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Suspended matter was collected at 30 stations in the Baltic and Kattegatt, at the thermocline and at the bottom, and analysed for Na, Ca, Mg, Si, Ti, Al, Fe, Mn, Ba, Sr, Ni and V. The composition of the suspended matter varies considerably, but can be described as a mixture of: (1) 12–25% terrigenous detritus with much Si, Al, Ti and Fe; (2) 75–88% biological matter with much Ni, V and Ba; and (3) some Mn-oxyhydroxide.The annual efflux of water from the Baltic is about 460 km3, with a suspended load in the Baltic straits of ~1.2–3.6 mg ash material l?1 These values imply that much Si, Ti, Al, Fe, Sr, Ni and V and particularly much Ba and Mn are lost from the Baltic in the suspended load.The average suspended matter is richer in Mn(5×), Ba(2.5×), Sr(4×) and V(1.8×) than permanently depositing Baltic sediments. These constituents are relatively enriched in pelagic deposits, i.e. it is likely that much Mn, Ba and V in deep-sea sediments derive from the continents via suspended transport. This conclusion is supported by the similarity between suspended matter and average Atlantic pelagic sediment.  相似文献   

During May 1980, particulate matter was collected at an anchor station from different depths by two methods. In the separated hydrocarbon fraction the most abundant component was the highly unsaturated hydrocarbon n-heneicosahexaene (HEH). Also present was a series of mono- and di-unsaturated olefinic hydrocarbons with an uneven number of carbon atoms, starting with n-C17. The alkane pattern was characterized by a maximum in the range between n-pentadecane and n-heptadecane, with a strong uneven to even carbon number predominance. The peculiar composition of the aliphatic hydrocarbons was compared with literature data given for aliphatic hydrocarbons, whether produced by different marine organisms or derived from crude oil of other anthropogenic sources. A suggestion is made for using a set of conditions as indicators for pollution by fossil hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

Nineteen samples of silty and clayey sediments of the Baltic Sea were analyzed by bulk methods (atomic absorption spectrometry and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry), as well as by electron probe X-ray microanalysis (EPXMA). Processing of the EPXMA-data resulted in nine different particle types which have been identified as different mineral species. Quartz and aluminosilicate particles are most abundant (often more than 95%), although they are not of much help for the characterization of the geochemistry of Baltic sediments. Reduction products, such as Fe-sulfides and rhodochrosite, are found in anoxic sediment environments (e.g. Gotland Deep). The oxides/hydroxides of iron and manganese are more indicative of oxic environments (e.g. Kattegat). In regions with periodic changes in the redox conditions, oxides/hydroxides and sulfides are detected side by side (e.g. Lübeck Bight, Arkona Basin). The detected Ca- and Ti-rich particles show a geographical dependence. The Ca-rich particles are found in the transition region between the Baltic Sea and the North Sea. Ti-rich particles have high abundances around the coastlines of Germany (e.g. Lübeck Bight) and southern Poland. The results of the bulk analysis and of the individual particle analysis are often complementary.  相似文献   

Spatial variation of suspended particulate matter in the Yellow Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A. S. Kukushkin 《Oceanology》2013,53(5):554-569
The peculiarities in the distribution pattern of the concentration of suspended organic matter (SOM) components were studied for the long-term period of 1979–1995. We have analyzed their seasonal, annual, and interannual variability in the surface water layer and in the photosynthetic water layer in the northwestern Black Sea. Four areas pertaining to different concentrations of SOM components were defined according to the effect of riverine discharge and of open sea water masses, i.e. western, northern, central, and eastern areas. We have found an increase in the concentrations of SOM components in the summer-autumn period in the late 1980s and early 1990s, with the highest values observed in 1992. The concentration of suspended organic carbon was estimated for the concentration of Chlorophyll a in the surface water layer. These calculations are based on the regression relationship between simultaneous measurements of these two parameters in situ. It was found that the seasonal interannual variability in the concentrations of SOM components was affected by the volume of riverine discharge, its run to the sea, and climatic shifts.  相似文献   

