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预算管理作为高校财务管理的一部分 ,是实施高校发展战略目标的重要手段。确立全新的预算管理理念 ,构建科学的预算管理体系 ,不仅有助于强化高校内部控制 ,提高办学效益 ,而且有利于高校办学目标的实现。从分析预算管理在高校内部管理的作用出发 ,提出了构建高校预算管理体系应有的理念和思路 ,为高校预算管理的实施提供了一定的参考  相似文献   

随着地勘单位生产经营规模的扩大,对劳动力的需求也日益增多,但在事业编制限定下,现有编制内职工人数已然不能适应地勘工作量的增加。为了应对市场变化,许多地勘单位逐步探索多种用工模式化解劳动力紧缺的现状,主要包括:劳务派遣用工、外协队伍合作、聘用临时工、返聘退休职工、借调等多种用工形式。本文通过对劳务派遣用工的分析,结合用工实际,分析劳务派遣用工在地勘单位的前景与适用性,从而实现管理效益最大化。  相似文献   

2月12日,乐清市柳市镇政府在该市国土资源部门的指导下,率先成立了第一支乡镇土地协管员队伍。该镇土地协管员队伍共有10人组成,由柳市镇政府公开向社会热心国土事业的社会青年进行聘用,聘用对象主要为应届大中专毕业生、退伍军人,无不良记录,作风正派。聘用通过笔试、面试、组织讨论、集体决定的方式进行。聘用后,由乡镇政府与个人签订劳动用工合同,并实差额聘任和一年试用期制,工资实行全年制,由镇政府全额予以解决。在正式上岗前,该镇还邀请了市国土资源部门领导就土地法律法规、政策知识进行了专题培训,  相似文献   

高校预算管理体系构建的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
预算管理作为高校财务管理的一部位,是实施高校发展战略目标的重要手段,确立全新的预算管理理念,构建科学的预算管理体系,不仅有助于强化高校内部控制,提高办学效益,而且有利于高校办学目标的实现,从分析预算管理在高校内部管理的作用出发,提出了构建高校预算管理体系应有的理念和思路,为高校预算管理的实施提供了一定的参考。  相似文献   

财政性教育经费投入的有限性决定了负债筹资是高校规模扩张不可缺少的途径。在分析高校的法律地位和现实条件的基础上,提出了高校在负债筹资方式中应考虑投资项目、负债规模、筹资期限、筹资机会和隐性负债等因素;坚持低成本、易于取得和净增效益的原则,并对高校在财政贴息、银行贷款、教育债券发行、租赁、自然性融资等方面的负债筹资方式进行可行性分析。  相似文献   

在分析高校基本建设项目关键环节进行审计监督的必要性基础上,以海洋大学为例,探讨了高校审计部门必须科学切入文件、中标合同、工程预算、设计变更、工程签证、工程材料和工程结算等关键环节,实施基建项目"全过程跟踪审计",以促成"质量、速度、效益"三项目标的实现,  相似文献   

近日,厅驻森工国土资源局松花江分局组织13名新考入局里的公务员,进行国土资源律法规业务知识考试,并将考试成绩作为新进公务员和聘用工作人员的年终考核依据。  相似文献   

财政性教育经费投入的有限性决定了负债筹资是高校规模扩张不可缺少的途径。在分析高校的法律地位和现实条件的基础上,提出了高校在负债筹资方式中应考虑投资项目、负债规模、筹资期限、筹资机会和隐性负债等因素;坚持低成本、易于取得和净增效益的原则,并对高校在财政贴息、银行贷款、教育债券发行、租赁、自然性融资等方面的负债筹资方式进行可行性分析。  相似文献   

分析了由于制度缺失,高校自行采购缺乏合法性、规范性,而对采购质量和效率的影响,提出了有效规范高校自行采购活动的策略:规范采购制度的设计原则、内容和对特殊情况的规定,以达到规范采购行为、提高采购效益的目的;通过采取内部审核、预防和纠正措施、对文件和记录加以有效控制以及对制度持续改进等措施保证自行采购制度得到有效执行。  相似文献   

重庆市开县国土资源局严格规范村级协管员目标考核,每年年终对聘用的村级协管员组织一次考核,对表现突出的协管员予以续聘,并进行表彰和奖励;对不能胜任工作、不正确履行职责的协管员予以解聘。  相似文献   

全球化语境对中国外语教学带来了新的挑战和压力,外语教学中存在着"母语文化"教育失衡的现象。分析了"母语文化"教育失衡的原因及重视"母语文化"导入的意义,并在教学大纲制定、教材编写、教学方法、第二课堂、教师自身文化素质等方面,对如何导入"母语文化"教学,实现"母语文化"与"目的语文化"的融合提出了建议。  相似文献   

成语教学是对外汉语教学中不可忽视的重要内容,同时也是学习难点.通过对具有汉字背景的中级留学生四字格成语偏误的考察,从成语形式、意义、语法及搭配四个方面对成语偏误进行了分析,希望对汉语成语教学和二语学习者的学习有所裨益  相似文献   

随着科技的不断进步,跨文化交际日益频繁,如何在外语教学中培养学习者的跨文化意识已成为外语教育者研究的新课题。试从文化的核心———价值观入手,以文化语言融合教学观为理论基础,提出价值观与语言相融合的文化教学新模式,以期培养学习者的跨文化意识。  相似文献   

