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选择中国大陆周边不同部位的6个7级以上强震,以中国地震台网报告定位参数为准,作P波时距曲线,比较它们的速度大小,结果证实:南北方向的地震无明显差异,而东西方向上,主要是青藏高原以西的巴基斯坦强震的P波速度要明显大一些。但是,对于成都地震遥测台网远震速报定位的影响不会超过允许的误差范围。  相似文献   

我国南方夏季低频雨型的季节内水汽输送特征   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用1962~2006年NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,采用对历史个例进行合成分析的方法,研究了异常降水中心分别位于长江以南区域的江南型和长江-淮河流域的江淮型低频雨型的季节内水汽输送特征.研究表明,江南型的总水汽输送主要来源于孟加拉湾,并经中南半岛和南海输入江南区域;江淮型的总水汽输送主要直接来源于南海,但水汽源地主要为印度季风区.对于水汽输送异常,江南型和江淮型具有明显不同的特征.江南型的水汽输送异常主要来源于热带西太平洋-南海,中纬度西风带和中高纬度南下的水汽输送异常的贡献次之;而江淮型的水汽输送异常主要来源于热带和副热带西太平洋,中纬度西风带水汽输送异常的贡献次之.另外,水汽输送异常对江南型的区域总水汽收支的贡献约为50%,而对江淮型的区域总水汽收支的贡献高达70%左右.因此,虽然总水汽输送主要取决于气候平均水汽输送,但是,水汽输送异常与气候平均水汽输送对江南型和江淮型的水汽供应具有相同甚至更为重要的贡献.特别是对于江淮型,区域总水汽收支主要取决于水汽输送异常的贡献,而水汽输送异常的变化较平均水汽输送更为复杂,这有可能是江淮流域汛期降水预报较为困难的原因之一.  相似文献   

Investigating the changes in streamflow regimes in response to various influencing factors contributes to our understanding of the mechanisms of hydrological processes in different watersheds and to water resource management strategies. This study examined streamflow regime changes by applying the indicators of hydrologic alteration method and eco-flow metrics to daily runoff data (1965–2016) from the Sandu, Hulu and Dali Rivers on the Chinese Loess Plateau, and then determined their responses to terracing, afforestation and damming. The Budyko water balance equation and the double mass curve method were used to separate the impacts of climate change and human activities on the mean discharge changes. The results showed that the terraced and dammed watersheds exhibited significant decreases in annual runoff. All hydrologic metrics indicated that the highest degree of hydrologic alteration was in the Sandu River watershed (terraced), where the monthly and extreme flows reduced significantly. In contrast, the annual eco-deficit increased significantly, indicating the highest reduction in streamflow among the three watersheds. The regulation of dams and reservoirs in the Dali River watershed has altered the flow regime, and obvious decreases in the maximum flow and slight increases in the minimum flow and baseflow indices were observed. In the Hulu River watershed (afforested), the monthly flow and extreme flows decreased slightly and were categorized as low-degree alteration, indicating that the long-term delayed effects of afforestation on hydrological processes. The magnitude of the eco-flow metrics varied with the alteration of annual precipitation. Climate change contributed 67.47% to the runoff reduction in the Hulu River watershed, while human activities played predominant roles in reducing runoff in the Sandu and Dali River watersheds. The findings revealed distinct patterns and causes of streamflow regime alteration due to different conservation measures, emphasizing the need to optimize the spatial allocation of measures to control soil erosion and utilize water resources on the Loess Plateau.  相似文献   

Soil and water conservation measures including terracing, afforestation, construction of sediment‐trapping dams, and the ‘Grain for Green Program’ have been extensively implemented in the Yanhe River watershed, of the Loess Plateau, China, over the last six decades, and have resulted in large‐scale land use and land cover changes. This study examined the trends and shifts in streamflow regime over the period of 1953–2010 and relates them to changes in land use and soil and water conservation and to the climatic factors of precipitation and air temperature. The non‐parametric Mann–Kendall test and the Pettitt test were used to identify trends and shifts in streamflow and base flow. A method based on precipitation and potential evaporation was used to evaluate the impacts of climate variability and changes in non‐climate factors changes on annual streamflow. A significant decrease (p = 0.01) in annual streamflow was observed related to a significant change point in 1996, mostly because of significant decreases in streamflow (p = 0.01) in the July to September periods in subsequent years. The annual base flow showed no significant trend from 1953 to 2010 and no change point year, mostly because there were no significant seasonal trends, except for significant decreases (p = 0.05) in the July to September periods. There was no significant trend for precipitation over the studied time period, and no change point was detected. The air temperature showed a significant increasing trend (p < 0.01), and 1986 (p < 0.01) was the change point year. The climate variability, as measured by precipitation and temperature, and non‐climate factors including land use changes and soil and water conservation were estimated to have contributed almost equally to the reduction in annual streamflow. Soil and water conservation practices, including biological measures (e.g. revegetation, planting trees and grass) and engineering measures (such as fish‐scale pits, horizontal trenches, and sediment‐trapping dams) play an important role in reduction of the conversion of rainfall to run‐off. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