The mineral composition of the suspended particulate matter (SPM) was studied for the White Sea area. The comparative analysis of the composition of the marine SMP and the SPM of the rivers of the White Sea catchment area was performed, including the Severnaya Dvina River, one of the major sources of the terrigenous suspended matter to the sea. The research of such kind is faced with numerous methodological difficulties, which slows down the study process. Data on the mineral composition of the SPM are scarce. Applying the method of X-ray powder diffractometry, we assessed the bulk mineral composition of the SPM with special regard to its clay fraction.  相似文献   

渤海悬浮物分布的遥感研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
利用渤海湾和莱州湾现场实测的悬浮物含量和光谱数据,建立了基于555和670nm波段遥感反射率的悬浮物含量遥感反演模型。经检验,模型平均相对误差优于20%,对输入端误差不敏感。基于该模型,利用ENVISAT MERIS遥感数据,从空间分布格局、大风过程的短期扰动以及季节性差异等方面分析了渤海悬浮物的时空分布特征。(1)渤海悬浮物含量的高值区集中分布在莱州湾(尤其是黄河口和莱州湾湾底)和渤海湾沿岸,此外在辽东湾沿岸海域悬浮物含量也相对较高,而在渤海大部水体悬浮物含量较低。(2)大风过程可在短期内(约1~3d)显著改变全渤海的悬浮物空间分布格局,其中渤海湾和莱州湾响应最为强烈,辽东湾响应相对较弱,这与其各自的水深条件、底质类型和悬浮物粒径等因素有关。(3)渤海悬浮物含量总体上呈春夏低、秋冬高的分布特征;季节性差异最显著的区域是渤海湾、莱州湾和辽东湾,差异性最小的是秦皇岛近岸海域;风力等气候因素是悬浮物分布呈现季节性差异的主要原因,入海径流是另一重要因素。  相似文献   

利用渤海湾和莱州湾现场实测的悬浮物含量和光谱数据,建立了基于555和670 nm波段遥感反射率的悬浮物含量遥感反演模型。经检验,模型平均相对误差优于20%,对输入端误差不敏感。基于该模型,利用ENVISAT MERIS遥感数据,从空间分布格局、大风过程的短期扰动以及季节性差异等方面分析了渤海悬浮物的时空分布特征。(1)渤海悬浮物含量的高值区集中分布在莱州湾(尤其是黄河口和莱州湾湾底)和渤海湾沿岸,此外在辽东湾沿岸海域悬浮物含量也相对较高,而在渤海大部水体悬浮物含量较低。(2)大风过程可在短期内(约1~3 d)显著改变全渤海的悬浮物空间分布格局,其中渤海湾和莱州湾响应最为强烈,辽东湾响应相对较弱,这与其各自的水深条件、底质类型和悬浮物粒径等因素有关。(3)渤海悬浮物含量总体上呈春夏低、秋冬高的分布特征;季节性差异最显著的区域是渤海湾、莱州湾和辽东湾,差异性最小的是秦皇岛近岸海域;风力等气候因素是悬浮物分布呈现季节性差异的主要原因,入海径流是另一重要因素  相似文献   

南黄海悬浮体浓度的平面分布特征及其输运规律   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
重点分析和探讨了南黄海悬浮体浓度的平面分布及其水平输运,结果显示悬浮体浓度具有显著的空间区域化分布特征,其与该海域环流场的布局和季节转换存在良好的对应关系,南黄海环流是该海域悬浮体运移的主要动力和控制因素;江苏近岸海域在一年四季均为悬浮体浓度的最高值区,其悬浮体主要来源于潮流和海浪所引起的沉积物再悬浮以及苏北沿岸水的携带和输送,而且夏季悬浮体在该海域的累积还可为冬半年在黄海西部沿岸流作用下将其输运至东南海域提供很好的物源保证;长江口东北部海域在春、夏、秋三季出现东北向扩展的高值区,体现了长江冲淡水的影响;石岛外海在冬、春、秋三季也存在悬浮体浓度高值区,并具有向南黄海中部泥质区扩展的态势,这是鲁北沿岸流将现代黄河物质输运至此的结果。发现调查海域中部表底层在春秋季均存在云团状高值区,而且该海域悬浮体浓度自春季至秋季出现"双峰现象",这与春秋季水华期间浮游植物繁殖所产生的有机碎屑有关,并使作为悬浮体组成的海洋浮游生物有机质向沉积物转移,据此进一步指出这一物源可能对南黄海冷涡泥质区的形成、发育也具有一定的作用,该观点深化了对南黄海中部冷涡泥质区受上层生物活动影响以及泥质区物源的认识。  相似文献   

