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The temperature dependence of water solubility in enstatite   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The solubility of water in pure enstatite was measured on samples synthesized under water-saturated conditions at 15 kbar and temperatures ranging from 700 to 1,100°C. Polarized FTIR measurements on millimetre-sized, clear crystals showed that water solubility increases strongly with temperature, from 101 ppm by weight at 700°C to 269 ppm by weight at 1,100°C. The position and shape of the infrared bands hardly changes with temperature, with one notable exception: a band close to 3,380 cm–1 is present in samples synthesized between 700 and 1,000°C, while this band is absent from samples synthesized at 1,100°C. This effect appears to be very reproducible and points towards a slight change in the crystal structure of enstatite between 1,000 and 1,100°C at 15 kbar. The water solubility data of this study as well as those of Rauch and Keppler (Contrib Mineral Petrol 143:525–536, 2002) can be reproduced by the equation where K is water solubility, is water fugacity, A is 0.01354 ppm/bar, Vsolid=12.1 cm3/mol is the volume change of enstatite during incorporation of water, and H1 bar=-4,563 J/mol is the reaction enthalpy at 1 bar. This equation predicts the following behaviour of water solubility in enstatite as a function of pressure and temperature: (1) water solubility increases with pressure up to a maximum around 80 kbar; (2) water solubility decreases with temperature at 1 bar; and (3) water solubility increases with temperature between 10 and 100 kbar. If the observed temperature dependence for enstatite were representative for other upper mantle minerals as well, it would have the following implications: (1) Lateral temperature gradients in the upper mantle could cause major variations in water contents at the same depth; in particular, hot mantle plumes may scavenge water from the surrounding shallow upper mantle. (2) The scavenging of water by hot plumes could be a major factor in increasing the mobility of plumes. (3) The predicted temperature dependence of water solubility at the base of the upper mantle may allow plumes to bypass the transition zone water filter postulated by Bercovici and Karato (Nature 425:39–44, 2003).  相似文献   

A direct-sampling, mass-spectrometric technique has been used to measure simultaneously the solubilities of He, Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe in fresh water and NaCl brine (0 to 5.2 molar) from 0° to 65 °C, and at 1 atm total pressure of moist air. The argon solubility in the most concentrated brines is 4 to 7 times less than in fresh water at 65 °C and 0°C, respectively. The salt effect is parameterized using the Setschenow equation.
ln [βio(T)βi(T) = MKiM(T)
where M is NaCl moiarity, βio(T) and βi(T) the Bunsen solubility coefficients for gas i in fresh water and brine, and KiM(T) the empirical salting coefficient. Values of KiM(T) are calculated using volumetric concentration units for noble gas and NaCl content and are independent of NaCl molarity. Below about 40°C, temperature coefficients of all KiM are negative. The value of KHeM is a minimum at 40°C. KArM decreases from about 0.40 at 0°C to 0.28 at 65 °C. The absolute magnitudes of the differences in salting coefficients (relative to KArM) decrease from 0° to 65°C. Over the range of conditions studied, all noble gases are salted out, and KHeM ? KNeM < KArM < KKrM < KXeM.From the solubility data, we calculated ΔG0tr, ΔS0tr, ΔH0tr and ΔCOp,tr for the transfer of noble gases from fresh water to 1 molar NaCl solutions. At low temperatures ΔS0tr, is positive, but decreases and becomes negative at temperatures ranging from about 25°C for He to 45°C for Xe. At low temperatures, the dissolved electrolyte apparently interferes with the formation of a cage of solvent molecules about the noble gas atom. At higher temperatures, the local environment of the gas atom in the brine appears to be slightly more ordered than in pure water, possibly reflecting the longer effective range of the ionic fields at higher temperature.The measured solubilities can be used to model noble gas partitioning in two-phase geothermal systems at low temperatures. The data can also be used to estimate the temperature and concentration dependence of the salt effect for other alkali halides. Extrapolation of the measured data is not possible due to the incompletely-characterized minima in the temperature dependence of the salting coefficients. The regularities in the data observed at low temperatures suggest relatively few high-temperature data will be required to model the behavior of noble gases in high-temperature geothermal brines.  相似文献   

