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Experiments comparing anhysteretic remanence (ARM) and thermoremanence (TRM) in samples containing natural and synthetic magnetite, whose mean particle sizes range from single domain to multidomain, show that ARM and TRM are very similar (but not identical) in their stabilities with respect to alternating field (AF) demagnetization, temperature cycles in zero field to below magnetite's isotropic temperature near 130°K, and stability with respect to spontaneous decay in zero field. Therefore, for magnetites, ARM can be used to model (with reasonable success) these stability properties of TRM. The field dependence of the acquisition of ARM and TRM shows that the low field susceptibility ratio, χARMTRM, has a particle size dependence, increasing from 0.1 for certain submicron particles to 2.0 for large multidomain crystals. Even for samples whose remanence is predominantly carried by submicron particles χARMTRM is highly variable, 0.11 ≤ χARMTRM ≤ 0.50. Therefore, ARM paleointensity methods which do not take into account the large variability in and the particle size dependence of χARMTRM are subject to order-of-magnitude uncertainties.  相似文献   

Electron microprobe and reflected light microscopic examinations confirm the presence of composite grains of ferrian ilmenite with Xilm = 0.53 and titanomagnetite with Xusp = 0.13 in a dacite with self-reversed TRM. A parallel TRM component associated with titanomagnetite and a reversed component associated with self-reversing ferrian ilmenite are the principal NRM components. A subordinate, parallel component is associated with ferrian ilmenite which is not magnetically coupled to an “χ-phase”. The natural self-reversing properties are mainly a consequence of the dacite's high quenching temperature, calculated at 862–864°C using the Fe—Ti oxide geothermometer, and are most consistent with the self-reversal mechanism proposed by Lawson et al. [9].The conduction of thermal demagnetization and TRM induction tests in air had a much greater effect on the Fe—Ti oxides than did natural cooling, and resulted in significant oxidation with the consequent modification of some magnetic properties and the formation of another reversed TRM component. The subdivision of titanomagnetite grains by oxidation along fractures decreased its effective grain size and caused an apparent increase in its magnetic intensity, in addition to a slight increase in its resistance to alternating field demagnetization. The χ-phase associated with the reversed NRM component, with 0.42 > Xilm 0.31, became Fe-enriched during the earlier stages of heat treatment. It is suggested that after heating at 600°C for two hours or more, this χ-phase exsolves as titanohematite with Xilm < 0.33. The ferrian ilmenite host is consequently enriched in Ti, and another χ-phase much closer in composition to the host generates a reversed TRM component with Tb < 200°C.  相似文献   

Thermally acquired remanent magnetization is important for the estimation of the past magnetic field present at the time of cooling. Rocks that cool slowly commonly contain magnetic grains of millimeter scale. This study investigated 1-mm-sized magnetic minerals of iron, iron–nickel, magnetite, and hematite and concluded that the thermoremanent magnetization (TRM) acquired by these grains did not accurately record the ambient magnetic fields less than 1 μT. Instead, the TRM of these grains fluctuated around a constant value. Consequently, the magnetic grain ability to record the ambient field accurately is reduced. Above the critical field, TRM acquisition is governed by an empirical law and is proportional to saturation magnetization (Ms). The efficiency of TRM is inversely proportional to the mineral's saturation magnetization Ms and is related to the number of domains in the magnetic grains. The absolute field for which we have an onset of TRM sensitivity is inversely proportional to the size of the magnetic grain. These results have implications for previous reports of random directions in meteorites during alternating field demagnetization, or thermal demagnetization of TRM. Extraterrestrial magnetic fields in our solar system are weaker than the geomagnetic field by several orders of magnitude. Extraterrestrial rocks commonly contain large iron-based magnetic minerals as a common part of their composition, and therefore ignoring this behavior of multidomain grains can result in erroneous paleofield estimates.  相似文献   

