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Three rocks representing the calc-alkaline rock series gabbro-tonalite-granite or basalt-andesite-rhyolite were reacted with varying percentages of water in sealed capsules between 600 and 1300°C and pressures to 36 kbars, corresponding to depths of more than 120 km within the earth. For each rock we present complete P-T diagrams with excess water, and the water-undersaturated liquids surface projected from P-T-XH2O space mapped with contours for constant H2O contents and with the fields for near-liquidus minerals. All changes in liquidus and solidus slopes can be correlated with changes in mineralogy from less dense to more dense, or with expansion of crystallization fields, without appeal to changes in molar volume of H2O in liquid and vapor phases. The results indicate that tholeiites and andesites of the calc-alkaline series with compositions similar to the rocks studied are not primary magmas from mantle peridotite at depths greater than about 50 km. Primary andesitic magmas from shallower levels would require very high water contents and we do not believe such magmas could normally reach the surface. The liquids results are consistent with the derivation of andesites with little dissolved water as primary magmas from subducted ocean crust (quartz eclogite), but multi-stage models are preferred. Temperatures required for the generation of andesites by fusion of continental crust are higher than considered reasonable. The evidence precludes the generation of primary rhyolites or granites from the mantle of subducted oceanic crust at mantle depths. Primary rhyolite or granite magmas with moderate water contents (saturated or undersaturated) can be generated in the crust at reasonable temperatures, and could reach near-surface levels before vesiculation. Water-undersaturated granite liquid with residual crustal minerals could constitute plutonic magmas of intermediate composition.  相似文献   

The northeastern Japan forms a typical arcuate structure with a remarkable zonal arrangement of many geologic features, including the distribution of Quaternary volcanoes. Thus two distinct zones of volcanoes are noted here: i. e., Nasu zone on the east and Tyokai zone on the west. Some of the volcanoes of Nasu zone are characterized by the presence of pumice flows or pumice falls, sometimes of very large scales. These pumice flows belong to the calc-alkali rock series. While pumice flows or falls are rare in the Tyokai zone, where they are present though on small scale. Migration of the center of activity is noted along linear fissures, running either from east to west, or north to south at some volcanoes of Nasu zone, and consequently large swarms of volcanoes are common in this zone. While central eruption with definite center is typical of the Tyokai zone. From the petrographical and petrochemical study on the lavas and pyroclastics the original magma of the Nasu zone is estimated to be tholeiitic, and that of the Tyokai zone high-alumina basaltic. Abundant calc-alkali rocks are derived from these parental magmas. Thus the difference in the volcanic activity should be ascribed to the different nature of the parental magmas or the magmas derived from them.  相似文献   

We present new shock devolatilization recovery data for brucite (Mg(OH)2) shocked to 13 and 23 GPa. These data combined with previous data for serpentine (Mg3Si2O5(OH)4) are used to constrain the minimum size terrestrial planet for which planetesimal infall will result in an impact-generated water atmosphere. Assuming a chondritic abundance of minerals including 3–6%, by mass water, in hydrous phyllosilicates, we carried out model calculations simulating the interaction of metallic iron with impact-released free water on the surface of the accreting Earth. We assume that the reaction of water with iron in the presence of enstatite is the prime source of the terrestrial FeO component of silicates and oxides. Lower and upper bounds on the terrestrial FeO budget are based on mantle FeO content and possible incorporation of FeO in the outer core. We demonstrate that the iron-water reaction would result in the absence of atmospheric/hydrospheric water, if homogeneous accretion is assumed. In order to obtain1025g of atmospheric water by the end of accretion, slightly heterogeneous accretion with initially 36% by mass iron planetesimals, as compared to a homogeneous value of 34% is required. Such models yield final FeO budgets, which either require a higher FeO content of the mantle (17 wt.%) or oxygen as a light element in the outer core of the Earth.  相似文献   

