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On the basis of S wave information from Tai’an-Xinzhou DSS profile and with reference to the results from P-wave interpretation, the 2-D structures, including S-wave velocity V s, ratio γ between V p and V s; and Poisson’ s ratio σ, are calculated; the structural configuration of the profile is presented and the relevant inferences are drawn from the above results. Upwarping mantle districts (V s≈4.30 km/s) and sloping mantle districts (V s≈4.50 km/s) of the profile with velocity difference about −4% at the top of upper mantle are divided according to the differences of V s, γ and σ in different media and structures, also with reference to the information of their neighbouring regions; the existence of Niujiaqiao-Dongwang high-angle ultra-crustal fault zone is reaffirmed; the properties of low and high velocity blocks (zones) including the crust-mantle transitionalzone and the boudary indicators of North China rift valley are discussed. A comprehensive study is conducted on the relation of the interpretation results with earthquakes. It is concluded that the mantle upwarps, thermal material upwells through the high-angle fault, the primary hypocenter was located at the crust-mantle juncture 30.0∼33.0 km deep, and additional stress excited the M S=6.8 and M S=7.2 earthquakes at specific locations around 9.0 km below Niujiaqiao-Dongwang, the earthquakes took place around the high-angle ultra-crustal fault and centered in the brittle media and rock strata with low γ and low σ values. This subject is part of the 85-907-02 key project during the “8th Five-Year Plan” from the State Science and Technology Commission.  相似文献   

By processing S-wave data from the Fanshi-Huai'an-Taipusiqi DSS profile,which is a three-component,wide-angle reflection/refraction profile,and in the light of the results from P-wave interpretation,two-dimensional(2-D)structures of the crust and upper mantle are presented,including S-wave velocity Vs and the physical parameter of medium-Poisson's ratio a.Taking other geological and geophysical information into account,and with reference to the results from petrophysical experiments at home and abroad,we carried out interpretation and inference with respect to deep crustal structure,tectonics,and lithologic characters.It has been concluded that in the upper and middle crust,a values are mostly not greater than 0.25,and rocks,which generally assume brittle,are mainly composed of granite; the rocks in the lower layer of the upper crust between Yangyuan-Huai'an containing inorganic CO2 itself releases carbon; for the rocks in the lower crust and crust-mantle transitional zone,which are comparatively plasti  相似文献   

温州珊溪水库地震S波分裂研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
通过对温州珊溪水库地震序列开展了近一年的近场源剪切波分裂参数研究,在进行精确定位并确保所用资料满足剪切波窗要求的基础上,采用互相关系数法,借助遗传算法与人工判读相结合,测量了地震序列的快剪切波偏振方向和快慢剪切波的时间延迟.结果表明,地震序列的S波分裂现象明显,台站记录到的地震快剪切波平均偏振方向与区域最大水平主压应力方向基本一致;温州珊溪水库地区快剪切波平均偏振方向在近N-S向;S波分裂快剪切波偏振方向所表现出的离散和空间差异性,认为可能是由于局部构造影响;目前库区应力场稳定,应力调整已经结束,未来发生强余震的可能性较小.  相似文献   




横波速度动校正后的共转换点(CCP)道集内,同时刻的各道横波信号S变换(ST)谱与其叠加道ST 谱具有相似关系.因此,可基于这种相似关系设计自适应滤波器来提取多波地震数据中的横波波场.首先对共中心点(CMP)道集应用纵波速度动校正并在各道减去叠加道来去除数据中的纵波波场;然后在CCP 道集应用横波速度动校正,将地震道振...  相似文献   

