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《International Geology Review》2012,54(10):1184-1202
Based on metamorphic studies of the Yadong high-pressure (HP) granulite and multiple thermochronological investigations of granitoids from both upper and lower parts, the Yadong section in the eastern Himalaya constrains the Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the Greater Himalayan Sequence (GHS). The Yadong HP granulite, located at the top of the GHS, underwent a peak-stage HP granulite facies metamorphism and two stages of retrograde metamorphism. Granulite and hornblende facies retrograde metamorphism took place at 48.5 and 31.8 Ma, respectively, marking the time of exhumation of the subducted Indian slab to lower and middle crustal levels. Subsequently, an average young zircon U–Pb age obtained from the Yadong HP granulite indicated that this unit was captured by its surroundings in a partially molten condition at 16.9 Ma. In addition, three granitoids from both the lower and the upper parts of the GHS yielded biotite 40Ar/39Ar ages of 11.0, 11.3, and 11.5 million years. These consistent ages suggest that the GHS along the Yadong section was laterally extruded and synchronously cooled to ~300°C at ~11.3 Ma. Furthermore, the granitic gneisses yield apatite fission track ages of ~7 million years, documenting the cooling of the GHS to ~110°C. A two-stage model describes the Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the GHS: (1) the Indian slab had subducted under Tibet before ~55 Ma, and was exhumed to the lower crust (50-40 km) at 48.5 Ma, and to the middle crust (22-15 km) at 31.8 Ma; and (2) the partial melting occurred at middle crustal levels during the period 31.8 to 16.9 Ma, causing channel flow. In the late stage, the GHS was laterally extruded by ductile mid-crustal flow during the period 16.9 to ~7 Ma, characterized by a fast cooling rate of ~2 mm per year.  相似文献   

International Journal of Earth Sciences - Tectonically transported crystalline thrust sheet over the Lesser Himalayan meta-sedimentary zone along the Main Central Thrust (MCT) is represented by...  相似文献   

Zinc–lead–barite deposits located in Lefan and Lower Banik localities of about 25 km northeast of Zakho City, Northern Iraq consist of a group of strata-bound sulfides hosted in Upper Cretaceous (Upper Campanian–Maastrichtian) dolomitic limestone. Carbonate-hosted ores contain 3.77% Zn, 2% Pb, and 5% Fe, while in lower Banik, they contain 1.5% Zn, 0.37% Pb, and 1.4% Fe. Diagenetic processes, such as dolomitization and recrystalization in addition to the type of microfacies, provided appropriate physical and chemical conditions that permitted the passage of ore-bearing fluids and participated in precipitation and ore localization. These deposits are precipitated in a platform and developed within the Foreland Thrust Belt. Ore precipitated as infill of intergranular dolomite porosity with replaced dolomite and rudist shells forming disseminated crystals that occupy intergranular pore spaces around dolomite and calcite and as infill of dissolution spaces and fractures.  相似文献   

In this study, stochastic finite fault modeling is used to simulate Uttarkashi (1991) and Chamoli (1999) earthquakes using all available source, path, and site parameters available for the region. These two moderate earthquakes are recorded at number of stations of a strong motion network. The predicted peak ground accelerations at these stations are compared with the observed data and the ground motion parameters are constrained. The stress drop of Uttarkashi and Chamoli earthquakes is constrained at 77 and 65?bars, respectively, whereas the quality factor Q C is 112 $ f^{0.97} $ and 149 $ f^{0.95} $ for these two regions. The high-frequency attenuation parameter Kappa is in the range 0.04?C0.05. The constrained ground motion parameters are then used to simulate Mw 8.5 earthquake in central seismic gap region of Himalaya. Two scenarios are considered with epicenter of future great earthquake at locations of Uttarkashi and Chamoli earthquakes using above constrained parameters. The most vulnerable towns are the towns of Dehradun and Almora where expected PGA is in excess of 600?cm/s2 at VS30 520?m/s when the epicenter of the great earthquake is at the location of Uttarkashi (1991) earthquake. The towns of Shimla and Chandigarh can expect PGA close to 200?cm/s2. Whereas when the epicenter of the great earthquake is at the location of Chamoli (1999) earthquake, the towns of Dehradun and Almora can expect PGA of around 500 and 400?cm/s2, respectively, at VS30 620?m/s. The National Capital Region, Delhi can expect accelerations of around 80?cm/s2 in both the cases. The PGA contour maps obtained in this study can be used to assess the seismic hazard of the region and identify vulnerable areas in and around central Himalaya from a future great earthquake.  相似文献   

