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Forty-two Cenozoic(mostly Miocene) basalt samples from Jining, Chifeng, Fansi, Xiyang, and Zuoquan areas of the North China Craton(the NCC basalts hereafter) were analyzed for platinum-group elements(PGE, including Os, Ir, Ru, Rh, Pt, and Pd). Most of them are alkaline basalts and tholeiites and all of them display little crustal contamination. The total PGE contents of the NCC basalts vary from 0.1 to 0.9 ppb, much lower than those of the primitive mantle values of 23.5 ppb. Primitive mantle-normalized PGE patterns of these basalts define positive slopes and Pd/Ir ratios vary from 1.2 to 25. In terms of both PGE contents and Pd/Ir ratios, they are quite similar to the mid-ocean ridge basalts. There are no obvious negative correlations between PGE vs. Mg O, Ni, and Cu in the NCC basalts, indicating that fractional crystallization of olivine, pyroxene, and/or sulfides during magmatic process cannot be the controlling factor for the observed PGE variation. The observed Pd/Ir variations of the NCC basalts require involvement of non-chondritic heterogeneous mantle sources. Based on Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotopic systematics and incompatible-element signatures, a mixing of partial melts from both asthenospheric peridotites and enclosed mantle eclogites at the top of asthenosphere was proposed for the origin of these NCC basalts. The lenses of eclogites are derived from upwelling of recycled continental crust during the westward subduction of the Pacific plate from the ~600 km discontinuity zone. The PGE geochemistry of these basalts provides independent evidence to support this conclusion and the observed Pd/Ir variations may reflect variations in proportions of tapped peridotitic and eclogitic melts.  相似文献   

Five separate exposures of oceanic basalts were dredged in the vicinity of the Peru-Chile Trench between 9° and 27°S latitude. Each dredge is dominated by abundant pillow basalts. Approximately ten of the most unaltered, glassy and fine-grained samples were selected for detailed chemical and petrographic analyses from each dredge area. All basalts recovered in the Peru-Chile Trench are olivine and quartz-normative tholeiites that are believed to have formed at the now extinct Galapagos Rise 30–50 m.y. ago. Detailed chemical analyses of the basalts, including major and selected trace and rare earth elements, indicate that considerable compositional variability exists both within each of the dredged areas as well as between areas. Most of the inherent chemical variability observed within particular basement sections appears consistent with the concept of temporal evolution of magma bodies at a former spreading center by shallow-level fractional crystallization involving primarily plagioclase and olivine. In contrast, important chemical differences between the dredged areas suggest compositional heterogeneities in the mantle source regions. Our results indicate that although shallow-level fractionation has brought about large changes in composition of basalts in each area, compositional trends are distinct and appear to reflect original mantle-derived compositional differences.  相似文献   

Isotopic data for Sr and Nd from fresh glassy East Pacific Rise basalts suggest that this part of the suboceanic mantle is characterized by subtle but distinct large-scale regional isotopic variability which may reflect differences between cells of the convecting mantle. In spite of a systematic N—S change in spreading rate of a factor of three along the sampled portion of the EPR, no correlation is observed between spreading rate and range of isotopic composition, indicating that the regional variations override homogenization effects which may be correlated with rate of magma generation and hence spreading rate. There is no clear signature in our data of effects from the postulated global “Dupal Anomaly” [30,31]. However, for a restricted ridge segment at the latitude of Easter Island, anomalously high87Sr/86Sr and low143Nd/144Nd occur, coupled with high incompatible element concentrations. These features are most easily understood as being the result of inclusion of a “plume” component in these ridge basalts.  相似文献   

