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极移的成因及其移动特征   总被引:8,自引:8,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
作者发现:太阳辐射,地球自转与公转,黄、赤交角的存在,陆地和海洋在地球表面南、北半球的不规则、不对称地理分布,及地球内部因〖ZZ(〗核外液体〖ZZ)〗形成的分层结构,构成了一套天然的能使地球产生自由章动的日、地间动量(能量)相耦合的物理机制.经研究,由该机制产生的极移具有以下主要特征:(1)极移轨迹的运动周期为13个月(0.92周/年),该周期由二个主要分量组成,一个为12个月(1周/年),另一个是14.1个月(0.85周/年,即钱德勒周期).(2)极移运动轨迹是是椭圆,短半轴(b)与长半轴(a)之比为0.86;扁率(a\|b/a)为1:7.1.(3)瞬时极移振幅|m|的变化:对1周/年项,|m|随太阳回归运动而变化,在二至点时最大,在二分点时最小,具有对称性;对0.85周/年项,|m|随太阳回归运动而变化,在夏至点最大,每年12月5日左右最小.(4)瞬时极移存在反向运动(由东向西).在1周/年项极移运动中,自转极的正、反方向运动振幅的贡献各占50%;在0.85周/年项的极移运动中,反向运动的时间仅有33天,约占正向运动时间的1/10,正向运动振幅的贡献占96%,反向运动振幅的贡献大约占4%.(5)若以国际极点(CIO)为原点,自转极相对CIO的位移运动轨迹必然落在偏向于CIO的西侧.(6)极移振幅将长期保持下去而不会衰减,原因是太阳辐射为自转轴受迫摆动提供了长期、稳定的激发能源.  相似文献   

太阳活动千年尺度的准周期性波动   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
2004年,Solanki等人利用树木年轮中δ14C含量变化重建的太阳黑子数序列研究太阳活动的论文被Nature发表,该黑子序列自1895年起向历史时期延伸了11400年.本文采用最大熵谱分析方法和小波变换方法分析了这一重建的太阳黑子序列,重点讨论太阳活动在千年尺度上的周期性波动.结果表明,太阳活动的长期变化中存在接近千年和略大于两千年的准周期信号,以及可能存在约7千年的波动,得到了这些准周期分量的参数.这些准周期分量的周期长度和振幅是随着时间变化的,文中给出了它们的时变图象并讨论了它们的时变特征.  相似文献   

近二百多年来的地球自转学科研究中,除岁差和章动的成因依据(万有)引力相互作用理论已经得到解决外,极移(包括长期极移)和日长(l.o.d)的变化问题一直还处在探讨和争论之中,尚遗留如下七个主要难题没有解决:1)极移是欧拉(Eular,1765)根据刚体自转的分析得出地球自转极相对地壳作周期为305天的摆动吗?2)极移周期的定量解释,钱德勒周期为什么不是单值的,约在425~440天之间变化?观测的极移轨迹运动周期为什么也不是单值的,而是在13.0~13.3个月之间变化?3)作为自由运动,钱德勒摆动最终将会逐渐衰减殆尽,为什么二百多年来的天文观测资料却未发现钱德勒振幅有任何渐自减弱的迹象,是什么因素在克服阻尼而维持这种运动呢?它的能量消耗到哪里去了?4)极移的成因机制是什么?5)极移与地震的关系?6)地球自转速度季节性变化的主要原因是什么?7)长期极移的成因及其运动方向?宋贯一(1991,2006,2008,2012)依据大量的宏观事实,发现和证明了自然界还存在有与(万有)引力相互作用相对应的(光压)斥力相互作用.本文依据(光压)斥力相互作用理论去解析上述七个难题,取得了立竿见影的效果.  相似文献   

