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PCBs, DDT compounds and HCH isomers were detected in the air and surface waters of the North Pacific and Indian Oceans, including the Bering Sea, East China Sea, South China Sea, Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea. The general concentrations of each chlorinated hydrocarbon were as follows: water PCBs 0.1 to 1.0, DDT 0.01 to 1.0, HCH 1.0 to 10 ngl –1; air DDT 0.01 to 1.0, HCH 0.1 to 10 ng m–3. PCB concentrations in surface waters were slightly lower than those of the North Atlantic and North Sea previously reported, while DDT concentrations in the air and water were higher. Remarkably high concentrations of DDT and HCH were found in the air off the western coast of India. Also in the Pacific site off Central America, a fairly high concentration of DDT was observed in an air sample. These data suggest that large amounts of DDT and HCH are being used in the tropical zone, especially in southern Asia. Furthermore, high concentrations were observed both in the air and water of the Northwest Pacific between 30°N and 40°N latitude. There is a possibility that both pesticides are not only still being used in lower latitude countries but also in the mid-latitude ones of the Asian continent excluding Japan. In addition to this atmospheric circulation may also contribute to the concentration of these pesticides in the mid-latitudinal zone.  相似文献   

Pelagic organisms from the central and eastern basins of the Mediterranean Sea were surveyed for chlorinated hydrocarbon residues. Levels in selected macrozooplankton and nekton, as well as mixed microplankton, were compared with those in similar species from other oceanic areas. Although data are sparse, PCBs in macrozooplankton and nekton do not appear to differ significantly from concentrations in similar species measured elsewhere. In the case of mixed microplankton, there was a trend towards slightly lower values in the Mediterranean samples. Differences between our results and those reported previously for other oceanic regions are discussed.  相似文献   

During May 1980, particulate matter was collected at an anchor station from different depths by two methods. In the separated hydrocarbon fraction the most abundant component was the highly unsaturated hydrocarbon n-heneicosahexaene (HEH). Also present was a series of mono- and di-unsaturated olefinic hydrocarbons with an uneven number of carbon atoms, starting with n-C17. The alkane pattern was characterized by a maximum in the range between n-pentadecane and n-heptadecane, with a strong uneven to even carbon number predominance. The peculiar composition of the aliphatic hydrocarbons was compared with literature data given for aliphatic hydrocarbons, whether produced by different marine organisms or derived from crude oil of other anthropogenic sources. A suggestion is made for using a set of conditions as indicators for pollution by fossil hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

《Progress in Oceanography》2007,72(2-3):195-213
The broadcast spawner, Centropages typicus, is a very successful copepod species in many coastal areas of the Mediterranean Sea and North Atlantic Ocean. This review assembles the large amount of information on the reproduction and early life history of C. typicus that has emerged since the 1970s and has made this species one of the best-studied copepods, similar in that regard to species of Acartia and Calanus. Observations on mating behavior and the female gametogenic and oogenic cycles are presented, together with information on seasonal cycles of egg production rates in Mediterranean and Atlantic populations from various regions. These studies indicate a strong latitudinal gradient, with continuous reproduction and the main spawning season occurring earlier (late winter/spring) in warmer waters such as the Mediterranean Sea, compared to northern areas such as the North Sea and in the Kattegat, where C. typicus actively reproduces mainly in late summer and fall with reproduction ceasing altogether in winter in the German Bight. These observations strongly suggest that temperature is the controlling factor for reproductive activity in this species. Egg development times are also temperature dependent but do not vary with latitude, and there is as yet no conclusive evidence that diapause egg production occurs in C. typicus. Laboratory experiments have shown that food quantity and quality both affect fecundity and offspring fitness, but most of these studies have focused on diatom and dinoflagellate diets and non-algal prey have been strongly underrepresented, despite their importance for this omnivorous copepod. Large fluctuations in hatching success and naupliar survival have been reported in field surveys and have subsequently been related to maternal feeding history and food quality or toxicity in laboratory experiments. We identify future lines of research that will help to explain the interannual variability in breeding intensity and recruitment of C. typicus in the field based on better understanding of the species’ reproductive biology.  相似文献   