地幔的力学性质主要受橄榄石流变性的控制,含水对橄榄石流变性质的影响很大,而橄榄石的水溶性受到温度和铁含量的影响,因此,本文进行了不同铁含量橄榄石在不同温度下的水溶性实验研究。实验使用的样品为天然橄榄石单晶Fa_(17)和Fa_(24.7)(Fe_(No.)=100×molar Fe/(Mg+Fe))以及人工合成的橄榄石单晶Fa_(22);橄榄石单晶的水溶性实验在300MPa围压和1273~1473K的温度条件下进行,每隔50K进行一组实验,氧逸度被控制在Ni NiO水平上。实验结束后,对橄榄石单晶沿b面进行双面研磨抛光,用电子探针分析确定橄榄石单晶成分,采用EBSD精确测量橄榄石的单晶方向,使用红外光谱仪(FTIR)的非偏振光路测试橄榄石单晶在b轴上的吸收光谱。对FTIR吸收光谱进行积分得到富铁橄榄石的水溶性实验结果:当温度由1273K升至1473K时,橄榄石单晶Fa_(17)的水溶性变化为600~1200H/10^(6) Si,橄榄石单晶Fa_(24.7)的水溶性变化为1000~1300H/10^(6) Si,人工合成的橄榄石单晶Fa_(22)的水溶性变化为500~900 H/10^(6) Si。因此,相同铁含量橄榄石单晶的水溶性随温度的增加而增加,相同温度条件下,天然形成的橄榄石的水溶性随着铁含量的增加而增加,百分之一的铁含量的增加,可以导致约百分之十的水溶性的增加。本文所研究的不同铁含量的橄榄石可以为更好地估算上地幔水溶性提供依据。  相似文献   

The solubility of gold in hydrogen sulfide gas: An experimental study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The solubility of gold in H2S gas has been investigated at temperatures of 300, 350 and 400 °C and pressures up to 230 bars. Experimentally determined values of the solubility of Au are 0.4-1.4 ppb at 300 °C, 1-8 ppb at 350 °C and 8.6-95 ppb at 400 °C. Owing to a positive dependence of the logarithm of the fugacity of gold on the logarithm of the fugacity of H2S, it is proposed that the solubility of Au can be attributed to formation of a solvated gaseous sulfide or bisulfide complex through reactions of the type:
(A)  相似文献   

To investigate the solubility and the sites of incorporation of hydrogen in olivine as a function of point defect concentration, two-stage high-temperature annealing experiments have been carried out. The first annealing stage (the dry preannealing stage) was conducted at a total pressure of 0.1 MPa, a temperature of 1300° C and various oxygen fugacities in the range 10?11–10?4 MPa for times > 12 h. In these heat treatments, the samples were buffered against either orthopyroxene or magnesiowustite, or they remained unbuffered. The second annealing stage (the hydrothermal annealing stage) was performed at 300 MPa and 900–1050 ° C under a hydrogen fugacity of ~ 158 MPa for 1–5 h. Infrared spectra from the annealed samples revealed two distinct groups of bands. Group I bands occurred at wavenumbers in the range 3450–3650 cm?1, while Group II bands occurred in the range 3200–3450 cm?1. The hydrogen solubility associated with Group I bands is proportional to f O 2 to the 1/6 power for samples preannealed in contact with orthopyroxene, to the 1/3 power for samples preannealed in contact with magnesiowustite, and to the 1/13 power for samples preannealed in the absence of a solid-state buffer. The hydrogen concentration for Group II bands varies with f o 2 to the 1/3 power for opxbuffered samples, to the 1/2 power for mw-buffered samples, and to the 1/3 power for unbuffered samples. The dependence of hydrogen solubility on oxygen fugacity and orthopyroxene activity suggests that hydrogen is incorporated into the olivine structure via association with point defects. The presence of two distinct groups of absorption bands indicates that hydrogen is associated with two distinct lattice defects. The following point defect model for the mechanism of incorporation of hydrogen in olivine is consistent with these results: Hydrogen ions responsible for the Group I bands are associated with doubly charged oxygen interstitials, while hydrogen ions responsible for the Group II bands are associated with singly charged oxygen interstitials. Furthermore, the infrared bands observed in naturally derived olivines are present in spectra from our hydrothermally annealed crystals. Thus, the mechanisms of incorporation of hydrogen in olivine under geological conditions are the same as those operative under laboratory conditions. The maximum solubility reached in these experiments was ~ 360H/106Si, which corresponds to ~ 0.002 wt% of H2O. This value is a lower bound for the solubility of hydrogen in olivine under upper mantle conditions.  相似文献   

