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Lower temperature eclogite (with T = 600 °C) represents a significant part of the occurrences of eclogite in orogenic belts. ‘True’ eclogite, with, for example, garnet + omphacite >70%, is well represented in such an occurrence. Calculated phase equilibria in Na2O–CaO–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–TiO2–O (NCKFMASHTO), for just one rock composition – that of a representative mid‐ocean ridge basalt, morb – are used to see under what circumstances ‘true’ eclogite is predicted to occur. The variables considered are not only pressure (P) and temperature (T) but also water content and oxidation state. The latter two variables are known to exert a significant control on mineral assemblage but are difficult to establish retrospectively from the observed rocks themselves. It is found that whereas oxidation state does have a strong effect on mineral assemblage, the key control on developing ‘true’ eclogite is shown to be temperature and water content. If temperature is established to be <600 °C, water content has to be low (less or much less than that for H2O saturation) in order for ‘true’ eclogite to form. Moreover, unless pressure is at the high end in the range considered, lawsonite eclogite and ‘true’ eclogite will tend to be mutually exclusive, with the former requiring high water content at the lower temperature where it occurs, but the latter requiring low water content.  相似文献   

Zabuye Salt Lake in Tibet, China is a carbonate-type salt lake, which has some unique characteristics that make it different from other types of salt lakes. The lake is at the latter period in its evolution and contains liquid and solid resources. Its brine is rich in Li, B, K and other useful minor elements that are of great economic value. We studied the concentration behavior of these elements and the crystallization paths of salts during isothermal evaporation of brine at 15°C and 25°C. The crystallization sequence of the primary salts from the brine at 25°C is halite (NaCl) → aphthitalite (3K2SO4·Na2SO4) → zabuyelite (Li2CO3)→ trona (Na2CO3·NaHCO3·2H2O) → thermonatrite (Na2CO3·H2O) → sylvite (KCl), while the sequence is halite (NaCl) → sylvite (KCl) → trona (Na2CO3·NaHCO3·2H2O) → zabuyelite (Li2CO3) → thermonatrite (Na2CO3·H2O) → aphthitalite (3K2SO4·Na2SO4) at 15°C. They are in accordance with the metastable phase diagram of the Na+, K+-Cl?, CO32?, SO42?-H2O quinary system at 25°C, except for Na2CO3·7H2O which is replaced by trona and thermonatrite. In the 25°C experiment, zabuyelite (Li2CO3) was precipitated in the early stage because Li2CO3 is supersaturated in the brine at 25°C, in contrast with that at 15°C, it precipitated in the later stage. Potash was precipitated in the middle and late stages in both experiments, while boron was concentrated in the early and middle stages and precipitated in the late stage.  相似文献   

In the North Cascade Mountains, Washington, rocks that underwent friction melting commonly contained sulfide minerals, mostly pyrrhotite and pyrite. During pseudotachylyte melt formation, sulfides melted to form immiscible sulfide droplets present in five distinct textural settings. The largest droplets formed through melting of lithic clasts, whereas micron-scale sulfide droplets are common in many of the pseudotachylytes veins.Microprobe analysis indicates that nearly all droplets are pyrrhotite. The disappearance of pyrite indicates that melt temperatures must have exceeded 750 °C, but other indications suggest that the melt temperature must have been much higher. The extremely common presence of pyrrhotite droplets suggests that pyrrhotite from the protolith melted, requiring a minimum melt temperature of 1200 °C. In some samples, evidence for fluid-rich bubbles, and possible silicate spherules indicates three coexisting immiscible phases within the silicate melt. The presence of sulfide droplets appears to be common, especially in relatively low oxygen-fugacity melts that formed at shallow crustal levels. This can provide a good textural marker of melting and therefore of pseudotachylyte formation, especially where other indications of melting (i.e., high temperature microlites, vesicles, etc.) are lacking, and illustrates the extreme temperatures possible along frictionally sliding surfaces during seismic events.  相似文献   

