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本文利用北半球臭氧网格点资料和太平洋海温网格点资料,通过自然正交函数展开(EOF)和谱分析,讨论了臭氧变化与太平洋海温异常的时空结构对应关系及相互联系,得到了一些有意义的结果。  相似文献   

本文阐述大气中重要的“痕量气体”之一——臭氧(平流层臭氧)对地球表面和低层大气的温室效应及其全球气候的反馈影响;指出了云的辐射力的概念及其重要性,并讨论了“南极臭氧洞”现象。  相似文献   

随着中国城市建设进程的加快,中国的臭氧(O3)污染逐渐受到重视。城市群是人口大国城镇化的主要空间载体,是城镇化的主体形态。截至2017年3月底,国务院共先后批复了6个国家级城市群,并提出要优化提升东部地区城市群,培育发展中西部地区城市群。另外,新的城市规模划分标准以城区常住人口为统计口径,将城市划分为5类7档。为了研究中国O3污染的时空分布特征以及O3污染与城市群之间的关系,利用地理探测器(Geographical detector)和演化树模型对2014年6月到2017年5月共36个月的O3监测数据进行时空分析。结果表明:中国O3污染水平呈现上升趋势,并在2017年迅速增长,O3已成为仅次于PM2.5的第二大污染因子,且与PM2.5在时间上呈“交错污染”的态势;O3污染超标城市绝大多数集中在城市群区域,其中长江三角洲城市群、京津冀城市群、山东半岛城市群和中原城市群相对突出;O3和PM2.5均不超标的城市主要集中在北部湾城市群和海峡西岸城市群;城市群中人口规模大的城市O3污染较为严重。  相似文献   

徐闻珊瑚礁保护区营养盐时空分布特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
2006年8月(夏季)、2006年11月(秋季)、2007年2月(冬季)和2007年4月(春季)在徐闻珊瑚礁自然保护区灯楼角至流沙湾近岸海域调查徐闻珊瑚礁保护区的营养盐变化及空间分布特征。结果表明:徐闻珊瑚礁保护区水域溶解态无机氮以NO3--N为主,其含量超过总溶解无机氮的50%;各站点NO2--N含量相对较低,冬季NO3--N和NH4+-N含量均高于其它季节;无机磷含量在0mg/L~0.030mg/L之间变化;活性硅含量表现为夏秋季节高、冬春季节低;表层水体硝酸盐氮/无机磷原子比值(N/P)夏季较低,不存在无机磷受限情况,而冬季N/P整体较高,此时水体主要受无机磷限制。  相似文献   

本文对近30 a以来中国上空臭氧总量的时空动态变化特征进行遥感监测与分析。结果表明,中国上空的臭氧总量在持续下降,下降速度低于全球臭氧总量下降速度,而与北半球下降速度基本一致,略低于北半球下降速度。中国臭氧总量每年平均减少0.11%,大约下降0.36 DU,但2000年后中国臭氧总量下降的速度有所减缓,尤其是2005年以来,中国臭氧总量呈上升趋势,这与全球的臭氧总量变化趋势相同。中国臭氧总量的季节变化呈正弦曲线变化,最大和最小值分别出现在3月和10月,平均值大约分别为333.36 DU和284.54 DU。中国臭氧总量季节变化在纬度方向上不明显,而在经度方向上变化较大,同纬度地区臭氧总量,东部地区的大于西部地区的,南北方地区臭氧总量季节变化几乎呈相反的趋势。  相似文献   

