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We study the various approximations used to investigate the eigenmode spectrum for systems with highly elongated stellar orbits. The approximation in which the elongated orbits are represented by thin rotating spokes, with the rotation imitating the precession of real orbits, is the simplest and most natural one. However, we show that using this pictorial approximation does not allow the picture of stability to be properly presented. We show that for stellar systems with a plane disk geometry, this approach does not allow unstable spectral modes to be obtained even in the leading order in small parameter, which characterizes the spread of nearly radial orbits in angular momentum. For spherical systems, where the situation is more favorable, the spectrum can be determined but only in the leading order in this parameter. A rigorous approach based on the solution of more complex integral equations given here should be used to properly investigate the stability of stellar systems.  相似文献   

The formation of a disk galaxy within a slowly growing dark halo is simulated with a new chemo-dynamical model. The model describes the evolution of the stellar populations, the multi-phase ISM and all important interaction. I find, that the galaxy forms radially from inside-out and vertically from top-to-bottom. The derived stellar age distributions show that the inner halo is the oldest component, followed by the outer halo, the triaxial bulge, the halo-disk transition region and the disk. Despite the still idealized model, the final galaxy resembles present-day disk galaxies in many aspects. In particular, the stellar metallicity distribution in the halo of the model resembles the one of M31. The bulge in the model shows, at least two stellar subpopulations, an early collapse population and a population that formed later out of accreted disk mass. In the stellar metallicity distribution of the disk, I find a pronounced ‘G-dwarf problem’ which is the result of a pre-enrichment of the disk ISM with metal-rich gas from the bulge. This revised version was published online in September 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Observation catalogues of extragalactic radio sources obtained by Very long Baseline Interferometry during the last decade agree in the mean to a few milliarcseconds (mas). Within this range the position differences show constant, linear and periodic offsets. To reduce the influence of individual catalogue properties the construction of a compilation catalogue seems to be the appropriate procedure. In some detail the compilation method is described providing simultaneous adjustment of source positions and catalogue corrections. The compilation catalogue consists of 40 objects having positional errors of 0.2 mas in right ascension (RA) and 0.3 mas in declination (Dec). Comparing this catalogue with the IERS Celestial Reference Frame compiled by means of other precepts yields weighted root-mean-square differences of 0.7 mas in RA and 1.3 mas in Dec. Finally, the terms of general precession in RA and Dec are included in the adjustment process giving estimates of the correction to the luni-solar precession between –1 and –3 mas/yr, the latter figure applying when some early data are added.  相似文献   

Small perturbations of spherical star clusters around massive black holes are studied. The presence of a black hole gives rise to peculiar distributions that have no stars with low angular momenta (falling into the so-called “loss cone”). The stability of such a distribution has been found to depend significantly on whether it monotonically increases with angular momentum L (from the loss cone up to L = L circ in circular orbits) or has a maximum at some intermediate L = L *. In the case of spherical systems under consideration, the loss-cone instability is shown to be possible only for nonmonotonic distributions.  相似文献   

In several previous papers we had investigated the orbits of the stars that make up galactic satellites, finding that many of them were chaotic. Most of the models studied in those works were not self-consistent, the single exception being the Heggie and Ramamani (1995) models; nevertheless, these ones are built from a distribution function that depends on the energy (actually, the Jacobi integral) only, what makes them rather special. Here we built up two self-consistent models of galactic satellites, freezed theirs potential in order to have smooth and stationary fields, and investigated the spatial structure of orbits whose initial positions and velocities were those of the bodies in the self-consistent models. We distinguished between partially chaotic (only one non-zero Lyapunov exponent) and fully chaotic (two non-zero Lyapunov exponents) orbits and showed that, as could be expected from the fact that the former obey an additional local isolating integral, besides the global Jacobi integral, they have different spatial distributions. Moreover, since Lyapunov exponents are computed over finite time intervals, their values reflect the properties of the part of the chaotic sea they are navigating during those intervals and, as a result, when the chaotic orbits are separated in groups of low- and high-valued exponents, significant differences can also be recognized between their spatial distributions. The structure of the satellites can, therefore, be understood as a superposition of several separate subsystems, with different degrees of concentration and trixiality, that can be recognized from the analysis of the Lyapunov exponents of their orbits.  相似文献   

