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According to the national standard(2006)on tropical cyclone(TC)intensity,TCs are categorized into six intensity types,namely,tropical depression(TD),tropical storm(TS),severe tropical storm(STS), typhoon(TY),severe typhoon(STY),and super severe typhoon(SSTY).Fifty-eight years(1949–2006)of the datasets from the Yearbook of Typhoons and Yearbook of Tropical Cyclones were used to study the variation characteristics of TCs making landfalls in mainland China,Hainan and Taiwan islands.The main results are as foll...  相似文献   

利用中尺度数值模式设计一组高分辨率理想试验,采用位涡趋势方法定量诊断分析热带气旋在登陆我国华东沿海地形时,其运动发生的精细化变化以及不同因子的贡献。结果表明,平地的存在使得登陆热带气旋移速相对更快,当华东沿海地形存在时,热带气旋移速显著增大,这种增速现象主要是由于平地和地形所引起的非对称气流以及相应的引导气流变化所致,这很可能是导致预报路径误差的一个重要原因。平地试验中,陆地在热带气旋低层激发出中小尺度的非对称气流,与之不同的是,实际地形的加入激发出更大尺度并且更强的非对称偏南气流。位涡趋势方法的诊断结果表明,非引导效应总体而言对热带气旋运动贡献较小,这是因为这些因子相互抵消,但在不同的垂直层次上,不同的非引导因子贡献存在明显的差异。  相似文献   

Impacts of EI Nino Modoki (ENM), La Nina Modoki (LNM), canonical EI Nifio (CEN) and canonical La Nifia (CLN) on tropical cyclones (TCs) that made landfall over mainland China during 1951-2011 are analysed using best-track data from China, the USA and Japan. Relative to cold phase years (LNM and CLN), landfalling TCs in warm years (ENM and CEN) have a farther east genesis location, as well as longer track lengths and durations, both in total and before landfall. ENM demonstrates the highest landfall frequency, most northerly mean landfall position, and shortest after-landfall sustainability (track length and duration), which indicate a more frequent and extensive coverage of mainland China by TCs, but with shorter after-landfall influence. CEN has low landfall frequency and the most southerly mean landfall location. LNM has the most westerly genesis location, being significantly farther west than the 1951-2011 average and leading to short mean track lengths and durations both in total or before landfall, all of which are significantly shorter than the 1951-2011 average. Variations in the low-level wind anomaly, vertical wind shear, mid-level relative humidity, steering flow, the monsoon trough and the western Pacific subtropical high (WPSH) can to some extent account for the features of frequency, location, track length and duration of landfalling TCs. Since ENSO Modoki is expected to become more frequent in the near future, the results for ENSO Modoki presented in this paper are of particular significance.  相似文献   

登陆热带气旋降水增幅的合成诊断分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,采用动态合成分析方法,对登陆后降水增幅类和非增幅类热带气旋的大尺度环流特征做了合成分析和动力诊断.结果表明:增幅类热带气旋处于强经向型环流之中,中高纬度为阻塞形势,高层有急流入口区南侧的强辐散,并与西风槽相互叠加;低层有急流和水汽通道的长时间联结;热带气旋东侧还有次级环流相伴.非增幅类热带气旋环流背景相对平直,高空辐散弱,无西风槽叠加;低空急流减弱迅速,且水汽通道较早出现断裂;无次级环流出现.增幅类热带气旋高层存在显著非地转运动,高层南风急流入口区的强次地转运动和降水增幅紧密相关.  相似文献   

中国近海热带气旋强度突变的热力特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用2000 2006年的NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,通过合成分析和对比分析,利用全型垂直涡度倾向方程,研究中国近海热带气旋强度突变的热力特征.结果表明:(1)突然增强热带气旋在其中心附近对流层高低层均存在视热源Q1的极大值中心,低层Q1在突然增强过程中越来越强;而突然减弱热带气旋在中心附近对流层中层存在Q1的极大值中心,而且在突然减弱过程中Q1越来越弱.视水汽汇Q2的极值中心在热带气旋强度变化过程中位于对流层中层,在突然增强过程中有所增大,而在突然减弱过程中有所减小.(2)Q1的峰值高度在热带气旋突然增强和突然减弱过程中分别位于对流层高层和中层.Q2的峰值高度在热带气旋突然增强过程中不断抬升,而在突然减弱过程中不断降低,这说明积云对流的垂直输送在热带气旋突然增强过程中起到一定作用.(3)热带气旋中心附近对流层中上层非绝热加热随着高度增加、对流层低层垂直非均匀加热的增大有利于热带气旋的突然增强,反之导致热带气旋突然减弱.  相似文献   

