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The surface dissolution characteristics of Al-based sacrificial anodes in seawater have never been expressed numerically except in words such as uniform dissolution, non-uniform dissolution, serious localized dissolution, etc. An electrochemical method was developed in our laboratory to evaluate the above mentioned characteristics quantitatively. The Al anode samples are polarized to −1000 mv (vs. Ag/AgCl reference electrode) in seawater at 25±1°C, and anodic current-time curves are recorded simultaneously. Then the coulometric density was calculated with the aid of a planimeter. By comparing the coulometric densities of these samples, the surface dissolution characteristics of anodes can be evaluated quantitatively. Contribution No. 1447 from Institute of Oceanology, Academia Sinica  相似文献   

The Al—basic sacrificial anode is widely used to protect steel construction from corrosion in seawater, but is not suitable for protecting steel in freshwater. In the estuary area, seawater and freshwater mix and different seawater salinity can be formed in different mixing sites between freshwater and seawater. Based on the requirements of the Shengli Petroleum Administrative Bureau of China, the effect of seawater salinity on electrochemical properties of Al—basic anode was studied under laboratory conditions by the method given in National Standard GB 4948-85 (China Starndard Bureau, 1985). No obvious effect was found when seawater salinity was 30 to 10, but obvious effect on anodic open circuit potential, closed circuit potential and current efficiency was found when seawater salinity was 5. These values are lower than those given in the National Standard. Contribution No. 2681 from the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. This study is a major project (Ky85-11-5) and a key project (A14920416) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and also received support from the Shengli Oil Field.  相似文献   

火山物质和长石碱性溶蚀形成的绿泥石、浊沸石、钠长石、伊利石等碱性自生矿物,是砂岩储层研究的重点,而碱性溶蚀本身却常被忽略。通过对碱性溶蚀机理、控制因素及成岩特征的分析,发现砂岩中发育石英颗粒碱性溶蚀、火山物质水解溶蚀、蒙脱石伊利石化导致的钾长石溶蚀、高岭石伊利石化导致的钾长石溶蚀和斜长石钠长石化5种碱性溶蚀作用,它们常与酸性溶蚀先后叠加发生,不易直接确定碱性溶蚀的类型和规模,常被忽略或误判为酸性溶蚀。依据碱性溶蚀与其伴生胶结物的成因关系,分析了部分含油气储层的碱性溶蚀类型及溶蚀规模,我国含油气盆地碱性溶蚀十分普遍,前4种碱性溶蚀形成的次生孔隙分别可达2%~7%, 5%~10%, 1.32%, 1.63%。   相似文献   

The effect of trace elements Bi and Ti on the electrochemical property of aluminium sacrificial anode in seawater was studied. Different amounts of Bi and Ti were alloyed with Al-Zn-In to make 9 types of aluminium sacrificial anodes. Anode closed circuit potential, discharge capacities and current efficiencies were measured in the laboratory. The results show that the effect of Bi is greater than that of Ti. Contribution No. 1869 from the Institute of Oceanology, Academia Sinica.  相似文献   

Suspended paniculate substances were sampled in the eastern equatorial Pacific in water column from surface to near bottom in five stations in 2005,from which 868 barite crystals were recovered.The barite crystals were examined under scanning electron microscopy.About 61%of the total barites crystals contained detectable Sr by energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry.Barite crystals could be classified into four groups based on their morphology:1) bladed;2) ovoid or rounded;3) arrow-like;and 4) irregularly shaped.The arrow-like barite crystals in natural environment has never been reported before.In addition,about a half of the studied crystals showed features of dissolution as cavities or holes inside of the crystals or around their edges.We found that differential dissolution of barite crystals is consequence of heterogeneous Sr distribution in barite crystals.Our results would help in understanding the biogeochemical processes of marine barite formation and preservation in seawater and marine sediments.  相似文献   

The implications of climate change during the second half of the 20 th century have been reported throughout the world. Although marginal seas are sensitive to climate change and anthropogenic impacts, relatively little attention has been given to the South East Asian marginal seas. Thus, to bridge this gap in knowledge, a sediment core was collected from the coastal areas of the Leizhou Peninsula in the South China Sea(SCS) to study the inter-decadal climate change and its consequences using diatom species composition as a proxy record. Diatom absolute abundance varied from 2 300 to 68 000 and averaged 16 000 valves per gram of dry weight(v/gdw). The fractional dissolution index(Fi) was usually below 0.5, which indicates low to moderate preservation of diatom valves at coastal area of the SCS. At the inter-decadal time scale, total diatom abundance was high for the period after 1972, which coincided with 1) increased percentage of planktonic diatom abundance and Fi; 2) emergence and dominance of high productivity indicative cosmopolitan species such as T halassionema nitzschioides and Paralia sulcata(their relative abundance increased from 1.5% to 7% for the period before and after 1972, respectively); 3) decreased relative abundance of the small-sized eutrophication indicative species, C yclotella striata, from 70% to 40%. This study reveals that variations in the abundance of diatoms preserved in the sediment was a function of both production and dissolution/preservation of diatom valves, which in turn was intimately connected to the prevailing environmental/climatic conditions. In conclusion, these data reveal the existence of substantial changes in the coastal SCS in response to the 1970 s climate shift that was recorded in dif ferent parts of the world.  相似文献   