Overlap of blocking-temperature spectra can be caused by three factors: chemical overprinting, the presence of partial thermoremanences (PTRM's) in two coexisting magnetic minerals, and the presence of PTRM's in coexisting multidomain and single-domain states of the same mineral. Multidomain relaxation mechanisms are not well understood and therefore quantitative estimates of overlap due to the coexistence of single-domain and multidomain states of the same mineral cannot be made, although it is evident that such overlap may be large. The maximum overlaps which would be expected at various temperatures due to coexisting single-domain magnetite and hematite are calculated. Where it can be shown that multidomain remanence is negligible, blocking-temperature overlaps which exceed these limits are, therefore, indicative of CRM overprinting.  相似文献   

Some theories predict the magnetosheath magnetic field strength will decrease and the density increase just outside the dayside magnetopause as the interplanetary magnetic field turns southward. Two studies have recently reported results which confirm these expectations. In contrast, we briefly review our own theoretical predictions which indicate that precisely the opposite effect is expected. We survey new and previously reported magnetosheath observations and demonstrate that they are consistent with the predictions of our model. The conflicting results indicate a need for further theoretical and observational work.  相似文献   

The continuum oscillation of a latitudinal range of closed geomagnetic field lines or shells appears to be a basic feature of the magnetosphere. Such oscillations are observed at the ground, and have been termed transient ULF pulsations. Earlier modelling showed that the apparent mean damping rate at the ground should be much greater than that in the magnetosphere. This modelling is extended to examine the time dependence of the magnetic field of transient pulsations as seen by a latitudinal chain of magnetometers. It is found that there should be significant temporal variation of both period and damping decrement observed at a given latitude, which could help to identify transient events even when the period variation with latitude is not obvious. Time-frequency analysis and analytical signal analysis do not seem to be effective in determining temporal parameter variation for the short, highly damped data segments typical of transient events. Least squares fitting of two decaying sinusoids gives surprisingly good results, but seems to have no physical basis, is difficult to interpret, and may be misleading. Least squares fitting of a single sinusoid with time-varying period and damping rate gives reasonably good fits. The resulting parameter variations with latitude may help to determine the structures of ionospheric current systems associated with transient ULF events. In particular, the time change of the period at a single station can determine where that station is relative to the ionospheric current maximum.  相似文献   

《Journal of Atmospheric and Solar》2003,65(14-15):1265-1282
An empirical model of the equatorial electrojet (EEJ), including local time and longitude dependence, has been constructed based on the surface magnetic data recorded at 26 stations located in six different longitude sectors that were set up or augmented during the international equatorial electrojet year (IEEY). The model reproduces the characteristic signatures of the EEJ-associated horizontal and vertical magnetic components at ground level. The model-predicted variations at the orbit of the POGS satellite are generally in good agreement with the onboard magnetic signatures, although strong discrepancies are also often seen. The nature of the differences suggests that the global scale magnetospheric or field-aligned current systems may sometimes dominate the satellite data. The nature of the longitudinal inequalities in the EEJ strength indicates that the equatorial electrojet is strongest in South America (80°–100°W) and weakest in the Indian sector (75°E) with a secondary minimum and a maximum centered, respectively, in the Atlantic Ocean (30°W) and in western Africa (10°E). The EEJ strength is shown to be inversely correlated with the main field intensity along the dip-equator.  相似文献   

The uranium content of glass from chilled margins of oceanic tholeiitic basalt flows is generally ≤0.1ppm, even for old samples with highly altered crystalline interiors. Such low values represent the original whole rock concentrations, although subsequent to eruption low-temperature weathering has added uranium, and other elements, to the crystalline portions of these basalts. Consideration of the K/U ratios of altered samples suggests that basalt weathering may provide the major oceanic sink for these two elements.  相似文献   

