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Magnetic lineations in the Pacific Jurassic quiet zone   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Magnetic anomalies of low amplitude (<100 gammas) are present in the Jurassic magnetic quiet zone of the western Pacific Ocean. These small anomalies are lineated and can be correlated among the Phoenix, Hawaiian and Japanese lineation patterns. Thus, they represent seafloor spreading that recorded some sort of magnetic field phenomena prior to magnetic anomaly M25 at 153 m.y. B.P. The most likely possibility is that they represent a series of late Jurassic magnetic field reversals that occurred during a period of anomalously low magnetic field intensity. We propose a time scale of magnetic reversals between 153 and 158 m.y. B.P. to account for these anomalies and suggest that the dipole magnetic field intensity increased by a factor of about four from 160 to 140 m.y. B.P. in the late Jurassic.  相似文献   

An extensive compilation of recently acquired geophysical reconnaissance data has allowed the Mesozoic magnetic lineations (The Eastern Keathley sequence) to be identified and mapped in detail for the area off northwest Africa lying between Madeira and the Cape Verde Islands. These anomalies were generated as one limb of a symmetric spreading center (Paleo Mid-Atlantic Ridge) from about 107 to 153 m.y.B.P. Offsets in the lineation pattern serve to identify fracture zone traces whose trends are approximately east-west. The seaward boundary of the marginal quiet zone does not precisely define an isochron due to the presence of a variable width transition zone of intermediate amplitude magnetic anomalies. Crust underlying the marginal quiet zone was generated, at least in part, during the Jurassic, Graham normal polarity epoch. The quiet zone boundary is not offset significantly on opposite sides of the Canaries lineament as previously suggested. A possible counterpart of the U.S. east coast magnetic anomaly is observed in some areas near the shelf/slope break of Spanish Sahara and Mauritania. The presence of relatively high-amplitude (but not-correlatable) magnetic anomalies seaward of the Mesozoic sequence and presumably generated during the Cretaceous, Mercanton normal polarity epoch remains a paradox.  相似文献   

From marine magnetic anomaly studies, a fossil spreading ridge is identified beneath the Nicobar Fan in the northwestern Wharton Basin. Several north-south-trending transform faults offset this ridge left-laterally east of the 86°E transform fault. Our findings show that this ridge, which was part of the plate boundary between the Indian and Australian plates, ceased its spreading shortly after formation of magnetic anomaly 20 (~ 45.6m.y. B.P.). Since the breakup of Australia and Antarctica probably occurred sometime between 110 and 90 m.y. B.P., we suggest that the Indian, Australian, and Antarctic plates were moving relative to one another from about 90 to 45 m.y. B.P. A triple junction would have existed in the southeastern Indian Ocean during that period of time. At anomaly 19 time (~ 45m.y. B.P.), the junction became inactive, and Australia and India became a single plate. The northwest-southeast-trending Southeast Indian Ridge was formed by connecting the India-Antarctica spreading center with the Australia-Antarctica spreading center. Its activity has continued to the present time.  相似文献   

The ocean-continent boundary in the Newfoundland Basin is defined as the seaward limit of a continental margin magnetic smooth zone. East of the Grand Banks this boundary is marked by a prominent NNE-trending magnetic anomaly that is correlated with the J-Anomaly (115 m.y.). South of Flemish Cap the smooth zone boundary strikes approximately 060° and is approximately 15 m.y. younger. Magnetic anomaly trends suggest two directions of motion during separation of Iberia and North America. The first phase of motion, commencing at J-Anomaly time with a spreading center strike of 015°, produced a rifted margin along the Grand Banks south of the Newfoundland Seamounts. No spreading occurred north of the seamounts during this phase, implying a counter-clockwise rotation of Iberia and no Grand Banks-Galicia Bank separation. The second phase began at about 102 m.y. with a shift of the pole of rotation to a location near Paris, producing a ridge orientation of approximately 060°. This spreading center extended north and east into the northern Newfoundland Basin and Bay of Biscay, producing a rifted margin south of Flemish Cap and opening of Biscay. This ridge geometry produced a component of extension across the Newfoundland Fracture Zone and the southeastward migration of the resultant “leaky” transform fault between 102 m.y. and the next pole shift produced the volcanic edifice of the Southeast Newfoundland Ridge. Fracture zone trends during this phase also exerted strong control on volcanism within the Newfoundland Seamount province; this activity ceased at about 97 m.y. The date at which the second phase ended is not well defined by presently available data. A RRR triple-junction existed in the northeastern Newfoundland Basin-western Biscay region for a short time prior to anomaly33/34 (80 m.y.) which marks the inception of a continuous Mid-Atlantic Ridge spreading center between the Newfoundland and Charlie Gibbs Fracture Zones.  相似文献   

