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Calculations of the optical continuum of a nebula of pure hydrogen were carried out, taking into account, together, with the recombination emission, the two-photon emission and the continuous emission in the reaction of formation of the negative ion of hydrogen. It is found that these processes become predominant when thermal collisions are responsible for the excitation of the nebula. Mixed conditions of excitation, that is by both radiation and collisions, have also been studied. The optical continuum is found to be very sensitive to the excitation conditions, so that a very small contribution of collisional ionizations to the total number of ionizations is sufficient to sensibly modify the appearance of the continuum.  相似文献   

The emissivity for the two photons decay from the metastable level 2s has been computed in the case of a gaseous nebula of pure hydrogen, with both radiative and collisional excitation of the states.The populations of 2s and 2p levels are deduced from the condition of equilibrium with other levels. Electron temperatures between 104 and 4×104K and electron densities between 104 and 106 cm–3 have been investigated.For the optically thin case Ly intensity has also been computed.In the case of collisional excitation a much greater efficiency for the two photons process is found, which profoundly affects the appearance of the continuous spectrum.  相似文献   

A model for Galilean satellite formation was analyzed in which the satellites accrete in the presence of a dense, gaseous disk-shaped nebula and rapidly form optically thick, gravitationally bound primordial atmospheres. Upper-bound temperatures expected during accretion lead to partially differentiated structures for both Ganymede and Callisto, although with Ganymede much more differentiated than Callisto. When allowance is made for the aerodynamic breaking of infalling planetesimal fragments, lower surface temperatures result, and the amount of partial differentiation of Callisto is small, possibly approaching zero for a narrow size distribution of infalling planetesimals. The model is chosen to be consistent with the observed densities of the Galilean satellites and our current understanding of Jupiter formation. The retention of ices more volatile than H2O is considered but not modeled in detail. A nominal nebula of ~0.1 Jupiter masses is constructed by consideration of likely surface density profiles and existing Jupiter collapse calculations. This nebula is optically thick (even if grain opacity is ignored) in both radial and vertical directions and has a temperature profile T ~ 3600 (RJ/R), where RJ is Jupiter's radius and R is the radial distance in the disk midplane. Satellites accrete very rapidly (dynamical time scales being 102–104 years) and their optically thick gaseous envelopes are unable to eliminate the heat of accretion by radiation. Water-saturated, convective, adiabatic envelopes form, through which planetesimals fall, break up, and partially disseminate their mass. The resulting satellite surface temperatures during accretion are calculated. Possible implications of these models for the subsequent evolution of Ganymede and Callisto are explored and it is suggested that the extensive differentiation undergone by Ganymede may provide the right environment for subsequent resurfacing, whereas the relative lack of extensive differentiation for Callisto may explain the inferred absence of endogenic tectonism.  相似文献   

The radio spectrum of the Orion A (combined spectrum of both the M42 and M43 sources) is established by using more data than previous authors. The frequency range is also substantially expanded by using recent results. A peculiar feature appearing in the produced radio spectrum is discussed.  相似文献   

Evolutionary calculations are presented, in a spherically symmetric approximation, for a protoplanet of 1 Jovian mass with homogeneous solar composition during the early phase of quasi-static contraction prior to the dissociation of molecular hydrogen. In contrast to earlier calculations which assume that protoplanets are isolated, this study invokes a time-dependent surface boundary condition that simulates physical conditions in an evolving primitive solar nebula. In a first set of calculations the protoplanet is surrounded by a “thermal bath” whose temperature varies with time and whose pressure is small and constant in time. Under a wide range of parameters the result is evaporation and complete dispersal of the object. Conditions required for the protoplanet to survive are discussed. In a second set of calculations both the temperature and pressure at the surface vary with time according to models of the solar nebula. In this case the protoplanet is not dispersed, but the evolution is accelerated or retarded relative to that of an isolated protoplanet, depending upon whether the entropy in the nebula is lower than or higher than, respectively, the entropy in the outer layers of the protoplanet. Processes by which terrestrial planets can form in the cores of giant gaseous protoplanets are discussed.  相似文献   