Seasonal variation in the transport of suspended matter across the East China Sea is investigated with the use of results of field observations and diagnostic numerical experiments. Suspended matter is transported from the shelf edge to the inner shelf in summer and from the inner shelf to the shelf edge in autumn and winter due to the vertical circulation mainly induced by the monsoon wind. The maximum transport of suspended matter from the inner shelf to the shelf edge occurs in autumn.  相似文献   

The biogeochemistry of the following elements Al, Fe, Sibio, POC, PNtot, Cabio, Sorg, P and Mn has been studied within waters of the Cretan Sea in March and September 1994, as part of the PELAGOS project. Particulate aluminosilicate concentrations, exemplified by Al, are very low (<1 μgl−1) especially in the upper waters. Higher concentrations occur below 200 m, especially at depths of 200 m and 500–700 m in the central and eastern areas, and are thought to result from sediment injections from the shelf edge and slope. The results for Sibio, Cabio, P and Sorg show much higher concentrations within the photic waters. Temporal and spatial high concentrations in these waters closely relate to the existence of cyclonic eddies on the east and west sides of the sea, while low concentrations are associated with an intervening anticyclonic eddy. However in September, discharge of Black Sea Water in the west sufficiently suppresses the thermocline to prevent upwelled water from reaching the surface and hence these substances are prevented from forming.Particulate Fe (expressed as Feexcess) concentrations show much higher concentrations relative to Al in September, and are thought to result from additional atmospheric inputs. The low particulate Mn concentrations in the upper water compared with deeper waters are considered to be a product of photoinhibition of MnOx precipitation from Mn(II).An attempt has been made to assess input/output budgets of Al, Ca, Fe and Mn through the Antikithira and Kassos Straits. Much of the outflows leave through the Kassos Strait and, except for Ca, net outflows through the Antikithira Straits are negligible.  相似文献   

The features of the vertical distribution of chlorophyll a, particulate organic carbon and its isotopic composition, total suspended particulate matter (SPM), and the structure of the phytoplankton community in the Middle and South Caspian Sea in May–June 2012 are discussed. The subsurface chlorophyll a maximum (SCM) was found everywhere at depths of ~20 to 40–60 m. The position of this layer is confined to the depth of the seasonal thermocline, which is determined by the development of a cold-water (dark) phytocenosis. The genesis of this layer was studied. The increase in chlorophyll a concentration in this layer is caused by an abundance of phytoplankton or an increased concentration of this phytopigments per algal cell. The highest values of the studied organic compounds and phytoplankton biomass are revealed as close to the seasonal thermocline extending from the southern periphery of the Derbent Depression to the Apsheron Sill, which is determined by the bottom topography. The presence of chlorophyll a at depths exceeding 300 m (up to ≥1 mg/m3) was revealed. This was supported by findings of individual algal cells containing chlorophyll a and even their accumulations in the deep water layer. The most probable mechanisms responsible for the presence of these cells at the deep water level are discussed in the paper. The vertical distribution of the values of the organic carbon isotopic composition is primarily controlled by the vertical structure of phytoplankton and chlorophyll a in the water column up to ~500 m and by biogeochemical processes at the redox barrier (~600 m layer). The relative stability of chlorophyll a and the stability of pheophytin a in anaerobic environments were verified. A significant amount of weakly transformed chlorophyll a was found close the sea bottom.  相似文献   