以2000-2018年MODIS MOD10A1日产品数据为数据源,结合数字高程模型(DEM)及降水量、风向等气象数据,构建了积雪空间分布模型,能够有效地提取强降雪区域。以此为基础,利用相关分析、缓冲区分析等方法,探究山东半岛降雪时空分布特征,结果表明:① 将NDSI累积量与DEM数据相结合,能够有效构建山东半岛积雪空间分布模型,实现了对山东半岛强、弱降雪区域提取,NDSI累积量≥150的区域中,在强降雪区的面积占降雪范围的79.78%;② 降雪区域存在空间差异,呈现北多南少,东多西少的分布格局,以黄、渤海与山东半岛海陆分界线为基准,离岸距离39.1 km范围内降雪多,离岸距离39.1 km以外降雪少;山脉150 m高程线北侧迎风坡降雪多,南侧背风坡降雪少;③ 山东半岛强降雪年以3-5年为周期存在年际变化。探究山东半岛降雪长时间序列时空分布特征,在收集淡水资源,缓解用水紧张和灾害预防方面具有一定意义。  相似文献   

20世纪60年代以来,北京市地面沉降不断发展,目前已经形成了东郊八里庄-大郊亭、东北郊-来广营、昌平沙河-八仙庄、大兴榆垡-礼贤和顺义平各庄5个沉降区。本文选取目前地面沉降较为严重的北京市朝阳区、顺义区和通州区作为研究区,利用2003-2010年的47景ASAR影像数据,采用SBAS-InSAR技术获取了研究区的地面沉降监测结果,并分别以SFP点年均沉降速率和各年沉降量作为权重,计算SFP点空间分布中心与方向特征椭圆,定量分析了研究区地面沉降时空特征。结果表明:2004-2010年,北京市地面沉降表现为严重的不均匀沉降,年沉降量最大值由104.04 mm增加到178.83 mm;标准差椭圆长轴与南北方向平行,反映出地面沉降空间发展方向性在南北方向较东西方向明显,椭圆面积由592.25 km2减小到 503.84 km2,表明2004-2010年研究区内发生地面沉降的区域范围变化呈减小趋势,但从沉降量可以发现,北京地面沉降一直处于加重趋势。  相似文献   

为更好地利用太阳能资源,对河北省太阳散射辐射时空分布特征进行研究。利用1961--2010年河北省周边7个太阳辐射观测站的资料,计算河北省周边7个太阳辐射观测站的散射辐射误差,拟合得出河北省太阳散射辐射经验公式,分析其时空分布特征。结果表明:(1)河北省近50年太阳散射辐射年总量总体呈微小的升高趋势。其中,升高幅度相对较大的秦皇岛为4.0%,升高幅度相对较小的廊坊为0.7%。(2)河北省水平面太阳散射辐射年总量近50年平均值空间差异不大,〈2240MI·m^-2主要分布在张家口西北部和秦皇岛西南部,〉2480MJ·m^-2主要分布在保定北部,大部分地区介于2320-2480MJ·m^-2。  相似文献   

青藏高原冬季降水的气候特征认识对高原冬季雪灾的防御有着重要意义。基于青藏高原54个气象站1971~2010年冬季(12~2月)逐月降水量资料,利用现代统计方法分析了青藏高原冬季降水的时空分布特征及突变现象,利用经验正交函数(EOF)和旋转经验正交函数(REOF)概括出高原冬季降水的6种主要空间分布型以及区域性特征进行分析。结果表明:冬季降水分布不均匀,偏东偏南部降水量相对较多,冬季降水在12月最少,2月最多;EOF对青藏高原地区冬季降水分解为6种模态,全区一致型、南北部型、东西部型、川西型、高原腹地型和西部型模态;EOF第1模态时间系数表明高原大部分地区冬季降水在20世纪90年代有显著增加、且存在14年左右的周期变化特征。REOF分析表明,高原地区冬季降水的局地特征显著,而高原腹地与中东部地区变化特征显示了高原冬季降水的主要变化特征,与EOF分析第1模态的变化特征较为一致。  相似文献   

