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Tetsumaru Itaya 《Lithos》1981,14(3):215-224
Carbonaceous material in pelitic schists of the Sanbagawa metamorphic belt in central Shikoku, Japan, was separated from the host rocks and its X-ray diffraction and chemical composition were studied. Its crystal structure and chemistry change continously with increasing metamorphic grade and approach those of well-ordered graphite near the biotite isograd. As graphitization is a rate process, the temperature of complete graphitization differs from one metamorphic terrain to another as a function of the duration of metamorphism. In an individual metamorphic terraan, however, the degree of graphitization is a useful indicator of relative metamorphic temperature in lower-grade rocks.  相似文献   

The occurrence of lawsonite is described from pelitic schists of the lower-grade part of the pumpellyite-bearing subzone of the chlorite zone in the Asemi River area of central Shikoku. The lawsonite-bearing parageneses are consistent with the generally accepted view that the Sanbagawa facies series represents higher pressures than the lawsonite-bearing facies series in New Zealand.  相似文献   

Hydration reactions are direct evidence of fluid–rock interaction during regional metamorphism. In this study, hydration reactions to produce retrograde actinolite in mafic schists are investigated to evaluate the controlling factors on the reaction progress. Mafic schists in the Sanbagawa belt contain amphibole coexisting with epidote, chlorite, plagioclase and quartz. Amphibole typically shows two types of compositional zoning from core to rim: barroisite → hornblende → actinolite in the high‐grade zone, and winchite → actinolite in the low‐grade zone. Both types indicate that amphibole grew during the exhumation stage of the metamorphic belt. Microstructures of amphibole zoning and mass‐balance relations suggest that: (1) the actinolite‐forming reactions proceeded at the expense of the preexisting amphibole; and (2) the breakdown reaction of hornblende consumed more H2O fluid than that of winchite, when one mole of preexisting amphibole was reacted. Reaction progress is indicated by the volume fraction of actinolite to total amphibole, Yact, with the following details: (1) reaction proceeded homogeneously in each mafic layer; (2) the extent of the hornblende breakdown reaction is commonly low (Yact < 0.5), but it increases drastically in the high‐grade part of the garnet zone (Yact > 0.7); and (3) the extent of the winchite breakdown reaction is commonly high (Yact > 0.7). Many microcracks are observed within hornblende, and the extent of hornblende breakdown reaction is correlated with the size reduction of the hornblende core. Brittle fracturing of hornblende may have enhanced retrograde reaction progress by increasing of influx of H2O and the surface area of hornblende. In contrast to high‐grade rocks, the winchite breakdown reaction is well advanced in the low‐grade rocks, where reaction progress is not associated with brittle fracturing of winchite. The high extent of the reaction in the low‐grade rocks may be due to small size of winchite before the reaction.  相似文献   

In pelitic schists of the Sanbagawa metamorphic belt, sphene, rutile, and ilmenite occur as discrete grains, in composite aggregates, and as inclusions in garnets. Textural relationships, disposition of inclusions in garnet, and the compositions of ilmenites suggest that the titanium-bearing accessories stable at the peak metamorphic conditions were as follows: sphene in the chlorite zone, sphene plus rutile in the garnet zone, and ilmenite in the highest grade of the belt, the biotite zone. Rutile appears in the garnet zone as a consequence of Ca incorporation into garnet and a progressive increase in .Retrograde reactions were responsible for the composite aggregates of rutile, sphene and ilmenite and these must be carefully evaluated before prograde relationships between titanium-bearing accessories can be properly understood.  相似文献   

Antigorite (Atg) is stable throughout large parts of the wedge mantle of most subduction zones. Atg shows strong acoustic anisotropy and crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) patterns of this mineral may contribute significantly to seismic anisotropy in convergent margins. Atg CPO patterns from the Higashi-Akaishi (HA) forearc mantle body of southwest Japan adds to the data set suggesting the most common Atg CPO pattern has a c-axis perpendicular to the foliation and a b-axis parallel to the stretching lineation. Statistical analysis using the eigenvector method of Atg CPO from two mutually perpendicular directions in the same sample (YZ-section and XZ-section) shows no significant differences implying sample preparation has no significant affect on the resulting Atg CPO. Reuss (uniform stress) averages of anisotropy for the Higashi-Akaishi samples are approximately treble the values for Voigt (uniform strain) averages. When comparing calculated anisotropy of hydrated mantle peridotite samples—such as the Higashi-Akaishi unit—with observed S-wave delay times in convergent margins, the appropriate averaging method needs to be considered.  相似文献   

