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Direct observations from submersible prove that in the explored areas, the Izu-Ogasawara Trench is devoid of any significant sediment cover. The effects of the tensional forces affecting the oceanic crust have been observed in the outer wall of this trench, especially near its foot between 8200 and 8500 m depth. They lead to a staircase morphology (with rock exposures) corresponding probably with vertical faulting parallel to the trend of the trench axis. The inner wall, at about 5000 m depth, shows large rock exposures that have been sampled. These rocks are volcanic lavas of the tholeiitic series (icelandites). The staircase morphology observed in this part of the overriding plate seems to prove the occurrence of distensive forces induced probably by the underthrusting of the oceanic crust. No indication of compressive stress has been registered in the whole investigated area.  相似文献   

The distribution of “ash” (the non-combustible fraction of marine suspended matter) and concentrations of particulate Al, Ca, Fe, Cr, Ni, Cu, Sr and234Th in surface waters and of210Pb,230Th and234Th in two vertical profiles (385–4400 m) of the Indian Ocean are reported.The ash concentrations in surface waters follow the primary productivity pattern, with higher abundances in samples south of 40°S and lower concentrations in the equatorial and subtropical regions. Opaline silica and CaCO3 are the dominant components of the ash in samples from >40°S and from 7°N to 39°S, respectively. Aluminosilicates are only a minor constituent of the surface particulate matter. The metal/Al ratios in the surface particles are significantly higher compared to their corresponding crustal ratios for all the metals analyzed in this work. Comparison of enrichment factors between marine aerosols, plankton and surface oceanic particles, seem to indicate that this high metal/Al ratio in surface particles most likely arises from their involvement in marine biogeochemical cycles. Particulate234Th activity in surface waters parallels the ash abundance implying that its scavenging efficiency from surface waters depends on the particulate concentration.The particulate230Th and210Pb concentration profiles increase monotonously with depth. It is difficult to ascribe this increase to a process other than the in-situ vertical scavenging of230Th and210Pb from the water column by settling particles. The mean settling velocities of particles calculated from the particulate230Th data using a one-dimensional settling model is about 2 × 10?3 cm/s. The settling velocity computed from the particulate230Th profiles does not appear to be compatible with the particulate210Pb depth profiles; one possible explanation to account for the disparity would be that230Th and210Pb are scavenged by different size populations of particles.On the whole, the geographic distribution of particulate matter, their composition and settling velocities in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans are similar indicating that they are controlled by quite similar processes in the marine hydrosphere.  相似文献   

Based on laboratory culture of harmful alga on iron and phosphorus uptake, and the study of accu-mulation of iron-phosphorus in cores and release of iron and phosphorus from surficial sediments collected in the Pearl River Estuary, the reasons of the high frequency of phytoplankton bloom therein are discussed. The results show that Fe starvation can make algal growth rate slow down and the peak of cell number decrease. Fe and P contents in algal cell bear a significant correlation and the molar ratio of P:Fe is ~356:1, suggesting that algal uptake of Fe and P is synergistic. Total Fe and total P in sediments are positively correlated and Fe-P is the main species of inorganic sedimentary P. Through continuous leaching with agitation, 34.26%―80.21% of exchangeable P and 4.04%―22.52% of ex-changeable Fe are released from surficial sediments, implying that the accumulation of Fe-P in sedi-ments is available for providing nutrients (P and essential Fe) for the demand of phytoplankton bloom. These factors might be responsible for a higher frequency of red tides than other marine regions.  相似文献   

