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1 INTRODUCTION Blazars, including BL Lac objects, highly polarized and optically violently variable quasars,and flat-spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs), are characterized by highly variable non-thermalemission which dominates their characteristics from radio to y-ray bands. The mechanismbelieved to be responsible for their broadband emission is synchrotron radiation followed by in-verse Compton (IC) scattering at higher energies (e.g. Blandford & Konigl 1979). Relativisticbeaming of a jet…  相似文献   

During the ROSAT All-Sky Survey (RASS; Voges 1992, 1997) about 80,000 X-ray sourceswith a detection likelihood 2 10 were detected, from which 18,811 sources having a PSPC countrate larger than 0.05 ets s--1 and detection likelihood 3 15 were compiled in the RASS-BSC(VOges et al. 1996a). More than 65% RASS sources remain unidentified (Voges et al. 1996b).The optical spectroscopic study of these RASS sources is essential for understanding them moreclearly.The idelltification of X-…  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION In the hierarchical clustering model, massive objects form by gravitational aggregation oflower-mass objects, and the disks in spiral galaxies like our Galaxy form by a late accretionof gas from an extended reservoir around the galactic halos. According to this scenario, spiralgalaxies are still growing at present. At the virial temperature of galactic halos, T r.-' io5 ?i06 K, the dominant cooling mech-anism is X-ray bremsstrahlung. If the cooling rate is significant, the…  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONObservations of the most famous starburst galaxy M82 with the High-Resolution Cameraon board the Chandra X-Ray Observatory, showed that there are nine sources in the celltral11 x 11 region, but no son-roe was detected at the galactic center (Matsumoto et al. 2001).Comparing the observations on 1999 October 28 and those on 2000 January 20, the authorsfound an extremely large time variability of the source CXO M82 J095550.2 694047, which islocated gll away from the galact…  相似文献   

We report on our research on the UV, optical line parameters and the infrared through UV to soft X-ray continuum parameters for a composite sample of narrow line and normal Seyfert 1 galaxies. The strong correlations among the line width of Hβ,optical line strength of Fe Ⅱ and the soft X-ray slope are confirmed. We found no correlations between the UV line parameters, the equivalent widths of Lyα and CIV and their ratio on one hand and the optical line parameters on the other. The UV and X-ray luminosities strongly correlate with the line widths of Hβ and the Fe Ⅱ/Hβ ratio. No significant correlation is found between the infrared-soft X-ray continuum slope αix and the line width of Hβ。  相似文献   

ASCA observations of the two Type Ⅱ AGNs,NGC7314 and NGC 7582,show clear variations in the broad X-ray band(0.4-10keV)on short timescales-10^4s.Spectral analysis indicates that they bot have an absorbed hard X-ray component and an unabsorbed soft“excess” component.To clarify the origin of the latter,we made a cross-correlation analysis of the two components.The results show that,for NGC7314,the soft X-ray variability is proportional to that of the hard X-ray component.This indicates that the active nucleus of NGC 7314 must be partially covered and so the soft emission is a “leaking” of the variable hard component.For NGC 7582,there is no detectable variability in the soft component, although there is a definite one in the hard component.This indicates that the variable nucleus of NGC 7582 must be fully blocked by absorbing matter,and the soft emission is most likely the scattered component predicted by the AGN unified model.  相似文献   

本文总结最近从Xray 观测得到的关于宽吸收线类星体一些新结果, 我们和人家的结果都表明吸收物质的柱密度比原来从紫外估计的高三个量级, 在PG1411 + 442 中, 我们发现Xray 除了吸收成分外, 还有散射成分, 其量级和UV 吸收的剩余流量一致, 从而说明以前从UV 推断的结论是有问题的。此外, 对PG1126041 的研究表明从宽吸收线类星体到Seyfert 星系的窄本征吸收线其物理性质是连续过渡的。  相似文献   

IRAS 01005+7910 is a cold IRAS source. We present its optical identification, photometric and spectroscopic observation results. Its optical counterpart is classified as a B2Ie star with V magnitude 10.85. Its Hα line shows the P Cygni profile.According to its location in the Galaxy (b=16.6), we consider it to be a post-AGB star or a proto-planetary nebula.  相似文献   