Takashi Nakajima 《Lithos》1982,15(4):267-280
Sanbagawa metabasites metamorphosed at conditions near the upper limit of the pumpellytic-actinolite facies were examined in terms of phase equilibria in the five component system Al2O3---Fe2O3---CaO---MgO---FeO. The Fe3+ content of epidote measured as XEpFe (=Fe/(Fe + Al) of epidote) in the assemblage epidote-chlorite-actinolite-pumpellyite decreases gradually towards the higher-grade, pumpellyite-free areas. The progressive change in XFeEp can be detected within one metabasite bed 200 meters thick near the upper limit of the pumpellyite-actinolite facies. The Mg---Fe2+ substitution, as expressed by variation of Fe/(Fe + Mg) in chlorite (0.40–0.55) has little effect on the Fe3+ + Al) ratios of epidote and pumpellyite in the above-mentioned assemblage. The lowet XFeEp in the pumpellite-bearing assemblage is 0.15 and hence the upper limit of the pumpellyite-actinolite facies is defined by the appearance of an epidote-chlorite-actinolite assemblage with XEpFc = C.15  相似文献   

Besshi-type Cu deposits are strata-bound volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits usually associated with mafic volcanic rocks or their metamorphic equivalents. Although there are numerous Besshi-type deposits in the Sanbagawa metamorphic belt, Japan, their tectonic settings and depositional environments remain controversial because of a lack of depositional age constraints. We report Re-Os data for the Iimori deposit, one of the largest Besshi-type deposits in western Kii Peninsula, in order to examine the robustness of the Re-Os isotope system for dating sulfide minerals in the high-P/T metamorphic belt and to elucidate the primary depositional environment of the Iimori sulfide ores. An 11-point Re-Os isochron plot yields an age of 156.8 ± 3.6 Ma. As this Re-Os isochron age is significantly older than the timing of the Sanbagawa peak metamorphism (110-120 or ∼90 Ma) and a well-defined isochron was obtained, the Re-Os age determined here is most likely the primary depositional age. Despite high-grade metamorphism at up to 520 ± 25 °C and 8-9.5 kbar, the Re-Os isotope system of the Iimori sulfides was not disturbed. Hence, we consider that the whole-rock Re-Os closure temperature for the Iimori sulfide ores was probably higher than 500 °C. As the accretion age of the Sanbagawa metamorphic belt is considered to be 120-130 or 65-90 Ma on the basis of radiolarian and radiometric ages, we estimated the time from the Iimori sulfide deposition on the paleo-seafloor to its accretion at the convergent plate boundary to be greater than 25 Myr. Consequently, the depositional environment of the Iimori sulfide ores was not in the marginal sea, but was truly pelagic.  相似文献   

New geochemical and Sr–Nd isotopic data for the Iratsu eclogite and surrounding metamorphic rocks of the Sanbagawa belt, Japan, show that, while the protoliths of the metamorphic rocks formed in a variety of tectonic settings, the Iratsu body represents a deeply subducted and accreted island arc. The igneous protoliths of eclogites and garnet amphibolites were probably generated from a mantle source that had components of both a depleted mantle modified by slab-released fluid (as seen in a negative Nb anomaly) and an enriched mantle, similar to that of ocean island basalts (OIB). Fractional crystallization modeling indicates that the protoliths of some garnet clinopyroxenites from the Iratsu body are cumulates from a basaltic magma that crystallized under high O2 and H2O fugacities in the middle to lower crust. The source characteristics and crystallization conditions suggest that the protoliths of the Iratsu rocks formed in an oceanic island arc. Quartz eclogites from the marginal zone of the Iratsu body have geochemical signatures similar to turbidites from the Izu–Bonin island arc (as seen in a negative Nb anomaly and a concave REE pattern). The protoliths might be volcaniclastic turbidites that formed in a setting proximal to the oceanic island arc. Geochemical and isotopic signatures of the surrounding mafic schists are similar to normal (N-) and enriched (E-) mid-ocean-ridge basalt (MORB), and distinct from the rocks from the Iratsu body. The protoliths of the mafic schists likely formed in a plume-influenced mid-ocean ridge or back-arc basin. Pelitic schists from the surrounding rocks and pelitic gneisses from the marginal zone of the Iratsu body have evolved, continental geochemical signatures (as seen in a negative εNd(t) value (~?5)), consistent with their origin as continent-derived trench-fill turbidites.  相似文献   