—Spatial variations in mechanical properties of the interplate thrust faults along the Japan and Middle America subduction zones are examined using teleseismic broadband earthquake recordings. Moment-normalized source duration is used to probe rigidity variations along the interface. We invert body waves to estimate source depth and source duration for 40 events in the Japan subduction zone and 38 events in the Middle America subduction zone. For both areas, there is a systematic decrease in source duration with increasing depth along the subduction zone interface. This is most likely a result of variation in properties of sediments on the plate contact. Variations in source duration are greatly reduced at depths greater than 18 km in both regions. Enhanced spatial heterogeneity at shallow depth may reflect variations in plate roughness, sediment distribution, permeability of the fault zone, and stress.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a detailed survey combining Seabeam mapping, gravity and geomagnetic measurements as well as single-channel seismic reflection observations in the Japan Trench and the juncture with the Kuril Trench during the French-Japanese Kaiko project (northern sector of the Leg 3) on the R/V “Jean Charcot”. The main data acquired during the cruise, such as the Seabeam maps, magnetic anomalies pattern, and preliminary interpretations are discussed. These new data cover an area of 18,000 km2 and provide for the first time a detailed three-dimensional image of the Japan Trench. Combined with the previous results, the data indicate new structural interpretations. A comparative study of Seabeam morphology, single-channel and reprocessed multichannel records lead to the conclusion that along the northern Japan Trench there is little evidence of accretion but, instead, a tectonic erosion of the overriding plate. The tectonic pattern on the oceanic side of the trench is controlled by the creation of new normal faults parallel to the Japan Trench axis, which is a direct consequence of the downward flexure of the Pacific plate. In addition to these new faults, ancient normal faults trending parallel to the N65° oceanic magnetic anomalies and oblique to the Japan trench axis are reactivated, so that two directions of normal faulting are observed seaward of the Japan Trench. Only one direction of faulting is observed seaward of the Kuril Trench because of the parallelism between the trench axis and the magnetic anomalies. The convergent front of the Kuril Trench is offset left-laterally by 20 km relative to those of the Japan Trench. This transform fault and the lower slope of the southernmost Kuril Trench are represented by very steep scarps more than 2 km high. Slightly south of the juncture, the Erimo Seamount riding on the Pacific plate, is now entering the subduction zone. It has been preceded by at least another seamount as revealed by magnetic anomalies across the landward slope of the trench. Deeper future studies will be necessary to discriminate between the two following hypothesis about the origin of the curvature between both trenches: Is it due to the collision of an already subducted chain of seamounts? or does it correspond to one of the failure lines of the America/Eurasia plate boundary?  相似文献   

Fumitoshi  Murakami 《Island Arc》1996,5(1):25-42
Abstract Seven back-arc rifts are recognized in the Izu-Ogasawara Arc, namely, the Hachijo, the Aogashima, the Myojin, the Sumisu, the Torishima, the Sofu and the Nishinoshima Rifts from north to south. The acoustic stratigraphy is divided into three units (Units A, B and C) based on the seismic reflection profiles crossing the rifts. The structure of the rifts systematically changes from a half-graben type to a full graben type in the back-arc rifts from the Hachijo Rift to the Torishima Rift. The Hachijo and the Aogashima Rifts have a structure of half-graben, and the Myojin Rift has both structural characteristics of a half-graben and a full graben. The Sumisu and the Torishima Rifts are an asymmetric full graben. The Sofu and the Nishinoshima Rifts have different structural characteristics from the remaining rifts, from the Hachijo Rift to the Torishima Rift. The boundary faults in the back-arc rifts from the Hachijo to the Torishima Rifts cut to Unit B. Unit B correlates with volcaniclastic sediments during pre-rift volcanism between 4 and 2 Ma. The pre-rift volcanism was probably widespread on the northern Izu-Ogasawara Arc as is the present arc volcanism. These factors suggest that the beginning of rifting is dated at some time after 2 Ma. The developing process of the rift consists of three stages; (i) a sag stage in the crust at the location of the large offset boundary fault; (ii) a stage of half-graben formation; (iii) a stage of full graben formation. The offset of the boundary faults becomes larger from the Hachijo Rift to the Torishima Rift and the east-west width of the rifts also widens to the south. This is presumably because the Hachijo Rift is an earlier rifting stage than the Sumisu and the Torishima Rifts. The more primitive structure in the rifting stage from the Torishima Rift to the Hachijo Rift is probably caused by the propagation of rifting from south to north. The structural difference between the rifts in the northern part and the Sofu and the Nishinoshima Rifts seems to be due to structural differences in the crust between the northern and the southern parts from the tectonic gap.  相似文献   

The new concept presented for forecasting the rate of accumulation of suspended sediment in reservoir water in the bottom sediment allows reasonable estimates of the siltation process globally, regionally, or locally, to be obtained without the need for costly research. The method draws on three key parameters, i.e., the concentration of suspended sediments (SS), and its organic matter (OMSS) content, as well as the storage capacity (VR) (i.e., the water storage in the reservoir). All of these parameters easy to determine, with information on them, in fact, made widely available by most agencies managing reservoirs in different parts of the world. In practice, the proposed method can represent a missing link in the precise determination of a reservoirs rate of siltation (and hence, losses of storage capacity).  相似文献   

Results of studying group and constituent composition of natural organic and mineral substances in silt bottom sediments of non-contaminated freshwater bodies are presented. The chemical composition of the investigated bottom sediments is shown to be complicated, diverse, and include products of autochthonous and allochthonous substance transformation. The necessity of further studying the concentrations of nutrients found in the bottom sediments of non-contaminated freshwater bodies, regarded as the “background” in estimating their environmental state, in studying processes occurring within water bodies, in determining natural and anthropogenic components of mineral and organic substances, as well as in estimating the balneologic value of the water bodies in question is substantiated.  相似文献   

