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This paper presents the first application of spatially correlated neutral models to the detection of changes in mortality rates across space and time using the local Morans I statistic. Sequential Gaussian simulation is used to generate realizations of the spatial distribution of mortality rates under increasingly stringent conditions: 1) reproduction of the sample histogram, 2) reproduction of the pattern of spatial autocorrelation modeled from the data, 3) incorporation of regional background obtained by geostatistical smoothing of observed mortality rates, and 4) incorporation of smooth regional background observed at a prior time interval. The simulated neutral models are then processed using two new spatio-temporal variants of the Morans I statistic, which allow one to identify significant changes in mortality rates above and beyond past spatial patterns. Last, the results are displayed using an original classification of clusters/outliers tailored to the space-time nature of the data. Using this new methodology the space-time distribution of cervix cancer mortality rates recorded over all US State Economic Areas (SEA) is explored for 9 time periods of 5 years each. Incorporation of spatial autocorrelation leads to fewer significant SEA units than obtained under the traditional assumption of spatial independence, confirming earlier claims that Type I errors may increase when tests using the assumption of independence are applied to spatially correlated data. Integration of regional background into the neutral models yields substantially different spatial clusters and outliers, highlighting local patterns which were blurred when local Morans I was applied under the null hypothesis of constant risk.This research was funded by grants R01 CA92669 and 1R43CA105819-01 from the National Cancer Institute and R43CA92807 under the Innovation in Biomedical Information Science and Technology Initiative at the National Institute of Health. The views stated in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the NCI. The authors also thank three anonymous reviewers for their comments that helped improve the presentation of the methodology.  相似文献   

Journal of Geographical Systems - The link between income inequality and economic growth remains poorly understood. The global economic crisis challenged numerous growth studies by highlighting...  相似文献   

The multispectral and multitemporal analysis of the spectral response of rice has made it possible to determine at which point in the vegetative cycle of rice it is best to make an inventory, together with the usefulness of the normalized‐difference vegetation index for such an inventory. The results could be usefully included in any classification procedure of the TM image in order to make the inventory in a systematic way. In this case a supervised classification of the image has been made which assumes a Gaussian behaviour for each spectral class. The results obtained are, for the most part, consistent with those obtained by using traditional methods.  相似文献   

This article describes the processing strategy and the validation results of CODE’s MGEX (COM) orbit and satellite clock solution, including the satellite systems GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, BeiDou, and QZSS. The validation with orbit misclosures and SLR residuals shows that the orbits of the new systems Galileo, BeiDou, and QZSS are affected by modelling deficiencies with impact on the orbit scale (e.g., antenna calibration, Earth albedo, and transmitter antenna thrust). Another weakness is the attitude and solar radiation pressure (SRP) modelling of satellites moving in the orbit normal mode—which is not yet correctly considered in the COM solution. Due to these issues, we consider the current state COM solution as preliminary. We, however, use the long-time series of COM products for identifying the challenges and for the assessment of model-improvements. The latter is demonstrated on the example of the solar radiation pressure (SRP) model, which has been replaced by a more generalized model. The SLR validation shows that the new SRP model significantly improves the orbit determination of Galileo and QZSS satellites at times when the satellite’s attitude is maintained by yaw-steering. The impact of this orbit improvement is also visible in the estimated satellite clocks—demonstrating the potential use of the new generation satellite clocks for orbit validation. Finally, we point out further challenges and open issues affecting multi-GNSS data processing that deserves dedicated studies.  相似文献   

Like Participatory Geographic Information Systems (PGIS) and Public Participation Geographic Information Systems (PPGIS) crowdsourced collaborative mapping is often imagined as an alternative to conventional cartographic practice. This paper examines collaborative mapping projects designed to assist in humanitarian work and respond to catastrophes. These projects, their technological complexity and wide range of collaborators, including affected locals, international Non-Government Organisations (NGOs) and anonymous online contributors, invite closer consideration. In this article I unpick the gnarly question of how the remote sourcing of information through cloud collaboration and satellite imagery jostles with grounded work encouraging local control of local geoinformation. My critical analysis of these projects explores: (1) justifications for action – what is being promised through digital mapping as aid or satellite salvation?; (2) forms of participation – the role of ‘hotties’ ‘nodders’ and ‘digital jedis’; and (3) contingencies of mapping practices and the assemblages of actors within which they are embedded – as the mysteries of the ‘missing maps’. The conclusion considers differing approaches towards the inclusion of local knowledges within participatory digital aid mapping and identifies remote mapping practices that are both incognito and incognisant.  相似文献   

The goal of this research is to design, use and evaluate a set of web lectures, specifically tailored to the needs of students in higher education who follow geographic information system -related courses. Since education in geographic information system includes theoretical concepts and practical experience, both of these teaching strategies will be implemented in the web lectures. The user-centered design approach is used in the design process to increase the acceptance of the web lectures and the motivation to use them: perceived usefulness and ease of use. The results show that the students appreciate the initial set of web lectures, but that they need to be motivated more to use them (especially when theoretical topics are covered). Students still value the “traditional” face-to-face lectures and see the web lectures as an ideal complement.  相似文献   

