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Stellar halos may hold some of the best preserved fossils of the formation history of galaxies. They are a natural product of the merging processes that probably take place during the assembly of a galaxy, and hence may well be the most ubiquitous component of galaxies, independently of their Hubble type. This review focuses on our current understanding of the spatial structure, the kinematics and chemistry of halo stars in the Milky Way. In recent years, we have experienced a change in paradigm thanks to the discovery of large amounts of substructure, especially in the outer halo. I discuss the implications of the currently available observational constraints and fold them into several possible formation scenarios. Unraveling the formation of the Galactic halo will be possible in the near future through a combination of large wide field photometric and spectroscopic surveys, and especially in the era of Gaia.  相似文献   

We have observed a sample of 64 small-diameter sources towards the central  −6° < l < 6°, −2° < b < 2°  of the Galaxy with the aim of studying the Faraday rotation measure near the Galactic Centre region. All the sources were observed at 6- and 3.6-cm wavelengths using the ATCA and the VLA. 59 of these sources are inferred to be extragalactic. The observations presented here constitute the first systematic study of the radio polarization properties of the background sources towards this direction and increase the number of known extragalactic radio sources in this part of the sky by almost an order of magnitude. Based on the morphology, spectral indices and lack of polarized emission, we identify four Galactic H  ii regions in the sample.  相似文献   

We present results of simulations performed with the Geant4 software code of the effects of Galactic Cosmic Ray impacts on the photoconductor arrays of the PACS instrument. This instrument is part of the ESA-Herschel payload, which will be launched in 2008 and will operate at the Lagrangian L2 point of the Sun-Earth system. Both the Satellite plus the cryostat (the shield) and the detector act as source of secondary events, affecting the detector performance. Secondary event rates originated within the detector and from the shield are of comparable intensity. The impacts deposit energy on each photoconductor pixel but do not affect the behaviour of nearby pixels. These latter are hit with a probability always lower than 7%. The energy deposited produces a spike which can be hundreds times larger than the noise. We then compare our simulations with proton irradiation tests carried out for one of the detector modules and follow the detector behaviour under ‘real’ conditions.  相似文献   

It is believed that the observed diffuse gamma-ray emission from the galactic plane is the result of interactions between cosmic rays and the interstellar gas. Such emission can be amplified if cosmic rays penetrate into dense molecular clouds. The propagation of cosmic rays inside a molecular cloud has been studied assuming an arbitrary energy and space dependent diffusion coefficient. If the diffusion coefficient inside the cloud is significantly smaller compared to the average one derived for the galactic disk, the observed gamma-ray spectrum appears harder than the cosmic ray spectrum, mainly due to the slower penetration of the low energy particles towards the core of the cloud. This may produce a great variety of gamma-ray spectra.  相似文献   

We analyse a sample of 507 evolved (OH/IR) stars in the region (10°>ℓ>−45°), (| b |<3°). We derive average ages for subsets of this sample, and use those sets as beacons for the evolution of the Galaxy. In the bulge, the oldest OH/IR stars in the plane are 7.5 Gyr (1.3 M), and in the disc 2.7 Gyr (2.3 M). The vertical distribution of almost all AGB stars in the disc is found to be nearly exponential, with scaleheight increasing from 100 pc for stars ≲1 Gyr old to 500 pc for stars ≳5 Gyr old. There may be a small, disjunct population of OH/IR stars. The radial distribution of AGB stars is dictated by the metallicity gradient. Unequivocal morphological evidence is presented for the existence of a central bar, but parameters can be constrained only for a given spatial-density model. Using a variety of indicators, we identify the radii of the inner ultraharmonic (2.5 kpc) and corotation resonance (3.5 kpc). We show that the 3-kpc arm is likely to be an inner ring, as observed in other barred galaxies, by identifying a group of evolved stars that is connected to the 3-kpc H  i filament. Also, using several observed features, we argue that an inner-Lindblad resonance exists, at ∼1–1.5 kpc. The compositions of OH/IR populations within 1 kpc of the Galactic Centre give insight into the bar-driven evolution of the inner regions. We suggest that the bar is ∼8 Gyr old, relatively weak (SAB), and may be in a final stage of its existence.  相似文献   

Supernova remnants (SNRs) are among the most important targets for γ-ray observatories. Being prominent non-thermal sources, they are very likely responsible for the acceleration of the bulk of Galactic cosmic rays (CRs). To firmly establish the SNR paradigm for the origin of cosmic rays, it should be confirmed that protons are indeed accelerated in, and released from, SNRs with the appropriate flux and spectrum. This can be done by detailed theoretical models which account for microphysics of acceleration and various radiation processes of hadrons and leptons. The current generation of Cherenkov telescopes has insufficient sensitivity to constrain theoretical models. A new facility, the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA), will have superior capabilities and may finally resolve this long standing issue of high-energy astrophysics. We want to assess the capabilities of CTA to reveal the physics of various types of SNRs in the initial 2000 years of their evolution. During this time, the efficiency to accelerate cosmic rays is highest. We perform time-dependent simulations of the hydrodynamics, the magnetic fields, the cosmic-ray acceleration, and the non-thermal emission for type Ia, Ic and IIP SNRs. We calculate the CTA response to the γ-ray emission from these SNRs for various ages and distances, and we perform a realistic analysis of the simulated data. We derive distance limits for the detectability and resolvability of these SNR types at several ages. We test the ability of CTA to reconstruct their morphological and spectral parameters as a function of their distance. Finally, we estimate how well CTA data will constrain the theoretical models.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION The globular cluster (GC hereafter), as the oldest star group in the universe, has been a target that astro- physics has paid close attention to all the time. The near-field (Galaxy) cosmology makes contacts with the far-field cosmology by …  相似文献   