Based on echelle spectra obtained at the prime focus of the 6-m telescope, we have determined for the first time the detailed chemical composition of one of the components of the bipolar nebula identified with the intense infrared source AFGL 2688 by the model-atmosphere method. The iron abundance [Fe/H]=?0.59 dex derived for AFGL 2688 suggests that the object probably belongs to an intermediate population of the Galaxy. The stellar atmosphere exhibits high carbon and nitrogen abundances, [C/Fe]=+0.73 and [N/Fe]=+2.00, and C/O>1, confirming that the object is at the post-AGB stage. However, the detected overabundance of s-process elements (yttrium and barium) relative to iron is modest: [X/Fe]=+0.55. The lanthanides are even less enhanced: for La, Ce, Pr, and Nd, the mean abundance relative to iron is [la/Fe]=+0.26. This behavior of the heavy metals is consistent with the low intensity of the 21-μm band in the infrared spectrum of AFGL 2688; the intensity of this emission band is great in the spectra of all the studied PPN with large overabundances of s-process elements. An analysis of the radial velocities measured from spectral features originating in the atmosphere and in the circumstellar shell has revealed a high-velocity (~60 km s?1) component of the stellar wind from AFGL 2688.  相似文献   

The manner in which a giant gaseous protoplanet becomes embedded in the primitive solar nebula determines surface boundary conditions which must be used in studying the evolution of such objects. On the one hand, if the system resembles a contact binary system, then the envelope of the protoplanet should approach the entropy of the surrounding nebula. On the other hand angular. momentum transfer by resonance and tidal effects between the nebula and the protoplanet may cause the nebula to exhibit a zone of avoidance near the protoplanet, thus inhibiting exchange of material. This problem has been studied with a computer program developed by D. N. C. Lin which simulates disk hydrodynamics by particle motions with dissipation. These studies suggest that for expected values of the protoplanet/protosun mass ratios, significant inhibition of mass exchange is likely, so that it is a reasonable next step to undertake protoplanet evolution studies with the imposition of minimum protoplanet surface temperatures.  相似文献   

The predicted emission spectrum of N  ii is compared with observations of permitted lines in the Orion nebula. Conventional nebular models show that the intensities of the more intense lines can be explained by fluorescence of starlight absorption with a N abundance that is consistent with forbidden lines. Lines excited mostly by recombination, on the other hand, predict high N abundances. The effects of stellar and nebular parameters and of the atomic data on the predicted intensities are examined.  相似文献   

With the Hamilton echelle spectrograph at the Lick Observatory, emission-rich spectral lines of the planetary nebula NGC 6543 were secured in the wavelength range from 3550 to 10 100 Å. We chose two bright regions, ∼8 arcsec east and ∼13 arcsec north of the central star, the physical conditions and chemical abundances of which may differ as a result of the different physical characteristics involving the mass ejection of different epochs. By combining Hamilton echelle observations with archive UV data secured with the International Ultraviolet Explorer ( IUE ), we obtain improved diagnostics and chemical compositions for the two observed regions. The diagnostic diagram gives the average value of T e=8000∼8300 K, and the electron number density near N e∼5000 cm−3 for most ions, while some low-excitation lines indicate much higher temperatures, i.e. T e∼10 000 K. With the construction of a photoionization model, we try to fit the observed spectra in a self-consistent way: thus, for most elements, we employ the same chemical abundances in the nebular shell; and we adopt an improved Sobolev approximation model atmosphere for the hydrogen-deficient Wolf–Rayet type central star. Within the observational errors, the chemical abundances do not seem to show any positional variation except for helium. The chemical abundances of NGC 6543 appear to be the same as in average planetary nebulae. The progenitor star may have been an object of one solar mass, most of the heavier elements of which were less plentiful than in the Sun.  相似文献   

A close correspondence exists between the infrared properties of a mixed culture of diatoms and the infrared spectrum of dust in the Trapezium nebula. We argue that this correspondence points to a cosmic microbiological system in which organo-siliceous polymers are an abundant constituent. The high content of Si relative to Mg found in the Earth's crust and in Lunar and Martian surface material is readily explained on the basis of accretion of silicon-rich microbiology.  相似文献   