吴丹  赵坤  余晖  王明筠 《气象学报》2010,68(6):896-907
利用中国新一代多普勒雷达网温州雷达和台湾气象局五分山雷达资料、地面自动站降水资料,分析2004-2007年登陆中国华东地区的6个台风从登陆前18小时至登陆后6小时的降水结构时空变化特征.环状平均回波分析显示,在台风离陆地较远时,轴对称降水径向廓线呈双峰结构,最大降水位于台风眼墙处,降水次大值位于台风外围雨带处.台风强度越强,最大降水越强,且离台风中心的距离也越近.当台风接近登陆时,其内核区降水有增强的趋势,从登陆前6小时至登陆时,各台风内核区平均降水率的增强倍率在1.3-3.2,且外围降水随时间向台风中心收缩,内缩速率随台风强度增强而减慢.台风登陆后,台风眼被降水填塞,强度快速减弱,同时降水持续内缩,内核区总降水逐渐衰减.此外本文还建立了一个登陆前台风轴对称降水径向廓线模型,该模型能定量地描述降水廓线的双峰结构,模拟结果与实际雷达观测降水廓线的的均方根误差最小为0.46 mm/h,最大为5.3 mm/h.  相似文献   

Forecasts of the intensity and quantitative precipitation of tropical cyclones(TCs) are generally inaccurate, because the strength and structure of a TC show a complicated spatiotemporal pattern and are affected by various factors. Among these, asymmetric convection plays an important role. This study investigates the asymmetric distribution of convection in TCs over the western North Pacific during the period 2005–2012, based on data obtained from the Feng Yun 2(FY2)geostationary satellite. The asymmetric distributions of the incidence, intensity and morphology of convections are analyzed.Results show that the PDFs of the convection occurrence curve to the azimuth are sinusoidal. The rear-left quadrant relative to TC motion shows the highest occurrence rate of convection, while the front-right quadrant has the lowest. In terms of intensity, weak convections are favored in the front-left of a TC at large distances, whereas strong convections are more likely to appear to the rear-right of a TC within a 300 km range. More than 70% of all MCSs examined here are elongated systems, and meso-β enlongated convective systems(MβECSs) are the most dominant type observed in the outer region of a TC. Smaller MCSs tend to be more concentrated near the center of a TC. While semi-circular MCSs [MβCCSs, MCCs(mesoscale convective complexes)] show a high incidence rate to the rear of a TC, elongated MCSs [MβECSs, PECSs(persistent elongated convective systems)] are more likely to appear in the rear-right quadrant of a TC within a range of 400 km.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate the influence of tropical cyclones (TCs) on large-scale circulation and ocean heat transport in the South China Sea (SCS) by using an ocean general circulation model at a 1/8° resolution during 2000–2008. The model uses a data assimilation system to assimilate observations in order to improve the representation of SCS circulation. The results reveal an unexpected deep SCS circulation anomaly induced by TCs, which suggests that effects of TC can penetrate deeper into the ocean. This deep effect may result from the near inertial oscillations excited by TCs. The inertial oscillations can propagate downward to the oceanic interior. The analyses confirm that TCs have two effects on ocean heat transport of the SCS. Firstly, the wind stress curl induced by TCs affects the structure of SCS circulation, and then changes heat transport. Secondly, TCs pump surface heat downward to the thermocline, increasing the heat injection from the atmosphere to the ocean. Two effects together amplify the outflow of the surface heat southward away the SCS through the Mindoro and Karimata Straits. The TC-induced heat transports through the Mindoro, Balabac and Karimata Straits account for 20 % of the total heat transport through three straits. An implication of this study is that ocean models need to simulate the TC effect on heat transport in order to correctly evaluate the role of the SCS through flow in regulating upper ocean circulation and climate in the Indonesian maritime continent and its adjacent regions.  相似文献   