Diffusion of ions in sea water and in deep-sea sediments   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The tracer-diffusion coefficient of ions in water, Dj0, and in sea water, Dj1, differ by no more than zero to 8 per cent. When sea water diffuses into a dilute solution of water, in order to maintain the electro-neutrality, the average diffusion coefficients of major cations become greater but of major anions smaller than their respective Dj1 or Dj0 values. The tracer diffusion coefficients of ions in deep-sea sediments, Dj,sed., can be related to Dj1 by Dj,sed. = Dj1 · αθ2, where θ is the tortuosity of the bulk sediment and a a constant close to one.  相似文献   

The uptake of water in quartz at 1.5 GPa total pressure, 1173 K and high water fugacity, over times up to 24 h, has been investigated using a newly developed assembly to prevent microcracking. It is found that the uptake is small, and below the detectability of the presently used technique of infrared spectroscopy and serial sectioning. This observation reflects either a low value for the diffusivity or the solubility or a combination of both, and is in agreement with the observations of Kronenberg et al. (1986) and Rovetta et al. (1986). It brings into question the interpretation of the early experiments on water weakening by Griggs and Blacic (1964) and the recent estimates of the solubility and diffusivity by Mackwell and Paterson (1985). Rults of a combined T.E.M., light-scattering and infrared-spectroscopy investigation of ‘wet’ synthetic quartz before and after heating at 0.1, 300 and 1500 MPa total pressure and 1173 K, strongly suggest that the water in ‘wet’ quartz is mainly in the form of H2O in inclusions, consistent with the solubility being low, possibly less than 100 H/106Si. From these observations, water-containing inclusions appear to play a major role in the plasticity of quartz, while any role of water in solid solution remains to be clarified.  相似文献   

The diffusion of hydrogen through platinum membranes has been measured at 450, 500, 550 and 600°C at 2000 bar pressure, using the hydrogen sensor technique. Ag + AgCl + 3 M HC1 was the starting solution inside the platinum tube. Hydrogen diffuses out of the platinum tube into a system containing Fe2O3 + Fe3O4 + H2O; that is, a solution with a fixed hydrogen fugacity. After quench, the drop in fH2 inside the platinum tube was calculated from measurements of pH and chloride molality. fH2 is initially roughly proportional to t12. Diffusion constants were calculated from these data by numerical integration, and the results can be expressed by logD (cm2/sec) = ? 5489.6/T, K - 4.648.  相似文献   

Water solubility and speciation have been studied in melts from the system albite-nepheline. Water solubility was determined at PH2O = 200 MPa and T = 1200ºC using Karl Fischer titration (KFT) and weight loss methods. It increases from 5.8?±?0.1 wt. % in the albite melt to 7.25?±?0.25 % in the nepheline melt. The solubility dependence has a sigmoidal shape with a steep increase in the Ab40–Ab60 compositional range. The densities of the hydrous glasses have been measured using the thermal-gradient method. Infrared (IR) combination bands of molecular H2O and hydroxyl groups in these glasses demonstrate a systematic shift to lower frequencies with increasing alkalinity. The data are consistent with the appearance of aluminate species (Al-O-Al fragments) appearing at 40–60 wt.% nepheline (Ab60–Ab40).  相似文献   