In this study, the chemistry and microstructure of garnet aggregates within a metamorphic vein are investigated. Garnet‐bearing veins in the Sanbagawa metamorphic belt, Japan, occur subparallel to the foliation of a host mafic schist, but some cut the foliation at low angle. Backscattered electron image and compositional mapping using EPMA and crystallographic orientation maps from electron‐backscattered diffraction (EBSD) reveal that numerous small garnet (10–100 μm diameter) coalesce to form large porphyroblasts within the vein. Individual small garnet commonly exhibits xenomorphic shape at garnet/garnet grain boundaries, whereas it is idiomorphic at garnet/quartz boundaries. EBSD microstructural analysis of the garnet porphyroblasts reveals that misorientation angles of neighbour‐pair garnet grains within the vein have a random distribution. This contrasts with previous studies that found coalescence of garnet in mica schist leads to an increased frequency of low angle misorientation boundaries by misorientation‐driven rotation. As garnet nucleated with random orientation, the difference in misorientation between the two studies is due to the difference in the extent of grain rotation. A simple kinetic model that assumes grain rotation of garnet is rate‐limited by grain boundary diffusion creep of matrix quartz, shows that (i) the substantial rotation of a fine garnet grain could occur for the conditions of the Sanbagawa metamorphism, but (ii) the rotation rate drastically decreased as garnet grains formed large clusters during growth. Therefore, the random misorientation distribution of garnet porphyroblasts in the Sanbagawa vein is interpreted as follows: (i) garnet within the vein grew so fast that substantial grain rotation did not occur through porphyroblast formation, and thus (ii) random orientations at the nucleation stage were preserved. The extent of misorientation‐driven rotation indicated by deviation from random orientation distribution may be useful to constrain the growth rate of constituent grains of porphyroblast that formed by multiple nucleation and coalescence.  相似文献   

The Sanbagawa metamorphic belt of southwest Japan is one of the type localities of subduction‐related high‐P metamorphism. However, variable pressure–temperature (PT) paths and metabasic assemblages have been reported for eclogite units in the region, leading to uncertainty about the subduction zone paleo‐thermal structure and associated tectonometamorphic conditions. To analyse this variation, phase equilibria modelling was applied to the three main high‐P metabasic rock types documented in the region – glaucophane eclogite, barroisite eclogite and garnet blueschist – with modelling performed over a range of P, T, bulk rock H2O and bulk rock ferric iron conditions using thermocalc . All samples are calculated to share a common steep prograde PT path to similar peak conditions of ~16–20 kbar and 560–610 °C. The results establish that regional assemblage variation is systematic, with the alternation in peak amphibole phase due to peak conditions overlapping the glaucophane–barroisite solvus, and bulk composition effects stabilizing blueschist v. eclogite facies assemblages at similar PT conditions. Furthermore, the results reveal that a steep prograde PT path is common to all eclogite units in the Sanbagawa belt, indicating that metamorphic conditions were consistent along strike. All localities are compatible with predictions made by a ridge approach model, which attributes eclogite facies metamorphism and exhumation of the Sanbagawa belt to the approach of a spreading ridge.  相似文献   

