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The natural remanent magnetization (NRM) in individual chondrules from the Allende meteorite was measured. These had previously been oriented relative to each other. The NRM directions of the chondrules are not initially random, but they become scattered after either alternating field (AF) or thermal demagnetization. The NRM is less stable than anhysteretic remanent magnetization (ARM) against AF-demagnetization.

The bulk of the NRM in the matrix is erased by 300°C. For the larger chondrules it is erased by 550°C, but for the smaller chondrules and the white inclusion a substantial decrease in NRM occurs by 350°C leaving about 20% up to 600°C. The behavior of the laboratory-induced ARM and the NRM under alternating field demagnetization suggest that the NRM of the chondrules consists of at least two components of TRM. One is a high-temperature component which was acquired when the individual chondrules were cooled through the Curie temperature and before they were assembled into the Allende meteorite. The other is a low-temperature component which was probably acquired in a field of about 1 Oe when the meteorite experienced thermal metamorphism or during the assembly of the meteorite.  相似文献   

It has been an enigma that in the Tieschitz, H3, and other unequilibrated chondrites the silicates show quench textures yet their metallic minerals, according to the Wood [6] model, appear to have cooled extremely slowly.In Tieschitz, spherical metallic chondrules up to 500 μm in diameter, with textures indicating an origin as liquid droplets, consist of polycrystalline intergrowths of α(kamacite), γ(taenite) and troilite. Interface Ni compositions of contiguous α (~5 wt.%) and γ (~50 wt.%) grains define equilibrium tie-line relationships in the Fe-Ni system indicating equilibration to ~350°C (620 K). Polycrystalline γ(taenite) is multi-zoned with respect to Ni and is interpreted as the relict of a primary solidification structure. A mechanism whereby Ni compositional heterogeneities were produced in γ(taenite) by the rapid, non-equilibrium cooling of FeNiS melts during chondrule formation is discussed.Comparisons with lunar metal globules indicate solidification rates for Tieschitz metallic chondrules in the range 1–106 K/s. It is suggested that before or during aggregation, sub-solidus cooling in the temperature range ~700–1400°C with cooling times of days to weeks allowed the preservation of a relict solidification structure in metallic chondrules. At a temperature of ~700°C accretion and shallow burial (1–10 m) on the surface of the Tieschitz parent body provided insulation with slower cooling required to nucleate and grow α(kamacite) from the heterogeneous γ(taenite) under equilibrium conditions by the process of solid state diffusion proposed by Wood [6]. The cooling rate (1 K/106 yr) through 500°C derived using the Wood model is shown to be an underestimate of the real cooling rate of Tieschitz metal through that temperature, since it does not take into account Ni heterogeneities produced at higher temperatures. A rough estimate of the post-accretional cooling rate is obtained from the average size of α(kamacite) grains(<100 μm) andTeqα ~ 350°C indicating a cooling rate of the order of<1K/103yr through 500°C.  相似文献   

Expanded beam microprobe analyses of 18 drop-formed chondrules and 5 irregular masses of devitrified glass in the Manych chondrite show trends and ranges of chemical variation similar to those reported previously for large microporphyritic chondrules in this meteorite. These variations are inconsistent with differentiation of chondrules by crystal-liquid fractionation or separation of immiscible silicate and Fe-Ni-S liquids at various oxygen fugacities. They appear to reflect non-representative sampling of microporphyritic precursor rocks texturally and mineralogically similar to, but in some cases coarser than, the microporphyritic chondrules in Manych. About half of the droplet chondrules and devitrified glasses also bear evidence of more or less vapor-liquid fractionation.The chemical and petrographic properties of Manych chondrules are best explained by a genetic model which entails: (1) melting of extended masses of chondritic material (≥10 cm across); (2) extraction of immiscible Fe-Ni-S liquids; (3) crystallization of the remaining silicate liquids to form microporphyritic rocks; and (4) fragmentation of these rocks to produce microporphyritic chondrules or, with remelting, droplet chondrules. The initial melting may have been caused by either impact or solar heating, but fragmentation and remelting of the microporphyritic precursor rocks were most likely caused by impact.  相似文献   

Fassaitic pyroxene from the Angra dos Reis meteorite has striking spectral properties. The57Fe Mössbauer spectra show no Fe3&+;, and thus the absorption is thought to originate from a complex charge-transfer process. Intense absorption at 480 nm dominates the spectrum of the meteorite and may be important in the interpretation of telescope spectra of objects in space.  相似文献   

