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Quasi-simultaneous VLBI observations at 15-86 GHz have shown that in the classical superluminal radio source 3C 273, the spectral index α(Sv∝v^α) has a systematic variation along the jet. For epoch 1995.15, a spectral reversal was observed at core distance -1.5mas, where the superluminal knot C12 Located. Similarly, for epoch 1997.18, two spectral reversals wrer observed at core distances of -1.8 mas and -4.2 mas ,where superluminal knots C11 and C14 were, respectively. These spectral reversals are associated with local maxima of the jet width. We suggest that this phenomenon may be related to a stratification of the jet structure, i.e., its physical parameters (flow velocity, Doppler factor, electron density and energy, magnetic field strength,etc.) are substantially dependent on the distance from the jet axis. These properties may be naturally formed through gasdynamic processes when the jet expands into a lower pressure ambient medium.  相似文献   

光变是Blazar最显著的观测特征之一,有的光变呈准周期性. Blazar周期光变可能为其中心黑洞和吸积盘等内部物理结构提供重要信息.因此,周期分析对于讨论Blazar的光变有重要意义.结合经验模态分解(Empirical Mode Decomposition, EMD)和自回归(Auto-regressive, AR)模型谱估计方法的优点,提出了一种基于EMD-AR谱的组合光变周期分析新方法.先对观测数据进行EMD分解,得到各阶模态分量,并计算其与原始光变曲线的相关系数,再取相关度高的分量求和后估算AR谱,最后将此功率谱的周期分析方法用于天体的光变数据分析.讨论了EMD-AR谱方法的原理和应用步骤,并用此方法对类星体3C 273在1887—2016年的观测数据进行了分析,得到3C 273的长时标周期分别为:21.23、13.51、11.02、5.51、4.69、3.79、2.76 yr,与文献中常用方法的分析结果有很好的一致性;短时标周期分别为:(30±1)、(15±0.3)、(7.5±0.2)、(10±0.1)、(5±0.6)、(6±0.4)和(3±0.5) min,此结果未见相关...  相似文献   

Some nonlinear dynamical techniques, including state-space reconstruction and correlation integral, are used to analyze the light curve of 3C 273. The result is compared with a chaotic model. The similarities between them suggest there is a low-dimension chaotic attractor in the light curve of 3C 273.  相似文献   

From a combination of high-quality X-ray observations from the NASA Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer ( RXTE ) and IR observations from the UK Infrared Telescope (UKIRT) we show that the medium-energy X-ray (3–20 keV) and near-IR fluxes in the quasar 3C 273 are highly correlated. It is widely believed that the X-ray emission in quasars like 3C 273 arises from Compton scattering of low-energy seed photons, and our observations provide the first reliable detection of correlated variations in 3C 273 between the X-ray band and any lower energy band. For a realistic electron distribution we demonstrate that it is probable that each decade of the seed-photon distribution from the mm to IR wavebands contributes roughly equally to the medium-energy X-ray flux. However, the expected mm variations are too small to be detected above the noise, probably explaining the lack of success of previous searches for a correlation between X-ray and mm variations. In addition, we show that the IR leads the X-rays by  0.75±0.25 d  . These observations rule out the 'External Compton' emission process for the production of the X-rays.  相似文献   

We present the results from ROSAT observations of 3C273 in the soft X-ray band. The light variation of 3C273 was investigated for three different energy bands of soft, medium, and hard. The maximum variability with a factor of 2 for 551 days was confirmed at all three different bands. This appears to be a periodic variation within the period of roughly 6 months. However, the short-term or micro variation was not so distinct and the light variation of each band did not show any correlation between them. The hardness ratio for hard and soft bands shows irregular variation but there was no correlation between them. There is no distinct variation of the photon index in the case of simple power law model fitting. For power law + free absorption model fitting, the average photon index (Γ) is 2.08.  相似文献   