The activity of melts and fluids may have played a key role in inducing the destruction of the eastern North China Craton in the early Cretaceous. Carbonate melts are important agents in mantle metasomatism and can significantly modify the physical and chemical properties of the subcontinental lithospheric mantle. Carbonate metasomatism can be identified by specific geochemical indices in clinopyroxene, such as high Ca/Al and low Ti/Eu ratios. This study presents the spatial and temporal variations of carbonate metasomatism in the lithospheric mantle beneath the eastern North China Craton. Three types of carbonate metasomatism are classified based on the geochemical compositions of clinopyroxene in mantle peridotites. Clinopyroxene formed by Type 1 carbonate metasomatism is characterized by very high Ca/Al ratios(15–70) and~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr ratios(0.706–0.713). Clinopyroxene derived from Type 2 carbonate metasomatism shows relatively high Ca/Al ratios(5–18) and~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr ratios(0.703–0.706). However, clinopyroxene resulting from Type 3 carbonate metasomatism has low Ca/Al ratios(5–9) and~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr ratios(0.702–0.704). Deep(garnet-bearing) and shallow(spinel-bearing) lithospheric mantle beneath the Sulu orogen and surrounding areas in the eastern North China Craton were affected by intense Type 1 carbonate metasomatism before the late Triassic. The deep subduction of the South China Block with its accompanying carbonate sediments was the trigger for Type 1 carbonate metasomatism, which reduced strength of the lithospheric mantle and provided a prerequisite for the destruction of the eastern North China Craton in the early Cretaceous. After the destruction of the eastern North China Craton, the ancient relict lithospheric mantle, represented by spinel harzburgite xenoliths hosted in the late Cretaceous to Cenozoic basalts,only recorded Type 2 carbonate metasomatism. This implies that the lithospheric mantle experienced the intense Type 1 carbonate metasomatism was completely destroyed and not preserved during decratonization. Spinel lherzolite xenoliths hosted in the late Cretaceous to Cenozoic basalts represent the young, fertile lithospheric mantle formed after the cratonic destruction and only a few samples record Type 2 and 3 carbonate metasomatisms. We suggest that carbonate melts derived from the subduction-modified asthenospheric mantle with variable proportions of recycled crustal material was responsible for the Type 2 and 3 carbonate metasomatisms. The carbonate metasomatism of the lithospheric mantle beneath the Jiaodong Peninsula and surrounding areas is very pervasive and is spatially consistent with the remarkable thinning of lithospheric mantle and giant gold deposits in this region. Therefore, we conclude that carbonate metasomatism in the lithospheric mantle played a crucial part in the modification, destruction and gold deposits in the eastern North China Craton.  相似文献   

Abstract ' In situ basalts' represent the ridge magmatism at and close to the ancient trench-trench-ridge triple junction. Such basalts in the Amami, Mugi, and Setogawa accretionary complexes, Southwest Japan, were described and analysed. The geochemical data show that the ' in situ basalts' include all the types of basalts, ranging from alkali basalts and high-alumina basalts to tholeiites, and the compositions tend towards intermediate and silicic rocks. The data also reveal that the ridge basalts are indistinguishable both from the island arc and intraplate basalts, no affinities with mid-ocean-ridge basalts. The sub-ridge mantle adjacent to the triple junction had a component of sub-arc mantle, and this mantle heterogeneity can be generated by the formation of a slab window.  相似文献   

Fine-scale sampling with alvin and by dredging of the axial ridge in the Mariana Trough between 17°40′N and 18°30°N recovered basalts with isotopic compositions that span the range between N-type MORB and Mariana island arc basalts. There is a local tectonic-morphological control on basalt compositions; MORB-like basalts are found on the deeper ridge segment bounded by the Pagan transform and the ridge offset at 17°56′N, while basalts from the shallower ridge to the north are typical Mariana Trough basalts (MTB) having compositions intermediate between the two endmember rock types. Arc-like basalts were recovered from one site on the axial ridge.The discovery of basalts with such diverse isotopic characteristics from a short (100 km) section of this backarc spreading center constrains the chemical characteristics and distribution of mantle source variability in the Mariana Trough. SrNdPb isotopic variability suggests that the MTB source is heterogeneous on the scale of individual melt batches. The principal component in the MTB mantle source region is depleted peridotite similar to the source of MORB. The enriched component, most evident in the arc-like basalts and intimately mixed in MTB, has isotopic characteristics similar to those observed in the Mariana arc basalts. The isotopic data suggest that source variability for Mariana axial ridge basalts can be explained by mixed arc-like and MORB-like mantle. We hypothesize that there are fragments of old oceanic lithosphere in the backarc source region. This lithospheric component may reflect remnants of subducted seafloor or forearc-volcanic arc mantle that predate rifting in the backarc basin.  相似文献   

