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The low-temperature heat capacity (C p) of Si-wadeite (K2Si4O9) synthesized with a piston cylinder device was measured over the range of 5–303 K using the heat capacity option of a physical properties measurement system. The entropy of Si-wadeite at standard temperature and pressure calculated from the measured heat capacity data is 253.8 ± 0.6 J mol−1 K−1, which is considerably larger than some of the previous estimated values. The calculated phase transition boundaries in the system K2O–Al2O3–SiO2 are generally consistent with previous experimental results. Together with our calculated phase boundaries, seven multi-anvil experiments at 1,400 K and 6.0–7.7 GPa suggest that no equilibrium stability field of kalsilite + coesite intervenes between the stability field of sanidine and that of coesite + kyanite + Si-wadeite, in contrast to previous predictions. First-order approximations were undertaken to calculate the phase diagram in the system K2Si4O9 at lower pressure and temperature. Large discrepancies were shown between the calculated diagram compared with previously published versions, suggesting that further experimental or/and calorimetric work is needed to better constrain the low-pressure phase relations of the K2Si4O9 polymorphs. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The heat capacity of synthetic, stoichiometric wadeite-type K2Si4O9 has been measured by DSC in the 195≤T(K)≤598 range. Near the upper temperature limit of our data, the heat capacity observed by DSC agrees with that reported by Geisinger et al. (1987) based on a vibrational model of their infrared and Raman spectroscopic data. However, with decreasing temperature, the Cp observed by DSC is progressively higher than that predicted from the vibrational model, suggesting that the standard entropy of K2Si4O9 is likely to be larger than 198.9 ± 4.0 J/K · mol computed from the spectroscopic data. A fit to the DSC data gave: Cp(T) = 499.13 (±1.87) − 4.35014 · 103(±3.489 · 101) · T −0.5, with T in K and average absolute percent deviation of 0.37%. The room-temperature compressibilities of kalsilite and leucite, hitherto unknown, have been measured as well. The data, fitted to the Murnaghan equation of state, gave K o = 58.6 GPa, K o  = 0.1 for kalsilite and K o = 45 GPa, K o  = 5.7 for α-leucite. Apart from the above mentioned data on the properties of the individual phases, we have also obtained reaction-reversals on four equilibria in the system K2O-Al2O3-SiO2. The Bayesian method has been used simultaneously to process the properties of 13 phases and 15 reactions between them to derive an internally consistent thermodynamic dataset for the K2O-Al2O3-SiO2 ternary. The enthalpy of formation of K2Si4O9 wadeite is in perfect agreement with its revised calorimetric value, the standard entropy is 232.1 ± 10.4 J/K · mol, ∼15% higher than that implied by vibrational modeling. The phase diagram, generated from our internally consistent thermodynamic dataset, shows that for all probable P-T trajectories in the subduction regime, the stable pressure-induced decomposition of K-feldspar will produce coesite + kalsilite rather than coesite + kyanite + K2Si4O9 (cf. Urakawa et al. 1994). Received: 11 June 1997 / Accepted: 2 December 1997  相似文献   

Strontium fluorapatite (SrF-Ap) and barium fluorapatite (BaF-Ap) were synthesized by using a piston-cylinder apparatus at 1.0 GPa and 800 °C. Their thermal expansivity and compressibility were subsequently investigated by using in situ high-T powder X-ray diffraction method (up to 1,000 °C at ambient P) and by using a diamond-anvil cell coupled with synchrotron X-ray radiation (up to about 5 GPa at room T), respectively. The derived thermal expansion coefficients and bulk moduli were combined with the literature data for calcium fluorapatite (CaF-Ap) and lead fluorapatite (PbF-Ap) to constrain the influence of the M-site cations on the elasticity of the fluorapatites (MF-Ap). The results show that both the size of the M cations and their polarizability affect the thermal expansion coefficients of the MF-Ap. For the axial and volumetric bulk moduli, the size of the M cations plays a dominant role, with some crystallographic features of the MF-Ap being potentially important as well.  相似文献   