The results of studies aimed to assess the information significance of the coefficients of bottom accumulation of hydrophobic organic substances and heavy metals as indicators of pollution of freshwater bodies are presented. It is shown that the same value of the coefficient of bottom accumulation may correspond to different situations in water bodies. Methods for the interpretation of data on the state of water bodies based on the coefficient of bottom accumulation and its components are proposed to reliably determine the level and character of pollution. Chronic pollution of a number of freshwater bodies of the Russian Federation is assessed by data on the accumulation of pesticides, oil products, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and heavy metals in bottom deposits.  相似文献   

高速铁路、地铁、轻轨等轨道交通迅速发展深入城市内部人群密集地区,对环境产生的振动影响不容忽视。空沟、碎石填充沟和排桩是三种常用的轨道交通隔振措施。通过大比例尺试验,采用加速度作为振动的评价指标,分别研究空沟、碎石填充沟和排桩的隔振效果。各组试验除隔振措施外其他条件均完全相同,使不同隔振措施的隔振效果具有较强的可比性,通过比较三种隔振措施与无隔振措施下影响区的加速度衰减率,评价其隔振效果,同时通过三种隔振措施下距离振源不同位置处的加速度比较其隔振效果。研究成果可为轨道交通隔振措施及方案的选取提供依据。  相似文献   

In the southernmost Kuril Trench, the tsunami source regions vary their along-trench extent even among earthquakes occurring within the same segment. Recent studies suggest that the tsunami source of the 1952 Tokachi-oki earthquake (M 8.1) differs from but partially overlaps with that of the 2003 Tokach-oki earthquake (M 8.0). Furthermore, the along-trench extent among the earthquakes seems to differ between deep and shallow portions of the subduction interface. A seismic gap has been recognized along the deep subduction interface between the sources of the 1952 and 1973 earthquakes. We propose that the gap is now larger, including both shallow to deep portions of the interface between the 1973 and 2003 earthquakes. Variability in spatial extent of large subduction earthquakes in both along-trench direction and trench-normal direction makes it difficult to forecast future earthquakes in the southernmost Kuril Trench.  相似文献   

Five separate exposures of oceanic basalts were dredged in the vicinity of the Peru-Chile Trench between 9° and 27°S latitude. Each dredge is dominated by abundant pillow basalts. Approximately ten of the most unaltered, glassy and fine-grained samples were selected for detailed chemical and petrographic analyses from each dredge area. All basalts recovered in the Peru-Chile Trench are olivine and quartz-normative tholeiites that are believed to have formed at the now extinct Galapagos Rise 30–50 m.y. ago. Detailed chemical analyses of the basalts, including major and selected trace and rare earth elements, indicate that considerable compositional variability exists both within each of the dredged areas as well as between areas. Most of the inherent chemical variability observed within particular basement sections appears consistent with the concept of temporal evolution of magma bodies at a former spreading center by shallow-level fractional crystallization involving primarily plagioclase and olivine. In contrast, important chemical differences between the dredged areas suggest compositional heterogeneities in the mantle source regions. Our results indicate that although shallow-level fractionation has brought about large changes in composition of basalts in each area, compositional trends are distinct and appear to reflect original mantle-derived compositional differences.  相似文献   

Abstract Seven chronostratigraphic stages were established based on the correlation of magneto‐biostratigraphic marker horizons within the Deep Sea Drilling Project and Ocean Drilling Program cores from the forearc of the Japan Trench. Because the stages are coeval with changes in the rate of sedimentation, lithofacies, magnetic intensity and composition of fossil assemblages, they probably reflect the tectonic situation in the Japan Trench forearc and also in the arc–trench system. The stages correlate to the tectonic events of the Japanese Island Arcs; for example, evolution of the Boso triple junction, initiation of Philippine Sea Plate subduction and the Japan Sea opening.  相似文献   

Abstract Fluids and sediments from Deep Sea Drilling Project/Ocean Drilling Program Legs (56, 57, 87 and 186) along a transect extending from the subducting plate, across the midslope and upper slope of the Japan Trench forearc were analyzed for B and B isotopes in order to assess their composition and fluid–sediment interaction. At the reference Site 436 on the subducting plate, changes in B contents and B isotopes are controlled by the lithology and diagenesis only. The midslope Sites 440 and 584 showed stronger variations in the B geochemistry, which can be related to diagenesis and tectonic dewatering along faults. The strongest changes in the B geochemistry were observed on the upper slope Sites 1150 and 1151, where profound down‐hole freshening (chlorinities as low as ~310 mmol) coincides with a B enrichment (up to 9.3 × seawater concentration). The B isotope pore fluid profile of Site 1150 displayed a bimodal variation with depth, first increasing to values more positive than seawater, then shifting to lower signatures typical for deep‐seated fluids, whereas Site 1151 showed a constant B decrease with depth. Sites 1150 and 1151 sediments showed B increases with depth to values as high as ~164 p.p.m. and isotopic compositions ranging from ~+4 to ?9‰. A linear decrease in Bsolid/Bfluid ratio, suggests that B geochemistry of the upper slope sites is controlled by fluid–rock interaction and deep‐seated fluid flow, whereas constant Bsolid/Bfluid ratios were observed at the reference site on the incoming plate. This fluid overprint is probably caused by normal faults in the sediment cover which might be interconnected to deep thrusts in the underlying Cretaceous accreted wedge. This suggests that the erosive Japan Trench margin is characterized by back‐flux of deep‐seated, B‐enriched fluids into the ocean, which is facilitated by extensional normal faulting as a result of tectonic erosion and subsidence.  相似文献   