Chondrule mass frequency distributions determined from the Bjurböle, Chainpur, Allegan, Saratov, Elenovka and Nikolskoe meteorites have been tested to see if they could be fitted to either the Rosin or Weibull statistical functions. Whereas none of the distributions gave a fit to Rosin's law, they could all (with the exception of Nikolskoe) be fitted to the Weibull function suggesting similar origins and/or histories. Although it is possible to produce a Weibull distribution from a Rosin distribution by the removal of lower mass particles, it is easier to envisage the Weibull mass distribution of meteoritic chondrules as a feature of the chondrule-forming event or of material from which they formed.  相似文献   

Bulk compositions of igneous and microbreccia lithic fragments, glasses, and chondrules from Luna 16 fines as well as compositions of minerals in basaltic lithic fragments were determined with the electron microprobe. Igneous lithic fragments and glasses are divided into two groups, the anorthositic-noritic-troctolitic (hereafter referred to as ANT) and basaltic groups. Chondrules are always of ANT composition and microbreccia lithic fragments are divided into groups 1 and 2. The conclusions reached may be summarized as follows: (1) Luna 16 fines are more similar in composition to Apollo 11 than to Apollo 12 and 14 materials (e.g. Apollo 11 igneous lithic fragments and glasses fall into similar ANT and basaltic groups; abundant norites in Luna 16 and Apollo 11 are not KREEP as in Apollo 12 and 14; Luna 16 basaltic lithic fragments may represent high-K and low-K suites as is the case for Apollo 11; rare colorless to greenish, FeO-rich and TiO2-poor glasses were found in both Apollo 11 and Luna 16; Luna 16 spinels are similar to Apollo 11 spinels but unlike those from Apollo 12). (2) No difference was noted in the composition of lithic fragments, glasses and chondrules from Luna 16 core tube layers A and D. (3) Microbreccia lithic fragments of group 1 originated locally by mixing of high proportions of basaltic with small proportions of ANT materials. (4) Glasses are the compositional analogs to the lithic fragments and not to the microbreccias; most glasses were produced directly from igneous rocks. (5) Glasses show partial loss of Na and K due to vaporization in the vitrification process. (6) Luna 16 chondrules have ANT but not basaltic composition. It is suggested that either liquid droplets of ANT composition are more apt to nucleate from the supercooled state; or basaltic droplets have largely been formed in small and ANT droplets in large impact events (in the latter case, probability for homogeneous and inhomogeneous nucleation is larger. (7) No evidence for ferric iron and water-bearing minerals was found. (8) Occurrence of a great variety of igneous rocks in Luna 16 samples (anorthosite, noritic anorthosite, anorthositic norite, olivine norite, troctolite, and basalt) confirm our earlier conclusion that large-scale melting or partial melting to considerable depth and extensive igneous differentiation must have occurred on the moon.  相似文献   

The paleomagnetic field intensity is estimated with the aid of the Koenigsberger-Thellier method for four ordinary chondrites and one carbonaceous chondrite by assuming that the stable NRM component of these meteorites is attributable to the TRM acquired in a low-temperature range (lower than about 400°C) during their extremely-slow cooling process. The results are summarized in Table IV, where the paleomagnetic field intensity ranges from 0.10 to 0.97 Oe.Possible effects of the extremely-slow cooling rate of meteorites and the secondary TRM acquisition of the surface fusion crust upon the original NRM of the meteorite interior are discussed.  相似文献   

Equilibrium reversals of Fe2+Mg distribution between the M1 and M2 sites of an orthopyroxene from the Johnstown meteorite were achieved at several temperatures between 700 and 1000°C. One single crystal was used for the whole thermal treatment and for collecting all the X-ray data after quenching. The intracrystalline ion exchange for the bulk chemical composition: (Mg1.453Fe0.441Cr0.024Ca0.054Mn0.015Fe0.005Ti0.003Al0.005)(Si1.960Al0.040)O6 is given by: ln KD = −3027(±39)/T(K) + 0.872(±0.013)> where KD is the distribution coefficient for the reaction: FeM22+ + MgM1 = MgM2 + FeM12+.A transmission electron microscopy (TEM) study of part of the crystal showed the presence of very thin augite lamellae and Guinier-Preston zones indicating a relatively rapid cooling of the host rock at temperatures close to 1000°C. The new temperature scale yields a relatively high quenching temperature of 379 (±8)°C for the pyroxene which appears consistent with a rapid cooling (estimated few degrees per hundred years) of a magmatic cumulate excavated by an impact on its parental body.  相似文献   