Diverse87Sr/86Sr and143Nd/144Nd isotopic compositions among basalts from the Lau Basin (LBB), an active backarc basin in the southwest Pacific, indicate heterogeneity in the underlying mantle. Isotopic compositions display bimodal distributions which are related to geographic location. Type I LBB (87/Sr86Sr 0.70366;143Nd/144Nd 0.51297) include tholeiites from the central basin, Peggy Ridge, and Rochambeau Bank, while Type II basaltic and andesitic glasses from the northeastern portion of the basin, near Niua Fo'ou island, have higher87Sr/86Sr ( 0.7038) and lower 143Nd/144Nd ( 0.51288). Both depleted (e.g. N-MORB) and enriched (e.g. E-MORB) trace element abundances occur among Type I and Type II LBB.Covariation between trace element and isotopic ratios among Type I LBB is consistent with mixing between depleted mantle similar to the source for MORB and relatively enriched peridotite similar to the source for E-MORB. Relative to MORB, uniformly high87Sr/86Sr ( +0.0005) among all Type I LBB for given Nd isotopic compositions ( εNd = +8 to +12) may reflect a lithospheric component, such as ancient recycled altered ocean crust. Type II LBB have SrNd isotopic compositions which are gradational between enriched mantle similar to the source of OIB and a component with distinct Sr isotopic composition such as that observed in Samoan post-erosional basalts. Isotopic and geographic discontinuity between Type I and Type II LBB, and isotopic affinity of Type II and Niua Fo`ou island basalts with those from Samoa suggests that volcanism in the northeastern portion of the basin is tapping deeper mantle beneath the adjoining Pacific plate, as well as Indo-Australian mantle overlying the Pacific lithosphere that is subducted into the Tonga Trench.  相似文献   

Late Cretaceous (66.2 ± 0.5 Ma amphibole and 66.7 ± 0.2 Ma phlogopite 40Ar/39Ar ages) nephelinitic volcanic rocks from Godzilla Seamount in the eastern North Atlantic (34°N latitude) have trace element and Sr–Nd–Pb–Hf-isotope compositions similar to the Enriched Mantle I (EM-I) endmember, except for their low 207Pb/204Pb relative to 206Pb/204Pb ratios (206Pb/204Pbin = 17.7, 207Pb/204Pbin = 15.34) plotting below the Northern Hemisphere Reference Line on the uranogenic Pb isotope diagram. O isotope data on amphibole separates are mantle-like (δ18O = 5.6–5.8‰). Age and location of the isolated Godzilla Seamount, however, preclude it from being derived from the Madeira or Canary hotspots, making a lower-mantle origin unlikely. Therefore we propose derivation from a shallow (lithospheric/asthenospheric) melting anomaly. As observed in mid-ocean-ridge and ocean-island basalts, there is a systematic decrease of 207Pb/204Pb ratios (and Δ7/4) in the individual EM-I endmember type localities towards northern latitudes with Godzilla lying on the extension of this trend. This trend is mirrored in ultra-potassic volcanic rocks such as lamproites and kimberlites, which reflect the composition of enriched subcontinental lithospheric mantle. Therefore, a global pattern in 207Pb/204Pb ratios and Δ7/4 is suggested. The geochemical composition of EM-I endmember type localities, including Godzilla lavas, and the enriched (DUPAL) anomaly in the southern hemisphere could reflect derivation from ancient, metasomatized subcontinental lithospheric mantle. We propose a two-stage model to explain the trace element and isotopic composition of the EM-I mantle endmember localities worldwide: 1) during the early history of the Earth, subcontinental lithosphere was metasomatized by melts from subducted slabs along convergent margins generating high μ (238U/204Pb) sources, and 2) as the Earth cooled, hydrous fluids replaced hydrous melts as the main slab component metasomatizing the subcontinental lithospheric mantle (generating EM-I sources with lower μ). In accordance with this model, the global variations in 207Pb/204Pb ratios and Δ7/4 could reflect geographic differences in μ and/or the age at which the transition from stages 1 to 2 took place in the Archaean lithosphere. The model would require a re-definition of the EM-I endmember to low 206Pb/204Pb, high 208Pb/204Pb (positive Δ8/4) but variable 207Pb/204Pb (positive and negative Δ7/4).  相似文献   

We investigated surface ocean–atmosphere 14C offsets for the later Holocene at eight locations in the eastern North Atlantic. This resulted in 11 new ΔR assessments for the west coast of Ireland, the Outer Hebrides, the north coast of the Scottish mainland, the Orkney Isles and the Shetland Isles over the period 1300–500 BP. Assessments were made using a robust Multiple Paired Sample (MPS) approach, which is designed to maximize the accuracy of ΔR determinations. Assessments are placed in context with other available data to enable reconstruction of a realistic picture of surface ocean 14C activity over the Holocene period within the North Atlantic region.  相似文献   