Systematic analyses of the major-element chemistry of products of several eruptions during syn-and post-caldera stages of Izu-Oshima volcano were compiled. Comparisons of the products of large-scale eruptions in 1338?, 1421? and 1777–1778, of intermediate-scale eruptions in 1950–1951 and 1986, and of small-scale eruptions in 1954, 1964 and 1974 clearly show the existence of two types of magmas. One is “plagioclase-controlled” and the other is “differentiated” magma (multimineral-controlled); i.e. the bulk chemistry of the first magma type is controlled by plagioclase addition or removal, while that of the second type is controlled by fractionation of plagioclase, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, and titanomagnetite. Eruptions of Izu-Oshima volcano have occurred at the summit and along the flanks. Summit eruptions tap only plagioclase-controlled magmas, while flank eruptions supply both magma types. It is considered unlikely that both magma types would coexist in the same magma chamber based on the petrology. In the case of the 1986 eruption, the flank magma was isolated sometime in the past from the summit magma chamber or central conduit, and formed small magma pockets, where further differentiation occurred due to relatively rapid cooling. In a period of quiescence prior to the 1986 eruption, new magma was supplied to the summit magma chamber, and the summit eruption began. The dike intrusion or fracturing around the small magma pockets triggered the flank eruption of the differentiated magma. This model can be applied to the large-scale flank eruption in 1338(?) which erupted differentiated magmas. In 1421(?), the flank eruption tapped plagioclase-controlled magma. In this case, the isolated magmas from the summit magma chamber directly penetrated the flank without differentiation.  相似文献   

Expeditions during the summers of 2002 and 2003 implemented continuous monitoring of near-surface (2 m height) atmospheric CO2 and H2O concentrations at the 4500 m elevation on Muztagata. The resultant data sets reveal a slight decrease of CO2 concentrations (of about 5 μmol·mol-1) and changes in the diurnal variations from the end of June to the middle August. The daily maximum CO2 concentrations occur between 02:30-05:30 AM (local time) and the minimum levels occur between 12:00-15:30 PM. The atmospheric CO2 concentrations in the summer of 2002 were around 5 μmol·mol-1 lower than those during the same period of 2003, whereas the diurnal amplitude was higher. In contrast, we found that the daily mean atmospheric H2O content in 2003 was much lower than that in 2002 and there exists a striking negative correlation between CO2 and H2O concentrations. We therefore suggest that the near-surface atmospheric CO2 concentration is affected not only by photosynthesis and respiration, but also by the air H2O content in the glaciated region around Muztagata.  相似文献   

This study focuses on constraining bubble nucleation and H2O exsolution processes in alkalic K-phonolite melts, using “white pumice” of the 79 AD eruption of Vesuvius as starting material. The first set of experiments consisted of H2O solubility runs at 1153 to 1250 K and pressures between 50 and 200 MPa, to constrain equilibrium water concentrations along the decompression pathways. The decompression experiments were equilibrated with H2O at 150 MPa and 1173 and 1223 K, and then decompressed at 3 to 17 MPa/s before rapid quenching. Experiments nucleated bubbles within the first 50 MPa pressure drop, producing maximum bubble number densities (NV), corrected to melt volume, of 3.8 × 1014 m− 3 at 1173 K and 4.3 × 1013 m− 3 at 1223 K. Most bubbles were not visibly attached to crystals, except for a subset attached to pyroxenes primarily in the 1173 K experiments. When compared with prior bubble nucleation studies, the reduced nucleation ΔP and relatively low NV observed indicate predominantly a heterogeneous nucleation mechanism. Melt–vapor–crystal wetting angles measured in 1173 K experiments from bubbles attached to pyroxene crystals are 36 to 69°, which are similar to those measured on titanomagnetite crystals in calc-alkaline dacite melts. The 1223 K experiments have porosities and water concentrations that largely track equilibrium, despite the rapid decompression rate. The 1173 K experiments deviate strongly from equilibrium trends in both porosity and water concentration, and slower H2O diffusion rates are likely the cause of the inhibited bubble growth. Bubble number densities from 79 AD Vesuvius natural EU2 pumice are relatively high (2 to 4 × 1015 m− 3; [Gurioli, L., Houghton, B.F., Cashman, K.V., Cioni, R., 2005. Complex changes in eruption dynamics during the 79 AD eruption of Vesuvius. Bull. Volcanol. 67: 144–159.]) when corrected to vesicularity. In comparison, corrected NV's from homogeneous and heterogeneous bubble nucleation experiments from this study and prior work are at least factor of 5 lower, indicating perhaps that the natural magmas initially nucleated bubbles in the presence of CO2. The disequilibrium H2O exsolution seen in the 1173 K experiments indicates that inhibited bubble growth could lead to delayed exsolution in the conduit in cooler K-phonolite magmas.  相似文献   