Using a direct numerical procedure we approximate a ’realistic’ potential for an elliptical galaxy by that of a perturbed harmonic oscillator. The quality of fitting is checked using two criteria. First by computing the value of the fitting parameterf, and second by comparing the behaviour of orbits for the two potentials. Both criteria suggest that the fitting is good when the total energyh is smaller than the energy of escape in the unharmonic potential.  相似文献   

Using a large sample of 78 well-observed double quasars, we have investigated several consequences of the relativistic beaming model. In this model the ratio of the strengths of the central component and outer lobes of a double source depends on whether the jet axis lies close to or away from the line of sight, If this is the actual situation, the fraction of emission from the core,f c, may be used as a statistical measure of the orientation of the source and should be correlated with other source parameters which also depend on the inclination of the jet axis to the line of sight. We findf c to be anticorrelated with the overall projected linear size of the extended emission but to exhibit a positive correlation with both the observed degree of misalignment from a collinear double structure, and the ratio of separations of the outer hotspots from the central component. As might be expected from these relationships, we also find sources of smaller projected linear sizes to appear more misaligned and the degree of misalignment to be correlated with the ratio of separations of the outer hotspots. All these correlations are consistent with the predictions of the relativistic beaming model.  相似文献   

The connection of the HIPPARCOS system with a quasi-inertial system can be reached by transforming the HIPPARCOS proper motions to absolute proper motions. The Tautenburg Schmidt telescope provides such proper motions with respect to extragalactic objects with an accuracy of 0″.6/100a. The telescope as well as the measuring and reduction technique are described. The accuracy of the link of the HIPPARCOS system to extragalactic objects depends on the accuracy of the transformation matrix which represents the time-depending part of the rotation matrix to be applied to the whole HIPPARCOS catalogue. To obtain a reliable estimate for the error of transformation we used the error propagation law. An accuracy of 0″.12/100a for the transformation can be achieved with six Tautenburg fields.  相似文献   

The migration of central black holes in galactic nuclei through their encounters with galactic globular clusters is studied. The black hole moves in the field of the galactic bulge with a fixed potential. The dependences of the black-hole drift amplitude on orbital parameters of the globular cluster, its mass, and bulge parameters have been found. The drift amplitude of the central black hole can reach several parsecs in our Galaxy and several tens of parsecs in early-type (Sa) and late-type (Sc) spiral galaxies.  相似文献   

Spectral observations of 10 FBS blue stellar objects (BSO) with the OHP 1.93-m and BAO 2.6.m telescopes are reported, and overall progress in all the spectral observations and classifications of FBS BSO over 1987–2000 and in the classification of these objects based on all the accessible sources-- in all, 753 out of 1103 objects-- is discussed. Representative slit spectra for the major types of objects are presented and compared with digitized low dispersion spectra from the DFBS. The nature of the FBS objects is examined in terms of advances in the spectral studies. Two-color diagrams are constructed from the SDSS data and are used to find the regions occupied by the various types for further identification of objects of unknown type. Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 52, No. 1, pp. 85–97 (February 2009).  相似文献   

A. H. Sadoyan 《Astrophysics》2006,49(2):211-217
This article discusses the gravitational radiation of rotating and oscillating stellar configurations with an incompressible fluid equation of state. The method used here makes it possible to determine the frequencies and amplitudes of the gravitational waves for arbitrary values of the central densities. At the densities corresponding to neutron stars, the major parameters of the gravitational radiation are consistent with previous results from more realistic models. Depending on the central density, stellar configurations with an incompressible fluid can emit gravitational waves over a wide range of frequencies, from 10−2 to 104 Hz. __________ Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 49, No. 2, pp. 243–250 (May 2006).  相似文献   

We inquire the phenomena of clustering of galaxies in an expanding universe from a theoretical point of view on the basis of thermodynamics and correlation functions. The partial differential equation is developed both for the point mass and extended mass structures of a two-point correlation function by using thermodynamic equations in combination with the equation of state taking gravitational interaction between particles into consideration. The unique solution physically satisfies a set of boundary conditions for correlated systems and provides a new insight into the gravitational clustering problem.  相似文献   

