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There has for some time been evidence of variability in radiochemical solar neutrino measurements, but this evidence has seemed suspect since the Cerenkov experiments have not shown similar evidence of variability. The present reanalysis of Super-Kamiokande data shows strong evidence of r-mode oscillations. The frequencies of these oscillations correspond to a region with a sidereal rotation rate of 13.97 year−1. This estimate is incompatible with the rotation rate in the convection zone but is compatible with current estimates of the rotation rate in the radiative zone. The excitation of r modes in the radiative zone may be due to a velocity field originating in or related to the nuclear-burning core.  相似文献   

Wavelet analysis offers an alternative to Fourier based time- series analysis and is particularly useful when spectral features are time dependent. We analyze the solar neutrino capture rate of the radiochemical Homestake chlorine experiment with abbreviated Morlet wavelets, using Foster's (AJ, 111,1709(1996)) rescaled wavelet technique. We emphasize the complementarity of wavelet analysis to Fourier analysis. Wavelet analysis confirms the results of previously undertaken Fourier analysis. The Homestake data seem to contain a harmonic content with periodicities of 4.76 yr, 1.89 yr, 0.85 yr, and 0.51 yr. Wavelet analysis reveals that the 4.76 yr and 1.89 yr periods show an almost constant behavior over the 25 yr Homestake data record, while the 0.85 yr and 0.51 yr periods exhibit a transient phenomenon. The analysis does not show strong evidence for a period of the solar 11 yr cycle. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

To determine the apparent diameter of the Sun, it is first necessary to measure the shape of the intensity profile of the solar limb with an imaging optical system (hereafter denoted as a solar-limb profile). The inflection point of the limb profile is usually used as a reference for calculating the diameter. Because this point may be difficult to determine in the presence of noise, it is necessary to define an appropriate filtering process that eliminates noise while preserving the position of the inflection point. In this paper we study two filtering techniques, one based on the compact wavelet transform and the other on the finite Fourier transform definition, that meet these requirements. The application of these two techniques to data gathered by the Solar Disk Sextant experiment shows that the solar radius increased from 1992 to 1996 by about 197 mas. However, a previous analysis of the same data and our present analysis provide a difference in the measured radii of about 92 mas. We show that this difference is entirely traced to the filtering process.  相似文献   

云南天文台0.6~1.5GHz太阳射电快速动态频谱仪,在2001年6月24日的射电爆发中观测到大量尖峰。由于观测仪器有相当高的频率分辨率,使我们可以对尖峰的绝对带宽进行更精细的统计分析。由于尖峰数量很大,特别编制了识别尖峰并测量其带宽的软件来进行统计工作。结果发现76%的尖峰的绝对带宽达到仪器频率分辨率1.4MHz,其相对带宽达到0.1%。这比以前关于尖峰辐射带宽的统计结果要小很多。统计结果支持用ECM机制解释尖峰辐射。  相似文献   

中国太阳射电宽带动态频谱仪(solar Broadband Radio Spectrometer)在太阳物理研究和国际合作交流中发挥了重要作用.为进一步扩大该设备观测数据的国际交流和共享、挖掘数据的深层信息、加快科学产出,有必要开发一套与SSW(Solar Soft Ware)兼容的数据分析系统.该系统具有以下主要特点:(1)按SSW规范设计编写,既可以在SSW环境下运行也可以独立安装使用;(2)新界面设计更易于用户上手,也可以进行复杂深层的数值分析;(3)规范明晰的功能模块和流程设计减少了漏洞和排错时间,定标和特征信息提取等多种亟需功能的完善为科学研究开拓了空间,节省了时间;(4)利用MySQL关系数据库管理系统建设一个安全稳定、易于升级管理的数据库,便于浏览搜索和批量下载.此外,该数据分析系统的开发将为正在研制的中国太阳射电频谱日像仪积累经验和储备技术,并为国内其它台站提供模式和经验.  相似文献   