Wadeite K2ZrSi3O9 and its analogues K2TiSi3O9 and Cs2ZrSi3O9, synthesized by high-temperature solid-state sintering, have been investigated using powder X-ray diffraction coupled with Rietveld analysis and high-temperature oxide melt solution calorimetry. The crystal chemistry and energetics of these phases, together with K2SiVISi3 IVO9, a high-pressure wadeite analogue containing both tetrahedral and octahedral Si, are discussed in term of ionic substitutions. As the size of the octahedral framework cation increases, Si4+ → Ti4+ → Zr4+, the cell parameter c increases at a much higher rate than a. In contrast, increasing the interstitial alkali cation size (K+ → Cs+) results in a higher rate of increase in a compared with c. This behavior can be attributed to framework distortion around the interstitial cation. The enthalpies of formation from the constituent oxides (ΔHf,ox0) and from the elements (ΔHf,el0) have been determined from drop-solution calorimetry into 2PbO·B2O3 solvent at 975 K. The obtained values (in kJ/mol) are as follows: ΔHf,ox0 (K2TiSi3O9) = −355.8 ± 3.0, ΔHf,el0 (K2TiSi3O9) = −4395.1 ± 4.8, ΔHf,ox0 (K2ZrSi3O9) = −374.3 ± 3.3, ΔHf,el0 (K2ZrSi3O9) = −4569.9 ± 5.0, ΔHf,ox0 (Cs2ZrSi3O9) = −396.6 ± 4.4, and ΔHf,el0 (Cs2ZrSi3O9) = −4575.0 ± 5.5. The enthalpies of formation for K2SiVISi3 IVO9 were calculated from its drop-solution enthalpy of an earlier study (Akaogi et al. 2004), and the obtained ΔHf,ox0 (K2SiSi3O9) = −319.7 ± 3.4 and ΔHf,el0 (K2SiSi3O9) = −4288.7 ± 5.1 kJ/mol. With increasing the size of the octahedral framework cation or of the interstitial alkali cation, the formation enthalpies become more exothermic. This trend is consistent with the general behavior of increasing energetic stability with decreasing ionic potential (z/r) seen in many oxide and silicate systems. Further, increasing the size of the octahedral framework cation appears to induce more rapid increase in stability than increasing the interstitial alkali cation size, suggesting that framework cations play a more dominant role in wadeite stability.  相似文献   

Drop calorimetric measurements of HT-H273 are reported for glassy and liquid albite and potassium tetrasilicate for the temperature interval 600–1500 K. Analysis of these observations as well as data for 13 other stable and supercooled silicate liquids suggests strongly that the isobaric heat capacities of stable and supercooled liquids are equal and thus temperature independent. Available evidence indicates that the isochoric heat capacities of liquid alkali silicates are also temperature independent within present experimental uncertainties.  相似文献   

Inelastic magnetic neutron scattering has been used to determine the energy of the 4 A 24 T 2 transition in CoAl2O4 spinel and the δ1 transition in Co2[Al4Si5]O18 cordierite. The observed crystal field splitting in Co-spinel is 485 meV (3900 cm−1), which corresponds to a crystal field stabilization energy of 56.2 kJmol−1. The transition energy of the δ1 transition in Co-cordierite has been determined to be 21 meV (170 cm−1). The present data demonstrate that magnetic neutron scattering can be used to measure crystal field transitions at energies of interest in the study of 3d-containing silicates. It may be used to measure transition energies when the use of optical spectroscopy is inappropriate. Received: 30 January 1997 / Accepted: 5 July 1997  相似文献   

