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Traits have been revealed in the microbial processes of methane formation and organic matter destruction in bottom sediments of technogenic water bodies, in which at the abundance of Corg compounds, including toxic, dissolved oxygen deficiency, and low redox potential, organic matter decay in sediments is mostly anaerobic with the predominance of methanogenesis and sulfate reduction. Data on major microbial processes are used to calculate the total sludge destruction; it is maximal in the sediments of low-toxicity technogenic water bodies; organic matter destruction in them is mostly due to methanogenesis; it is minimal in high-toxicity water bodies, the share of sulfate reduction in them increases, and that of methanogenesis decreases.  相似文献   

Concentration of oil hydrocarbons in the bottom sediments of water bodies in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug has been analyzed. Statistical methods have been used to confirm the dependence of contamination level on the frequency of accidents in oil fields. Areas with heavily contaminated bottom sediments have been singled out.Translated from Vodnye Resursy, Vol. 32, No. 1, 2005, pp. 85–89.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Moskovchenko.  相似文献   

Model experiments with oil-polluted bottom sediments and aquatic organisms (bacteria, protozoa, rooted plants, worms, maggots insects, mollusks, crustaceans, benthos-eating fish), whose life cycle is associated with the bed of water bodies, where used to establish the lethal, sublethal, and threshold concentrations, as well as the maximal allowable oil concentration in bottom sediments as a standard established basing on the response of most sensitive test-organisms. The established standard??0.02 g/kg absolutely dry bottom sediment??was validated in rivers of the Ob basin and approved as a regional standard for water bodies of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area (Yugra).  相似文献   

The results of bioassay and physicochemical analysis of bottom sediments from large water bodies in Northwestern Russia are presented. The water bodies under consideration include Lake Onega, Vygozerskoe Reservoir, and freshwater part of the Neva Estuary (the Eastern Gulf of Finland), which are locally subject to eutrophication and toxic pollution. The potential toxicity of bottom sediments, evaluated by the survival rate of two crustacean species (Gmelinoides fasciatus and Ceriodaphnia affinis) in 7-day tests, varied from high to low values, characterizing 5 quality classes: high, good, moderate, poor, and heavy, with appropriate degrees of toxic pollution from no to very high pollution. Bad zones were identified in the Kondopoga and Petrozavodsk bays of Onega Lake, the northern and southern parts of the Vygozerskoe Reservoir, and the southern part of the Neva Bay near the dam. Bottom sediments were found to have high quality in the open central areas of Lake Onega and the Vygozerskoe Reservoir and in the western part of Neva Estuary.  相似文献   

The toxicological state of individual parts of the Novosibirsk Reservoir was assessed with the help of bioassay tests of water and water extracts from bottom sediments with the use of two species of protococcus algae (Scenedesmus quadricauda (Turp.) Breb., Chlorella vulgaris Beijer) and two species of entomostracans (Daphnia magna Straus, Ceriodaphnia affinis Lillijeborg). It was found that the Ob R. near Kamenon-Ob is more polluted in terms of water and less polluted in terms of bottom sediments, compared with those in the lower part of the reservoir. The bioassay results are in agreement with the results of benthos-based bioindication and studies of chlorophyll a and pollutant concentrations in water.  相似文献   

Examples of the impact of the content of organic matter and compounds of Al and Fe in freshwater sediments on the phosphorus release from the bottom are studied. The relationships between the phosphorus release from bottom sediments and organic matter concentration in sediments of 22 lakes of the world are obtained and discussed as a result of generalization of actual data.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the concentrations and possible sources of heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in water and estuarine sediments from Gao-ping River in order to evaluate the environmental quality of aquatic system in southern Taiwan. High concentrations of heavy metals including Cr, Zn, Ni, Cu and As, ranging from 10.7 to 180 mg/kg-dry weight (dw), were detected in sediments from Gao-ping River. When normalized to the principal component analysis (PCA), swinery and electroplating wastewaters were found to be the most important pollution sources for heavy metals. Of various organochlorine pesticide (OCP) residues detected, aldrin and total-hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) were frequently found in sediments. The total concentrations of OCPs were in the range 0.47-47.4 ng/g-dw. Also, the total-HCH, total-cyclodiene, and total-dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) were in the range 0.37-36.3, 0.21-19.0, and 0.44-1.88 ng/g-dw, respectively. The polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) concentrations in sediments from Gao-ping River ranged between 0.37 and 5.89 ng/g-dw. The PCB concentrations are positively correlated to the organic contents of the sediment particles. alpha-HCH was found to be the dominant compound of HCH in the sediments, showing that long-range transport may be the possible source for the contamination of HCH in sediments from Gao-ping River. In summary, trace amounts of POPs in estuarine sediments from Gao-ping River were detected, showing that there still exist a wide variety of POP residues in the river sediments in Taiwan. These POP residues may be mainly from long-range transport and weathered agricultural soils, while heavy metal contamination is primarily from the swinery and industrial wastewaters.  相似文献   

