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从奉节地区所处的区域地质构造背景出发,充分分析研究该地区斜坡的物质成分组成、结构特征、岩层组合特点,同时考虑长江河谷的发育变迁对该地区地形地貌变化的影响,将研究区斜坡结构划分为以下6种类型:顺倾坚硬岩层斜坡、顺倾软弱岩层斜坡、顺倾软硬岩互层斜坡,反倾坚硬岩层斜坡、反倾软弱岩层斜坡、反倾软硬岩互层斜坡。论文从斜坡变形破坏形态入手,归纳、总结了以上6种类型斜坡的变形破坏模式和特点:总体上看,坚硬岩层组成的斜坡以断裂、崩塌变形破坏为主,而软弱岩层组成的斜坡以弯曲、滑动、塑性流动变形破坏为主。由于岩性本身存在强度差异,而且由于不同的岩层组合,及其与不同坡向的组合,造成各类斜坡的变形破坏又独具特点。通过分析研究,认为重力作用、降雨及地下水作用、河流冲刷作用是造成研究区斜坡发生变形破坏的主要原因。对于所划分的不同结构类型的斜坡,以上3种动力地质作用的效果也不尽相同,最终在各种作用相互影响下,形成了奉节地区复杂多样的斜坡变形破坏模式。  相似文献   

针对施工过程中千斤顶推力作用下管片损伤问题开展研究。以苏州某地铁线路实际情况为基础,建立多环三维有限元模型,对千斤顶推力过大及推力不均综合作用下管片裂损形成、演化规律及损伤分布等进行分析,并提出相应的工程控制措施。研究结果表明:不同推力作用下,管片损伤主要沿着螺栓孔均匀分布,且内弧面损伤大于外弧面,管片的最大损伤因子呈近似线性增大,损伤面积呈非线性增加。当推力均匀分布时,管片损伤主要集中于第1环管片,当出现不均匀推力时,管片损伤会向推力较大侧转移,并逐渐向第2环和第3环管片发展,推力不均使得相同推力下管片裂缝出现的荷载提前约11%。设计施工中可以通过严格控制千斤顶不均匀推力、优化管片设计、实行分段控制等工程控制措施,减少盾构施工阶段管片裂损的形成。  相似文献   

锦屏二级水电站深埋隧洞中大理岩洞段处于高水压力和高应力环境中, 该段在施工过程中多次发生严重突水灾害。对该段大理岩的高水压条件岩石力学试验表明, 高水压条件下, 岩石应力-应变曲线在峰值应力附近出现明显平缓段, 应力降大, 岩石峰值强度及脆性破坏后破碎程度随水压力升高而升高, 岩石试件以压致拉裂破坏为主。基于高水压条件下裂纹周边应力解析分析, 认为裂隙中高水压力存在降低了裂隙尖端附近高应力集中效应, 与加载方向一定小夹角范围内的微裂隙尖端附近最大拉应力集中程度接近, 这使得岩石中应变能可进一步积累、压致拉裂型微裂隙数量进一步增加, 岩石呈脆性破坏, 并且破碎程度明显增加。研究工作对深埋隧洞突水灾害防治及强降雨诱发高速滑坡灾害预防具有重要的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

以十房高速公路无面板加筋土路堤为研究对象,结合现场实测数据,采用有限元程序对该类型加筋土路堤的变形破坏特征和破坏模式进行计算分析。在此基础上,对加筋土路堤的加筋刚度、加筋间距进行参数分析。主要结论如下:①加筋土路堤底层填土由于圬工挡墙后部填土厚度较大而出现不均匀沉降,且不同刚度的筋材对其影响不大,施工时需保证圬工挡墙后部填土的压实度。②各层加筋体最大应变值均分布在靠近路堤坡面处,其轴力最大值位于加筋土路堤中下部。③破坏模式为内部破坏,表现为筋材拉断,破坏面靠近加筋土路堤坡面处;圬工挡墙的结构强度和基础稳定性对整个加筋土路堤的稳定性具有重要作用。④随着加筋体轴向刚度的增加和加筋间距的减小,双向位移逐渐减小,而安全系数均相应增大,但加筋体轴向刚度增加到一定程度时,其对加筋土路堤的变形稳定特征影响减弱。研究成果对山区加筋土路堤的设计计算和施工具有一定的理论和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