The tectonic evolution of the Northern Shimanto belt, central Shikoku, Japan, was examined based on petrological and geochronological studies in the Oboke area, where mafic schists of the Kawaguchi Formation contain sodic amphibole (magnesioriebeckite). The peak P–T conditions of metamorphism are estimated as 44.5 kbar (1517 km depth), and 240270 °C based on available phase equilibria and sodic amphibole compositions. These metamorphic conditions are transitional between blueschist, greenschist and pumpellyite–actinolite facies. Phengite KAr ages of 64.8 ± 1.4 and 64.4 ± 1.4 Ma were determined for the mafic schists, and 65.0 ± 1.4, 61.4 ± 1.3 and 63.6 ± 1.4 Ma for the pelitic schists. The metamorphic temperatures in the Oboke area are below the closure temperature of the KAr phengite system, so the K–Ar ages date the metamorphic peak in the Northern Shimanto belt. In the broad sense of the definition of blueschist facies, the highest‐grade part of the Northern Shimanto belt belongs to the blueschist facies. Our study and those of others identify the following constraints on the possible mechanism that led to the exhumation of the overlying Sanbagawa belt: (i) the Sanbagawa belt is a thin tectonic slice with a structural thickness of 34 km; (ii) within the belt, metamorphic conditions varied from 5 to 25 kbar, and 300 to 800 °C, with the grade of metamorphism decreasing symmetrically upward and downward from a structurally intermediate position; and (iii) the Sanbagawa metamorphic rocks were exhumed from ~60 km depth and emplaced onto the Northern Shimanto metamorphic rocks at 15–17 km depth and 240–270 °C. Integration of these results with those of previous geological studies for the Sanbagawa belt suggests that the most probable exhumation mechanism is wedge extrusion.  相似文献   

Tectonic processes that have been proposed to explain the transport to the surface of regional metamorphic belts can be broadly divided into two types. (i) Corner-flow within a convergent margin bounded by two essentially rigid plates associated with extension at shallow levels. This type of model assumes deformation is distributed throughout the margin and that any discontinuities are of secondary importance. (ii) Expulsion or extrusion of coherent metamorphic nappes. In this second idea, tectonic discontinuities are fundamental in the transport to the surface of metamorphic rocks. The wealth of geological data available from a variety of studies in the Sanbagawa metamorphic belt, southwest Japan makes it well-suited for studying the relative importance of continuous vs. discontinuous deformation in the process of exhumation. In the Sanbagawa belt a sudden decrease in metamorphic pressure going down section of several kilobars suggests the presence of a major tectonic contact separating two major regional nappes: an overlying higher-pressure Besshi nappe and an underlying lower-pressure Oboke nappe. Major tectonic discontinuities have also been proposed within the Besshi nappe, however, indicators of metamorphic temperature, the results of radiometric age dating, and microstructural studies all suggest that post-metamorphic discontinuities are minor and that this nappe formed and remained as an essentially coherent unit. Lithological associations and petrological studies suggest the following positions for the two nappes. The Besshi nappe formed deep within the former accretionary wedge, adjacent to the overlying mantle wedge, and with a dip of roughly 30 °C. In contrast, the Oboke nappe formed at moderate depths within the accretionary wedge, was distant from the mantle wedge, and was roughly horizontal. Penetrative deformation that post-dates the peak of metamorphism has affected nearly all of the Sanbagawa belt and has played an important role in its exhumation. However, the presence of a broad coherent Besshi nappe overlying the lower-pressure Oboke nappe suggests that some process such as buoyancy-driven extrusion was also important in the exhumation process and in forming the structure of the Sanbagawa metamorphic belt.  相似文献   

Coexisting sodic augite and omphacite were found in a zoisite amphibolite from the Iratsu epidote amphibolite mass in the Sanbagawa metamorphic terrain of central Shikoku, Japan. The occurrences of the sodic augite-omphacite pairs are classified into four types by texture: independent, composite, intergrowth and exsolution types. Sodic augite and omphacite of the independent and composite types (pair A) have X Na (=Na/(Na + Ca)) = 0.15 and 0.35, respectively, and were stable in the epidote amphibolite facies during the Sanbagawa progressive metamorphism. On the other hand, X Na values of sodic augite and omphacite of the intergrowth and exsolution types (pair B) are 0.10 and 0.44, respectively. The Na-poor augite and Na-rich omphacite of the pair B were formed by re-equilibration of the pair A at lower temperature. The pair A of the Iratsu sample suggests that a compositional gap lies between sodic augite and C2/c omphacite under epidote amphibolite facies conditions, and is in marked contrast to the coexistence of sodic augite and P2/n omphacite reported from some low-grade, high-pressure metamorphic terrains. A possible phase diagram to explain the chemistry and mode of occurrence of the coexisting sodic pyroxenes is proposed.  相似文献   

