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我国海岸线漫长,海洋资源丰富,生物物种多样。海洋贝类一直是我国重要的海洋经济产物。但近半个世纪以来,随着近海人类活动影响的加剧,工业废水、城市污水的排放使近海环境遭到严重破坏,贝类由于其滤食性特点而易受到重金属、农药、生物毒素、细菌、病毒等的污染。其中重金属污染更是贝类污染中危害最严重的一类,因食用重金属污染食品而中毒的现象已有发生[1-2],这些污染直接  相似文献   

自20世纪70年代人们就认识到,环境中重金属的浓度常常不能反映其生物可利用性和毒性,这些性质不仅取决于它们在环境中的浓度,而且还与其形态有关[1].在海水的溶解态金属中,通常认为自由水合离子对浮游植物具有较高的生物可利用性和毒性,而无机络合物和有机络合物的生物可利用性很小[2~4].在沉积物中,普遍认为可交换态的重金属最易被生物所利用,毒性最强,铁锰氧化物态可在还原条件下释放,而残渣态的重金属与沉积物的结合最牢固,活性最小,因而毒性最小[5].同种金属的不同赋存形态有着不同的生物可利用性,也就是说金属总的含量中只有一部分是具有生物可利用性的.因此在评价海洋环境中重金属的污染情况和制定相关标准时,必须考虑到重金属的赋存形态对生物可利用性和毒性的影响,以便更好的保护和管理海洋环境.海洋中的有机物质是痕量金属的重要配位体,这些金属-有机配位体影响着大部分生物可利用金属的化学形态[6].因此,作者在综述了海洋环境中重金属的赋存形态及生物可利用性的基础上,还详细讨论了有机物对海洋环境中重金属的赋存形态及生物可利用性的影响.  相似文献   

通过对九龙江河口表层沉积物的重金属元素含量、沉积物粒度等要素进行分析,结合相关与聚类分析等统计手段,探讨了九龙江河口地区的沉积环境与重金属元素含量特征的关系.结果表明,即使在沉积环境复杂的河口地区,重金属含量分布与沉积物粒度仍存在明显的对应关系.受沉积动力影响,不同的重金属元素分布在九龙江河口地区表现出较大差异,而嵩屿至屿仔尾一带呈带状南北向展布的重金属相对高值条带值得引起注意.  相似文献   

Engineered nanoparticles (ENPs) have been produced by nano-biotech companies in recent decades to generate innovative goods in various fields, including agriculture, electronics, biomedicine, manufacturing, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. The nano-scale size of the particles can confer novel and significantly improved physical, chemical and biological properties to scientific phenomena and processes. As their applications to science and technology expand, the need to understand the putative noxious effects of ENPs on humans and ecosystems is becoming increasingly important. ENPs are emerging as a new class of pollutants with eco-toxicological impacts on marine ecosystems because the particles can end up in waterways and reach the sea. Recent laboratory studies in invertebrates and fishes suggest that exposure to ENPs could have harmful effects. Because there is not much data available for gauging the effects of ENPs on marine wildlife, the ultimate ecotoxicological impacts of chronic exposure to ENPs should be investigated further using laboratory tests and field studies. We propose the use of model organisms to understand the molecular pathways involved in the mechanisms that may be affected by exposure to ENPs. Sensitive and innovative molecular methods will provide information regarding the hazards of ENPs that may exist in the marine environment. Model organisms that have not been conventionally used for risk assessment and the development of eco-toxicogenomic approaches will result in an improved understanding of the mechanistic modes of action of contaminating ENPs in the marine environment.  相似文献   

海洋防腐工程中受阴极保护金属构筑物表面的电位电流分布常常是不均匀的,而金属表面的电位电流只有在一定范围内才能使构筑物受到有效和适当的保护.尤其是复杂而庞大的海洋钢结构物(如滨海电厂钛管凝汽器)阴极保护系统的设计和监测较复杂,此阴极保护下电化学场的计算,对评价阴极保护效果,优化阴极保护设计有重要意义.采用电化学场中的拉普拉斯(Laplace)方程,使用四节点四面体和合适的形状函数对水室表层和复杂结构体系周围场域进行离散.用有限元计算法,通过对各单元的分布和整个求解区域的总和,建立了两种不同金属组成复杂结构体系的三维有限元数学模型.  相似文献   

金秋九月,秋风送爽,首届全国海洋科技大会在北京胜利召开。此次大会的召开恰逢我国全面贯彻国家中长期科学技术规划的第一年,是我国建国以来首次以“海洋科技”为主题的海洋会议,会议以《国家中长期科学技术规划(2006-2010)》为指导,研究讨论了《国家“十一五”海洋科学和技术发展规划纲要》与《关于加快海洋科学技术发展若干意见》,部署了我国海洋科技发展的重点,明确了我国今后海洋科技工作的目标和方向,为共同构建海洋科技创新体制打下了良好的基础。  相似文献   