The present work addresses the long-standing issues on the characterization aspect of the Proterozoic siliciclastic successions exposed in the central part of the Lesser Himalaya, restricted between the Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) and the Main Central Thrust (MCT). Geologic, sedimentologic, and petrographic study divides the Lesser Himalaya in two zones- northern Palaeo- Mesoproterozoic Inner Lesser Himalayan (ILH) and southern Neoproterozoic Outer Lesser Himalayan (OLH) zones. The major lithofacies recognized from the zones are - (i) coarse grained siliciclastic (CGS), (ii) interbedded medium and fine-grained siliciclastic (IMFS), (iii) argillite (ARG), and (iv) siliciclastic–argillite rhythmites (SAR). Amongst all these facies, the nearshore IMFS facies shows consistent presence in both OLH and ILH zones. From the facies distribution pattern, a northwest–southeasterly trending palaeo- shoreline has been envisaged. The CGS facies in the ILH hints towards an alluvial fan setting during 1.8 Ga rifting phase associated with penecontemporaneous basic magmatism. Compositionally, the siliciclastics of both the zones (ILH and OLH) are arenite and wacke types with minimal variation in their detrital proportions, derived from the early Proterozoic (between 2.4-1.6Ga) Aravalli-Delhi Supergroup provenance. Nearly matching types and content of detrital modes and the lithofacies pattern of the ILH and OLH siliciclastics probably conclude the derivation from the rising (nearby) Aravalli-Delhi orogen and deposition in a foreland like situation.  相似文献   

Drilling at the barrage site of a hydropower project usually gives a reasonable picture of the sub-surface rock mass condition. However, when the overburden (OB) comprising river borne materials is very thick and the basement rock is deep, the drilling results become unreliable. In the present case, the depth to the granitic gneiss basement is 45m from the river level and the height of the proposed diversion barrage is only 24.5 m. For this reason, stripping of the overburden up to the basement is not considered feasible. Cross-borehole seismic tomography (CST) was carried out at the barrage site to investigate the inclusions and structure of the OB material in order to facilitate a foundation design suitable for permeable formation. Three sets of CST surveys were carried out up to a depth of 30 m between the three vertical boreholes that were prepared at the vertices of an equilateral triangle with a separation of 17.8 m. The tomograms precisely imaged the nature and disposition of the different constituents of the overburden material. A lens shaped low velocity layer (LVL) with seismic velocity Vp=2000–2500 ms?1 was mapped at a depth of 14.5m from the surface. Hence, it was recommended to shift the barrage axis by 50 m towards the downstream side of the proposed axis. The outcome of this study proved valuable for the designer who finalised the foundation design. Successful application of CST in OB characterisation has reiterated the need of such studies for barrage site investigations particularly in the Himalayan terrain.  相似文献   