《Marine pollution bulletin》2009,58(6-12):846-857
The objective of this study was to determine the concentrations and possible sources of heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in water and estuarine sediments from Gao-ping River in order to evaluate the environmental quality of aquatic system in southern Taiwan. High concentrations of heavy metals including Cr, Zn, Ni, Cu and As, ranging from 10.7 to 180 mg/kg-dry weight (dw), were detected in sediments from Gao-ping River. When normalized to the principal component analysis (PCA), swinery and electroplating wastewaters were found to be the most important pollution sources for heavy metals. Of various organochlorine pesticide (OCP) residues detected, aldrin and total-hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) were frequently found in sediments. The total concentrations of OCPs were in the range 0.47–47.4 ng/g-dw. Also, the total-HCH, total-cyclodiene, and total-dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) were in the range 0.37–36.3, 0.21–19.0, and 0.44–1.88 ng/g-dw, respectively. The polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) concentrations in sediments from Gao-ping River ranged between 0.37 and 5.89 ng/g-dw. The PCB concentrations are positively correlated to the organic contents of the sediment particles. α-HCH was found to be the dominant compound of HCH in the sediments, showing that long-range transport may be the possible source for the contamination of HCH in sediments from Gao-ping River. In summary, trace amounts of POPs in estuarine sediments from Gao-ping River were detected, showing that there still exist a wide variety of POP residues in the river sediments in Taiwan. These POP residues may be mainly from long-range transport and weathered agricultural soils, while heavy metal contamination is primarily from the swinery and industrial wastewaters.  相似文献   

Total organic carbon (TOC) and biogenic silica (opal) content, elemental (C/N) and isotopic (δ13C, δ15N) composition of organic matter and the content of lipid biomarkers derived from both marine and terrestrial sources constrain relative contributions from marine productivity and continental erosion to surface sediments throughout coastal SE Alaska (54°N to 61°N). TOC and opal content are very high (up to 8% and 33% by weight, respectively) in fjords and inlets south of Icy Strait (∼58°N) and uniformly low at offshore sites to the south, and at both offshore and inland sites to the north (averaging 0.6±0.3% and 2.3±1.8%, respectively). TOC and opal mass accumulation rates (MARs, based on bulk density and 210Pb-derived sediment MAR) suggest dilution with terrigenous, inorganic detrital materials accounts for the low concentrations of both biogenic phases in sediments from the glacial tidewater fjords of Muir and Yakutat Bays but not elsewhere. C/N, δ13C, and δ15N indicate a dominant marine origin for organic matter deposited at most sites. This conclusion implicates elevated primary productivity in inland waters to the south with diatoms, based on opal results, being the dominant contributor. A very significant terrestrial organic fraction (25–50%) is contained in sediments deposited on the continental shelf to the north of 58°N. Hydrocarbon biomarkers indicate the terrestrial fraction in sediments from this region is represented by old organic matter (kerogen) likely contained within riverborne particles eroding from now heavily glaciated adjacent landscapes. In sediment to the south, the terrestrial fraction is traced to modern soil organic matter eroded from the now non-glaciated, heavily forested adjacent landscape. Our study provides a framework to guide future investigations of short- (anthropogenic) to long- (Holocene) term environmental and/or climate change in this region through down-core, stratigraphic analysis.  相似文献   

Nine groups of water bodies are used to demonstrate the existence of a relationship between the bottom sediment content of organic matter, forms of phosphorus and calcium, and the morphometric characteristics of lakes.  相似文献   

The primary objective of this study was to examine the chemical speciation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) found in sediments endowed with different characteristics. To achieve this purpose and because the nature of the sediments influences the distribution of PAHs, we have analyzed four different types of sediments. To study the role of organic matter in the sequestration of PAHs, we fractionated humic substances into humic acids and humin-mineral fractions. After their separation and purification, the humic components were examined for their sorptive reactivity by extracting them with organic solvents; these extracts were subsequently subjected to GC/MS analysis. Our results show that PAHs are distributed between labile and sequestered fractions in sediments. A slower uptake of PAHs occurs when the sequestered fraction is formed, and this process can be prolonged and may be influenced by the characteristics if the sediment. Our study suggests that organic contaminants are available in muddy sediments for a longer period of time than in sandy sediments.  相似文献   

Granulometric analysis was carried out for bottom sediment of the Northern Caspian Sea sampled in 2001. The results of analysis were used to map the spatial distribution of different types of bottom sediments and evaluate their areas. To identify the changes that have taken place in the granulometric composition and spatial distribution of bottom sediments in a transgression period, the obtained materials were compared with data of the previous survey. The main factors of sediments dynamics are shown to be higher continental runoff and sea transgression.  相似文献   

New data on the distribution of organic compounds at different horizons (0–10, 30–40, and 70–80 cm) of bottom sediments of the fresh Fyrkal Lake (Republic of Khakaßsia) and the salt Lake Mormyshanskoe (Altai Territory) have been collected. The compositions of organic compounds in the sediments in the examined lakes has been found to differ considerably, though some parameters in their composition show changes in the same direction. The concentrations of triterpenoids of the groups of lupane, oleanane, and hopane in the sediments decrease with depth. An increase in the share of saturated compounds in the composition of steroids is accompanied by a decrease in the ratio of their isomers (5β/5α). Terrestrial vegetation dominates among organic matter sources, while, in Lake Fyrkal, the contributions of terrestrial plants and macrophytes are similar. The presence of thermally transformed steroids and triterpenoids throughout the vertical profile of sediments in Lake Mormyshanskoe may be an indication to a slight oil pollution of the water body.  相似文献   