Ti-rich hydroandradite often occurs, though usually as a minor constituent, in serpentinized ultramafic rocks and associated gabbroic rocks of the Sanbagawa metamorphic belt. The chemistry of the host rocks is commonly characterized by undersaturation with SiO2. Two Ti-rich hydroandradites from metasomatized gabbroic rocks of the Shibukawa area have been chemically analysed by the wet method. Mössbauer experiments indicate the presence of Fe3+ and Fe2+ in the octahedral sites of these Ti-rich hydroandradites. Wet chemical analyses for total reducing capacity of the present garnets by two different methods together with Mössbauer data imply the presence of octahedral Ti3+ in their structure. Ti-rich hydroandratites, apart from their hydrous property, have a similar crystal chemistry to natural Ti-rich andradites. Ti-rich hydroandradites were probably formed in rocks with unusual chemical compositions within a P-T region of 300–400° C and 4–7 kb under limited conditions of relatively low oxygen fugacity and low μCO2.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(18):2211-2226

To constrain the timing from the accretion to the subduction-related metamorphism of the protolith in the Sanbagawa eclogites, we performed zircon U–Pb datings and REE composition analyses on pelitic schist of the Seba eclogite-facies region in the Besshi area in central Shikoku, Japan. The detrital igneous cores of the zircons show ages from ca. 2000 to 100 Ma, and the metamorphic rims show ca. 90 Ma. These results show that the protolith was accreted at ca. 100–90 Ma, which is significantly younger than the previously reported accretion age of ca. 130 Ma of other eclogite-facies regions in this area. And, the metamorphic rim domains show HREE decrease without Eu anomalies, suggesting that they were formed at ca. 90 Ma eclogite-facies metamorphism. Our results combined with previous reports for the tectonics of the Sanbagawa metamorphic rocks suggest that there are at least two eclogite-facies units with different accretion ages in the Besshi area; ca. 130 Ma unit (Besshi unit) and ca. 100–90 Ma unit (Asemi-gawa unit), which structurally contact with each other. It is likely that the older unit was subducted into a depth of over 50 km and stagnated until the younger unit was subducted to the same depth. Probably, both units were juxtaposed at a mantle depth and began to exhume to the surface at the same timing after ca. 90 Ma. The juxtaposition and exhumation process might have relation to multi-factors such as tectonic erosion along the subduction zone, shallowing subduction angle of the hotter slab, backflow in the mantle and fluid infiltration along exhumation route.  相似文献   

The mineral assemblages of hematite-bearing basic schists in intermediate high-pressure metamorphism are temperature dependent. For assemblages with excess hematite, albite, muscovite and quartz, the paragenetic relations can be dealt with in terms of a four-component system, without omitting or grouping major components.
In the Sanbagawa belt in central Shikoku, the dominant amphibole in the hematite-bearing basic schists changes from winchite, via crossite and barroisite to hornblende. The stability of amphibole is described chemographically within a pseudoternary system with another excess phase, epidote. Many amphiboles are chemically heterogeneous owing to retrograde reactions which produced low- T/P amphibole around the prograde amphibole. The examination of amphibole zoning makes it possible to draw a retrograde P-T trajectory which passes on the lower pressure side of the prograde one.  相似文献   

The mineralogy and petrochemistry of the garnet-amphibolites from the highgrade part of the Abukuma metamorphic belt have been studied, using five analyses of rocks, five of hornblendes, three of garnets and one analysis of cummingtonite, Garnetiferous amphibolites are rich in Fe, whereas non-garnetiferous ones are rich in Mg, especially in cummingtonite-amphibolite. The chemical composition of hornblendes associated with garnet is pargasitic and rich in FeO and poor in CaO, but that of non-garnetiferous rocks is rich in MgO. The garnets are rich in almandine molecule. Mg/Mg + Fe2+ ratios of both hornblendes and garnets correspond with those of the host rocks. The development of garnet in the Adirondack metabasites belonging to the upper almandine-amphibolite and granulite facies is observed in Mg-rich rocks as well as in Fe-rich rocks, in which both garnet and hornblende are rich in Mg respectively. However, under the conditions of the andalusite-sillimanite type metamorphism as shown in the Abukuma Plateau, Fe-rich garnet occurs in Fe-rich basic rocks, but cummingtonite occurs in Mg-rich ones instead of Mg-rich garnet. Finally, the problem of polymetamorphism is discussed. The cummingtonite-amphibolite may be the product of polymetamorphism, and Mg-rich garnet which had been present previously was decomposed to cummingtonite and plagioclase by the subsequent regional metamorphism of andalusite-sillimanite type.  相似文献   

