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Most studies of karst landscapes and their processes have been concerned with consolidated, often well-jointed limestones. There are particular problems involved in the study of karst procesess in softer, less-compact limestones such as chalk, coral reefs, and aeolian calcarenite. Previous studies in aeolian calcarenite indicated these problems and a scheme was developed of speleogenesis in aeolian calcarenite. A study of karst processes in aeolian calcarenite at Bats Ridge in western Victoria has developed this scheme further. The karst features and processes at Bats Ridge are an integral part of the landscape of a mid-Pleistocene calcarenite dune system. The resolution of problems of the rapid subaerial speleogenesis in the area is achieved by the synthesis of the known karst features of the ridge and the geology and geomorphology of the area. Karst development on this aeolianite ridge depends on lithological conditions as well as the availability of aggressive water capable of solution. The diagenesis of the calcarenite is occurring now and must have been occurring by the mid-Pleistocene. This simultaneous lithification of the carbonate dunes into aeolian calcarenite rock and the development of solutional karst features in the dunes is the characteristic feature of the speleogenesis in this area. It is the formation of a hardened kankar layer (cap rock) in the dunes of sufficient compressive and tensile strength to support cavities, which is the result of these interrelated factors, that has strongly determined the formation of the karst features.  相似文献   

The development of gypsum maze caves under artesian conditions has been simulated. The numerical model simulations show that the evolution of maze caves in this type of setting requires structural preferences such as laterally extended fissure networks in a horizon of the gypsum layer. Without any structural preferences vertical shafts rather than maze caves are predicted to develop. The most important stage for the development of horizontal caves under artesian conditions is found to be the initial karstification period. During this period the structure of the mature conduit system is established. The solutional enlargement of conduits is spatially extended, total dissolution rates are higher than the later ones.  相似文献   

This paper studies karst cave and soil cavity development in the process of karst collapse as a means of disaster prevention and control. Using the karst area of the Shandong section of the Beijing–Shanghai high-speed railway as a test area, a numerical simulation method is presented as well as the model test to study the characteristics of typical radar images of different types of karst caves and soil cavities. By combining theoretical analysis with field test results, the method and characteristic standards for nondestructive testing using ground-penetrating radar to determine the grouting effect on a karst roadbed are given. The radar spectrum characteristics are analyzed for a cave, water-filled cave, clay-filled cave, karst cave with dense grouting and karst cave with grouting that is not dense. Comprehensive analysis of the results of indoor model testing and numerical analysis, combined with the engineering practice of evaluating the effect of grouting treatment in the selected section of the Beijing–Shanghai high-speed railway, clarifies the basic characteristics of map recognition of radar detection of karst grouting. The morphological characteristics of the karst caves in the geological radar images are usually composed of many hyperbolic strong reflection waves. Multiple-reflection wave groups of high amplitude, low frequency, and equal distance indicate the side wall of the cave. The bottom interface of the cave is not obvious, although when the bottom part of the cave is filled with water or clay, silt, sand and gravel material. The bottom of the reflection wave will be enhanced. When the cave is filled with material, the electromagnetic wave energy decays rapidly, the high-frequency part is absorbed, and the reflection is mostly low frequency wave. The characteristics of radar images of the slurry distribution area are obvious in the grouting zone. A horizontal direction results in arc-shaped distribution, and a vertical direction has more regular distribution. The results of the study are helpful in the exploration of karst caves and soil caves, and the evaluation of the effect of grouting treatment in mitigating karst collapse.  相似文献   

洞穴形态量计解析   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
洞穴形态量计的最基本参数是长度、深度、高度和坡度,借助洞穴专业软件可进行洞穴的投影面积、洞道空间体积、洞道极点投影面积、洞道极点岩体体积等其它基本参数的量计,以及洞穴扩展参数包括洞道的比容积、网密度、面密度和体密度的量计。利用这些形态参数,可以对洞穴进行更科学的统计、形态特征分析、开发利用价值评估。通过选取深峰丛洼地区、中等深度峰丛洼地区和浅峰丛洼地区以及峰林平原区的地下河洞穴进行量计,并对量计结果进行相关分析,发现洞穴的比容积与洞穴的流域面积、石峰的相对高度具有良好的正相关性,而洞穴的网密度、面密度,尤其体密度与洞穴深度有着明显的负相关性。   相似文献   

