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Summary Peake and Freen Deeps are elongate structures some 30 nautical miles long by 7 miles wide situated near 43° N 20° W on the lower flanks of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Seismic reflection records show that underneath about 400 fm of layered sediment the bedrock lies at a depth greater than 3600 fm in Peake Deep and 3300 fm in Freen Deep; the surrounding seafloor is at about 2100 fm. Freen Deep is the eastern end of King's Trough, a flat floored feature some 400 fms deeper than the adjacent seafloor. The Trough extends 220 miles west-north-westwards towards the crest of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The area is aseismic and heat flow is normal; there is no displacement of the crest of the mid-ocean ridge on the projected line of King's Trough. Gravity and magnetic surveys have been made. With minor exceptions, magnetic anomalies are not due to bodies elongated parallel with the structure, which, therefore, cannot be a volcanic collapse caldera. Seismic refraction results in the Peake-Freen area show that the crust is not thinned under the deeps although the Moho may be depressed by 2 km. Bouguer anomalies also suggest that the Moho is flat and does not rise to compensate the deeps. Models consistent with gravity and seismic information suggest there is a dense block in the upper mantle under the area. Since no reason to ascribe the origin of the structure to tear faulting has yet been acquired, it is interpreted in terms of over thrusting perpendicular to the deeps, followed by inversion of the lower part of the thickened basaltic crust to eclogite, and its subsequent sinking into the mantle.  相似文献   

Summary . We present new seismic and gravity data from the linear chain of deeps and flanking ridges known collectively as King's Trough, and combine them to produce crustal models of the western end of the complex. These models show that there is an abnormally low-velocity, low-density crust under the trough itself, and that the whole King's Trough feature is situated in a region of slightly thicker than normal oceanic crust. The flanks and basins of King's Trough are not in local isostatic equilibrium, although the feature now appears to be inactive. We believe these data indicate a history of extension and of hot-spot activity at King's Trough, and that the feature was formed either as a slow-spreading arm of an R-R-R triple junction associated with a Mid-Atlantic Ridge hot-spot, or by subsequent rifting of a preexisting hot-spot trace.  相似文献   

A moderate earthquake of   M w= 6.8  occurred on 2003 December 10. It ruptured the Chihshang Fault in eastern Taiwan which is the most active segment of the Longitudinal fault as a plate suture fault between the Luzon arc of the Philippine Sea plate and the Eurasian plate. The largest coseismic displacements were 13 cm (horizontal) and 26 cm (vertical). We analyse 40 strong motion and 91 GPS data to model the fault geometry and coseismic dislocations. The most realistic shape of the Chihshang fault surface is listric in type. The dipping angle of the seismic zone is steep (about 60°–70°) at depths shallower than 10 km and then gradually decreases to 40°–50° at depths of 20–30 km. Thus the polygonal elements in Poly3D are well suited for modelling complex surfaces with curving boundaries. Using the strong motion data, the displacement reaches 1.2 m dip-slip on the Chihshang Fault and decreases to 0.1 m near surface. The slip averages 0.34 m, releasing a scalar moment of 1.6E26 dyne-cm. For GPS data, our model reveals that the maximal dislocation is 1.8 m dip-slip. The dislocations decrease to 0.1 m near the surface. The average slip is 0.48 m, giving a scalar moment of 2.2E26 dyne-cm. Regarding post-seismic deformation, a displacements of 0.5 m were observed near the Chihshang Fault, indicating the strain had not been totally released, as a probable result of near-surface locking of the fault zone.  相似文献   

