Pb age but do correlate with variable whole‐rock compositions. Very large positive Ce anomalies in zircon from two samples probably relate to strongly oxidizing conditions during neoblastic zircon crystallization. Low concentrations of Ti‐in‐zircon (<10 ppm) are interpreted to result from reduced titania activities due to the strongly oxidized nature of the granulites and the sequestration of titanium‐rich minerals away from the reaction volume. Whole‐rock compositions and oxidation state have a strong influence on the trace element composition of metamorphic zircon, which has implications for interpreting the geological significance of ages retrieved from zircon in oxidized metamorphic rocks.  相似文献   

The contents of the platinum-group elements (PGEs: Os, Ir, Ru, Rh, Pt, Pd) in the Abulangdang ultramafic intrusion have been determined using ICP-MS after nickel sulfide fire assay preconcentration. Different samples show significant differences in absolute PGE abundance. They display a pronounced negative incline in mantle-normalized patterns which are characterized by strong enrichment in IPGEs (Os, Ir, Ru) and depleting to slight enrichment in PPGEs (Rh, Pt, Pd). The characteristics of PGE distribution in the Abulangdang rocks are due to the combined action of sulfide and non-sulfide (spinel/chromite or alloy or micro-granular aggregation of metals). In comparison with the mafic-ultramafic rocks which host Ni-Cu-PGE deposits in the Emeishan Large Igneous Province (ELIP), it is assumed that the Abulangdang ultramafic intrusion may be the product of early-stage magma activity in the ELIP.  相似文献   

An assemblage consisting of corundum, sapphirine, spinel, cordierite, garnet, biotite and bronzite is described from the Messina area of the Limpopo Mobile Belt, and consideration given to its petrogenesis. Various geothermometers and geobarometers have been applied in an attempt to determine the temperatures and pressures of metamorphism.
A former coexistence of garnet and corundum is suggested to have developed during the earliest high pressure phase of the metamorphism, where temperatures exceeded 800°C and pressures as high as 10kbar may have been experienced. Subsequently, continuous retrograding reactions from medium pressure granulite facies at about 800°C and 8kbar towards amphibolite facies generated spinel, cordierite, sapphirine and possibly also bronzite. The most notable reaction was probably of the form: garnet + corundum = cordierite + sapphirine + spinel.  相似文献   

Silica-deficient sapphirine-bearing rocks occur as an enclave within granulite facies Proterozoic gneisses and migmatites near Grimstad in the Bamble sector of south-east Norway (Hasleholmen locality). The rocks contain peraluminous sapphirine, orthopyroxene, gedrite, anthophyllite, sillimanite, sapphirine, corundum, cordierite, spinel, quartz and biotite in a variety of assemblages. Feldspar is absent.
Fe2+/(Fe2++ Mg) in the analysed minerals varies in the order: spinel > gedrite ≥ anthophyllite ≥ biotite > sapphirine>orthopyroxene > cordierite.
Characteristic pseudomorph textures indicate coexistence of orthopyroxene and sillimanite during early stages of the reaction history. Assemblages containing orthopyroxene-sillimanite-sapphirine-cordierite-corundum developed during a high-pressure phase of metamorphism and are consistent with equilibration pressures of about 9 kbar at temperatures of 750–800°C. Decompression towards medium-pressure granulite facies generated various sapphirine-bearing assemblages. The diagnostic assemblage of this stage is sapphirine-cordierite. Sapphirine occurs in characteristic symplectite textures. The major mineralogical changes can be described by the discontinuous FMAS reaction: orthopyroxene + sillimanite → sapphirine + cordierite + corundum.
The disequilibrium textures found in the Hasleholmen rocks are characteristic for reactions which have been in progress but then ceased before they run to completion. Textures such as reaction rims, symplectites, partial replacement, corrosion and dissolution of earlier minerals are characteristic of granulite facies rocks. They indicate that, despite relatively high temperatures (700–800° C), equilibrium domains were small and chemical communication and transport was hampered as a result of dry or H2O-poor conditions.  相似文献   


Late Jurassic ultramafic lamprophyre (UML) sills and dikes occur as 3 km-long intrusions within the allochthonous Whara Formation of the Batain nappes, eastern Oman. The sills and dikes comprise macrocrystic phlogopite and spinel-bearing aillikite and damtjernite. Aillikite is a light grey, massive fine-grained tuffaceous rock with euhedral laths of mica, while damtjernite is a dark grey, medium- to coarse-grained rock with abundant pelletal lapilli and globular segregationary textures. Both lithologies are composed of calcite, phlogopite, apatite, magnetite, spinel, diopside, and richterite. Orthoclase occurs only within damtjernite. The rocks are strongly silica undersaturated (17.6–33.7 wt.% SiO2), with low MgO (4.7–10.2 wt. %) and high Al2O3 (3.5–8.6 wt.%). The aillikites are distinguished from the damtjernites by their lower SiO2, Al2O3, and Na2O abundances, and their higher MgO, CaO, and P2O5 contents. The rare earth element (REE) patterns of both rock types are similar and show strong light REE (LREE) enrichment. Both are enriched in Ba, Th, U, Nb, and Ta, with normalized concentrations of up to 1000 times those of primitive mantle. Relative depletions are apparent for high REE (HREE), K, Rb, Pb, Sr, P, Zr, and Hf. The rocks have initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.70435–0.70646, whereas initial 143Nd/144Nd ratios vary between 0 · 512603 and 0 · 512716 (εNdi 2.6–3.2). Pb isotopic ratios are more varied among the aillikites and damtjernites: 208Pb/204Pbi = 38.97–39.39 and 207Pb/204Pbi = 15.35–15.58, 206Pb/204Pbi = 18.08–18.96. The abundance of phlogopite, apatite, and rutile and enrichment in LREEs, Ba, Th, U, Nb, and Ta in the Sal UMLs suggest metasomatic enrichment of these rocks following a low degree of partial melting of a depleted source region. Ar–Ar age dating of phlogopite macrocrysts from the aillikites and damtjernites (154 and162 Ma, respectively) correlates with large-scale tectonic events recorded in the proto-Indian Ocean at 140–160 Ma.  相似文献   

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