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Sedimentological and benthic foraminifera analyses carried out on a core (length 4.15 m, collected at 22°56′31″S and 41°58′48″W, at a water depth of 43 m) sampled from the inner shelf of Cabo Frio, southeastern Brazilian continental margin, allowed identification of different hydrodynamic and productivity regimes related to sea-level fluctuations and/or climatic changes, during the last 9.4 ka cal BP. Prior to 7.0 ka cal BP, a less intense hydrodynamic and lower productivity regime occurred at lower sea levels and under drier climatic conditions. Between 7.0 and 5.0 ka cal BP, relatively stronger local oceanic circulation and relatively high productivity were observed, in a scenario of rising sea levels and more humid conditions. From 5.0 to 3.0 ka cal BP, bottom currents weakened and input of nutrients increased, with productivity levels similar to the previous phase at lower sea level and in a drier climate. From 3.0 ka cal BP up to the present, stronger hydrodynamic conditions and a higher productivity regime are linked to the establishment of the upwelling process in Cabo Frio. From 2.5 ka cal BP to the present, upwelling enhancement has been recognized, resulting from the combined action of NE winds and the intensification of the meandering pattern of the Brazil Current (BC).  相似文献   

The Mediterranean climate and its variability depend on global-scale climate patterns. Close correlations appear when comparing Holocene palaeoenvironmental data (lake levels, fluvial activity, Mediterranean surface temperature and salinity, marine sedimentation) with the main stages of the history of the circum-Mediterranean vegetation. They indicate an evolution of the Mediterranean biome controlled by the climate and emphasize the teleconnections between the climate of the Mediterranean area and the global climatic system. In the circum-Mediterranean area, the Holocene can be divided into three periods: a lower humid Holocene (11 500–7000 cal BP) interrupted by dry episodes; a transition phase (7000–5500 cal BP) during which occurred a decrease in insolation as well as the installation of the present atmosphere circulation in the northern hemisphere; and an upper Holocene (5500 cal BP—present) characterized by an aridification process. Throughout the Holocene, humans used and modified more or less strongly the environment but the climatic changes were the determining factors of the evolution of the Mediterranean biome. Societies had to adapt to natural environmental variations, their impact on the environment increasing the ecological consequences of the global changes.  相似文献   

Lago Roca-Lapataia valley (54°50′S, 68°34′W) is a paleofjord that was occupied by a valley-glacier system during the glacial maximum of the late Pleistocene (estimated ca. 18–20 ka BP). Deglaciation began before 10,080 ± 270 BP. The marine fauna in several marine terraces found in the area shows that early-middle Holocene climatic conditions were basically the same as at present. Species found are characteristic of cold and shallow waters, although minor temperature fluctuations cannot be ruled out for this period. A recent radiocarbon date of 7518 ± 58 BP on Chlamys patagonica (NZ # 7730) confirms that Lago Roca was transformed into a fjord ca. 7500–8000 BP. The sea reached its maximum level of 8–10 m a.s.l. around 6000 BP and at 4000–4500 BP was at least above 6 ± 1 m a.s.l. Later, when sea level fell, Lago Roca was occupied by fresh water and was no longer tidal. The relative land-sea positions during this period are a consequence of combined eustatic and neotectonic processes.  相似文献   

Core SA03-1 from the southern Adriatic Sea (EC-Eurostrataform project) provides new information about climate changes and palaeocirculation in the Adriatic region during the last deglaciation. The results of an integrated study based on pollen and foraminifera records of the part of the core spanning the late Pleistocene–early Holocene transition (including the late Younger Dryas, the Preboreal and the beginning of the Boreal) are presented. The major vegetation changes and the short-term oscillations occurred during the early Holocene warming in the southern Adriatic basin on the basis of a high-resolution pollen record are documented. Vegetation changes are correlated to short-term oscillations detected in the foraminifera record during the same interval. The two independent terrestrial and marine proxies indicate at least three short-term cold and dry oscillations occurring at 11.2–11, 10.8–10.4 and 10 cal ka BP, according to the age–depth model adopted in this study. Finally, adopting an event-stratigraphy approach, the comparison of these results with two western Mediterranean records of Preboreal short-term oscillations suggest the occurrence of synchronous bio-events in the Mediterranean basin.  相似文献   