We report the observation of nearest quasar 3C273 made with LASE instrument on November 20th, 1998 as a part of our continuing programme of balloon borne hard X-ray observations in the 20–200 keV band using high sensitivity Large Area Scintillation counter Experiment. Our data clearly show a steep spectrum in the 20–200 keV with power law spectral indexα = 2.26 ± 0.07. This is in complete contrast to the reported data from OSSE and BeppoSAX which suggest the value of 1.3 to 1.6 for the power law index in the X-ray energy band, but is quite consistent with the value derived for the high energy gamma ray data. A single power law fit in the X-ray and gamma ray energy bands points to a common origin of these photons and the absence of spectral break around 1 MeV as suggested in literature. We have reanalyzed the available data to study the temporal variability of the spectrum in the hard X-ray band. Our analysis reveals that 50 keV flux from the source, shows a strong modulation with a period of about 13.5 years. The analysis of the optical light curve of the source also supports the 5000 day period. We discuss the emission mechanism and the possible sites for X-ray photons along with the implications of the long term periodicity with respect to source geometry.  相似文献   

The blazar 3C 345 is quite similar to the γ-ray blazar 3C 279 in respect of redshift, spectral energy distribution from the radio to the X-ray wave band, and so on. However, it was not detected by EGRET. We compared the differences and similarities between 3C 345 and the γ-ray sources 3C 279 and 3C 273 in respect of variation amplitudes (in the 8 GHz, 22 GHz, 37 GHz and B band), the smallest variation time scales in the optical and the time lags between different bands to search possible reason for the lack of the γ-ray radiation in 3C 345. From our analyses it is found that the variation amplitudes in the radio band for 3C 345 and 3C 279 are quite similar; the variation amplitudes in the optical wave band gradually decrease in the order 3C 279, 3C 345 and 3C 273, and variations on the order of days are found in these three sources. It is also found that the time lag in 3C 345 is much longer than that in 3C 279 and is approximately the same as that in 3C 273. Based on the similarity of other observational properties between 3C 345 and 3C 273, such as the presence of the big blue bump and their comparable infrared luminosities, it is proposed that the spectral energy distribution and the luminosity in the γ-ray band for 3C 345 are similar to those for 3C 273. It is indicated by our simple calculations that if 3C 273 has a similar redshift to that of 3C 345, then even at the burst state, EGRET could not detect any radiations from 3C 273. This might be the reason why 3C 345 had never been detected by EGRET.  相似文献   

类星体3C273的近红外光变性质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
收集了类星体3C273的近红外资料,许由此讨论了该天体的光变性质.我们发现3C273的最大红外光变分别为△J=1.0m,△H=0.90m,△K=0.82m,而平均色指数分别为  相似文献   

The absorptive effect of jets on the multi-waveband energy spectrum of the quasar 3C 279 is studied by using a jet model. Based on the timeindependent synchrotron self-Compton (SSC) model, it is assumed that in the jet, the radiant blob is blocked by the preceding cooled blob, thus the emission from the radiation region could be absorbed. This leads to the change of the energy spectrum. Our calculations indicate that the jet material exerts a strong absorption on the X-ray emission from the quasar radiation region, and that the absorbed energy will be re-emitted in the form of emission lines in the ultraviolet and soft X-ray wavebands. By using this model, we have reproduced the multi-waveband energy spectrum of 3C 279. Finally, we give a brief discussion on the obtained results.  相似文献   