High-pressure and high-temperature experiments using a laser-heated diamond anvil cell (LHDAC) and synchrotron X-ray diffraction have revealed a phase transition in MgAl2O4. CaTi2O4-type MgAl2O4 was found to be stable at pressures between 45 and at least 117 GPa. The transition pressure of CaTi2O4-type phase in MgAl2O4 is much lower than that in the natural N-type mid-oceanic ridge basalt composition. The Birch–Murnaghan equation of state for CaTi2O4-type MgAl2O4 was determined from the experimental unit cell parameters with K 0=219(±6) GPa, K 0′=4(constrained value), and V 0=238.9(±9) Å3. The observed compressibility was in agreement with the theoretical compressibility calculated in a previous study. ε-MgAl2O4 was observed at pressures between 40 and 45 GPa, which has not been reported in natural rock compositions. The gradient (dP/dT slope) of the transition from the ε-type to CaTi2O4-type MgAl2O4 had a positive value. These results should resolve the dispute regarding the stable high-pressure phase of MgAl2O4, which has been reported in earlier studies using both the multi-anvil press and the diamond anvil cell.  相似文献   

Density measurements have been carried out on the melt system diopside-anorthite from room temperature to 1600° C at 1 atm, and from 1400° C to 1800° C at pressures up to 20 Kb. The densities were determined based on the dilatometric curve and density at 22° C for lowtemperatures, the double-bob Archimedean method for high-temperatures at 1 atm, and on the sinking and floating spheres method for high-pressure conditions.The results at 1 atm indicate that the thermal expansion coefficient of the glassy state is almost constant, while that of the liquid state decreases with increasing temperature. Density decreased with increasing anorthite content for both glassy and liquid states. Melts in the liquid-state mix ideally with respect to volume, while the glassy state exhibits a maximum excess volume at Di30An70. Density-pressure relations clearly show a density reversion between diopsiderich and anorthite-rich melts; the anorthite-rich melt becomes denser than diopside-rich melt at pressures above 8 kb.The free volumes of both the liquid and glassy states decreased with increasing anorthite content.Isothermal compressibilities and the hard-sphere diameter have been calculated based on the hard-sphere liquid model using thermal expansion coefficients and surface tension data. Calculated compressibilities for diopside-rich melt (Di:>Di60) agreed well with the experimental data, while calculated and observed compressibilities for anorthite-rich melt did not. This evidence indicates that diopside melt may be regarded as a discrete-melt composed of small constituent units (about 10 Å in average diameter) and much interstitial space, while anorthite melt is a three-dimensional network melt with little interstitial space. The critical composition Di60An40 is similar to that of the eutectic and corresponds to breaks between composition and other physical properties. It is proposed that the composition may reflect a kind of critical state in the substitution of the continuous structure of anorthite melt for the discrete structure of diopside melt. The critical state may be interpreted based on the site-percolation theory.  相似文献   

Hydrothermal investigation of the bulk composition CaO·Al2O3·4SiO2 + excess H2O has been conducted using conventional techniques over the temperature range 200–500° C and 500–5,000 bars P fluid. The fully ordered wairakite was synthesized unequivocally in the laboratory, probably for the first time.The gradual, sluggish and continuous transformation from disordered to ordered wairakite evidently accounts for failure by previous investigators to synthesize ordered wairakite in runs of week-long duration. The dehydration of metastable disordered wairakite to metastable hexagonal anorthite, quartz and H2O has been determined; this reaction takes place at temperatures exceeding 400° C, even at fluid pressures of 500 bars or less. The upper P fluid-T boundary of the disordered phase is equivalent to the maximum temperature curve of synthetic wairakite presented by previous investigators. The hydrothermal breakdown of natural wairakite above its stability limit appears to be a very slow process.The equilibrium dehydration of wairakite to anorthite, quartz and H2O occurs at 330±5° C at 500 bars, 348±5° C at 1,000 bars, 372±5° C at 2,000 bars and 385±5° C at 3,000 bars. Where fluid pressure equals total pressure, the thermal stability range of wairakite is about 100° C wide. At lower temperatures wairakite reacts with H2O to form laumontite. Reconnaissance experiments dealing with the effect of CO2 on stabilities of calcium zeolites suggest that wairakite or laumontite may be replaced by the assemblage calcite + montmorillonite in the presence of a CO2-bearing fluid phase.The determined P fluid -T field of wairakite is compatible with field observations in some metamorphic terrains where it is related to the shallow emplacement of granitic magma and with direct pressure-temperature measurements in certain active geothermal areas. Under inferred conditions of higher CO2/H2O ratios, essentially unmetamorphosed rocks grade directly into those characteristic of the greenschist facies; moderately high values of CO2 in carbonate-bearing rocks result in the downgrade extension of the greenschist facies at the expense of zeolite-bearing assemblages.  相似文献   