In this study we present a recent compilation of 286 modern surface pollen spectra from the southern part of the Russian Far East (42–54°N, 131–141°E) and use it to test the biome reconstruction method. Seventy terrestrial pollen taxa were assigned to plant functional types and then classified to eight regional biomes. When applied to 286 surface pollen spectra, the method assigns about 70% (201 sites) of the samples to the cool mixed forest biome, 17% – to the taiga, 2% – to the cool conifer forest, 3% – to the temperate deciduous forest, and 7% – to the steppe. The steppe reconstruction is characteristic of the pollen spectra from the agricultural areas around Lake Khanka. A visual comparison shows good agreement between pollen-derived biomes and actual vegetation distribution in the region. However, pollen and botanical data, compared with the potential vegetation distribution simulated from the modern climate dataset using the BIOME1 model, demonstrate that spatial distribution of cool mixed forest is underrepresented in the model simulation. The model sets the mean temperature of the coldest month of −15 °C as the factor limiting distribution of the temperate deciduous broadleaf taxa, while vegetation and pollen data from the region demonstrate that this limit should be lowered to −26 °C. Application of the method to the Gur 3–99 pollen record (50°00N, 137°03E) demonstrates that tundra vegetation predominated around the site prior to 14 ka BP (1 ka = 1000 cal. years). However, the local presence of boreal trees and mixed forest-tundra vegetation is suggested by relatively high taiga scores. Soon after 14 ka BP the scores of taiga become slightly higher than tundra scores. During 11.4–10.5 ka BP a cool conifer forest is reconstructed. Establishment of the full interglacial conditions is marked by the onset of cool mixed forest by 10.5 ka BP. Between 10.3 and 2.5 ka BP the scores of temperate deciduous forest are close to those of cool mixed forest and become distinctly lower during the late Holocene.  相似文献   

Holocene climatic and paleoceanographic development of the SE Greenland Shelf is studied from cores MD99-2317 and MD99-2322, at sites north and south of the Denmark Strait, respectively. Lithofacies, IRD counts, calcium carbonate percentages, benthic and planktic foraminiferal assemblages and oxygen isotope analyses, and summer SSTs reveal significant climate variations in the Holocene driven by declining solar insolation and its interaction with waning continental ice sheets, and changing atmospheric pressure patterns. Large changes in the East Greenland and Irminger Currents and the Greenland Ice Sheet are manifested as a 4-part division of the Holocene. An early Holocene cold interval dominated by melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet and Polar Front retreat extends from 11.8 to 9.5 cal kyr BP. A cold interval from 9.5 to 8.1 cal kyr BP involved episodic cooling of the Irminger Current resulting from the last phases of Laurentide Ice Sheet deglaciation and delayed the Holocene optimum off East Greenland by 3 kyr relative to peak summer solar insolation, which likely helped to limit the early Holocene melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet. The period 8.1–3.5 cal kyr BP represents a climatic optimum interval of maximum Greenland Ice Sheet retreat and strong Irminger Current inflow to the Denmark Strait. Between 6.8 and 3.5 cal kyr BP, the Irminger Current penetrated further North into the Nordic Seas than has been observed in recent decades. This signal is consistent with diminished northerly winds, a weaker Greenland High and contracted subpolar gyre. By 5 cal kyr BP, periods of increased Polar Water and decreasing salinity in the Irminger Current suggest a transition toward expansion of the subpolar gyre and increased Polar Water in the EGC. The Neoglacial interval from 3.5 to 0.2 cal kyr BP was cold and variable with increased freshwater forcing from the Arctic Ocean, advance of the Greenland Ice Sheet and southward advance of the Polar Front. Enhanced northerly winds and a strengthened Greenland High are consistent with thicker and more extensive Polar Water and greatly diminished northward advection of Irminger Current in the Denmark Strait.  相似文献   

Climatically driven Late Pleistocene and Holocene vegetation changes were reconstructed based on pollen records from the sediments of Lake Kotokel and Cheremushka Bog, located on the eastern shore of Lake Baikal. The described paleoenvironmental record has higher resolution than records collected from Lake Baikal and unites individual events identified in prior studies of bottom and onshore cores. Remarkable shifts in landscapes and expansions of index plants are as follows. Forest tundra and/or forest steppe landscape with birch, spruce, Artemisia, and Poaceae prevailed at ca. 50–25 14C kyr BP. Tundra and/or steppe vegetation dominated by Artemisia and Poaceae was typical for the Last Glacial Maximum. The expansion of shrub birch and willow occurred at ca. 15.5 14C kyr BP. Two peaks of spruce expansion at ca. 47.5–42.4 14C kyr BP (Karginian time) and at ca. 14.5–13 ka (Bølling-Allerød warm intervals) suggest that the condition were more humid than today. A slight increase in Artemisia at ca. 11–10.5 14C kyr BP (13–12 ka) was indicative of the Younger Dryas event. An expansion of birch forests with fir at ca. 12–6.4 ka suggests higher humidity. The currently dominant Scots and Siberian pine forests with birch expanded since 6.4 ka.  相似文献   

