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海岸带自然资源价值评估的研究现状与趋势   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
海岸带生态系统服务和资源价值评估是海岸带国民经济核算体系的基础,是实现海岸带资源优化配置和海岸带综合管理的重要环节。本文从资源价值观、评估方法和应用研究等方面,评述了国内外近20年来对海岸带生态系统服务和资源价值评估研究现状,分析了目前研究存在的难点和不足以及主要研究趋向。指出海岸带生态系统服务和资源价值的发生机理研究、区域异质性研究、建立和完善价值估算的数据库体系、建立为海岸带综合管理服务的生态-经济-环境综合核算体系是今后相关研究中亟待解决的重点问题。  相似文献   

周鲁闽  卢昌义 《台湾海峡》2006,25(3):452-458
本文阐述了东亚海区海岸带综合管理实践如何从地方性的示范发展到区域性的合作管理框架,如何实现海洋和海岸带资源的可持续利用.文中着重突出了厦门市政府在维持环境保护和经济发展的平衡,启动和实施海岸带综合管理,以及与沿海国在国际合作方面的经验,总结了厦门实施海岸带综合管理的主要经验,包括多部门间综合协调机制、海岸带综合管理法律框架、科技支撑体系的建立,海洋功能区划、环境剖面和战略环境管理计划的制定,以及实现海上联合执法等等.同时阐述了东亚海域环境管理区域合作计划(PEMSEA)与澳大利亚合作伙伴之间的关系在推动沿海城市的国际合作中将起到的作用.  相似文献   

论厦门市海岸带综合管理   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
杨圣云  周秋麟 《台湾海峡》1997,16(4):490-497
本文在分析厦门市海洋管理现状和存在问题的基础上,提出了厦门海岸带综合管理的指导思想;并在海岸带综合管理体制,协调机制,立法与执法,海洋资产资产化管理,海洋资源与海洋环境监测监督与评价,海洋管理信息系统,财政支持机制,公众海洋意识教育和参与海洋管理等方面提出了海岸带综合管理对策。  相似文献   

试论海岸带综合管理规划   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
张灵杰 《海洋通报》2001,20(2):58-65
海岸带给合管理规划是一个有关资源,经济活动和社会需求,包括划定的海岸带存在的问题和机遇,提供未来行动建议的广泛研究过程,协调和指导部门之间和部门内在资源开发管理上达到共同目标的工具,是海岸带管理行动的总体部署,本文在阐述海岸带综合管理规划的涵义,目的,任务和性质的基础上,构筑了规划研究的基本框架:(1)管理区域与管理现状分析;(2)海岸带系统评价;(3)海岸带利用预测;(4)管理战略研究;(5)海岸带利用分区;(6)重点利用项目环境影响与管理;(7)宏观运行体系,并对当前体制下规划存在的若干特性作了分析,提出了海岸带综合管理规划的目标和原则,探讨了海岸带综合管理规划与国土规划,城市规划,土地利用规划,海域使用规划等的相关关系,研究认为目前在海岸带综合管理规划中存在3个关键的技术问题,(1)管理的边界范围及其特征;(2)海岸带综合管理规划的系统动态研究,(3)海岸带资源和适宜性评估。 海  相似文献   

海岸带综合管理作为沿海区域实现可持续发展目标的重要途径,对沿海地区科学有效地利用海岸带资源具有重要意义。本文从国家、省、市三个层面分析了我国当前海岸带综合管理制度现状和实践状况,提出了在海岸带综合管理立法缺失、权属不清、海陆统筹不能兼顾、海岸带规划与评价不足、管理技术亟待升级、海岸带基础数据尚不完备等制度方面存在的问题;基于国内外对海岸带综合管理的经验和实践,从加快海岸带立法、完善海岸带规划、协调综合管理、兼顾陆海统筹、提升管理技术、加强管理效果评价以及夯实基础信息等方面提出海岸带综合管理制度进一步完善的措施和建议,为进一步提升我国海岸带综合管理工作提供参考。  相似文献   

为促进我国海岸带的可持续发展,助力海洋强国和海洋生态文明建设,文章综合运用奎德模型和琼斯模型,从问题进入政府、政府内部行动、政府处理问题和项目回到政府4个环节,比较分析阿尔及利亚和厄瓜多尔海岸带综合管理政策的制定、执行和效果,并提出可供我国借鉴的经验。研究结果表明:对于阿尔及利亚和厄瓜多尔海岸带综合管理政策的对比分析主要包括海岸带面临的问题、政策目标、法律法规和项目规划制定、执行机构建立、人力资源培育、经济资源投入以及政策效果和问题;阿尔及利亚和厄瓜多尔在人文环境和自然环境方面与我国有相似之处,其海岸带综合管理经验对我国具有参考价值,主要包括提高海岸带综合管理的公众参与度和公众海洋生态环境保护意识、注重政策项目评估、保证项目资金供给充足、合理划分政府部门的权责范围以及协调海岸带经济社会发展与生态环境保护的关系。  相似文献   