Summary. Soft X–ray Transients (SXRTs) have long been suspected to contain old, weakly magnetic neutron stars that have been spun up by accretion torques. After reviewing their observational properties, we analyse the different regimes that likely characterise the neutron stars in these systems across the very large range of mass inflow rates, from the peak of the outbursts to the quiescent emission. While it is clear that close to the outburst maxima accretion onto the neutron star surface takes place, as the mass inflow rate decreases, accretion might stop at the magnetospheric boundary because of the centrifugal barrier provided by the neutron star. For low enough mass inflow rates (and sufficiently short rotation periods), the radio pulsar mechanism might turn on and sweep the inflowing matter away. The origin of the quiescent emission, observed in a number of SXRTs at a level of , plays a crucial role in constraining the neutron star magnetic field and spin period. Accretion onto the neutron star surface is an unlikely mechanism for the quiescent emission of SXRTs, as it requires very low magnetic fields and/or long spin periods. Thermal radiation from a cooling neutron star surface in between the outbursts can be ruled out as the only cause of the quiescent emission. We find that accretion onto the neutron star magnetosphere and shock emission powered by an enshrouded radio pulsar provide far more plausible models. In the latter case the range of allowed neutron star spin periods and magnetic fields is consistent with the values recently inferred from the properties of kHz quasi-periodic oscillation in low mass X–ray binaries. If quiescent SXRTs contain enshrouded radio pulsars, they provide a missing link between X–ray binaries and millisecond pulsars. Received 4 November 1997; Accepted 15 April 1998  相似文献   

We have selected a complete, flux-limited sample of bright point-like sources with absorbed X-ray spectra from the ROSAT All-Sky survey, the ROSAT Hard Survey (RHS). The sample is drawn from the high-galactic latitude sky, |bII| > ±30°, and avoids the general direction of the Magellanic Clouds and the Virgo Cluster. It comprises a total of 182 objects of which 118 were previosly catalogued objects and 64 were new AGN candidates. Through optical follow-up studies at La Silla, Calar Alto and the 6m Zelentchuk telescope we could identify 56 of the new objects, thus achieving a spectrscopic completeness of 96% of the sample. The selection strategy turned out to be extremely useful. Out of the new identifications, 84% are indeed active galaxies or emission line galaxies. While 14 objects are new BL Lac candidates 33 of the new AGN are Seyfert galaxies with a redshift distribution in the range 0.021–0.63, peaking at around 0.06, i.e. relatively local. Surprisingly, about 40% of the X-ray selected Seyfert galaxies seem to reside in interacting systems. With smaller selection uncertainties this fraction exceeds the number of paired galaxies in optically selected samples and therefore gives strong support to the idea that AGN activity is triggered by interaction.  相似文献   

We compare the ionized gas velocity dispersion σgas with the stellar velocity dis-persion σ* in star-forming galaxies, composite galaxies, Low Ionization Nuclear Emission-line Regions (LINERs) and Seyfert 2s, compiled from a cross-identification of Sloan Digital Sky Survey Fourth Data Release (SDSS DR4) and Point Source Catalogue Redshift Survey (PSCz). We measure σgas from the FWHMs of emission lines (Hα, [NII]λλ6548, 6583 and [SII] λλ6716, 6731). A significant correlation between the gas and stellar velocity dispersion exists, despite substantial scatter. The mean value of the gas to stellar velocity dispersion ratio is close to unity. This suggests that gas velocity dispersion can substitute for the stellar veloc-ity dispersion as a tracer of the gravitational potential well for all the four types of galaxies,but the involved uncertainties are different from type to type. We also studied σgas/σ* as a function of the redshift and the axial ratio to test the effects of aperture and galaxy inclina-tion, and found that both effects are weak. Finally we checked the trend of σgas/σ* with the infrared luminosity and found no significant correlation.  相似文献   

A sample of 323 Ultraluminous IRAS galaxies (ULIRGs) has been correlatedwith the ROSAT All-Sky Survey and ROSAT public pointed observations.22 objects are detected in ROSAT survey observations, and 6 ULIRGs aredetected in addition in ROSAT public pointed observations. The detection is basedon a visual inspection of the X-ray contour maps overlaid on optical imagesof ULIRGs taken from the Digitized Sky Survey.Simple power law fits were used to compute the absorption-correctedfluxes of the ROSAT detected ULIRGs. The ratio of the soft X-ray flux to thefar-infrared luminosity is used to estimate the contributionfrom starburst and AGN emitting processes. These results are comparedwith the ISO SWS ULIRG diagnostic diagram.  相似文献   

