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A solar flare on June 15, 1973 has been observed with high spatial and temporal resolution by the S-054 grazing-incidence X-ray telescope on Skylab. Both morphological and quantitative analyses are presented. Some of the main results are: (a) the overall configuration of the flare is that of a compact region with a characteristic size of the order of 30 at the intensity peak, (b) this region appears highly structured inside with complex systems of loops which change during the event, (c) a brightening over an extended portion of the active region precedes the flare onset, (d) the impulsive phase indicated by the non-thermal radio emission is a period during which a rapid brightening occurs in loop structures, (e) the X-ray emission is centered over the neutral line of longitudinal magnetic field, and the brightest structures at the flare onset bridge the neutral line, (f) loop systems at successively increasing heights form during the decay phase, finally leading to the large loops observed in the postflare phase, (g) different parts of the flare show distinctly different light curves, and the temporal development given by full disk detectors is the result of integrating the different intensity vs time profiles.The implications of these observations for mechanisms of solar flares are discussed. In particular, the flux profiles of different regions of the flare give strong evidence for continued heating during the decay phase, and a multiplicity of flare volumes appears to be present, in all cases consisting of loops of varying lengths.On leave from Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory, Florence, Italy.  相似文献   

Theoretical electron-density-sensitive emission line ratios in B-like AIix are presented forR =I(385.01 )/I(392.42 ). A comparison of these with high spectral resolution solar flare data, obtained with the S082A slitless spectrograph on boardSkylab, reveals agreement between theory and observation for those spectra that were observed during the later stages of the flares. These results provide experimental support for the accuracy of the line-ratio calculations, and also resolves discrepancies found previously when the theoretical results were compared with solar observations from the S-055 instrument on boardSkylab. However, the agreement between theory and observation for a spectrum obtained during the early stages of a flare is very poor, which probably indicates that the 392.42 line is blended with a transition arising from a species formed at a very high electron temperature.  相似文献   

Edges in the solar soft X-ray flare continuum have been observed with the NRL Bragg crystal spectrometer aboard OSO-4. The edges near 2.06 Å, 2.8 Å, and 4.46 Å are interpreted to be due to an innershell dielectronic recombination process, details of which are presented. Two other edges, 3.59 Å and 3.31 Å, are interpreted to be due to recombination of the bare sulfur ion and innershell transitions of calcium.  相似文献   

We studied the EUV line spectra of three flare observed with the NRL slit spectrograph on Skylab. The electron densities in the flare transition-zone plasmas are determined from density-sensitive lines of Si iii and O iv. The electron densities in all three flares studied were greatest during the flare maximum with values of the order of 1012 cm–3. The density decreases by a factor of 2 to 3 in the decay phase of the flares. The intensities of EUV lines from the flare chromospheric and transition-zone plasmas all are greatly enhanced. In contrast to lines for Oi, Ci, Feii and other chromospheric ions, the lines of Oiv and Nv and other transition-zone lines are not only enhanced but also very much broadened.Fitting of the N v 1242 Å line with a two-gaussian model shows that for two of the flares studied, there is a red-shifted component in addition to an unshifted component. The shifted component in the N v line profiles is interpreted as due to a dynamic and moving plasma with a bulk motion velocity of 12 km s–1 for one flare and more than 70 km s–1 for the other. The broadened line profiles indicate that there are large turbulent mass motions with random velocities ranging from 30 to 80 km s–1.Ball Corporation. Now with NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center.  相似文献   

Simultaneous observations of a solar limb flare in the X-ray and ultraviolet regions of the spectrum are presented. Temporal and spectral X-ray observations were obtained for the 25–300 keV range while temporal, spectral, and spatial X-ray observations were obtained for the 30–0.3 keV range. The ultraviolet observations were images with a 10 spatial resolution in the lines of O v (T e 2.5 × 105 K) and Fe xxi (T e 1.1 × 107 K). The hard X-ray and O v data indicate that the impulsive phase began in the photosphere or chromosphere and continued for several minutes as material was ejected into the corona. Impulsive excitation was observed up to 30 000 km above the solar surface at specific points in the flare loop. The Fe xxi observations indicate a preheating before the impulsive phase and showed the formation of hot post-flare loops. This later formation was confirmed by soft X-ray observations. These observations provide limitations for current flare models and will provide the data needed for initial conditions in modeling the concurrent coronal transient.  相似文献   