Basalts dredged from ridge axes within 70 km of the Indian Ocean triple junction in the western Indian Ocean have many geochemical and petrologic characteristics in common with depleted mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORBs) from the Atlantic and Pacific. For example there is overlap in major and trace element abundances, and in diagnostic ratios such as K/Rb (700–925) and La/Sm (less than chondritic). Also, glass inclusions in calcic plagioclase (An89–90) provide evidence for a primitive high Mg/Fe, low TiO2 melt. In contrast, basalts dredged from 250 to 400 km southwest of the triple junction on the Southwest Indian Ridge are compositionally distinct from depleted MORB. They are nepheline-normative or slightly hypersthene normative and have higher alkali metal and incompatible element abundances than depleted MORBs with similar MgO contents.All of these Indian Ocean basalts have Sr, Nd and Pb isotope ratios which corroborate previous studies showing that relative to depleted Atlantic and Pacific MORB, many Indian Ocean MORBs have low206Pb/204Pb and high87Sr/86Sr. However, individual Indian Ocean ridges have different radiogenic isotope characteristics, and basalts from the vicinity of the triple junction have unusually high87Sr/86Sr (∼ 0.7032) at low206Pb/204Pb ratios (17.3–18.2). Moreover, the shallow axial region of the Central Indian Ridge from ∼ 12°S to the triple junction (26°S) has high87Sr/86Sr (> 0.7030). Apparently, the depleted component of Indian Ocean MORBs has been contaminated by an isotopically unusual component which does not occur in Pacific and Atlantic MORBs, and is not dominant in basalts from many Indian Ocean islands. The degree of this contamination is not uniform in western Indian Ocean MORB; the most contaminated basalts occur from 12°S on the Central Indian Ridge to the triple junction (∼ 26°S) and easterly along the Southeast Indian Ridge to ∼ 72°E.  相似文献   

Post-glacial tholeiitic basalts from the western Reykjanes Peninsula range from picrite basalts (oldest) to olivine tholeiites to tholeiites (youngest). In this sequence there are large systematic variations in rare earth element (REE) abundances (La/Sm normalized to chondrites ranges from 0.33 in the picrite basalts to 1.25 in the fissure tholeiites) and corresponding variations in 143Nd/144Nd (0.51317 in the picrite basalts to 0.51299 in the fissure tholeiites). The large viaration in 143Nd/144Nd, more than one-third the total range observed in most ocean islands and mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB), is accompanied by only a small variation in 87Sr/86Sr (0.7031–0.7032). These 87Sr/86Sr ratios are within the range of other Icelandic tholeiites, and distinct from those of MORB.We conclude that the mantle beneath the Reykjanes Peninsula is heterogeneous with respect to relative REE abundances and 143Nd/144Nd ratios. On a time-averaged basis all parts of this mantle show evidence of relative depletion in light REE. Though parts of this mantle have REE abundances and Nd isotope ratios similar to the mantle source of “normal” MORB, 87Sr/86Sr is distinctly higher. Unlike previous studies we find no evidence for chondritic relative REE abundances in the mantle beneath the Reykjanes Peninsula; in fact, the data require significant chemical heterogeneity in the hypothesized mantle plume beneath Iceland, as well as lateral mantle heterogeneity from the Reykjanes Ridge to the Reykjanes Peninsula. The compositional range of the Reykjanes Peninsula basalts is consistent with mixing of magmas produced by different degrees of melting in different parts of the heterogeneous mantle source beneath the Reykjanes Peninsula.  相似文献   

A two dimensional velocity model of the upper mantle has been compiled from a long-range seismic profile crossing the West Siberian young plate and the old Siberian platform. It revealed considerable horizontal and vertical heterogeneity of the mantle. A sharp seismic boundary at a depth of 400 km outlines the high-velocity gradient transition zone, its base lying at a depth of 650 km. Several layers with different velocities, velocity gradients and wave attenuation are distinguished in the upper mantle. They likewise differ in their inner structure. For instance, the uppermost 50–70 km of the mantle are divided into blocks with velocities from 7.9–8.1 to 8.4–8.6 km s?1.Comparison of the travel-time curves for the Siberian long-range profile with those compiled from seismological data for Europe distinguished large-scale upper mantle inhomogeneities of the Eurasian continent and allowed for the correlation of tectonic features and geophysical fields. The velocity heterogeneity of the uppermost 50–100 km of the mantle correlates with the platform age and heat flow, i.e., the young plates of Western Europe and Western Siberia have slightly lower velocities and higher heat flows than the ancient East European and Siberian platforms. At greater depths (150–250 km) the upper mantle velocities increase from the ocean to the inner parts of the continent. The structure of the transition zone differs significantly beneath Western Europe and the other parts of Eurasia. The sharp boundary at a depth of 400 km, traced throughout the whole continent as the boundary reflecting intensive waves, transforms beneath Western Europe into a gradient zone. This transition zone feature correlates with positions of the North Atlantic-west Europe geoid and heat-flow anomalies.  相似文献   