We propose that magnetic anomalies south of Australia and along the conjugate margin of Antarctica that were originally identified as anomalies 19 to 22 may be anomalies 20 to 34. The original anomaly identification has two troublesome aspects: (1) it does not account for an “extra” anomaly between anomalies 20 and 21, and (2) it provides no explanation for the rough topography comprising the Diamantina Zone. With our revised identification there is no “extra” anomaly and the Diamantina Zone is attributed to a period of very slow spreading (~4.5mm/yr half rate) between 90 and 43 m.y. The ages bounding the interval of slow spreading (90 and 43 m.y.) correspond to times of global plate reorganizations. Our revised identification opens up the possibility that part of the magnetic quiet zone south of Australia formed during the Cretaceous long normal polarity interval. Breakup of Australia and Antarctica probably occurred sometime between 110 and 90 m.y. B.P. The “breakup unconformity” identified by Falvey in the Otway Basin may correspond to a eustastic sea level change.  相似文献   

The Parece Vela Basin is a back-arc basin. It is approximately 5000 m deep and is divided into two topographic provinces by the north-trending Parece Vela Rift. The western province is thinly sedimented and topographically rough. The eastern province is blanketed by a thick apron of volcaniclastic sediments which were derived from the West Mariana Ridge. The Parece Vela Rift is composed of a series of discrete deeps and troughs with depths commonly of 6 km and locally exceeding 7 km.Petrologic and seismic refraction data indicate that the Parece Vela Basin is of oceanic character.Low-amplitude, nort-trending, lineated magnetic anomalies are present in the basin and appear symmetric about a line near the Parece Vela Rift. In the central latitudes of the basin seafloor spreading anomalies 10 (30 m.y. B.P.) to 5E or 5D (18 or 17 m.y. B.P.) can be identified. The uncertainty in identifying the youngest anomaly may be due to ridge jumps near the end of spreading. Spreading may have started slightly later in the northern end of the basin. Anomalies in the eastern province are disrupted and are difficult to correlate. DSDP results indicate post-spreading volcanism on the eastern side of the basin and this may have degraded the anomalies. The age obtained in the western province of the basin at DSDP Site 449 (~25m.y. B.P.) is in close agreement with that obtained from the magnetic data (~26m.y. B.P.).It is hypothesized that subduction was occurring at a west-dipping subduction zone east of the Palau-Kyushu Ridge in the Early Oligocene. This volcanic arc split about 31 or 32 m.y. ago and interarc spreading was initiated between the Palau-Kyushu Ridge (which then became a remnant arc) and the West Mariana Ridge. The Parece Vela Basin formed between the ridges by two-limb seafloor spreading. Spreading stopped about 17 or 18 m.y. ago.Like certain other marginal basins, the Parece Vela Basin is deeper than predicted from depth vs. age curves. The average heat flow for the Parece Vela Basin is in agreement with that predicted from heat flow vs. age curves.The origin of the Parece Vela Rift is unclear. It may represent the extinct spreading center or may be a postspreading feature.  相似文献   