We recognized 6 sets of reflecting P- and S-wave events from Moho and other interfaces within the crust, respectively, with the wide-angle seismic data acquired from 510 km-long Selincuo-Ya’anduo profile in the northern Tibet, fitted the observed events with forward modeling, and interpreted crustal structure of P- and S-wave velocities and Poisson’s ratio under the profile. The results demonstrate that the crustal structure between Yarlungzangbo and Bangong-Nujiang sutures changes abruptly, and the crust is the thickest at the middle part of the profile with thickness of 80 km or more. The “down-bowing” Moho is the striking feature for the crustal variation along the west-east direction. The Moho uplifts with steps, and the uplifting rate westward is greater than that eastward. The heterogeneity of P- and S-wave velocities exists both vertically and horizontally, and one lower velocity layer (LVL) exists with the depth range of 27–34 km and the thickness range of 5–7 km. For the upper crust, Poisson’s ratio is the lowest at the middle part of the profile; for the lower crust, the Poisson’s ratio at the east segment is lower than that at west segment, which means that the crustal rigidity for the upper crust is different from the lower crust, and the lower crust under the east segment of the profile is more ductile. We infer that the substance in the lower crust endured eastward flow along with the collision between Eurasian and Indian plates, and the “down-bowing” Moho is attributable to the multi-phase E-W tectonic processes.  相似文献   

龙门山构造带及汶川震源区的S波速度结构   总被引:22,自引:9,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
利用四川地震台网的观测资料和体波地震层析成像方法反演了龙门山地区的S波速度结构,据此分析了龙门山断裂带的地壳结构和汶川震源区的深部构造特征.反演结果表明,地震破裂与龙门山断裂及其两侧的地壳结构差异存在明显的对应关系,汶川以北的龙门山上地壳具备较高的强度且明显抬升,灌县至江油是龙门山西侧应力积累的主要地区,汶川8.0级地震位于其南部边缘;四川盆地的刚性地壳向西俯冲于龙门山之下,其凸出部与造山带古老基底在汶川附近发生碰撞是汶川成为8.0级地震破裂起始点的主要原因.汶川以南的龙门山地区地壳上层具有较大的韧性,岩石强度相对减弱,与龙门山北部相比不易于应力积累和产生破裂,因而汶川以南的龙门山断裂缺少余震活动.龙门山地区地壳厚度明显增加,其原因与中下地壳具备较大的柔韧性有关.由于青藏东部向东挤出时受到四川盆地刚性岩石层的阻挡,龙门山中下地壳的塑性变形和垂向物质的增加导致地壳厚度加大和莫霍面下沉,以此方式吸收了龙门山地区的大部分地壳缩短量,地表则强烈褶皱抬升形成数千米的龙门山脉.  相似文献   

套管井井壁附近地层横波速度径向分布反演   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
王兵  马明明  刘鹤  刘志军 《地球物理学报》2016,59(12):4782-4790
套管外地层受异常地应力、油气开采的影响,在径向上表现出非均质性;采用声波测井可以对该非均质性进行探测,利用偶极子横波测井数据可以对横波速度的径向分布进行反演.本文建立了套管井外地层横波速度径向分层参考模型,采用修正的微扰法计算了该模型的偶极弯曲波频散曲线,建立了横波速度径向分布反演目标函数,采用高斯牛顿法和快速模拟退火法对目标函数进行了求解,得到了套管井外地层横波速度的径向分布.分析了偶极弯曲波频段、套管横波速度对反演结果的影响,对比了高斯牛顿法和快速模拟退火法对反演过程的影响.分析对比结果表明,采用偶极弯曲波激发强度较高的频段与采用全频段的反演结果相近;套管的横波速度准确度越高,反演结果越准确;高斯牛顿法和快速模拟退火法计算精度相同,都可以得到高精度的横波速度径向分布;快速模拟退火法的计算效率略低于高斯牛顿法,但其收敛性对初始值依赖更小,实际处理中应选择快速模拟退火法.  相似文献   