Environmental management of tourist caves   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In terms of the flow of energy or mass, caves may be nearly closed systems. From the perspective of environmental protection and tourist cave management there are three categories: (1) caves where the natural energy fluxes far exceed those created by visitors, with the consequence that their environmental parameters are not affected by development (e.g., caves subject to frequent flooding); (2) caves where natural and tourist energy fluxes are of similar magnitude, where environmental parameters respond to visitors but return to their natural equilibrium afterwards; and (3) caves where visitor fluxes far exceed the natural fluxes, so that natural environmental equilibrium may be destroyed. The aim of responsible management is to limit the introduced fluxes to those that will not destroy the natural equilibrium established in such parameters as temperature, relative humidity, CO2 concentration, etc. A visitor capacity criterion is defined, and measured effects of visitors are demonstrated at Grotte di Castellana and Grotta Grande del Vento, category 2 caves that are the principal tourist caves of Italy.  相似文献   

Yunnan is famous for its attractive karst landscapes especially shilins, fengcong and fenglin. The development of caves beneath the shilins in the vicinity of Lunan is closely connected with the formation of shilins. Most of the waters percolating through shilins run through the caves beneath them and are responsible for their formation. The study of cave speleogenesis deepens knowledge about both the development of shilins and karst structure. In the vicinity of the Lunan Shilin, speleological, morphological and structural geological studies of four karst caves have been accomplished. At Puzhehei, Qiubei, which is characterised by numerous fenglin, fengcong and caves, speleological and morphological studies have been performed. Cave sediments for paleomagnetic analyses have been taken from all studied areas (samples CH 1-9). Karst caves in SE Yunnan are probably much older than the age of the cave sediments (<780,000 years B.P.). The studied areas are located in the vicinity of the Xiaojiang fault (N-S  相似文献   

Fractal dimensions and geometries of caves   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Lengths of all caves in a region have been observed previously to be distributed hyperbolically, like self-similar geomorphic phenomena identified by Mandelbrot as exhibiting fractal geometry. Proper cave lengths exhibit a fractal dimension of about 1.4. These concepts are extended to other self-similar geometric properties of caves with the following consequences.Lengths of a cave is defined as the sum of sizes of passage-filling, linked modular elements larger than the cave-defining modulus. If total length of all caves in a region is a self-similar fractal, it has a fractal dimension between 2 and 3; and the total number of linked modular elements in a region is a self-similar fractal of the same dimension. Cave volume in any modular element size range may be calculated from the distribution.The expected conditional distribution of modular element sizes in a cave, given length and modulus, also is distributed hyperbolically. Data from Little Brush Creek Cave (Utah) agree and yield a fractal dimension of about 2.8 (like the Menger Sponge). The expected number of modular elements in a cave equals approximately the 0.9 power of length of the cave divided by modulus. This result yields an intriguing parlor trick. An algorithm for estimating modular element sizes from survey data provides a means for further analysis of cave surveys.  相似文献   

This study reviews significant state and federal laws that can be used to protect karst, caves, and associated unique minerals and biota. The first state cave protection act was passed in Colorado in 1883; unfortunately it was repealed in 1971. From that modest beginning there are now a total of 22 states, Puerto Rico, and the Cherokee Nation that have specific cave protection acts. Most of these have been legislated during the last 20 years. There are a number of laws on the federal level that can be used for cave protection. The most important of these is the Federal Cave Resources Protection Act of 1988, which mandates cave conservation for many federal land management agencies. The Endangered Species Act of 1973 and the Federal Archaeological Resources Protection Act of 1976 can also be of significant use in the conservation of caves on federal land. The effects of these acts are variable. One factor is how important agency officials and law enforcement officers regard caves. It has not been unusual that little was done in the way of protection or prosecution even when the perpetrators have been apprehended. This attitude is changing rapidly primarily because those involved in enforcing the laws have been educated to the uniqueness and values of caves and their contents.  相似文献   