The effect of presure on the solubility of minerals in water and seawater can be estimated from In
(KPspK0sp) + (?ΔVP + 0.5ΔKP2)RT
where the volume (ΔV) and compressibility (ΔK) changes at atmospheric pressure (P = 0) are given by
ΔV = V?(M+, X?) ? V?[MX(s)]ΔK = K?(M+, X?) ? K?[MX(s)]
Values of the partial molal volume (V?) and compressibilty (K?) in water and seawater have been tabulated for some ions from 0 to 50°C. The compressibility change is quite large (~10 × 10?3 cm3 bar?1 mol?1) for the solubility of most minerals. This large compressibility change accounts for the large differences observed between values of ΔV obtained from linear plots of In Ksp versus P and molal volume data (Macdonald and North, 1974; North, 1974). Calculated values of KPspKosp for the solubility of CaCO3, SrSO4 and CaF2 in water were found to be in good agreement with direct measurements (Macdonald and North, 1974). Similar calculations for the solubility of minerals in seawater are also in good agreement with direct measurements (Ingle, 1975) providing that the surface of the solid phase is not appreciably altered.  相似文献   

Diffusion parameters for hydrogen diffusion in epidote-group minerals and micas have been measured under hydrothermal conditions, or calculated from existing experimental data, for bulk hydrogen isotope exchange experiments between hydrous minerals and water. Activation energies in the range 14 to 31 kcals/g-atom H are comparable to those derived by application of kinetic theory to experimental hydrogen isotope exchange data, and to those for oxygen diffusion in minerals under hydrothermal conditions. Diffusion of hydrogen in epidote is about four orders of magnitude faster than in muscovite, and about two orders of magnitude faster than in zoisite. Hydrogen diffusion in micas is about five orders of magnitude faster than oxygen diffusion, and hydrogen transport occurs dominantly parallel to the layers rather than parallel to the c-axis as for oxygen.Rapid hydrogen transport in minerals may proceed by hydrolysis of Si-O and Al-O bonds, followed by exchange of hydrolyzed oxygens with slower-diffusing (OH) or H2O. Water appears to be essential for stable isotope exchange between minerals in slowly cooling metamorphic rocks.Stable isotope data for regional metamorphic mineral assemblages suggests that water is usually present in small amounts during cooling of prograde regional metamorphic systems, and estimated closure temperatures for cessation of stable isotope exchange are often more comparable to those calculated from diffusion data than to likely temperatures of metamorphism.Alpine deformation of the Hercynian Monte Rose Granite (Frey et al. 1976) permitted access of water and initiated stable isotope exchange amongst coexisting minerals. The diffusional behaviour of species in relict Hercynian muscovites is consistent with available experimental diffusion data.  相似文献   

Fractionation of oxygen and hydrogen isotopes in evaporating water   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Variations in oxygen and hydrogen isotope ratios of water and ice are powerful tools in hydrology and ice core studies. These variations are controlled by both equilibrium and kinetic isotope effects during evaporation and precipitation, and for quantitative interpretation it is necessary to understand how these processes affect the isotopic composition of water and ice. Whereas the equilibrium isotope effects are reasonably well understood, there is controversy on the magnitude of the kinetic isotope effects of both oxygen and hydrogen and the ratio between them. In order to resolve this disagreement, we performed evaporation experiments into air, argon and helium over the temperature range from 10 to 70 °C. From these measurements we derived the isotope effects for vapor diffusion in gas phase (εdiff(HD16O) for D/H and εdiff(H218O) for 18O/16O). For air, the ratio εdiff(HD16O)/εdiff(H218O) at 20 °C is 0.84, in very good agreement with Merlivat (1978) (0.88), but in considerable inconsistency with Cappa et al. (2003) (0.52). Our results support Merlivat’s conclusion that measured εdiff(HD16O)/εdiff(H218O) ratios are significantly different than ratios calculated from simplified kinetic theory of gas diffusion. On the other hand, our experiments with helium and argon suggest that this discrepancy is not due to isotope effects of molecular collision diameters. We also found, for the first time, that the εdiff(HD16O)/εdiff(H218O) ratio tends to increase with cooling. This new finding may have important implications to interpretations of deuterium excess (d-excess = δD − 8δ18O) in ice core records, because as we show, the effect of temperature on d-excess is of similar magnitude to glacial interglacial variations in the cores.  相似文献   