中国北方海域扇贝重金属含量的比较与质量评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王红  许强  杨红生 《海洋科学》2007,31(9):11-18
于2005年10~11月在大连湾、秦皇岛、莱州湾、烟台、威海、胶州湾、胶南7个海域,进行了海湾扇贝(Argopecten irradians)和栉孔扇贝(Chlamys farreri)As,Hg,Pb,Cu,Zn5种重金属含量的调查。重金属含量的测定采用原子吸收法进行。结果表明:(1)重金属含量存在着组织差异性,贝边的含量高于贝柱;(2)取自同一海域的栉孔扇贝重金属含量高于海湾扇贝;(3)5种重金属的平均含量排序为:Zn>Cu>As>Pb>Hg;(4)胶州湾栉孔扇贝Zn有超标现象,贝柱和贝边中的含量分别是限量标准的1.24倍和1.59倍;Hg,Pb,As和Cu均未超标。  相似文献   

基于单片机的海洋环境监测系统的控制电路设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
设计并实现了一种基于C8051F340单片机的节能型自治式多功能海洋环境监测系统的控制电路.该电路利用模块化设计方法,通过合理选用器件和设计器件的工作模式,使控制电路具有低功耗、高可靠的特点.实验表明,该控制电路实现了潜标式主浮体对浮标式搭载平台的实时控制,同时实现了浮标搭载平台单向下潜、定点测量、自由上浮、自动避碰等状态的控制,方法简单新颖,实现了对海洋要素的长期连续观测.  相似文献   

庄宏儒 《海洋科学》2006,30(7):43-47
根据2005年8月对厦门典型养殖海域——同安湾及大嶝海域表层沉积物的调查资料,分析了表层沉积物中重金属的质量分数,研究了表层沉积物中有机质以及与重金属的相关性,并运用单因子评价法评估了沉积环境质量。结果表明:同安湾和大嶝海域表层沉积物中Hg,Cd,Pb,Cu,As的平均质量比分别为0.060,0.057,31.8,20.4,7.27mg/kg和0.047,0.096,26.6,25.2,6.65mg/kg;各重金属元素之间(除Cd外)呈显著的正相关,与有机质也呈很好的正相关关系;各要素均未对研究海域表层沉积物构成污染,表层沉积物质量符合国家一类沉积物标准。  相似文献   

Although determinations of hydrocarbons in the marine environment are usually based on the same analytical steps, i.e. organic solvent extraction, column chromatographic purification, and hydrocarbon detection and identification; variations in equipment and solvent systems used in the extraction step, and also in the columns for purification and analysis, seriously impaired the development of a consistent data base concerning oil pollution on a global scale.Many authors and conferences emphasized the need, in this field, for a comparative study on the efficiency of various published analytical techniques.Fifteen techniques with 24 applications were chosen and applied to a fixed weight of uniform samples of sediments, mussels, fish, shrimps and green algae. The final hydrocarbon extracts were analyzed individually on a 2 m stainless-steel packed column (SE 30).The results obtained from this work showed considerable variations in the efficiency of different techniques from identical samples. The hydrocarbon yields varied from 94 to 1.4 ppm in sediments, from 40 to 9 ppm in mussels; from 216 to 1.3 ppm in fish; from 8.3 to 3.1 ppm in shrimps; and from 343 to 273 ppm in algae, all relative to wet weight of the samples. The gas chromatograms of the hydrocarbons obtained were found to be quite different with regard to peak intensities and distributions. This means that hydrocarbons obtained by the application of different techniques varied in their compositions and relative concentrations of their constituents. These results confirm what was already obtained and discussed previously using spectrofluorometric analyses.It can be concluded that it is necessary to establish a standard technique for the preparation of marine samples, for extraction and purification of the hydrocarbon extracts which should be applied by all laboratories specializing in this field.  相似文献   

Ten myths concerning ecosystem approaches to marine resource management   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Steven A. Murawski   《Marine Policy》2007,31(6):681-690
Ecosystem approaches to marine resource management (EAM) offer comprehensive decision making based on rationalization of currently fragmented ocean policies and their implementation. However, despite the apparent utility in addressing these problems, EAM has also been criticized as being nonspecific, immature, invalid as a basis for decision making, and not fully supported by science. While it is commonly perceived that a paradigm shift in governance and science institutions awaits implementation to address these criticisms, in fact, ecosystem considerations are being incorporated more frequently, employing existing authorities as the basis for mitigation of sectoral impacts and for resource allocation. Management ‘best practices’ for EAM are emerging based on these experiences. Ten common criticisms of EAM, which I believe to be myths propagated primarily to maintain the status quo among sectoral interests, are discussed. Accelerated evolution of EAM will occur as science better articulates feedbacks, cumulative ecological effects and economic consequences framing policy choices, and more formal “rules of engagement” among sectors (e.g., fishing, coastal development, water quality, and energy) are negotiated. These operating procedures would be established under informal arrangements, in national law, and by international agreement. The management paradigm for marine resources is shifting and EAM will eventually be considered redundant with established practice.  相似文献   