至今人们对水质量变化与极移关系的认识主要是通过全球陆地水储量变化对地极变化的激发.鉴于陆地水储量在全球分布不均,区域水质量变化与地极移动的关系值得深入探索,然而迄今尚少有研究.另外,鉴于水储量变化的估算存在不确定性,从不同角度寻找水质量变化的表征指标有重要意义.文章选取位于90°W方向的世界第一大河亚马孙河流域为研究区,选用水汽、降水、径流、水储量变化多个衡量水质量变化的指标,研究了巨型流域水质量变化指标和极移的联系.通过采用Mann-Kendall方法、累积距平法和曲率法识别突变点,采用最小二乘法拟合判断趋势,采用傅里叶变换和EEMD方法识别周期,发现在1948~2011期间,在诸多指标中,水汽通量指标相对于其他指标总体上与极移的联系更紧密.具体表现在,降水和水汽通量存在极移拍频周期,水汽通量和降水与极移在0.05显著水平上存在共同M-K突变点(发生在1968年左右);水汽通量比其他指标与极移m_1、m_2分量的累积距平线趋势更一致;水汽通量和降水与极移m_1、m_2分量、振幅的相关性比其他指标与极移的相关性强(0.01显著水平).通过比较巨型流域水汽通量的激发、巨型流域陆地水储量变化的激发、全球陆地水储量变化的激发和观测激发,发现亚马孙河流域的水汽通量和水储量变化对地极的激发,都比全球水储量变化的激发,更显著地表现出"跟极移m_2分量的激发一致,跟极移m_1分量的激发不一致"的这个普适特点.为了更直观地展示水汽通量指标的大小,文章提出了巨型流域水汽赤道辐合带位置的新指标.研究结果表明,巨型流域是研究水质量变化和极移联系的新视角,其中水汽通量指标较其他水质量指标与极移关系更紧密,而新提出的巨型流域水汽赤道辐合带位置指标极具形象表达水质量变化和极移的关系的能力.  相似文献   

利用TOPEX/Poseidon卫星连续12年(1993年1月~2004年12月)对中国大陆及周边地区观测的GDR-M(Merged Geophysical Data Record)数据集,提取Ku波段和C波段的后向散射系数,经平滑、内插处理之后,得到5′×5′的网格数据及其时间序列.对后向散射系数在中国典型地表类型(如湿地、沙漠、山地和农业基地等)的空间分布特征进行了分析与讨论.利用快速Fourier变换(FFT)探测后向散射系数时间序列的周期变化,发现周期以周年为主,部分地区还有半年周期变化.利用最小二乘方法得到周年周期和半年周期的振幅等周期项信息,结果显示周年振幅明显大于半年振幅.分析了后向散射系数时间序列异常与我国环境和气候变化以及严重灾害(如洪水、干旱)的关系.利用SRTM导出的坡度对我国部分地区的后向散射系数的相关性进行了分析,以确定地势对后向散射系数的影响程度,结果显示Ku波段和C波段后向散射系数皆与坡度呈负相关,辽宁和吉林地区的相关性最强为0.56,塔克拉玛干沙漠地区的相关性最弱为0.11,其他地区多为(0.3~0.5)之间,表明地势起伏而引起的坡度对后向散射系数有显著的负相关性.  相似文献   

太阳光压、地球的公转与自转、黄赤交角的存在及地球表面陆地和海洋的地理分布绝妙地组成了一套天然的能激发自转轴晃动(Wobble)并产生极移的日-地间能量(动量)相耦合的物理机制.太阳光压对自转轴摆动的激发时间存在两种不同的周期,即周年期激发机制和周日期激发机制,由此产生的极移运动轨迹也可分为周年期变化和周日期变化两种,这两种极移运动轨迹中均含有长期极移的成分.本文详细讨论了周日期激发机制引起的瞬时极移及其运动特征和长期极移及其运动方向,并按现今地球表面陆地和海洋的分布格局,求出长期极移的总体运动方向大致为参考极M沿西经70°~80°向加拿大的埃尔斯米尔岛移动.依据本文的研究成果,可以帮助人们揭开自元代(距今已800多年)以来所建立的北京中轴线为什么逆时针偏离子午线2°多这一极富传奇色彩的谜团.  相似文献   

