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An observational study of maps of the longitudinal component of the photospheric fields in flaring active regions leads to the following conclusions:
  1. The broad-wing Hα kernels characteristic of the impulsive phase of flares occur within 10″ of neutral lines encircling features of isolated magnetic polarity (‘satellite sunspots’).
  2. Photospheric field changes intimately associated with several importance 1 flares and one importance 2B flare are confined to satellite sunspots, which are small (10″ diam). They often correspond to spot pores in white-light photographs.
  3. The field at these features appears to strengthen in the half hour just before the flares. During the flares the growth is reversed, the field drops and then recovers to its previous level.
  4. The magnetic flux through flare-associated features changes by about 4 × 1019 Mx in a day. The features are the same as the ‘Structures Magnétiques Evolutives’ of Martres et al. (1968a).
  5. An upper limit of 1021 Mx is set for the total flux change through McMath Regions 10381 and 10385 as the result of the 2B flare of 24 October, 1969.
  6. Large spots in the regions investigated did not evince flux changes or large proper motions at flare time.
  7. The results are taken to imply that the initial instability of a flare occurs at a neutral point, but the magnetic energy lost cannot yet be related to the total energy of the subsequent flare.
  8. No unusual velocities are observed in the photosphere at flare time.

In this article, we present a multi-wavelength and multi-instrument investigation of a halo coronal mass ejection (CME) from active region NOAA 12371 on 21 June 2015 that led to a major geomagnetic storm of minimum \(\mathrm{Dst} = -204\) nT. The observations from the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory in the hot EUV channel of 94 Å confirm the CME to be associated with a coronal sigmoid that displayed an intense emission (\(T \sim6\) MK) from its core before the onset of the eruption. Multi-wavelength observations of the source active region suggest tether-cutting reconnection to be the primary triggering mechanism of the flux rope eruption. Interestingly, the flux rope eruption exhibited a two-phase evolution during which the “standard” large-scale flare reconnection process originated two composite M-class flares. The eruption of the flux rope is followed by the coronagraphic observation of a fast, halo CME with linear projected speed of 1366 km?s?1. The dynamic radio spectrum in the decameter-hectometer frequency range reveals multiple continuum-like enhancements in type II radio emission which imply the interaction of the CME with other preceding slow speed CMEs in the corona within \(\approx10\)?–?\(90~\mbox{R} _{\odot}\). The scenario of CME–CME interaction in the corona and interplanetary medium is further confirmed by the height–time plots of the CMEs occurring during 19?–?21 June. In situ measurements of solar wind magnetic field and plasma parameters at 1 AU exhibit two distinct magnetic clouds, separated by a magnetic hole. Synthesis of near-Sun observations, interplanetary radio emissions, and in situ measurements at 1 AU reveal complex processes of CME–CME interactions right from the source active region to the corona and interplanetary medium that have played a crucial role towards the large enhancement of the geoeffectiveness of the halo CME on 21 June 2015.  相似文献   

A filament disappearance event was observed on 22 May 2008 during our recent campaign JOP 178. The filament, situated in the Southern Hemisphere, showed sinistral chirality consistent with the hemispheric rule. The event was well observed by several observatories, in particular by THEMIS. One day, before the disappearance, Hα observations showed up- and down-flows in adjacent locations along the filament, which suggest plasma motions along twisted flux rope. THEMIS and GONG observations show shearing photospheric motions leading to magnetic flux canceling around barbs. STEREO A, B spacecraft with separation angle 52.4°, showed quite different views of this untwisting flux rope in He ii 304 Å images. Here, we reconstruct the three-dimensional geometry of the filament during its eruption phase using STEREO EUV He ii 304 Å images and find that the filament was highly inclined to the solar normal. The He ii 304 Å movies show individual threads, which oscillate and rise to an altitude of about 120 Mm with apparent velocities of about 100 km?s?1 during the rapid evolution phase. Finally, as the flux rope expands into the corona, the filament disappears by becoming optically thin to undetectable levels. No CME was detected by STEREO, only a faint CME was recorded by LASCO at the beginning of the disappearance phase at 02:00 UT, which could be due to partial filament eruption. Further, STEREO Fe xii 195 Å images showed bright loops beneath the filament prior to the disappearance phase, suggesting magnetic reconnection below the flux rope.  相似文献   