采用1949-2015年上海台风所提供的热带气旋资料、NCEP/NCAR全球再分析格点资料、国家气候中心提供的74项大气环流指数以及青藏高原积雪等资料,对7-9月登陆华南的热带气旋TC(不含热带低压)和台风TY(含台风及台风以上的热带气旋)的气候变化特征以及大尺度环流特征进行了分析,结果发现:7-9月登陆华南TC及TY频数均有微弱的上升趋势,且年际变化显著,但TC和TY年际变化和准十年波动变化并不总是一致,尤其是近10a来登陆华南的强台风有明显增加的趋势。7-9月登陆华南的TC占登陆中国的一半以上,并且有约3/4是来自西北太平洋生成的台风。从登陆华南TC的区间分布特征来看,以中路最多,西路次之,东路最少。亚洲季风偏弱、西太平洋副高偏西,登陆华南TY偏多,反之亦然。TC偏多(少)年,西太平洋副高偏强偏西(偏强偏东)。TC偏多年110oE以东引导气流出现的反气旋式和气旋式环流对较TC偏少年偏西,反气旋环流南部的东风异常一直延伸到华南地区东部,这样的东风引导气流异常有利于引导热带气旋登陆华南。另外,青藏高原东部和西部积雪偏多、华南气温偏高及西北太平洋海温异常偏暖的情况下也均有利于台风登陆华南。  相似文献   

The best track data of tropical cyclones (TCs) provided by Regional Specialized Meteorological Center (RSMC) Tokyo for the South China Sea (SCS) from 1977 to 2007 are employed to study the spatiotemporal variations (for a period of 12 hours) and the rapid (slow) intensification (RI/SI) of TCs with different intensity. The main results are as follows. (1) Over this period, the tropical storms (TSs) and severe tropical storms (STSs) mostly intensify or are steady while the typhoons (TYs) mostly weaken. The stronger a TC is initially, the more observation of its intensification and the less its variability will be; the more observation of its weakening is, the larger its variability will be. (2) The TC intensifies the fastest at 0000 UTC while weakening the fastest at 1200 UTC. (3) In the intensifying state, TSs, STSs, and TYs are mainly active in the northeastern, central-eastern, and central SCS respectively. The weakening cases mainly distribute over waters east off Hainan Island and Vietnam and west off the Philippines. Some cases of TSs and STSs weaken over the central SCS. (4) The RI cases form farther south in contrast to the SI cases. The RI cases are observed in regions where there are weaker vertical shear and easterly components at 200 hPa. The RI cases also have stronger mid-and lower-level warm-core structure and smaller radii of 15.4 m/s winds. The SI cases have slightly higher SST.  相似文献   

近58年来登陆中国热带气旋气候变化特征   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
杨玉华  应明  陈葆德 《气象学报》2009,67(5):689-696
利用1949-2006年<台风年鉴>和<热带气旋年鉴>资料,主要分析了1949-2006年登陆中国热带气旋的频数、登陆位置、登陆季节延续期和登陆强度等要素及其概率分布的年际和年代际变化特征.结果表明:近58年来,登陆中国热带气旋年频数有减少趋势,但登陆时达台风强度的年频数变化不明显;按登陆地点分区统计发现,登陆华南地区的热带低压及(强)热带风暴年频数以减少为主,而登陆东部地区的热带气旋年频数变化不明显.登陆点历年最北位置(最南位置)有南移(弱的北移)趋势,导致登陆点历年南北最大纬度差逐渐减小,这表明热带气旋登陆区域更为集中,在23°-35°N增多,而在35°N以北和23°N以南以减少为主.登陆中国热带气旋季节延续期缩短了近1个月.热带气旋年平均登陆强度及其概率分布偏度有增加趋势,表明登陆的强台风有增加;登陆中国华南和东部地区的台风强度都有增强趋势,前者比后者趋势更明显.另外,热带气旋年最大登陆强度差长期呈现减小的趋势.  相似文献   