Since 1984, a seismic surveillance at the Baix Ebre Region (NE of the Iberian Peninsula) has been carried out from a seismic network consisting of two digital and one analog stations. Large discrepancies between the recorded amplitudes and the magnitude estimates given by different agencies have been observed. To explain these discrepancies, that consist of a large reduction of amplitude and a strong dependence of the azimuth, a local magnitude formula for the area has been computed, using the analog records obtained at EBR short-period station. Global results show an average station correction factor between the computed local magnitude and the reported magnitude of the order of 1, presenting large variations around the mean value with a clear dependence on the azimuth. A detailed analysis of this variation around the mean value reveals that earthquakes can be classified according to their location in different geological units, thus obtaining for each zone a distinct station correction factor that can fluctuate as much as 0.6 around the average. These large lateral variations of the magnitude are in good agreement with previous studies of coda-Q attenuation.  相似文献   

The system Mg2SiO4MgOH2O was investigated at pressures between 85 and 160 kbar and at temperatures between 750 and 1200°C. In runs for a gel with Mg/Si ratio of 3 and with 4.0 wt.-percent H2O, a dense hydrous magnesian silicate, denoted phase B by Ringwood and Major, was found at pressures from about 100 kbar to at least 160 kbar in the whole temperature range studied. In the following table the crystallographic parameters and chemical formula of phase B, determined in this study, are compared with those of the other dense hydrous silicates in Mg2SiO4MgOH2O.

Abstract Petrogenetic grids for ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphism were calculated at different Xco2 conditions in the model system CaO-MgO-SiO2-CO2-H2O involving coesite (Co), diopside (Di), dolomite (Do), enstatite (En), forsterite (Fo), magnesite (Ms), quartz (Qz), talc (Tc), tremolite (Tr) using a published internally consistent thermodynamic data set. Two P-T grids at Xco2= 0.01 and 0.5 are described. In the calculated P-T grid at Xco2= 0.01, four out of 10 stable invariant points, Co-En-Ms-Tc, Co-Di-En-Tc-Tr, Co-Di-Ms-Tc-Tr and Di-En-Ms-Tc-Tr lie within the stability field of coesite. If the fluid phase has Xco2= 0.5, no invariant point is stable under UHP conditions. Some magnesite-bearing assemblages are stabilized by the following three reactions: Di + Ms = Do + Fo + CO2, Ms + Tr = Do + Fo + CO2+ H2O and Ms + Tc = Fo+ CO2+ H2O at Xco2= 0.01 and by reaction Ms + Tc = Fo + CO2+ H2O together with these three at Xco2= 0.5. Ten possible UHP assemblages for mafic and ultramafic compositions at very low Xco2 conditions include the following: Co-Do-Ms, Co-Di-Ms, Co-Di-Tc, Di-Ms-Tc, Di-En-Tc-, Di-En-Ms, Co-Di-En, Di-En-Fo, Di-Fo-Ms, Di-Do-Fo. Among them, talc-bearing assemblages are restricted to Xco2 < 0.02 and their high-P limit is 31.7 kb (749°C) at Xco2= 0.01. Dolomite-magnesite-silica assemblages have large P-T stability fields even if Xco2 is as low as 0.1, and could occur in cold subduction zones with very low geothermal gradients. Reported UHP coesite-dolomite assemblage is restricted only to a calc-silicate rock interlayered with marble where Xco2 is relatively higher; no such assemblage appears for mafic and ultramafic rocks with low Xco2 evidenced by the occurrence of diopside (or omphacite) at the expense of dolomite + coesite. The effect of Xco2 on the stability of coesite-dolomite-magnesite, diopside-enstatite-magnesite, diopside-talc assemblages is examined and the occurrence of coesite-dolomite, magnesite-bearing and talc-bearing assemblages in the Dabie UHP rocks are interpreted by employing the calculated P-T grids.  相似文献   