A key aim in space weather research is to be able to use remote-sensing observations of the solar atmosphere to extend the lead time of predicting the geoeffectiveness of a coronal mass ejection (CME). In order to achieve this, the magnetic structure of the CME as it leaves the Sun must be known. In this article we address this issue by developing a method to determine the intrinsic flux rope type of a CME solely from solar disk observations. We use several well-known proxies for the magnetic helicity sign, the axis orientation, and the axial magnetic field direction to predict the magnetic structure of the interplanetary flux rope. We present two case studies: the 2 June 2011 and the 14 June 2012 CMEs. Both of these events erupted from an active region, and despite having clear in situ counterparts, their eruption characteristics were relatively complex. The first event was associated with an active region filament that erupted in two stages, while for the other event the eruption originated from a relatively high coronal altitude and the source region did not feature a filament. Our magnetic helicity sign proxies include the analysis of magnetic tongues, soft X-ray and/or extreme-ultraviolet sigmoids, coronal arcade skew, filament emission and absorption threads, and filament rotation. Since the inclination of the post-eruption arcades was not clear, we use the tilt of the polarity inversion line to determine the flux rope axis orientation and coronal dimmings to determine the flux rope footpoints, and therefore, the direction of the axial magnetic field. The comparison of the estimated intrinsic flux rope structure to in situ observations at the Lagrangian point L1 indicated a good agreement with the predictions. Our results highlight the flux rope type determination techniques that are particularly useful for active region eruptions, where most geoeffective CMEs originate.  相似文献   

Using eighteen years of observations at Big Bear, we summarize the development of δ spots and the great flares they produce. We find δ groups to develop in three ways: eruption of a single complex active region formed below the surface, eruption of large satellite spots near (particularly in front of) a large older spot, or collision of spots of opposite polarity from different dipoles. Our sample of twenty-one δ spots shows that once they lock together, they never separate, although rarely an umbra is ejected. The δ spots are already disposed to their final form when they emerge. The driving force for the shear is spot motion, either flux emergence or the forward motion of p spots in an inverted magnetic configuration. We observe the following phenomena preceding great flares:
  1. δ spots, preferentially Types 1 and 2.
  2. Umbrae obscured by Hα emission.
  3. Bright Hα emission marking flux emergence and reconnection.
  4. Greatly sheared magnetic configurations, marked by penumbral and Hα fibrils parallel to the inversion line.
We assert that with adequate spatial resolution one may predict the occurrence of great flares with these indicators.  相似文献   

Pevtsov  Alexei A. 《Solar physics》2002,207(1):111-123
We use Yohkoh soft X-ray telescope data and H full-disk observations to study the evolution of chromospheric filaments and coronal sigmoids in 6 active regions in association with coronal mass ejections (CMEs). In two cases, CMEs are directly observed by the SOHO/LASCO C2 coronagraph. In four cases, other observations (magnetic clouds, geomagnetic storms, sigmoid-arcade evolution) are used as CME indicators. Prior to eruption, each active region shows a bright coronal sigmoidal loop and underlying H filament. The sigmoid activates, erupts and gets replaced by a cusp, or an arcade. In contrast, the H filament shows no significant changes in association with sigmoid eruption and CME. We explain these observations in a framework of the classical two-ribbon flare model.  相似文献   

Three homologous coronal mass ejections (CMEs) occurred on 5, 12 and 16 May 1997 from the single magnetic polarity inversion line (PIL) of AR8038. The three events together provide STEREO-like quadrature views of the 12 May 1997 CME and EIT double dimming. The recurrent CMEs with the nearly identical post-CME potential state and the ‘sigmoid to arcade to sigmoid’ transformations indicate a repeatable store?–?release?–?restore process of the free energy. How was the free magnetic energy re-introduced to the potential state corona after each release in this decaying active region? Making use of the known time interval bounded by the adjacent homologous CMEs, we made the following measures. The unsigned magnetic flux of AR8038, ΦAR, decreased by approximately 18% during 66 h, while the unsigned flux, ΦPIL, in a Gaussian-weighted PIL-region containing the flare site increased by about 50% during 36 hrs prior to the C1.3 flare on 12 May 1997. The significant increase of ΦPIL demonstrates the magnetic gradient increase and the build-up of free energy in the PIL-region during the time leading to the eruption. Fourier local correlation tracking (FLCT) flow speed in AR8038 ranges from 0 to 292.8 m?s?1 with a mean value of 63.2 m?s?1. The flow field contains a persistent converging flow towards the flaring PIL and an effective shear flow distributed in the AR. Minor angular motions were found. An integrated proxy Poynting flux S h estimates the energy input to the corona to be on the order of 1.15×1032 erg during the 66 hrs before the C1.3 flare. It suggests that sufficient energy for a flare/CME can be introduced to the corona on the order of several days by the flows deduced from photospheric magnetic field motions in this small decaying active region.  相似文献   