利用GIS基础平台软件的空间数据拓扑操作优势,结合海洋环境质量评价数学模型,实现了海洋环境质量评价过程及结果表达的可视化。提高对海洋环境质量评价结果的科学性、现势性和直观化,为领导的决策提供有力的支持。  相似文献   

利用电感耦合等离子发射光谱(ICP-AES)方法测定了汕头南澳海水养殖区溶解态的重金属在不同水层中的分布.在龙须菜、鱼类和贝类养殖水域检出Fe、Zn、Mn、Pb等重金属,其中微表层(SML)和底层(BW)是这些重金属的主要存在区域.这些重金属在微表层(SML)中的浓度(Fe 27.5-286.5 μg/L,Zn13.5...  相似文献   

This article summarizes the author's current work on microbial degradation of nucleic acid. The aim of this work is to elucidate parts of the saprogenic process in the marine ecosystem through the study of the behavior of nucleic acid-hydrolyzing bacteria inhabiting seawater and sediments.Considerably large population of nucleic acid-hydrolyzing bacteria was found to occur in seawater and sediments. The main genera of these microbes areVibrio spp. in coastal seas, andPseudomonas spp. in the oceanic waters. As a result of microbial attack, nucleic acid components are released into seawater. The properties of extracellular nuclease produced by a marineVibrio sp. are well adapted to the seawater environment; consequently this enzyme has high activity and stability in seawater. By determining nuclease activity in seawater and sediments, the intensities of nucleic acid-hydrolysisin situ were evaluated.Distribution patterns of marine bacteria are also discussed in reference to the occurrence of phytoplankton in seawater.  相似文献   

The research described in this paper involves a method to mitigate the vibration of an offshore structural system in the marine environment when subjected to the in-plane wave forces. The method introduced include a practical application for the viscoelastic material to the offshore structural system, and the analytical technique to evaluate the structural responses when the system is incorporated with damping devices. The viscoelastic materials applied here were tested and verified that they have high energy absorption capacity. In the analysis, the applied wave forces are based on the fifth-order Stokes wave theory and Morrison equation for small body and the computation method is based on Newmark method for nonlinear system. Results of the vibration responses for the system with added damping devices are presented and compared to the responses of structures of the traditional design. It was observed that the effect of the vibration mitigation was significant and the dynamic performance of the offshore structural system were greatly improved when the new damping devices were applied.  相似文献   

全国海洋环境监测每年获得大量的生物多样性监测数据,其中生物种类名记录存在书写不规范、格式不统一、同物异名、学名和中文名缺失、拼写错误等情况,对数据的质量和使用产生很大影响.为了对这些分类数据进行质量控制,构建质控数据库.以2011、2012年全国海洋环境监测实测生物分类数据为原始分类数据,以《中国海洋物种多样性》、《海洋生物分类代码》、《中国海洋生物名录》中的物种数据为标准生物名称,采用计算机程序匹配与人工匹配相结合的方法,建立原始分类数据与标准生物名称的对应关系,完成匹配分类数据的标准化处理并入库,形成质控数据库.基于质控数据库,结合质量控制程序,使得需要进行质控的生物名数据与质控数据库中"实测中文名"或"实测学名"相匹配,返回质控数据库中的"标准中文名"、"标准学名"、"标准类群"的值以及"记录处理",并作为新增列插入到原数据中,从而实现对分类数据的一站式批量质控.基于质控数据库的生物名质控方法为生物分类数据的质量控制提供了一个简单、有效且易于推广的新方法.  相似文献   

Heavy metal analysis of the < 20 μm fraction of marine sediments from Wellington Harbour and Waiwhetu Stream have shown that the Waiwhetu Stream is easily the most polluted area in the Wellington Harbour system with Pb and Zn in the extremely polluted category and Cu, Cd, and Hg in the moderately to strongly polluted category. These elements have different distributions in the stream sediments reflecting their different sources from adjacent factories. In Wellington Harbour itself, the central basin of the harbour suffers from minimal pollution. Pb, and to a lesser extent Zn and Cu, are the main pollutants and local enrichment of these elements is noted in Lambton Harbour basin, off Pencarrow and Moa Point outfalls, in Evans Bay, and off Petone and Kaiwharawhara. The geochemical data do not enable us to identify the source of the pollutants unambiguously. A summary of the history of waste discharges into the harbour suggests that heavy metal pollution may have been higher in the past.  相似文献   

综合δD、δ18O、224Ra、226Ra、228R、钍系同位素和210Pb、14C等同位素示踪技术研究的最新成果,概述了同位素示踪技术在海洋水体运动、颗粒动力学、海洋生物生产力、沉积动力学、古海洋学等方面的研究进展,提出了在这一领域应重点发展的研究方向,以期推动同位素示踪技术在海洋环境研究中的应用。  相似文献   

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