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In 2003–2008, highly accurate photoelectric and CCD observations of the close binary system DI Her were performed in the V band. The light curves of three primary and three secondary eclipses were constructed. These observations, along with the highly accurate photoelectric observations of other authors obtained in different years from 1963 to 1986, have confirmed the difference between the observed (1 . o 3 ± 0 . o 1/100 yr) and theoretical (4 . o 3/100 yr) rates of apsidal motion. Our photometric data are indicative of a possible variability in the system with period P′ = 1.175 days and amplitude A′ = 0 . m 011, which is probably related to the pulsations of one of the components. There may be a third body in the system that produces in-phase variations in the times of primary and secondary minima with a period of 10.5 yr and an amplitude of 1 . m 5.  相似文献   

New photoelectric UBV observations were obtained for the eclipsing binary TT Her at the Ankara University Observatory (AUO) and three new times of minima were calculated from these observations. The (OC) diagram constructed for all available times of minima of TT Her exhibits a cyclic character superimposed on a quadratic variation. The quadratic character yields an orbital period decrease with a rate of dP /dt = –8.83 × 10–8 day yr–1 which can be attributed to the mass exchange/loss mechanism in the system. By assuming the presence of a gravitationally bound third body in the system, the analysis of the cyclic nature in the (OC) diagram revealed a third body with a mass of 0.21M orbiting around the eclipsing pair. The possibility of magnetic activity cycle effect as a cause for the observed cyclic variation in the (OC) diagram was also discussed. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Multi-colourWBVR photoelectric observations of the eclipsing binary HP Aur were carried out. The photometric elements, the absolute parameters and the apsidal motion angular rate of HP Aur based on the comparison of our observations and the observations Meinunger (1980) obtained were presented. The derived value of is almost three times smaller than that predicted theoretically.  相似文献   

Multi-colourWBVR photoelectric observations of the eclipsing binary OX Cas were carried out. The photometric elements, absolute parameters and the angular rate of the apsidal motion ( = 9.1 deg yr–1 were obtained. The apsidal parameterk 2 derived for this system is by 15–25% smaller than the theoretical parameterk 2.  相似文献   

The first photoelectric light curve of the eclipsing binary system BW Aqr (F71V+F81V;P=6d.7;V=10 m .31), discovered by Miss Leavitt at the beginning of the century, was obtained. The photometric elements were detemined. The components of this system are considerably evolved stars: the age of the system is about 2×109 yr. It follows from the photometric data that the secondary component should have greater mass than the primary one The zero-age spectral classes of components were F2V and F1V. The system has an elliptical orbit with the eccentricitye=0.18. The angular rate of the apsidal motion (obs = 0.070 deg yr–1) and the corresponding value of the apsidal parameterk 2=0.0090 (the relativistic term included) were found. The derived valuek 2 exceeds by more than a factor of 2 the theoretical coefficient obtained from the modern theory of internal structure of stars with moderate masses .  相似文献   

MulticolourWBVR photoelectric observations of the eclipsing binary V 451 Oph were carried out, and a highly accurate light curve was obtained. The angular velocity of the orbital rotation, =2.1 deg yr–1, and the apsidal motion constantk 2=0.0045 are given.  相似文献   

Differential photoelectric photometry inV, B, andU has been obtained for the eclipsing binary MM Her, a member of the RS Canum Venaticorum class. The light outside eclipse was Fourier-analyzed to study the wave. The migration and amplitude of the wave and the mean light level of the system now have been monitored from 1976 through 1980. The phase of wave minimum has decreased from 0 . P 80 to 0 . P 25, the wave amplitude has varied between 0 . m 06 and 0 . m 12, and the mean light level has fluctuated between 0.94 and 0.99. Observations within eclipse revealed that the eclipses are partial, not total as previously thought, and a new time of mid-eclipse was found to be JD (hel.)=2444 500.6665±0 . d 0008. The Russell model was used to solve the 1980 light curve. Elements of the rectified light curve werei=86 . ° 35±0 . ° 09,r h =0.070±0.002,r c =0.125±0.001,L h (V)=0.585±0.008 andL h (B)=0.683±0.010. The geometric elements were forced on the pre-1980 light curves and found to be compatible. With these elements and previously obtained double-lined radial velocity curves, new absolute dimensions have been calculated: 1.18M and 1.58R for the hotter star and 1.27M and 2.83R for the cooler star. By plotting color indices on the color-color curve, spectral types of G2V and K21V were found, each uncertain by a couple of subclasses.Guest Observer Kitt Peak National Observatory, operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, under contract with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

The lander of China's Chang'E-3 spacecraft is equipped with a 15-cm telescope that is very useful for monitoring celestial objects in the ultraviolet(UV) band(245–340 nm). The Lunar-based Ultraviolet Telescope(LUT) is the first long-term lunar-based astronomical observatory, that can make uninterrupted observations of a target from the Moon. Here we present the continuous complete UV light curve of the eclipsing binary TX Herculis(TX Her). The analysis of the light curve suggests that TX Her is a detached binary. The dip in the light curve was explained by the emergence of a stellar dark spot on the less massive F0 type component. The cyclic change of arrival eclipse times for the system reveals that it contains an additional stellar companion with a minimal mass of 0.35 M⊙and a period of 48.92 yr, which is supported by the detected light contribution of the third body from light curve analysis. This third body may play an important role in the formation of the present short-period system TX Her.  相似文献   

Multi-colourWBVR photoelectric observations of the eclipsing binary AS Cam have been carried out and the photometric elements, absolute dimensions, and the angular velocity of a periastron motion ( \(\mathop \omega \limits^ \cdot _{obs}\) ) are determined. The obtained value of \(\mathop \omega \limits^ \cdot _{obs}\) is almost three times smaller than that theoretically predicted.  相似文献   