 Quantum-mechanical solid-state calculations have been performed on the highest-pressure polymorph of magnesium aluminate (CaTi2O4-type structure, Cmcm space group), as well as on the low-pressure (Fdm) spinel phase and on MgO and Al2O3. An ab initio all-electron periodic scheme with localized basis functions (Gaussian-type atomic orbitals) has been used, employing density-functional-theory Hamiltonians based on LDA and B3LYP functionals. Least-enthalpy structure optimizations in the pressure range 0 to 60 GPa have allowed us to predict: (1) the full crystal structure, the pV equation of state and the compressibility of Cmcm-MgAl2O4 as a function of pressure; (2) the phase diagram of the MgO–Al2O3–MgAl2O4 system (with exclusion of CaFe2O4-type Pmcn-MgAl2O4), and the equilibrium pressures for the reactions of formation/decomposition of the Fdm and Cmcm polymorphs of MgAl2O4 from the MgO + Al2O3 assemblage. Cmcm-MgAl2O4 is predicted to form at 39 and 57 GPa by LDA and B3LYP calculations, with K 0=248 (K′=3.3) and 222 GPa (K′=3.8), respectively. Results are compared to experimental data, where available, and the performance of different DFT functionals is discussed. Received: 31 January 2001 / Accepted: 16 May 2001  相似文献   

The crystal structures, lattice dynamics and magnetic properties of synthetic Co-cordierite, Co2Al4Si5O18, and Mn-cordierite, Mn2Al4Si5O18 have been studied by neutron powder diffraction, infrared spectroscopy and magnetisation measurements. Due to different synthesis conditions, the Co-cordierite used here crystallised in the hexagonal α-cordierite structure with a disordered Si/Al distribution in the framework, while for the Mn-cordierite the orthorhombic β-structure has been determined. The experimentally determined paramagnetic moments, exp (Mn) = 5.47(6) B and exp (Co) = 3.88(4) B , are in good agreement with theoretical predictions for octahedrally coordinated Mn2+ and Co2+, respectively. In both compounds there is no magnetic long-range order down to at least 1.5 K. However, the onset of an anti-ferromagnetic short-range correlation of magnetic moments along [001] has been observed for Mn-cordierite by magnetisation and neutron diffraction measurements. This short-range magnetic correlation becomes evident from diffuse scattering observed at 2 K. The diffuse scattering has been interpreted in terms of a Blech-Averbach function. Received: 30 June 1998 / Revised, accepted: 3 March 1999  相似文献   

Consideration of the existence of hydrosilicate liquids (HSL) in nature can help in understanding the accumulation and transport of some mineral- and ore-forming components at the transition from magmas to hydrothermal fluids. We studied the experimental formation of HSL using a base system Na2O-SiO2-H2O with addition of NaF, NaCl and metallic Ta. The interaction between quartz and aqueous solution, performed at 1.5 kbar and 600°C and followed either by cooling or by quench, showed that the formation of HSL occurred when initial Na2O exceeded 2 wt %. Neither NaF nor NaCl have a significant effect on the formation of HSL. The HSL concentrates F, whereas Cl partitions into the aqueous fluid. With addition of Ta to the system, the HSL becomes metal-enriched. Natural analogs of experimental HSL can be found among ??melt/fluid?? inclusions entrapped in quartz and other minerals of miaroles in granite pegmatites and raremetal granites. The HSL is a novel medium enabling extreme concentrations of lithophile ore metals at the magmatic-hydrothermal transition.  相似文献   