The Rift Valley between 36° 42′N and 36° 55′N in the Atlantic Ocean is 31 km wide, with half-widths of 12 and 19 km for the western and eastern sides respectively. Both outer edges of the Rift Valley stand about 1500 m above an Inner Floor where very fresh pillow lavas occur. The Inner Floor probably includes the locus of new crust; and its bordering slopes, which are particularly well-defined on the western side, limit to less than about 2.5 km the width of the zone over which new crust may have evolved with little or no vertical displacement. The width of the locus of new crust may be less than 0.5 km between 36° 45′N and 36° 47′N, where the deepest slopes of the Rift Valley walls nearly merge. Near 36° 50′N, the Inner Floor accommodates an approximately 1 km wide, 4 km long Central High, with a height of up to 250 m. In this area, the locus of new crust may also occupy a very narrow zone; it may lie either along the Central High or along a trough flanking the Central High. The magnetic anomaly pattern indicates that, since the beginning of the Brunhes epoch (6.9 × 105 yr B.P.), the eastern limb has grown approximately twice as fast as the western limb. Using extrapolated spreading rates, the ages of the outer edges of the Rift Valley are 1.3 and 1.7 m.y. for the eastern and western sides respectively. Comparison with data for the Rift Valley in other parts of the ocean further suggests that the residence time of new crust in the Rift Valley is about 1.5 m.y. Uplift of crust from the Inner Floor, which may be dominated by lithospheric thickening, may thus be primarily a function of age.  相似文献   

For some time, sea-floor spreading has been hypothesized for the Mid-Cayman Rise based on inferences from seismicity, heat flow, topography and plate geometry. Here we present magnetic anomaly inversions from which a reasonable record of sea-floor spreading emerges. We obtain total opening rates of 20 ± 2 mm/yr for 0–2.4 m.y. B.P. and 40 ± 2 mm/yr for 2.4–6.0 m.y. B.P. Data on the west flank extend the half-opening rate of 20 mm/yr back to 8.3 m.y. B.P. Spreading has been very nearly symmetric. These new observations place important constraints on plate tectonic reconstructions by defining the relative motion between the North American and Caribbean plates. They also shed some light on sea-floor spreading processes in which the spreading center is a secondary feature in the sense that it is over an order of magnitude shorter than the adjoining transform faults.  相似文献   

Superposition of paleomagnetic polarity logs of seven chronologically overlapping piston cores from the central equatorial Pacific, using the established tropical radiolarian zonation as a stratigraphic reference, produced a nearly continuous correlation of magnetic and radiolarian events ranging from late Pleistocene to earliest Miocene. Twenty magnetic polarity epochs, and possibly as many as 30 polarity events, occur during this time span. Epoch 16 (reversed polarity) appears to be the longest interval ( 14.8–17.6m.y. B.P.) among these Neogene magnetostratigraphic units. The middle/late Miocene boundary is shown to fall within latest Epoch 11 (normal) and its approximate age is between 10.5 and 11 m.y. B.P. The early/middle Miocene boundary occurs within the top of Epoch 16 at a suggested age of about 15 m.y. B.P.  相似文献   

Abstract Long-term monitoring of temperature distribution in an active fault zone was carried out using the optical fiber temperature-sensing technique. An optical fiber cable was installed in a borehole drilled into the Nojima Fault in Awaji Island, south-west Japan, and the temperature profile to a depth of 1460 m had been measured for 2.5 years (July 1997–January 2000). Although the obtained temperature records showed small temporal variations due to drifts of the measurement system all along the cable, local temperature anomalies were detected at two depths. One at around 80 m seems to correspond to a fracture zone and may be attributed to groundwater flow in the fracture zone. This anomaly had been stable throughout the monitoring period, whereas the other anomaly at around 500 m was a transient one. The water level in the borehole could be estimated from the diurnal temperature variations in the uppermost part of the borehole and may provide information on the hydrological characteristics of the fault zone, which is connected to the borehole through perforations on the casing pipe. Except for these minor variations, the temperature profile had been very stable for 2.5 years. The conductive heat flow calculated from this profile and the thermal conductivity measured on core samples increases with depth, probably resulting from errors in thermal conductivity due to sampling problems and/or from advective heat transfer by regional groundwater flow. Assuming that the middle part of the borehole (less fractured granite layer) is least affected by these factors, heat flow at this site is estimated to be approximately 70 mW/m2.  相似文献   

