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The fractal theory has been applied to a wide variety of fields after it was produced. The use of fractal anal-ysis to geographical research has increased (MAN-DELBROT,1967;XU etal.,1993;NINA and DE,1993;ANDRLE,1996;GAO and XIA,1996;ZHU and YANG,2000;WILSON,2001;CHRISTENSENetal.,2002) , but large number of geographical phe-nomena still need to be studied,and many problems still remain unsolved. Although fractal dimensions of lots of phenomena were calculated by the box-cou…  相似文献   

MANDELBROT enunciated the uncertainty of the length of a coastline in his paper“How long is the coast-line of Britain?“ published in “Science“in 1967.The fractal concept was presented for the first time in that paper and has been applied to many fields ever since.According to the fractal theory and conditions of fractal research of coastline,the controls of faults and biologic function on the fractal character of coastline are preliminarily discussed on the basis of GIS in this paper.Finally,some significant conclusions are drawn:1)the faults control the basic trends of coastlines of two study areas;2)the fractal dimension of coastline of Taiwan is smaller than that of Changle-Lufent,because the faults of Taiwan more intensely control the trend and fractal dimension of the coastline;3)the larger the fractal dimension of the faults or the major faults ,the more the controlling effect of them on the trend and fractal dimension of coastline;4)the larger fractal dimension of the coastline of Changle-Lufeng indicates that the biologic function intensely shapes the coastline .In a word ,the controls of faults and biologic function on the fractal character of coastline are discussed with a case study of China in this paper,it can be seen that faults and biologic function both have influence over the trend and fractal dimension of coastline,the fractal mechanism of coastline of two study areas may be so.  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTION Since the 1750s, promoted by Industry Revolution and the rapid development of science and technology, large-scale urbanization swept over the world. So far, it isestimatedthatmorethan60%oftheriversin the world have been experienced high levels of human modifica- tion (ALLAN, 1995). River systems have now become oneofthemostdeeplyhuman-affectedecosystemsinthe earth. To approach the impact ofhuman activitieson riv- ersystem as a multidiscipline topic has been a focus of res…  相似文献   

Currently domestic researches on urban imago space concentrate in a few cities that lie in the advanced region, such as Beijing, Guangzhou, Wuhan, etc., but in so far as those cities that lie in the northwest inland region, the research of this aspect is still few. In order to supplement a special example to the urban imago space theory and to validate former theory, this article studied the Lanzhou urban imago space. During the course of researching, authors adopted some investigating methods, such as visiting on the spot, photograph identification method and sketch man identification method etc. Using investigated data, this paper made an elementary research on urban imago space of Lanzhou, which is a typical valley city in the western China. The result of study indicated that the urban imago space of Lanzhou takes Xiguan Cross as its center (Lanzhou involves four districts of Chengguan, Qilihe, Arming and Xigu). In the process of recognition of urban imago space, the Huanghe (Yellow) River and mountains beside the city are the dominant factors and the main nodes of cognition. So the urban imago space of Lanzhou is quite different from that of plain cities. Interviewee did well in the spatial structure map, which was made up of mountainous land, river and main trunk roads, the group structure took profound impression on people.  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONMajorcharacteristicsofurbanizationinclude:ur-banconstructioniscontinuouslyspreading,thedemandforurbanlanduseisrapidlyswelling,andalotofa-griculturallandisconvertingintonon-agriculturalland.Whenthesecharacteristicsarereflectedinurbansys-tem,thedevelopingspeedsofbigcitiesandsupercitiesarequickening(CHEN,1999).Basedonthecondi-tionofmarket,landresourcebearsthreetypesofvalueswhicharerespectivelysocialvalue,economicvalueandecologicalvalue.Theexternalexpressiv…  相似文献   

This paper describes a GIS-based spatial analysis method that combines qualitative analysis and quantita-tive analysis to characterize land-use patterns and predict the trend of future land-use changes in Halzhu District ofGuangzhou City, China. Spatial technique is introduced to manage land-use data and derive information of land-usechanges. Through the case study for the selected area, it is demonstrated that the method and technique introduced in thepaper can be effectively utilized for the analysis of urban land-use changes. Based upon this analysis, the paper also pro-vides discussions and recommendation on urban land-use planning, urban planning and land management. Both land-usemaps of Haizhu District of Guangzhou in 1995 and 1997 and the remote sensing images of 1999 are utilized in the cur-rent research. It is convenient to get various statistic data and to combine attribute data with spatial data so as to analyzeland-use changes in a geographic context, which is especially suitable for the need of urban construction department, ur-ban management department and urban planning department.  相似文献   