通过对粤西及海南岛东北部海区现场调查,取得了大量悬浮体浓度及海水浊度数据,分析后发现调查海区悬浮体浓度值普遍较低,绝大部分海域为清洁海域。对悬浮体浓度及海水浊度平面图及断面图分析后发现,春夏季粤西悬浮物主要来源于珠江口及琼州海峡,且两处悬浮物在电白外海存在明显的分界,琼东北海域悬浮物主要来自于海南岛及外海。近岸及底层悬浮体浓度及海水浊度具有较好的相关性,浊度能够很好地反映悬砂含量,但是不能反映生物活动及分布状况,如琼东上升流区的生物活动较剧烈,虽然其悬浮物浓度值偏高,但其浊度值并没有明显升高。  相似文献   

The release of ammonium from the photochemical degradation of dissolved organic matter (DOM) has been proposed by earlier studies as a potentially important remineralisation pathway for refractory organic nitrogen. In this study the photochemical production of ammonium from Baltic Sea DOM was assessed in the laboratory. Filtered samples from the Bothnian Bay, the Gulf of Finland and the Arkona Sea were exposed to UVA light at environmentally relevant levels, and the developments in ammonium concentrations, light absorption, fluorescence and molecular size distribution were followed. The exposures resulted in a decrease in DOM absorption and loss of the larger sized fraction of DOM. Analysis of the fluorescence properties of DOM using parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) identified 6 independent components. Five components decreased in intensity as a result of the UVA exposures. One component was produced as a result of the exposures and represents labile photoproducts derived from terrestrial DOM. The characteristics of DOM in samples from the Bothnian Bay and Gulf of Finland were similar and dominated by terrestrially derived material. The DOM from the Arkona Sea was more autochthonous in character. Photoammonification differed depending on the composition of DOM. Calculated photoammonification rates in surface waters varied between 121 and 382 μmol NH4+ L− 1 d− 1. Estimated areal daily production rates ranged between 37 and 237 μmol NH4+ m− 2 d− 1, which are comparable to atmospheric deposition rates and suggest that photochemical remineralisation of organic nitrogen may be a significant source of bioavailable nitrogen to surface waters during summer months with high irradiance and low inorganic nitrogen concentrations.  相似文献   

This study assesses the performance of the Geostationary Ocean Imager (GOCI) for mapping of suspended particulate matter in the Bohai Sea, a turbid water region. GOCI imagery for remote sensing reflectance and Total Suspended Solids (TSS) is analysed in detail for two days in June 2011 (8 images per day). Both instantaneous and daily composite maps are considered and a comparison is made with corresponding reflectance and TSS products from MODIS-AQUA. Results show TSS distributions corresponding to previous studies of the region. The advantage of the higher acquisition frequency (8 images/day instead of 1) offered by GOCI is clearly demonstrated in the daily composite which is more complete during this period of scattered but moving clouds. Consideration of temporal variation over the day indicates low natural variability but some artificial variability from processing errors ?? this analysis provides a first indication of how the higher frequency of data from geostationary ocean colour could lead to improved data quality control via temporal coherency outlier detection. While there is room for improvement on the GOCI calibration, atmospheric correction and retrieval algorithms, the current study suggests that the GOCI data can already be used now to study qualitatively sediment dynamics except in the extremely turbid waters which are masked out of the current dataset. In a wider context, it is considered that the technical challenges of geostationary ocean colour have been met by the GOCI concept, and, notwithstanding potential improvements on the concept and data processing methods, it is recommended that this mission serve as a model for future geostationary ocean colour sensors over Europe/Africa and the Americas.  相似文献   