Robert L. Linnen   《Lithos》2005,80(1-4):267-280
The solubilities of columbite, tantalite, wolframite, rutile, zircon and hafnon were determined as a function of the water contents in peralkaline and subaluminous granite melts. All experiments were conducted at 1035 °C and 2 kbar and the water contents of the melts ranged from nominally dry to approximately 6 wt.% H2O. Accessory phase solubilities are not affected by the water content of the peralkaline melt. By contrast, solubilities are affected by the water content of the subaluminous melt, where the solubilities of all the accessory phases examined increase with the water content of the melt, up to 2 wt.% H2O. At higher water contents, solubilities are nearly constant. It can be concluded that water is not an important control of accessory phase solubility, although the water content will affect diffusivities of components in the melt, thus whether or not accessory phases will be present as restite material. The solubility behaviour in the subaluminous and peralkaline melts supports previous spectroscopic studies, which have observed differences in the coordination of high field strength elements in dry vs. wet subaluminous granitic glasses, but not for peralkaline granitic glasses. Lastly, the fact that wolframite solubility increases with increasing water content in the subaluminous melt suggests that tungsten dissolved as a hexavalent species.  相似文献   

A thermodynamic model is presented to calculate the oxygen solubility in pure water (273-600 K, 0-200 bar) and natural brines containing Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl, SO42−, over a wide range of temperature, pressure and ionic strength with or close to experimental accuracy. This model is based on an accurate equation of state to calculate vapor phase chemical potential and a specific particle interaction model for liquid phase chemical potential. With this approach, the model can not only reproduce the existing experimental data, but also extrapolate beyond the data range from simple aqueous salt system to complicated brine systems including seawater. Compared with previous models, this model covers much wider temperature and pressure space in variable composition brine systems. A program for this model can be downloaded from the website: http://www.geochem-model.org.  相似文献   

郑海飞  段体玉  刘源  孙樯 《岩石学报》2009,25(5):1288-1290
我们在26℃和0.1~900MPa压力下进行了纯水中石膏的溶解实验。实验结果发现在低于608MPa的压力下石膏一直保持稳定,而在高于该压力下石膏才开始发生溶解。在其后的八次加压过程中,尽管体积在缩小,但压力却并不线性上升,且石膏也不发生进一步的溶解。当加压使体系压力增加,且压力超过668MPa时石膏才突然全部溶解完。这种现象一方面表明压力对矿物在水中的溶解具有某种控制作用,另一方面,也可能说明水在高压下具有完全不同于常压下的性质。这意味着地壳内在约18km深度处可能存在着一种物理化学界面。该界面将对矿物、岩石及其地球物理性质产生重要影响。  相似文献   

The hydrogen isotope fractionation between kaolinite and water   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hydrogen isotope fractionation factors between kaolinite and water were determined at temperatures between 200° and 352°C. Five-gram samples of kaolinite were heated in contact with 8-mg samples of water in sealed glass reaction tubes. Under these conditions the approach to equilibrium with time will be reflected primarily in the change of the δ D in the water. Also the δ D of the hydrogen in the kaolinite will be relatively constant, subject to minor corrections. About seventy sealed vessels were heated for various times at various temperatures. During four months of heating, ~ 25% of kaolinite hydrogen exchanged with the water at 200°C, whereas 100% exchanged at 352°C. The α-values were estimated assuming equilibrium between exchanged kaolinite and water. The 103lnα-values are estimated to be ?20, ?15, ?6 and +7 for 352°, 300°, 250° and 200°C, respectively, which are in approximate agreement with reported values previously determined at 400°C using conventional methods as well as those estimated from kaolinite in hydrothermally active systems. The curve representing the relationship between the hydrogen isotope fractionation factor for the kaolinite-water system and temperatures between 400° and 25°C is not monotonic but rather has a maximum at 200°C.  相似文献   

