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We present a treatment of libration-point capture in the restricted three-body problem. Examples of capture are given, and a long-term numerical integration is presented, to illustrate major features of orbits arising from capture. A theory of lifetimes is given, providing order-of-magnitude (though rather conservative) estimates of the time a body remains captured. A general capture criterion, giving bounds on admissible values of the postcapture semimajor axis, for given values of eccentricity and inclination. This criterion is used to demonstrate that, in general, direct postcapture orbits lie outside retrograde ones. We also emphasize the importance of mass-change, of one or both primaries, in producing capture. This phenomenon is shown to give rise to a new type of capture, “pull-down capture,” which produces retrograde orbits. The effects of nebular drag also are noted.These results suggest the improbability of a capture origin for Jupiter's outer satellites within the last 4+ billion years, or since the solar system reached its present dynamical configuration. Computations indicate, however, that either mass-change or nebular drag could have been effective in producing capture. The outer satellite groups are shown to resemble Hirayama families physically, thus supporting a hypothesis of capture followed by collisional fragmentation.  相似文献   

T.A. Heppenheimer 《Icarus》1975,24(2):172-180
The problem of the origin of Jupiter's outer satellites is treated within the framework of the theory of capture through collinear libration points. Lower bounds for the satellites' semimajor axes are found from a corrected rederivation of Bailey's capture theory. Upper bounds are found from a new derivation of the stability limit for satellites, based on Floquet stability theory.It is shown that if the bodies had near-zero relative velocity when passing the libration point, direct orbits would lie outside retrograde orbits, which is not the case for Jupiter. It is found that the dimensions and distributions of the direct group are well explained by libration-point capture with Jupiter's mass = 11730 solar mass, which is interpreted as indicating capture soon after Jupiter's formation. But ad hoc assumptions are required for this capture model to explain the retrograde group. It is concluded that the direct and retrograde groups may have had different mechanisms of origin.  相似文献   

This work deals with the structure of the lunar Weak Stability Boundaries (WSB) in the framework of the restricted three and four body problem. Geometry and properties of the escape trajectories have been studied by changing the spacecraft orbital parameters around the Moon. Results obtained using the algorithm definition of the WSB have been compared with an analytical approximation based on the value of the Jacobi constant. Planar and three-dimensional cases have been studied in both three and four body models and the effects on the WSB structure, due to the presence of the gravitational force of the Sun and the Moon orbital eccentricity, have been investigated. The study of the dynamical evolution of the spacecraft after lunar capture allowed us to find regions of the WSB corresponding to stable and safe orbits, that is orbits that will not impact onto lunar surface after capture. By using a bicircular four body model, then, it has been possible to study low-energy transfer trajectories and results are given in terms of eccentricity, pericenter altitude and inclination of the capture orbit. Equatorial and polar capture orbits have been compared and differences in terms of energy between these two kinds of orbits are shown. Finally, the knowledge of the WSB geometry permitted us to modify the design of the low-energy capture trajectories in order to reach stable capture, which allows orbit circularization using low-thrust propulsion systems.  相似文献   

This study analyzes a recently discovered class of exterior transfers to the Moon. These transfers terminate in retrograde ballistic capture orbits, i.e., orbits with negative Keplerian energy and angular momentum with respect to the Moon. Yet, their Jacobi constant is relatively low, for which no forbidden regions exist, and the trajectories do not appear to mimic the dynamics of the invariant manifolds of the Lagrange points. This paper shows that these orbits shadow instead lunar collision orbits. We investigate the dynamics of singular, lunar collision orbits in the Earth–Moon planar circular restricted three-body problem, and reveal their rich phase space structure in the medium-energy regime, where invariant manifolds of the Lagrange point orbits break up. We show that lunar retrograde ballistic capture trajectories lie inside the tube structure of collision orbits. We also develop a method to compute medium-energy transfers by patching together orbits inside the collision tube and those whose apogees are located in the appropriate quadrant in the Sun–Earth system. The method yields the novel family of transfers as well as those ending in direct capture orbits, under particular energetic and geometrical conditions.  相似文献   

