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A new scheme that separates convective-stratiform rainfall is developed using threshold values of liquid water path (LWP) and ice water path (IWP). These cloud contents can be predicted with radiances at the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit (AMSU) channels (23.8, 31.4, 89, and 150 GHz) through linear regression models. The scheme is demonstrated by an analysis of a two-dimensional cloud resolving model simulation that is imposed by a forcing derived from the Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere Coupled Ocean–Atmosphere Response Experiment (TOGA COARE). The rainfall is considered convective if associated LWP is larger than 1.91 mm or IWP is larger than 1.70 mm. Otherwise, the rainfall is stratiform. The analysis of surface rainfall budget demonstrates that this new scheme is physically meaningful.  相似文献   

在HLAFS业务数值预报模式的动力框架下,利用文章(I)所述的显式云降水方案,对一次暴雨过程和伴随着的云物蓝砸淮伪?雨过程和伴随着的云物泪果表明,显式方案对降水落区和强降水中心位置的预报较原HLAFS的大尺度饱和凝结方案有明显改进.模式能合理地揭示出暴雨发生、发展过程中的云系演变规律和云物理过程.冰相过程对降水、中尺度热力和动力场有明显影响,特别是冰相过程有利于降水的早期的形成速率.与卫星TBB资料的对比分析表明,引进显式方案后,模式能较合理地模拟出云系的轮廓、位置、范围、强度、生消和移向,模式模拟出的云顶温度与卫星测量出的云顶温度较为一致.  相似文献   

将三套显式云降水方案移植、耦合到国家气象中心业务有限区数值预报模式HLAFS中, 显式云降水方案包括双参数暖云方案、简化混合相云方案和双参数混合相云方案,明显地改进了原模式预报系统的湿物理过程,特别是对云降水过程的模拟能力.详细介绍了这三套云降水方案的物理过程,以及与动力框架的耦合.  相似文献   

应用双光谱云图判识梅雨锋云系降水等级   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用1991年梅雨期间的部分GMS红外,可见光数字云图及同时的地面实测降水资料,从分析各等级降水云的二维频数分布着后,探求降水强度与红外,可见光亮度值之间的关系,最终实现用红外,可见光双光谱阈值法判识大暴雨,暴雨,大雨,中小雨4个等级的降水云。  相似文献   

定西地区人工增雨云水资源的分析研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
定西地区降水少气候干燥,夏秋雨水集中,与东部地区相比,有利人工增雨的云水资源相对不够丰富。但在某些特定环流条件下,定西地区具有形成自然降水的水汽,且降水云系的过冷水区相对较好,存在播云增雨的潜力。  相似文献   

利用WRF模式中三种云微物理参数化方案(Lin、Eta和WSM6)对青藏高原一次强降水过程进行模拟试验,将模拟降水结果与实测资料进行对比,以评估不同云微物理参数化方案对该区域降水过程的模拟性能。结果表明:三种方案均能够模拟出此次降水天气过程的发生,但在主要降水区域和降水强度两方面仍与实测资料存在偏差;在水凝物方面,三种方案对冰粒子的模拟较接近,Lin和WSM6方案模拟的雪粒子差异较大,但霰粒子无明显差异。进一步对比分析了Lin和WSM6方案模拟的云微物理转化过程,结果表明:这两种方案都表现出了霰向雨水转化的特点。在Lin方案中,通过水汽向霰粒子凝华、霰碰并水汽凝华生成的雪粒子以及霰碰并云水这三种过程生成的霰粒子最终融化为雨水。而在WSM6方案中,一方面水汽凝结成云水,云水被雪和霰粒子碰并收集转化为霰,之后霰融化为雨水;另一方面水汽凝华为冰粒子,一部分冰转化为雪,雪直接融化为雨水或转化为霰融化为雨水,另一部分冰转化为霰,霰融化为雨水。   相似文献   

红外云图的参数化及其与局地降雨的关系探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王越  肖稳安 《气象科学》1999,19(4):366-374
本文从大气探测原理和大气物理的基本概念出发,将地面气象观测资料与红外卫星云图相结合进行参数化估计,得到一些参数化估计结果。初步分析表明,这些参数化估计值与局地降雨有较好的相关关系。  相似文献   