Evidence of episodic development of alluvial talus is given. Three phases of accumulation are identified within the last 3000 years. Average rates of accumulation range from 0·2–1·7 mm yr?1 during each period. Conventional models relating climate to slope activity are inappropriate due to the local conditions.  相似文献   

Deep-water samples collected during the Kaiko project are often associated with biological communities located on geological structures favorable to fluid venting. The evidence of fluid venting are the temperature anomalies, the decrease in sulfate concentrations, the content in methane and the lowC1(C2 +C3) ratio of light hydrocarbons. Because of large dilution by ambiant seawater during sampling it is difficult to compute the composition of the advected end-member pore fluid. Part of this fluid should originate in the “petroleum window”, i.e. at temperature about 60°C. Modeling the upward flow of water, taking into account the anomalies of temperature measured on the seafloor and the geochemical anomalies, leads to non-steady-state advection of the pore fluid. The occurrence of a deep component in the fluid has implications for the geological and tectonic models of the subduction zones off Japan.  相似文献   

浊积岩分序级描述技术是在前人研究与勘探实践基础上,以层序地层学理论为指导,结合较为前沿的地震沉积学理论,分析层序内部结构,明确了浊积岩发育序级的划分原则、对比和划分方法;以地震资料为基础,充分发挥了井震结合的优势,形成了浊积岩的地震识别模式的建立方法.本次研究建立了东营凹陷沙三段和沙四上不同类型浊积岩的地震响应模式,形成了浊积岩分序级描述技术;该技术可以用来预测新的浊积岩发育区.东营凹陷油气勘探实践证明,在浊积岩分序级描述的基础上进行勘探优化部署,可以有效的提高浊积岩油藏的勘探成功率.  相似文献   

为研究层状地基的分界面对于空沟隔振效果的影响,采用模型试验,选取三种不同深度的空沟,分别为小于分界面深度和等于分界面深度以及超过分界面深度的三种深度,分析在改变空沟宽度、空沟位置(固定振源即传感器位置,仅改变空沟所处位置)以及激振频率时对三种深度空沟隔振效果的影响.结果表明:当宽度和激振频率发生改变时,深度等于土层分界...  相似文献   

Hiroshi  Kitazato 《Island Arc》1997,6(2):144-157
Abstract The northern tip of the Izu-Ogasawara Arc on the Philippine Sea plate collided with the central part of the Honshu Arc in the early Quaternary. The collision history is recorded in late Cenozoic strata that are distributed widely in central Japan. To reconstruct paleotopography during the collision process, paleogeographic maps of central Japan were drawn at six time slices during the late Cenozoic. These maps were made from paleodepth data that were inferred from benthic foraminiferal fossil assemblages. Sedimentological information was also added to the maps. The paleogeographic maps show several distinctive geological features. The paleodepth of the area between the Izu-Ogasawara Arc and the Honshu Arc changed quickly from deep-sea to shallow marine during the Quaternary by means of rapid deposition of large amounts of coarse-grained detritus. The conglomerate was first deposited in a trough as deep-sea fan deposits, and filled the trough until an alluvial fan was formed. Forearc basins of the Honshu Arc facing the collision area subsided from 3 to 1 Ma. Vertical movement of the basin was inferred from a strata thickness/paleodepth correlation graph. It is thought that the tectonic inversion seen in sedimentary basins in the Kanto and Tokai regions might be closely related to the change of motion of the Philippine Sea plate. However, a basin of the Ashigara area sunk continuously without interruption until 0.7 Ma. The collision event affected strongly distribution of deep-sea benthic foraminifera. Paleogeographic maps show that a deep trough appeared in the Ashigara area between 3 and 1.5 Ma. This trough may have served as a passage for the migration of deep-sea benthic foraminifera between the Pacific and the Philippine Sea. Cold water benthic foraminiferal species occur west of the Izu-Ogasawara ridge deposited in strata during the existence of the passage.  相似文献   

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