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Using the relative vorticity averaged over a certain area, a new index for measuring the longitudinal position of the subtropical high (SH) in the western Pacific is proposed to avoid the increasing trend of heights in the previous indices based on geopotential height. The years of extreme westward and eastward extension of SH using the new index are in good agreement with those defined by height index. There exists a distinct difference in large-scale circulation between the eastward and westward extension of SH under the new definition, which includes not only the circulation in the middle latitudes but also the flow in the lower latitudes. It seems that when the SH extends far to the east (west), the summer monsoon in the South China Sea is stronger (weaker) and established earlier (later). In addition, there exists a good relationship between the longitudinal position of SH and the summer rainfall in China. A remarkable negative correlation area appears in the Changjiang River valley, indicating that when the SH extends westward (eastward), the precipitation in that region increases (decreases). A positive correlation region is found in South China, showing the decrease of rainfall when the SH extends westward. On the other hand, the rainfall is heavier when the SH retreats eastward. However, the anomalous longitudinal position of SH is not significantly related to the precipitation in North China. The calculation of correlation coefficients between the index of longitudinal position of SH and surface temperature in China shows that a large area of positive values, higher than 0.6 in the center, covers the whole of North China, even extending eastward to the Korean Peninsula and Japan Islands when using NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data to do the correlation calculation. This means that when the longitudinal position of the SH withdraws eastward in summer, the temperature over North China is higher. On the other hand, when it moves westward, the temperature there is lower. This could explain the phenomenon of the seriously high temperatures over North China during recent summers, because the longitudinal position of SH in recent summers was located far away from the Asian continent. Another region with large negative correlation coefficients is found in South China.  相似文献   

YU Liang  MU Mu  Yanshan  YU 《大气科学进展》2014,31(3):647-656
ABSTRACT The impact of both initial and parameter errors on the spring predictability barrier (SPB) is investigated using the Zebiak Cane model (ZC model). Previous studies have shown that initial errors contribute more to the SPB than parameter errors in the ZC model. Although parameter errors themselves are less important, there is a possibility that nonlinear interactions can occur between the two types of errors, leading to larger prediction errors compared with those induced by initial errors alone. In this case, the impact of parameter errors cannot be overlooked. In the present paper, the optimal combination of these two types of errors [i.e., conditional nonlinear optimal perturbation (CNOP) errors] is calculated to investigate whether this optimal error combination may cause a more notable SPB phenomenon than that caused by initial errors alone. Using the CNOP approach, the CNOP errors and CNOP-I errors (optimal errors when only initial errors are considered) are calculated and then three aspects of error growth are compared: (1) the tendency of the seasonal error growth; (2) the prediction error of the sea surface temperature anomaly; and (3) the pattern of error growth. All three aspects show that the CNOP errors do not cause a more significant SPB than the CNOP-I errors. Therefore, this result suggests that we could improve the prediction of the E1 Nifio during spring by simply focusing on reducing the initial errors in this model.  相似文献   

The characteristic changes of South Pacific sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTAs) for the period January 1979 to December 2011, during which the 1990s Pacific pan-decadal variability (PDV) interdecadal regime shifts occurred, were examined. Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis was applied to the monthly mean SSTA for two sub-periods: January 1979 to December 1994 (P 1) and January 1996 to December 2011 (P2). Both the spatial and temporal features of the leading EOF mode for P1 and P2 showed a remarkable difference. The spatial structure of the leading EOF changed from a tripolar pattern for P 1 (EOF-P 1) to a dipole-like pattern for P2 (EOF-P2). Besides, EOF-P 1 (EOF-P2) had significant spectral peaks at 4.6 yr (2.7 yr). EOF-P2 not only had a closer association with E1 Nifio-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), but also showed a faster response to ENSO than EOF-P1 based on their lead-lag relationships with ENSO. During the development of ENSO, the South Pacific SSTA associated with ENSO for both PI and P2 showed a significant eastward propagation. However, after the peak of ENSO, EOF-P1 showed a stronger persistence than EOF-P2, which still showed eastward propagation. The variability of the SSTA associated with the whole process of ENSO evolution during P1 and the SSTA associated with the development of ENSO during P2 support the existence of ocean-to-atmosphere forcing, but the SSTA associated with the decay of ENSO shows the phenomenon of atmosphere-to-ocean forcing.  相似文献   