Within the past 10–15 years true-3D lenticular cartography has experienced a remarkable boost. In the course of this development, besides studies into its potential for thematic-cartographic representations, the synoptic depiction of physical surfaces (‘geo[graphical] surfaces’) has been playing a significant role. In this context the innovative holistic display of complex morphological and topographical conditions is of particular interest. The simultaneous representation of various cartographic parameters at different depths will deliver an enormous surplus of information transfer in the field of thematic cartography as well as in physical/topographic cartography. This paper describes the methodological development and generation of an autostereoscopic hardcopy display of Antarctic topography. The purpose was the simultaneous depiction of the two superimposed surfaces of both the ice-sheet and the rock-bed and, in addition, of the surrounding seafloor, thus displaying a vertical drop of more than 12,000?m.  相似文献   

The goal of the OSIRIS-REx mission is to return a sample of asteroid material from near-Earth asteroid (101955) Bennu. The role of the navigation and flight dynamics team is critical for the spacecraft to execute a precisely planned sampling maneuver over a specifically selected landing site. In particular, the orientation of Bennu needs to be recovered with good accuracy during orbital operations to contribute as small an error as possible to the landing error budget. Although Bennu is well characterized from Earth-based radar observations, its orientation dynamics are not sufficiently known to exclude the presence of a small wobble. To better understand this contingency and evaluate how well the orientation can be recovered in the presence of a large 1\(^{\circ }\) wobble, we conduct a comprehensive simulation with the NASA GSFC GEODYN orbit determination and geodetic parameter estimation software. We describe the dynamic orientation modeling implemented in GEODYN in support of OSIRIS-REx operations and show how both altimetry and imagery data can be used as either undifferenced (landmark, direct altimetry) or differenced (image crossover, altimetry crossover) measurements. We find that these two different types of data contribute differently to the recovery of instrument pointing or planetary orientation. When upweighted, the absolute measurements help reduce the geolocation errors, despite poorer astrometric (inertial) performance. We find that with no wobble present, all the geolocation requirements are met. While the presence of a large wobble is detrimental, the recovery is still reliable thanks to the combined use of altimetry and imagery data.  相似文献   

Sana’a the metropolitan capital of Yemen, has experienced rapid spatial growth and uncontrolled development for decades. In the absence of a means to forecast and predict urban growth trends, planning and urban policy decisions have been found wanting. In this study the SLEUTH (Slope, landuse, exclusion, urban extent, transportation and hillshade) model which has been widely and successfully applied in developed countries, has been applied to predict the spatial urban sprawl pattern from 2004–2020 in Sana’a. This was to provide the necessary forecast for better planning and decision making. The model performed well as per the calibration coefficient values. The results showed that there will a 29 % increase in spatial urban sprawl growth during the modeling period. Growth of the sprawl will be mainly at the edges of the urban boundary, there will also be a wide area of scattered urban clusters. Factors that will have major influence on spatial expansion of the city will be diffusion, natural and internal growth, slope (that will hinder spread) and transportation (along which most of the urban sprawl will occur). The study also provides an insight into how the SLEUTH model performs in a poorly planned urban environment as compared to the planned and controlled environment where it has been applied.  相似文献   

The usefulness of remote sensing (RS), geographical information systems, and ground observations for monitoring changes in urban areas has been demonstrated through many examples over the last two decades. Research has generally focused on the relief phase following a disaster, but we have instead investigated the subsequent phases involving early recovery, recovery, and development. Our aim was to determine to what extent integration of the available tools, techniques, and methods can be used to efficiently monitor the progress of recovery following an earthquake. Changes in buildings within the Italian city of L’Aquila following the 2009 earthquake were identified from Earth observation data and are used as indicators of progress in the recovery process. These changes were identified through (1) visual analysis, (2) automated change detection using a set of decision rules formulated within an object-based image analysis framework, and (3) validation based on a combination of visual and semiautomated interpretations. An accuracy assessment of the automated analysis showed a producer accuracy of 81% (error of omission: 19%) and a user accuracy of 55% (error of commission: 45%). The use of RS made it possible for the identification of changes to be spatially exhaustive, and also to increase the number of categories used for a recovery index. In addition, using RS allowed the area requiring extensive fieldwork (to monitor the progress of the recovery process) to be reduced.  相似文献   