Summary. The East Pacific Rise at 12–15° S is topographically smooth with a crestal horst or linear volcanic peak marking the present axis of spreading. The Galapagos Rise at 14–17° S is topographically rough with a possible central graben marking the extinct spreading axis. The seafloor spreading magnetic anomalies on the East Pacific Rise are of low amplitude, but fracture-zone anomalies at 13–14° S have amplitudes of up to 1250 nT. Anomalies of this amplitude at the magnetic equator must be formed within the fracture zone by some combination of block reversal boundaries, anomalously-high magnetic intensities, and/or anomalously-large thicknesses of the magnetic layers within the fracture zone. Magnetization and major-element chemical analyses of basalts dredged from four locales along the fracture zone indicate that the large magnetic-anomaly amplitudes are caused by the high iron and titanium content of these ferrobasalts. The magnetic-anomaly profiles from the Galapagos Rise and its fracture-zone system are of normal amplitude and are extremely difficult to correlate internally or with the geomagnetic timescale.
Eighty-one heat-flow measurements indicate that the values measured are controlled by sediment thickness. Where the thickness of the sediment blanket is greater than 100 m, high heat flow is measured and possibly is representative of the total heat transfer at the seafloor. Where the sediment thickness is less than 100 m, seawater circulation in the oceanic crust is thought to remove most of the heat convectively; thus causing low conductive heat-flow values to be measured by the usual heat-flow apparatus. The heat loss by convective processes is probably a function also of topographic roughness and sediment permeability.  相似文献   

During May 1990 and January-February 1991, an extensive geophysical data set was collected over the Côte d'Ivoire-Ghana continental margin, located along the equatorial coast of West Africa. The Ghana margin is a transform continental margin running subparallel to the Romanche Fracture Zone and its associated marginal ridge—the Côte d'Ivoire-Ghana Ridge. From this data set, an explosive refraction line running ∼ 150 km, ENE-WSW between 3°55'N, 3°21'W and 4°23'N, 2°4'W, has been modelled together with wide-angle airgun profiles, and seismic reflection and gravity data. This study is centred on the Côte d'Ivoire Basin located just to the north of the Côte d'Ivoire-Ghana Ridge, where bathymetric data suggest that a component of normal rifting occurred, rather than the transform motion observed along the majority of the equatorial West African margin.
Traveltime and amplitude modelling of the ocean-bottom seismometer data shows that the continental Moho beneath the margin rises in an oceanward direction, from ∼ 24 km below sea level to ∼ 17 km. In the centre of the line where the crust thins most rapidly, there exists a region of anomalously high velocity at the base of the crust, reaching some 8 km in thickness. This higher-velocity region is thought to represent an area of localized underplating related to rifting. Modelling of marine gravity data, collected coincident with the seismic line, has been used to test the best-fitting seismic model. This modelling has shown that the observed free-air anomaly is dominated by the effects of crustal thickness, and that a region of higher density is required at the base of the crust to fit the observed data. This higher-density region is consistent in size and location with the high velocities required to fit the seismic data.  相似文献   

利用NCEP/NCAR再分析春季逐月平均位势高度、风、温度、垂直速度等物理量的格点资料,通过图形分析技术进行天气系统识别,建立3类宁夏春季干旱多层次环流概念模型,并对各类型主要影响因子进行特征量对比计算,得出了宁夏春季干旱监测预测定量化指标。在如下条件下,宁夏易发生春季干旱:(1)500 hPa东亚大槽位于120°-140°E,其中位于120°-130°E间时发生的干旱强度最大,偏东或偏西则强度减弱;(2)500 hPa中亚脊强盛、完整且位于60°-100°E,位于80°E附近干旱强度最大,弱脊分裂或偏西则干旱强度较弱;(3)副热带高压呈带状,脊线位于20°N以南且西脊点位于110°E以西时;(4)850 hPa偏南气流强度较弱,北界位于27°N以南时;(5)700 hPa判定区域(30°-50°N、90°-110°E)内干区控制范围比率达45%时;(6)500 hPa判定区域(30°-50°N、90°-110°E)内下沉气流区占区域面积的比率≥75%,700 hPa下沉气流区占区域面积的比率≥60%,且宁夏北部受下沉气流区控制。利用图形分析法对宁夏春季干旱进行监测预测,对2010年和2011年春季气候趋势进行拟合检验,效果良好。  相似文献   