Submerged caves of Croatia: distribution,classification and origin   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Presently, 235 submerged caves and pits have been recorded along the Croatian coast and islands, partly or completely submerged by sea water. Contrary to the inland situation, recorded submerged features are predominantly horizontal (60%), though there are indications that the real situation is similar to that of the continental part where 69% are vertical pits. Completely marine conditions are established in 126 caves and the rest are anchihaline caves and submarine springs. Speleothems are found in more than 140 caves. By their origin, the investigated caves are all continental features formed in Mesozoic and Palaeogene carbonates, subsequently submerged owing to sea transgression. Due to the relatively low wave energy, rapid sea level rise and maturity of the host rock, they do not fit into concepts of a sea cave or a flank margin cave development, but they fulfil several conditions for being the blue holes. Since the term ‘blue hole’ is mainly associated with the Bahamian karst, our attempt is only to show the possible similarities with no intention of ascribing that term to the Croatian caves. Beside karstological issues, Croatian submerged caves are unique environmental, archaeological and tourism assets.  相似文献   

喀斯特洞穴氡研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
子涛  杨晓霞  石定芳 《中国岩溶》2012,31(1):99-106
氡对人体健康的影响向来是医学、化学、核物理学等学科的研究热点。近年来学术界虽然对喀斯特洞穴氡的来源(岩石、地下水)、氡浓度的影响因素(地质因素、洞体结构、洞内外气象参数)、氡浓度的测量(测量对象、测量仪器及方法)、氡的危害、氡的防治(隔离氡气渗入途径、排风通氡、控制洞穴内停留时间减少吸入量、加强监测)等方面开展了研究并取得了不少的成果,但对于喀斯特洞穴氡的形成机理、喀斯特洞穴氡测量标准的制定及有效剂量的估算、喀斯特洞穴氡的防治技术及员工的健康管理等方面的研究还比较薄弱,有待加强。   相似文献   

Presently submerged Bahaman stalagmites can be used to date Pleistocene low sea level stands. Good precision was obtained using both 14C and 230Th-/234U-methods. The respective dates obtained were 21,900 ± 600 and 22,000 ± 350 YBP.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(3-4):436-440
Four caves on the SW flank of Mt. Carmel, es Skhul, el Wad, el Jaml and et Tabun, were first excavated in the 1930s by a team led by Dorothy Garrod. They yielded human remains whose age and evolutionary status remain controversial partly because the complexity of the cave deposits invites conflicting interpretations. The abrasion of artefacts and pebbles in el Wad and es Skhul, which was originally ascribed to spring flow within the caves, is explained here by wave action, with the implication that during part of the Middle Palaeolithic the caves were on the shoreline rather than being separated from it—as they now are—by several kilometres of coastal plain and a height difference of some 45 m. U-series, thermoluminescence (TL) and electron spin resonance (ESR) dating suggests that this occurred about 120,000 years ago, when sea level in the eastern Mediterranean stood 5–6 m above its present position. It follows that Mt. Carmel has subsequently undergone some 40 m of uplift. During the period of maximum submergence, the coastal route between Africa and the northern Mediterranean would have been partly blocked, but the loss of the coastal plain for transit and as a source of animal food was offset by easier access from the caves to marine resources.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》1999,18(8-9):1061-1073
Important palynological sequences are reviewed from caves with archaeological interest in Mediterranean Spain. Upper Pleistocene sites include Abric Romanı́ and Abric de l’Arbreda in NE Spain, and in SE Spain Cueva de la Carihuela, Cova Beneito, Cueva de Perneras, Cueva del Algarrobo and the Holocene Cova de l’Or and Cova de les Cendres. Carihuela has the longest sequence, starting in the last interglacial and covering most of the last glaciation. A pre-Würm phase was followed by two glacial maxima separated by an interpleniglacial phase, and in the Lateglacial the Younger Dryas seems present. Whereas at Carihuela harsh pleniglacial conditions caused Mediterranean associations to disappear, in the milder surroundings of Beneito and Perneras these were able to survive. At Romanı́, pollen shows acute palaeoclimatic sensitivity, pointing to upland refuges nearby. Holocene pollen from Cova de l’Or and Cendres underlines the importance of pine in natural woodlands of mature meso and thermomediterranean taxa. Some between-site comparisons and contrasts with modern bioclimatology are interpreted in the context of the palaeoclimate history. Despite taphonomical and methodological problems of cave palynology, its future in arid regions such as SE Spain is promising.  相似文献   