Dissolution of the synthetic hydroxylapatite (HAP) and fluorapatite (FAP) in pure water was studied at 25 °C and 45 °C in a series of batch experiments. The XRD, FT-IR and SEM analyses indicated that the synthetic, microcrystalline HAP and FAP with apatite structure used in the experiments were found to have no obvious variation after dissolution except that the existence of OH groups in FT-IR spectra for FAP after 2880 h dissolution was observed. During the HAP dissolution (0–4320 h), the aqueous calcium and phosphate concentrations reached the maxima after 120 h and then decreased slowly with time. For the FAP dissolution in pure water, after a transient time of 1440 h (< 60 d), element concentrations and pH became constant suggesting attainment of a steady-state between the solution and solid. During early stages of the FAP dissolution reaction (< 72–120 h), mineral components were released in non-stoichiometric ratios with reacted solution ratios of dissolved Ca:P, Ca:F and P:F being lower than mineral stoichiometric ratios of Ca5(PO4)3F, i.e., 1.67, 5.0 and 3.0, respectively. This indicated that F were preferentially released compared to Ca from the mineral structure. The mean Ksp values were calculated by using PHREEQC for HAP of 10− 53.28 (10− 53.02–10− 53.51) and for FAP of 10− 55.71 (10− 55.18–10− 56.13) at 25 °C, the free energies of formation ΔGfo[HAP] and ΔGfo[FAP] were calculated to be − 6282.82 kJ/mol and − 6415.87 kJ/mol, respectively.  相似文献   

The electrical conductance of 0.025 mol NaCl solution was measured at 0.25–3.75 GPa and 20–370°C As shown by the results, the conductance increases with temperature, and there is a liner relation between the reciprocal of temperature and the logarithm of the conductance but their slopes are different at different pressures. The relations between the conductance and pressure is rather complex and there are some discontinuities: in the range of 2.25–3.75 GPa, the conductance increases with the pressure; in the range of 1.25–2.0 GPa, the conductance is not related to the pressure; and at a pressure of 0.75 GPa, the conductance is higher than that at the pressures nearby. This reflects that the NaCl solution has rather different properties of electronic chemistry at various pressures, and probably is an important cause for the existence of the layers with high electrical conductance and low velocity in the Earth's crust and mantle.  相似文献   

Near the eastern end of the Tonale fault zone, a segment of the Periadriatic fault system in the Italian Alps, the Adamello intrusion produced a syn-kinematic contact aureole. A temperature gradient from 250 to 700 °C was determined across the Tonale fault zone using critical syn-kinematic mineral assemblages from the metasedimentary host rocks surrounding deformed quartz veins. Deformed quartz veins sampled along this temperature gradient display a transition from cataclasites to mylonites (frictional–viscous transition) at 280±30 °C. Within the mylonites, zones characterized by different dynamic recrystallization mechanisms were defined: Bulging recrystallization (BLG) was dominant between 280 and 400 °C, subgrain rotation recrystallization (SGR) in the 400–500 °C interval, and the transition to dominant grain boundary migration recrystallization (GBM) occurred at 500 °C. The microstructures associated with the three recrystallization mechanisms and the transitions between them can be correlated with experimentally derived dislocation creep regimes. Bulk texture X-ray goniometry and computer-automated analysis of preferred [c]-axis orientations of porphyroclasts and recrystallized grains are used to quantify textural differences that correspond to the observed microstructural changes. Within the BLG- and SGR zones, porphyroclasts show predominantly single [c]-axis maxima. At the transition from the SGR- to the GBM zone, the texture of recrystallized grains indicates a change from [c]-axis girdles, diagnostic of multiple slip systems, to a single maximum in Y. Within the GBM zone, above 630±30 °C, the textures also include submaxima, which are indicative of combined basal a- and prism [c] slip.  相似文献   