We present new spectroscopy in the optical range and 21-cm H  i data covering the Ruprecht 55 (Ru 55) field in the Puppis window where several authors have proposed the existence of one (or two) clusters.
We have determined new MK spectral types for about 50 stars in the region, finding 43 OB-type stars among them. LS 985 was found to be an O9 V + O9.5 III binary and it is the earliest type of star in our observed sample.
We have identified a stellar OB association (Ru 55), which is most likely related to a depletion detected in our H  i data, as: (i) they are located at the same distance (6 kpc), within observational errors; (ii) both have similar radial velocities (∼67 km s−1); (iii) current OB stars could have provided the energy needed to blow the cavity; (iv) the dynamical time-scale for the hole buildup matches the age estimated for the earliest OB stars; and (v) LS 985 might be responsible for ionizing the H  i cavity inner walls close to it.  相似文献   

We present and analyse the kinematics and orbits for a sample of 488 open clusters (OCs) in the Galaxy. The velocity ellipsoid for our present sample is derived as  (σ U , σ V , σ W ) = (28.7, 15.8, 11.0) km s−1  which represents a young thin-disc population. We also confirm that the velocity dispersions increase with the age of a cluster subsample. The orbits of OCs are calculated with three Galactic gravitational potential models. The errors of orbital parameters are also calculated considering the intrinsic variation of the orbital parameters and the effects of observational uncertainties. The observational uncertainties dominate the errors of derived orbital parameters. The vertical motions of clusters calculated using different Galactic disc models are rather different. The observed radial metallicity gradient of clusters is derived with a slope of   b =−0.070 ± 0.011   dex kpc−1. The radial metallicity gradient of clusters based on their apogalactic distances is also derived with a slope of   b =−0.082 ± 0.014   dex kpc−1. The distribution of derived orbital eccentricities for OCs is very similar to that derived for the field population of dwarfs and giants in the thin disc.  相似文献   

We study the gravitational lensing effects of spiral galaxies by taking a model of the Milky Way and computing its lensing properties. The model is composed of a spherical Hernquist bulge, a Miyamoto–Nagai disc and an isothermal halo. As a strong lens, a spiral galaxy like the Milky Way can give rise to four different imaging geometries. They are (i) three images on one side of the galaxy centre ('disc triplets'), (ii) three images with one close to the centre ('core triplets'), (iii) five images and (iv) seven images. Neglecting magnification bias, we show that the core triplets, disc triplets and fivefold imaging are roughly equally likely. Even though our models contain edge-on discs, their image multiplicities are not dominated by disc triplets. The halo is included for completeness, but it has a small effect on the caustic structure, the time delays and brightnesses of the images.
The Milky Way model has a maximum disc (i.e. the halo is not dynamically important in the inner parts). Strong lensing by nearly edge-on disc galaxies breaks the degeneracy between the relative contributions of the disc and halo to the overall rotation curve. If a spiral galaxy has a submaximum disc, then the astroid caustic shrinks dramatically in size, whilst the radial caustic shrinks more modestly. This causes changes in the relative likelihood of the image geometries, specifically (i) core triplets are now ∼9/2 times more likely than disc triplets, (ii) the cross-section for threefold imaging is reduced by a factor of ∼2/3, whilst (iii) the cross-section for fivefold imaging is reduced by ∼1/2. Although multiple imaging is less likely (the cross-sections are smaller), the average total magnification is greater. The time delays are smaller, as the total projected lensing mass is reduced.  相似文献   

Through the morphological classifications for 290 member galaxies in the nearby galaxy Abell 2199, the star formation rates and their relations with their morphology and related physical properties are investigated in this paper. It is found that the typical star formation rate in galaxies of this galaxy cluster is strongly correlated with the Hα equivalent width, and the degree of discontinuity of the galaxy spectrum at 4000 Å is also strongly correlated with the stellar mass included in the galaxy. It is also found that star formation activities in these galaxies do not exhibit the obvious circumstance effect. This result indicates that this galaxy cluster is still situated at the stage of the violent dynamical evolution and far from the dynamical equilibrium.  相似文献   

We discuss the possibility of observing ultra high energy cosmic ray sources in high energy gamma rays. Protons propagating away from their accelerators produce secondary electrons during interactions with cosmic microwave background photons. These electrons start an electromagnetic cascade that results in a broad band gamma ray emission. We show that in a magnetized Universe (B≳10−12 G) such emission is likely to be too extended to be detected above the diffuse background. A more promising possibility comes from the detection of synchrotron photons from the extremely energetic secondary electrons. Although this emission is produced in a rather extended region of size ∼10 Mpc, it is expected to be point-like and detectable at GeV energies if the intergalactic magnetic field is at the nanogauss level.   相似文献   

We have used the field stars from the open cluster survey BOCCE (Bologna Open Clusters Chemical Evolution), to study three low-latitude fields imaged with the Canada–France–Hawaii telescope (CFHT), with the aim of better understanding the Galactic structure in those directions. Because of the deep and accurate photometry in these fields, they provide a powerful discriminant among Galactic structure models. In the present paper we discuss if a canonical star count model, expressed in terms of thin and thick disc radial scales, thick disc normalization and reddening distribution, can explain the observed colour–magnitude diagrams (CMDs). Disc and thick disc are described with double exponentials, the spheroid is represented with a De Vaucouleurs density law. In order to assess the fitting quality of a particular set of parameters, the colour distribution and luminosity function of synthetic photometry is compared to that of target stars selected from the blue sequence of the observed CMDs. Through a Kolmogorov–Smirnov test, we find that the classical decomposition halo-thin/thick disc is sufficient to reproduce the observations – no additional population is strictly necessary. In terms of solutions common to all three fields, we have found a thick disc scalelength that is equal to (or slightly longer than) the thin disc scale.  相似文献   

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