Holocene variations in annual precipitation (Pann) were reconstructed from pollen data from southern Argentinian Patagonia using a transfer function developed based on a weighted-averaging partial least squares (WA-PLS) regression. The pollen–climate calibration model consisted of 112 surface soil samples and 59 pollen types from the main vegetation units, and modern precipitation values obtained from a global climate database. The performance (r2 = 0.517; RMSEP = 126 mm) of the model was comparable or slightly lower than in other comparable pollen–climate models. Fossil pollen data were obtained from a sediment core from Cerro Frias site (50°24'S, 72°42'W) located at the forest-steppe ecotone. Reconstructed Pann values of about 200 mm suggest dry conditions during the Pleistocene–Holocene transition (12,500–10,500 cal yr BP). Pann values were about 300–350 mm from 10,500 to 8000 cal yr BP and increased to 400–500 mm between 8000 and 1000 cal yr BP. An abrupt decrease in Pann at about 1000 cal yr BP was associated with a Nothofagus decline. The reconstructed Pann suggests a weakening and southward shift of the westerlies during the early Holocene and intensification, with no major latitudinal shifts, during the mid-Holocene at high latitudes in southern Patagonia.  相似文献   

Holocene environmental changes in the northern Fertile Crescent remain poorly understood because of the scarcity of local proxy records in the region. In this study we investigated pedogenic (soil-formed) carbonate coatings on stones at the Pre-Pottery Neolithic site Göbekli Tepe as an indicator of local early-mid Holocene environmental changes. The 14C ages and stable isotopic composition of carbon and oxygen in thin (0.2–0.3 mm thick) pedogenic carbonate lamina indicate two main periods of coating formation: the early-Holocene (ca. 10000–6000 cal yr BP) and the mid-Holocene (ca. 6000–4000 cal yr BP). During the first period, there was an inverse relationship between δ13C and δ18O curves: a decrease in δ13C values coincide with an increase in δ18O values. For this period a trend towards higher temperatures is suggested. In the mid-Holocene, the mean rate of coating growth was 2–3 times higher than in the early Holocene. Both δ13C and δ18O reached their maximum values during this time and the direction of changes of the δ13C and δ18O curves became similar. The combination of data suggests that this period was the most humid in the Holocene and on average warmer than the early Holocene. At ca. 4000 cal yr BP secondary accumulation of carbonate ceased, presumably reflecting a shift to a more arid climate.  相似文献   

Paleoclimatic records from the climatically sensitive Canadian prairies are relatively rare due to the scarcity of study sites with continuous Holocene stratigraphic sequences. Oro Lake, a meromictic lake in the dry grasslands of Saskatchewan (Canada), contains a continuous Holocene diatom record spanning the last 10,000 years. Here we present analyses at three different time scales and resolution: (1) 1–3 yr resolution of the past 80 years, (2) century-scale analysis of the Holocene, and (3) decadal-scale analysis of the past 7000 years. Recent changes in the diatom assemblages and their respective salinity inferences were significantly related to measured effective moisture (precipitation minus evaporation, P−ET). The droughts of the 1930s, and a wet period during the 1950s are clearly evident in the diatom record, suggesting the Oro Lake record contains a sensitive archive of past climatic conditions. Century-scale analysis of the diatom record during the Holocene is consistent with a cool and moist climate in the early Holocene (prior to ca 9700 cal yr BP, 8600 14C yr BP). An abrupt increase in diatom-inferred salinity at 9600 cal yr BP (8500 14C yr BP) indicates the onset of an arid climate, with continuing arid conditions throughout the mid-Holocene. Decadal-scale analysis of the past 7000 years suggests that the mid-Holocene was more complex, with extended periods of increased variability in precipitation, particularly between ca 5800–3600 cal yr BP (5000–3200 14C yr BP) which is characterized by intervals of increased effective moisture. The past 2000 years is characterized by reduced salinities and generally wetter conditions in comparison to the mid-Holocene. The combination of the different scales of analyses in this study provides a detailed account of the dynamic nature of climate from sub-decadal to millennial scale in the Oro Lake region within the Palliser Triangle. Climate model predictions suggest that the Canadian prairie region may see a higher frequency of extreme droughts under projected global warming, potentially similar to the most arid periods seen during the mid-Holocene when many lake basins completely dried out.  相似文献   