This paper meant to analyze the spatial evolution of a large country in its process of integration with the world economy in general, and, to look into the possible effect of China‘s accession into WTO on the future development of its spatial economy in particular. Through an approach of increasing returns, external economy, product differentiation and path-dependence, with foreign trade costs incurred by different regions within the large country discriminated, a model of investment and employment flow is developed as a simulation of a large country‘s process of integration with the world economy. The modeling indicates that in the process of integration, as there exist differences in foreign trade costs among different regions within the large country, either the spatial economy of the country deviates from its symmetric structure in autarky and falls into a core-periphery relationship, or the effect of industrial agglomeration is reinforced, amplified and locked in, if the agglomeration had been started. The economic gap on either the aggregate or structural basis between different regions within the large country will increase rapidly as the integration proceeds.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the evolution and characteristics of the export labour service in China since the modern time especially since the reform of economic system in 1978. Historically the contract workers, central to the goal of making a living, were the main body of the international migration. And Guangdong and Fujian provinces were the main origin places of the migration but the destination of the migrants varied. Both pull and push forces for driving the migration were identified. Then analysis is turned to the characteristics of export labour service of China since the reform of economic system in 1978. 1) The export labour has increased rapidly despite a small quantity. 2) The export labour service is planned and organized. 3) The export workers are considered temporary migrants. 4) The dominant ways of export labour service are project contracts and pure labour export. And 5) the destinations of export labour are scattered over the world. Thirdly, the impact of the export labour service on the origin places and the emerging problems and contradictions were examined. In China, export labour service has alleviated the employment contradiction and gradually become one of sources of gaining foreign currency on the one hand, and China, through the service, has learnt the advanced technology and management experiences of other countries. However, some problems in the service such as small number, unsatisfactory quality of the export labour, and the weak link between the service and employment are emerging, which need to be solved. Finally, the prospects for China as a large country of export labour was discussed.  相似文献   


面对严峻的就业形势,高校应当加强大学生的择业观教育,引导大学生转变择业观念.在指出当代大学生中存在的功利主义、狭隘保守、消极被动等择业观误区后,分析了产生这些误区的个体主观因素以及社会转型和社会观念、高校教育和就业指导、家庭环境等客观因素,在此基础上提出了高校应坚持全程教育与集中教育相结合、择业观教育与思想政治教育相结合、理论教育与实践体验相结合、专职人员教育与兼职人员教育相结合等加强大学生择业观教育的建议  相似文献   

The focus of land economics is on how to decrease the misallocation of resources to achieve an optimal allocation of resources. Both the theories of new economics of labor migration(NELM) and the conclusions of empirical studies reveal that land resources will inevitably be reallocated(e.g., rented out) if the resources of family labor are reallocated(e.g., off-farm employment). However, this study reveals that off-farm employment does not inevitably lead to land rent out. More precisely, this study uses survey data on 8031 peasant households from 27 provinces in China and explores the relationship between off-farm employment and land rent out by describing spatial features and through empirical analysis(e.g., IV-Probit model and IV-Tobit model). The results show the following: 1) There is an indirect relationship between off-farm employment and land rent out regarding spatial area aggregation, i.e., regions with a higher ratio of off-farm employment also have a lower area of land rent out. 2) Off-farm employment is significantly positively correlated with the behavior of land rent out, but its square is significantly negatively correlated with the behavior, i.e., there is an inverted U-shaped relationship between off-farm employment and the behavior of land rent out, with the turning point being 55.55% offfarm employment. 3) Off-farm employment is significantly positively correlated with the area of land rent out, but its square is significantly negatively correlated with the area, i.e., there is an inverted Ushaped relationship between off-farm employment and the area of land rent out, with the turning point being 56.22% off-farm employment. This study helps explain why China has a high ratio of off-farm employment but a lower rate of land rent out.  相似文献   

立足当前经济环境,分析了毕业生就业面临的机遇和挑战,提出从优化人文素质、强化人格培养,调整培养机制、优化知识结构,强化创业教育、增强创新品质和加强职业规划、整合就业资源等方面提升毕业生就业核心竞争力。  相似文献   

Promoting women's employment is not only the need of social and economic development, but also the historical mission of liberating women. This paper uses data from the 1% Population Sample Survey, taken in Guangdong Province in 2015, to explore how women's marital status, education, and family environment affect the female non-agricultural employment rate(FNAER) on a county scale using a spatial-lag model. The results show that: 1) The female non-agricultural employment rate in counties of Guangdong Province is low, with more than three-quarters of counties having female non-agricultural employment rate less than 50%. Moreover, the spatial distribution of FNAER is uneven, with the high-value areas concentrated in the southeast and the low-value areas mainly distributed in the central and western parts of Guangdong Province. 2) From the perspective of industry, there are significant spatial differences among women. In the southeast, women are mainly engaged in the secondary industry, while in the central and western regions, women are mainly engaged in the tertiary industry. 3) Women having better skills and more effective support from the elderly can improve the FNAER. Women having lower skills, smaller-scale families, a higher fertility rate, and households with two or more elderly members have a negative effect on the FNAER. 4) Public policies suggest that improving women's education and their family environment, building social welfare facilities, and repairing the family environment will increase the FNAER.  相似文献   

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