Summary. The deep structure of the Faeroe–Shetland Channel has been investigated as part of the North Atlantic Seismic Project. Shot lines were fired along and across the axis of the Channel, with recording stations both at sea and on adjacent land areas. At 61°N, 1.7 km of Tertiary sediments overlies a 3.9–4.5 km s-1 basement interpreted as the top of early Tertiary volcanics. A main 6.0–6.6 km s-1 crustal refractor interpreted as old oceanic crust occurs at about 9 km depth. The Moho (8.0 ° 0.2 km s-1) is at about 15–17 km depth. There is evidence that P n may be anisotropic beneath the Faeroe–Shetland Channel. Arrivals recorded at land stations show characteristics best explained by scattering at an intervening boundary which may be the continent–ocean crustal contact or the edge of the volcanics.
The Moho delay times at the shot points, determined by time-term analysis, show considerable variation along the axis of the Channel. They correlate with the basement topography, and the greatest delays occur over the buried extension of the Faeroe Ridge at about 60° 15'N, where they are nearly 1 s more than the delays at 61°N after correction for the sediments. The large delays are attributed to thickening of the early Tertiary volcanic layer with isostatic downsagging of the underlying crust and uppermost mantle in response to the load, rather than to thickening of the main crustal ayer.
The new evidence is consistent with deeply buried oceanic crust beneath the Faeroe–Shetland Channel, forming a northern extension of Rockall Trough. The seabed morphology has been grossly modified by the thick and laterally variable pile of early Tertiary volcanic rocks which swamped the region, accounting for the anomalous shallow bathymetry, the transverse ridges and the present narrowness of the Channel.  相似文献   

Summary. We present the results of a systematic study of events with M s > 6 in northern Chile (20–33°S), for the period between 1963 and 1971. Medium to large earthquakes near the coast of this region are of three types: (1) Interplate events at the interface between the downgoing slab and the overriding South American plate. These events can be very large reaching magnitudes greater than 8. (2) Intra-plate earthquakes 20–30 km inside the downgoing slab. They have fault mechanisms indicating extension along the dip of the slab and may have magnitudes up to 7.5. (3) Less frequent, M s∼ 6 events that occur near the top of the downgoing slab and have thrust mechanisms with an almost horizontal E-W compressional axis. This type of mechanism is very different from that of the events of type 1 which are due to shallow dipping reverse faulting. There is a rotation of about 30° of the compressional axis in the vertical plane between events of types (1) and (3). Three groups of events near 32.5°, 25.5° and 21°s were studied in detail. Depth and mechanisms were redetermined by P -wave modelling and relative locations were obtained by a master event technique. Near 32.5°S, only events of types 1 and 2 were found in the time period of this study. At the two other sites, the three types of events were identified. This shows clearly that there are compressive stresses at the top of the slab and extension at the centre, a situation which is usually found in the areas where a double Benioff-zone has been identified in the seismicity.  相似文献   

Seismic reflection and GLORIA side-scan sonar data obtained on RRS Charles Darwin cruise CD64 reveal new information on the styles of deformation in the Gorringe Bank region, at the eastern end of the Azores–Gibraltar plate boundary. Previous studies suggest that Gorringe Bank was formed by the overthrusting of a portion of the African plate upon the Eurasian plate. The new seismic data show, however, that the most intensely deformed region is located south of Gorringe Bank, on the northern flanks of a NW–SE-trending submarine ridge which includes the Ampere and Coral Patch seamounts. The deformation is expressed as long-wavelength (up to 60  km), large-amplitude (up to 800  m) folds in the sediments and underlying acoustic basement, which in places are associated with one or more reverse faults, and as a fabric of short-wavelength folds (up to 3  km) with a NE trend. In contrast, the same sedimentary units when traced beneath the flanking plains are undeformed, except for some faults with a small throw (~30  m), some of which offset the seafloor. GLORIA data show that recent deformation is broadly distributed over the region. Structural trends rotate from 45° in the west to 70° in the east of the region, nearly perpendicular to the NW-verging plate motion vectors as determined from plate kinematic models. Flexure modelling suggests that a portion of Gorringe Bank has loaded 152  Ma oceanic lithosphere and that a maximum of 50  km of shortening has occurred at Gorringe Bank since the mid-Miocene. Our observations support a model in which there is no single plate boundary in the region, rather that the deformation is distributed over a 200–330  km wide zone.  相似文献   