天文观测极移运动周期变化的原因解析   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
宋贯一(1991,2006)相继发现日-地之间存在一种奇特的能量(动量)相耦合的自然现象:当太阳辐射光压作用于地表之后,地球表面物质的特殊物理性质会自然地把太阳辐射光压立刻分解为两部分,即P1和P2.其中P1为全球各纬度带内单位海洋和陆地表面接收到的等值光压(P1为随时间和纬度而变化的变量).在一个回归年的时段内,由P1在北、南两半球上的不平衡分布激发自转轴摆动,引起转动惯量的变化(该变化是目前所了解到的地球转动惯量的最大变化)并产生极移,该项极移运动的周期为12个月左右.由于P1在北、南半球上的分布相对赤道是基本对称的和规则的,P1对自转轴摆动的激发可称谓“规则性激发”;P2为全球各纬度带内单位陆地和海洋表面接收到的光压值之差(P2为随时间和纬度而变化的变量).在一个回归年的时段内,由 P2在北、南两半球上的不平衡分布激发自转轴摆动而产生的极移运动周期为14个月附近.由于P2在北、南两半球上的分布相对赤道是不对称和不规则的, P2对自转轴摆动的激发可称谓“不规则性激发”.这种天然存在的力源,恰恰是近百年来世界各国研究地球自转的地球物理学家渴望寻找的那种既能激发自转轴产生自由章动、又使其摆动含有两个不同周期(12个月和14个月)的激发力源.正是这一奇特自然现象的发现,才使长期以来困扰地球物理学领域内的极移、极移所包含两个周期的涨落变化及由此引起的地球自转速度变化等自然之谜得以破解成为可能. 本文作者仅对天文观测的极移运动周期及其极移运动所包含的两个周期分量在一定的范围内变化的成因作出了详细的解析,并得出如下结论: (1)极移运动主要是由太阳光压P1 和P2共同激发引起的.天文观测的极移摆动周期的涨落变化是太阳光压(P1+P2)激发自转轴摆动过程中,在空间上自转轴的摆动中心相对自转轴中心(地心)移动造成的,涨落范围在395~403±2天之间,即天文观测的极移运动的实际计算周期应在13.0~13.3个月之间变化.(2)极移所含的周年期摆动是由太阳光压P1激发的.天文观测的周年期摆动周期涨落很小,变化于365.24~365.53天之间.在一个回归年内,由于日-地间距离的变化,使地球表面接受到的太阳辐射光能产生微小差异则是造成观测的周年摆动周期稍有拖长的原因.(3)极移所含的钱德勒摆动周期是由太阳光压P2激发的.天文观测的钱德勒周期涨落较大,变化于426~437±2天之间,即实际计算周期应在14.0~14.4个月之间变化.观测的钱德勒摆动周期的变化是太阳光压P2激发自转轴摆动过程中,在空间上自转轴的摆动中心相对自转轴中心(地心)移动造成的.上述的定量解析数据均得到实际观测资料的验证,为极移光压成因理论的正确性提供了具体详实的证据.  相似文献   

地震会改变地球的形状,引起内部物质的重新分布,从而导致地球的惯性张量产生变化.依据角动量守恒定律,地球的自转将会发生变化.为了探究大地震对地球自转的影响,本文基于简正模和点源位错两种不同的理论,应用PREM地球模型,以2000年至今的10个8.3级以上的大地震为例,分别计算了地震发生后地球重力场的斯托克斯系数、地球的总惯性张量、地球扁率等的变化.讨论了简正模方法叠加的收敛性问题,并对震级的影响进行了简单的分析,着重探究了深度变化对地球极移和日长变化的影响.结果表明:在相同的地球模型下,利用简正模和位错两种理论计算的日长和极移的结果是一致的;简正模方法的收敛速度比较快,只需叠加3个左右的低频简正模就已经收敛;对于震级大于4.5级的地震,极移激发的方向出现在120°E~160°E的概率大一些;通常情况下,越深源的和震级较大的地震,极移激发的幅度和日长变化量越大.此外,在0~700 km深度区间内,随着深度的增加,极移激发的幅度和日长变化总体表现为增加的趋势.  相似文献   

