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The electrokinetically induced vertical component of the electric field in a multilayer fluid-saturated porous medium caused by tidal deformations of the Earth’s crust is calculated. Petrophysical properties change in a jumplike manner at the boundary between two media. The pore pressure gradient at the boundary abruptly reaches a maximum and then exponentially decays, forming a hydrodynamic skin layer. Due to the electrokinetic effect, the electric field behaves in the same way. Observations of the vertical electric field can be used, in principle, to determine the mechanical properties of the medium experiencing deformation. The magnitudes of the effects lie within a range accessible to measurement.  相似文献   

董俊  赵成刚 《地球物理学报》2005,48(6):1412-1421
以Biot饱和多孔介质动力学理论为基础,利用Fourier-Bessel级展开法,给出了饱和多孔介质半空间中半球形凹陷地形对入射平面SV波散射问题的解析解.利用这一解析解数值计算地表位移幅值,分析入射角、入射波频率对地表位移幅值的影响,并与现存的单相介质情况下三维半球形凹陷问题解析解进行对比得出如下结论:(1)本文两相介质模型与单相介质模型有很大区别;(2)入射角、入射频率对场地表面位移分量有重要影响;(3)随着入射角、入射频率的增大,地表位移分布变得更复杂,且放大效应比单相介质模拟结果更加显著.  相似文献   

Biot's theory is employed to study the reflection and transmission ofSH waves in a sandy layer lying over a fluid-saturated porous solid half-space. The entire medium is considered under constant initial stress. Effects of sandiness, initial stress, anelasticity and viscosity of the interstitial fluid on the partitioning of energy are studied. In the presence of initial stress the incident wave starts attenuating when incider beyond a certain angle (depending upon the amount of initial stress), even if the medium is perfectly clastic. Anelasticity of the solid layer results in the dissipation of energy during transmission. The direction of attenuation vector of incident wave affects the dissipation energy to a large extent. Effect on partitioning of energy reverse at incidence after the critical angle. A complete account of energy returmed back to the underlying half-space and that which is dissipated in the overlying layer has been discussed analytically as well as numerically.  相似文献   

基于Biot理论,考虑液相的黏弹性变形和固液相接触面上的相对扭转,提出了含黏滞流体VTI孔隙介质模型.从理论上推导出,在该模型中除存在快P波、慢P波、SV波、SH波以外,还将存在两种新横波-慢SV波和慢SH波.数值模拟分析了6种弹性波的相速度、衰减、液固相振幅比随孔隙度、频率的变化规律以及快P波、快SV波的衰减随流体性质、渗透率、入射角的变化规律.结果表明慢SV波和慢SH波主要在液相中传播,高频高孔隙度时,速度较高;大角度入射时,快P波衰减表现出明显的各向异性,而快SV波的衰减则基本不变;储层纵向和横向渗透率存在差异时,快SV波衰减大的方向渗透率高.  相似文献   

地下多孔介质中的孔隙类型复杂多样,既有硬孔又有扁平的软孔.针对复杂孔隙介质,假设多孔介质中同时含有球型硬孔和两种不同产状的裂隙(硬币型、尖灭型裂隙),当孔隙介质承载载荷时,考虑两种不同类型的裂隙对于孔隙流体压力的影响,建立起Biot理论框架下饱和流体情况含混合裂隙、孔隙介质的弹性波动方程,并进一步求取了饱和流体情况下仅由裂隙引起流体流动时的含混合裂隙、孔隙介质的体积模量和剪切模量,随后,在此基础上讨论了含混合裂隙、孔隙介质在封闭条件下地震波衰减和频散的高低频极限表达式.最后计算了给定模型的地震波衰减和频散,发现地震波衰减曲线呈现"多峰"现象,速度曲线为"多频段"频散.针对该模型分析讨论了渗透率参数、裂隙纵横比参数以及流体黏滞性参数对于地震波衰减和频散的影响,表明三个参数均为频率控制参数.  相似文献   

平面SV波在饱和土半空间中圆柱形孔洞周边的散射   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在Biot饱和多孔介质动力学理论的基础上,利用Fourier—Bessel级数展开法,得到SV波在饱和土半空间中圆柱形孔洞周边的散射问题的解析解答。与已有相关问题的解析解答进行对比,验证了此解的正确性,并给出算例,分析了入射频率对柱面上的应力集中因子的影响。  相似文献   

三维半球形凹陷饱和土场地对平面P波散射   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
以Biot饱和多孔介质动力学理论为基础,利用Fourier-Bessel 级数展开法,得到饱和多孔介质半空间中半球形凹陷地形对入射平面P波三维散射问题的解析解.利用这一解析解数值计算给出地表位移幅值,分析入射角、入射波频率对地表位移幅值的影响,并与现存的单相介质情况下三维半球形凹陷问题和两相介质情况下二维圆弧形凹陷问题得到的结论进行对比.  相似文献   