含裂隙结构面岩体在加载过程中的裂纹扩张和强度对研究岩体的变形破坏机理具有重要意义。用砂浆裂隙试件模拟含裂隙岩石进行单轴压缩实验,获得了3种倾角(45、60、75)和3种裂隙长度(45mm、60mm、75mm)的9种组合工况的裂隙扩展角度和初裂强度,并分析了9种工况下的受压破坏机理。实验结果表明:当裂隙长度相同时,初裂强度随倾角的增加而增加,且倾角由60增加到75,初裂强度增加得更快;当裂隙倾角一定时,初裂强度随裂隙长度的增加而降低。应用最大周向正应力理论分析了含裂隙试件的受压破坏机理,获得了裂隙扩展角理论表达式;通过比较可知:裂隙扩展角的实测值和理论值基本吻合。  相似文献   

在滑坡稳定分析基础上, 建立了推移式滑坡渐进破坏分析法。在机理分析基础上提出了临界状态条块或单元和相应决定方法, 以及两种破坏模式, 模式Ⅰ:整个滑体沿弱面发生破坏, 模式Ⅱ:后缘沿弱面发生破坏, 而前缘局部沿滑体发生剪切破坏, 两种破坏模式临界状态点逐步由后缘向前缘移动。研究了推移式滑坡变形规律, 提出了模式Ⅰ和Ⅱ渐进破坏过程中, 滑面上每一点的时间与位移均呈现不同的S形曲线特征, 对于整个滑体而言, 滑面上每一点的位移与高度关系, 在不同时刻呈现不同的抛物线特征, 提出了滑面位移与时间的关系呈两种类型:非稳定时间曲线和稳定时间曲线。研究了现行滑坡稳定性系数计算特点, 提出了稳定性计算综合下滑力-抗滑力、主推力和基于位移变化的方法。研究了滑坡运动特点, 提出了主滑方向的定义。研究了滑坡有限元稳定计算, 分析了引起滑坡有限元计算不收敛原因, 提出了滑坡有限元计算滑面边界法, 滑面既可以施加理想弹塑性边界, 计算稳定系数可和传统的极限状态相比较, 又可施加不同的应力-应变边界, 获得真实的应力和位移场, 并计算相对应的稳定系数, 对于潜在滑面以概率法、能量法和现场勘查法确定。  相似文献   

针对无黏性土体,采用模型试验的方法,研究平移模式下刚性挡土墙后被动破坏滑裂面的空间形态。自主设计一种模型试验装置,重复开展6次试验,通过记录挡土墙后土体中预埋脆性玻璃条断裂的空间坐标,复原土体发生滑动的位置,绘制出挡土墙后滑裂面的三维形态图。试验结果表明:挡土墙后滑裂面具有明显的三维效应;挡土墙宽度内滑裂面纵向高度呈先缓慢增高后近似直线增高的曲面,初始破裂角度为9°,平均破裂角为26°,朗肯土压力理论的破裂角为28°;最大纵向破裂面长度为1.8倍挡土墙高度,与经典土压力理论的平面假定基本一致;滑裂面均有一定的横向扩展,主平面投影以初始扩散角约45°的斜线往外扩展,距离挡土墙最远处是宽度为0.7倍挡土墙宽度的水平线,斜线与水平线之间以半径为挡土墙宽度的圆弧过渡连接。研究结果为分析土体被动破坏的滑裂面空间形态提供了试验依据。  相似文献   

柴达木盆地西部油气藏的破坏类型与机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
油气藏破坏是一种普遍的自然现象,地质历史时期任何类型的油气聚集都是短暂的动态变化史体,均随着时间的推移,在某些地质因素的影响下遭到破坏。根据构造演化史和成藏史研究,柴达木盆地西部上新世-第四纪是原生油气藏的破坏和次生油气藏的形成时期。野外地质考察发现油气藏破坏的地面显示类型多样,主要有:油砂、固体沥青和石蜡以及泥火山或油墩子。对油气藏的破坏因素分析表明:柴西油气藏破坏类型主要有断裂活动破坏、油藏抬升剥蚀破坏和异常高压作用破坏3种类型,而且油气藏破坏往往是断裂活动和汕藏抬升综合作用的结果。该研究对当地的油气勘探具有一定的参考和指导意义。  相似文献   