New geochemical and 40Ar/39Ar age data are presented from the Neogene volcanic units of the Karaburun Peninsula, the westernmost part of Western Anatolia. The volcanic rocks in the region are associated with Neogene lacustrine deposition and are characterized by (1) olivine-bearing basaltic-andesites to shoshonites (Karaburun volcanics), high-K calc-alkaline andesites, dacites and latites (Yaylaköy, Arma?anda? and Kocada? volcanics) of ~ 16–18 Ma, and (2) mildly-alkaline basalts (Ovac?k basalt) and rhyolites (Urla volcanics) of ~ 11–12 Ma. The first group of rocks is enriched in LILE and LREE with respect to the HREE and HFSE on N-MORB-normalised REE and multi-element spider diagrams. They are comparable geochemically with volcanic rocks in the surrounding regions such as Chios Island and other localities in Western Anatolia. The Ovac?k basalt is geochemically similar to the first stage early–middle Miocene volcanic rocks but differs from NW Anatolian late Miocene alkali basalts.  相似文献   

《Journal of Geodynamics》2008,45(3-5):186-199
Microscopic mechanisms for heat transport in dense minerals (phonon scattering and photon attenuation) exhibit aspects of threshold behavior, discussed qualitatively here. For all minerals examined so-far using laser-flash analysis, the lattice component of the thermal conductivity of the mantle asymptotes to a constant above a critical temperature of ∼1500 K. Radiative transfer calculated from absorption spectra has thresholds in both grain-size and Fe content, and a rather complex dependence on temperature. These critical phenomena impact convection of the lower mantle, because the lattice contribution tends to destabilize the cold boundary layers, whereas radiative transfer mostly promotes stability in the lower mantle, unless the grains are large and Fe-rich, which makes convection chaotic and time-dependent. The specific behavior suggests that flow in the lower mantle is sluggish, whereas flow in the upper mantle-transition zone is time-dependent. The decrease in krad as Fe/(Fe + Mg) increases beyond ∼0.1 may be connected with formation of lower mantle, thermo-chemical plumes through positive feedback.  相似文献   

Selected basalts from a suite of dredged and drilled samples (IPOD sites 525, 527, 528 and 530) from the Walvis Ridge have been analysed to determine their rare earth element (REE) contents in order to investigate the origin and evolution of this major structural feature in the South Atlantic Ocean. All of the samples show a high degree of light rare earth element (LREE) enrichment, quite unlike the flat or depleted patterns normally observed for normal mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORBs). Basalts from Sites 527, 528 and 530 show REE patterns characterised by an arcuate shape and relatively low (Ce/Yb)N ratios (1.46–5.22), and the ratios show a positive linear relationship to Nb content. A different trend is exhibited by the dredged basalts and the basalts from Site 525, and their REE patterns have a fairly constant slope, and higher (Ce/Yb)N ratios (4.31–8.50).These differences are further reflected in the ratios of incompatible trace elements, which also indicate considerable variations within the groups. Mixing hyperbolae for these ratios suggest that simple magma mixing between a “hot spot” type of magma, similar to present-day volcanics of Tristan da Cunha, and a depleted source, possibly similar to that for magmas being erupted at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, was an important process in the origin of parts of the Walvis Ridge, as exemplified by Sites 527, 528 and 530. Site 525 and dredged basalts cannot be explained by this mixing process, and their incompatible element ratios suggest either a mantle source of a different composition or some complexity to the mixing process. In addition, the occurrence of different types of basalt at the same location suggests there is vertical zonation within the volcanic pile, with the later erupted basalts becoming more alkaline and more enriched in incompatible elements.The model proposed for the origin and evolution of the Walvis Ridge involves an initial stage of eruption in which the magma was essentially a mixture of enriched and depleted end-member sources, with the N-MORB component being small. The dredged basalts and Site 525, which represent either later-stage eruptives or those close to the hot spot plume, probably result from mixing of the enriched mantle source with variable amounts and variable low degrees of partial melting of the depleted mantle source. As the volcano leaves the hot spot, these late-stage eruptives continue for some time. The change from tholeiitic to alkalic volcanism is probably related either to evolution in the plumbing system and magma chamber of the individual volcano, or to changes in the depth of origin of the enriched mantle source melt, similar to processes in Hawaiian volcanoes.  相似文献   