We present a modified stratified jet model to interpret the observed spectral energy distributions of knots in the 3C 273 jet. Based on the hypothesis of the single index of the particle energy spectrum at injection and identical emission processes among all the knots, the observed difference of spectral shape among different 3C 273 knots can be understood as a manifestation of the deviation of the equivalent Doppler factor of stratified emission regions in an individual knot from a characteristic one. The summed spectral energy distributions of all ten knots in the 3C 273 jet can be well fitted by two components: a low-energy component (radio to optical) dominated by synchrotron radiation and a high-energy component (UV, X-ray and γ-ray) dominated by inverse Compton scattering of the cosmic microwave background. This gives a consistent spectral index of α= 0.88 (Sv α v-α) and a characteristic Doppler factor of 7.4. Assuming the average of the summed spectrum as the characteristic spectrum of each knot in the 3C 273 jet, we further get a distribution of Doppler factors. We discuss the possible implications of these results for the physical properties in the 3C 273 jet. Future GeV observations with GLASTcould separate the γ-ray emission of 3C 273 from the large scale jet and the small scale jet (i.e.the core) through measuring the GeV spectrum.  相似文献   

We present radio images of NRAO 530 on scales ranging from pc to kpc. The observations include the EVN at 5 GHz, the VLBA at 1.6, 8.6 and 15 GHz, the MERLIN at 1.6 and 5 GHz, and the VLA at 5, 8.4, 15, 22, and 43 GHz. The VLBI images show a core-jet structure with an oscillating trajectory on a scale of about 30 mas north of the strongest compact component (core). Superluminal motions are detected in five of the jet compo-nents with apparent velocities in the range of 13.6 to 25.2c. A new component is detected at 15 GHz with the VLBA observations, which appears to be associated with the outburst in 2002. Significant polarized emission is detected around the core with the VLBA observationsat 15 GHz. Rapid variations of the polarization intensity and angle are found between the epochs in 2002 and 2004. On the kpc-scale, a distant component (labelled as WL) located 11 arcsec west (PA=-86°) of the core is detected beyond the core-jet structure which ex-tended to several hundreds of mas in the north-west direction (-50°). A significant emission between the core-jet structure and the WL is revealed. A clump of diffuse emission (labelled EL, 12 arcsec long) at PA 70° to the core, is also detected in the VLA observations, suggest-ing the presence of double lobes in the source. The core component shows a flat spectrum,while the distant components WL and EL have steep spectra. The steep spectra of the distantcomponents and the detection of the arched emission suggest that the distant components are lobes or hot-spots powered by the core of NRAO 530. The morphologies from pc-to kpc- scales and the bending of jets are investigated. The observed radio morphology from pc to kcp appears to favor the model in which precession or wobbling of the nuclear disk drives the helical motion of the radio plasma and produces the S-shaped structure on kpc scale.  相似文献   

The long baseline simultaneous multiband ( BVRI ) observations of blazar 3C 273 are presented. We have made 758 optical multiband observations with the Yunnan Astronomical Observatory (YAO) 103 cm and Shanghai Astronomical Observatory (SHAO) 156 cm from 2003 January to 2005 April. In our observational campaign, the average colour indices are   B − V = 0.21, V − R = 0.26  and   R − I = 0.31  . The mean magnitudes in B, V, R and I are 12.895, 12.698, 12.441 and 12.139, respectively. The source is in a steady state over observational campaign. The correlations between colour index and brightness are discussed. We find that the correlations of   B − V   versus B ,   V − R   versus V and   R − I   versus R have significant negative correlation, while   B − V   versus V ,   V − R   versus R and   R − I   versus I have positive correlation. These strong correlations imply that the spectrum becomes bluer (flatter) when the source becomes brighter, and redden (softer) when the source fades both in intraday and long-term variability. The spectral evolution trends of 3C 273 are consistent with those of BL Lac objects.  相似文献   

3C 345和3C 273的光变分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用结构函数法,对两个经典的blazar 3C 273和3C 345的22 GHz、37 GHz和光学波段的数据进行了周期分析.结果显示,3C 273的周期性比较明显,22 GHz经分析存在7.0年和14.7年的周期,37 GHz存在7.2年和14.5年的周期,同时它的光学波段可能存在0.7年和8.7年的周期.3C 345的37 GHz存在比较明显的8.8年的周期,22 GHz和光学波段分别存在不太明显的9.3年和10.2年的周期.  相似文献   

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