Stoichiometric titanomagnetites Fe3?xTixO4 with compositions between x = 0 (magnetite) and x = 0.72 (a titanomagnetite having a Curie temperature of 60°C) have been synthesised using the double-sintering technique in controlled atmospheres. The quality of these materials was tested by various mineralogical and magnetic measurements. Isolated small multidomain (MD) and pseudo-single-domain (PSD) particles within pores of the bulk material were investigated with respect to their domain structures, and threshold sizes for the transition from the PSD to the SD stage determined for titanomagnetites of various compositions by extrapolation from the domain state of small MD grains. The threshold size was found to be 0.7 and 0.5 μm, respectively, for TM72 (x = 0.72) and TM62 (x = 0.62). The threshold size decreases slightly for smaller x values; however, the experimental data obtained to date are not sufficiently reliable to yield precise results.Preliminary experiments concerning hysteresis loops and TRM generation are also reported.  相似文献   

赤铁矿与磁铁矿混合比例对磁性参数的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文通过将磁铁矿与赤铁矿进行人工混合,其中磁铁矿含量固定为0.3%,而赤铁矿含量则变化于0%~9%,并根据磁铁矿颗粒大小分为两个系列(纳米级磁铁矿+赤铁矿,系列1;假单畴磁铁矿+赤铁矿,系列2),探讨了磁性参数对上述磁性矿物混合比例的响应关系,结果显示:退磁参数S比值和Hcr/Hc不仅与磁铁矿和赤铁矿混合比例相关,同时也受到磁铁矿颗粒大小的影响,对于系列1而言,S比值对赤铁矿含量小于2%的混合样品较敏感,随着赤铁矿含量增加显著下降;Hcr/Hc则在赤铁矿含量大于3%时变化较大,通常用于指示亚铁磁性矿物颗粒大小的参数XARM/X与XARM/SIRM,也受到磁铁矿与赤铁矿混合比例的影响,对于磁铁矿颗粒较细的系列1而言,当赤铁矿含量小于3%时,XARM/SIRM随着赤铁矿含量增加存在较为显著的下降现象,上述结果表明,当使用磁性参数进行环境解释时,需要同时考虑磁性矿物颗粒大小以及不同矫顽力矿物混合比例的影响,特别是磁铁矿以超顺磁颗粒为主的样品.  相似文献   

《Astronomy& Geophysics》2009,50(2):2.28-2.30
The outer solar system is full of surprises, not least in the vicinity of the outer planets and their magnetic fields. Here Caitriona Jackman and Geraint Jones summarize presentations made at an RAS Specialist Discussion Meeting in January 2009.  相似文献   

Longuet-Higgins and Stewart (J Fluid Mech 13:481–504, 1962; Deep-Sea Res 11:529–562, 1964) and later Phillips (1977) introduced the problem of waves incident on a beach, from deep to shallow water. From the wave energy equation and the vertically integrated continuity equation, they inferred velocities to be Stokes drift plus a return current so that the vertical integral of the combined velocities was nil. As a consequence, it can be shown that velocities of the order of Stokes drift rendered the advective term in the momentum equation negligible resulting in a simple balance between the horizontal gradients of the vertically integrated elevation and wave radiation stress terms; the latter was first derived by Longuet-Higgins and Stewart. Mellor (J Phys Oceanogr 33:1978–1989, 2003a), noting that vertically integrated continuity and momentum equations were not able to deal with three-dimensional numerical or analytical ocean models, derived a vertically dependent theory of wave–circulation interaction. It has since been partially revised and the revisions are reviewed here. The theory is comprised of the conventional, three-dimensional, continuity and momentum equations plus a vertically distributed, wave radiation stress term. When applied to the problem of waves incident on a beach with essentially zero turbulence momentum mixing, velocities are very large and the simple balance between elevation and radiation stress gradients no longer prevails. However, when turbulence mixing is reinstated, the vertically dependent radiation stresses produce vertical velocity gradients which then produce turbulent mixing; as a consequence, velocities are reduced, but are still larger by an order of magnitude compared to Stokes drift. Nevertheless, the velocity reduction is sufficient so that elevation set-down obtained from a balance between elevation gradient and radiation stress gradients is nearly coincident with that obtained by the aforementioned papers. This paper includes four appendices. The first appendix demonstrates the numerical process by which Stokes drift is excluded from the turbulence stress parameterization in the momentum equation. A second appendix determines a bottom slope criterion for the application of linear wave relations to the derivation of the wave radiation stress. The third appendix explores the possibility of generalizing results by non-dimensionalization. The final appendix applies the basic theory to a problem introduced by Bennis and Ardhuin (J Phys Oceanogr 41:2008–2012, 2011).  相似文献   