The Ningdu basin, located in southern Jiangxi province of southwest China, is one of the Mesozoic basin groups which has exploration prospects for geothermal energy. A study on the detailed velocity structure of the Ningdu basin can provide important information for geothermal resource exploration. In this study, we deployed a dense seismic array in the Ningdu basin to investigate the 3D velocity structure and discuss implications for geothermal exploration and geological evolution. Based on the dense seismic array including 35 short-period (5 s-100 ?Hz) seismometers with an average interstation distance of ~5 ?km, Rayleigh surface wave dispersion curves were extracted from the continuous ambient noise data for surface wave tomographic inversion. Group velocity tomography was conducted and the 3D S-wave velocity structure was inverted by the neighborhood algorithm. The results revealed obvious low-velocity anomalies in the center of the basin, consistent with the low-velocity Cretaceous sedimentary rocks. The basement and basin-controlling fault can also be depicted by the S-wave velocity anomalies. The obvious seismic interface is about 2 ?km depth in the basin center and decreases to 700 ?m depth near the basin boundary, suggesting spatial thickness variations of the Cretaceous sediment. The fault features of the S-wave velocity profile coincide with the geological cognition of the western boundary basin-controlling fault, which may provide possible upwelling channels for geothermal fluid. This study suggests that seismic tomography with a dense array is an effective method and can play an important role in the detailed investigations of sedimentary basins.  相似文献   

In this paper, on the basis of intensity data from 85 earthquakes occurred in China, the method of resolving overdetermined equations by using the damped least squares method is applied to inversing for the mean value of 1 s. S wave quality factor, the spreading factor and the S-wave acceleration at the foci of earthquakes in 7 regions of China. The relation between S-wave acceleration at the foci of earthquakes and magnitude is discussed. As an example, 2-DQ S distribution in Taiwan Province is obtained by inversion. It is found that there exists some corresponding relation between this distribution and Bouguer gravitational anomaly and seismicity. Preliminary analysis and discussion on results of the inversion, and estimation of error inQ S are made. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,13, 202–211, 1991. The English version of this paper is improved by Professor Yushou Xie.  相似文献   

基于变形P-L模型的矩阵方程迭代精细横波预测   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
横波速度预测问题的关键有两个,一是如何建立合理的岩石物理模型,二是针对建立的横波预测目标函数,如何准确高效地求解.针对第一个问题,对Pride模型和Lee模型(P-L模型)进行变形,提出拟固结指数的概念,将干岩石模量和岩石基质模量相联系,变形后的P-L模型在没有降低P-L模型准确度的情况下简化了问题的复杂度,建立起了饱和流体岩石弹性模量与干岩石模量、岩石基质模量、混合流体模量之间的关系,进而计算理论上的纵波速度,并通过比较实测纵波速度与计算的理论纵波速度大小,最终建立了横波预测的目标函数.针对第二个问题,借鉴了地震反演的思路,将该目标函数的最优化问题转化为线性矩阵方程组迭代求解问题,通过几步迭代就可以求解出合适的拟固结指数,进而得到预测横波速度.实际验证和应用表明,该横波预测方法具有很好的稳定性和准确性,并且岩石物理模型的构建和目标函数的求解思路可用于其他储集类型地层的横波预测.  相似文献   

跨呼和浩特-包头盆地(以下简称"呼包盆地")完成的91.8 km长的深地震反射剖面,揭示了呼包盆地的岩石圈精细结构和断裂的深、浅构造特征.结果表明,本区地壳和岩石圈具有清晰的层状反射结构特征,其中,地壳厚度约45~48 km,岩石圈厚度约82~87 km.莫霍面在大青山之下出现约3.5 km的抬升,暗示大青山的隆升不是因为地壳物质增厚所致,即大青山可能不存在"山根".呼包盆地为南浅、北深的"箕状"断陷盆地,盆地沉积层最厚处位于大青山山前,其厚度约为7~8 km.鄂尔多斯北缘断裂和大青山山前断裂作为呼包盆地的南、北边界断裂,在剖面上均表现为由3~4条断裂组成的"Y"字形断裂构造,它们对呼包盆地的形成、地层沉积、基底变形和地震活动都有重要的控制作用.剖面揭示的岩石圈深断裂位于大青山山前断裂的下方,该断裂向上进入上地壳,向下切割中-下地壳、莫霍面,进入上地幔.深断裂的存在为深部热物质的上涌与能量强烈交换提供了通道,而上涌的软流层物质与岩石圈地幔发生交代和侵蚀作用导致岩石圈减薄.  相似文献   