利用2008—2014年(2010年除外)的实况探空资料和首都机场雷达资料,研究了发生在首都机场的雷暴的时空分布特征及不同移动特征,并分类研究了不同天气影响形势下的空间分布和移动特征,结果表明:影响首都机场的多单体雷暴主要来自西部和西北部的山区,而单体雷暴在平原形成的最多;多单体雷暴自西北-东南移动和自西南-东北移动的数量相当,而单体雷暴自西南-东北方向移动的较多。多单体与单体雷暴的平均移动速度均为43 km·h-1,多单体以西北-东南方向移动的最快(45 km·h-1),而单体雷暴以西-东方向的平均移动速度最快(57 km·h-1);除了西南-东北方向的多单体和单体的平均移动速度相近外,其它方向的单体雷暴移动速度均快于多单体雷暴。山区雷暴的主要时段为03— 13UTC(世界时,下同),峰值出现在傍晚前后(11UTC),主要由西北-东南方向移动(占总数的77%);山坡上的雷暴最大峰值出现在07UTC和10UTC,集中在2个区形成,在西南山坡上形成的雷暴全部由西南-东北方向移动,而在西北山坡上形成的雷暴主要由西北-东南方向移动;平原雷暴主要集中在07—13UTC,峰值出现在09UTC, 产生在山脚平原上的雷暴由西-东移动,其它的则由西南-东北方向。将雷暴按不同的影响系统划分后可发现,西风槽类和低涡类雷暴均以西南-东北方向移动最多;西北气流型与横槽类雷暴主要以西北-东南方向移动为主。西风槽类和横槽类雷暴出现在平原上最多,大部分由西南-东北方向移动; 西北气流型雷暴出现在山区最多,大部分由西北和正西方向向东南方向移动;低涡类雷暴从山区移来与平原上形成的雷暴数量相当,山区移来的雷暴由西北-东南方向移动,在北京南部平原形成的雷暴及由移入的雷暴由河北省西南-东北方向移动。在西南-东北方向移动的雷暴中,以低涡型雷暴的移动速度最快(55 km·h-1),移动最慢的是西风槽型(39 km·h-1);在西北-东南方向移动的雷暴中,西风槽和横槽型移动速度最快(50 km·h-1),其次为西北气流型(42 km·h-1)和低涡型(41 km·h-1)。西风槽类雷暴以西北-东南方向移速最快;西北气流型的雷暴西南-东北方向和西北-东南方向平均移速相近;低涡类雷暴西南-东北方向的平均速度快于其它方向。



利用湿Q矢量对数值预报模式输出的风场、温度场、温度露点场进行动力释用,并考虑地形强迫作用,得到一个独立于数值模式直接预报输出降水场的释用预报降水场即湿Q矢量释用(QMVIP)技术。结合2010—2014年汛期(6—9月)登陆我国华东14个历史台风降水实况资料以及华东区域中尺度模式(基于WRF V3.1)(简称WRF模式)预报产品,统计检验分析了QMVIP技术对登陆台风降水的定量预报能力。结果表明,QMVIP技术较WRF模式明显改善了对25.0 mm·(24 h)-1以上及50.0 mm·(24 h)-1以上降水的定量预报能力。进一步结合“菲特”台风(2013)登陆前后所引发的24 h累积降水场进行比较分析发现,QMVIP技术对台风暴雨落区、强度的反映能力均优于WRF模式。这表明,湿Q矢量释用技术可以在一定程度上弥补现有数值预报模式对登陆台风定量降水预报(QPF)能力的不足。


重点围绕登陆热带气旋(LTC)降水预报研究进行了回顾和总结,指出针对LTC降水有三类预报技术:动力模式、统计方法和动力-统计结合的预报方法。以数值天气预报(NWP)模式为代表的预报技术对LTC降水的预报能力仍然非常有限。改进NWP模式预报误差的途径主要有两条:一是发展NWP模式;二是发展动力-统计结合的方法。分析表明,动力-统计相似预报是一项很有潜力的技术;针对现有研究中的不足,开展LTC降水动力-统计相似预报研究,探索减小数值模式LTC降水预报误差的有效方法,将是一个充满希望的研究领域和方向。  相似文献   

Influences of Tropical Cyclones on China During 1965-2004   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Using the Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC) and China Meteorological Administration (CMA) tropical cyclone track datasets, variations in frequency and intensity of the affecting-China tropical cyclones (ACTCs) are studied for the period of 1965-2004. First, the differences between the two tropical cyclone datasets are examined. The annual frequencies of tropical cyclones in the western North Pacific basin are reasonably consistent to each other, while the intensity records are less reliable. The annual numbers of ACTCs based on different datasets are close to each other with similar interdecadal and interannual variations. However, the maximum intensity and the annual frequency of ACTCs for strong categories show great dependence on datasets. Tropical cyclone impacts on China show the same variations as the annual number of ACTCs and also show dependence on datasets. Differences in tropical cyclone impacts on China are mainly caused by datasets used. The annual frequency of ACTCs, especially the length of lifetime of ones that make landfall, and the intensity estimates all have effects on the value of impacts on China.  相似文献   