The influence of magnetic interactions on the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) have been largely studied by several theoretical models or experiments. Numerical models have shown that when magnetostatic interactions occur, the distributions of particles over the volume rather than their individual orientations control the AMS. We have shown recently from a comprehensive rock magnetic study and from a theoretical 2-dimensional (2-D) model that single domain particles closely packed in globule aggregates could produce strong local random interaction magnetic fields which could influence the magnetic susceptibility and decrease the degree of anisotropy. In this paper, we first present in detail this 2-D theoretical model and then we extend it to the 3-D case. The possible distribution function of the magnetostatic interaction fields comprises two extreme states: it is either isotropic or ordered. The former case corresponds to the thermal-demagnetized state while the second case corresponds to the alternating field (AF) demagnetized state. We show that when easy axes of magnetization are not uniformly distributed, the degree of anisotropy decreases as the interaction field increases in both AF- and thermal-demagnetized states in 2-D and 3-D geometry. Thus we conclude that random magnetic fields generated by a random arrangement of magnetic particles over the sample volume decrease the degree of anisotropy of AMS and may alter the magnetic fabric.  相似文献   

Based on Helios measurements, seven quantities of normalized PDF (Probability Distribution Function) associated with magnetic field and its disturbances are utilized to characterize the intermittency in the fast solar wind using Castaing distributions and the idea of “Flatness”. The magnetic field fluctuations are found to be more intermittent at farther distances from the sun. The “Flatness” decreases with increasing time scales, with the corresponding PDF eventually approaching Gaussian distributions. Such a transition occurs at a relatively small time scale for the perpendicular component of perturbed field. The increase in “Flatness” with decreasing time scale is more apparent farther from the sun. By examining how the relative energy density of magnetic disturbances at various time scales changes with the mean field, our study supports the idea that the perturbed fields in the fast solar wind in the frequency range considered are consistent with cross-scale redistribution of wave energy favoring larger scales.  相似文献   

Riparian vegetation and hydrogeomorphic processes are intimately connected parts of upland catchment and fan environments. Trees, shrubs and grasses and hydrogeomorphic processes interact and depend on each other in complex ways on the hillslopes, channels and cone‐shaped fans of torrential watersheds. While the presence and density of vegetation have a profound influence on hydrogeomorphic processes, the occurrence of the latter will also exert control on the presence, vitality, species, and age distribution of vegetation. This contribution aims at providing a review of foundational and more recent work on the dependencies and interactions between hydrogeomorphic processes and vegetation. In particular, we address the role of vegetation in the initiation of hydrogeomorphic processes and its impact on stream morphology as well as immediate and long‐term effects of hydrogeomorphic disturbance on vegetation. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Physical analysis of explosive, magma-water interaction is complicated by several important controls: (1) the initial geometry and location of the contact between magma and water; (2) the process by which thermal energy is transferred from the magma to the water; (3) the degree to and manner by which the magma and water become intermingled prior to eruption; (4) the thermodynamic equation of state for mixtures of magma fragments and water; (5) the dynamic metastability of superheated water; and (6) the propagation of shock waves through the system. All of these controls can be analyzed while addressing aspects of tephra emplacement from the eruptive column by fallout, surge, and flow processes. An ideal thermodynamic treatment, in which the magma and external water are allowed to come to thermal equilibrium before explosive expansion, shows that the maximum system pressure and entropy are determined by the mass ratio of water and magma interacting. Explosive (thermodynamic) efficiency, measured by the ratio of maximum work potential to thermal energy of the magma, depends upon heat transfer from the pyroclasts to the vapor during the expansion stage. The adiabatic case, in which steam immediately separates from the tephra during ejection, produces lower efficiencies than does the isothermal case, in which heat is continually transferred from tephra to steam as it expands. Mechanisms by which thermal equilibrium between water and magma can be obtained require intimate mixing of the two. Interface instabilities of the Landau and Taylor type have been documented by experiments to cause fine-scale mixing prior to vapor explosion. In these cases, water is heated rapidly to a metastable state of superheat where vapor explosion occurs by spontaneous nucleation when a temperature limit is exceeded. Mixing may also be promoted by shock wave propagation. If the shock is of sufficient strength to break the magma into small pieces, thermal equilibrium and vapor production in its wake may drive the shock as a thermal detonation. Because these mechanisms of magma fragmentation allow calculation of grain size, vapor temperature and pressure, and pressure rise times, detailed emplacement models can be developed by critical field and laboratory analysis of the resulting tephra deposits. Deposits left by dense flows of tephra and wet steam as opposed to those left by dilute flows of dry steam and tephra show contrasts in median grain size, dispersal area, grain shape, grain surface chemistry, and bed form.  相似文献   