West Java in the western part of the Sunda Arc has a relatively high seismicity due to subduction activity and faults. In this study, double-difference tomography was used to obtain the 3D velocity tomograms of P and S waves beneath the western part of Java. To infer the geometry of the structure beneath the study area, precise earthquake hypocenter determination was first performed before tomographic imaging. For this, earthquake waveform data were extracted from the regional Meteorological, Climatological, Geophysical Agency (BMKG) network of Indonesia from South Sumatra to Central Java. The P and S arrival times for about 1,000 events in the period April 2009 to July 2016 were selected, the key features being events of magnitude > 3, azimuthal gap < 210° and number of phases > 8. A nonlinear method using the oct-tree sampling algorithm from the NonLinLoc program was employed to determine the earthquake hypocenters. The hypocenter locations were then relocated using double-difference tomography (tomoDD). A significant reduction of travel-time (root mean square basis) and a better clustering of earthquakes were achieved which correlated well with the geological structure in West Java. Double-difference tomography was found to give a clear velocity structure, especially beneath the volcanic arc area, i.e., under Mt Anak Krakatau, Mt Salak and the mountains complex in the southern part of West Java. Low velocity anomalies for the P and S waves as well as the vP/vS ratio below the volcanoes indicated possible partial melting of the upper mantle which ascended from the subducted slab beneath the volcanic arc.  相似文献   

洪泽地区由于沉积的特点,储层横向变化快,油藏受构造、岩性、油源多因素控制。在对该区三维AVO属性体解释中,利用多元回归方法求取了横波曲线,分岩性和含油气性统计了纵、横波、泊松比参数分布规律,建立了本区的含油砂岩的正演模型,从而降低了AVO解释的多解性。通过井-震结合对四种AVO属性数据体进行了标定,并确定了各属性体应用范围,进而进行了储层和含油气检测。实践表明,该方法能有效地利用AVO属性数据体进行储层预测及油气检测,具有一定的推广价值。  相似文献   

郯庐断裂带合肥段五河—合肥断裂构造特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文

五河—合肥断裂是郯庐断裂带的西边界断裂,该断裂穿过合肥市城区,是1条规模较大、切割较深的隐伏活动断裂.为了研究该断裂的浅部结构特征、空间展布以及断裂活动性,我们利用2015年在合肥盆地完成的深地震反射剖面数据,采用初至波层析成像方法得到了郯庐断裂带合肥段的浅层P波速度结构和构造形态;考虑到仅根据速度结构剖面还难以确定断裂的准确位置、断层上断点埋深、断层的近地表构造组合样式等特征,研究中跨五河—合肥断裂还完成了2条高分辨率的浅层地震反射剖面.研究结果表明:郯庐断裂带合肥段是一个由多条主干断裂构成的复杂构造带,近地表速度结构表现为凹隆相间的构造特征,且沉积盖层厚度明显受到郯庐断裂带分支断裂的影响和控制.五河—合肥断裂在P波速度结构剖面表现为高速和低速区的分界,对断裂两侧的地层沉积具有重要的控制作用,该断裂向下错断了盆地基底,向上错断了埋深21~35 m的中更新统下部地层,其最新活动时代为中更新世早期.研究结果不仅为进一步认识五河—合肥断裂浅部构造形态提供了地震学依据,还可为该区断裂两侧的城镇规划和建设中避让活动断层提供基础资料.