NMR shieldings (σ) and electric field gradients (eq) are calculated using ab initio methods at the O and T nuclei (where T=P, Si) in two different types of molecules-TH3 dimers, i.e. H3SiOSiH3 and H3POPH 3 2+ , and TO4 trimeric rings, i.e., Si3O 9 6- and P3O 9 3- , which serve as models for assessing the effects of polymerization, bond length and bond angle variation on the NMR properties of polymerized silicates and phosphates. In agreement with earlier ab initio studies on H3SiOSiH3 we confirm that σ(29Si), σ(31P), σ(17O) and eq(17O) all decrease as θ(SiOSi) decreases in the range from 180° to 100°. However, correction for artifacts due to distant core electrons leads to a considerably reduced value for the anisotropy in σ O, bringing it into better agreement with estimated experimental values. The qualitative change in σ(29Si) with θ(SiOSi) can be understood on the basis of changes in the energies of the highest energy occupied MO's and consequent variations in their contributions to the paramagnetic part of the shielding. For H3POPH 3 2+ we calculate a larger value of eqO than for the analog Si compound but the same type of variation of σ(17O) with θ(TOT). The change in σ(31P) with θ(POP) is, however, calculated to be much smaller than in the Si case and a maximum is predicted for intermediate angles. For the trimeric rings we obtain energy optimized geometries in good agreement with x-ray structural data, with T-O terminal distances systematically shorter than the T-O bridging distances. Calculated σ(T) anisotropies are also in good agreement with experiment and can be simply related to the calculated structure. After correction for distant core effects we obtain a change in σ(31P) between PO 4 3- and P3O 9 3- in reasonable agreement with experiment.  相似文献   

The phase boundary between wadsleyite and ringwoodite in Mg2SiO4 has been determined in situ using a multi-anvil apparatus and synchrotron X-rays radiation at SPring-8. In spite of the similar X-ray diffraction profiles of these high-pressure phases with closely related structures, we were able to identify the occurrence of the mutual phase transformations based on the change in the difference profile by utilizing a newly introduced press-oscillation system. The boundary was located at ~18.9 GPa and 1,400°C when we used Shim’s gold pressure scale (Shim et al. in Earth Planet Sci Lett 203:729–739, 2002), which was slightly (~0.8 GPa) lower than the pressure as determined from the quench experiments of Katsura and Ito (J Geophys Res 94:15663–15670, 1989). Although it was difficult to constrain the Clapeyron slope based solely on the present data due to the kinetic problem, the phase boundary [P (GPa)=13.1+4.11×10−3×T (K)] calculated by a combination of a PT position well constrained by the present experiment and the calorimetric data of Akaogi et al. (J Geophys Res 94:15671–15685, 1989) reasonably explains all the present data within the experimental error. When we used Anderson’s gold pressure scale (Anderson et al. in J Appl Phys 65:1535–1543, 1989), our phase boundary was located in ~18.1 GPa and 1,400°C, and the extrapolation boundary was consistent with that of Kuroda et al. (Phys Chem Miner 27:523–532, 2000), which was determined at high temperature (1,800–2,000°C) using a calibration based on the same pressure scale. Our new phase boundary is marginally consistent with that of Suzuki et al. (Geophys Res Lett 27:803–806, 2000) based on in situ X-ray experiments at lower temperatures (<1,000°C) using Brown’s and Decker’s NaCl pressure scales.  相似文献   