Six soil samples from various depths of the Luna 24 drill core column have been analysed for their particle track records and light noble gas compositions. The observed particle track records indicate higher degree of maturity for the upper zone (~1 m) of this regolith column as compared to the soils in the lower zone (~0.4 m). The cosmogenic21Ne concentrations decrease rapidly with depth to 1 m, after which the concentrations level off or increase slightly. These data suggest a multi-stage depositional history for this drill core soil column consisting of: (1) rapid deposition of regolith material, (2) a cratering event about 400 m.y. B.P., leading to excavation to a depth of ~1 m from the present regolith surface, (3) a relatively rapid fill up of the crater with near-surface irradiated material, and (4) in-situ irradiation during the last about 250–300 m.y. Such a depositional sequence can also explain the observed lack of correlation between different surface exposure-correlated maturity indices in these drill core soil samples.  相似文献   

Palaeomagnetic data from Late Precambrian dykes from the northern part of Varanger peninsula, north Norway, suggest a two-axis magnetization structure. The dominant component is considered to be syn- to late-tectonic and probably acquired at around 640 m.y. B.P. Superposed on this magnetization is a minor component which is compatible with the relative Lower-Middle Palaeozoic field; i.e. it was most likely imposed during the climax of the Caledonian orogenic movements in north Norway. The estimated relative Late Precambrian palaeopole cannot easily be reconciled with the European Late Precambrian polar path. This disagreement can be accounted for by assuming a post-magnetization dextral megashear, of the order of 500–1000 km, along the Trollfjord-Komagelv fracture zone. This type of displacement is in line with geological evidence and the palaeomagnetic reconstruction supports the long-held view of there having been continuity between the depositional environments of the Varanger Peninsula Barents Sea Group, the Eleonore Bay Group of east Greenland and the Hecla Hoek Formation of east Spitsbergen. The character and age of the horizontal displacement, post-640 to pre-500 m.y. B.P., is seen in conjunction with the opening up of the lapetus Ocean and reactivation of ancient deep-seated fractures during both the spreading and the contraction phases of ocean development.  相似文献   

Studies of marine magnetic anomaly data from the Shikoku basin reveal magnetic lineations which strike northwest almost parallel to the trend of the Palau-Kyushu ridge. The lineation pattern is best developed in the western part of the basin and we can confidently identify a sequence of anomalies 7 through 5E between the base of the Palau-Kyushu ridge and the center of the basin. In the eastern part of the basin the basement morphology is rough and complex and magnetic anomalies can not be identified unequivocally. We infer that the Palau-Kyushu ridge and the Izu-Bonin island arc began separating about 27 m.y. B.P. An interval of rapid separation (4.2 cm/yr) occurred between 26 and 22.5 m.y. B.P. which approximately coincides with a period of intense volcanic activity in Japan. The observed magnetic lineation pattern and basement morphology can be best explained if the Shikoku basin formed at a two-limb spreading system during the Late Oligocene to Middle Miocene. Subsequently the eastern half of the basin was disrupted by fractures as the Iwo-Jima ridge collided with the Japanese islands. The accretionary process which formed the crust of the Shikoku marginal basin appears similar to that operating at mid-ocean ridges of the world.  相似文献   