The hydrogen isotope fractionation factors between epidote and aqueous 1 M and 4 M NaCl, 1 M CaCl2 solutions, and between epidote and seawater, have been measured over the temperature range 250–550°C over which the degree of dissociation of dissolved species varies significantly. Measured fractionations at 350°C are decreased by up to 12‰, 9‰ and 7‰ relative to pure water in seawater, 1 M CaCl2 and 1 M NaCl respectively, while above 500°C fractionations are not measurably dependent on fluid composition. Water—solution fractionation factors are derived which are generally applicable to the correction of mineral—water hydrogen isotope fractionations for the composition of the fluid phase.The hydrogen isotope compositions of natural epidotes are interpreted in the light of experimental fractionation data for situations where temperature, δD (fluid), and, in some cases, fluid chemistry, are independently known. Epidotes from active geothermal systems have hydrogen isotope quench temperatures consistent with or close to measured well temperatures unless the measured temperature has declined substantially since epidote formation or there is uncertainty in the D/H ratio of the water associated with the epidote because of isotopic heterogeneity in the well waters. Hydrothermal and metamorphic epidotes show closure temperatures of 175–225°C and 200–250°C. There is no evidence that retrograde metamorphic fluids, if present, are isotopically different from prograde fluids.The water-solution fractionations indicate strong solute-solvent interactions between 250 and 450°C and imply that both dissociated and associated species contribute to the fractionation effects through modification of the orientations and structure of the water molecules. Solute-solvent interactions become negligible at temperatures around 550°C.  相似文献   

湖、库水体是重要的N2O排放源,在全球氮素循环及全球气候变化中具有重要作用.本文综述了目前有关湖、库水体N2O排放研究进展,重点介绍湖、库水体N2O产生和排放的过程、不同时空尺度的排放特征、N2O排放的影响因子框架及监测方法.湖、库水体N2O不仅源于内部微生物硝化作用、反硝化作用、硝化-反硝化耦合作用、脱氮作用以及极少数底栖无脊椎动物代谢过程,同时流域上游河流汇入、地表径流输入、污水排放以及地下水排泄等构成湖、库水体N2O的重要外源,但目前对内源/外源的相对贡献的定量化研究不足;湖、库水体N2O排放方式包括扩散、植物传输及少量气泡排放,对水库而言,大坝下游水电涡轮机形成的脱气作用可能是N2O排放的潜在途径.对文献综合分析表明,湖、库水体N2O排放通常呈现明显的季节变化(夏季>冬季)和日变化,同时在全球(一般低纬度>高纬度)、区域及水体内部等不同尺度上表现出显著的空间变异性;这种时空变异特征主要受到湖、库自身理化因子(温度、营养盐、溶解氧、C/N、水文)、生物因子(水生植物、藻华)以及陆域人类活动(污水排放、农业活动以及城市化等)的影响;湖、库N2O排放不同监测方法的差异也是潜在的影响因素,传统的漂浮箱法和薄边界层法均可能低估水体N2O排放通量,未来需将传统的监测方法与新型的涡度相关法相结合,减小监测方法的不确定性.结合当前湖、库水体N2O排放的研究不足,建议未来可以从湖、库N2O产生的微生物机制,区域尺度上人类活动与湖、库群N2O排放的耦合关系,水陆交错带的产、排过程,变化环境下的湖、库N2O排放以及监测方法等方面深入研究.  相似文献   