Doppler shifts of the Fe xxv line in three solar flares show prevalently downward motions with velocities up to 200 km s–1.  相似文献   

An improved X-ray polarimeter is briefly described and preliminary results of the measurements carried out on the satellite Intercosmos-7 are presented. One flare with considerable polarization (P 16%) was observed on 1972 August 4. Two other flares with rather low polarization (P 4%; P 2%) were observed on 1972 August 7 and 11.  相似文献   

The physical parameters for the kernels of three solar X-ray flare events have been deduced using photographic data from the S-054 X-ray telescope on Skylab as the primary data source and 1–8 and 8–20 Å fluxes from Solrad 9 as the secondary data source. The kernels had diameters of 5–7 and in two cases electron densities at least as high as 3 × 1011 cm–3. The lifetimes of the kernels were 5–10 min. The presence of thermal conduction during the decay phases is used to argue: (1) that kernels are entire, not small portions of, coronal loop structures, and (2) that flare heating must continue during the decay phase.We suggest a simple geometric model to explain the role of kernels in flares in which kernels are identified with emerging flux regions. The flare is triggered at the neutral sheet between the EFR and a larger loop structure. We associate the X-ray kernels with H kernels, which previously associated (incorrectly, we believe) with the nonthermal impulsive phases of flares.Most of this work was completed while the author was a Visiting Scientist at the Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138.  相似文献   

We present X-ray observations of the 21 July, 1980 flare which was observed both with the Einstein Observatory Imaging Proportional Counter (IPC) and the X-Ray Polychromator (XRP) and Gamma-Ray Spectrometer onboard the SMM satellite. The Einstein observations were obtained in scattered X-ray light, i.e., in X-rays scattered off the Earth's atmosphere. In this way it is possible to obtain spatially unresolved X-ray data of a solar flare with the same instrument that observed many X-ray flares on other stars. This paper juxtaposes the results and implications of the stellar interpretation to those obtained from the far more detailed SMM observations. The result of this calibration observation is that the basic properties of the flaring plasma can be reliably determined from the stellar data, however, the basic physics issues can only be studied through models.  相似文献   

Time series of daily numbers of solar Hα flares from 1955 to 1997 are studied by means of wavelet power spectra with regard to predominant periods in the range of ∼ 24 days (synodic). A 24-day period was first reported by Bai (1987) for the occurrence rate of hard X-ray flares during 1980–1985. Considering the northern and southern hemisphere separately, we find that the 24-day period is not an isolated phenomenon but occurs in each of the four solar cycles investigated (No. 19–22). The 24-day period can be established also in the occurrence rate of subflares but occurs more prominently in major flares (importance classes ≥ 1). A comparative analysis of magnetically classified active regions subdivided into magnetically complex (i.e., including a γ and/or δ configuration) and non-complex (α, β) reveals a significant relation between the appearance of the 24-day period in Hα flares and magnetically complex sunspot groups, whereas it cannot be established for non-complex groups. It is suggested that the 24-day period in solar flare occurrence is related to a periodic emergence of new magnetic flux rather than to the surface rotation of sunspots.  相似文献   

Microwave burst spectra are compared with the position, within the active region, of their associated flares observed in H. The magnetic fields predicted by Takakura's burst model (1972) are found to be in reasonable agreement with the fields expected at the flare locations.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under contract with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

We carried out a non-LTE calculation of the simultaneous solution of equations of radiative transfer and statistical equilibrium for hydrogen and calcium. Based on the calculated results of a series of flare models, we investigated the effect of the Call K line by mircoturbulence, the temperature minimum region and the transition region. We also constructed a semi-empirical flare model that reproduced both the observed Hα and Call K line profiles.  相似文献   