Geo-neutrinos emitted by heat-producing elements (U, Th and K) represent a unique probe of the Earth interior. The characterization of their fluxes is subject, however, to rather large and highly correlated uncertainties. The geochemical covariance of the U, Th and K abundances in various Earth reservoirs induces positive correlations among the associated geo-neutrino fluxes, and between these and the radiogenic heat. Mass-balance constraints in the Bulk Silicate Earth (BSE) tend instead to anti-correlate the radiogenic element abundances in complementary reservoirs. Experimental geo-neutrino observables may be further (anti)correlated by instrumental effects. In this context, we propose a systematic approach to covariance matrices, based on the fact that all the relevant geo-neutrino observables and constraints can be expressed as linear functions of the U, Th and K abundances in the Earth’s reservoirs (with relatively well-known coefficients). We briefly discuss here the construction of a tentative “geo-neutrino source model” (GNSM) for the U, Th, and K abundances in the main Earth reservoirs, based on selected geophysical and geochemical data and models (when available), on plausible hypotheses (when possible), and admittedly on arbitrary assumptions (when unavoidable). We use then the GNSM to make predictions about several experiments (“forward approach”), and to show how future data can constrain a posteriori the error matrix of the model itself (“backward approach”). The method may provide a useful statistical framework for evaluating the impact and the global consistency of prospective geo-neutrino measurements and Earth models.  相似文献   

统计分析了云南天文台声光频谱仪在22周峰年期间记录到的米波尖锋事件与光学活动及相关事件的关系。从它们的观测特征:短寿命,窄频带,频率快速漂移,及尖峰事件与磁结构复杂的大黑子活动区密切相关等,认为这些事件的辐射机制可能是电子回旋脉泽不稳定直接放大电磁波所致。  相似文献   

The signal detected by the Baksan Underground Scintillation Telescope comprises five events over a period of 9.1 s. Data from all detectors (Kamiokande II, IMB, Baksan, and LSD) are used to estimate the energy carried away from the stellar core in the form of electron antineutrinos.  相似文献   

In the forthcoming months, the KamLAND experiment will probe the parameter space of the solar large mixing angle MSW solution as the origin of the solar neutrino deficit with ’s from distant nuclear reactors. If however the solution realized in nature is such that Δm2sol2×10−4 eV2 (thereafter named the HLMA region), KamLAND will only observe a rate suppression but no spectral distortion and hence it will not have the optimal sensitivity to measure the mixing parameters. In this case, we propose a new medium baseline reactor experiment located at Heilbronn (Germany) to pin down the precise value of the solar mixing parameters. In this paper, we present the Heilbronn detector site, we calculate the interaction rate and the positron spectrum expected from the surrounding nuclear power plants. We also discuss the sensitivity of such an experiment to |Ue3| in both normal and inverted neutrino mass hierarchy scenarios. We then outline the detector design, estimate background signals induced by natural radioactivity as well as by in situ cosmic ray muon interaction, and discuss a strategy to detect the anti-neutrino signal ‘free of background’.  相似文献   

研究了磁场对奇异星模型中夸克直接Urca过程的中微子能量损失率的影响,首先改进了弱场条件下的近似计算方法,这一方法可以推广到其他弱作用过程.在甚强磁场下,严格地计算Urca过程的中微子能量损失率,结果显示辐射率强烈地依赖于磁场,与磁场的二次方成正比,更重要的是对温度的依赖关系不同于弱场及没有磁场时的情形.  相似文献   

介绍使用10m天线上21cm波段ms级连续快速记录系统,观测到分米波太阳射电快速活动的几种形态、特征、尖峰辐射及其共生现象。  相似文献   

Using the chi-square statistic, one may conveniently test whether a series of measurements of a variable are consistent with a constant value. However, that test is predicated on the assumption that the appropriate probability distribution function (pdf) is normal in form. This requirement is usually not satisfied by experimental measurements of the solar neutrino flux. This article presents an extension of the chi-square procedure that is valid for any form of the pdf. This procedure is applied to the GALLEX-GNO dataset, and it is shown that the results are in good agreement with the results of Monte Carlo simulations. Whereas application of the standard chi-square test to symmetrized data yields evidence significant at the 1% level for variability of the solar neutrino flux, application of the extended chi-square test to the unsymmetrized data yields only weak evidence (significant at the 4% level) of variability.  相似文献   