珊溪水库地震波速比时空分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选取P波、S波到时差Δt≤14s的台站数据,使用多台和达法计算珊溪水库地震序列地震波速比,结合地震序列的时空分布特征和发震构造,分析序列的波速比时空分布特征。1)珊溪水库90%的地震波速比分布在1.66~1.75,波速比平均值为1.70;2)珊溪水库地震序列包含有多组地震活动,每组地震的波速比呈开始快速下降之后缓慢上升的变化,每两组地震之间的波速比呈现逐渐增大的趋势,其波速比的变化特征可以归纳为"下降-回升-发生一组地震";3)波速比的变化和震中位置的迁移有一定关系,地震迁移到新的位置时最初几次地震的波速比较大,随后波速比逐渐减小;4)波速比沿深度方向和双溪-焦溪垟断裂方向分布不均匀,位于水库淹没区的双溪-焦溪垟断裂西北段波速比较小,位于水库库岸的双溪-焦溪垟断裂东南段波速比在深度方向上的变化最复杂,存在两个高、低值相间的区域,4级以上地震均发生在这一段5~8km深度处的波速比高、低值过渡区域。  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONItisveryimportanttorealizethedistributionsofpollutantsbeforethepollutioncanbecontrolledsuc cessfully .Owingtothelackofsystematicalobserva tionsinabroadarea ,numericalsimulationhasbe comeapowerfultooltounderstandthedistributionsofpollutantsa…  相似文献   

As an exercise in model sensitivity, the Models-3 Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) modeling system with meteorological fields from the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS) was applied to study the response of photochemical oxidants to systematic increases in anthropogenic volatile organic compounds (VOC) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions in January 1997 over East Asia. Three simulations-one base case and two sensitivity simulations were carried out. Two sensitivity simulations were performed by assuming a 35% separate increase in anthropogenic VOC and NOx emissions comparing with the base case. Biogenic VOC emissions were held constant across the sensitivity simulations. To evaluate the model performance, ozone mixing ratios (O3) from the base case simulation were compared with surface observations at five remote sites in Japan, and it was found that the model reproduces most of the important features in the observations. Monthly average O3 concentrations in the daytime were examined to gain an understanding of how the increase in anthropogenic emissions affected the overall chemical system for each sensitivity simulation.  相似文献   

The alternations of sedimentogenic and asedimentogenic belts on the continental shelf and slope are distinctive features in the East Asia marginal basins.These sedimentogenesis characteristics areconditioned by the terrigenous material supply and their distribution patterns. Facial analysis of the marginal basins reveals a number of typical facial models which are comparablewith the geosynclinal and subplatform formations of the ancient basins. The paragenetical situation and simultaneous coexistence of these facial models in the modern margi-nal seas indicate that the ancient formation could be deposited in the same way,at the same time andeven in the same basin.  相似文献   

1998年东亚夏季风波包传播特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用NCEP/NCAR 850hPa风场资料和高度场资料,分析了1998年东亚夏季风强弱变化与波动能量传播特征,表明东亚夏季风存在着加强和减弱的阶段性特征,其季风的爆发、加强、北推东扩与波包的加强和传播有显著的联系.在季风加强期,中、低纬地区一般为波包大值区并有波包加强和向东传播.东亚夏季风爆发前,季风加强主要受中低纬度系统能量的东传影响;东亚夏季风爆发后,季风加强期波包的经向传播十分明显,但期间波包也表现出一定的北传特征,表明低纬地区的系统能量也起一定作用.在东亚夏季风减弱期东亚为波包小值区控制,显示出在季风减弱阶段波包能量的传播也有减弱的特征.  相似文献   

Based on the archaeological rice cultivation with the14C dating of about 4000–5000 a B.P. the author holds that the plain at the lower reaches of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River is one origin of rice cultivation in Asia and the other is Allahabad of India. The propagation of ancient rice cultivation in China can be divided into three stages, namely 4000–3000, 2635–2420 and about 1000 a B.P. It is inferred that there were two ways for propagating rice cultivation from China to Japan. One was from lower reaches of Changjiang River to Kyushu by sea way and the other was from Shandong Peninsula to southern Korea and then to Kyushu. The age of propagating rice cultivation into Vietnam from South China is about 1000 a B.P. Being influenced by climatic changes since about 5000 a B.P. the propagation of rice cultivation was stagnated for two times at least, for example, the three warm climatic stages and the two cold stages were quite in correspondence with the propagation and stagnation stages of rice cultivation, respectively, in China. During the ancient times the development of paddy rice was directive related to the fluctuation of sea level which is in keeping with the climatic changes.  相似文献   