Solar hard X-rays(HXRs) appear in the form of either footpoint sources or coronal sources. Each individual source provides its own critical information on acceleration of nonthermal electrons and plasma heating. Earlier studies found that the HXR emission in some events manifests a broken-up power-law spectrum, with the break energy around a few hundred keV based on spatially-integrated spectral analysis,and it does not distinguish the contributions from individual sources. In this paper, we report on the brokenup spectra of a coronal source studied using HXR data recorded by Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager(RHESSI) during the SOL2017–09–10 T16:06(GOES class X8.2) flare. The flare occurred behind the western limb and its footpoint sources were mostly occulted by the disk. We could clearly identify such broken-up spectra pertaining solely to the coronal source during the flare peak time and after. Since a significant pileup effect on the RHESSI spectra is expected for this intense solar flare, we have selected the pileup correction factor, p = 2. In this case, we found the resulting RHESSI temperature(~30MK) to be similar to the GOES soft X-ray temperature and break energies of 45–60 keV. Above the break energy, the spectrum hardens with time from spectral index of 3.4 to 2.7, and the difference in spectral indices below and above the break energy increases from 1.5 to 5 with time. However, we note that when p = 2 is assumed, a single power-law fitting is also possible with the RHESSI temperature higher than the GOES temperature by ~10MK. Possible scenarios for the broken-up spectra of the loop-top HXR source are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The flare of 11 November, 1980, 1725 UT occurred in a magnetically complex region. It was preceded by some ten minutes by a gradual flare originating over the magnetic inversion line, close to a small sunspot. This seems to have triggered the main flare (at 70 000 km distance) which originated between a large sunspot and the inversion line. The main flare started at 172320 UT with a slight enhancement of hard X-rays (E > 30 keV) accompanied by the formation of a dark loop between two H bright ribbons. In 3–8 keV X-rays a southward expansion started at the same time, with - 500 km s –1. At the same time a surge-like expansion started. It was observable slightly later in H, with southward velocities of 200 km s–1. The dark H loop dissolved at 1724 UT at which time several impulsive phenomena started such as a complex of hard X-ray bursts localized in a small area. At the end of the impulsive phase at 172540 UT, a coronal explosion occurred directed southward with an initial expansion velocity of 1800 km s–1, decreasing in 40 s to 500 km s–1.Now at Fokker Aircraft Industries, Schiphol, The Netherlands.  相似文献   

We describe and analyse observations of an M1.4 flare which began at 17: 00 UT on 12 November, 1980. Ground based H and magnetogram data have been combined with EUV, soft and hard X-ray observations made with instruments on-board the Solar Maximum Mission (SMM) satellite. The preflare phase was marked by a gradual brightening of the flare site in Ov and the disappearance of an H filament. Filament ejecta were seen in Ov moving southward at a speed of about 60 km s–1, before the impulsive phase. The flare loop footpoints brightened in H and the Caxix resonance line broadened dramatically 2 min before the impulsive phase. Non-thermal hard X-ray emission was detected from the loop footpoints during the impulsive phase while during the same period blue-shifts corresponding to upflows of 200–250 km s–1 were seen in Ca xix. Evidence was found for energy deposition in both the chromosphere and corona at a number of stages during the flare. We consider two widely studied mechanisms for the production of the high temperature soft X-ray flare plasma in the corona, i.e. chromospheric evaporation, and a model in which the heating and transfer of material occurs between flux tubes during reconnection.  相似文献   

The X-ray spectrum of the quiet Sun in the energy range 2.3–6.9 keV was observed from an Aerobee rocket using an uncollimated graphite crystal spectrometer. These results and spatial measurements made with an onboard modulation collimator are analyzed using solar models. Several methods of estimating coronal temperatures are used in the analysis and all yield results within the range (4±l) × l06K.  相似文献   

In a search for linear polarization effects, 37 profiles of the H line emitted in the 16 May 1991 flare have been analyzed. Linear polarization is clearly present in the central part of line. On average, the degree of polarization is 7 %, but it reaches 20 % in regions with lower H ga emission. Generally the orientation of the plane of polarization coincides with the flare to disk center direction, except for sections where the H ga line has the characteristic form observed in moustaches. We believe that the linear polarization observed in the 16 May 1991 flare was caused by bombardment of the chromosphere by beams of accelerated particles, protons in the main part of the flare and electrons at locations where the H ga line has the characteristic moustache structure.  相似文献   

T. S. Bastian 《Solar physics》1990,130(1-2):265-294
Observations of radio emission from flare stars are reviewed, including surveys of flare stars in the solar neighborhood and in stellar associations, studies of quiescent emission, and continuum and spectral studies of radio burst emission. The radio observations are placed in an observational context provided by soft X-ray, UV, and optical observations. It is stressed that, as is the case for the latter wavelength regimes, observations of rado bursts on flare stars are qualitatively similar to those on the Sun, albeit in a dramatically scaled-up fashion.  相似文献   

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