真极移或行星的再定向,是由质量重新分配造成的固体地球(地壳和地幔)相对于液体外核发生的旋转.其在地球上已经通过卫星观测证实,在太阳系的多个行星和卫星也有一些记录,但真极移在地球历史上是否普遍存在仍有争议.即便如此,真极移在地球上发生的物理基础和经验基础现在都是明确可信的.同时,与板块构造一样,真极移可能会影响地球系统的大部分,因此承认它的存在需要重新解释很多方面,这可能是真极移令人难以接受的原因.本文总结了真极移概念的发展,为未来的研究提供了一个框架,并且明确了真极移的存在,将其视为可以将浅层和深层过程联系起来的地球系统的一个组成部分.具体而言,本文关注大型真极移的时间规律,并在前人研究基础上讨论其与超大陆-巨大陆旋回的关系.分析认为,巨大陆的聚合与大幅度真极移联系紧密.同时,超大陆的存在和裂解与快速真极移联系紧密.本文还介绍了真极移对海平面变化、古气候、生物多样性和地球系统其他方面的影响,这些方面需要在未来进行跨学科检验.  相似文献   

2004年12月15日起,四川省马尔康县出现一个地震序列,最大事件为2005年1月5日Ms4.7地震。本文介绍了利用单台P波初动以及振幅比方法对该序列发展跟踪和判断的情况。结果表明,序列前期事件的震源机制具有一致性,序列的主要事件均发生在此时间段;序列后期机制出现紊乱。该方法可为序列性质的判断提供依据。通过比较,认为速度量振幅比的变化基本反映了位移零频观测谱值的振幅比的变化。  相似文献   

《Journal of Geodynamics》2010,49(3-5):340-347
Gravity data stored in the GGP database (GGP-ISDC) are used to study the small gravity variations caused by polar motion. In a first step the dominant tidal signal and the instrumental drift have to be eliminated from the gravity data. In most cases it is sufficient to model the instrumental drift by polynomials of low degree. The resulting non-tidal gravity variations are split up into their main constituents by fitting two sinusoidal waves with periods of 365.25 days (annual wobble) and 432 days (Chandler wobble). In a similar way the gravity effect of the observed polar motion (IERS-Data) is processed. The ratio between the correspondent amplitudes gives the amplitude factors δ of both wobbles.In a more sophisticated model an additional annual wave was included, destined to absorb disturbing influences with annual period (e.g. environmental influences of different origin). The amount of these influences and the success of their elimination are very different at the individual stations.Besides the comparison of the amplitude factors it also was tried to compare the gravity residuals itself. For that purpose the data series recorded at the different stations were transferred to a common reference point (0°E, 45°N). The graph of the stacked data series gives a first impression of the accordance of the data series recorded at the different stations. Since randomly distributed disturbing influences are reduced by the averaging the amplitude factors derived from the mean of the stacked data series are more reliable than the values derived from the data at the individual stations.In the end 12 data series were included in a common processing. Amplitude factors of 1.183 for the annual and 1.168 for the Chandler wobble result with mean errors less than ±0.010 (roughly estimated). Although corrections for environmental influences were not included directly, the additionally fitted annual wave reduced the scatter of the amplitude factors in the annual range considerably. In contrast to that the amplitude factor of the Chandler wobble remains nearly unaffected, confirming the assumption that the disturbing environmental influences do not extend into the period range of the Chandler wobble.  相似文献   

The hydrological contribution to polar motion is a major challenge in explaining the observed geodetic residual of non-atmospheric and non-oceanic excitations since hydrological models have limited input of comprehensive global direct observations. Although global terrestrial water storage (TWS) estimated from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) provides a new opportunity to study the hydrological excitation of polar motion, the GRACE gridded data are subject to the post-processing de-striping algorithm, spatial gridded mapping and filter smoothing effects as well as aliasing errors. In this paper, the hydrological contributions to polar motion are investigated and evaluated at seasonal and intra-seasonal time scales using the recovered degree-2 harmonic coefficients from all GRACE spherical harmonic coefficients and hydrological models data with the same filter smoothing and recovering methods, including the Global Land Data Assimilation Systems (GLDAS) model, Climate Prediction Center (CPC) model, the National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) reanalysis products and European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) operational model (opECMWF). It is shown that GRACE is better in explaining the geodetic residual of non-atmospheric and non-oceanic polar motion excitations at the annual period, while the models give worse estimates with a larger phase shift or amplitude bias. At the semi-annual period, the GRACE estimates are also generally closer to the geodetic residual, but with some biases in phase or amplitude due mainly to some aliasing errors at near semi-annual period from geophysical models. For periods less than 1-year, the hydrological models and GRACE are generally worse in explaining the intraseasonal polar motion excitations.  相似文献   