利用欧洲中期天气预报中心0.75°×0.75°再分析资料,对中国海岸线两侧相邻区域内的风能、风速进行研究,讨论不同季节、不同区域风能、风速的分布特征;利用WRF(Weather Research Forecast)模式模拟海表面温度上升和城市化发展对中国东部沿海风能的影响。结果表明:1)中国沿海风能的时空分布不均一,季节变化明显。春季渤海湾区域风能明显大于其他三区(华东沿海、东南沿海和南海北部沿海区域)。夏季渤海湾区域风能显著小于其他三区,而华东沿海区域风能稍大。秋季东南沿海和南海北部沿海区域风能较大。冬季沿海四区风能大小接近。一般而言,秋冬季风能较大、春夏季风能较小,夏季风能显著小于冬季。2)不同区域、不同季节风速的年际变化存在明显差异。除冬季东南沿海区域风速有增大趋势外,其他区域各季节风速都呈缓慢减小趋势,但减小幅度很小。3)海表温度升高在不同季节对风速的影响不同。春季渤海湾和山东半岛、北部湾沿海及杭州湾风速随海温升高而增强。夏季海温升高幅度不同,则风速显著变化区域不同,但大部分沿海区域风速随海温升高而增强。秋冬季风速随海表温度升高而增强,影响区域较稳定:秋季东南沿海和华东沿海区域风速增强,冬季渤海湾和南海北部沿海区域风速增强。4)城市化发展增大了地表摩擦力,使得夏秋季登陆我国的热带气旋迅速减弱,沿海风速随之减小。  相似文献   

本文基于RSMC台风最佳路径资料以及TRMM逐日降水资料,对1998—2013年间中国区域热带气旋(TC)直接降水的时空分布特征进行了统计研究。结果表明:约54.2%的西北太平洋TC在中国陆地上产生了直接降水。TC直接降水对中国的影响范围较广,未变性TC的降水决定了全部TC降水的西界,而潜在变性TC的降水决定了全部TC降水的北界。自每年的4月开始,TC直接降水开始影响中国,以8月最为频繁,潜在变性TC的影响以9月为最。降水首日,全体TC以台风及以上强度为主,中心主要分布在30°N以南。未变性的TC强度较弱,降水面积大、降水强度强;而潜在变性TC则以台风(TY)及以上强度为主,其单个TC的平均降水面积和降水强度以热带低压(TD)及以下强度TC为最大。本文工作为TC在中国直接降水的气候特征以及TC变性前期降水分布特征提供了一些有意义的结论。  相似文献   

In this paper, we apply finite-mixture-model-based clustering algorithms to cluster post-landfall tracks of tropical cyclones (TCs) making landfall over China. Because existing studies find that landfall surfaces or elevations affect post-landfall TC movements, we also take account of elevations in addition to time orders in this model. Our study reveals three clusters, with cluster 1 making landfall in Hainan province and moving across the western coast of Guangdong province. Most of the TC tracks in cluster 1 move over the ocean and make secondary landfalls over Yunnan province of China and Vietnam. Cluster 1 finally dissipates inland and moves westward as a result of the westward-shift subtropical high, westward steering flow, easterly vertical wind shear and strong mountainous blocking. Cluster 2 makes landfall over Guangdong and Fujian provinces. TCs in cluster 2 subsequently move inland and disappear due largely to westward-shift subtropical high, easterly steering flow, easterly vertical wind shear and relatively strong mountainous blocking. Cluster 3 makes landfall along the Fujian and Zhejiang coast and sustains a long period of time, recurving mostly to the mid-latitude region owing to the surrounding eastward-shift subtropical high, westerly vertical wind shear, weak mountainous blocking and westerly steering flow. Because cluster 2 is significantly associated with La Niña events, TCs more likely make landfall over southeastern China coast and move westward or northwestward without recurving. Cluster 3 sustains a longer time than clusters 1 and 2 in spite of its weak horizontal and vertical water vapor supply. TCs in cluster 3 interact actively with westerlies during the post-landfall period. However, we cannot observe any analogous interactions with the mid-latitude westerlies in clusters 1 and 2. TCs of clusters 1 and 2 are influenced by summer monsoon flows. Moreover, summer monsoon exerts a greater influence on cluster 1 than cluster 2. The composite 200 hPa divergence of cluster 3 is stronger than that of clusters 1 and 2. This explains to some degree why cluster 3 sustains longer than clusters 1 and 2 after making landfall.  相似文献   

中国大陆上变性加强热带气旋的诊断分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
李侃  徐海明 《气象科学》2011,31(6):677-686
利用1979-2007年日本气象厅热带气旋年鉴资料,对在中国大陆上发生变性的热带气旋进行了统计分析,结果表明:29 a间中国大陆上发生变性的热带气旋共有16个,占登陆中国热带气旋总数的8.56%,其中8个变性后加强.利用日本JRA-25再分析资料诊断分析了这8个变性加强热带气旋的湿位涡垂直分布特征以及影响热带气旋变性发...  相似文献   

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