Solute exchange between the interstitial waters and overlying waters on the Washington continental shelf was investigated based on measurements of the pore-water sulfate distribution and sulfate reduction rates as well as through models describing the distribution of sulfate in anaerobic pore waters. The depth-integrated sulfate reduction rate greatly exceeded the influx of sulfate attributable to molecular diffusion and sediment accumulation acting on the measured vertical sulfate gradients, and indicated that additional transport mechanisms must have been operating. Sediment mixing was probably not the primary mechanism since high eddy diffusivities would be required to depths of 30 cm to maintain the observed sulfate distribution, whereas previously measured210Pb distributions indicated sediment mixing is primarily restricted to depths <7 cm. Irrigation of bottom water through animal burrows was the most likely mechanism. To describe this process, a general diffusive irrigation coefficient, B, was formulated. Vertical profiles of B showed the main irrigation zone occurred between 2 and 10 cm with reduced irrigation rates occurring below this. These coefficients calculated from the sulfate distribution were similar to ones calculated from previously published radon measurements at the same stations, indicating that this formulation of irrigation exchange may be useful in modelling the exchange of dissolved solutes between the pore water and the bottom water.  相似文献   

为了揭示湖库内源性污染物的分布、来源、组成及垂向分布特征,以新建人工深水湖泊龙景湖为研究对象,采用紫外-可见光谱和三维荧光光谱技术,研究了该湖泊以成湖前用途划分的3个特征区域(原河道底部、新淹没区底部和新淹没区边坡)的沉积物上覆水和孔隙水中的溶解性有机质(DOM)的光谱特征.结果表明,孔隙水中的DOM芳香性和腐殖化程度高于上覆水;孔隙水中疏水组分含量大于上覆水,且水体中可能存在内源孔隙水释放的低分子量DOM.龙景湖上覆水和孔隙水中的DOM主要源于水体自身的微生物,自生源特征明显,且可能存在新近释放到水体的有机质.龙景湖沉积物上覆水和孔隙水中的DOM以类腐殖酸和类蛋白质为主,且随着深度增加,类腐殖酸峰强度增强,与龙景湖的建湖背景有明显联系.  相似文献   

Studies of water, suspension, and sediments of the Volga R. (from Konakovo Town to the delta) showed that at the confluence with tributaries, diffusion and dilution play the major role. Changes in conductivity, Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), pH, suspension, chlorophyll a, dissolved and organic carbon, lipids, and hydrocarbons take place mostly under the effect of natural processes. Typical features in the case of summer low-water period are low chlorophyll a, suspension, and BOD5. The accumulation of pollutants takes place in bottom sediments because of an increase in the share of Corg, and hydrocarbons have a petroleum and pyrogenic composition.  相似文献   

Formation mechanisms of Mn flux from water into bottom sediments in the form of particulate matter are considered. Data characterizing Mn concentration in particulate matter, its transformation features, and the size of Mn-containing suspensions are given. Information about Mn fluxes from water to the bed of water bodies and the processes governing them are generalized.  相似文献   

The results of studies aimed to assess the information significance of the coefficients of bottom accumulation of hydrophobic organic substances and heavy metals as indicators of pollution of freshwater bodies are presented. It is shown that the same value of the coefficient of bottom accumulation may correspond to different situations in water bodies. Methods for the interpretation of data on the state of water bodies based on the coefficient of bottom accumulation and its components are proposed to reliably determine the level and character of pollution. Chronic pollution of a number of freshwater bodies of the Russian Federation is assessed by data on the accumulation of pesticides, oil products, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and heavy metals in bottom deposits.  相似文献   

Geochemical analysis of surface sediment samples collected in 2005 and 2006 was used to evaluate the potential sources of the organic matter present in sediments of southeast Poland's Solina Reservoir.Statistical analysis of sediment variables(carbon to nitrogen ratio, and the carbon 13 and nitrogen 15 isotope ratios) determined for the organic fraction indicated significant spatial variability with respect to sources of organic matter. A binary mixing model was developed from literature sources to predict the relative contributions of allochthonous and autochthonous production to sediment organic matter.Autochthonous production was shown to account for 60-75% of bulk sedimentation in the lacustrine parts of the reservoir, near the dam. In contrast, autochthonous production accounted for only 25% of sedimentation in the riverine zone receiving stream inputs. Statistical analysis identified the δ~(15)N of organic matter as the best predictor of the source of organic matter. Multiple regression analysis indicated that two water-quality variables(nitrate and dissolved silica) were significantly related to the δ~(15)N signature of organic matter. This led to a conclusion that limnetic nitrate and dissolved silica concentrations were regulating organic matter production in the Solina Reservoir.  相似文献   

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