We propose that the Pacific-Kula ridge began spreading approximately 85 m.y. B.P., during Late Cretaceous time. Extrapolation of the Great Magnetic Bight backwards in time results in an implausible ridge configuration. This implies that plate velocity vectors for the Pacific, Kula, and Farallon plates were not constant during this interval. Evidence for splitting of the Kula plate from the Pacific plate along the Chinook trough is the relationship between the north-striking Amlia and Adak fracture zones, the Chinook and Emperor troughs, and the magnetic lineations south of the Aleutian trench. If this hypothesis is correct, it will require that Mesozoic reconstructions of the Pacific basin and their relation to Cenozoic reconstructions be re-examined. A previously unrecognized Mesozoic plate may be required. We propose calling this the Izanagi plate.  相似文献   

The intersection of the Juan de Fuca ridge and Blanco fracture zone is characterized by unusually high amplitude magnetic anomalies (over 1500 nT) which appear to be associated with a body roughly 50 km in length and 20 km in width aligned along the fracture zone. Simple three-dimensional magnetic models indicate that this anomaly is probably caused by a highly magnetized block of material situated in the western end of the Blanco fracture zone near its intersection with the Juan de Fuca ridge. Rock magnetization studies of tholeiitic basalts dredged from this area confirm the presence of highly magnetized basalts near the ridge crest/transform fault intersection. These tholeiitic basalts are enriched in iron and titanium relative to “normal” oceanic tholeiites, apparently the result of extensive shallow fractionation involving olivine, plagioclase, and clinopyroxene. Magnetic model studies indicate that an average thickness of no more than 500 m of these iron-rich basalts is necessary to produce the observed anomaly pattern. Comparison of these basalts with samples previously dredged from the Juan de Fuca ridge crest suggests that these Fe-rich, highly magnetized basalts probably “leaked” out of the southernmost portion of the Juan de Fuca ridge.  相似文献   

The Superior volcanic field occupies approximately 8,000 square kilometers of central Arizona in the zone between the southern Basin and Range Province and the Colorado Plateaus Province. The primary structural elements of an eruptive center in the western part of this field are: 1) volcanic plateau, 2) ring fracture zone, and 3) resurgent caldera core. A northwest trending graben controls the location of three small subsided blocks, the Willow Springs cauldron (2 km diameter), the Black Mesa cauldron (4 km diameter), and the Florence Junction cauldron (8 km diameter), which were centers for rhyolite ash and lava eruption. These late features are superimposed on a much larger volcano-tectonic structure, the Superstition resurgent cauldron which subsided at an earlier stage following the extrusion of quartz latite welded tuff. The history of the volcanic center is as follows: An early ring of dacite domes of up to 900 meters in relief formed a semi-circular are 7 km in diameter on the western margin of the caldera. The last phases of dome building were contemporaneous with the extrusion of a vast quartz latite welded tuff (22.6 m.y.). The plateau formed by the welded tuff collapsed to a maximum depth of 800 meters along a northwest trending graben which is the locus of three small cauldrons. These late cauldrons were the source of rhyolitic magma which produced non-welded ash flows, lava (21 m.y.), and a thick sequence of epiclastic breccias. The rhyolitic volcanism was followed by intrusion of domes and extrusion of glassy lavas (20 m.y.) of quartz latite composition in a 270° are 16 km in diameter concentric to the arc of older dacite domes. Following deposition of the epiclastic breccia and intrusion of the ring fracture dikes was the extrusion of mafic lava (18 m.y.) into low places in the graben. The mafic lava composition ranges from basalt to basanite.  相似文献   

渭河盆地隐伏断层的视电阻率特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
渭河盆地电测剖面显示,隐伏断层的破碎带上都呈现出视电阻率负异常.随着勘探深度的增加,异常的幅度也随之增大,破碎带宽度的轮廓也更加清楚.视电阻率异常点呈直线展布是确定隐伏断层走向和评价勘探结果准确度的标准.断层两侧视电阻率的差异反映了其两侧不同介质的电性差异,也是垂直断距的反应.断层破碎带上视电阻率负异常是由于丰富地下水所致  相似文献   