The vertical structures of atmospheric temperature anomalies associated with El Nio are simulated with a spectrum atmospheric general circulation model developed by LASG/IAP (SAMIL). Sensitivity of the model’s response to convection scheme is discussed. Two convection schemes, i.e., the revised Zhang and Macfarlane (RZM) and Tiedtke (TDK) convection schemes, are employed in two sets of AMIP-type (Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project) SAMIL simulations, respectively. Despite some deficiencies in the up...  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The authors explored the connection and transition chains of the Northern Oscillation (NO) and the North Pacific Oscilla tion (NPO), the Southern Oscillation (SO), and the Antarctic Oscillation (AAO) on the interannual timescale in a companion paper. In this study, the connection between the transition chains of the four oscillations (the NO and NPO, the SO and AAO) and the El Nifio/La Nifia cycle were examined. It was found that during the transitions of the four oscillations, alternate anticyclonic/cyclonic correlation centers propagated from the Western Pacific to the Eastern Pacific along both sides of the equator. Between the anticyclonic/cyclonic correlation centers, the zonal wind anomalies also moved eastwardly, favoring the advection of sea surface temperature anomalies from the tropical Western Pacific to the Eastern Pacific. When the anti cyclonic anomalies arrived in the Eastern Pacific, the positive phase of NO/SO and La Nifia were established and vice versa. Thus, in 4-6 years, with an entire transition chain of the four oscillations, an E1 Nifio/La Nifia cycle completed. The eastward propagation of the covarying anomalies of the sea level pressure, zonal wind, and sea surface temperature was critical to the transition chains of the four oscillations and the cycle of E1 Nifio/La Nifia. Based on their close link, a new empirical prediction method of the timing of E1 Nifio by the transition chains of the four oscillations was proposed. The assessment provided confidence in the ability of the new method to supply information regarding the long-term variations of the ocean and atmosphere in the tropical Pacific.  相似文献   

The grid-point atmospheric model of IAP LASG (GAMIL) was developed in and has been evaluated since early 2004. Although the model shows its ability in simulating the global climate, it suffers from some problems in simulating precipitation in the tropics. These biases seem to result mainly from the treatment of the subgrid scale convection, which is parameterized with Tiedtke's massflux scheme (or the Zhang-McFarlane scheme, as an option) in the model. In order to reduce the systematic biases, several modifications were made to the Tiedtke scheme used in GAMIL, including (1) an increase in lateral convective entrainment/detrainment rate for shallow convection, (2) inclusion of a relative humidity threshold for the triggering of deep convection, and (3) a reduced efficiency for the conversion of cloud water to rainwater in the convection scheme.
Two experiments, one with the original Tiedtke scheme used in GAMIL and the other with the modified scheme, were conducted to evaluate the performance of the modified scheme in this study. The results show that both the climatological mean state, such as precipitation, temperature and specific humidity, and interannual variability in the model simulation are improved with the use of this modified scheme. Results from several additional experiments show that the improvements in the model performance in different regions mainly result from either the introduction of the relative humidity threshold for triggering of the deep convection or the suppressed shallow convection due to enhanced lateral convective entrainment/detrainment rates.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to identify multi-decadal variability (MDV) relative to the current centennial global warming trend in available observation data.The centennial global wanning trend was first identified in the global mean surface temperature (STgm) data.The MDV was identified based on three sets of climate variables,including sea surface temperature (SST),ocean temperature from the surface to 700 m,and the NCEP and ERA40 reanalysis datasets,respectively.All variables were detrended and low-pass filtered.Through three independent EOF analyses of the filtered variables,all results consistently showed two dominant modes,with their respective temporal variability resembling the Pacific Decadal Oscillation/Inter-decadal Pacific Oscillation (PDO/IPO) and the Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation (AMO).The spatial structure of the PDO-like oscillation is characterized by an ENSO-like structure and hemispheric symmetric features.The structure associated with the AMO-like oscillation exhibits hemispheric asymmetric features with anomalous warm air over Eurasia and warm SST in the Atlantic and Pacific basin north of 10°S,and cold SST over the southern oceans.The Pacific and Atlantic MDV in upper-ocean temperature suggest that they are mutually linked.We also found that the PDO-like and AMO-like oscillations are almost equally important in global-scale MDV by EOF analyses.In the period 1975-2005,the evolution of the two oscillations has given rise to strong temperature trends and has contributed almost half of the STgm warming.Hereon,in the next decade,the two oscillations are expected to slow down the global warming trends.  相似文献   

利用美国NOAA海表温度资料,重点分析了北太平洋海温异常EOF第二模态Victoria模态(VM)与ENSO年际关系的非对称特征.研究发现,VM和ENSO在年代际尺度上相关性较弱,而在年际尺度上有很好的相关关系,两者同期为负相关,VM超前1 a为正相关.然而,正负VM事件与ENSO冷暖位相在年际尺度上的联系存在着一定的...  相似文献   