X-ray, extreme-ultraviolet and optical observations of a solar flare are discussed. It is shown that the flare exemplifies a class of transient events characterized by long duration and long decay time and by the development of high systems of loops, generally brighter at the top. In contrast with compact short lifetime events, the distinctive properties of this class of transients are:
  1. The disruption of the magnetic configuration at the flare onset, as indicated by prominence eruption or activation and by associated white-light coronal transients;
  2. a continuous energy deposition, presumably at the top of loops, during a large fraction of the flare development and well after the intensity peak;
  3. a continuous supply of additional material to the top of loops, with subsequent downflows and out-of-hydrostatic equilibrium conditions.

We present a review of the different aspects associated with the interaction of successive coronal mass ejections (CMEs) in the corona and inner heliosphere, focusing on the initiation of series of CMEs, their interaction in the heliosphere, the particle acceleration associated with successive CMEs, and the effect of compound events on Earth’s magnetosphere. The two main mechanisms resulting in the eruption of series of CMEs are sympathetic eruptions, when one eruption triggers another, and homologous eruptions, when a series of similar eruptions originates from one active region. CME?–?CME interaction may also be associated with two unrelated eruptions. The interaction of successive CMEs has been observed remotely in coronagraphs (with the Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph Experiment – LASCO – since the early 2000s) and heliospheric imagers (since the late 2000s), and inferred from in situ measurements, starting with early measurements in the 1970s. The interaction of two or more CMEs is associated with complex phenomena, including magnetic reconnection, momentum exchange, the propagation of a fast magnetosonic shock through a magnetic ejecta, and changes in the CME expansion. The presence of a preceding CME a few hours before a fast eruption has been found to be connected with higher fluxes of solar energetic particles (SEPs), while CME?–?CME interaction occurring in the corona is often associated with unusual radio bursts, indicating electron acceleration. Higher suprathermal population, enhanced turbulence and wave activity, stronger shocks, and shock?–?shock or shock?–?CME interaction have been proposed as potential physical mechanisms to explain the observed associated SEP events. When measured in situ, CME?–?CME interaction may be associated with relatively well organized multiple-magnetic cloud events, instances of shocks propagating through a previous magnetic ejecta or more complex ejecta, when the characteristics of the individual eruptions cannot be easily distinguished. CME?–?CME interaction is associated with some of the most intense recorded geomagnetic storms. The compression of a CME by another and the propagation of a shock inside a magnetic ejecta can lead to extreme values of the southward magnetic field component, sometimes associated with high values of the dynamic pressure. This can result in intense geomagnetic storms, but can also trigger substorms and large earthward motions of the magnetopause, potentially associated with changes in the outer radiation belts. Future in situ measurements in the inner heliosphere by Solar Probe+ and Solar Orbiter may shed light on the evolution of CMEs as they interact, by providing opportunities for conjunction and evolutionary studies.  相似文献   

We analyze the well-observed flare and coronal mass ejection (CME) from 1 October 2011 (SOL2011-10-01T09:18) covering the complete chain of effects – from Sun to Earth – to better understand the dynamic evolution of the CME and its embedded magnetic field. We study in detail the solar surface and atmosphere associated with the flare and CME using the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) and ground-based instruments. We also track the CME signature off-limb with combined extreme ultraviolet (EUV) and white-light data from the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO). By applying the graduated cylindrical shell (GCS) reconstruction method and total mass to stereoscopic STEREO-SOHO (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory) coronagraph data, we track the temporal and spatial evolution of the CME in the interplanetary space and derive its geometry and 3D mass. We combine the GCS and Lundquist model results to derive the axial flux and helicity of the magnetic cloud (MC) from in situ measurements from Wind. This is compared to nonlinear force-free (NLFF) model results, as well as to the reconnected magnetic flux derived from the flare ribbons (flare reconnection flux) and the magnetic flux encompassed by the associated dimming (dimming flux). We find that magnetic reconnection processes were already ongoing before the start of the impulsive flare phase, adding magnetic flux to the flux rope before its final eruption. The dimming flux increases by more than 25% after the end of the flare, indicating that magnetic flux is still added to the flux rope after eruption. Hence, the derived flare reconnection flux is most probably a lower limit for estimating the magnetic flux within the flux rope. We find that the magnetic helicity and axial magnetic flux are lower in the interplanetary space by ~?50% and 75%, respectively, possibly indicating an erosion process. A CME mass increase of 10% is observed over a range of \({\sim}\,4\,\mbox{--}\,20~\mathrm{R}_{\odot }\). The temporal evolution of the CME-associated core-dimming regions supports the scenario that fast outflows might supply additional mass to the rear part of the CME.  相似文献   