We examined the correlation between the ROSAT Hardness Ratio 1 and Count Rates eight Narrow-line Seyfert 1 Galaxies (NLS1s) and 14 Broad-line Seyfert 1 Galaxies (BLS1s). We found that six of the NLS1s show a positive HR1-CTs correlation, and seven of the BLS1s, a negative correlation. The other two NLS1s and seven BLS1s do not show any clear HR1-CTs correlation. Thus, the spectral behavior is statistically different for the NLS1s and BLS1s. The different behaviors can possibly be interpreted in terms of a stable ‘soft excess’ that is strong in NLS1s and weak in BLS1s, plus a power law component, common to both, which softens with increasing flux.  相似文献   

By checking DSS optical images and NVSS radio images, 782 Markarian galaxies were identified to be NVSS radio sources. A comparison of the radio luminosity at 1.4 GHz and the far-infrared (FIR) luminosity for 468 "normal" galaxies shows a tight correlation. Most of the Seyfert galaxies and quasars follow the radio-FIR relation deduced from the "normal" galaxy sample, but with a somewhat larger scatter. A total 167 Markarian galaxies, comprising 100 "normal" galaxies, 66 Seyfert galaxies and one quasar, have either excess radio emission or much lower FIR spectral index α(25μm,60μm). These galaxies may be classified as "AGN-powered". For "normal" galaxies, the average q value (defined as the log ratio between FIR and radio luminosities) is 2.3. There seems a trend for q to slightly decrease with increasing radio luminosity. This may imply that the ongoing active star formation in galaxies with higher radio luminosities is more efficient in heating the cosmic-ray electrons.  相似文献   

A list of 750 objects has been compiled using the Astrophysical CATalogs Support System (CATS) database, by cross-identifying sources in the IRAS catalogues and the catalogue of the Texas survey at 365 MHz. We have carried out a search for optical counterparts of those objects, where the difference in positions between the two catalogues and the APM is less than 3. One of these sources, IRAS F02044+0957, was observed with the RATAN-600 radio telescope at four frequencies in April 1999. Optical spectroscopy of the components of the system was made with the 2.1-m telescope of the Guillermo Haro Observatory. The radio and optical spectra, the NVSS radio map and the optical and infrared images allow us to conclude that the steep spectrum (=–0-94 ± 0-02) radio source IRAS F02044+0957 is a pair of interacting galaxies, a LINER and a HII galaxy, at z=0.093.Published in Astrofizika, Vol. 48, No. 1, pp. 113–124 (February 2005).  相似文献   

X-ray spectroscopy offers an opportunity to study the complex mixture of emitting and absorbing components in the circumnuclear regions of active galactic nuclei (AGN), and to learn about the accretion process that fuels AGN and the feedback of material to their host galaxies. We describe the spectral signatures that may be studied and review the X-ray spectra and spectral variability of active galaxies, concentrating on progress from recent Chandra, XMM-Newton and Suzaku data for local type 1 AGN. We describe the evidence for absorption covering a wide range of column densities, ionization and dynamics, and discuss the growing evidence for partial-covering absorption from data at energies ≳ 10 keV. Such absorption can also explain the observed X-ray spectral curvature and variability in AGN at lower energies and is likely an important factor in shaping the observed properties of this class of source. Consideration of self-consistent models for local AGN indicates that X-ray spectra likely comprise a combination of absorption and reflection effects from material originating within a few light days of the black hole as well as on larger scales. It is likely that AGN X-ray spectra may be strongly affected by the presence of disk-wind outflows that are expected in systems with high accretion rates, and we describe models that attempt to predict the effects of radiative transfer through such winds, and discuss the prospects for new data to test and address these ideas.  相似文献   

Spectroscopic observations by the 2.6 m BAO telescope of IRAS galaxies identified on the basis of the First Byurakan Survey (BIG objects) are reported. Slit spectra were obtained for 16 objects, including components of 7 multiple systems and 2 individual galaxies. The red shifts were measured, and the radial velocities, distances, absolute stellar magnitudes, and infrared and far infrared luminosities were calculated. A diagnostic diagram has been constructed based on the intensity ratios of emission lines and the activity types of the objects have been determined. Two LINERs, five galaxies with composite spectra (Comp, one of which has Sy2 features) and seven HII regions were found. Two objects are ultraluminous IR galaxies (ULIG). It is shown that all the multiple systems are physical pairs or groups. The observed high IR luminosity confirms the view that ULIG/HLIGs may be associated with interactions of galaxies.  相似文献   

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