The dependence of the correlation coefficient r(h, fo) between the stratospheric parameter h(100) and the critical frequency foF2 on geomagnetic activity is studied. In one of the previous publications of the authors, a general conclusion was drawn that if one chooses for the analysis only the days with geomagnetic index Ap < 12, this coefficient grows. In this paper we present a more complicated and statistically substantiated analysis of the effect of the r(h, fo) dependence on the limitations on Ap imposed on the analyzed days. Wide range of limitations on Ap from Ap = 4 to Ap = 40, five stations, and years of high (1980) and low (1987) solar activity are considered.  相似文献   


The concept of “catchment-scale storm velocity” quantifies the rate of storm motion up and down the basin accounting for the interaction between the rainfall space–time variability and the structure of the drainage network. It provides an assessment of the impact of storm motion on flood shape. We evaluate the catchment-scale storm velocity for the 29 August 2003 extreme storm that occurred on the 700 km2-wide Fella River basin in the eastern Italian Alps. The storm was characterized by the high rate of motion of convective cells across the basin. Analysis is carried out for a set of basins that range in area from 8 to 623 km2 to: (a) determine velocity magnitudes for different sub-basins; (b) examine the relationship of velocity with basin scale and (c) assess the impact of storm motion on simulated flood response. Two spatially distributed hydrological models of varying degree of complexity in the representation of the runoff generation processes are used to evaluate the effects of the storm velocity on flood modelling and investigate model dependencies of the results. It is shown that catchment-scale storm velocity has a non-linear dependence on basin scale and generally exhibits rather moderate values, in spite of the strong kinematic characteristics of individual storm elements. Consistently with these observations and for both models, hydrological simulations show that storm motion has an almost negligible effect on the flood response modelling.

Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Guest editor R.J. Moore

Citation Nikolopoulos, E.I., Borga, M., Zoccatelli, D., and Anagnostou, E.N., 2014. Catchment-scale storm velocity: quantification, scale dependence and effect on flood response. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (7), 1363–1376. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02626667.2014.923889  相似文献   

Flexible models for multivariate processes are increasingly important for datasets in the geophysical, environmental, economics and health sciences. Modern datasets involve numerous variables observed at large numbers of space–time locations, with millions of data points being common. We develop a suite of stochastic models for nonstationary multivariate processes. The constructions break into three basic categories—quasi-arithmetic, locally stationary covariances with compact support, and locally stationary covariances with possible long-range dependence. All derived models are nonstationary, and we illustrate the flexibility of select choices through simulation.  相似文献   

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