The carbon isotopic composition of individual oxide grains from Murchison HF—HCl acid residue CFOc has been measured in the ion microprobe. Many grains (Mg-spinel, Cr-spinel, and Fe-oxide) contain carbon with large13C excesses ranging to 7000‰ (corresponding to12C/13C= 11). In most cases the carbon is present as micron-sized subgrains. The association of silicon with the anomalous carbon points towards SiC as carrier. If this tentative identification is correct then the SiC grains most likely originated in the circumstellar atmospheres of red giants. Oxide grains in which the 18O/16O ratio has also been measured show variable16O excesses which are not correlated with the13C excesses. This indicates that the sources of the anomalous carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions of the oxide grains are unrelated.  相似文献   

A small particle (ca. 10?6 g) was magnetically separated from a Ca,Al-rich inclusion of the Allende meteorite. By using instrumental neutron activation analysis it was found that the elements Os, W, Re, Ir, Mo, Ru and Pt were enriched by a mean factor of about 7000 relative to Cl chondrites.A polished section of the grain showed that it consisted mainly of silicates, with a rounded particle of metal and sulfide (20 μm across) attached to it.Concentrations of up to 11% Pt were determined with the microprobe in the Ni-Fe center of the particle. Furthermore, Rh was for the first time measured in an Allende inclusion. It is enriched in about the same degree as Pt, Ir and W. The Ni-Fe center was surrounded by troilite. Mo was concentrated in the sulfide, while Os and Ru were inhomogeneously distributed over the metal + sulfide phases. The particle is interpreted as direct product of metal condensation of the solar nebula. The sulfide phase formed at lower temperatures and caused redistribution of the refractory siderophile elements. Condensation calculations for a metal alloy show that Fe and Ni are expected to be already present at higher temperatures than the condensation temperatures of pure Fe. Pt and Rh, having lower condensation temperatures than pure Fe should also be completely condensed above the condensation temperature of pure Fe. Kinetic considerations show that minimum times to grow this kind of particle should be of the order of 500 years at 10?3 atm.  相似文献   

The textures of chondrules have been reproduced by crystallizing melts of three different compositions at 1 atm with cooling rates ranging from 400 to 20°C/min under 10?9 to 10?12 atmPO2. A porphyritic olivine texture has been formed from a melt of olivine-rich composition (SiO2 = 45 wt.%), a barred-olivine texture from melt of intermediate composition (SiO2 = 47 wt.%), and radial-olivine texture from melt of pyroxene-rich composition (SiO2 = 57 wt.%). The cooling rate for producing barred olivine is most restricted; the rate ranges from 120 to 50°C/min. Other textures can be formed with wider ranges of cooling rate. The results of the experiments indicate that some of the major types of textures of chondrules can be formed with cooling rate of about 100°C/min. With this cooling rate, the texture varies depending on the composition of melt.  相似文献   

The meteorite Abee is a type 4 enstatite chondrite with many centimeter-size clasts. The paleomagnetic conglomerate test was applied to these clasts, to study the thermal and magnetic history of the meteorite. The directions of magnetization in mutually oriented clasts are significantly different, suggesting the meteorite was not reheated to temperatures much above 100°C during or after accretion. Paleointensity estimates were made using Thellier's method. Interior samples which were probably not reheated during entry into the earth's atmosphere show paleointensities of several oersteds. The fusion crust is also strongly magnetized, showing paleointensities up to 60 Oe.  相似文献   

The Allende meteorite has been examined with a view to applying thermoluminescence (TL) to the study of a meteorite's passage through the atmosphere. At least three kinds of TL-bearing minerals are present. A strong peak at 140°C is due to forsterite, and one at 200°C is probably caused by cordierite. By far the most intense TL comes from an alteration product associated with gehlenite.In the 4-cm diameter meteorite examined the 200°C TL varied in intensity across the stone, showing it to be produced by fragmentation. Temperature gradients induced by atmospheric heating can also be derived, and indicate the orientation of the meteorite. Together with fusion crust measurements these results enable the final phase of the meteorite's passage through the atmosphere to be delineated.  相似文献   

Chondrules were extracted from a disaggregated sample of the Allegan meteorite. Individual chondrules were examined with apparatus incorporating two orthogonal binocular microscopes, and their three major axes measured. Maximum chondrule diameters ranged from 0.15 to 2.75 mm with a peak in distribution between 0.35 and 0.75 mm. The chondrule size distribution was found not to conform to Rosin's law. The chondrules were found to depart from sphericity by only small amounts. The authors still believe that the melting of nebula dust-ball agglomerates by some high-energy event was the most probable mechanism for the formation of chondrules.  相似文献   