热带西太平洋海面通量与气象要素关系的诊断分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
用TOGACOARE加强期在赤道带西太平洋暖池中的观测船MoanaWave和浮标获得的小时风、温、湿、海温资料计算了海面各种通量。分析潜热通量随海面温度SST的变化特征,发现小风期潜热通量LH在某SST处出现最大值,大风时不出现此现象,即LH随SST变化的主要原因是风随SST的变化,其次是气海湿度差Δq及传输系数CE随SST的变化。用相关分析法分析小风期、西风爆发期、对流扰动期等不同时期中各通量与各气象要素的关系发现,潜热通量和动量通量主要决定于风,对感热通量起作用的主要是气海温差,降水也可通过气海温差和风影响感热通量。  相似文献   

Through the use of the hourly wind, air temperature and humidity, sea surface temperature data measured on board the observing vessel Moana Wave and buoy in the warm pool of western Pacific during the IOP of TOGA COARE, we compute the fluxes over sea surface and analyze the characteristics of the variation ofthe latent heat flux with sea surface temperature. During weak rather than strong wind periods a maximum valueof latent heat flux appears at some points of SST, which is caused mainly by the variations of wind, then by the humidity difference between air and sea and the transfer coefficient with SAT. Using correlation analysis. we also analyze the relationship between the fluxes and meteorological elements during weak wind periods. wester lywind burst periods, and convective disturbed periods etc. The main conclusions are that the latent heat flux ismainly determined by wind, sensible heat flux by the potential temperature difference between air and sea and the momentum flux by wind. The precipitation affects the sensible heat flux through the potential temperature difference and wind.  相似文献   

Following previous studies of the rainfall forecast in Shenzhen owing to landfalling tropical cyclones(TCs), a nonparametric statistical scheme based on the classification of the landfalling TCs is applied to analyze and forecast the rainfall induced by landfalling TCs in the coastal area of Guangdong province, China. All the TCs landfalling with the distance less than 700 kilometers to the 8 coastal stations in Guangdong province during 1950—2013 are categorized according to their landfalling position and intensity. The daily rainfall records of all the 8 meteorological stations are obtained and analyzed. The maximum daily rainfall and the maximum 3 days' accumulated rainfall at the 8 coastal stations induced by each category of TCs during the TC landfall period(a couple of days before and after TC landfalling time) from 1950 to 2013 are computed by the percentile estimation and illustrated by boxplots. These boxplots can be used to estimate the rainfall induced by landfalling TC of the same category in the future. The statistical boxplot scheme is further coupled with the model outputs from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts(ECMWF) to predict the rainfall induced by landfalling TCs along the coastal area. The TCs landfalling in south China from 2014 to 2017 and the corresponding rainfall at the 8 stations area are used to evaluate the performance of these boxplots and coupled boxplots schemes. Results show that the statistical boxplots scheme and coupled boxplots scheme can perform better than ECMWF model in the operational rainfall forecast along the coastal area in south China.  相似文献   

Using the numerical model of mixed convective-stratiform clouds(MCS)in the paper(Hong1997)and the averaged stratification of torrential rain processes,the evolution processes,interaction of the two kinds of clouds,structure and the precipitation features in the MCS toproduce heavy rain are simulated and studied,and the physical reasons of producing torrential rainare analysed.The results indicate that the stratiform cloud surrounding the convective cloudbecomes weakened and dissipates in the developing and enhancing of the convective cloud,and therainfall rate and water content in the stratiform cloud increase as the distance from the convectivecloud becomes larger.The numerical experiments find out that the stratiform cloud provides abenificial developing environment for the convective cloud,i.e.,the saturated environment and theconvergence field in the stratiform cloud help to lengthen the life cycle of the convective cloud,produce sustained rainfall with high intensity and intermittent precipitation with ultra-highintensity.These and the ice phase microphysical processes are the main factors for the torrentialrain formation and the MCS is a very effective precipitation system.  相似文献   

提出和介绍了利用GMS-4红外云图资料定量测量淮河流域汛期降水的CT-TRC(cloudtoptemperaturerainfullcurve,云顶温度-降水量曲线)方法及实现步骤,并结合个例进行了分析。  相似文献   