The article analyses the temporal-spatial changes of profiles by EOF(Emipirical Orthogonal Function)analysis and DTM analysis of GIS.These profiles,which are not affected by engineering,are chosen from the coast with successive field monitoring data from 1990 to 1999.Temporal and spatial EOF indicates the obvious stability of coast profile paramclino with steep slopes flat.In spatial scale,high tidal flats and deep-water terraces are in a balance state while upper clino with steep slopes are sensitive and the stability is easy to be destroyes.In temporal scale,the erosion and deposition in this area are kepy in balance in a whole.There are almost no change below -8-9.5m.At the same time,it is the lower limit of tidal affection and the erosion and deposition process from it to high tidal flat keep in balance for many years.So the closre depth is appointed to from -8m to -9.5m(Wusong datum mark).  相似文献   

1IN T R O D U C T IO N As a risingindustry,modern logisticpslaya vitalrolein thedevelopment ofurban economy . Meantime , many expertsin theworld are interestedin modern logistic.s Study on modern logisticsismostly focused on man - agement and program (HES…  相似文献   

Based on the questionnaire investigation, the authors make a comparative study on local residents‘ perception of tourism impacts in Xidi, Zhouzhuang and Jiuhua Mountain. The result shows that residents of the three places tend to have strong and consistent perception of its positive economic, socio-cultural and environmental impacts, but distinctly diverse ones of its negative impacts. Residents in Xidi and Zhouzhuang also have noticeable perception of its negative environmental impacts while those in Jiuhua Mountain have weaker perception of them.The research confirms the fact that residents are more liable to have positive perceptions at the early stage of the life cycle of the tourist places. The authors conclude that there exists a nonlinear relationship between residents‘ perception and tourism development stages, and that tourism socio-cultural impact may appear at an early stage of tourism development instead of being no universal.  相似文献   

In the forming of the Dynamic System of Tourism Development(DSTD)in developed regions from the view of supply side,the Dhlphi Method and the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) are used to count the weight of each component of the DSTD.It has been found that the attraction subsystem is the most important one of the three subsystems at the first hierarchical level of DSTD,which means that tourist attractions are always the principal factors for regional tourism development,even in developed regions.But it is also noteworthy that the significance of the attraction subsystem is not dominant in the DSTD.At the second hierarchical level,the physical attraction subsystem rand No.1,while the weight of the non-physical attraction subsystem is just a little larger than the weight of the hardware subsystem and that of software subsystem.And the weights of the three components in the medium subsystem are similar.The top 3 factors at the third hierarchical level are scenic spot,location and regional economic impact.The result verifies the conclusions of qualitative analysis,which depends on the market research and the study of historical date,that the most important compo-nent of the DSTD in Foshan is the impact of the developed economy.Knowing the weight of each component of the DSTD can be helpful to make out the most useful force,furthermore to determine the future orientation for regional tourism develop-ment.  相似文献   

地学现象的分维与标度关系——以中国大陆山系为例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
分形理论产生以后,已经在许多领域里取得了较为广泛的应用,但是在分形维数的计算方面仍存在一定的问题,最根本的问题之一是大量相关研究往往忽略了标度问题的影响,而将计算出的分维结果随意比较。本文则是以中国大陆山系为例,对地学现象的分维与标度的关系进行了研究,得出:(1)中国大陆山系的分形性质是客观存在的,其分形性质是不以测算标度而出现变化的,是始终存在的;(2)虽然在不同的测算标度下,中国大陆山系的分形性质始终是客观存在的,但是随着测算标度范围的变化,中国大陆山系的分维也会相应地出现一定的变化,即中国大陆山系客观存在的分形性质是绝对的,而分维则是一个相对的值,是随着测算标度而出现变化的;(3)分维不仅随着测算标度的变化而出现一定的变化,而且,分维是测算平均标度的函数,即D=f(r)(式中:r为测算平均标度,D为分维)关系成立;(4)因为分维值会随着不同标度范围的变化而出现相应的变化,所以,如果要进行分维之间的比较,则应选择相同的标度范围和标度值点。  相似文献   

Due to global climate warming and natural and man-made land subsidence etc., relative sea level rise in the coastal plains of China will exceed 2–3 times over the golbal mean value during the first half part of the 21st century. It will result in a series of adverse impacts on evolution of natural environment and socioeconomic development of the coastal area. This paper analyses environmental and resource effects induced by relative sea level rise in China’s coastal areas on the basis of rough estimate of future relative sea level rise. These effects include inundating tidal flat and wetlands and increase in inundated risk of coastal habitable land, exacerbating storm surge. coastal erosion, flooding and salt water intrusion hazards, as well as endangering land, water, tourism and living resources and their utilization.  相似文献   

Traffic network is an importance aspect of researching controllable parameters of an urban spatial morpholo-gy. Based on GIS, traffic network structure complexity can be understood by using fractal geometry in which thelength-radius dimension describes change of network density, and ramification-radius dimension describes complexity andaccessibility of urban network. It is propitious to analyze urban traffic network and to understand dynamic change processof traffic network using expanding fractal-dimension quantification. Meanwhile the length-radius dimension and ramifica-tion-radius dimension could be regard as reference factor of quantitative describing urban traffic network.  相似文献   