We define for observational study two subsets of all polar zone filaments, which we call polemost filaments and polar filament bands. The behavior of the mean latitude of both the polemost filaments and the polar filament bands is examined and compared with the evolution of the polar magnetic field over an activity cycle as recently distilled by Howard and LaBonte (1981) from the past 13 years of Mt. Wilson full-disk magnetograms. The magnetic data reveal that the polar magnetic fields are built up and maintained by the episodic arrival of discrete f-polarity regions that originate in active region latitudes and subsequently drift to the poles. After leaving the active-region latitudes, these unipolar f-polarity regions do not spread equatorward even though there is less net flux equatorward; this indicates that the f-polarity regions are carried poleward by a meridional flow, rather than by diffusion. The polar zone filaments are an independent tracer which confirms both the episodic polar field formation and the meridional flow. We find:
  1. The mean latitude of the polemost filaments tracks the boundary of the polar field cap and undergoes an equatorward dip during each arrival of additional polar field.
  2. Polar filament bands track the boundary latitudes of the unipolar regions, drifting poleward with the regions at about 10 m s-1.
  3. The Mt. Wilson magnetic data, combined with a simple model calculation, show that the filament drift expected from diffusion alone would be slower than observed, and in some cases would be equatorward rather than poleward.
  4. The observation that filaments drift poleward along with the magnetic regions shows that fields of both polarities are carried by the meridional flow, as would be expected, rather than only the f-polarity flux which dominates the strength. This leads to the prediction that in the mid-latitudes during intervals between the passage of f-polarity regions, both polarities are present in nearly equal amounts. This prediction is confirmed by the magnetic data.

Evidence is discussed showing that a representative solar flare event comprises three or more separate but related phenomena requiring separate mechanisms. In particular it is possible to separate the most energetic effect (the interplanetary blast) from the thermal flare and from the rapid acceleration of particles to high energies. The phenomena are related through the magnetic structure characteristic of a composite flare event, being a bipolar surface field with most of its field lines ‘closed’. Of primary importance are helical twists on all scales, starting with the ‘flux rope’ of the spot pair which was fully twisted before it emerged. Subsequent untwisting by the upward propagation of an Alfvén twist wave provides the main flare energy.
  1. The interplanetary blast model is based on subsurface, helically twisted flux ropes which erupt to form spots and then transfer their twists and energy by Alfvén-twist waves into the atmospheric magnetic fields. The blast is triggered by the prior-commencing flash phase or by a coronal wave.
  2. The thermal flare is explained in terms of Alfvén waves travelling up numerous ‘flux strands’ (Figure 3) which have frayed away from the two flux ropes. The waves originate in interaction (collisions, bending, twisting, rubbing) between subsurface flux strands; the sudden flash is caused by a collision. The classical twin-ribbon flare results from the collision of a flux rope with a tight bunch of S-shaped flux strands.
  3. The impulsive acceleration of electrons (hard X-ray, EUV, Hα and radio bursts) is tentatively attributed to magnetic reconnection between fields in two parallel, helically twisted flux strands in the low corona.
  4. Flare (Moreton) waves in the corona have the same origin as the interplanetary blast. Sympathetic flares represent only the start of enhanced activity in a flare event already in the slow phase. Filament activation also occurs during the slow phase as twist Alfvén waves store their energy in the atmosphere.
  5. Flare ejecta are caused by Alfvén waves moving up flux strands. Surges are attributed to packets of twist Alfvén waves released into bundles of flux strands; the waves become non-linear and drive plasma upwards. Spray-type prominences result from accumulations of Alfvén wave energy in dome-shaped fields; excessive energy density eventually explodes the field.