The polar motion prediction is computed as a least-squares extrapolation of the polar motion data. The least-squares model consists of a Chandler circle with constant or variable amplitude, annual and semiannual ellipses, and a bias. The model with constant amplitude of the Chandler oscillation is fit to the last three years of polar motion data and the model with variable amplitude of the Chandler oscillation is fit to the whole time series ranging from 1973.0 to 2001.1. The variable amplitude of the Chandler oscillation is modeled from the envelope of the Chandler oscillation filtered by the Fourier transform band pass filter from the long-term IERS EOPC01 polar motion series. The accuracy of the polar motion prediction depends mostly on the phase variation of the annual oscillation, which is treated as a constant in the least-squares adjustment. There were two significant changes of the annual oscillation phase of the order of 30° before the two El Niño events in 1982/83 and 1997/98.  相似文献   

The Chandler wobble (CW) and annual wobble (AW) are the two main components of polar motion, which are difficult to separate because of their very close periods. In the light of Fourier dictionary and basis pursuit method, a Fourier basis pursuit (FBP) spectrum is developed, which can reduce spectral smearing and leakage caused by the finite length of the time series. Further, a band-pass filtering method based on FBP spectrum (FBPBPF), which can effectively suppress the edge effect, is proposed in this paper. The simulation test results show that the FBPBPF method can effectively suppress the edge effect caused by spectral smearing and leakage and that its reconstruction accuracy at the boundary is approximately three times higher than the Fourier transform band-pass filtering method, which is based on Hamming windowed FFT spectrum, in extracting quasi-harmonic signals. The FBPBPF method is then applied to Earth’s polar motion data during 1900–2015. Through analyzing the amplitude and period variations of CW and AW, and calculating the eccentricity variation of the AW, we found that: (1) the amplitude of the CW is currently at a historic minimum level, and it is even possible to diminish further until a complete stop; and (2) the eccentricity of the AW has a gradually decreased fluctuation during the last 116 years.  相似文献   

Polar motion data are available from the mid-19th century to the present. Basedon time series with a variety of sampling intervals (monthly, 0.05-year, 5-day anddaily), we have separated the low-frequency terms by low-pass filtering and theChandler and annual terms by recursive band-pass filtering of the pole coordinates.Using a simple unweighted least-squares fit to the filtered low-frequency terms, thelinear trends of the rotation pole were estimated. Assessing the estimates based onintercomparisons, the most reliable trend estimate was found. Using a Fast FourierTransform, we have computed the prograde, retrograde and total amplitude spectraof the low-frequency part of polar motion in order to reveal the long-periodic signals.The characteristics and time evolution of the Chandler and annual wobbles aredescribed by changes in their parameters (radii, directions and period lengths) overone century.  相似文献   

An overview of the abilities of Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) to measure the variable Earth rotation and of the international VLBI collaboration is given. The paper concentrates on the short-period, i.e. subseasonal variations of Earth rotation which can be seen in VLBI measurements of length of day (lod) and polar motion between 1981 and 1999. The wavelet transform allows the time localisation of an irregular quasi-harmonic signal within a given data set. The wavelet analysis of lod series yields in the high-frequency range periods of 28 days, 14 days down to 6.86 days caused by the lunisolar tides and irregular quasi-periodic variations between 40 and 130 days. These are mainly associated with global zonal wind changes which can be seen when looking on the wavelet cross-scalogram between the lod series and the atmospheric angular momentum (AAM) time series. In polar motion variable periods between two and five months and even down to 7–10 days can be made visible by the wavelet scalograms.Today it is possible by VLBI to determine polar motion and UT1-UTC with a temporal resolution of as short as 3–7 minutes. The results of parallel VLBI sessions which took place since 1998 using two independent VLBI networks were analyzed in the subdiurnal period range and compared by computing the wavelet cross-scalograms, the covariance spectrum and the normed coherency. Periods between 5 and 7 hours can be seen in many of the UT1-UTC data sets besides the well-known diurnal and semi-diurnal periods. The wavelet analyses reveal interesting patterns in the subdiurnal range in polar motion, too.  相似文献   