Microscopic mechanisms for heat transport in dense minerals (phonon scattering and photon attenuation) exhibit aspects of threshold behavior, discussed qualitatively here. For all minerals examined so-far using laser-flash analysis, the lattice component of the thermal conductivity of the mantle asymptotes to a constant above a critical temperature of 1500 K. Radiative transfer calculated from absorption spectra has thresholds in both grain-size and Fe content, and a rather complex dependence on temperature. These critical phenomena impact convection of the lower mantle, because the lattice contribution tends to destabilize the cold boundary layers, whereas radiative transfer mostly promotes stability in the lower mantle, unless the grains are large and Fe-rich, which makes convection chaotic and time-dependent. The specific behavior suggests that flow in the lower mantle is sluggish, whereas flow in the upper mantle-transition zone is time-dependent. The decrease in krad as Fe/(Fe + Mg) increases beyond 0.1 may be connected with formation of lower mantle, thermo-chemical plumes through positive feedback.  相似文献   

Abstract Recent geological investigations of the Isua Supracrustal Belt (3.8 Ga), southern West Greenland, have suggested that it is the oldest accretionary complex on earth, defined by an oceanic plate‐type stratigraphy and a duplex structure. Plate history from mid‐oceanic ridge through plume magmatism to subduction zone has been postulated from analysis of the reconstructed oceanic plate stratigraphy in the accretionary complex. Comparison between field occurrence of greenstones in modern and ancient accretionary complexes reveals that two types of tholeiitic basalt from different tectonic settings, mid‐oceanic ridge basalt (MORB) and oceanic island basalt (OIB), occur. This work presents major, trace and rare earth element (REE) compositions of greenstones derived from Isua MORB and OIB, and of extremely rare relict igneous clinopyroxene in Isua MORB. The Isua clinopyroxenes (Cpx) have compositional variations equivalent to those of Cpx in modern MORB; in particular, low TiO2 and Na2O contents. The Isua Cpx show slightly light (L)REE‐depleted REE patterns, and the calculated REE pattern of the host magma is in agreement with that of Isua MORB. Analyses of 49 least‐altered greenstones carefully selected from approximately 1200 samples indicate that Isua MORB are enriched in Al2O3, and depleted in TiO2, FeO*, Y and Zr at the given MgO content, compared with Isua OIB. In addition, Isua MORB show an LREE‐depleted pattern, whereas Isua OIB forms a flat REE pattern. Such differences suggest that the Early Archean mantle had already become heterogeneous, depending on the tectonic environment. Isua MORB are enriched in FeO compared with modern MORB. Comparison of Isua MORB with recent melting experiments shows that the source mantle had 85–87 in Mg? and was enriched in FeO. Potential mantle temperature is estimated to be approximately 1480°C, indicating that the Early Archean mantle was hotter by at most approximately 150°C than the modern mantle.  相似文献   

Nd and Sr isotopic data on pargasite Iherzolite inclusions, kaersutite megacrysts and their host alkali basalts are presented here to clarify some questions regarding isotopic equilibration during mantle metasomatism and the role of metasomatism in basalt genesis. Five alkali basalts from Nunivak Island within the Aleutian back-arc basin, have87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.70251–0.70330 and143Nd/144Nd ratios of 0.51289–0.51304. On a Nd versus Sr isotope composition diagram the basalts overlap the fields of MORB and ocean island basalts. Pargasites and mica separated from hydrous nodules found in these basalts have a range in87Sr/86Sr of 0.70256–0.70337 but identical143Nd/144Nd ratios of 0.51302. The metasomatic fluid represented by the pargasite is in isotopic equilibrium, both for Sr and Nd, with the dry mantle as represented by diopside. Eight alkali basalts from the Ataq diatreme, South Yemen, have87Sr/86Sr range of 0.70335–0.70426 and143Nd/144Nd range of 0.51252–0.51305. On a Nd versus Sr isotope composition diagram the basalts from Ataq plot in two distinct fields, (1) within the field of ocean island basalts, and (2) within the range of continental rift basalts but to the left of the Nd-Sr correlation line, somewhat similar to the Skye and Oslo rift basalts. Diopside and pargasite separated from three nodules at Ataq have a more complex history than those at Nunivak. Two nodules contain pargasite and diopside with identical87Sr/86Sr ratios but different143Nd/144Nd ratios. A third nodule contains diopside with a143Nd/144Nd ratio similar to that of other diopsides.The Nunivak basalts are derived from a source with a time-integrated light-REE depletion, in contrast to the light-REE-enriched nature of the basanites. This is best explained by a recent metasomatic event in the source region which increased the LIL element content of the peridotite thus accommodating higher degrees of melting. The Ataq volcanic rocks seem to tap different sources characterized by both light-REE enrichment and depletion, in contrast to the uniform source of the Nunivak basanites. Production of the Ataq basanites is believed to involve anataxis of metasomatically veined continental mantle where local mantle heterogeneities survived the melting event.  相似文献   