If all coronal mass ejections (CMEs) have flux ropes, then the CMEs should keep their helicity signs from the Sun to the Earth according to the helicity conservation principle. This study presents an attempt to answer the question from the Coordinated Data Analysis Workshop (CDAW), “Do all CMEs have flux ropes?”, by using a qualitative helicity sign comparison between interplanetary CMEs (ICMEs) and their CME source regions. For this, we select 34 CME–ICME pairs whose source active regions (ARs) have continuous SOHO/MDI magnetogram data covering more than 24 hr without data gap during the passage of the ARs near the solar disk center. The helicity signs in the ARs are determined by estimation of cumulative magnetic helicity injected through the photosphere in the entire source ARs. The helicity signs in the ICMEs are estimated by applying the cylinder model developed by Marubashi (Adv. Space. Res., 26, 55, 2000) to 16 second resolution magnetic field data from the MAG instrument onboard the ACE spacecraft. It is found that 30 out of 34 events (88 %) are helicity sign-consistent events, while four events (12 %) are sign-inconsistent. Through a detailed investigation of the source ARs of the four sign-inconsistent events, we find that those events can be explained by the local helicity sign opposite to that of the entire AR helicity (28 July 2000 ICME), incorrectly reported solar source region in the CDAW list (20 May 2005 ICME), or the helicity sign of the pre-existing coronal magnetic field (13 October 2000 and 20 November 2003 ICMEs). We conclude that the helicity signs of the ICMEs are quite consistent with those of the injected helicities in the AR regions from where the CMEs erupted.  相似文献   

We present a broad range of complementary observations of the onset and impulsive phase of a fairly large (1B, M1.2) but simple two-ribbon flare. The observations consist of hard X-ray flux measured by the SMM HXRBS, high-sensitivity measurements of microwave flux at 22 GHz from Itapetinga Radio Observatory, sequences of spectroheliograms in UV emission lines from Ov (T ≈ 2 × 105 K) and Fexxi (T ≈ 1 × 107 K) from the SMM UVSP, Hα and Hei D3 cine-filtergrams from Big Bear Solar Observatory, and a magnetogram of the flare region from the MSFC Solar Observatory. From these data we conclude:
  1. The overall magnetic field configuration in which the flare occurred was a fairly simple, closed arch containing nonpotential substructure.
  2. The flare occurred spontaneously within the arch; it was not triggered by emerging magnetic flux.
  3. The impulsive energy release occurred in two major spikes. The second spike took place within the flare arch heated in the first spike, but was concentrated on a different subset of field lines. The ratio of Ov emission to hard X-ray emission decreased by at least a factor of 2 from the first spike to the second, probably because the plasma density in the flare arch had increased by chromospheric evaporation.
  4. The impulsive energy release most likely occurred in the upper part of the arch; it had three immediate products:
  1. An increase in the plasma pressure throughout the flare arch of at least a factor of 10. This is required because the Fexxi emission was confined to the feet of the flare arch for at least the first minute of the impulsive phase.
  2. Nonthermal energetic (~ 25 keV) electrons which impacted the feet of the arch to produce the hard X-ray burst and impulsive brightening in Ov and D3. The evidence for this is the simultaneity, within ± 2 s, of the peak Ov and hard X-ray emissions.
  3. Another population of high-energy (~100keV) electrons (decoupled from the population that produced the hard X-rays) that produced the impulsive microwave emission at 22 GHz. This conclusion is drawn because the microwave peak was 6 ± 3 s later than the hard X-ray peak.

Transequatorial Filament Eruption and Its Link to a Coronal Mass Ejection   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We revisit the Bastille Day flare/CME Event of 2000 July 14, and demonstrate that this flare/CME event is not related to only one single active region (AR). Activation and eruption of a huge transequatorial filament are seen to precede the simultaneous filament eruption and flare in the source active region, NOAA AR 9077, and the full halo-CME in the high corona. Evidence of reconfiguration of large-scale magnetic structures related to the event is illustrated by SOHO EIT and Yohkoh SXT observations, as well as, the reconstructed 3D magnetic lines of force based on the force-free assumption. We suggest that the AR filament in AR9077 was connected to the transequatorial filament. The large-scale magnetic composition related to the transequatorial filament and its sheared magnetic arcade appears to be an essential part of the CME parent magnetic structure. Estimations show that the filament-arcade system has enough magnetic helicity to account for the helicity carried by the related CMEs. In addition, rather global magnetic connectivity, covering almost all the visible range in longitude and a huge span in latitude on the Sun, is implied by the Nancay Radioheliograph (NRH) observations. The analysis of the Bastille Day event suggests that although the triggering of a global CME might take place in an AR, a much larger scale magnetic composition seems to be the source of the ejected magnetic flux, helicity and plasma. The Bastille Day event is the first described example in the literature, in which a transequatorial filament activity appears to play a key role in a global CME. Many tens of halo-CME are found to be associated with transequatorial filaments and their magnetic environment.  相似文献   