The impact of continental hydrological loading from land water, snow and ice on polar motion excitation, calculated as hydrological angular momentum (HAM), is difficult to estimate, and not as much is known about it as about atmospheric angular momentum (AAM) and oceanic angular momentum (OAM). In this paper, regional hydrological excitations to polar motion are investigated using monthly terrestrial water storage data derived from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) mission and from the five models of land hydrology. The results show that the areas where the variance shows large variability are similar for the different models of land hydrology and for the GRACE data. Areas which have a small amplitude on the maps make an important contribution to the global hydrological excitation function of polar motion. The comparison of geodetic residuals and global hydrological excitation functions of polar motion shows that none of the hydrological excitation has enough energy to significantly improve the agreement between the observed geodetic excitation and geophysical ones.  相似文献   

远在1687年,牛顿已说到地球自转轴的运动,欧拉在1790年指出:由于地球转动的主要动力矩的方向,并不和地球惯性椭球的短轴方向相重合,将使地球的自转轴发生沿着一个圆锥面的摆动.假定地球为一个刚体时,可以从地球惯性椭球的扁率(或称力学椭率,或动力学扁率)算出地球自转轴运动的周期.  相似文献   

Popiński  W.  Kosek  W.  Schuh  H.  Schmidt  M. 《Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica》2002,46(3):455-468
The wavelet transform techniques were applied to compute time-frequency spectra, coherence and cross-covariance functions between complex-valued polar motion and atmospheric excitation functions. These wavelet transform approaches are based on the classical wavelet transform with Morlet wavelet and the harmonic wavelet transform. The computed coherence and cross-covariance functions enable comparison of polar motion and atmospheric excitation functions data in the chosen frequency band. In the study we concentrate on short period oscillations with periods ranging from several to about 250 days. The time lag functions show frequency dependent time lags corresponding to maxima of the modules of cross-covariance functions between the polar motion and atmospheric excitation functions.  相似文献   

The Earth center of mass (geocenter) time series with the sampling interval of one week are determined from Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR), Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) and Doppler Orbitography and Radiopositioning Integrated by Satellite (DORIS) observations. The 3D geocenter time series were projected onto XY, YZ and ZX planes of the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF), thus, three complex-valued time series can be analyzed for each observation technique. The signal to noise ratio in these geocenter time series is very small and detectable oscillations are rather broadband, however, the annual oscillation can be noticed in each one of them. The wavelet transform technique with the Morlet wavelet function was applied to compute the mean and spectra-temporal polarization functions from the prograde (positive periods) and retrograde (negative periods) spectra of the examined complex-valued time series. The sign of the polarization function determines turning direction in the elliptical motion. If this function is positive or negative for oscillation with a chosen period, then this oscillation is prograde or retrograde, respectively. To estimate the significance level of polarization functions, corresponding to time series data length, the Monte Carlo experiment was performed using complex-valued white noise data. In order to detect similarity between elliptic oscillations in two different time series the spectra-temporal wavelet semblance function was computed. This function reveals that in the XY equatorial plane there is phase agreement between retrograde annual oscillation for SLR and GNSS techniques, and between prograde annual oscillation for DORIS and two other techniques. To construct a model of geocenter motion from GNSS and SLR center of mass time series the wavelet based semblance filtering method was applied. Common oscillations in the analyzed time series are dominated by the annual oscillation with amplitude less than 5 mm.  相似文献   

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