The N–S oriented Coastal Cordillera of South Central Chile shows marked lithological contrasts along strike at 38°S. Here, the sinistral NW–SE-striking Lanalhue Fault Zone (nomen novum) juxtaposes Permo-Carboniferous magmatic arc granitoids and associated, frontally accreted metasediments (Eastern Series) in the northeast with a Late Carboniferous to Triassic basal-accretionary forearc wedge complex (Western Series) in the southwest. The fault is interpreted as an initially ductile deformation zone with divergent character, located in the eastern flank of the basally growing, upwarping, and exhuming Western Series. It was later transformed and reactivated as a semiductile to brittle sinistral transform fault. Rb–Sr data and fluid inclusion studies of late-stage fault-related mineralizations revealed Early Permian ages between 280 and 270 Ma for fault activity, with subsequent minor erosion. Regionally, crystallization of arc intrusives and related metamorphism occurred between 306 and 286 Ma, preceded by early increments of convergence-related deformation. Basal Western Series accretion started at >290 Ma and lasted to 250 Ma. North of the Lanalhue fault, Late Paleozoic magmatic arc granitoids are nearly 100 km closer to the present day Andean trench than further south. We hypothesize that this marked difference in paleo-forearc width is due to an Early Permian period of subduction erosion north of 38°S, contrasting with ongoing accretion further south, which kinematically triggered the evolution of the Lanalhue Fault Zone. Permo-Triassic margin segmentation was due to differential forearc accretion and denudation characteristics, and is now expressed in contrasting lithologies and metamorphic signatures in todays Andean forearc region north and south of the Lanalhue Fault Zone.  相似文献   

A fully thermodynamic model for mafic melt in CaO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2 (CMAS) has been calibrated, for calculation of melting equilibria in the pressure range 0–50 kbar. It is intended as a preliminary step towards a large‐system melt model, suitable for exploring melting, melt loss and crystallization processes in a wide range of natural rock compositions. Calibration was performed with attention to the model's behaviour in its compositional subsystems, as a rigorous test of model structure and parameterization. The model is consistent with the latest Holland & Powell thermodynamic data set, and can therefore be used to calculate phase relations in conjunction with the many solid‐phase activity–composition models written for the data set. Model calculations successfully reproduce experimental melting reactions in CMAS spinel lherzolite and garnet lherzolite assemblages, as well as sapphirine‐ and kyanite‐bearing assemblages, at moderate to high pressure. Thermodynamically sensitive features, such as thermal divides are also recovered. However, some changes to the model structure will be required before the model can describe the full range of mafic and ultramafic melt compositions known from experiment at low pressures.  相似文献   

We study the Neogene tectonic activity in a sector of the Precordillera in the Andean forearc analysing aerial photographs, satellite images and fieldwork data. The interpretation of alluvial landforms, drainage organisation and evolution of intermittent river networks affecting post-Lower Miocene deposits allow us to recognize low intensity tectonic processes controlling the landscape evolution. All these geomorphological markers indicate no strike-slip offsets, but repeated and small tectonic pulses that reactivate previous structures originated under a transpressive context. The observed deformation pattern is the consequence of E–W orthogonal compression resulting in limited shortening, related to the accommodation of deformation in the Chilean forearc of the Neogene uplift of the Altiplano-Puna.  相似文献   

The western retroarc of the Southern Andes between 38° and 40° S is formed by a NNW-elongated ridge not associated with stacked thrust sheets. On the contrary, during the last 4–3 Ma this ridge was affected by extensional deformation, regional uplift and related folding on a very broad scale. Receiver function analysis shows that the drainage divide area and adjacent retroarc lie over an attenuated crust. Expected crustal thickness at these latitudes is around 38 km, whereas in this part of the retroarc the thickness is less than 32 km. The causes for such attenuation have been linked to a moderate steepening of the subducted Nazca plate beneath the South American plate, which is suggested by a westward shift and narrowing of the magmatic arc during the last 4 to 5 Ma. Gravimetric studies show that the upper plate did not react homogeneously to slab steepening, but ancient sutures and lithospheric discontinuities deeply buried under Mesozoic to Cenozoic sequences in the retroarc were locally reactivated. These processes resulted in an asthenospheric anomaly that correlates at the surface with the area of Pliocene to Quaternary doming, widespread extension and three radial troughs. Two of the troughs have accommodated substantial amounts of extension, but the third was probably aborted at an early stage. Moreover, the presence of an anomalous concentration of calderas and large volcanic centers over the proposed asthenospheric anomaly, and their age distribution, may indicate minor migration of the asthenospheric anomaly between 4 and 2 Ma through the western South American plate.  相似文献   