岩石断裂破坏的机理研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于岩体中岩石通常处于宏观压应力状态,因此人们常认为岩石的破坏为剪切破坏。根据我们的研究,对于岩石的断裂破坏,其本质应归为微裂缝的拉张破坏。  相似文献   

大平矿副井井筒破坏机理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对大平矿副井井筒及马头门的变形破坏状况进行了描述,并对其破坏机理进行了分析研究,为井筒翻修提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

Failure of retaining walls during earthquakes has occurred many times in the past. Although significant progress has been made in analysing the seismic response of rigid gravity type retaining walls, considerable difficulties still exist in the seismic-resistant design of the flexible cantilever type of retaining walls because of the complex nature of the dynamic soil–structure interaction. In this paper the seismic response of cantilever retaining walls with dry backfill is simulated using centrifuge modelling and numerical modelling. It is found that bending moments on the wall increased significantly during an earthquake. After the end of base shaking, the residual moment on the wall was significantly higher than the moment under static loading. The numerical simulation is able to model quite accurately the main characteristics of acceleration, bending moment, and displacement recorded in the centrifuge test.  相似文献   

Reliability-based analysis of cantilever retaining walls requires consideration of different failure mechanisms. In this paper, the reliability of soil-wall system is assessed considering two failure modes: rotational and structural stability, and the system reliability is assumed as a series system. The methodology is based on Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS), and it deals with the variability of the design parameters in the limit equilibrium analysis of a wall embedded in granular soil. Results of the MCS indicate that the reliability of the failure components increases exponentially by increasing the variability of design parameters. The results of the system reliability indicate how the system reliability is different from the component reliabilities. The strength of the weakest component influences the reliability of the system. The system reliability index increases with the wall section gradually. However it remains constant for the rotational failure mode.  相似文献   

The assessment of forces exerted on walls by the backfill is a recurrent problem in geotechnical engineering, owing to its relevance for both retaining systems and underground structures. In particular, the work by Arias and colleagues, and later also the one by Veletsos and Younan, among others, becomes pertinent when considering pressure increments on underground structures triggered by seismic events. As a first step, they studied the response of a rigid retaining wall resting on rigid bedrock subjected to SV waves, introducing some simplifying assumptions. This paper presents the exact solution to this reference problem. The solution is given in horizontal wavenumber domain; hence, it comes in terms of inverse Fourier transforms, which can be approximated numerically in Mathematica, which in turn are verified against finite-element simulations. Specific features of this exact solution that were not captured by prior engineering approximations are highlighted and discussed.  相似文献   

多级重力式挡土墙土压力分布试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
范瑛  雷洋  章光 《岩土力学》2010,31(10):3125-3129
对某高填方路基挡土墙的现场实测水平土压力数据进行了分析,研究表明:该挡墙墙后土压力呈曲线分布,类似字母"R",土压力最大值出现在挡墙底部,而下部的值略小于底部值,最小值出现在挡墙中部。在本级挡墙施工时,墙后第1、2层土压力值接近静止土压力值,大于主动土压力值,第3、4层土压力值小于主动土压力值;在其上若干级挡墙或边坡施工时墙后各点土压力值均小于主动土压力值,即随着填土深度的变化挡墙后各点的土压力系数是在不断变动着的,土压力系数与土压力数值大小的变化规律一致。同时,土压力作用点介于(0.4~0.5)H,且随填土深度增加作用点位置上移;每级挡土墙之间的平台宽度越小,上级挡土墙对下级挡土墙的影响就越大,土压力作用点就越高。研究结论对高填方多级挡土墙的设计具有理论指导意义。  相似文献   