A lake sediment core spanning 9900 years, collected from a small lake on western Victoria Island, NWT, Canada, provides a high-resolution record of diatom community dynamics over the Holocene. Ten radiocarbon dates and 210Pb dating provided the core chronology. Loss-on-ignition (LOI), magnetic susceptibility, biogenic silica content, and diatom concentrations provided information on changes in the sedimentary environment. LOI gradually increased over the Holocene whereas magnetic susceptibility showed an inverse trend. Biogenic silica content showed three distinct peaks spaced approximately 3000 years apart. Major shifts in diatom assemblages occurred at 8100–8000, 5800–5700, and 3800–3500 cal yr BP. There is evidence of diatom community response to centennial-scale variations such as the ‘Medieval Warm Period’ (1000–700 cal yr BP), ‘Little Ice Age’ (800–150 cal yr BP) and recent warming. Although recent changes in diatom community composition, productivity, and species richness are apparent they were surpassed at other periods throughout the Holocene. Variations of the taxa within the genera Staurosira, Pseudostaurosira, Fragilaria, and Staurosirella, usually combined into one genus in Arctic lake sediment studies, suggest these taxa provide useful insight into paleonvironmental questions.  相似文献   

In the northwest of the Sierras Pampeanas of Córdoba (Central Argentina), in the Tuclame area, rocks called ‘banded schists’ are recognized. They are known since 120 years ago and are one of the most important lithologies of the metamorphic complex in this region. The compositional banding is the most conspicuous structural mesoscopic feature, composed of quartz-rich and mica-rich layers. It is a tectonic banding produced by pressure solution during a compressive event. P–T conditions of 557 ± 25 °C and 3.9 ± 1 kb were obtained for the main metamorphic event. A detailed field checking allowed recognition of the banded schists as decimetric or centimetric xenoliths isolated within the regional migmatites and the anatectic granitoids and as kilometric-scale belts within Sierras de Córdoba and San Luis. The authors have also identified banded schists in the Sierras de Aconquija, Ambato, Ancasti and Guasayán. Other workers recognized them in the Puna, Cumbres Calchaquíes, Sierras de Quilmes and Fiambalá, among the most well known outcrops. The banded schists have systematic petrological features and a distinctive mesoscopic structure that allow their identification and correlation with the other outcrops, which are arranged as a huge belt 2000 km long and 150 km wide, between 64°00′–66°30′W and 25°00′–41°34′S. In this work, all these rocks are proposed to be integrated into the Puncoviscana Basin, since field evidence indicated that the banded schists transitionally pass by transposition to phyllitic rocks typical of this metamorphosed basin, which would cover a region of about 300,000 km2. At present, there is no accurate geochronology available for the metamorphic and deformation events proposed in this work for the Tuclame banded schists. However, considering the regional geological evidence, the great spread of the petrostructural process forming these rocks, the transition between the Puncoviscana Formation and the banded schists, and the earlier idea that the Puncoviscana Formation is the shallowest equivalent of deeper structural levels in the Sierras Pampeanas, we favor for the moment the hypothesis that the banded schists could be part of the oldest evolution of the Pampean orogeny (early Pampean stage) and could represent different structural levels of the same orogen, probably a late Precambrian–early Palaeozoic orogen. The events of migmatization and emplacement of anatectic granitoids could represent a late Pampean stage of early Palaeozoic age. Thus, the Pampean orogeny could have lasted around 30–40 Ma (570–530 Ma).  相似文献   