The Xiaotian–Mozitan Shear Zone(XMSZ) is the boundary of the Dabie High-grade Metamorphic Complex(DHMC) and the North Huaiyang Tectonic Belt. It was deformed in ductile conditions with a top-to-NW/WNW movement.Geothermometers applied to mineral parageneses in mylonites of the shear zone give a temperature range of 623–691°C for the predeformation and 515–568°C for the syndeformation, respectively, which indicates a retrograde process of evolution.A few groups of zircon U-Pb ages were obtained from undeformed granitic veins and different types of deformed rocks in the zone. Zircons from the felsic ultramylonites are all magmatic, producing a weighted mean 206 Pb/238 U age of 754 ± 8.1 Ma, which indicates the time of magmatic activities caused by rifting in the Neoproterozoic. Zircons from the granitic veins, cutting into the mylonites, are also of magmatic origin, producing a weighted mean 206 Pb/238 U age of 130 ± 2.5 Ma,which represents the time of regional magmatic activity in the Cretaceous. Zircons from the mylonitic gneisses are of anatectic-metamorphic origins and are characterized by a core-mantle interior texture, which yielded several populations of ages including the Neoproterozoic ages with a weighted mean 206 Pb/238 U age of 762 ± 18 Ma, similar to that of the felsic ultramylonites and the Early Cretaceous ages with a weighted mean 206 Pb/238 U age of 143 ± 1.8 Ma, indicating the anatectic metamorphism in the Dabie Orogenic Belt(DOB). Based on integrated analysis of the structure, thermal conditions of ductile deformation and the contact relations of the dated rocks, the activation time of the Xiaotian–Mozitan Shear Zone is constrained between ~143 Ma and 130 Ma, during which the DOB was undergoing a transition in tectonic regime from compression to extension. Therefore, the deformation and evolution of this shear zone plays an instrumental role in fully understanding this process. This research also inclines us to the interpretation of it as an extensional detachment, with regard to the tectonic properties of the shear zone. It may also be part of a continental scale extension in the background of the North China Block's cratonic destruction, dominated by the subduction and roll-back of the Paleo-Pacific plate, but more detailed work is needed in order to unravel its complicated development.  相似文献   

This work is part of the project study for a road tunnel bypassing the town of Genova and was aimed at evaluating the amount of asbestos fibres in the metaophiolites belonging to the Voltri Group and the Sestri–Voltaggio Zone (Liguria, Northern Italy). The 85 studied rock samples (mainly mafic and ultramafic rocks) derive from exposed outcrops and prospecting boreholes. The study of field relations and petrographic/microtextural investigations under the optical microscope allowed for the identification and characterisation of asbestos-bearing settings and lithotypes. Mineralogy and concentration of asbestos fibres in powdered specimens were determined by means of a scanning electron microscope equipped with an energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy device. These investigations were combined with petrography on thin-section, X-ray diffraction analysis and phase contrast optical microscopy on rock powders. Mafic and ultramafic rocks commonly contain asbestos in concentrations below 1,000 mg/kg (considered as the contamination threshold under Italian law). However, the fibre concentration rises abruptly within localised zones, where the metaophiolite sequences were involved into late ductile to brittle tectono-metamorphic events. Two groups of asbestos-bearing settings have been so far identified in the area: (a) fracture networks within serpentinites (dominated by fibrous chrysotile), and (b) boudins of chlorite-tremolite schists, likely deriving from dynamic recrystallisation of mafic rocks under greenschist facies conditions (dominated by fibrous amphibole). Even considering the low volumetric incidence of these settings (metres to few tens of metres), their high asbestos content locally controls the total fibre amount in the excavation products, thus requiring special prevention measures during excavation, management and final storage of the contaminated debris.  相似文献   

As the boundary thrust between India and Asia in southern Tibet, the Zhongba–Gyangze Thrust (ZGT) emplaced the Yarlung Zangbo Suture Zone (YZSZ) units in the hanging wall southward onto Tethyan Himalaya sequences (THS) of the northern Indian continental margin in the footwall. Detailed field investigation, electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) analysis, detrital zircon U–Pb geochronology and 40Ar–39Ar thermochronology were conducted to understand the evolution of the ZGT in Sangsang area, central southern Tibet. The shear zone of ZGT is located within the sedimentary-matrix mélange of YZSZ that is mainly composed of matrix of blueschist with meta pelagic–hemipelagic siliceous and siliciclastic rocks and blocks of basalt, limestone and sandstone. Penetrative F1 foliation and kink band structure were recorded within the matrix both on outcrop and under microscope. Strong lattice preferred orientation (LPO) fabric initiated by the low-temperature (350−450 °C) (010)[001] slip system was detected by EBSD in the sodic amphiboles of the blueschist. The 40Ar–39Ar ages of the phengites from blueschist and sericites from the phyllite in the shear zone indicate that the activity of ZGT occurred between 71 and 60 Ma. In the THS, a newly documented younger unit preserving detrital zircons from the southern Asian margin lies above the Triassic–Cretaceous sequences that carries only detrital zircons from the Indian continent. This unit is dated to be ~ 61 Ma by the detrital zircon ages, similar to the Sangdanlin Formation and representing the Yarlung Zangbo Foreland Basin (YZFB) system. The ZGT had probably been active due to the initial India–Asia collision and acted as the frontal thrust controlling the development of YZFB.  相似文献   