林婷婷  李春 《山东气象》2019,39(2):68-75
基于NOAA重建的海面温度(sea surface temperature, SST)资料和NCEP再分析大气资料,研究了ENSO(El Niño-Southern Oscillation)与南海SST关系的年代际变化。结果表明:ENSO影响南海SST的冬、夏季“双峰”现象发生了显著的年代际变化,即冬季的“峰值”自20世纪80年代显著减弱,而夏季的“峰值”稳定持续且在20世纪70年代之后增强;冬季“峰值”的减弱可能与冬季西北太平洋反气旋的年代际变化有关,夏季“峰值”的维持和增强可能与20世纪70年代之后印度洋SST“电容器”效应的增强有关。  相似文献   

Tropical Cyclone (TC) tracks over the western North Pacific (WNP) during 1949–2007, obtained from China Meteorological Administration/Shanghai Typhoon institute, are classified into three track types. These types are the main pathways by which TCs influence the coast of East Asia. The relationships between local sea surface temperature (SST) in WNP and TC tracks are revealed. Results show that the local SST plays an important role in TC tracks, though the relationships between local SST and the frequencies ...  相似文献   

胡楠  孙源  张永垂  钟中 《气象科学》2024,44(2):375-381
尽管海表温度(Sea Surface Temperature,SST)短期变化较小,但这种变化对海洋涡旋、海洋锋以及热带气旋的发生发展仍有着重要的影响,因此短期SST预报意义重大,且对预报精度的要求较高。本文基于ConvLSTM的深度学习模型,利用SST和温度平流双预报因子对西北太平洋划定区域内SST进行7 d的连续预报,将其结果与仅使用SST预报因子ConvLSTM以及混合坐标海洋模型(HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model,HYCOM)的预报结果分别进行了对比。结果表明,在7 d的预报时效内,温度平流预报因子的加入可使得ConvLSTM模型预报技巧大幅提升,明显优于HYCOM模式。此外,本文将预报时效进一步延长至30 d,对模型在不同季节的预报能力进行了分析,发现ConvLSTM模型在春、秋季(夏、冬季)的预报效果相对较好(差)。  相似文献   

印度洋海盆增暖及ENSO对西北太平洋热带气旋活动的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
陶丽  程守长 《大气科学》2012,36(6):1223-1235
本文主要分析1950~2010年间印度洋海盆增暖和西北太平洋热带气旋(TC)活动的关系, 并与ENSO对西北太平洋TC活动的影响相比较, 结果表明:印度洋海盆异常增暖与西北太平洋地区总TC生成年频数尤其是弱TC相关较好, 印度洋海盆异常增暖, 西北太平洋地区为异常的反气旋, 对流抑制, 降水偏少, 不利于TC的生成, 反之亦然。而ENSO对西北太平洋热带气旋的影响, 主要体现在对强TC的年生成频数的影响, El Ni?o 发展年, 季风槽加深东伸, TC生成位置偏东, 由于TC在海洋上的生命史较长, TC的平均强度偏强, 因而强TC年生成频数偏多;La Ni?a发展年, 季风槽较浅, TC生成位置偏西, TC的平均强度偏弱, 强TC年生成频数偏少。但是ENSO指数与强TC年频数的相关有着年代际的变化, 在1950~1969年和1990~2009年间, ENSO指数和强TC年频数相关很好, 分别为0.532和0.687, 而在1970~1989这二十年间, 两者相关很弱, 只有0.081。  相似文献   

Observational and reanalysis data are used to investigate the different relationships between boreal spring sea surface temperature (SST) in the Indian and Pacific oceans and summer precipitation in China. Partial correlation analysis reveals that the effects of spring Indian Ocean SST (IO SST) and Pacific SST (PSST) anomalies on summer precipitation in China are qualitatively opposite. When IO SST anomalies are considered independently of PSST anomalies, precipitation decreases south of the Yangtze River, in most areas of Inner Mongolia, and in some parts of Liaoning Province, and increases in the Yangtze River valley, parts of southwestern and northern China, northeastern Inner Mongolia, and Heilongjiang Province. This results in a negative-positive-negative-positive pattern of precipitation anomalies in China from south to north. When PSST anomalies (particularly those in the Nin o3.4 region) are considered independently of IO SST anomalies, the pattern of precipitation anomalies in China is positive-negative-positive-negative from south to north. The genesis of summer precipitation anomalies in China is also examined when El Nin o-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) signals are removed from the ocean and atmosphere. An anticyclonic low-level wind anomaly forms in the South China Sea-Northwest Pacific area when the IO SST anomaly (SSTA) is warm and the Northwest Pacific SSTA is cold. This anticyclonic anomaly substantially influences summer precipitation in China. Anomalous warming of tropical IO SST induces positive geopotential height anomalies in the subtropics and an east-west dipole pattern in midlatitudes over Asia. These anomalies also affect summer precipitation in China.  相似文献   