Two large ice fields between 46°30′ and 51°30′S cover the Patagonian Andes. The North and South Patagonian Ice Fields are separated by the transandine depth line at 47°45′ to 48°15′S. Canal and Río Baker run through this depression. The two ice fields are generally considered relics of a continuous ice cap, which covered the entire Patagonian Andes from 39° to 52°S and extended far into the eastern foreland of the Andes. This assumption is not correct for the 200-km-long section of the Andes between Lago Pueyrredón (Lago Cochrane in Chile) (47°15′S) and Lago San Martín (Lago O'Higgins in Chile) (48°45′S). The lack of a continuous ice cap extending far into the east is caused by the transandine depth line, playing a crucial role in the fluvial erosion and the glacial scouring of this tectonic zone. This depression formed a river system (e.g. Río Baker, Río Bravo and Río Mayer) that drains towards the west. Reconstruction of the maximum glacial advance of the last ice age shows that the eastern outlet glaciers of the two ice fields between Lago San Martín and Lago Pueyrredón did not drain towards the east, but rather followed the general gradient of the transandine depth line. In this area the eastern flank of the Andes between Monte San Lorenzo (3770 m) and Sa. de Sangra (2155 m) supported valley glaciers, which were independent of the expanding ice fields. Only a few valley glaciers advanced towards the Patagonian Meseta. The terminal moraines of these glaciers were erroneously interpreted as the eastern edge of a continuous ice cap. North of 47°30′S the outlet glaciers of the NPI advanced 200 km during the LGM and the late glacial advances nearly reached to 71°W. In contrast, south of 49°S glacier expansion was comparatively less: The LGM is situated only 85–115 km east of the present margins of the large outlet glaciers (O'Higgins, Viedma, and Upsala), and no late glacial advance reached 72°W. These considerable differences of glacier expansion were influenced by the northward migration of the westerly precipitation belt during glacial cycles. There is tentative evidence that the glaciers advanced three times in the period from 14 000 to 9 500 14C years BP.  相似文献   

A 4.96-m-long sediment core from the Hanon paleo-maar in Jeju Island, Korea was studied to investigate the paleoclimatic change and East Asian monsoon variations during the latest Pleistocene to early Holocene (23,000-9000 cal yr BP). High-resolution TOC content, magnetic susceptibility, and major element composition data indicate that Jeju Island experienced the coldest climate around 18,000 cal yr BP, which corresponds to the last glacial maximum (LGM). Further, these multi-proxy data show an abrupt shift in climatic regime from cold and arid to warm and humid conditions at around 14,000 cal yr BP, which represents the commencement of the last major deglaciation. After the last major deglaciation, the TOC content decreased from 13,300 to 12,000 cal yr BP and from 11,500 to 9800 cal yr BP, thereby reflecting the weakening of the summer monsoon. The LGM in Jeju Island occurred later in comparison with the Chinese Loess Plateau. Such a disparity in climatic change events between central China and Jeju Island appears to be caused by the asynchrony between the coldest temperature event and the minimum precipitation event in central China and by the buffering effect of the Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

We report pollen and charcoal records from Vega Ñandú ( 51°0′S, 72°45′W), a small mire located near the modern forest-steppe ecotone in Torres del Paine National Park, southern Chile. The record shows an open landscape dominated by low shrubs and herbs between 12,600 and 10,800 cal yr BP, under cold and relatively humid conditions. Nothofagus experienced frequent, large-amplitude oscillations between 10,800 and 6800 cal yr BP, indicating recurrent transitions between shrubland/parkland environments, under warm and highly variable moisture conditions. A sustained increase in Nothofagus started at 6800 cal yr BP, punctuated by step-wise increases at 5100 and 2400 cal yr BP, implying further increases in precipitation. We interpret these results as indicative of variations in the amount of precipitation of westerly origin, with prominent increases at 6800, 5100, and 2400 cal yr BP. These pulses led to peak precipitation regimes during the last two millennia in this part of SW Patagonia. Our data suggest variations in the position and/or strength of the southern margin of the westerlies, most likely linked to variations in the extent and/or persistence of sea ice and sea-surface temperature anomalies in the Southern Ocean. Over the last two centuries the record shows a forest decline and expansion of Rumex acetosella, an exotic species indicative of European disturbance.  相似文献   