New seamless onshore to offshore bedrock (1:10 k scale) mapping for the Lyme Bay area is used to resolve the westward termination of the Purbeck–Wight Fault Zone (PWFZ) structure, comprising one of the most prominent, long-lived (Variscan–Cimmerian–Alpine) structural lineaments in the southern UK. The study area lies south of the Variscan Frontal Thrust and overlays the basement Variscide Rhenohercynian Zone, in a region of dominant E-W tectonic fabric and a secondary conjugate NW-SE/NE-SW fabric. The PWFZ comprises one of the E-W major structures, with a typical history including Permian to early Cretaceous growth movement (relating to basement Variscan Thrust reactivation) followed by significant Alpine (Helvetic) inversion. Previous interpretations of the PWFZ have been limited by the low resolution (1:250 k scale) of the available offshore BGS mapping, and our study fills this gap. We describe a significant change in structural style of the fault zone from east to west. In the Weymouth Bay area, previous studies demonstrate the development of focussed strain associated with the PWFZ, accompanied by distributed strain, N-S fault development, and potential basement uplift in its hangingwall. In the Lyme Bay area to the west, faulting is dominantly E-W, with N-S faulting absent. Comparison of the newly mapped faulting networks to gravity data suggests a spatial relationship between this faulting variation and basement variability and uplift.  相似文献   

Shah  A. A.  Talha Qadri  S. M. 《Natural Hazards》2017,87(2):1245-1249
Natural Hazards - Mridula et al. (Nat Hazards 84:383–403, (2016) have tried to identify segments of two major thrust faults, the Main Boundary Thrust and Main Central Thrust, in Western...  相似文献   

Detachment structures occur widely in the crust, and it is the commonest and most important deformation type developed in the region between orogenic belts and basins. The ‘comb-like’ and ‘tough-like’ fold belts in eastern Sichuan are caused by multi-layer detachment. The duplex structure is the most important deformation style in the region, exhibiting different characteristics from typical detachment structures. Different deformation styles, scales, and shortenings resulting from independent deformations of various detachment systems would lead to the phenomenon whereby most of the topographical heights in the region do not correspond to the structural heights in depth. Based on systematic structural analysis and combined with practical oil/gas prospecting, four types of structural traps are described from eastern Sichuan Province, which are: detachment and thrust trap; detachment folding trap; fault-flat blocking trap; and detachment layer trap. Meticulous studies on the deformation and distribution of detachment layers in the eastern Sichuan Province will contribute to oil/gas prospecting and selection of potential regions of marine-origin oil/gas prospecting in South China.  相似文献   

A stratotypical section of the Oligocene–Lower Miocene Maikop Group in the valley of the Belaya River above the city of Maikop was studied using a complex paleobotanical method. The hydrological regime of marine basin was specified, especially for the second half of the Early Oligocene, when the basin was brackish. Its desalination began prior to accumulation of the ostracod layers and continued until the beginning of the Late Oligocene. It was once interrupted by short-term ingression of seawater into the Paratethys in the Early Morozkina Balka time. The Karadzhalga and Septarian formations were formed at the end of the Oligocene and in the Early Miocene under frequent oscillations of climate and hydrological regime with accumulation of sediments within the Laba delta front. The complexes of plant microfossils, along with dominant recent marine organic-walled freshwater phytoplankton, contain algae, spores, pollen, and a huge amount of redeposited palynomorphs. They originated from areas of erosion and included Paleogene, Mesozoic, and, locally, Paleozoic taxa.  相似文献   