Interferometry in the optical and near infrared has so far played a marginal role in Extragalactic Astronomy. Active Galactic Nuclei are the brightest and most compact extragalactic sources, nonetheless only a very limited number could be studied with speckle interferometry and none with long baseline interferometry. The VLTI will allow the study of moderately faint extragalactic objects with very high spatial resolution thus opening a new window on the universe. With this paper we focus on three scientific cases to show how AMBER and MIDI can be used to tackle open issues in extragalactic astronomy. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Most formation scenarios of globular clusters assume a molecular cloud as the progenitor of the stellar system. However, it is still unclear, how this cloud is transformed into a star cluster, i.e. how the destructive processes related to gas removal or low star formation effiency can be avoided. Here a scheme of supernova (SN) induced cluster formation is studied. According to this scenario an expanding SN shell accumulates the mass of the cloud. This is accompanied by fragmentation resulting in star formation in the shell. Provided the stellar shell expands sufficiently slow, its self-gravity stops the expansion and the shell recollapses, by this forming a stellar system. I present N-body simulations of collapsing shells which move in a galactic potential on circular and elliptic orbits. It is shown that typical shells (105 M, 30 pc) evolve to twin clusters over a large range of galactocentric distances. Outside this range single stellar systems are formed, whereas at small galactocentric distances the shells are tidally disrupted. In that case many small fragments formed during the collapse survive as single bound entities. About 1/3 of the twin cluster systems formed on circular orbits merge within 400 Myr. On elliptic orbits the merger rate reduces to less than 4%. Thus, there could be a significant number of twin clusters even in our Galaxy, which, however, might be undetected as twins due to a large phase shift on their common orbit. This revised version was published online in September 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Sternentstehung in Galaxien ist ein Prozeß mit Rückkopplung zum interstellaren Medium (ISM) und möglicherweise ein Teil eines selbstregu-lierenden Zyklus. DOPITA (1985) hat ein Modell vorgeschlagen, in dem Sternentstehung in Spiral- und irregulären Galaxien über den Druck im ISM selbstregulierend wirkt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird gezeigt, daß die verfügbaren Daten für die radialen Verteilungen von Gas, Gesamtmasse und Lymankontinuumphotonenfluß in der Scheibe unserer Galaxis dieses einfache Modell nicht stützen. Verschiedene mögliche Ursachen werden diskutiert.  相似文献   

We present the results of direct mid-IR images of the luminous young stellar objects GL 2591, S140-IRS1, and W51-IRS2. The sources show an extended mid-IR emission at the limit of our spatial resolution indicating the presence of dense circumstellar dust disks.  相似文献   

A magnetohydrodynamic model is constructed for a cylindrical jet embedded in an external uniform magnetic field. It is shown that, as in the force-free case, the total electric current within the jet can be zero. The particle energetics and the magnetic-field structure are determined in a self-consistent way; all jet parameters depend markedly on the physical conditions in the external medium. In particular, we show that a region with subsonic flow can exist in the central jet regions. In real relativistic jets, most of the energy is transferred by the electromagnetic field only at a sufficiently large magnetization parameter σ>106. We also show that, in general, the well-known solution with a central core B Z =B 0/(1+?2/? c 2 ) cannot be realized in the presence of an external medium.  相似文献   

We created a triaxial stellar system through the cold dissipationless collapse of 100,000 particles whose evolution was followed with a multipolar code. Once an equilibrium system had been obtained, the multipolar expansion was freezed and smoothed in order to get a stationary smooth potential. The resulting model was self-consistent and the orbits and Lyapunov exponents could then be computed for a randomly selected sample of 3472 of the bodies that make up the system. More than half of the orbits (52.7 % ) turned out to be chaotic. Regular orbits were then classified using the frequency analysis automatic code of Carpintero and Aguilar (1998, MNRAS 298(1), 1–21). We present plots of the distributions of the different kinds of orbits projected on the symmetry planes of the system. We distinguish chaotic orbits with only one non-zero Lyapunov exponent from those with two non-zero exponents and show that their spatial distributions differ, that of the former being more similar to the one of the regular orbits. Most of the regular orbits are boxes and boxlets, but the minor axis tubes play an important role filling in the wasp waists of the boxes and helping to give a lentil shape to the system. We see no problem in building stable triaxial models with substantial amounts of chaotic orbits; the difficulties found by other authors may be due not to a physical cause but to a limitation of Schwarzschild’s method.  相似文献   

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