He i 10830 Å images show that early in sunspot cycles 21 and 22, large bipolar magnetic regions strongly affected the boundaries of the nearby polar coronal holes. East of each eruption, the hole boundary immediately contracted poleward, leaving a band of enhanced helium network. West of the eruption, the boundary remained diffuse and gradually expanded equatorward into the leading, like-polarity part of the bipolar magnetic region. Comparisons between these observations and simulations based on a current-free coronal model suggest that:
  1. The Sun's polar magnetic fields are confined to relatively small caps of high average field strength, apparently by a poleward meridional flow.
  2. The enhanced helium network at high latitude marks the location of relatively strong polar fields that have become linked to the newly erupted bipolar region in that hemisphere.
  3. The distortion of the polar-hole boundary is accompanied by a corresponding distortion of the equatorial neutral sheet in the outer corona, in which the amount of warping depends on the magnitude of the erupted flux relative to the strength of the Sun's polar magnetic fields.

We carry out an analysis of the mass that is evacuated from three coronal dimming regions observed by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory. The three events are unambiguously identified with white-light coronal mass ejections (CMEs) that are associated in turn with surface activity of diverse nature: an impulsive (M-class) flare, a weak (B-class) flare, and a filament eruption without a flare. The use of three AIA coronal passbands allows applying a differential emission measure technique to define the dimming regions and identify their evacuated mass through the analysis of the electronic density depletion associated with the eruptions. The temporal evolution of the mass loss from the three dimmings can be approximated by an exponential equation followed by a linear fit. We determine the mass of the associated CMEs from COR2 data. The results show that the evacuated masses from the low corona represent a considerable amount of the CME mass. We also find that plasma is still being evacuated from the low corona at the time when the CMEs reach the COR2 field of view. The temporal evolution of the angular width of the CMEs, of the dimming regions in the low corona, and of the flux registered by GOES in soft X-rays are all in close relation with the behavior of mass evacuation from the low corona. We discuss the implications of our findings toward a better understanding of the temporal evolution of several parameters associated with the analyzed dimmings and CMEs.  相似文献   

We report on the coronal hole (CH) influence on the 54 magnetic cloud (MC) and non-MC associated coronal mass ejections (CMEs) selected for studies during the Coordinated Data Analysis Workshops (CDAWs) focusing on the question if all CMEs are flux ropes. All selected CMEs originated from source regions located between longitudes 15E?–?15W. Xie, Gopalswamy, and St. Cyr (2013, Solar Phys., doi: 10.1007/s11207-012-0209-0 ) found that these MC and non-MC associated CMEs are on average deflected towards and away from the Sun–Earth line, respectively. We used a CH influence parameter (CHIP) that depends on the CH area, average magnetic field strength, and distance from the CME source region to describe the influence of all on-disk CHs on the erupting CME. We found that for CHIP values larger than 2.6 G the MC and non-MC events separate into two distinct groups where MCs (non-MCs) are deflected towards (away) from the disk center. Division into two groups was also observed when the distance to the nearest CH was less than 3.2×105 km. At CHIP values less than 2.6 G or at distances of the nearest CH larger than 3.2×105 km the deflection distributions of the MC and non-MCs started to overlap, indicating diminishing CH influence. These results give support to the idea that all CMEs are flux ropes, but those observed to be non-MCs at 1 AU could be deflected away from the Sun–Earth line by nearby CHs, making their flux rope structure unobservable at 1 AU.  相似文献   

The properties of small (< 2″) moving magnetic features near certain sunspots are studied with several time series of longitudinal magnetograms and Hα filtergrams. We find that the moving magnetic features:
  1. Are associated only with decaying sunspots surrounded entirely or in part by a zone without a permanent vertical magnetic field.
  2. Appear first at or slightly beyond the outer edge of the parent sunspot regardless of the presence or absence of a penumbra.
  3. Move approximately radially outward from sunspots at about 1 km s?1 until they vanish or reach the network.
  4. Appear with both magnetic polarities from sunspots of single polarities but appear with a net flux of the same sign as the parent sunspot.
  5. Transport net flux away from the parent sunspots at the same rates as the flux decay of the sunspots.
  6. Tend to appear in opposite polarity pairs.
  7. Appear to carry a total flux away from sunspots several times larger than the total flux of the sunspots.
  8. Produce only a very faint emmission in the core of Hα.
A model to help understand the observations is proposed.  相似文献   

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