In situ X-ray diffraction measurements of KAlSi3O8-hollandite (K-hollandite) were performed at pressures of 15–27 GPa and temperatures of 300–1,800 K using a Kawai-type apparatus. Unit-cell volumes obtained at various pressure and temperature conditions in a series of measurements were fitted to the high-temperature Birch-Murnaghan equation of state and a complete set of thermoelastic parameters was obtained with an assumed K300,0=4. The determined parameters are V 300,0=237.6(2) Å3, K 300,0=183(3) GPa, (?K T,0/?T) P =?0.033(2) GPa K?1, a 0=3.32(5)×10?5 K?1, and b 0=1.09(1)×10?8 K?2, where a 0 and b 0 are coefficients describing the zero-pressure thermal expansion: α T,0 = a 0 + b 0 T. We observed broadening and splitting of diffraction peaks of K-hollandite at pressures of 20–23 GPa and temperatures of 300–1,000 K. We attribute this to the phase transitions from hollandite to hollandite II that is an unquenchable high-pressure phase recently found. We determined the phase boundary to be P (GPa)=16.6 + 0.007 T (K). Using the equation of state parameters of K-hollandite determined in the present study, we calculated a density profile of a hypothetical continental crust (HCC), which consists only of K-hollandite, majorite garnet, and stishovite with 1:1:1 ratio in volume. Density of HCC is higher than the surrounding mantle by about 0.2 g cm?3 in the mantle transition zone while this relation is reversed below 660-km depth and HCC becomes less dense than the surrounding mantle by about 0.15 g cm?3 in the uppermost lower mantle. Thus the 660-km seismic discontinuity can be a barrier to prevent the transportation of subducted continental crust materials to the lower mantle and the subducted continental crust may reside at the bottom of the mantle transition zone.  相似文献   

The stability of the high-pressure CaCO3 calcite (cc)-related polymorphs was studied in experiments that were performed in conventional diamond anvil cells (DAC) at room temperature as a function of pressure up to 30 GPa as well as in internally heated diamond anvil cells (DAC-HT) at pressures and temperatures up to 20 GPa and 800 K. To probe structural changes, we used Raman and FTIR spectroscopy. For the latter, we applied conventional and synchrotron mid-infrared as well as synchrotron far-infrared radiation. Within the cc-III stability field (2.2–15 GPa at room temperature, e.g., Catalli and Williams in Phys Chem Miner 32(5–6):412–417, 2005), we observed in the Raman spectra consistently three different spectral patterns: Two patterns at pressures below and above 3.3 GPa were already described in Pippinger et al. (Phys Chem Miner 42(1):29–43, 2015) and assigned to the phase transition of cc-IIIb to cc-III at 3.3 GPa. In addition, we observed a clear change between 5 and 6 GPa that is independent of the starting material and the pressure path and time path of the experiments. This apparent change in the spectral pattern is only visible in the low-frequency range of the Raman spectra—not in the infrared spectra. Complementary electronic structure calculations confirm the existence of three distinct stability regions of cc-III-type phases at pressures up to about 15 GPa. By combining experimental and simulation data, we interpret the transition at 5–6 GPa as a re-appearance of the cc-IIIb phase. In all types of experiments, we confirmed the transition from cc-IIIb to cc-VI at about 15 GPa at room temperature. We found that temperature stabilizes cc-VI to lower pressure. The reaction cc-IIIb to cc-VI has a negative slope of ?7.0 × 10?3 GPa K?1. Finally, we discuss the possibility of the dense cc-VI phase being more stable than aragonite at certain pressure and temperature conditions relevant to the Earth’s mantle.  相似文献   

This paper presents a solid state 1H, 23Na, 29Si, and 119Sn nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) study of sorensenite. New 29Si NMR data for two related pyroxenoids, wollastonite and pectolite, are included for comparison. By more sensitively probing chemical bonding, the element-specific NMR observations both complement and reinforce the x-ray diffraction results. The role of hydrogen and its interactions with neighboring atoms in sorensenite is further clarified. The wollastonite and pectolite 29Si spectra resolve for the first time all three crystallographic sites and their comparison with sorensenite reveals subtle, systematic differences in sites along the pyroxenoid chains. Effects of corner-shared BeO4 tetrahedra on 29Si shifts show that sorensenite may also be viewed as a more polymerized silicoberyllate. Contribution to the mineralogy of Ilimaussaq No. 86  相似文献   