Multiproxy climate records from Iceland document complex changes in terrestrial climate and glacier fluctuations through the Holocene, revealing some coherent patterns of change as well as significant spatial variability. Most studies on the Last Glacial Maximum and subsequent deglaciation reveal a dynamic Iceland Ice Sheet (IIS) that responded abruptly to changes in ocean currents and sea level. The IIS broke up catastrophically around 15 ka as the Polar Front migrated northward and sea level rose. Indications of regional advance or halt of the glaciers are seen in late Alleröd/early Younger Dryas time and again in PreBoreal time. Due to the apparent rise of relative sea level in Iceland during this time, most sites contain evidence for fluctuating, tidewater glacier termini occupying paleo fjords and bays. The time between the end of the Younger Dryas and the Preboreal was characterized by repeated jökulhlaups that eroded glacial deposits. By 10.3 ka, the main ice sheet was in rapid retreat across the highlands of Iceland. The Holocene thermal maximum (HTM) was reached after 8 ka with land temperatures estimated to be 3 °C higher than the 1961–1990 reference, and net precipitation similar to modern. Such temperatures imply largely ice-free conditions across Iceland in the early to mid-Holocene. Several marine and lacustrine sediment climate proxies record substantial summer temperature depression between 8.5 and 8 ka, but no moraines have been detected from that time. Termination of the HTM and onset of Neoglacial cooling took place sometime after 6 ka with increased glacier activity between 4.5 and 4.0 ka, intensifying between 3.0 and 2.5 ka. Although a distinct warming during the Medieval Warm Period is not dramatically apparent in Icelandic records, the interval from ca AD 0 to 1200 is commonly characterized by relative stability with slow rates of change. The literature most commonly describes Little Ice Age moraines (ca AD 1250–1900) as representing the most extensive ice margins since early Holocene deglaciation, with temperature depressions of 1–2 °C compared to the AD 1961–1990 average. Steep north–south and west–east temperature gradients are reconstructed in the Holocene records of Iceland, suggesting a strong maritime influence on the terrestrial climate of Iceland.  相似文献   

A 30,000 yr dinocyst and pollen record from the eastern equatorial Atlantic (off Cameroon) has been investigated in order to identify land–ocean linkages during the last deglacial transition. A strong correlation between the abundance of Brigantedinium spp. and the Ca/Fe ratio during the last glacial period suggests enhanced marine productivity in association with cool seawater temperatures and nutrient input linked to coastal upwelling and/or a proximal river mouth. Dry conditions are recorded on the adjacent continent with a significant representation of open vegetation indicators and the Afromontane taxon Podocarpus. After 17 cal ka BP these indicators register a sharp decline as a result of a climatic transition from the dry/cooler conditions of the last glacial period to the wetter/warmer conditions of the deglaciation. Simultaneously, dinocysts show a significant shift from dominant heterotrophs to an increasing abundance of autotrophs, reflecting warmer conditions. Significant changes are observed during the Younger Dryas, with a return to drier conditions and higher salinities. The start of the Holocene is marked by very low-salinity conditions, reflecting optimal monsoonal conditions over west equatorial Africa. The end of the African Humid Period is observed between 6 and 5 cal ka BP, followed by significant fluctuations in both terrestrial and oceanic proxies.  相似文献   

The metamorphic evolution of a key sector of the western Mediterranean internal Alpine orogenic belt (southern Calabrian Peloritani Orogen) is identified and described by means of PT pseudosections calculated for selected metapelite specimens, showing evidence of multi-stage metamorphism.Attention focused on the two lowermost basement nappes of the Aspromonte Massif (southern Calabria), which were differently affected by poly-orogenic multi-stage evolution. After a complete Variscan orogenic cycle, the upper unit (Aspromonte Peloritani Unit) was involved in a late-Alpine shearing event. In contrast, the several underlying metapelite slices, here grouped together as Lower Metapelite Group, show exclusive evidence of a complete Alpine orogenic cycle.In order to obtain reliable PT constraints, an integrated approach was employed, based on: a) garnet isopleth thermobarometry; and b) theoretical predictions of the PT stability fields of representative equilibrium assemblages. This approach, which takes into account the role of the local equilibrium volumes in controlling textural developments, yielded reliable information about PT conditions from early to peak metamorphic stages, as well as estimates of the retrograde trajectory in the pseudosection PT space.According to inferred detailed PT paths, the evolution of the Aspromonte Peloritani Unit is characterised by a multi-stage Variscan cycle, subdivided into an early crustal thickening stage with PT conditions ranging from 0.56 ± 0.05 GPa at 570 ± 10 °C to 0.63–0.93 GPa at 650–710 °C (peak conditions) and evolving to a later crustal thinning episode in lower PT conditions (0.25 GPa at 540 °C), as documented by the retrograde trajectory.Conversely, the prograde evolution of the rocks of the Lower Metapelite Group shows evidence of a HP-LT early Alpine multi-stage cycle, with PT evolving from 0.75–0.90 GPa at 510–530 °C towards peak conditions, with pressure increasing northwards from 1.12 ± 0.02 GPa to 1.24 ± 0.02 GPa, and temperatures of 540–570 °C.A late-Alpine mylonitic overprint affected the rocks of both the Aspromonte Peloritani Unit and the Lower Metapelite Group. This overprint was characterised by an initial retrograde decompression trajectory (0.75 ± 0.05 GPa at 570–600 °C), followed by a joint cooling history, ranging from 0.38 ± 0.14 at temperature from 450 to 520 °C.These inferred results were then used: a) to interpret the Lower Metapelite Group as a single crystalline basement unit exclusively affected by a complete Alpine orogenic cycle, according to the very similar features of PT paths, comparable petrography and analogous structural characteristics; b) as a tool for more reliable correlations between the Aspromonte Massif, the other Calabrian terranes and the north African Orogenic Complexes. They may therefore consider a contribution to the geodynamic modelling of the western Mediterranean.  相似文献   