Planetesimals encountering with a planet cannot be captured permanently unless energy dissipation is taken into account, but some of them can be temporarily captured in the vicinity of the planet for an extended period of time. Such a process would be important for the origin and dynamical evolution of irregular satellites, short-period comets, and Kuiper-belt binaries. In this paper, we describe the basic formulation for the study of temporary capture of planetesimals from heliocentric orbits using three-body orbital integration, such as the definition of the duration and rate of temporary capture, and present results in the case of low random velocity of planetesimals. In the case of planetesimals initially on circular orbits, we find that planetesimals undergo a close encounter with the planet before they become temporarily captured. When planetesimals are scattered by the planet into the vicinity of one of periodic orbits around the planet, the duration of temporary capture tends to be extended. Typically, these capture orbits are in the retrograde direction around the planet. We evaluate the rate of temporary capture of planetesimals, and find that the ratio of this rate to their collision rate on to the planet increases with increasing semimajor axis of the planet. Similar results are obtained for planetesimals with non-zero but small random velocities, as long as Kepler shear dominates the relative velocity between the planet and planetesimals. For larger initial random velocities of planetesimals, temporary capture in both prograde and retrograde directions with much longer duration becomes possible.  相似文献   

The circular restricted problem of three bodies is investigated analytically with respect to the problem of deriving a second integral of motion besides the well known Jacobian Integral. The second integral is searched for as a correction the angular momentum integral valid in the two body case. A partial differential equation equivalent to the problem is derived and solved approximately by an asymptotic Fourier method assuming either sufficiently small values for the dimensionless mass parameter or sufficiently large distances from the barycentre. The solution of the partial equation then leads to a function of the coordinates, velocities and time being nearly constant, which means that its variation with time is about 40–300 times less than that of the pure angular momentum. By averaging over the remaining fluctuating part of the quasi-integral we are able to integrate the first order equations using a renormalization transformation. This leads to an explicit expression for the approximate solution of the circular problem which describes the motion of the third body orbiting both primaries with nonvanishing initial eccentricity (eccentric planetary type orbits). One of the main results is an explicit formula for the frequency of the perihelion motion of the third body which depends on the mass parameter, the initial distance of the third body from the barycentre and the initial eccentricity. Finally we study orbits of the P-Type, being defined as solutions of the restricted problem with circular initial conditions (vanishing initial eccentricity).  相似文献   

Motivated by the dynamics of resonance capture, we study numerically the coorbital resonance for inclination \(0\le I\le 180^\circ \) in the circular restricted three-body problem. We examine the similarities and differences between planar and three dimensional coorbital resonance capture and seek their origin in the stability of coorbital motion at arbitrary inclination. After we present stability maps of the planar prograde and retrograde coorbital resonances, we characterize the new coorbital modes in three dimensions. We see that retrograde mode I (R1) and mode II (R2) persist as we change the relative inclination, while retrograde mode III (R3) seems to exist only in the planar problem. A new coorbital mode (R4) appears in 3D which is a retrograde analogue to an horseshoe-orbit. The Kozai–Lidov resonance is active for retrograde orbits as well as prograde orbits and plays a key role in coorbital resonance capture. Stable coorbital modes exist at all inclinations, including retrograde and polar obits. This result confirms the robustness the coorbital resonance at large inclination and encourages the search for retrograde coorbital companions of the solar system’s planets.  相似文献   

We have numerically investigated the stability of retrograde orbits/trajectories around Jupiter and the smaller of the primaries in binary systems RW-Monocerotis (RW-Mon) and Krüger-60 in the presence of radiation. A trajectory is considered as stable if it remains around the smaller mass for at least few hundred binary periods. In case of circular binary orbit, we find that the third order resonance provides the basis for reduction of stability region of retrograde motion of particle in RW-Mon and Sun-Jupiter system both in the presence and absence of radiation. Considering finite ellipticity in Sun-Jupiter system we find that for distant retrograde orbits, radiation from the Sun increases the width of the stable region and covers a significant portion of the region obtained in the absence of solar radiation. Further, due to solar radiation pressure, the stable region in the neighborhood of Jupiter has been found to shift much below the characteristic asymptotic line for the periodic retrograde orbits. In case of Krüger-60 we observe the distant retrograde orbits around the smaller of the primaries get affected considerably with increase in radiation parameter β1. Further the range of velocities for which stable motion may persist narrows down for distant retrograde orbits in this system.  相似文献   