喀斯特溶洞中石钟乳和石笋在形成过程中,碳酸盐矿物结晶时,常常捕获周围水溶液和气体,形成不混溶流体包裹体组合。我们在桂林和杭州洞穴中分别采集更新世形成的钟乳石样品,对于其中流体包裹体进行测定和研究,利用最大密度不混溶流体包裹体确定两地的古温度,计算出两地更新世气体CO  相似文献   

喀斯特溶洞中石钟乳石和石笋在形成过程中,碳酸盐矿物结晶时,常常捕获周围水溶液和气体,形成不混溶液流体包裹体组合。我们在桂林和杭州洞穴中分别采集更新世形成的钟乳石样品,对于其中流体包裹体进行测定和研究,利用最大密度不混溶流体包裹体确定两地的古温度,计算出两地更新世气体CO2在水溶液中的溶解度,同时测定和估算出水溶液中的pH值。另外,计算出两地钟乳石样品形成过程中的CaCO3饱和度揭示了喀斯特地貌西南地区比东南地区更为发育的原因。  相似文献   

黄土高原地区黄土洞穴的分类及发育规律   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
黄土高原地区广泛发育的黄土洞穴既是一种典型的水土流失现象,又是一种新的地质灾害。黄土洞穴具有多种类别,其分布的地域规律具有由黄土高原的西北向东南发育密度呈递减趋势;陇西地区黄土洞穴最发育,陇东地区较发育,陕北局部地区较发育。黄土洞穴在深度上具有表、浅、中、深、超深5个层次;其空间发育明显受地层厚度、土性、地质构造、微地形地貌、水文地质及气候条件等因素所控制。  相似文献   

The caves of the Umbria and Marche regions in central Italy are made up of three-dimensional maze systems that display different general morphologies due to the various geological and structural contexts. At the same time, the internal morphologies of the passages, galleries, and shafts present some similarity, with solutional galleries characterized by cupolas and blind pits, anastamotic passages, roof pendants, and phreatic passages situated at different levels. Some of these caves are still active, as is the case for Frassassi Gorge, Parrano Gorge, and Acquasanta Terme, with galleries that reach the phreatic zone, where there is a rising of highly mineralized water, rich in hydrosulfydric acid, and with erosion of limestone walls and the formation of gypsum. Elsewhere there are fossil caves, such as Monte Cucco and Pozzi della Piana, where large speleothems of gypsum are present 500 m or more above the regional water table. In all of these important karst systems it is possible to recognize basal input points through fracture and intergranular porosity networks at the base of the oxidizing zone in the core of the anticline, where mineralized water rises up from the Triassic evaporitic layers in small hydrogeological circuits. Different underground morphologies can derive from the presence of a water table related to an external stream or from the confined setting of the carbonate rocks, underlying low permeable sedimentary cover, where artesian conditions can occur.  相似文献   

旅游洞穴景观照明光源的选择是洞穴景观美学展现和景观保护的重要内容。热光源的使用导致洞穴环境温度及景观表面温度增高,使得洞穴景观受到损坏。第四代LED冷光源的应用,是洞穴景观照明光源的一次革命性进步,这种光源环保、节能、光效高、寿命长,经过四川米易县龙潭溶洞灯光改造中的探索,在景点的光照度变化不大的情况下,其表面温度下降了2~ 3°C,对洞穴旅游资源的保护起到了重要的作用。同时, LED光源的应用,也展示了洞穴景观的独特效果。   相似文献   

Recent investigations at a number of sites in the highlands of Guatemala have uncovered the existence of man-made, man-modified, and pseudo-karst caves. The caves were excavated from volcanic or volcanically derived Tertiary and Quaternary age rocks, with construction methods varying according to rock hardness, and the pre-existence of pseudo-karst caves and springs. Some of these caves are of considerable length and are associated with site centers or places of particular ritual importance. Their continued role as local and even regional foci of ritual activity suggests that these features were created to lend a sense of sanctity to the sites where they are located. The analysis of these features within the context of site architecture deomonstrates the central symbolic importance of caves within Maya cultural geography.  相似文献   

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