Contrary to the traditional view, seismic attenuation in Biot's theory of fluid-saturated porous media is due to viscous damping of local (not global) pore-fluid motion. Since substantial inhomogeneities in fluid permeability of porous geological materials are to be expected, the regions of highest local permeability contribute most to the wave energy dissipation while those of lowest permeability dominate the fluid flow rate if they are uniformly distributed. This dichotomy can explain some of the observed discrepancies between computed and measured attenuation of compressional and shear waves in porous earth. One unfortunate consequence of this result is the fact that measured seismic wave attenuation in fluid-filled geological materials cannot be used directly as a diagnostic of the global fluid-flow permeability.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider one-dimensional capillary redistribution of two immiscible and incompressible fluids in a porous medium with a single discontinuity. We study a special time-dependent solution, a similarity solution, which is found when the initial saturation is discontinuous at the same point as the permeability and porosity, and is constant elsewhere. The similarity solution can be used to validate numerical algorithms describing two-phase flow in porous media with discontinuous heterogeneities. We discuss the construction of the similarity solution, in which we pay special attention to the interface conditions at the discontinuity, both for media with positive and zero entry pressure. Moreover, we discuss some qualitative properties of the solution, and outline a numerical procedure to determine its graph. Examples are given for the Brooks-Corey and Van Genuchten model. We also consider similarity solutions for unsaturated water flow, which is a limit case of two-phase flow for negligible nonwetting phase viscosity.  相似文献   

A Laplace-transform analytic element method (LT-AEM) is described for the solution of transient flow problems in porous media. Following Laplace transformation of the original flow problem, the analytic element method (AEM) is used to solve the resultant time-independent modified Helmholtz equation, and the solution is inverted numerically back into the time domain. The solution is entirely general, retaining the mathematical elegance and computational efficiency of the AEM while being amenable to parallel computation. It is especially well suited for problems in which a solution is required at a limited number of points in space–time, and for problems involving materials with sharply contrasting hydraulic properties. We illustrate the LT-AEM on transient flow through a uniform confined aquifer with a circular inclusion of contrasting hydraulic conductivity and specific storage. Our results compare well with published analytical solutions in the special case of radial flow.  相似文献   

Based on Biot's two-phase mixture theory and the paraxial approximation, the absorbing boundary conditions in the time domain for u-w, u-U and u-p formulations are presented for the dynamic analysis of fluid-saturated porous media. These absorbing boundaries are equivalent to the viscous boundaries in the fundamental mode. The expressions for the energy ratio and reflection coefficient between the reflected and incident waves along the absorbing boundary are given. The numerical results show that the proposed absorbing boundaries can greatly suppress the spuriously reflected wave and model the far field of the system. These results also dynamic analysis of infinite fluid-saturated porous media. for the transient dynamic analysis of infinite fluid-saturated porous media.  相似文献   

On the basis of Biot dynamic theory, an analytic solution of two-dimensional scattering and diffraction of plane SV waves by circular cylindrical canyons in a half space of saturated porous media is presented in this paper for the first time. The solution is obtained by employing the Fourier–Bessel series expansion technique. Parametric studies had been carried out, which includes: the angle of incidence, the frequency of the incident SV wave, the porosity of saturated porous medium and the stiffness and Poisson's ratio of the solid-skeleton. All the outcomes are useful for the seismic analysis of the surface topography conditions.  相似文献   

Seismic attenuation mechanisms receive increasing attention for the characterization of fractured formations because of their inherent sensitivity to the hydraulic and elastic properties of the probed media. Attenuation has been successfully inferred from seismic data in the past, but linking these estimates to intrinsic rock physical properties remains challenging. A reason for these difficulties in fluid-saturated fractured porous media is that several mechanisms can cause attenuation and may interfere with each other. These mechanisms notably comprise pressure diffusion phenomena and dynamic effects, such as scattering, as well as Biot's so-called intrinsic attenuation mechanism. Understanding the interplay between these mechanisms is therefore an essential step for estimating fracture properties from seismic measurements. In order to do this, we perform a comparative study involving wave propagation modelling in a transmission set-up based on Biot's low-frequency dynamic equations and numerical upscaling based on Biot's consolidation equations. The former captures all aforementioned attenuation mechanisms and their interference, whereas the latter only accounts for pressure diffusion phenomena. A comparison of the results from both methods therefore allows to distinguish between dynamic and pressure diffusion phenomena and to shed light on their interference. To this end, we consider a range of canonical models with randomly distributed vertical and/or horizontal fractures. We observe that scattering attenuation strongly interferes with pressure diffusion phenomena, since the latter affect the elastic contrasts between fractures and their embedding background. Our results also demonstrate that it is essential to account for amplitude reductions due to transmission losses to allow for an adequate estimation of the intrinsic attenuation of fractured media. The effects of Biot's intrinsic mechanism are rather small for the models considered in this study.  相似文献   