The irregular satellites of Jupiter are believed to be captured asteroids or planetesimals. In the present work is studied the direction of capture of these objects as a function of their orbital inclination. We performed numerical simulations of the restricted three-body problem, Sun-Jupiter-particle, taking into account the growth of Jupiter. The integration was made backward in time. Initially, the particles have orbits as satellites of Jupiter, which has its present mass. Then, the system evolved with Jupiter losing mass and the satellites escaping from the planet. The reverse of the escape direction corresponds to the capture direction. The results show that the Lagrangian points L1 and L2 mainly guide the direction of capture. Prograde satellites are captured through these two gates with very narrow amplitude angles. In the case of retrograde satellites, these two gates are wider. The capture region increases as the orbital inclination increases. In the case of planar retrograde satellites the directions of capture cover the whole 360° around Jupiter. We also verified that prograde satellites are captured earlier in actual time than retrograde ones. This paper was presented at the Asteriods, Comets and Meteors meeting held at Búzios, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in August 2005 and could not be included in the special issue related to that conference.  相似文献   

Analysis and design of low-energy transfers to the Moon has been a subject of great interest for many decades. This paper is concerned with a topological study of such transfers, with emphasis to trajectories that allow performing lunar capture and those that exhibit homoclinic connections, in the context of the circular restricted three-body problem. A fundamental theorem stated by Conley locates capture trajectories in the phase space and can be condensed in a sentence: “if a crossing asymptotic orbit exists then near any such there is a capture orbit”. In this work this fundamental theoretical assertion is used together with an original cylindrical isomorphic mapping of the phase space associated with the third body dynamics. For a given energy level, the stable and unstable invariant manifolds of the periodic Lyapunov orbit around the collinear interior Lagrange point are computed and represented in cylindrical coordinates as tubes that emanate from the transformed periodic orbit. These tubes exhibit complex geometrical features. Their intersections correspond to homoclinic orbits and determine the topological separation of long-term lunar capture orbits from short-duration capture trajectories. The isomorphic mapping is proven to allow a deep insight on the chaotic motion that characterizes the dynamics of the circular restricted three-body, and suggests an interesting interpretation, and together corroboration, of Conley’s assertion on the topological location of lunar capture orbits. Moreover, an alternative three-dimensional representation of the phase space is profitably employed to identify convenient lunar periodic orbits that can be entered with modest propellant consumption, starting from the Lyapunov orbit.  相似文献   

The dynamical stability of a bound triple system composed of a small binary or minor planetary system moving on a orbit inclined to a central third body is discussed in terms of Hill stability for the full three-body problem. The situation arises in the determination of stability of triple star systems against disruption and component exchange and the determination of stability of extrasolar planetary systems and minor planetary systems against disruption, component exchange or capture. The Hill stability criterion is applied to triple star systems and extrasolar planetary systems, the Sun-Earth-Moon system and Kuiper Belt binary systems to determine the critical distances for stable orbits. It is found that increasing the inclination of the third body decreases the Hill regions of stability. Increasing the eccentricity of the binary also produces similar effects.These type of changes make exchange or disruption of the component masses more likely. Increasing the eccentricity of the binary orbit relative to the third body substantially decreases stability regions as the eccentricity reaches higher values. The Kuiper Belt binaries were found to be stable if they move on circular orbits. Taking into account the eccentricity, it is less clear that all the systems are stable.  相似文献   

Several families of the planar general three-body problem for fixed values of the three masses are found, in a rotating frame of reference, where the mass of two of the bodies is small compared to the mass of the third body. These families were obtained by the continuation of a degenerate family of periodic orbits of three bodies where two of the bodies have zero masses and describe circular orbits around a third body with finite mass, in the same direction.The above families represent planetary systems with the body with the large mass representing the Sun and the two small bodies representing two planets or comets. One section of a family is shown to represent the Jupiter family of comets and also a model for the Sun-Jupiter-Saturn system is found.The stability analysis revealed that stability exists for small masses and small eccentricities of the two planets. Planetary systems with relatively large masses and eccentricities are proved to be unstable. In particular, the Jupiter family of comets, for small masses of the two small bodies, and the Sun-Jupiter-Saturn system are proved to be stable. Also, it was shown that resonances are not necessarily associated with instabilities.  相似文献   

A massless particle may perform a ballistic capture about a primary when two or more gravitational attractions are considered. The dynamics governing the ballistic capture depend on the mutual position of the primaries, if these are let to revolve in eccentric orbits. This paper studies the effect of the primaries true anomaly on the ballistic capture about the smaller primary in the planar elliptic restricted three-body problem. The dynamics of the Hill curves are studied, and the conditions for a favorable capture are derived. It is shown that these lead to regular, quasi-stable post-capture orbits. This is confirmed by numerical simulations implementing the concept of capture set: a set of initial conditions that generates ballistic capture orbits with a prescribed stability number.  相似文献   