The seafloor topography of a slow-spreading ridge shows a number of well-documented regularities at the ridge segment scale as the result of the complex interplay between ridge-axis magmatic and tectonic processes. This paper describes the results of a detailed analysis of the seafloor topography of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge near the Atlantis transform, where marine gravity data provide independent, although non-unique, constraints on subseafloor density structure. Using a combined topography and gravity data set, we identified the specific contributions of subseafloor density structure to the seafloor topography. We show that the observed along-axis deepening (0.3–0.8 km) from the midpoint of a ridge segment towards the non-transform offsets in the study area can be explained by the vertical deflection of a zero-age plate in response to along-axis crustal thickness variations. However, this effect can only account for 50–60 per cent of the observed 1.5–1.7 km deepening towards the Atlantis transform, suggesting the presence of significant stresses in the lithosphere near a transform. Results of plate flexural calculations also predict a more elevated rift flank at the inside corner of the ridge–transform intersection than at the conjugate outside corner. Such an asymmetry in rift flank topography is calculated to be greatest near a transform fault with a significant volume of deep transform valley and when adjacent plates across the transform fault are mechanically decoupled or only weakly coupled. Together these results illustrate the complex interplay between various tectonic processes at a slow-spreading ridge.  相似文献   

Summary. The latitude of the Sq ( H ) focus along the 0° longitude meridian in the northern hemisphere has been determined for all the quiet days, as determined from the aa indices, for the sunspot minimum years 1963–64–65. It is shown that: (a) most of the large variability of the focus latitude is due to the effect of a superposed northward magnetic field that is present on AQDs and which tends to move the apparent focus latitude poleward in the northern hemisphere, and (b) a smaller equatorward motion is caused by the negative AQD events that occur in the 0830–1330 LT range. When these two classes of days are removed from the data set, the focus latitude is found to be completely contained within the range 36°-48° for the months March-October
with an average value of 41.5 ± 2.3, whilst in winter the range is larger with an average value of 36.7 ± 3.4. However, since the magnitude of the superposed northward field is longitude-dependent, it may be present even on days not classed as AQDs. It is shown that much of the variability in the focus latitude of the normal days along the 0° longitude meridian is caused by variations in the amplitude of the superposed northward field.  相似文献   

Microseismicity and faulting geometry in the Gulf of Corinth (Greece)   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
During the summer of 1993, a network of seismological stations was installed over a period of 7 weeks around the eastern Gulf of Corinth where a sequence of strong earthquakes occurred during 1981. Seismicity lies between the Alepohori fault dipping north and the Kaparelli fault dipping south and is related to both of these antithetic faults. Focal mechanisms show normal faulting with the active fault plane dipping at about 45° for both faults. The aftershocks of the 1981 earthquake sequence recorded by King et al . (1985 ) were processed again and show similar results. In contrast, the observations collected near the western end of the Gulf of Corinth during an experiment conducted in 1991 ( Rigo et al . 1996 ), and during the aftershock studies of the 1992 Galaxidi and the 1995 Aigion earthquakes ( Hatzfeld et al . 1996 ; Bernard et al . 1997 ) show seismicity dipping at a very low angle (about 15°) northwards and normal faulting mechanisms with the active fault plane dipping northwards at about 30°. We suggest that the 8–12 km deep seismicity in the west is probably related to the seismic–aseismic transition and not to a possible almost horizontal active fault dipping north as previously proposed. The difference in the seismicity and focal mechanisms between east and west of the Gulf could be related to the difference in the recent extension rate between the western Gulf of Corinth and the eastern Gulf of Corinth, which rotated the faults dipping originally at 45° (as in the east of the Gulf) to 30° (as in the west of the Gulf).  相似文献   

The full extent of Mesozoic rift basins within interior Yemen has only recently been established. This work presents a detailed documentation of the stratigraph)., structure and basin development of the Marib-Shabwa and Sirr-Sayun basins, and the Jeza Trough. Yemen is located at the south-western margin of the Arabian Plate, which for most of its early geological history formed part of the northern passive margin of Gondwanaland. Mesozoic break up of the super-continent was associated with major rifting in the Late Jurassic (main phase) and Early Cretaceous. Orientation of the rift basins reflects an inheritance from deep-seated Precambrian structural trends which cross the Arabian Plate. The resultant structure of basement highs, tilted fault blocks, marginal terraces and central graben highs is illustrated in a series of detailed cross-sections. A comprehensive stratigraphic framework has also been established for the Jurassic and Cretaceous basin-fill, enabling thickness and facies variations to be analysed. This reveals a clear shift in the main period of fault-related, high sediment accumulation rates, both within and across the three interior basins of Yemen. In the western Marib-Shabwa Basin, the fill is dominantly Late Jurassic, whilst the eastern Shabwa Basin and Sirr-Sayun Basin exhibit a progressively increased, and younger, Early Cretaceous fill. The main period of fault-related sedimentation in the most easterly basin, the Jeza Trough, is wholly Cretaceous. Plate tectonic reconstructions of the area for this period have documented the separation and subsequent north-eastward movement of the Indian Plate, away- from Africa-Arabia. We believe this may have been the causal mechanism in the progressive eastward migration of rift activity in the Yemen.  相似文献   