Settling organic matter (OM) is the major food source for heterotrophic benthic fauna. The high sorption affinity of many contaminants for OM implies that OM can influence both the distribution and bioavailability of contaminants. Here, we experimentally examine the role of settling OM of various nutritional qualities on the bioaccumulation of cadmium and the flame retardant BDE-99 by three benthic invertebrates; Macoma balthica, Monoporeia affinis and Marenzelleria sp. Contaminants were associated with three types of OM; a microalgae (Tetraselmis spp.), lignin and sediment. Bioaccumulation of Cd was proportional to OM nutritional quality for all three species, and was species-specific in the order Marenzelleria>M. balthica>M. affinis. BDE-99 bioaccumulation was highest in the treatment with the most nutritious OM (Tetraselmis). Consequently, both benthic species composition and the nutritive value of organic matter settling to the seafloor can have a substantial effect on the bioaccumulation of both metals and organic contaminants.  相似文献   

Lukashin  V. N.  Krechik  V. A.  Klyuvitkin  A. A.  Starodymova  D. P. 《Oceanology》2018,58(6):856-869
Oceanology - The article discusses the results of studying the marginal filter of the Pregolya River in different seasons. Three transformation stages of dispersed sedimentary material are...  相似文献   

《Journal of Sea Research》1999,41(1-2):19-33
Electron microprobe analysis of suspended-matter samples collected at different water depths at ten stations in the Angola Basin indicated that at each station, from top to bottom, the elementary composition of the suspended matter was very similar and differed from the composition of the suspended matter at the adjacent stations. This indicates that the downward settling of the suspended matter is much faster than the horizontal transport and mixing by the currents. Assuming that the suspended matter settles in the form of flocs, or is scavenged by settling flocs, the suspended matter can indeed reach the bottom in a shorter period than needed for the currents to cover the distance between adjacent stations. Comparison with sediment trap data from the literature shows that also lateral transports and/or deep water gyres have to be invoked to further increase residence times of suspended matter in the water column.  相似文献   

《Journal of Sea Research》1999,41(1-2):35-53
Suspended matter samples filtered from surface waters and two depth profiles from the Flores Sea and Makasar Strait were investigated by electron probe X-ray microanalysis (EPXMA) and laser microprobe mass analysis (LAMMA). EPXMA yielded discrete morphological and chemical analysis of the major particle types of suspended matter. Cluster analysis revealed that thirteen main particle types described the composition of suspended matter of the Flores Sea and Makasar Strait. Silicates, aluminosilicates and Fe-oxyhydroxides were the predominant particle types. Suspended matter of the basins studied contained high levels of tin-bearing particles. On the basis of their composition, tin particles can be divided into three groups: (1) tin oxide/hydroxides (cassiterite, romarchite, hydroromarchite); (2) iron-oxyhydroxides with adsorbed tin; and (3) mixed oxidation state tin hydroxysulphates. Only ultra-fine cassiterite particles enter the seawater in suspended state. Dissolved tin species entering the sea have three alternatives: (1) to be scavenged by Fe-oxyhydroxides; (2) to precipitate as tin oxide/hydroxides (romarchite, hydroromarchite); (3) to precipitate as tin hydroxysulphates. The conclusion is that dissolved and suspended tin originate from local sources in the land frame of the basins as well as from remote sources in the Indonesian Archipelago. Four different sectors of the waters studied have suspended matter with different composition: (1) the Mahakam River–Delta zone; (2) the open Flores Sea; (3) the landlocked Saleh Bay; (4) the Makasar Strait proper. The depth distribution of suspended particle types is mainly influenced by: (1) the bottom nepheloid layer and calcite lysocline in the Flores Sea; (2) the high bioproduction in the surface water layer and the vertical distribution of organic matter in the Makasar Strait.  相似文献   

Studies of the dynamics of the concentration of the suspended particulate matter (SPM) and Corg in the seawater of Chupa Inlet were performed for the three-year period of 2010–2012. In general, the concentration of SPM increased from the spring through the summer, decreased through the autumn period, and declined dramatically in the winter. The ratio of the organic matter in the SPM decreased gradually from the surface water layer to the bottom and averaged 61%. The abiotic factors affecting the SPM concentration and suspended organic matter were studied; the water temperature and tide events were named as the liming ones.  相似文献   

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