This paper provides a method for finding initial conditions of frozen orbits for a probe around Mercury. Frozen orbits are those whose orbital elements remain constant on average. Thus, at the same point in each orbit, the satellite always passes at the same altitude. This is very interesting for scientific missions that require close inspection of any celestial body. The orbital dynamics of an artificial satellite about Mercury is governed by the potential attraction of the main body. Besides the Keplerian attraction, we consider the inhomogeneities of the potential of the central body. We include secondary terms of Mercury gravity field from \(J_2\) up to \(J_6\), and the tesseral harmonics \(\overline{C}_{22}\) that is of the same magnitude than zonal \(J_2\). In the case of science missions about Mercury, it is also important to consider third-body perturbation (Sun). Circular restricted three body problem can not be applied to Mercury–Sun system due to its non-negligible orbital eccentricity. Besides the harmonics coefficients of Mercury’s gravitational potential, and the Sun gravitational perturbation, our average model also includes Solar acceleration pressure. This simplified model captures the majority of the dynamics of low and high orbits about Mercury. In order to capture the dominant characteristics of the dynamics, short-period terms of the system are removed applying a double-averaging technique. This algorithm is a two-fold process which firstly averages over the period of the satellite, and secondly averages with respect to the period of the third body. This simplified Hamiltonian model is introduced in the Lagrange Planetary equations. Thus, frozen orbits are characterized by a surface depending on three variables: the orbital semimajor axis, eccentricity and inclination. We find frozen orbits for an average altitude of 400 and 1000 km, which are the predicted values for the BepiColombo mission. Finally, the paper delves into the orbital stability of frozen orbits and the temporal evolution of the eccentricity of these orbits.  相似文献   

Hirayama (1927) studied secular perturbations between a retrograde body and a prograde body by considering that the mean motion of the retrograde body is negative. In this paper we discuss the same problem by measuring angle variables from the departure point and keeping the mean motions positive for both the retrograde body and the prograde body, and compare the analytical solutions with numerically integrated orbits.  相似文献   

The concept of closest approach is analyzed in Hill’s problem, resulting in a partitioning of the position space. The different behavior between the direct and retrograde motion is explained analytically, resulting in a simple estimate of the variation of Hill’s periodic and quasi-circular orbits as a function of the Jacobi constant. The local behavior of the orbits on the zero velocity surfaces and an analytical definition of local escape and capture in Hill’s problem are also given.  相似文献   

This research aims at ascertaining the existence and characteristics of natural long-term capture orbits around a celestial body of potential interest. The problem is investigated in the dynamical framework of the three-dimensional circular restricted three-body problem. Previous numerical work on two-dimensional trajectories provided numerical evidence of Conley’s theorem, proving that long-term capture orbits are topologically located near trajectories asymptotic to periodic libration point orbits. This work intends to extend the previous investigations to three-dimensional paths. In this dynamical context, several special trajectories exist, such as quasiperiodic orbits. These can be found as special solutions to the linear expansion of the dynamics equations and have already been proven to exist even using the nonlinear equations of motion. The nature of long-term capture orbits is thus investigated in relation to the dynamical conditions that correspond to asymptotic trajectories converging into quasiperiodic orbits. The analysis results in the definition of two parameters characterizing capture condition and the design of a capture strategy, guiding a spacecraft into long-term capture orbits around one of the primaries. Both the results are validated through numerical simulations of the three-dimensional nonlinear dynamics, including fourth-body perturbation, with special focus on the Jupiter–Ganymede system and the Earth–Moon system.  相似文献   

In this article a method is described for the determination of families of periodic orbits, of the restricted problem of three bodies, as branchings of a given family of stable periodic orbits. Poincaré's method of successive crossings of a surface of section is applied for a value of the mass parameter corresponding to the Sun-Jupiter case of the restricted problem. New families are found, of the type of direct asteroids, having long periods and closing in space after many revolutions of the third body about the Sun. Their stability parameters are also given. The generating family, from which they branch, seems to have special significance for stability considerations.  相似文献   

Numerical evidence is presented which indicates that, although the third integral is tangent to the Hamiltonian (energy integral) along some periodic orbits (as has been shown by Goudas), it is not tangent to it along non-periodic orbits; therefore it is not a function of the Hamiltonian. The set of periodic orbits is probably dense in general, but a given form of the third integral is valid in the neighbourhood of a limited number of them; no form of the third integral is valid for all periodic orbits, except in integrable cases.  相似文献   

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