An attempt is made to search for a consistent model to explain the electromagnetic spectrum of the Crab nebula (Tau A). It is assumed that there is a continuous injection of electrons at the centre of the nebula with an energy spectrumE –1.54 as evidenced by radio data. This spectrum must steepen to a slope larger than 2 at some energyE i in order to ensure that the energy input into electrons remains finite. The spectrum must also steepen beyond an energyE c depending on the magnetic field because of synchrotron energy losses. Two types of models are considered: Class I, in which the whole nebula is characterised by a uniform magnetic field, and Class II, in which besides the general fieldH 0, small filamentary regions of strong fieldH s are postulated.In models of Class I, the best fit to the observed data is obtained whenE t >E c andH 05×10–4 gauss. However, this predicts a decrease in X-ray source size beyond 40 KeV. There are two possibilities of Class II model depending on the residence time of electrons in strong field regions being small or large. The former case explains the flattening in the optical spectrum.Experiments to distinguish between the various models are indicated.Presented at the International Conference on Cosmic Rays, Budapest, 1969.  相似文献   

Recently,the magnetar Swift J1834.9—0846 has been reported to have a possible wind nebula.It is shown that both the magnetar and its wind nebula are understandable in the wind braking scenario.The magnetar's rotational energy loss rate is not enough to power the particle luminosity.The required particle luminosity should be about 10~(36) erg s~(-1) to 10~(38) ergs~(-1).It is obtained in three different approaches:considering wind braking of Swift J1834.9-0846;the spectral and spatial observations of the wind nebula;and an empirical upper bound on wind nebula X-ray luminosity.The nebula magnetic field is about 10~(-4)G.The possible wind nebula of Swift J1834.9-0846 should be a magnetar wind nebula.It is powered by the magnetic energy released from the magnetar.  相似文献   

The newly commissioned University of New South Wales Infrared Fabry–Perot (UNSWIRF) has been used to image molecular hydrogen emission at 2.12 and 2.25 μm in the reflection nebula Parsamyan 18. P 18 is known to exhibit low values of the (1–0)/(2–1) S(1) ratio, suggestive of UV-pumped fluorescence rather than thermal excitation by shocks. Our line ratio mapping reveals the full extent of this fluorescent emission from extended arc-like features, as well as a more concentrated thermal component in regions closer to the central exciting star. We show that the emission morphology, line fluxes and gas density are consistent with the predictions of photodissociation region (PDR) theory. Those regions with the highest intrinsic 1–0 S(1) intensities also tend to show the highest (1–0)/(2–1) S(1) line ratios. Furthermore, variations in the line ratio can be attributed to intrinsic fluctuations in the incident radiation field and/or the gas density, through the self-shielding action of H2. An isolated knot of emission discovered just outside P 18, and having both an unusually high (1–0)/(2–1) S(1) ratio and relative velocity, provides additional evidence for an outflow source associated with P 18.  相似文献   

The THEMISTOCLE array of 18 Cherenkov detectors which has a 3 TeV gamma energy threshold, has detected a signal from the Crab nebula at a 5.8 standard deviation level. Information on the energy spectrum is obtained in the range 3–15 TeV. The integrated flux can be fitted with the form, Φ (> E) = (3.7 ± 0.5) × 10-12 (E/5)-−1.5 ± 0.20 cm−2 s−1 (E in TeV) compatible with the extrapolation of results at lower energies. The Crab signal is used to measure the angular resolution of the multi-telescope technique. The value obtained is 2.3 mr (0.15°) in agreement with the results of simulations, and confirms the interest of this new method for multi-TeV gamma-ray detection.  相似文献   

We have obtained IUE ultraviolet spectra of the low-excitation planetary nebula CN 3-1. The recordings show the well-known doublet 2800 MgII and resonance line 2852 MgI as strong absorption lines. We show that these lines cannot be of interstellar origin and that they may be formed in two envelopes surrounding the main nebula: in the transition zone (doublet 2800 MgII) and in the neutral envelope (line 2852 MgI). These envelopes possess an important property: they contain dust particles, and even a moderate amount of such particles may influence the strength of the absorption lines of MgII and MgI.The emission line 4686 HeII has no relation to the nebula CN 3-1 and belongs to its nucleus, a star of type WR. It is very probable that the nucleus of this nebula is a binary system with a WR component (T *=50 000 K), exciting the helium lines, and a star of B0 or B2 type (T *=26 000 K) exciting the nebular linesN 1+N 2 [OIII], 3727 [OII], hydrogen lines, etc.  相似文献   

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