The mineralogy of shock vein matrix in the Suizhou meteorite has been investigated by optical and transmission electron microscopy. It was revealed that the vein matrix is composed of majorite-pyrope garnet, magnesiowüstite, and ringwoodite, with FeNi–FeS intergrowths. The observation and character of ring-like selected electron diffraction(SAED) patterns indicate that the idiomorphic garnet crystals in the vein matrix have different orientations. The polycrystalline nature of magnesiowüstite is also confirmed by a ring-like SAED pattern.Both garnet and magnesiowüstite crystals showed sharp diffraction spots, signifying the good crystallinity of these two minerals. The SAED pattern of cryptocrystalline ringwoodite shows only diffuse concentric diffraction rings. FeNi metal and troilite(FeS), which were molten during the shock event, occur in the matrix as fine eutectic FeNi–FeS intergrowths filling the interstices between garnet and magnesiowüstite grains. Based on the phase diagram of the Allende chondrite and the results of this TEM study, it is inferred that majorite-pyrope garnet first crystallized from the Suizhou chondritic melt at 22–26 GPa,followed by crystallization of magnesiowüstite at 20–24 GPa, and then ringwoodite at 18–20 GPa. The eutectic intergrowths of FeNi-metal and troilite are proposed to have crystallized during meteorite cooling and solidified at the last stage of vein formation.  相似文献   

Nuclear particle tracks were studied in various phases from the Brachina meteorite, which was classified until recently as a chassignite. Fission tracks due to the decay of244Pu(T12 = 82m.y.) were observed and indicate that Brachina formed ~ 4.5 b.y. ago in a parent body which was most probably asteroidal in size. Contrary to what has been previously suggested [7], there is no need to postulate a Martian origin for this meteorite. This conclusion is supported by independent evidence obtained by other groups.  相似文献   

A well-defined internal RbSr isochron has been determined for the unbrecciated Nakhla achondrite, defining an age T = (1.24 ± 0.01) AE and an initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.70254 ± 0.00003. The excellence of fit to the isochron shows that a very thorough Sr isotopic equilibration took place at this time between all phases of the meteorite. Recent petrological observations indicate that the age most probably represents the time of an igneous crystallization event on the parent body of Nakhla. The age shows that we may no longer assume that major chemical and physical differentiation processes took place only in early solar system history. The RbSr systematics are shown not to require late formation of the Nakhla parent body. Geochemical similarities between Nakhla and the earth are discussed.  相似文献   

A fragment found in soil from the Apollo 12 site (12037, from the rim of Bench Crater) appears to be a unique type of chondrite, petrologically and chemically distinct from other chondrites and lunar rocks. Inclusions consisting of shocked pyroxene rimmed by euhedral troilite crystals are set in a black aphanitic matrix. Abundant magnetite in the matrix exhibits microscopic morphologies (framboids and plaquets) characteristic of C1 chondrites. The bulk composition of this sample has high Mg/Si and low Fe/Si relative to other chondrites, and P and S are strongly enriched. Most compositional differences between this meteorite and other chondrites may be explained by fractionation of Fe phases, such as magnetite and troilite. Low refractory element contents preclude mixing with lunar materials. This sample may be a surviving fragment of the meteoritic component present in the lunar regolith. Its characteristics suggest that ancient meteoritic debris sampled by the moon may be significantly different from that captured by the present-day earth.  相似文献   

True relative Sr isotopic compositions, determined by the double-spike technique, are reported for 8 olivine chondrules from Allende and a single chondrule from Richardton. The Richardton chondrule has an Sr composition identical with the whole meteorite, but the Allende chondrules are up to 1.4‰ per mass unit light-isotope enriched, closely similar to Ca-Al inclusions (CAI) from the same individual stone. The correspondence of the patterns for chondrules and CAI suggests that both groups of objects derived their fractionated Sr in similar ways. The lack of any detectable non-linear Sr isotopic anomaly in the objects suggests that their Sr compositions did not have some exotic or extrasolar origin, but were derived from normal solar system Sr by mass fractionation. The consistent light-Sr enrichment of Allende objects may be explained by several schemes, and all are heavily model-dependent. Most plausible to the author is that the CAI and chondrules derived their fractionated Sr from a region of the nebula made isotopically light by partial kinetic mass separation of elements in the vapour phase. Later, the solid objects may have moved to an isotopically more normal region, where the Allende matrix accreted.  相似文献   

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