厦门海岸带资源与管理战略   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
张聪义 《台湾海峡》1998,17(2):228-234
本文分析了厦门海岸带资源现状和管理中存在的问题。厦门海岸带管理素来以行为的基础,实施行业管理。这种管理机制已经难以解决海岸带过度开发、环境恶化、资源开发利用与保护之间的矛盾等日益严重的问题。新型的海岸带资源管理是一种较为全面的管理方法,致力于建立综合管理体制,其中考虑到各行业部门对海岸带及其资源可能造成影响的各种活动,同时综合考虑社会、经济、环境和生态等问题,从而平衡和优化经济发展、公共利用和环境  相似文献   

基于管治理念的区域海岸带综合管理模式探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海岸带综合管理(Integrated Coastal Zone Management,即ICZM)是一种能够协调多方利益冲突,并以实现海岸带资源配置最优化和公共利益最大化为目标的管理方法。以区域海岸带综合管理模式为研究对象,在分析地方海岸带综合管理存在问题的基础上,通过对西方管治理念的引介,构建了一个强调协调和融合的区域海岸带综合管理新模式,并对该模式的组织构成、管理计划的制定、冲突的解决、计划的实施和反馈以及管理模式有效运作的保障机制作了系统的阐述,以期推动海岸带地区的可持续发展。  相似文献   

海岸带综合管理的若干问题   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
陈国强  王颖 《海洋通报》2003,22(3):39-44
根据海岸带综合管理实践经验,阐述和讨论了当前海岸带综合管理存在的地位、法律、科学、人才等主要问题,并提出了强化综合管理意识、构筑法律框架、统一定义与标难和加强培训等策略,为加快实施海岸带综合管理提供参考和建议。  相似文献   

海岸带以优越的自然环境条件和丰富的海陆资源支撑着沿海地区经济社会发展。全面优化海岸带开发保护空间格局,对提高惠州市海洋经济综合竞争力、促进区域协调发展具有重大意义。本文从研究惠州市海岸带发展存在的海岸带管理部门协调不够、部分近岸海域开发秩序混乱、海岸带生态环境退化等问题出发,提出了海岸带优化开发的主要思路,并从进一步发挥规划引导作用、加快产业调整和自主创新、注重统筹形成合力、坚持生态优先等方面提出具体对策。  相似文献   

《Ocean & Coastal Management》2006,49(9-10):685-695
The Integrated Coastal Management (ICM) project in Xiamen, which started in the mid-1990s, is considered a successful example of ICM implementation. Now on its second cycle, the project has achieved significant results and received positive feedback from various international organizations.ICM, in general, has proven to be a workable environmental management scheme, and it has been replicated elsewhere in China and in other countries. However, it should be noted that ICM programs need to employ strategies aimed at strengthening human resources and institutional capacities. This paper discusses the establishment of the International Training Center for Coastal Sustainable Development and its role in disseminating the experiences and expertise of the Xiamen ICM site, the advancement of public education on ICM with the implementation of the Community-Based Conservation Management Cooperative Program of the Canadian International Development Agency; and the expansion of professional education in ICM through a Joint Masters Program in Environmental Management with the University of San Francisco. These three programs have been highly successful in developing ICM capacities at different levels (i.e. awareness of policymakers, public awareness and professional education), and they contribute to the formulation, design and implementation of successful ICM initiatives. As such, the formulation and implementation of partnerships in education programs are deemed crucial for Xiamen's success and in its role as one of the training bases for ICM in East Asia.  相似文献   

周鲁闽  卢昌义 《台湾海峡》2006,25(2):302-308
海岸带综合管理被广泛认为是实现海岸带社会经济与生态环境可持续发展的重要途径之一.本文运用海岸带综合管理(ICM)的相关理论,结合厦门海岸带管理面临的实际问题, 在对厦门第一轮ICM执行情况进行充分回顾、评估的基础上,对厦门第二轮ICM面临的主要问题、涉及的优先领域及主要目标进行了分析研究;并在此基础上形成了厦门第二轮海岸带综合管理的战略行动计划.  相似文献   

We develop a systematic approach for the measurement of overall socioeconomic benefits associated with an integrated coastal management (ICM) program. The analytical framework includes multiple marine industry sectors (e.g., ocean shipping and commercial fisheries) as well as environmental sectors (e.g., coastal erosion). The net benefit measure captures both economic and environmental effects. We apply our analytical model to Xiamen, China, using empirical data from 1992 to 2001. Results of the case study show that the implementation of ICM program in Xiamen has led to a significant increase (over 40%) in annual socioeconomic benefit from its marine sectors. Thus, the Xiamen ICM program has been effective in achieving sustainable development.  相似文献   