三相流动是油田开发动态监测中常见而又难于解决的问题.目前多数研究者把油气水三相流动看作气液两相流动处理,即忽略油水之间的差异.三相流动中流型变化很复杂,在实验的基础上,对井中流体的流型进行了分析研究,建立了三相流动中流型变化图版,可以对井下流体流型进行合理的识别与判断.  相似文献   


Development of environmental flow standards at the regional scale has been proposed as a means to manage the influence of hydrological alterations on riverine ecosystems in view of the rapid pace of global water resources management. Flow regime classification forms a critical part in such environmental flow assessments. We present a national-scale classification of hydrological regimes for Iran based on a set of hydrological metrics. It describes ecologically relevant characteristics of the natural hydrological regime derived from 15- to 47-year-long records of daily mean discharge data for 539 streamgauges within a 47-year period. The classification was undertaken using a fuzzy partitional method within Bayesian mixture modelling. The analysis resulted in 12 classes of distinctive flow regime types that differ in various hydrological aspects. This classification is being used for further research in regional-scale environmental flow studies in Iran.
Editor D. Koutsoyiannis  相似文献   

Generation of cyclonic vortices in the middle layer of flow around a large mountain like Tibet and Rocky was investigated by means of a 3-D nonhydrostatic meteorological prognostic model. Special attention was paid to the effects of the earth’s rotation and stratification on the vortices detached successively from the slope of a high and large horizontal scale mountain. It was found the successive formation and detachment of such ‘von Karman-like vortices’ occurred in the flow regime at high Rossby numbers Ro and low Froude numbers Fr. It was successfully divided by the criterion of baroclinic instability. This means that if the condition is unstable baroclinically, a lee vortex is destabilized into a three-dimensional one, while under baroclinically stable conditions the lee vortex with vertical axis retains its standing structure and remains long lasting in the middle layer.  相似文献   

The survival of waterbirds depends heavily on habitat, particularly aquatic plants. For each kind of aquatic plant, there are specific water level regime requirements to meet its germination and growth. Previous studies usually focused on the use of water level management to achieve protection and restoration of aquatic plants. However, the water level regimes in many wetlands have been greatly changed and their ecological objectives usually cannot be achieved by water level management alone. Accordingly, this study combined water level management and artificial planting for waterbird habitat provision in wetlands. The Hongze Lake National Wetland Nature Reserve was taken as the research area. In this study, we considered the needs of waterbirds for nesting and foraging, and determined the aquatic plant species to be planted. According to the seasonal water level requirements of these plants, we simulated the plantable areas of different aquatic plants under different water level regimes. We then further optimized the water level regimes according to the needs of waterbirds, and determined the optimal water level management scheme. In addition, we formulated planting principles, explored the planting structure under each water level regime, so that the plant structure can better serve the waterbirds. The results showed that the current water level regime of Hongze Lake is not consistent with the growth rhythm of aquatic plants. Because of the human regulation, the water level of the wetland is high in winter and low in summer, which is contrary to the requirements of aquatic plant growth. A combination of water level regimes and plant structure management, however, could effectively expand the area for waterbird habitat. The results of this study will help wetland managers to make informed decisions about how to restore the waterbird habitat in other similar regulated wetlands.  相似文献   

中国华北和南北地震带北段8级大震发生的时间规律   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
用以25年为周期的三性分布拟合华北和南北地震带北段8级大震发生的时间分布,发现拟合较好,因之在今后预测8级大震时可作为参考。三性分布是指周期性、倍周期性和每个周期的黄金分割性组成的时间分布。  相似文献   

中国降水年际和年代际变率对空间尺度的敏感性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用中国740站45年降水资料按5种分辨率分气候区计算了降水年际和年代际变率. 降水年际和年代际变率对空间尺度的敏感性分析表明,中国各气候区降水年际变率对空间尺度的敏感性都随空间尺度的增加而逐渐减小,且存在明显的季节变化,而年代际变率对空间尺度的敏感性却随空间尺度的增加而增大,但不存在季节变化;由于中国各气候区降水的特殊性,各气候区降水年际和年代际变率对空间尺度的敏感程度存在不可忽视的差异.在年际和年代际尺度上,西南地区降水变率对空间尺度都是最敏感的,因而该区域降水年际和年代际变率信号的检测最困难.而华南地区在年际尺度上比较敏感,年代际尺度却不敏感,但华南地区在年际和年代际尺度上区域内降水分布的非均匀程度对空间尺度的敏感性都最大.  相似文献   

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