The roles of subduction of the Pacific plate and the big mantle wedge (BMW) in the evolution of east Asian continental margin have attracted lots of attention in past years. This paper reviews recent progresses regarding the composition and chemical heterogeneity of the BMW beneath eastern Asia and geochemistry of Cenozoic basalts in the region, with attempts to put forward a general model accounting for the generation of intraplate magma in a BMW system. Some key points of this review are summarized in the following. (1) Cenozoic basalts from eastern China are interpreted as a mixture of high-Si melts and low-Si melts. Wherever they are from, northeast, north or south China, Cenozoic basalts share a common low-Si basalt endmember, which is characterized by high alkali, Fe2O3T and TiO2 contents, HIMU-like trace element composition and relatively low 206Pb/204Pb compared to classic HIMU basalts. Their Nd-Hf isotopic compositions resemble that of Pacific Mantle domain and their source is composed of carbonated eclogites and peridotites. The high-Si basalt endmember is characterized by low alkali, Fe2O 3 T and TiO2 contents, Indian Mantle-type Pb-Nd-Hf isotopic compositions, and a predominant garnet pyroxenitic source. High-Si basalts show isotopic provinciality, with those from North China and South China displaying EM1-type and EM2-type components, respectively, while basalts from Northeast China containing both EM1- and EM2-type components. (2) The source of Cenozoic basalts from eastern China contains abundant recycled materials, including oceanic crust and lithospheric mantle components as well as carbonate sediments and water. According to their spatial distribution and deep seismic tomography, it is inferred that the recycled components are mostly from stagnant slabs in the mantle transition zone, whereas EM1 and EM2 components are from the shallow mantle. (3) Comparison of solidi of garnet pyroxenite, carbonated eclogite and peridotite with regional geotherm constrains the initial melting depth of high-Si and low-Si basalts at <100 km and ~300 km, respectively. It is suggested that the BMW under eastern Asia is vertically heterogeneous, with the upper part containing EM1 and EM2 components and isotopically resembling the Indian mantle domain, whereas the lower part containing components derived from the Pacific mantle domain. Contents of H2O and CO2 decrease gradually from bottom to top of the BMW. (4) Melting of the BMW to generate Cenozoic intraplate basalts is triggered by decarbonization and dehydration of the slabs stagnated in the mantle transition zone.  相似文献   

The Wilson-Morgan hypothesis of hot-spots, characterized by high heat flow, positive gravity anomaly and alkalic volcanism, assumes that such hot-spots are surface expressions of mantle plumes rising by thermal convection. Possible evidence of this mantle upwelling is shown here from textural, structural and chemical aspects of ultramafic xenoliths in alkalic basalts. The xenolith-bearing basalts are constanly associated with Wilson-Morgan hot-spots in the ocean basins and with their continental counterparts in the rift valleys which show extensional tectonics. Most of the xenoliths are considered to be accidental fragments of the lithosphere in the host basalts. One remarkable aspect of xenoliths from all parts of the world is their ubiquitous tectonite fabric. The microstructures of these xenoliths are due to plastic deformation. Some of the xenoliths from Baja California show characteristic deformational features which are also found in the marginal parts of diapirically intruded high-temperature peridotite massifs. A model is proposed for the origin of xenoliths in alkalic basalts by mantle upwelling in which the plastic deformation of the xenoliths reflects this dynamic uprise.  相似文献   

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