北京平原夏垫断裂齐心庄探槽古地震事件分析   总被引:19,自引:3,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
齐心庄探槽位于 1679年三河 -平谷 8级地震夏垫地表地震破裂带东段。探槽内出露的断错地层、崩积楔、堰塞塘堆积、张裂楔及微细地层层理的揉皱现象 ,显示夏垫断裂全新世以来曾发生 4次强震事件。这 4次强震分别发生在距今 ( 10 85~ 9 71)ka、( 7 39~ 6 68)ka、( 5 4 16~ 2 2 33)ka及 1679年 (即三河 -平谷 8级地震 )。这 4次强震的时间间隔分别为 ( 3 2 4 5± 0 336)ka、( 3 2 11±0 815)ka及 ( 3 553± 0 796)ka ,平均强震间隔为 ( 3 336± 0 396)ka。 4次强震的平均同震垂直位移为 ( 1 4± 0 5)m。在齐心庄实施的探槽工程 ,除邻近断面开挖的探槽外 ,还在探槽南北 4 0 0m范围内开挖了 4个探坑 ,对认识断层下降盘地层的展布形态及确定断面堰塞塘的分布提供了帮助。在这些野外工作基础上 ,对齐心庄探槽研究结果与前人沿夏垫断裂其它地点的探槽及钻孔资料进行了对比 ,在古地震事件认识上大部分是一致的  相似文献   

超慢速扩张的北冰洋Gakkel洋中脊具有六个沿扩张方向的线性基底隆起(本文编号为A—F).这些线性基底隆起在中轴两侧的地球物理场和地壳结构呈现不同程度的非对称性.本文利用Gakkel洋中脊的地形、空间重力异常(FAA)和航空磁力数据,计算了它的扩张速率、剩余地幔布格重力异常(RMBA)、地壳厚度和非均衡地形.根据中轴两侧地形和地壳厚度的对称关系,我们将六个基底隆起分为对称型和非对称型两种类型.整体上,B、D和F区基底隆起在中轴两侧的地形和地壳厚度的非对称幅值(两侧差值的绝对值)较小,其中地形的非对称幅值分别为~157m、~125m、~208m,地壳厚度的非对称幅值分别为~1km、~0.06km、~0.3km;而A、C和E区的非对称幅值较大,其中地形的非对称幅值分别为~510m、~410m、~673m,地壳厚度的非对称幅值分别为~2km、~2.5km、~1.1km.我们因此推断B、D和F区具有相对对称的地壳结构,而A、C和E区具有非对称的地壳结构.根据A、C和E区中轴两侧非均衡地形的对称关系和非对称地形的补偿状态,推测A区的非对称性可能是由岩浆分配不均所导致;而C区和E区的非对称性可能是由构造断层作用使断层下盘向上抬升变薄所导致.我们进一步推测洋中脊走向的改变可能使得构造作用更易集中于基底隆起的一侧.  相似文献   

Seven deep-sea sediment cores recovered in the central equatorial Pacific collectively span a magneto- and biostratigraphically determined age interval ranging from about 0.1 to 21 m.y. B.P. Measured values of paleomagnetic inclination and their systematic variation with depth in these cores denote relative motion between the central Pacific lithosphere and the magnetic field of the earth. Assuming that the position of the earth's dipole field remained essentially parallel to the present spin axis during the interval, the data provide evidence of a marked decrease in the northward rate of plate motion from about 11 cm/yr to about 6 cm/yr at approximately 12 m.y. B.P. This date of change of motion as well as the northward direction and overall average rate of about 8 cm/yr throughout the last 21 m.y., agree reasonably well with results of other studies of the tectonic history of the Pacific plate and ridge system. More significantly, however, these preliminary results demonstrate the usefulness of the paleomagnetic record in deep-sea sediment cores spanning sufficiently long intervals of time as an aid in reconstructing plate motions.  相似文献   

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