以新建瑞璧楼群所处的山坡和挡墙等范围为研究区,论述了研究区的地形地貌、建筑群概况、地质条件和隐患特征,通过对研究的地震效应、地下水和土的腐蚀性测试分析、岩土体性状以及挡墙变形发育特点等方面进行定性分析,初步判定挡墙的稳定性;再采用理正通用路基设计CAD——挡土墙设计软件,分别对是否存在滑动面的两种情况进行稳定性验算。依据验算结果和边坡的主特征,结合工程实际,对研究区初步提出了治理对策。  相似文献   

对计算复合土钉支护整体稳定性的圆弧滑动法的改进   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对计算复合土钉支护整体稳定性的圆弧滑动法进行的改进,一是考虑到滑裂面不再是一个完整的圆弧,滑动区和坑底的圆弧不具有相同的圆心和半径;二是考虑到基坑土层初始应力的影响。根据该思想计算了大量实例,并且将其与未改进的方法做比较,得出使用改进方法的稳定系数下限值。  相似文献   

水泥搅拌桩挡土墙墙顶位移的修正算法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郑虹  王成华 《岩土力学》2000,21(4):385-389
对水泥搅拌桩挡土墙的水平位移计算进行了探讨。以刚性桩法为基础理论和计算模型、弹性抗力法的计算结果为挠曲修正,首次提出一种既便于手算,又能考虑墙身挠曲变形的墙顶位移修正算法。  相似文献   


In the bridge design specifications of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) using the Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) method, the loads and resulting force effects are given two-letter designations, e.g. “SE” for “force effects due to settlement”. The SE load factor is used to develop factored values of the induced force effects such as moments and shears in a bridge structure due to foundation movements. In 2018 AASHTO committees voted to adopt calibrated values of the SE load factors that account for the uncertainty in predicted foundation movements from different analytical methods. However, additional uncertainty can occur in the differential settlements. This paper explores the additional uncertainty in differential settlements of bridge foundations and retaining walls using the datasets for two analytical methods that were used by AASHTO to develop the SE load factors for foundation settlement. Normalised probability exceedance charts (NPECs), that integrate the concept of reliability index and data correlation, have been developed and their application in bridge and wall design process is discussed for a variety of scenarios. Guidance is provided for the practical implementation of differential settlement in bridge analysis through an example problem.  相似文献   

Reliability-based geotechnical design entails accurate sample statistics (i.e., mean and standard deviation or coefficient of variation, denoted herein as cov) of soil parameters. However, the cov values of soil parameters are difficult to determine with confidence due to the limited availability of high-quality data and inherent spatial variability. As a result, estimated cov values of soil parameters can vary within a wide range, which can result in overdesign or underdesign. In this paper, a confidence level (CL)-based method is proposed to address the problem of geotechnical design in the face of uncertainty. Here, CL is a measure of confidence that the target reliability index will be satisfied in the face of uncertainty in the estimated cov. The proposed method is demonstrated through the design of a cantilever retaining wall in sand. To ensure the practicality of the proposed method, a simplified approach was developed, which requires little extra effort over that required for traditional reliability-based design. To develop the CL-based method further, a metric called the “true reliability index” is proposed, which is the actual reliability index in the face of the uncertainty in the estimated parameter statistics (mainly cov).  相似文献   

Summary Pseudo-static and dynamic non-linear finite element analyses have been performed to assess the dynamic behaviour of gravity retaining walls subjected to horizontal earthquake loading. In the pseudo-static analysis, the peak ground acceleration is converted into a pseudo-static inertia force and applied as a horizontal incremental gravity load. In the dynamic analysis, an actual measured earthquake acceleration time history has been scaled to provide peak ground acceleration values of 0.1 g and 0.3 g. Good agreement is obtained between the pseudo-static analysis and analytical methods for the calculation of the active coefficient of earth pressure. However, the results from the dynamic analysis require careful interpretation. In the pseudo-static analysis, the increase in the point of application of the resultant active force with the horizontal earthquake coefficient k h from the one-third point to the mid-height of the wall is clearly observed. In the dynamic analysis, the variation in the point of application is shown to be a function of the type of wall deformation. Both finite element analyses indicate the importance of determining the magnitude of the predicted displacements when assessing the behaviour of the wall to seismic loading.  相似文献   

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