Summary Accurate measurements of observed frequencies of solar oscillations are providing a wealth of data on the properties of the solar interior. The frequencies depend on solar structure, and on the properties of the plasma in the Sun. Here we consider in particular the dependence on the thermodynamic state. From an analysis of the equations of stellar structure, and the relevant aspects of the properties of the oscillations, we argue that in the convection zone one can isolate information about the equation of state which is relatively unaffected by other uncertainties in the physics of the solar interior. We review the different treatments that have been used to describe the thermodynamics of stellar plasmas. Through application of several of these to the computation of models of the solar envelope we demonstrate that the sensitivity of the observed frequencies is in fact sufficient to distinguish even quite subtle features of the physics of solar matter. This opens up the possibility of using the Sun as a laboratory for statistical mechanics, under conditions that are out of reach in a terrestrial laboratory.  相似文献   

综述了空间天气短期预报和警报所研究的内容和与之相对应的研究方法。同时,介绍了目前国内外在空间天气短期预报和警报方面的研究现状,及目前国内外从事这方面研究的主要机构或组织的概况。  相似文献   

太阳第21周实测到3986个活动区,以黑子面积、X射线耀斑指数、10.7cm射电爆发及质子事件等四项指数,从中综合评估出AR3804、AR4474等16个最强烈活动区。与22周比较,两周都有在时空分布的相对集中性特征。但21周集中在4个时段,不如22周在2个时段集中;21周出现的5个热点,只有南半球在经度85°前后的热点,与22周3个热点之一相似;21周的整体活动水平略低,在X射线和质子事件两方面尤为显著低于22周  相似文献   

Vigouroux  Anne  Pap  Judit M.  Delache  Philippe 《Solar physics》1997,176(1):1-21
The detection of solar irradiance variations (both bolometric and at various wavelengths) by satellite-based experiments during the last one-and-a-half decades stimulated modeling efforts to help identify their causes and to provide estimates of irradiance data for those time intervals when no satellite observations exist. In this paper we present estimates of the long-term irradiance changes developed with Fourier and wavelet transforms. The month-to-month irradiance variations, after removing the solar cycle related long-term changes, are studied with the cross-correlation technique. Results of the analysis reveal a significant phase shift at 3 months between the full-disk magnetic field strength and total solar and UV irradiance, with irradiance leading the magnetic field variability. In addition to this time delay between the changes in solar irradiance and the magnetic field, a 10-month phase shift has been found between the UV flux at 280 nm and total solar irradiance corrected for sunspot darkening. The existence of these phase shifts suggests the possibility of a coupling between the physical processes taking place below, in, and above the photosphere.  相似文献   

在上合期间,日冕和太阳风严重影响深空通信链路。论述了非均匀太阳风对深空通信的影响,综述了基于深空探测器下行信号的太阳风观测,以及通过反演技术进行太阳风和日冕特性研究的国内外进展。以我国的深空探测为背景,提出一套基于探测器下行信号的太阳风观测方案,并可利用现有探测器进行预先观测研究。在我国深空探测任务开始后,在数据通信和测轨的同时,进行全过程的观测实验。  相似文献   

本文总结了北京天文台1991年的2840MHz波段微波爆发中精细结构(FS)事件的观测.从FS的时间标度、强度、共生的微波爆发的峰值流量、FS发生在微波爆发的相位和FS与Hα耀斑的关系等方面作了统计分析.发现约67%以上的FS其持续时间为几十毫秒到几百毫秒,85%以上的FS幅度小于200sfu.讨论了FS的时标、强度及22周太阳峰年期与21周FS出现率的差别.  相似文献   

The cross-correlation function of solar p modes in a time – distance analysis changes with travel distance (or travel time). The exponential decrease in the amplitude of the cross-correlation function with travel distance has been interpreted as the dissipation of solar p-mode power and used to determine the lifetimes of high-degree p modes. It is found that the width of the cross-correlation function increases with travel distance. We interpret the increase in width as the dispersion of the wave packet in a time – distance analysis. The dispersion would also cause a decrease in amplitude and affect the determination of lifetimes. We include the dispersion effect in the determination of lifetimes of high-degree p modes in a time – distance analysis and find that the derived lifetime increases significantly compared with the previous study for degree less than 400.  相似文献   

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