Previous studies suggest that spring SST anomalies over the northern tropical Atlantic(NTA) affect the tropical cyclone(TC) activity over the western North Pacific(WNP) in the following summer and fall. The present study reveals that the connection between spring NTA SST and following summer–fall WNP TC genesis frequency is not stationary. The influence of spring NTA SST on following summer–fall WNP TC genesis frequency is weak and insignificant before, but strong and significant after, the late 1980 s. Before the late 1980 s, the NTA SST anomaly-induced SST anomalies in the tropical central Pacific are weak, and the response of atmospheric circulation over the WNP is not strong. As a result, the connection between spring NTA SST and following summer–fall WNP TC genesis frequency is insignificant in the former period. In contrast,after the late 1980 s, NTA SST anomalies induce pronounced tropical central Pacific SST anomalies through an Atlantic–Pacific teleconnection. Tropical central Pacific SST anomalies further induce favorable conditions for WNP TC genesis,including vertical motion, mid-level relative humidity, and vertical zonal wind shear. Hence, the connection between NTA SST and WNP TC genesis frequency is significant in the recent period. Further analysis shows that the interdecadal change in the connection between spring NTA SST and following summer–fall WNP TC genesis frequency may be related to the climatological SST change over the NTA region.  相似文献   

南亚高压和西太副高位置与中国盛夏降水异常   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
张玲  智协飞 《气象科学》2010,30(4):438-444
用全国160站降水资料及ECMWF逐月再分析资料,采用合成分析方法,讨论了年际变化尺度上南亚高压与西太副高纬向位置异常与盛夏降水的关系。结果表明,当南亚高压与西太副高纬向异常重叠(分离)时,长江中下游流域存在异常上升(下沉)运动,江南的广大地区存在异常下沉(上升)运动。且当两个高压纬向异常重叠时,来自北印度洋及西太平洋的水汽,在长江中下游流域异常辐合,降水偏多。此时,江南地区水汽通量异常辐散,降水偏少。当两个高压纬向异常分离时,水汽主要来自北印度洋的西南风输送,长江流域降水偏少,江南地区降水偏多。  相似文献   

基于1948—2018年美国国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA)重建海面温度(ERSSTv5)资料集,采用经验正交函数(EOF)分解和交叉小波分析等统计学方法,对北太平洋地区近70 a海表温度(SST)、西太平洋副热带高压(WPSH)的变化特征及其相关性进行分析。第一模态体现了SST显著的年际变化厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(ENSO)现象和显著的年代际变化北太平洋年代际振荡(PDO)现象。将WPSH强度距平指数和面积距平指数的均值定义为WPSH综合指数。WPSH综合指数总体呈上升趋势;1977年之前,WPSH强度逐渐减小且振幅较小;1977年之后,WPSH强度逐渐增大且振幅强度较大。通过合成分析发现,WPSH异常偏强年份对应西北太平洋大部分地区的SST显著偏暖,WPSH异常偏弱年份对应西北太平洋大部分地区的SST显著偏冷。将其与NOAA的月气候指标的Ni?o3.4和PDO指数分别进行交叉小波谱分析,得出:北太平洋SST的年际信号、年代际信号均与WPSH的变化有很明显的相关,WPSH强度和太平洋中部SST存在显著的4~5 a的年际正相关,且随着时间的后移,SST的变化超前于WPSH的变化。  相似文献   

The phenomenon of ENSO asymmetry has been recognized for many years, but most studies have focused on the asymmetry of surface temperature anomalies in the equatorial eastern Pacific. Here, the authors investigate the temperature asymmetry associated with ENSO in the subsurface of the western Pacific through analysis of observations and numerical experiments with an ocean GCM. Both the observation and simulation exhibit significant ENSO asymmetry, characterized by negative temperature skewness in the equatorial western Pacific and positive skewness in the eastern Pacific. Heat budget analysis reveals that nonlinear dynamical heating results in the positive temperature asymmetry in the equatorial eastern Pacific, but tends to weaken the negative temperature asymmetry in the equatorial western Pacific. The climatological meridional current transports the temperature anomalies and corresponding negative asymmetry from the off-equator region to the equator in the subsurface of the western Pacific. Through a sensitivity experiment with reversed wind stress forcing, the authors suggest that the skewness of the wind stress anomalies does not contribute to the negative temperature asymmetry in the western Pacific in the first-order approximation, while the internal nonlinear dynamics does play a key role. The study suggests that, as a result of nonlinear processes, the oceanic responses to anomalous wind stress are nonlinear and asymmetric in the tropical Pacific.  相似文献   

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