In low-temperature aqueous solutions (< 100°C, pH 2–4.5), chalcopyrite (CuFeS2) does not form through direct precipitation from solution. The pathway is exclusively via precursor iron sulphides and dissolved Cu salts. The reaction of dissolved Cu (II) salts with natural hexagonal pyrrhotite (Fe0.9S) is diffusion controlled. The initial stage has an apparent activation energy of 11.4 ± 1.8 kJ mol−1 and the rate (in units of mol dm−3s−1 cm−2) is independent of the solid reactant surface area. The reaction proceeds through a series of metastable Cu-Fe-sulphide intermediaries. These phases form a series of ephemeral layers penetrating into the pyrrhotite surface. The first phase formed has the stoichiometry Cu0.1Fe0.9S. No Fe is released into the solution during its formation and this, together with the extremely low apparent activation energy and the stoichiometry, suggest that it is formed by stuffing of electron holes in the pyrrhotite structure with Cu ions. The transformation from the hexagonal close-packed arrangement of the pyrrhotite structure to the essentially cubic packing in chalcopyrite proceeds through a series of intermediaries, approximating in composition to members of the cubanite group. The rate of formation of these phases is controlled by the coupled diffusion of Fe (II), Fe (III), Cu (I) and Cu (II) species through the surface reaction zone, although the process as a whole can be approximated by steady-state diffusion of total Cu into a semi-infinite medium. Experiments with metastable precursor iron monosulphide phases, including amorphous FeS and synthetic mackinawite indicate similar reaction pathways.

The results suggest that chalcopyrite formation in low-temperature natural systems may be significantly constrained by kinetic factors. Chalcopyrite is, at least, a diagenetic mineral since its formation requires the prior formation of iron sulphides. However, at ambient temperatures its formation is probably limited to very early diagenesis.  相似文献   

Within the framework of Pitzer's specific interaction model, interaction parameters for aqueous silica in concentrated electrolyte solutions have been derived from Marshall and co-authors amorphous silica solubility measurements. The values, at 25°C, of the Pitzer interaction parameter (λSiO2(aq)−i) determined in this study are the following: 0.092 (i = Na+), 0.032 (K+), 0.165 (Li+), 0.292 (Ca2+, Mg2+), −0.139 (SO42−), and −0.009 (NO3). A set of polynomial equations has been derived which can be used to calculate λSiO2(aq)−i for these ions at any temperature up to 250°C. A linear relationship between the aqueous silica-ion interaction parameters (λSiO2(aq)−i) and the surface electrostatic field (Zi/re,i) of ions was obtained. This empirical equation can be used to estimate, in first approximation, λSiO2(aq)−i if no measurements are available. From this parameterisation, the calculated activity coefficient of aqueous silica is 2.52 at 25°C and 1.45 at 250°C in 5 m NaCl solution. At lower concentrations, e.g. 2 m NaCl, the activity coefficient of silica is 1.45 at 25°C and 1.2 at 250°C. Hence, in practice, it is necessary to take into account the activity coefficient of aqueous silica (λSiO2(aq)≠1) in hydrothermal solutions and basinal brines where the ionic strength exceeds 1. A comparison of measured [Marshall, W.L., Chen, C.-T.A., 1982. Amorphous silica solubilities, V. Prediction of solubility behaviour in aqueous mixed electrolyte solutions to 300°C. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 46, 289–291.] and computed amorphous silica solubility, using this parameterisation, shows a good agreement. Because the effect of individual ions on silicate and silica polymorph solubilities are additive, the present study has permitted to derive Pitzer interaction parameters that allow a precise computation of γSiO2(aq) in the Na---K---Ca---Mg---Cl---SO4---HCO3---SiO2---H2O system, over a large range of salt concentrations and up to temperatures of 250°C.  相似文献   

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