A method is described for analyzing nanogram quantities of chlorinated hydrocarbons from 1-1 samples of seawater. Seawater samples are pumped through a copper column containing a mixture by weight of 5% activated carbon powder, 10% MgO and 85% refined diatomaceous earth. The chlorinated hydrocarbons in the seawater are adsorbed or trapped on the column and subsequently eluted with 30% benzene in acetone (v/v) for analysis by gas-liquid chromatography.This procedure was used to analyze chlorinated hydrocarbon levels in samples collected off the southern California coast. We suggest that anthropogenic chlorinated hydrocarbons can be used for the investigation of large-scale ocean currents and mixing processes.  相似文献   

Studies on the biogeochemical cycling of organic contaminants in the Mediterranean have demonstrated the importance of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) as relatively stable markers of recent anthropogenic influence in ocean systems. This paper presents results of hydrocarbon analyses of deep water profiles, sediments and their associated surface flocculent layers, and zooplankton samples collected in the western basin. Seawater concentrations were higher than those previously reported for the eastern basin and were consistent with the presence of industrial sources in the northwestern segment. In the water column, the percent of PCBs associated with filterable particles was related to the ambient concentrations of total suspended matter, distance from coastal input sources and on depth. The occurrence of deep water residues primarily in the dissolved phase and observations of subsurface maxima in seawater concentrations during a season of high surface productivity were consistent with the predictions of vertical transport models based on residues associated with sinking particles and equilibrium partitioning. Flocculent layers at the sea/sediment interface contained two and three orders of magnitude, respectively, more PCBs and petroleum hydrocarbons (PHCs) than their associated surface sediments. The flocculent particles also contained several biogenic hydrocarbons presumably originating from plankton and relatively soluble and labile contaminants such as hexachlorohexane isomers (HCH) and hexachlorobenzene (HCB), thus confirming that the majority of the flux of hydrocarbons to sediments is carried on rapidly settling large particles. By combining the sediment and flocculents data with published sedimentation rates for the deep basins of the Mediterranean, a yearly flux rate of PCBs to the open sea sediments was estimated as 13 μg m−2 yr−1 or less than half of the rate measured in a coastal sediment trap experiment. Analytical results are placed in the context of other distribution data for PCBs and long-term flux studies to construct a partial mass balance budget for this semi-enclosed sea. The computed coastal inventory showed that about 35% remains suspended in the water column while the majority of residues are deposited in coastal sediments. However in the open sea, the deep water column may contain up to 70% of the total inventory and may be a continually increasing reservoir of stable organic contaminants reaching the ocean. The budget shows that priority for improved research and monitoring efforts in ocean systems should be given to continued advancement in techniques for the precise measurement of deep water concentrations and for measuring current atmospheric inputs and sedimentation rates in order to develop more accurate ocean flux models.  相似文献   

In order to characterize our study area and to provide reference values to be used in the future to measure the changes produced by an increase in contamination, the concentrations of chlorinated hydrocarbons have been investigated in fifty-one samples of seawater, taken at four different depths: air-sea interface, surface, one metre and bottom waters, and in twenty-three samples of surface sediments from Blanca Bay, Argentina. Of eleven organochlorine compounds we were looking for (α BHC, lindane, heptachlor, δ BHC. aldrin, heptachlor epoxide, dieldrin, o-p′DDD, p-p′DDD, o-p′DDT and p-p′DDT), seven could be detected in seawater and three in surface sediments with the following mean concentrations: α-BHC=48·2 ng l?1; lindane=54·2 ng l?1; heptachlor=45·0 ng l?1; δ BHC=12·5 ng l?1; aldrin=61·8 ng l?1 and ΣDDT=67·0 ng l?1; and δ BHC=3·2 ng g?1; lindane=4·2 ng g?1 and heptachlor=1·0 ng g?1 for seawater, regarding the surface waters, and sediment samples, respectively.Concentration factors among the different water layers were also studied to see if there was any correlation between chlorinated hydrocarbon contents and the water depths from which the samples were taken. As a mean value, the air-sea interface water contains 18 times more of these compounds than that of the water near the bottom. A comparison of the values corresponding to seawater and surface sediments from our study area with those levels measured in samples from other geographic locations is also presented.With the purpose to detect a relationship between chlorinated hydrocarbon concentrations and the contents of particulate matter (PM) on the one hand, and particulate organic material (POM) on the other hand, four groups of samples containing different amounts of PM and POM, respectively were formed. From a comparison of the results obtained, lindane, heptachlor and δ BHC showed a tendency to lower concentrations in those samples containing little PM whereas α BHC and aldrin remained without important changes. No significant correlation was found between organochlorine levels and contents of POM.  相似文献   