Aeolian deposits are widely distributed in the interior of the Tibetan Plateau, and their chronology is poorly known. It is not yet clear whether they accumulated only after the last deglaciation, or over a longer time. We applied quartz OSL dating to aeolian samples from the Lhasa area with OSL ages ranging from 2.9 ± 0.2 to at least 118 ± 11 ka. The probability density frequency (PDF) distribution of 24 ages reveals age clusters at about 3, 8, 16–21, 33, and 79–83 ka, indicating enhanced sediment accumulation then. The results show that aeolian deposition occurred throughout most of the last 100 ka. This implies that: 1) an ice sheet covering the whole Tibetan Plateau during the last glacial maximum (LGM) could not have existed; and 2) erosion during the last deglaciation was not as strong as previously proposed, such that not all pre-Holocene loess was removed. The age distribution shown in the PDF indicates that aeolian accumulation is episodic. Sand-formation events revealed by age clusters at 3, 8, and 16–21 ka imply roughly synchronous environmental responses to corresponding global-scale arid events.  相似文献   

We compare six high-resolution Holocene, sediment cores along a S–N transect on the Norwegian–Svalbard continental margin from ca 60°N to 77.4°N, northern North Atlantic. Planktonic foraminifera in the cores were investigated to show the changes in upper surface and subsurface water mass distribution and properties, including summer sea-surface temperatures (SST). The cores are located below the axis of the Norwegian Current and the West Spitsbergen Current, which today transport warm Atlantic Water to the Arctic. Sediment accumulation rates are generally high at all the core sites, allowing for a temporal resolution of 10–102 years. SST is reconstructed using different types of transfer functions, resulting in very similar SST trends, with deviations of no more than ±1.0/1.5 °C. A transfer function based on the maximum likelihood statistical approach is found to be most relevant. The reconstruction documents an abrupt change in planktonic foraminiferal faunal composition and an associated warming at the Younger Dryas–Preboreal transition. The earliest part of the Holocene was characterized by large temperature variability, including the Preboreal Oscillations and the 8.2 k event. In general, the early Holocene was characterized by SSTs similar to those of today in the south and warmer than today in the north, and a smaller S–N temperature gradient (0.23 °C/°N) compared to the present temperature gradient (0.46 °C/°N). The southern proxy records (60–69°N) were more strongly influenced by slightly cooler subsurface water probably due to the seasonality of the orbital forcing and increased stratification due to freshening. The northern records (72–77.4°N) display a millennial-scale change associated with reduced insolation and a gradual weakening of the North Atlantic thermohaline circulation (THC). The observed northwards amplification of the early Holocene warming is comparable to the pattern of recent global warming and future climate modelling, which predicts greater warming at higher latitudes. The overall trend during mid and late Holocene was a cooling in the north, stable or weak warming in the south, and a maximum S–N SST gradient of ca 0.7 °C/°N at 5000 cal. years BP. Superimposed on this trend were several abrupt temperature shifts. Four of these shifts, dated to 9000–8000, 5500–3000 and 1000 and 400 cal. years BP, appear to be global, as they correlate with periods of global climate change. In general, there is a good correlation between the northern North Atlantic temperature records and climate records from Norway and Svalbard.  相似文献   

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