 The adiabatic elastic moduli of polycrystalline En50Py50 and En80Py20 majorite-garnet solid solutions (where En=4MgSiO3, Py=Mg3Al2Si3O12) and the end-member En100 tetragonal majorite were determined at ambient conditions using Brillouin spectroscopy. The adiabatic bulk modulus, K, and shear modulus, μ, of En50Py50 were found to be K=173.1 (20) and μ=92.3 (10) GPa, and are indistinguishable from those of the end-member pyrope, Py100. The moduli of the more majorite-rich samples are significantly lower and are virtually identical to each other (K=162.6(11) and μ=85.7(7) for En80Py20; K=166(5) and μ=88(2) for En100). In combination with previously reported moduli for this system, we conclude that both K and μ are constant over the compositional range from Py100 to a majorite content of about 70–80%, whereupon the moduli decrease substantially. For compositions ranging from En80Py20 to the end-member majorite, the moduli are also approximately independent of composition, but at a lower value. An alternative model with a continuous decrease in moduli with increasing majorite content cannot be excluded, within the uncertainties of existing measurements. The contrast in moduli between aluminous pyrope garnet and Al-free majorite are small compared with the modulus changes accompanying the pyroxene – majorite phase transformation. Received August 16, 1995 /Revised, accepted January 12, 1996  相似文献   

Heat capacity, thermal expansion, and compressibility data have been obtained for a number of selected phases of the system NaAlSiO4-LiAlSiO4-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O. All C p measurements have been executed by DSC in the temperature range 133–823 K. The data for T ≥ 223 K have been fitted to the function C p (T) = a + cT  −2 + dT  −0.5 + fT  −3, the fit parameters being The thermal expansion data (up to 525 °C) have been fitted to the function V 0(T) = V 0(T) [1 + v 1 (TT 0) + v 2 (T−T 0)2], with T 0 = 298.15 K. The room-temperature compressibility data (up to 6 GPa) have been smoothed by the Murnaghan equation of state. The resulting parameters are These data, along with other phase property and reaction reversal data from the literature, have been simultaneously processed by the Bayes method to derive an internally consistent thermodynamic dataset (see Tables 6 and 7) for the NaAlSiO4-LiAlSiO4-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O quinary. Phase diagrams generated from this dataset are compatible with cookeite-, ephesite-, and paragonite-bearing assemblages observed in metabauxites and common metasediments. Phase diagrams obtained from the same database are also in agreement with the cookeite-free, petalite-, spodumene-, eucryptite-, and bikitaite-bearing assemblages known to develop in the subsolidus phase of recrystallization of␣lithium-bearing pegmatites. It is gratifying to note that the cookeite phase relations predicted earlier by Vidal and Goffé (1991) in the context of the system Li2O-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O agree with our results in a general way. Received: 19 May 1998 / Accepted: 25 June 1998  相似文献   

Mn3+-bearing piemontites and orthozoisites, Ca2(Al3-pMn3+ p)-(Si2O7/SiO4/O/OH), have been synthesized on the join Cz (p = 0.0)-Pm (p = 3.0) of the system CaO-Al2O3-(MnO·MnO2)-SiO2-H2O atP = 15 kb,T= 800 °C, and \(f_{O_2 } \) of the Mn2O3/MnO2 buffer. Pure Al-Mn3+-piemontites were obtained with 0.5≦p≦1.75, whereas atp=0.25 Mn3+-bearing orthozoisite (thulite) formed as single phase product. The limit of piemontite solid solubility is found near p=1.9 at the above conditions. Withp>1.9, the maximum piemontite coexisted with a new high pressure phase CMS-X1, a Ca-bearing braunite (Mn 0.2 2+ Ca0.8)Mn 6 3+ O8(SiO4), and quartz. Al-Mn3+-piemontite lattice constants (LC),b 0,c 0,V 0, increase with increasingp:

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