南京"03.7"大暴雨中云物理过程的数值模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:8,他引:1  
利用三维全弹性、双参数化对流云模式和南京站探空资料,对南京“03.7”特大暴雨过程进行了数值模拟研究,着重分析产生这次大暴雨的云物理机制。模拟结果表明,此次暴雨属于积雨云降水,其中云雨碰并是最主要的成雨过程,贡献率达到74%,其次是霰/雹融化,占22%,说明此次降水以暖雨过程为主。通过暖雨过程对比试验表明,虽然冰相过程对雨水的贡献较小,但加入冰相过程能使模拟结果更接近云的实际情况。  相似文献   

中国冬夏季模式降水方案的应用分析研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对中国冬夏季各一次降水过程的模拟分析 ,研究了不同云降水方案在中国区域的应用特征。结果指出 ,夏季 ,Kain Fritsch(KF)和Betts Miller(BM)积云方案模拟产生的积云降水是有差异的 ,KF方案对本次连续降水过程的预报要优于BM方案 ;KF方案和BM方案可以使周围环境大气状况发生不同的变化 ,KF方案可以使周围环境大气变得更湿、上升气流更加深厚 ,更有利于网格尺度降水的产生 ,即不同积云对流方案对网格尺度降水具有重要的影响 ;冬季 ,中国北方大陆基本没有对流降水产生 ,不同积云对流方案对网格尺度降水预报的影响基本可以不予考虑 ,中国北方的冬季降水主要是由网格尺度降水构成的。  相似文献   

Remote sensing of rainfall parameters—rainfall rate and size distribution—by raindrop-induced laserbcam scintillation is a new kind of precipitation measurement technique. This paper presented the primaryfield experiment results based on the theory and numerical simulations by Wu and Lü (1984, 1985) and Lü andWu (1984).Rainfall rate and size distribution were deduced from observations of laser beam scintillation andcompared with those of the filter-paper sampling method. Qualitative analysis of the experiment error wasalso given here. All the work showed that the theory is applicable, and under proper experiment conditions,remote sensing of rainfall parameters by laser scintillation correlation is an advanced and accurate technique.  相似文献   

为了认识以暖云强降水为主导的对流单体中的电荷结构特征及其形成原因,利用加入了起放电参数化方案的WRF模式,模拟了2017年5月7日广州局地突发的以暖云降水为主导的特大暴雨过程,分析讨论了此次过程中一个单体成熟发展阶段的电荷结构的特征及其成因.结果 表明,此次以暖云降水为主导的特大暴雨过程中的单体对流强度较弱,云顶高度低...  相似文献   

"99.6"梅雨锋暴雨云和降水物理过程的中尺度数值模拟   总被引:5,自引:11,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
用MM5(V2)中尺度非静力数值模式对长江中下游地区的梅雨锋降水的云和降水进行模拟研究。对于可分辨尺度的降水,采用Reisner霸显式方案;对云内微物理过程特别是对各种水成物的源汇项进行了详细分析,以期深入了解梅雨锋云系内部的云物理过程。  相似文献   

NCC_CGCM模式的我国夏季降水集合预报方法效果评估及改进   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
通过对国家气候中心全球海气耦合模式(NCC_CGCM)1983~2006年48个不同初值样本的我国夏季降水预报(回报)、等权重集合预报及二次非线性订正预报的评估效果比较,其中订正预报的平均效果比等权重集合预报的平均效果好,但总体平均预报效果都不高.在评估中发现,48个样本在不同地区的预报效果的差异显著,正相关显著区域出现的位置各不相同,有的样本出现在江南,有的出现在东北,还有的出现在黄淮等地,因此提出了用历史回报的相关系数构建新的集合预报.试验表明,新集合预报的平均效果优于等权重集合预报、二次非线性订正预报和业务系统中现有的集成方法.  相似文献   

Depositional growth of ice crystal is one of the major processes for development of precipitation systems and can be represented by depositional growth of cloud ice from cloud water (PIDW) and depositional growth of snow from cloud ice (PSFI) in cloud-resolving model. Four parameterization schemes are analyzed in the cloud-resolving model simulations of four rainfall cases over the tropics and midlatitudes. The comparison of time and model domain mean data shows that Shen’s scheme produces the closest rainfall simulation to the observation. Compared to Zeng’s scheme, Shen’s scheme improves the mean rain-rate simulation significantly through the dramatic decrease in depositional growth of cloud ice from cloud water. Compared to other schemes, Shen’s scheme produces the better rainfall simulation via the reduction in the mean rain rate associated with the enhanced gain of cloud water and ice.  相似文献   

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