Wetland biodiversity means mainly the types of wetland ecosystem and biological species diversity. Biodiversity includes all species of plants, animals and microbes, all gene possessed by them and all ecosystems consisting of them and environment. According to the origin and genesis, China’s wetlands can be divided into natural wetland ecosystems including mires, lakeshores, bottomland, seashore, wet meadow, etc., and artificial wetland ecosystem including paddy field. Then based on geomorphological type, these ecosystems can be divided into 15 subsystems, then based on soil substrata and ecological niche conditions, they can be subdivided into 15 classes, finally according to construction species of plants, several types can be divided into. They are not only the expression of ecosystem diversity, but also the base for biological communities subsistence. This peculiar ecological niche provides a complex and perfect special habitat for various animal and plant communities. In this special habitat, there exist various biological types from monomolecular microbes to higher plants and animals, especially some endangered and rare plants and animals. According to the statistics, there are more than 300 species of birds in China wetlands, making up one-third of the total number of China’s birds. Wetlands not only good place for waterbirds living, but also the important environment on which wild animals and plant rely for existence. There are 65 species of mammals, 50 species of reptiles, 45 species of amphibious animals, 1040 species of fish, 825 species of higher plants, 639 species of angiosperm, 10 species of gymnosperm, 12 species of pteridophyte and 164 species of bryophyte investigated in China’s wetlands.  相似文献   

There are more women than men in Renhe Town, about 40% of women have jobs. Young women under 30 years old are mainly industrial workers. The average years of education for all women over 6 years old are 6.03, but for man they are 7.64. The Women’s Federation of Renhe Town is a vital organization. What it has done plays an active role in raising women/s social status and encouraging women to take part in the community life. In the past, women mainly participated in different collective agricultural labour assigned by their carders. Women had not much chance to show their intelligence and wisdom. Since the policy of ’ reform and open door to the outside world’ was carried out women have had more and more chance to bring their abilities into full play and many women become capable persons of different trades and professions. Now, in Renhe, women are the main force of factories and dispensable part of all kinds of production work done in units of families.  相似文献   

为对比基于含水饱和度和汞饱和度2种方法计算低渗透碎屑岩储层孔隙结构分形维数的优劣性,分别采用2种方法对川中地区须家河组41块储集岩的毛细管压力曲线进行分形维数计算.结果表明:采用汞饱和度计算的孔隙结构分形维数与排驱压力、分选因数等表征储层孔隙结构的参数相关性较好.随着岩样分形维数增大,排驱压力增大、分选因数减小,相关性明显.采用含水饱和度计算的孔隙结构分形维数与排驱压力、分选因数等相关性较差.在条件许可时,可利用恒速压汞实验计算储集岩孔隙结构分形维数.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION~hon0ffornjcelmtSwnthebasisofthestudyonthecrustaldefonnationanddeVel0prnent,thedistributionofndnereIs,andthendnerogeneticlawr.ThegeornagneticfieklisthecomP0siterefledionoftheformati0nanddefortnationofthecrust.Sornagnct-icsLLrVeydatacomPriseirnPortantbasisfordelincatingthearchiteCtonicelements,dCtendningtheirboundarylines,andanalopngthesanndarystrudriineachelernent,whicharetthernaintasks0fgoophySicalworkers.Thegoornagneticdelineati0nofanareahadforlongbodonequalitativeybyobs…  相似文献   

Attractabilities of different diets and dietary selectivity of Chinese shrimp, Fenneropenaeus chinensis were studied through behavior observation and feeding experiment, respectively. The five diets used in the experiment are: Fish Flesh (FF), Shrimp Flesh (SF), Clam Foot (CF), Polychaete Worm (PW), and Formulated Diet (FD). No significant differences of attractability exist between any two different diets when every two natural diets or all five diets are provided simultaneously. On the other hand, significant differences of attractability exist between FD and every single natural diet when they are provided simultaneously. Results of behavioral observation indicate that natural diets are more attractive than FD. In feeding experiment, Chinese shrimp has distinct selectivity on different diets. It positively selects CF and PW, negatively selects FF and SF, and excludes FD absolutely. The results of the present studies indicate that the dietary selectivity of shrimp was based not only on the attractabilities of the diets, but also on the responses such as growth and food conversion.  相似文献   

Drag forces acting on Schlegel‘s black rockfish Sebastes schlegeli were studied. A new drag force transducer was designed and used to measure the water drag on Schlegel‘s black rockfish in a vertical recirculating flume tank. Fourteen individuals were investigated, yielding two mean drag coefficients referred to the cross-sectional area and volume^2/3 respectively at water velocities ranging from 0.3 to 1.0 ms^-1 The drag coefficients can be used for estimating the drag forces acting on Sebastes schlegeli in water.  相似文献   

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