三峡水库坝址及邻区中上地壳S波速度结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
利用三峡数字地震台网记录的Sg波到时资料,采用地震层析成像技术,重建了三峡水库坝址及邻区中上地壳的三维速度图象,研究了地壳深部构造,主要结论是:①黄陵背斜的岩性具有固结程度高、岩体均匀完整、埋藏深度至少达14 km的特征;②秭归盆地与边缘构造由于岩层一致,而速度结构相同;构造变形的强度决定了秭归盆地及周缘区域沉积层的厚...  相似文献   

利用甘肃省区域地震台网提供的地震波形,计算得到甘肃东南地区2010年1月至2014年6月183个ML≥2.5地震纵、横波的拐角频率和零频极限等震源谱参数,分析2013年7月22日岷县—漳县MS6.6地震前后纵、横波拐角频率比值和零频极限比值的变化特征,间接反映震源处波速比的变化。结果如下:(1)拐角频率比值的平均值约为1.32,而由零频极限比值计算得到的波速比平均值约为1.55,后者高于前者;(2)二者得到波速比的时间变化趋势基本一致:两个波速比在岷县地震前后呈现出"明显升高-下降-震前急剧下降-震后缓慢恢复"的变化过程;(3)二者得到的波速比空间分布基本一致:岷县地震震中附近及合作、舟曲等地区在震前出现低值异常,震中附近地区的波速比在震后有所回升。  相似文献   

中国东北地区地壳上地幔三维S波速度结构   总被引:12,自引:9,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
收集了中国东北地区159个固定地震台2011年1月至2012年6月和27个流动地震台2011年1月至2011年6月间的垂向连续记录,根据噪声成像方法得到研究区(105°E-135°E, 39°N-52°N)较短周期(8~30 s)的瑞雷波群速度和相速度频散资料,再结合该区已有的天然地震长周期瑞雷波(36~145 s)的群速度频散资料,我们反演得到了中国东北地区200 km以浅深度范围内的三维壳幔S波速度结构,并得到了该区的岩石圈厚度分布图.结果表明:研究区中、下地壳S波速度结构的横向分布,在重力梯度带两侧有很大的不同,以东地区显示为大范围的高速,以西地区则呈现为大面积的低速;松辽盆地下方岩石圈地幔表现为显著的高速,岩石圈地幔底界面深度可能在90~100 km,薄的岩石圈盖层暗示东北地区的岩石圈可能发生了减薄;郯庐大断裂下方呈现出大范围的比较显著的低速特征,断裂下方上地幔顶部可能有热物质活动.  相似文献   


云南地区地处青藏高原东南缘, 一直是地球科学研究的热点地区.目前, 一些热点问题, 如云南地区是否存在中下地壳低速流及其空间分布, 仍有一定的争议.通过建立云南地区精细的地壳上地幔速度与各向异性结构, 可为深入认识上述问题提供重要信息.本文利用天然地震波形记录, 采用双台法提取了12~60 s周期的Rayleigh和Love波相速度频散, 并进一步反演获得了云南地区10~100 km的三维地壳上地幔SV和SH波速度及径向各向异性结构.结果表明:S波速度与径向各向异性结构在横向和垂向均存在显著变化.在20~30 km深度, 存在两个低速条带, 且条带内呈现出正径向各向异性(VSH>VSV)特征, 暗示了中下地壳低速物质的水平向运动.在80~100 km深度, 云南西南和东南部显示为低速异常和正径向各向异性特征, 暗示了软流圈物质的水平流动.在云南北部的丽江、攀枝花和昭通地区, 岩石圈地幔中则存在明显的负径向各向异性(VSH<VSV), 可能反映了地幔物质的上涌痕迹.历史强震多发生在地壳低速区域或高低速过渡带, 且地震附近的径向各向异性为负或者较弱.一些地震震源下方存在低速层, 地壳低速层可能会促进强震发生.


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