Summary. A method of simultaneous reduction is presented for determining strain rates from multiple triangulation surveys where common triangulation stations have been used, but the angles of the old survey have not necessarily been reobserved. This method is applied to triangulation in the northern South Island, at the southern end of the Tonga-Kermadec-Hikurangi subduction zone. From a profile of shear strain across the Indian-Pacific plate boundary, the displacement of the Indian plate relative to the Pacific is calculated to be 54 ± 9 mm yr−1 at an azimuth of 84°± 10°, in remarkable agreement with the motion predicted by global plate tectonic models. Most of this motion occurs within a 150 km wide zone bounded on the east by the Hikurangi Trough. Within this zone the motion is partitioned: near the Hikurangi Trough no slip is occurring at the upper surface of the subducting Pacific plate (the subduction thrust) and motion is predominantly thrusting normal to the trough axis: to the west is a region of predominantly dextral strike slip faulting. This pattern is consistent with Fitch's model of oblique subduction. To the south of the profile, a change is observed in the azimuth of the faulting along a line which marks the southern extent of the subduction slab, indicating the end of the partitioned motion.  相似文献   

An Mw 5.9 earthquake occurred in the Lake Rukwa rift, Tanzania, on 1994 August 18, and was well recorded by 20 broad-band seismic stations at distances of 160 to 800 km and 21 broad-band stations at teleseismic distances. The regional and teleseismic waveforms have been used to investigate the source characteristics of the main shock, and also to locate aftershocks that occurred within three weeks of the main shock. Teleseismic body-wave modelling yields the following source parameters for the main shock: source depth of 25 ± 2 km, a normal fault orientation, with a horizontal tension axis striking NE-SW and an almost vertical pressure axis (Nodal Plane I: strike 126°–142°, dip 63°–66°, and rake 280°–290°; Nodal Plane II: strike 273°–289°, dip 28°–31°, and rake 235°–245°), a scalar moment of 4.1 times 1017 N m, and a 2 s impulsive source time function. Four of the largest aftershocks also nucleated at depths of 25 km, as deduced from regional sPmp–Pmp times. The nodal planes are broadly consistent with the orientation of both the Lupa and Ufipa faults, which bound the Rukwa rift to the northeast and southwest, respectively. The rupture radius of the main shock, assuming a circular fault, is estimated to be 4 km with a corresponding stress drop of 6.5 MPa. Published estimates of crustal thickness beneath the Rukwa rift indicate that the foci of the main shock and aftershocks lie at least 10 km above the Moho. The presence of lower-crustal seismicity beneath the Rukwa rift suggests that the pre-rift thermal structure of the rifted crust has not been strongly modified by the rifting, at least to depths of 25 km.  相似文献   

The Hikurangi Trough, off eastern New Zealand, is at the southern end of the Tonga–Kermadec–Hikurangi subduction system, which merges into a zone of intracontinental transform. The trough is mainly a turbidite-filled structural trench but includes an oblique-collision, foredeep basin. Its northern end has a sharp boundary with the deep, sediment-starved, Kermadec Trench. Swath-mapping, sampling and seismic surveys show modern sediment input is mainly via Kaikoura Canyon, which intercepts littoral drift at the southern, intracontinental apex of the trough, with minor input from seep gullies. Glacial age input was via many canyons and about an order of magnitude greater. Beyond a narrow, gravelly, intracontinental foredeep, the southern trench-basin is characterized by a channel meandering around the seaward edge of mainly Plio-Pleistocene, overbank deposits that reach 5 km in thickness. The aggrading channel has sandy turbidites, but low-backscatter, and long-wavelength bedforms indicating thick flows. Levées on both sides are capped by tangentially aligned mudwaves on the outsides of bends, indicating centrifugal overflow from heads of dense, fast-moving, autosuspension flows. The higher, left-bank levée also has levée-parallel mudwaves, indicating Coriolis and/or boundary currents effects on dilute flows or tail plumes. In the northern trough, basin-fill is generally less than 2 km thick and includes widespread overbank turbidites, a massive, blocky, avalanche deposit and an extensive, buried, debris flow deposit. A line of low seamounts on the subducting plate acts as a dam preventing modern turbidity currents from reaching the Kermadec Trench. Major margin collapse probably occurred in the wake of a large subducting seamount; this seamount and its wake debris flow probably dammed the trench from 2 Ma to 0.5 Ma. Before this, similar dams may have re-routed turbidity currents across the plateau.  相似文献   