百草枯和H2O2预处理提高盐泽螺旋藻对铅的耐受性   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
用10μmol.L^-1的百草枯(Paraquat)和2mmol.L^-1的H2O2对盐泽螺旋藻(Spirulina subsalsa)作预处理,以诱导提高藻细胞内超氧物歧化酶(SOD),过氧化氢酶(CAT)和过氧化物酶(POD)的活性,随后用40mg.L^-1的Pb^2+进行肋迫试验,实验结果表明,预处理组的藻细胞生长量和光合速率的下降幅度明显较未预处理组小;预处理组的SOD、CAT活性虽有衰减  相似文献   

The TiO2–K2O–P2O5 ternary diagram is proposed as a method of discriminating between oceanic and non-oceanic (continental) basalts. This diagram is effective for non-alkaline “primitive” basalts: fractionated rocks cannot be adequately discriminated. Suitable analyses are those which have total alkalies ≤ 20% in an (Fe2O3 + FeO)–MgO–(Na2O + K2O) diagram. The proposed dividing line separates 93% of 222 ocean-floor and ocean-ridge basalts into the oceanic field and > 80% of continental basalt analyses into the non-oceanic field. Two exceptions are the Tertiary basalts of Greenland and the Deccan Traps which have oceanic affinities. “Continental” suites displaying an oceanic affinity in the TiO2–K2O–P2O5 diagram may be a result of abortive attempts to generate new sea floor. Preliminary results for dike swarms and Archean basalts suggest preponderant oceanic affinities. Alteration and metamorphism of oceanic basalts generally occasion enrichment of K2O relative to TiO2 and P2O5.  相似文献   

Fluids supplied in alpine-type mantle peridotites and trapped as fluid inclusions in olivines have been fixed by low-temperature reactions, and theirCO2/H2O ratios can be deduced from the minerals in the inclusions. Relic fluid inclusions were commonly observed by the optical microscope in olivines from almost all examined solid intrusive ultramafic complexes (Papua, Oman, Troodos and eleven alpine-type complexes of Japan). Such complexes were emplaced into the crust in a solid state. Electron microscopic studies of olivines from three complexes, Higashiakaishi, Horoman and Iwanai-dake, showed that relic fluid inclusions in these olivines have distinctive mineral parageneses: serpentine + magnesite + talc, serpentine + magnesite + brucite, and serpentine + brucite, respectively, depending on theCO2/(H2O+CO2) ratio of the trapped fluid.It is deduced that the fluids had been supplied to peridotites, at least partly, but almost wholly in some case, when the peridotites were still hot, probably at the upper mantle for the following reasons: (1) the curved surfaces along which the inclusions are distributed are cut by post-emplacement serpentine veins; (2) for the Higashiakaishi dunite, the relic fluid inclusions are exclusively found in porphyroclast olivines and are totally absent in matrix olivines recrystallized during the Sanbagawa metamorphism.Recent models on the derivation of ophiolitic or some alpine-type peridotites favor the island-arc or fore-arc settings. Dehydration of the descending oceanic slab may supply H2OCO2 vapor to the overlying mantle wedge. Fluid inclusions trapped in such mantle wedge may abound in H2O component. H2O-bearing fluid inclusions may, therefore, be important H2O containers in the upper mantle, especially near the edge of the mantle wedge above downgoing oceanic slabs.  相似文献   