General absorbing boundary conditions based on Biot's two-phase mixture theory and paraxial approximation is presented for the dynamic analysis of fluid-saturated porous media with isotropic, transverse isotropic, and anisotropic properties. For the last two cases, the equivalent Lame's constants, under conditions of uniqueness, are introduced to facilitate the analytical solutions. The numerical results show that the proposed absorbing boundary can greatly suppress spuriously reflected waves and efficiently model the far field of the system with sufficient accuracy.  相似文献   

Summary The propagation of plane waves in an electrically conducting cosserat medium placed in a magnetic field is investigated. The constitutive equations of cosserat elasticity developed recently byParia have been combined with the field equations of electromagnetism to obtain the basic equations for the problem. The results obtained in this investigation are in agreement with the corresponding results on magneto-elastic plane waves in Hookean solids when the cosserat constants are supposed to be absent.  相似文献   

流体饱和多孔隙介质弹性波方程边界元解法研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
基于流体饱和多孔隙各向同性介质模型,本文首先推导了流体饱和多孔隙介质中弹性波传播的频率域系统动力方程及边界积分方程,然后给出了流体饱和多孔隙介质弹性波方程的基本解,最后,利用本文给出的边界元方法对流体饱和多孔隙各向同性介质中的弹性波传播进行了数值模拟.结果表明:不论是从固相位移,还是液相位移的地震合成记录都能看到明显的慢速P波,本文提出的流体饱和多孔隙介质弹性波边界元法是有效可行的.  相似文献   

A technique has been developed to determine attenuation in rocks at high temperature using a gas-media, high-pressure apparatus. A pulse transmission technique and a spectral ratio method are used to study compressional seismic properties of rocks. Seismic waves are transmitted to and from the sample through buffer rods of mullite. The effect of seismic wave reflections within the sample assembly are cancelled out by taking ratios of the spectra measured at different temperatures. In order to obtain good signal-to-noise ratio for resolving the attenuation at high pressure and temperature, special care is taken in the sample assembly and the ultrasonic coupling between the sample, buffer rods and transducers. A very tight connection of the sample-buffer rod-transducer is essential for obtaining high frequency signals (>300 kHz) at high temperature. A small mass is attached to each outside end of the transducer to drive low frequency signals (<250 kHz) into the sample. Before attenuation measurements, the sample and the buffer rods are tightly compacted in a platinum tube at high pressure and room temperature to ensure pressure seal of the sample assembly. The frequency range of measurement covers 50 to 450 kHz for the sample. Attenuation is very small in the buffer rod compared to the sample for the entire temperature range of the study. Because of the small attenuation, a wide frequency band of 50 kHz to 3.2 MHz can be covered for investigating the attenuation in the buffer rod. The technique has been used to measure attenuation at high confining pressure, and temperatures including sub- and hyper-solidus of upper mantle rocks. Therefore, effects of partial melting on attenuation can be studied.The method is applied to the attenuation measurement in a peridotite as a function of temperature to 1225°C at 200 MPa confining pressure. At high temperature, signal amplitude decays more rapidly at high frequency than at low frequency, from which attenuation (andQ) can be determined using a spectral ratio method. No frequency dependence ofQ is resolved for both the sample and the buffer rod over the entire temperature and frequency ranges of the measurement. The results show thatQ decreases rapidly with increasing temperature even in the temperature range below the solidus of peridotites. Such temperature sensitivity ofQ is probably more useful to probe thermal structure in the upper mantle than that of conductivity at temperatures below the solidus. The results in this study are compared with available seismic velocity, electrical conductivity and solidus data for peridotites, suggesting that there is no discontinuous change in both mechanical and electrical properties of peridotites at the solidus temperature. Even at hypersolidus temperatures, it appears that velocity drops and conductivity increases continuously (not abruptly) with increasing melt fraction. This implies that mechanical and electrical properties of the upper mantle will gradually change at the boundary where the geotherm crosses the solidus.  相似文献   

Analytical solutions describing the concentration distribution along one-dimensional unsteady seepage flow through adsorbing saturated finite porous medium have been obtained. An exponential function concentration is enforced at the source of the dispersion, while the change in the concentration is zero at the other boundary. A new time variable has been introduced to solve the unsteady flow problem and the solution is illustrated.  相似文献   

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