Zaw Win Ko  M. Enami  M. Aoya   《Lithos》2005,81(1-4):79-100
The Sanbagawa metamorphic rocks in the Besshi district, central Shikoku, are grouped into eclogite and noneclogite units. Chloritoid and barroisite-bearing pelitic schists occur as interlayers within basic schist in an eclogite unit of the Seba area in the Sanbagawa metamorphic belt, central Shikoku, Japan. Major matrix phases of the schists are garnet, chlorite, barroisite, paragonite, phengite, and quartz. Eclogite facies phases including chloritoid and talc are preserved only as inclusions in garnet. PT conditions for the eclogite facies stage estimated using equilibria among chloritoid, barroisite, chlorite, interlayered chlorite–talc, paragonite, and garnet are 1.8 GPa/520–550 °C. Zonal structures of garnet and matrix amphibole show discontinuous growth of minerals between their core and mantle parts, implying the following metamorphic stages: prograde eclogite facies stage→hydration reaction stage→prograde epidote–amphibolite stage. This metamorphic history suggests that the Seba eclogite lithologies were (1) juxtaposed with subducting noneclogite lithologies during exhumation and then (2) progressively recrystallized under the epidote–amphibolite facies together with the surrounding noneclogite lithologies.

The pelitic schists in the Seba eclogite unit contain paragonite of two generations: prograde phase of the eclogite facies included in garnet and matrix phase produced by local reequilibration of sodic pyroxene-bearing eclogite facies assemblages during exhumation. Paragonite is absent in the common Sanbagawa basic and pelitic schists, and is, however, reported from restricted schists from several localities near the proposed eclogite unit in the Besshi district. These paragonite-bearing schists could be lower-pressure equivalents of the former eclogite facies rocks and are also members of the eclogite unit. This idea implies that the eclogite unit is more widely distributed in the Besshi district than previously thought.  相似文献   

The oligoclase-biotite zone of the Bessi area, central Shikoku is characterized by sodic plagioclase (XCa= 0.10–0.28)-bearing assemblages in pelitic schists, and represents the highest-grade zone of the Sanbagawa metamorphic terrain. Mineral assemblages in pelitic schists of this zone, all with quartz, sodic plagioclase, muscovite and clinozoisite (or zoisite), are garnet + biotite + chlorite + paragonite, garnet + biotite + hornblende + chlorite, and partial assemblages of these two types. Correlations between mineral compositions, mineral assemblages and mineral stability data assuming PH2O = Psolid suggests that metamorphic conditions of this zone are about 610 ± 25°C and 10 ± 1 kbar.
Based upon a comparative study of mineralogy and chemistry of pelitic schists in the oligoclase-biotite zone of the Sanbagawa terrain with those in the New Caledonia omphacite zone as an example of a typical high-pressure type of metamorphic belt and with those in a generalized'upper staurolite zone'as an example of a medium-pressure type of metamorphic belt, progressive assemblages within these three zones can be related by reactions such as:  相似文献   

The Hidaka metamorphic belt is situated at the junction of the Honshu and Kuril arcs in the axial zone of Hokkaido in northern Japan. Various migmatites, which occupy the core of the metamorphic belt, are classified as lens, sheet, falling star and dome facies on the basis of composition, scale and form as proposed by Harland (1956). Each facies is produced progressively. Movement is first lateral and then upwards at the sheet facies stage, followed by the development of the diapiric falling star and dome facies. Subsequently, the granitic phase starts to form from the lens facies, again within the migmatite sheets, leading to the emplacement of granitic plutons. The movement of the migmatite and granite bodies is controlled by the tangential stress field, as well as by the buoyancy in the gravitational field.  相似文献   

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