The NE–striking Jiamusi–Yitong fault zone(JYFZ) is the most important branch in the northern segment of the Tancheng–Lujiang fault zone. The precise shearing time of its large–scale sinistral strike–slip has yet to determined and must be constrained. Detailed field investigations and comprehensive analyses show that strike–slip faults or ductile shear belts exist as origination structures along the western region of Yitong Graben. The strike of the shear belts trend to the NE–SW with steep mylonitic foliation. The zircon U–Pb dating result for the granite was 264.1±1 Ma in the ductile shear belt of the JYFZ. The microstructural observation(rotated feldspar porphyroclasts, S–C fabrics, and quartz c–axis fabrics, etc.) demonstrated the sinistral shearing of the ductile shear zones. Moreover, the recrystallized quartz types show a transitional stage of the subgrain rotation toward the recrystallization of the grain boundary migration(SR–GBM). Therefore, we suggest that the metamorphic grade of the shear zone in the ductile shear zones should have reached high greenschist facies conditions, and the deformation temperatures should approximately 450–500°C, which is obviously higher than the blocking temperature of muscovite(300–400°C). Hence, the ~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar isochron age of muscovite from ductile shear zones should be a cooling age(162.7±1 Ma). We infer that the sinistral strike–slipping event at the JYFZ occurred in the late Jurassic period, and it was further inferred from the ages of the main geological events in this region that the second sinistral strike–slip age of the Tancheng–Lujiang fault zone occurred during the period of tectonic movements in the Circum–Pacific tectonic domain. This discovery also indicates the age of the Tancheng–Lujiang fault zone that stretches to northeastern China. The initiation of the JYFZ in the late Jurassic is related to the speed and direction of oblique subduction of the west Pacific Plate under the Eurasian continent and is responsible for collision during the Jurassic period.  相似文献   

Eight mountainside profiles in lava flows south of the fjord Eyjafjördur, Northern Iceland, were sampled for paleomagnetic studies. The sampling was concurrent with pilot stratigraphic mapping of the lava sequences in these and several supplementary profiles. The eight profiles are correlated with minor overlaps so that they form a composite section of 2.9 km thickness, estimated to cover the age range between about 9 and 5 million years ago (Hardarson et al. 1999). Paleomagnetic measurements made on 319 lavas generally yield primary remanence directions of high stability and within-unit consistency. Evidence for at least 17 reversals of the geomagnetic field is seen, as well as numerous field excursions. Frequent clustering of directions in successive lavas indicates that the volcanism was episodic.  相似文献   

Detailed hydrogeochemical and isotopic data of groundwaters from the Hammamet–Nabeul unconfined aquifer are used to provide a better understanding of the natural and anthropogenic processes that control the groundwater mineralization as well as the sources of different groundwater bodies. It has been demonstrated that groundwaters, which show Na–Cl and Ca–SO4–Cl water facies, are mainly influenced by the dissolution of evaporates, the dedolomitization and the cation-exchange process; and supplementary by anthropogenic process in relation with return flow of irrigation waters. The isotopic signatures permit to classify the studied groundwaters into two different groups. Non-evaporated groundwaters that are characterized by depleted δ 18O and δ 2H contents highlighting the importance of modern recharge at higher altitude. Evaporated groundwaters with enriched contents reflecting the significance infiltration of return flow irrigation waters. Tritium data in the studied groundwaters lend support to the existence of pre-1950 and post-1960 recharge. Carbon-14 activities in shallow wells that provide evidence to the large contamination by organic 14C corroborate the recent origin of the groundwaters in the study area.  相似文献   

This article focuses on two regional-scale synclines of the Chamba Thrust Sheet, northwest Himalaya. These synclines were explained by two different tectonic events. Earlier studies ascribe the NE vergent Tandi syncline and the SW vergent Chamba syncline to the older NE-directed nappe stacking and the younger SW-directed Himalayan deformation events, respectively. The new field data and structural analysis reveal that these synclines define the flanks of a large-scale asymmetric box fold referred to here as the Hadsar–Chobia box fold and to a common phase of deformation. The box fold in the Chamba Thrust Sheet has developed over a ductile–brittle substrate referred to here as the Chamba Thrust. This thrust has translated a portion of the Tethys Himalaya over both the Higher Himalayan Crystallines and the Lesser Himalaya. Structural analysis, particularly the parallelism between the trends of hinge lines of the Hadsar–Chobia box fold and the strike of the regional thrust planes indicate that the folding and translation may have occurred simultaneously during the D1 deformation episode.  相似文献   

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