Periclase formed in steeply dipping marbles from the Beinn an Dubhaich aureole, Scotland, and the Silver Star aureole, Montana, by the reaction dolomite = periclase + calcite + CO2. Equilibrium between rock and fluids with X CO 2 < 1 requires that reaction was infiltration-driven. Brucite pseudomorphs after periclase occur in the Beinn an Dubhaich aureole either as bed-by-bed replacement of dolomite or in a lens along the contact between dolomite and a pre-metamorphic dike. Transport theory predicts that infiltration drove both periclase reaction and 18O-depletion fronts which moved at significantly different velocities along the flow path. The distributions of brucite and 18O-depleted rocks are identical in surface exposures, thus indicating upward flow. Time-integrated flux (q) was <500 mol/cm2 and the fluid source was magmatic. Because periclase and its hydrated equivalent brucite are unaltered to dolomite by retrograde reactions, the exposure of brucite marbles accurately images the flow paths of peak metamorphic fluids. In the Silver Star aureole brucite pseudomorphs after periclase exclusively occur in tabular bodies that are beds with elevated Mg/Ca. The spatial pattern of 18O-depletion requires upward vertical fluid flow. Estimated prograde q ≈ 103–104 mol/cm2 and the fluid source was magmatic. Low Mg/Ca, 18O-depleted, brucite-free rocks pose a dilemma because the periclase reaction front should have traveled ≈18 times further through them than the isotope alteration front. The dilemma is resolved by reaction textures that indicate periclase and brucite were destroyed in low Mg/Ca rocks by infiltration-driven retrograde carbonation reactions. Values of retrograde q were ≈103–104 mol/cm2. Brucite (after periclase) was preserved only in high Mg/Ca layers where periclase developed in greater abundance. The geometry of brucite marbles at Silver Star thus reflects the location of high Mg/Ca beds rather than the geometry of fluid flow. Retrograde reactions must be considered before the mineralogical record of prograde fluid flow can correctly be interpreted. In both aureoles fluid flow, mineral reaction, and isotope depletion were structurally controlled by bedding and lithologic contacts. Received: 30 July 1996 / Accepted: 21 March 1997  相似文献   

Celestite solubility measurements have been conducted in pure water at temperatures from 10 to 90°C. Equilibrium was achieved with respect to a crystalline solid phase from both undersaturated and supersaturated solutions. The measurements show that the solubility undergoes a maximum near 20°C. LogK values for the solubility reaction are adequately described by the following expression over the temperature range 283.15 to 363.15 K: −logK= −35.3106+0.00422837T+318312/T2+14.99586 logT.The following thennodynamic values for the dissolution reaction of SrSO4(s), at 25°C have been derived: ΔGR0 = 37852 ± 30 Jmol−1ΔHR0 = −1668±920Jmol−1ΔSR0= −132.6±3.2JK−1mol−1Celestite solubility measurements were also determined in NaCl solutions up to 5 m concentration and from 10 to 40°C. These data are in good agreement with the work of StrÜbel (1966), who reports solubility measurements to temperatures of 100°C.The application of the Pitzer relations and the solubility constants determined in this study to calculate celestite solubility in NaCl solutions yields excellent agreement between predicted values and experimental measurements over the entire range of temperature and NaCl concentration conditions. For the limited number of solubility measurements in seawater-type solutions and mixed-salt brines, the agreement using the Pitzer relations is within three percent of the measured solubility.  相似文献   

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