Thermal and compositional evolution of magmas after emplacement of basalt into continental crust has been investigated by means of fluid dynamic experiments using a cold solid mixture with eutectic composition and a hot liquid with higher salinity in the NH4Cl–H2O binary eutectic system. The experiments were designed to simulate cases where crystallization of a basalt magma is accompanied by melting at both the roof and floor of a crustal magma chamber. The results show that thermal and compositional convection occur simultaneously in the solution; the thermal convection is driven by cooling at the roof and the compositional convection is driven by melting and crystallization at the floor. The roof was rapidly melted by the convective heat flux, which resulted in formation of a separate eutectic melt layer (the upper liquid layer) with negligible mixing of the underlying liquid (the lower liquid layer). On the other hand, a mushy layer formed at the floor. The compositional convection at the floor carried a low heat flux, so that the heat transfer at the floor was basically explained by simple heat conduction. The thermal boundary layer in the lower liquid layer at the interface with the upper liquid layer became thicker with time and subsequently temperature decreased upward throughout the lower liquid layer. Compositional gradient with NH4Cl content decreasing upward formed by compositional convection in the lower liquid layer. The formation of these gradients resulted in formation of double-diffusive convecting layers in the lower liquid layer. The upward heat transfer was suppressed when compared with the case where the liquid region is homogenized by vigorous convection.These experimental results imply that, when a basalt magma is emplaced in continental crust, floor melting does not always enhance the cooling of the magma, but it may even reduce the total heat loss from the magma to the crusts due to suppression of convection by formation of a stabilizing compositional gradient.  相似文献   

After analyzing systematically the dynamic variation of released H2 in Xiadian Fault during 1990–1996 and studying the whole data of earthquakes in the Beijing area during this period, we have found that the quantity of underground H2 release relates closely to earthquake activities. From the chart of annual frequency-magnitude of earthquake activities, the chart of H2 dynamic variation and release intensity, we have discovered that H2 release concerns with not only earthquake scale but also its frequency-magnitude. The higher earthquake scale and frequency-magnitude, the larger the released H2 quantity and its abnormal range.  相似文献   




The oxygen minimum zones (OMZs) are recognized as intense sources of N2O greenhouse gas (GHG) and could also be potential sources of CO2, the most important GHG for the present climate change. This study evaluates, for one of the most intense and shallow OMZ, the Chilean East South Pacific OMZ, the simultaneous N2O and CO2 fluxes at the air–sea interface. Four cruises (2000–2002) and 1 year of monitoring (21°–30°–36°S) off Chile allowed the determination of the CO2 and N2O concentrations at the sea surface and the analysis of fluxes variations associated with different OMZ configurations. The Chilean OMZ area can be an intense GHG oceanic local source of both N2O and CO2. The mean N2O fluxes are 5–10 times higher than the maximal previous historical source in an OMZ open area as in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. For CO2, the mean fluxes are also positive and correspond to very high oceanic sources. Even if different coupling and decoupling between N2O and CO2 are observed along the Chilean OMZ, 65% of the situations represent high CO2 and/or N2O sources. The high GHG sources are associated with coastal upwelling transport of OMZ waters rich in N2O and probably also in CO2, located at a shallow depth. The integrated OMZ role on GHG should be better considered to improve our understanding of the past and future atmospheric CO2 and N2O evolutions.  相似文献   

Three points raised in the paper by Tedesco and Sabroux (1987) are dealt with. (1) The inconsistency between the water partial pressure calculated by Tedesco and Sabroux (1987) and saturation pressure is due to the improper use of the water-gas-shift reaction as a geothermometer. In fact Tedesco and Sabroux (1987) do not take into account the distribution of gas species between the coexisting vapour and liquid phases. (2) The depth of the steam reservoir is evaluated by Tedesco and Sabroux (1987) in too simplistic a way. This matter should be treated with greater care owing to the high social impact of any consideration on the Phlegraean Fields system. (3) The reliability of carbon monoxide determination at the concentration level encountered at Solfatara depends on the collection method rather than on the gas-chromatographic technique.  相似文献   

PhaseCompositionSpace groupCell parametersDensity (g cm?3)
Phase AMg7Si2O14H6P637.8609.5732.96
Phase BMg23Si8O42H6P21/c10.60014.09810.092104.053.32
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