We present a global static model of the Earth’s gravity field entitled DGM-1S based on GRACE and GOCE data. The collection of used data sets includes nearly 7 years of GRACE KBR data and 10 months of GOCE gravity gradient data. The KBR data are transformed with a 3-point differentiation into quantities that are approximately inter-satellite accelerations. Gravity gradients are processed in the instrumental frame. Noise is handled with a frequency-dependent data weighting. DGM-1S is complete to spherical harmonic degree 250 with a Kaula regularization being applied above degree 179. Its performance is compared with a number of other satellite-only GRACE/GOCE models by confronting them with (i) an independent model of the oceanic mean dynamic topography, and (ii) independent KBR and gravity gradient data. The tests reveal a competitive quality for DGM-1S. Importantly, we study added value of GOCE data by comparing the performance of satellite-only GRACE/GOCE models with models produced without GOCE data: either ITG-Grace2010s or EGM2008 depending on which of the two performs better in a given region. The test executed based on independent gravity gradients quantifies this added value as 25–38 % in the continental areas poorly covered with terrestrial gravimetry data (Equatorial Africa, Himalayas, and South America), 7–17 % in those with a good coverage with these data (Australia, North America, and North Eurasia), and 14 % in the oceans. This added value is shown to be almost entirely related to coefficients below degree 200. It is shown that this gain must be entirely attributed to gravity gradients acquired by the mission. The test executed based on an independent model of the mean dynamic topography suggests that problems still seem to exist in satellite-only GRACE/GOCE models over the Pacific ocean, where noticeable deviations between these models and EGM2008 are detected, too.  相似文献   

The approach taken by Burnham and Chong to explain the occurrence of Hendra virus incidents in Australia, while analytically valid, is compromised by erroneous and incomplete biological data underpinning the analyses. Firstly, they erroneously state the peak mating, pregnancy and birthing periods in black, grey-headed and little red flying-foxes, thus their related interpretations and conclusions are flawed. Secondly, the reported association between grey-headed flying-fox density and HeV incidents is at odds with recent findings suggesting grey-headed flying-foxes are an insubstantial host. While this broader epidemiological perspective was not within their stated aims, it is appropriate that it be canvassed in discussion of their geo-spatial analyses given the level of horse-industry, public and media interest in Hendra virus and the potential for confusion and mixed messages regarding HeV exposure risk management. We suggest that a broader collaborative cross-disciplinary approach offers synergies that produce robust, real-world ‘one health’ outputs.  相似文献   

The availability of freely available moderate-to-high spatial resolution (10–30 m) satellite imagery received a major boost with the recent launch of the Sentinel-2 sensor by the European Space Agency. Together with Landsat, these sensors provide the scientific community with a wide range of spatial, spectral, and temporal properties. This study compared and explored the synergistic use of Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 data in mapping land use and land cover (LULC) in rural Burkina Faso. Specifically, contribution of the red-edge bands of Sentinel-2 in improving LULC mapping was examined. Three machine-learning algorithms – random forest, stochastic gradient boosting, and support vector machines – were employed to classify different data configurations. Classification of all Sentinel-2 bands as well as Sentinel-2 bands common to Landsat-8 produced an overall accuracy, that is 5% and 4% better than Landsat-8. The combination of Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 red-edge bands resulted in a 4% accuracy improvement over that of Landsat-8. It was found that classification of the Sentinel-2 red-edge bands alone produced better and comparable results to Landsat-8 and the other Sentinel-2 bands, respectively. Results of this study demonstrate the added value of the Sentinel-2 red-edge bands and encourage multi-sensoral approaches to LULC mapping in West Africa.  相似文献   

Hard rock aquifer system, as it lacks in primary porosity, is complex because of heterogeneity, and hence its performance solely depends on secondary factors such as weathering, fractures, joints and lineaments, etc. As a result, there is no uniformity in behavior of such aquifer system which varies with the intensity of factors causing secondary porosity. In view of this aquifer system of hard rock, particularly multilayered aquifer system such as basalt, the targeting of deeper aquifer system becomes uncertain. Under this situation, mapping of lineament assumes great importance particularly for targeting the deeper aquifer. In view of this, a small watershed WGKKC-2 falling in Nagpur District of Central India has been studied in detail to understand the significance of lineaments on governing deeper aquifer system. The study has been carried out by deploying remote sensing technique for delineation of hydro geomorphology and lineaments vis-à-vis performance of bore wells. The results are encouraging which mainly emphasize the role of lineament mapping in hard rock aquifer system for identification of groundwater potential zones.  相似文献   

Progress in GIScience has advanced the ability to represent and analyze view characteristics. GIS‐derived view measures requiring digital elevation surface models are used in hedonic property models to quantify the amenity value of view for parcel sales transactions. Ideally models should represent surface elevations that are temporally synchronized with parcel sale dates. Temporal synchronization for studies spanning multiple years may require significant effort. Few studies have undertaken this effort, leading us to investigate in this research the need to be temporally explicit. We evaluate two competing surface model approaches based on: (1) a single year 2000 LiDAR surface product; and (2) annual‐specific surface products for 1995–2002. Two competing view measures based on the different surface approaches are constructed for 561 parcel transactions during 1995–2002 in a coastal North Carolina county and are input into hedonic regression models. Results showed that being temporally explicit did matter in terms of finding significantly different view measures but did not matter in terms of finding significantly different effects of view on parcel sales prices. Despite mixed results for our case study, we advise that future research involving GIS‐based view measurement should consider the spatial and temporal contexts of study area development patterns when evaluating the need to be temporally explicit.  相似文献   

Comment on ‘Positional accuracy of the Google Earth terrain model derived from stratigraphic unconformities in the Big Bend region, Texas, USA’ by S.C. Benker, R.P. Langford and T.L. Pavlis (Geocarto Int. 26:291–303, doi: 10.1080/10106049.2011.568125).  相似文献   

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