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Studies of interseismic strain accumulation are crucial to our understanding of continental deformation, the earthquake cycle and seismic hazard. By mapping small amounts of ground deformation over large spatial areas, InSAR has the potential to produce continental-scale maps of strain accumulation on active faults. However, most InSAR studies to date have focused on areas where the coherence is relatively good (e.g. California, Tibet and Turkey) and most analysis techniques (stacking, small baseline subset algorithm, permanent scatterers, etc.) only include information from pixels which are coherent throughout the time-span of the study. In some areas, such as Alaska, where the deformation rate is small and coherence very variable, it is necessary to include information from pixels which are coherent in some but not all interferograms. We use a three-stage iterative algorithm based on distributed scatterer interferometry. We validate our method using synthetic data created using realistic parameters from a test site on the Denali Fault, Alaska, and present a preliminary result of  10.5 ± 5.0  mm yr−1 for the slip rate on the Denali Fault based on a single track of radar data from ERS1/2.  相似文献   

王平  王贤能  赖安锋 《热带地理》2023,43(1):88-102
深汕特别合作区是莲花山断裂带的主要展布区,2条大型韧性剪切带从深汕区南北两侧穿过。2015年以来,区内韧性剪切带内(简称“带内”)产生了大量的浅表滑塌,发生密度远高于周边山体。因为深汕特别合作区地质灾害风险区划的需要,有必要查明带内浅层滑塌的特征与分布规律,分析其成因机制,预测其发展变化趋势。文章通过地面调查与遥感解译,查明了带内浅层滑塌的单体规模为小型,滑塌主要沿基岩面产生,滑塌体主要是土体与全风化岩体;利用信息量模型分析浅层滑塌规律,得出滑塌密度与韧性变形程度(强烈→中等→弱)、距脆性断裂的距离(近→远)、地形坡度(高→低)呈正相关,其分布密度与地貌单元、坡向、原岩类型、斜坡类型也有较强的关联。结合区域地质、勘探、气象等资料,分析得出带内浅层滑塌是在以剪切为主的多期构造作用影响形成的较弱本底条件下,在山区地块现今缓慢上升的背景下,在台风迭加暴雨的诱发下产生的,其发展变化具有迁移性、自愈性、扩展性的特点;带内斜坡在经历了2015年“彩虹”台风期间普遍性滑塌事件后,产生浅层破坏的敏感性下降,需要较长时间孕育才能进入下一次爆发期。  相似文献   

The Zambapala Fault Zone (ZFZ) is located at the link between the offshore structures of the Gulf of Guayaquil and the Guayaquil Caracas Megashear (GCM) that accommodates the northeastward motion of the North Andean Block. We use morphological observations of drainage offset to assess the active motion of the Zambapala Fault. The relation between the horizontal offset amount D of the stream channel and the upstream length L from the offset segment, and offset of beach morphology provide a measurement of the average slip rate of the motion of the fault to an accuracy of a fraction of millimeters per year. The drainage network is short, running down the southeastern slopes of the Zambapala Cordillera (297 m), a Quaternary dome uplifted along a positive flower structure. We measure the D (drainage offset along the fault)/L (drainage length from the fault) relation for the upper and more recent part of the drainage network. The relation suggests that the fault is active at present. Capture occurs along the middle slopes and channel straightening near the littoral plain, hiding part or most of the fault offset. The fault trace crosses the littoral plain, showing 35–40 m offset of the inner beach ridge, and delimiting variations of the beach morphology. The attribution of a maximum age of 5000–6000 years to the oldest beach ridge (the postglacial transgression) allows us to calculate a minimal mean slip rate of 5.8–8 mm year−1. This result confirms that the Guayaquil Caracas Megashear extends to the Gulf of Guayaquil through the Zambapala Fault Zone, which accommodate at least 60–80% of the slip motion of the Guayaquil Carcas Megashear.  相似文献   

新疆独山子的冲沟发育与断层新活动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
独山子背斜是天山北麓三排褶皱带中西北端的背斜,其北翼发育一条逆冲断层。断层的活动在奎屯河阶地和冲积扇上形成了高度小于20 m的断层陡坎。陡坎上游冲积物中发育多条冲沟,冲沟根据长度可分为7 组。探槽揭示了独山子背斜北翼断层最新的两次活动,其中较早的断层活动时间为3110±40 a BP。根据这次断层活动触发的冲沟的平均长度得到冲沟溯源侵蚀的速率为38 mm/a。由该溯源侵蚀速率,计算出每组冲沟发育的时间,分别约为1170 aBP,3110 a BP,7200 a BP,12570 a BP,14990 a BP,30570 a BP,37750 a BP,可能代表断层多次活动的时间。断层最新一次活动的时间与本文探槽研究限定时间段相符,其他最近的三次活动时间与前人探槽研究的结果相符。说明在特定条件下,用断层上升盘冲沟平均溯源侵蚀速率推算断层活动时间是可行的。  相似文献   

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