The light curves of eclipsing binary DI Pegasi inU, B. andV filters have been presented and discussed. Photometric elements of the system have been determined. Using the colour indices, we estimate absolute dimensions and discuss the evolutionary status of the system.  相似文献   

A new method is presented to precisely deduce the orbital eccentricity of an eclipsing binary from observed epochs of its light minima. Application to the system V526 Sagittarii givese=0.2220±0.0016.  相似文献   

A series of highly accurate photoelectric observations of the eclipsing binary MZ Lac was obtained with a 48-cm AZT-14 reflector at the Tien-Shan High-Altitude Station of the Sternberg Astronomical Institute from 1985 to 2004 to study its apsidal motion. We constructed a consistent system of physical and geometrical parameters of the components and the binary’s orbit: we determined their masses (M1 = 1.50M, M2 = 1.29M), radii (R1 = 1.86R, R2 = 1.35R), luminosities (L1 = 0.79L, L2 = 0.45L), surface gravities (logg1 = 4.06, logg2 = 4.27), age (t = 1.9 × 109 yr), and the distance to the binary (d = 510 pc). The binary exhibits apsidal motion with the period Uobs = 480 ± 40 yr, while its theoretically expected value is Uth = 450 ± 40 yr. Spectroscopic studies of MZ Lac and calculations of the absolute parameters of the components are required to test our conclusions.  相似文献   

This paper presents two new light curves (inB andV) of the eclipsing variable staru Her which have been derived from photoelectric observations made at the National Observatory of Athens. General information of the system is given in the introduction, while Section 2 deals with some observational and reductional details. Section 3 gives the residuals O-C and Section 4 the normal points.  相似文献   

PhotoelectricUBV photometry of the long period southern eclipsing binary system W Cru gathered over an 18-mo period in 1984–1985 is presented and examined.The light curve is characterized by continuous Beta Lyrae-like variation: unexpected in such a long period (198.5 days) system; together with peculiar irregularities, of the order of 0.1 mag (or more inU) and time-scales of a few days.A high mass model (total mass 70M ) could be made to be roughly consistent with the data, though alternative models of much lower mass are also possible, and may turn out to be preferable, in terms of goodness-of-fit, as well as for theoretical reasons. The low mass models would require, though, the more massive component to be unseen (as now generally supposed for Lyrae itself).The photometry alone, or even combined with a known spectroscopic mass-function, seems unlikely to be able to furnish a single definitive solution, and more guidelines from reliable theoretical expectation may prove helpful in interpreting the data.  相似文献   

A comprehensive period study of the times of minima observed from 1881 to 1985 has been performed. Previous interpretations of the O–C diagram based on light-time effect are confirmed. The light-time orbit of U Oph has been revised using a differential corrections procedure. We get an eccentric orbit withe=0.22±0.06,P=38.7±0.2 yr, and a mass function . In addition, our analysis has revealed short-period apsidal motion (U/P=4515±75) in a slightly eccentric close orbit (e=0.0031±0.0003), allowing a reliable determination of the density concentration coefficient,k 2=0.0059±4. A comparison with stellar evolutionary models calculated by Jeffery (1984) yields the helium contentY=0.28±0.05 and an age of 3×107 yr for the components of U Oph.  相似文献   

The photometric elements of the eclipsing binary NSV 18773 (HD 99898) have been determined for the first time by analyzing its V-and I-band light curves from the ASAS-2 and ASAS-3 catalogs. Based on these elements and using other published spectroscopic and photometric data, we constructed a consistent system of geometrical and physical parameters for the system that consists of two stars (M 1 = 20M , Sp1=B0V, R 1 = 5.0R and M 2 = 14M , Sp2 = B1V, R 2 = 6.5R ) in elliptical orbits (P = 5 . d 049, e = 0.365, a = 40.1R ). The distance to the system is d = 3.3 kpc, the interstellar extinction is A V = 2 . m 0, and the age is t = 2.8 × 106 yr. NSV 18773 is a visual binary with components V A = 9 . m 9 and V B = 10 . m 3 separated by 0 . " 8. The third light (L 3 = 0.61) that we found by analyzing the light curves shows that the eclipsing binary is the system’s fainter component B. We confirmed the rapid apsidal motion of the star detected by Otero and Wils (2006) and refined its observed period: U obs = 150 ± 6 yr. Our photometric elements and physical parameters allowed the apsidal parameter $\bar k_2^{obs} = 0.0135(14)$ , which reflects the density distribution along the radii of the component stars, to be determined. Within the error limits, the derived parameter agrees with its theoretically expected value, $\bar k_2^{th} = 0.0119(8)$ , from current evolutionary models of stars of the corresponding masses and ages.  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper has been to analyse the light changes of the close eclipsing system AK Herculis in the frequency domain. This analysis is based on Kopal's new theory recently developed for the study of light variations—between minima as well as within eclipses—of close eclipsing binaries whose components are distorted by axial rotation and mutual tidal action.A new method for the separation of the photometric proximity and eclipse effects directly from the observed data is also presented. In this method no rectification is needed. New elements taking into account the photometric perturbations are also given.  相似文献   

Results of the photometric analysis by means of the Wilson‐Devinney method, combined with an empirical massradius relation for LC IV stars support the hypothesis that GX Gem is a well detached evolved system of subgiant stars. The solution is consistent with the known spectroscopic parameters obtained by Popper (1996) and the photometric data of Lacy (2002a). (© 2003 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

1167 photoelectric observations are analysed and two mean light curves are given. New photometric elements and 23 epochs of minima are reported. Some remarks concerning the evolutional stage of V 566 Ophiuchi are presented.  相似文献   

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