Integrated coastal management (ICM) is a management process used by stakeholders in decision making to determine how coastal areas will be used and what activities can take place in them. While many ICM Programs are national government initiatives, some ICM Programs are ‘decentralized’, managed by community groups or local governments. This paper describes the Atlantic Coastal Action Program (ACAP), an ICM Program in Atlantic Canada, and the Xiamen ICM Program, in Xiamen, China, and discusses their major differences. The most important difference between the two ICM Programs is that ACAP is a community-based program that uses a multi-stakeholder approach and consensus decision making, while the Xiamen ICM Program is managed by a coordinating office within a local government. After comparing the two programs, some general lessons learned about decentralized ICM from these case studies are noted. It is concluded that the appropriate use of either model for ICM depends on the cultural, economic and political environment of the program. However, stakeholder involvement, scientific consultation and the use of a detailed management plan are important components of any decentralized ICM program.  相似文献   

论厦门海洋经济的持续发展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文回顾了厦门海洋经济发展的历史,评述厦门海洋经济发展的现状和趋势,认为厦门已经形成了沿海城市经济、已经具有相当完备的海洋经济体系,但传统产业依然占据较大的比重,新兴产业还处于起步阶段,未来产业基本空白,城市经济的发展与海洋资源的利用结合不够紧密。海洋资源的开发利用尚为粗放式,科技进步的贡献率在海洋增长中不够大。海洋经济未走上开发和保护相结合的可持续发展道路。在发展重点海洋产业中,必须树立“科技兴  相似文献   

This paper seeks to address the missing dimension of the place of Maritime communities in Canadian Integrated Coastal Management (ICM). This work is part of a larger network of projects on ICM through the participatory Coastal Community University Research Alliance. The implementation of ICM with full community involvement is a challenge, for example: communities are not unified or homogenous units, power varies among stakeholders, and silo constructs and turf wars discourage involvement of the wider public. In 2007, a survey of nine community-based organizations and associations and a First Nation community, located within the Annapolis Basin and surrounding areas of the Nova Scotia side of the Bay of Fundy was conducted. The purpose of the survey was to better understand how the concept of ICM is conceptualized and acted upon by local communities and to draw upon this to enrich ICM theory.Approximately 30 projects representing community-based ICM initiatives over the last 10 years were identified, including: capacity building, habitat and stock enhancement/ management programs and responses to new policies or legislative interventions. Several enabling and constraining factors for community involvement in ICM were identified. One key finding is a major difference between community and government approaches. Government ICM initiatives have captured some aspects of the environmental and economic management issues, but have generally failed to consider cultural and social components. They have also failed to take into account the interconnections within and between human and ecological systems. Community members report that government is more interested in forming partnerships with the corporate sector than with the people who rely on local resources. From the community perspective, dealing with the resulting power imbalances must involve revisiting the “core values” that underpin regulation and resource exploitation.This study demonstrates that communities are usually the “first responders"” for many ecological problems, and there is a willingness to take responsibility for the management of resources. ICM is already embedded in on-going community projects, networks and forums. These initiatives promote the principles identified in Canada's Oceans Act and Oceans Strategy, but the relevant government agencies have provided little support to them. ICM has the potential to bring together many issues that can be addressed by the multi-stakeholder process, but this needs to be facilitated by on-going government collaborations, contributions and recognition.  相似文献   

Management of the Belize Barrier Reef was originally envisioned through the creation of marine protected areas. However, the influence of land-based activities was not accounted for in Marine Protected Area (MPA) programs. Therefore focus was shifted to an integrated approach via Integrated Coastal Management (ICM). The Belize ICM process has evolved into a system of coordination through the fostering of multi-sectoral linkages for integrated management of coastal resources. Marine protected areas were included in the ICM program as tools for achieving biodiversity protection and management of sensitive habitats. The ICM process has resulted in greater coordination and consultation in decision making for coastal resource issues, the MPA program however has not evolved with the trend of greater community involvement in MPA management. The greatest challenges to MPA and ICM programs in the next 10 years are: improved linkages between the two, fostering of community participation in management, broadening of the scope of ICM to watersheds and ocean governance, and sustainable financing for both programs.  相似文献   

《Ocean & Coastal Management》2003,46(3-4):347-361
The fundamental purpose of all integrated coastal management (ICM) initiatives is to maintain, restore or improve specified qualities of coastal ecosystems and their associated human societies. A defining feature of ICM is that it addresses needs for both development and conservation in geographically specific places—be they a single community, an estuary or the coast of an entire nation. The times required to achieve these fundamental goals at significant spatial scales far exceed those of the usual 4–6-year project, the dominant ICM modality in developing nations. This paper offers two simple, but elastic frameworks for assessing progress over the extended time periods involved. The first is the four Orders of Outcomes that group together the sequences of institutional, behavioral and social/environmental changes that can lead to more sustainable forms of coastal development. The second framework is a version of the more familiar ICM policy cycle. These conceptually simple frameworks are making it possible to unbundle and organize into consistent formats the usually implicit assumptions that underpin project and program designs and then group activities and outcomes along a critical path that leads—or is presumed to lead—to the desired outcomes. Each step in the ICM policy cycle and each Order of Outcomes suggest the indicators by which progress and learning can be assessed. The application of these frameworks to a diversity of ICM initiatives is proving useful in assessing progress across portfolios of ICM initiatives, extracting good practices and teasing out how different governance contexts effect the forces that shape the evolution of ICM initiatives.  相似文献   

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