Elucidation of important nursery habitats for young fish can aid in the management and assessment of fish stocks. Herring (Clupea harengus) in the Baltic Sea primarily spawn in coastal areas, but larvae are also present in off-shore, open sea areas. To investigate if sheltered coastal habitats provide a better growth environment for larval herring, we compared short-term growth (as indexed by whole body RNA:DNA ratios) of larval herring from three habitat types of the northwest Baltic proper (sheltered inner bay, exposed outer bay, and open sea). In addition, we compared individual RNA content of adult female Eurytemora affinis (a common Baltic copepod) among these different habitats. High RNA levels in these copepods indicate high production of nauplii, which are important food for larval herring. Both RNA:DNA ratios of larval herring and RNA content of E. affinis were significantly greater in embayment habitats, suggesting that the sheltered coastal areas are high quality nursery habitats for young Baltic herring.  相似文献   

Taxonomic composition and productivity of winter and spring phytoplankton in a eutrophic estuary have been investigated in order to elucidate the carbon flux under conditions of limitation by physical factors – light and temperature. In spite of the important differences in nutrients, solar radiation and water temperature between winter and spring season, mean concentrations of particulate organic carbon were equal to 13.2 and 13.0 mgC l−1, respectively. Chlorophyll a averaged at 79 μgChl l−1 in winter, that is 69% of spring. Although community respiration accounted for only 6–26% of light saturated photosynthesis, integrated net primary production of the 1.2 m deep water column was negative until April. High attenuation of the water body (Ko = 2.9 m−1) lead to a negative carbon balance (net heterotrophy) below 35 cm for all sampling dates. Thus, the high winter POC and phytoplankton values can only originate from summer or autumn primary production. This assumption was supported by a carbon loss rate of just 3% of total organic carbon per day for the whole water column. The composition of phytoplankton was very constant through both seasons: 39% Chlorophyceae, 33% Cyanobacteria and 25% Bacillariophyceae. As expected, phytoplankton was low light acclimated, having high α values (slope of light limited photosynthesis), but moderate maximum photosynthesis rates at saturating irradiances, which were heavily affected by temperature. Calculation of net carbon flux yet showed net heterotrophy of the Bodden waters in winter and early spring were caused by external physical limitation (low surface irradiance and low temperature) in combination with a high light attenuation of the water body.  相似文献   

The relative distribution of the total non-aromatic (saturated and olefinic) hydrocarbons and of the total saturated hydrocarbons, was determined for the central Baltic in September, 1971. Only l litre of sample was required. The hydrocarbons were removed with liquid-liquid extraction, purified with liquid chromatography, and then determined by means of a micro-adsorption detector. Since hydrocarbons in nature are a very complicated mixture, it was impossible to determine their absolute concentration. The results therefore give the concentrations in respect to a standard, consisting of water extracted from the Kiel Bight.Even with this limitation one can see from the data that the hydrocarbons at that time of year originated largely in situ at the sediment-water interface, presumably synthesized by anaerobic bacteria. Low hydrocarbon values appeared in regions that would favor the presence of aerobic bacteria. A large amount of hydrocarbons was released by what was presumably a small plankton bloom, but there is reason to believe that they were relatively labile. The net result is that the dissolved hydrocarbons that enter into the sediment have most likely been produced at the sediment-water interface.  相似文献   

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