By inversion analysis of the baseline changes and horizontal displacements observed with GPS (Global Positioning System) during 1990–1994, a high-angle reverse fault was detected in the Shikoku-Kinki region, southwest Japan. The active blind fault is characterized by reverse dip-slip (0.7±0.2  m yr−1 within a layer 17–26  km deep) with a length of 208±5  km, a (down-dip) width of 9±2  km, a dip-angle of 51°±2° and a strike direction of 40°±2° (NE). Evidence from the geological investigation of subfaults close to the southwestern portion of the fault, two historical earthquakes ( M L=7.0, 1789 and 6.4, 1955) near the centre of the fault, and an additional inversion analysis of the baseline changes recorded by the nationwide permanent GPS array from 18 January to 31 December 1995 partially demonstrates the existence of the fault, and suggests that it might be a reactivation of a pre-existing fault in this region. The fact that hardly any earthquakes ( M L>2.0) occurred at depth on the inferred fault plane suggests that the fault activity was largely aseismic. Based on the parameters of the blind fault estimated in this study, we evaluated stress changes in this region. It is found that shear stress concentrated and increased by up to 2.1 bar yr−1 at a depth of about 20  km around the epicentral area of the 1995 January 17  Kobe earthquake ( M L=7.2, Japan), and that the earthquake hypocentre received a Coulomb failure stress of about 5.6 bar yr−1 during 1990–1994. The results suggest that the 1995  Kobe earthquake could have been induced or triggered by aseismic fault movement.  相似文献   

Detailed interpretation of marine seismic data shows the presence of an extending, active, dextral strike-slip fault zone at the south edge of the Mount Athos Peninsula. The zone is over 100 km long and has both transtensional and transpressive features observable on the seismic lines. We suggest that dextral strike-slip displacement along the zone is on the order of 5–7 km. The structure and fault patterns of Recent deformation in the Central North Aegean Trough is typical of strike-slip tectonism.  相似文献   

Summary. A detailed analysis of short-period shear waves using an array of three component seismometers near Tennant Creek in the centre of northern Australia has found only isolated samples of the phase Sp which, for a mode conversion at the crust/mantle boundary precedes the S arrival by about 6 s. Two strong phases commonly observed in the S wavetrain in the distance range 30–40° with a time separation of between 6 and 8 s have been determined to be the phases S and SP respectively. Contrary to the Jeffreys-Bullen seismological tables, SP is first generated at a minimum distance not of 40°, but rather in the vicinity of 20°.  相似文献   

The Chinook Trough is a trans-Pacific megatrend. By using heretofore unpublished bathymetry and geophysical data, the trend of the Chinook Trough megatrend has been determined from the Juan de Fuca Ridge in the Gulf of Alaska to the Izu-Bonin trench. The feature passes through the Emperor Fracture Zone, intersects the Krusenstern Fracture Zone at the Hess Rise, passes through the Emperor Seamounts, intersects the Mamua Fracture Zone and several unnamed NNW–SSE-trending fractures at the Shatskiy Rise. After an undetermined passage through Nadeshda Basin, it intersects another NNW–SSE-trending fracture zone, Kashima Fracture Zone, at Nelson Guyot, and ends as Uyeda Ridge. Instead of being a trough, the feature is a fracture zone, herein called a megatrend. The feature is colinear to the Mendocino and Clipperton Fracture Zones.  相似文献   

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