The performance of spectral nudging in an investigation of the 2010 East Asia summer monsoon was assessed using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model, forced by 1-degree NCEP Global Final Analysis (FNL). Two pairs of experiments were made, spectral nudging (SP) and non-spectral nudging (NOSP), with five members in each group. The members were distinguished by different initial times, and the analysis was based on the ensemble mean of the two simulation pairs. The SP was able to constrain error growth in large-scale circulation in upper-level, during simulation, and generate realistic regional scale patterns. The main focus was the model ability to simulate precipitation. The Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) 3B42 product was used for precipitation verification. Mean precipitation magnitude was generally overestimated by WRF. Nevertheless, SP simulations suppressed overestimation relative to the NOSP experiments. Compared to TRMM, SP also improved model simulation of precipitation in spatial and temporal distributions, with the ability to reproduce movement of rainbands. However, extreme precipitation events were suppressed in the SP simulations.  相似文献   

DuringthelastseveralyearstheRussian-Chinese~tivemorphOStructUralinvestigationswerecarriedoutalongthetransregionalfaultzonewhichstretcheSmorethan3000kin,fromlowerstreamoftheHuanghecaver,ac~theffehaho,Liaohedep~ion,thenalongthehahuaandthelowerAInurvalleystotheNorthffekhalinandprobablytothecentralPartofOkhotskAsbasin.It'soneofthelargestfaultzonesintheeasternrnalginofAsia.OntheterritoryofnortheasternChinathemostpinOfthiszoneiskno~asTall-L.faultzonewhichhasbeenstudiedbyChinesegeologistsform…  相似文献   

The distribution of dissolved aluminum in the Yellow and East China Seas   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Water samples containing dissolved aluminum were collected from the Yellow and East China Seas in October-November 2000. The average concentrations of dissolved AI in the Yellow Sea (YS) and East China Sea (ECS) were 0.042 and 0.056 μ molL^-1, respectively. The concentration of dissolved aluminum decreased gradually across the continental shelf. The lower concentrations appeared in the YS cold water center and in the bottom layer at the shelf edge of the ECS, where they were 0.016 and 0.011 μmolL^-1, respectively. The distribution of dissolved Al was controlled by physical mixing processes rather than biological uptake processes. The impact of different water masses along the PN transect was calculated based on the mass balance model. The results show that the impact of the Changjiang River was mainly concentrated on the coastal area and the top thermocline water on the ECS shelf, where the impact percentage decreased from 12.6% to 1.1% in the surface water, while the contribution of the Kuroshio water was dominant on the ECS shelf in this survey, increasing from 77.6% to 97,8% along the PN transect from the Changjiang River Estuary to the Ryukyu Islands. It is concluded that aluminum can serve as a proper tracer for studying the impact of Changjiang terrestrial matter on the ECS shelf water.  相似文献   

A method is described for determining dimethylI sulfide (DMS) in seawater. DMS was first extractedfrom the seawater using organic reagent, then reverse-extracted by 5% HgCl2. In the laboratory DMS wasreleased by concentrated HCI and finally measured by GC-FPD. The limit of detection me O.05 ng ofS. Measurements of DMS along surface transects and on wtital profibe across the EaSt China Sca (Ers)continental sheif showed tha itS conodIations of S in the surface seawater ranged from 64-180 ng/L andthat itS vertical djstribuion was divided into 3 trpes. Model talculations of a stagnant film show a DMSflux of 10.6 umol/m_2d the air-sea inteIha.  相似文献   

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