The role of railroad in the development of the american west   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper explores the role of geographical expansion of railroads, one of the most important Fransportation vehicles, in the history of American west development, analyses its implication on the unprecedented migration movement and the resulted urbanization in the west and concludes with the fact that the appropriate interference by the government, especially in the early period, is vital to regional development practice, because of market failure at the initial stage, infrastructure construction conducted by the government always plays as the first impetus to any regional development process. Only through this bridge, can some physical factors, such as population, be attracted to feed the backward area. As a result, cities grow fast and the region develops well. The experience can be shared by all countries. Besides reviewing the history of west development in America, focusing on the relationship between railroads expansion and urban growth, which was realized through population migration. A comparison on the particular pattern of regional development between U. S and China is made as well at the end. It is noted that despite of the common first impetus, government subsidies and the common final result, urbanization, the path for the America is bottom-up, whereas that for China is top down, that is to say, development should originate from big cities, then to towns, and finally radiate into rural areas.  相似文献   

大学校园规划是校园文化的物质基础和载体,通过对成都信息工程学院航空港校区规划建设的介绍,阐述了大学校园规划在校园文化建设中的重要作用,指出高校要重视环境育人的功能,营造浓厚的校园文化氛围.  相似文献   

根据粤西 6个市 (县 )种植的 3个主要芒果品种芒果炭疽病 (Gloeosporium mangiferae P.Henn.et al)病情指数 ,应用模糊聚类分析方法 ,划选出粤西种植芒果的适宜区域。并指出干旱地区不利于该病发生  相似文献   

As an important part of global climate system, the Polar sea ice is effccting on global climate changes through ocean surface radiation balance, mass balance, energy balance as well as the circulating of sea water temperature and salinity. Sea ice research has a centuries - old history. The many correlative sea ice projects were established through the extensive international cooperation during the period from the primary research of intensity and the boaring capacity of sea ice to the development of sea/ice/air coupled model. Based on these reseamhes, the sea ice variety was combined with the global climate change. All research about sea ice includes: the physical properties and processes of sea ice and its snow cover, the ecosystem of sea ice regions, sea ice and upper snow albedo, mass balance of sea ice regions, sea ice and climate coupled model. The simulation suggests that the both of the area and volume of polar sea ice would be reduced in next century. With the developing of the sea ice research, more scientific issues are mentioned. Such as the interaction between sea ice and the other factors of global climate system, the seasonal and regional distribution of polar sea ice thickness, polar sea ice boundary and area variety trends, the growth and melt as well as their influencing factors, the role of the polynya and the sea/air interactions. We should give the best solutions to all of the issues in future sea ice studying.  相似文献   

研究了Ad hoc密钥更新以及角色授权算法,提出了一种基于角色授权的密钥更新算法方案,有效地防止了密钥更新时遭受的主动攻击以及被动攻击。  相似文献   

Serotonin (5-HT) has been found to stimulate meiotic maturation of oocytes in many molluscs. During maturation, several signaling pathways are involved, especially the phosphatidylinositol and cAMP pathways. In order to examine the possible role of the phosphatidylinositol signaling pathway in regulating oocyte maturation in Mercenaria mercenaria, the effects of the activator/inhibitor of phospholipase (PLC) and protein kinase C (PKC) on serotonin-induced maturation were studied. Results show that high-concentrations of neomycin (inhibitor of PLC) blocked oocyte maturation, while 9, 10-dimethyl-1, 2-benzanthracene (DMBA, activator of PLC) promoted oocyte maturation in the presence of serotonin. It was also found that in the presence of serotonin, phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA, activator of PKC) inhibited oocyte maturation, while sphingosine (inhibitor of PKC) stimulated oocyte maturation. These results indicate that serotonin-induced oocyte maturation requires the activation of the phosphatidylinositol pathway. Decrease of PLC inhibited serotonin-induced oocyte maturation, whereas a decrease of PKC stimulated the maturation. Thus, our study indicates that serotonin promotes maturation of M. mercenaria oocytes through PLC stimulated increase in calcium ion concentration via inositol-1, 4, 5-trisphosphate (IP3) but not PKC.  相似文献   

The Western Boundary Current of the pacific and its role in the climate   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
On the basis of the CTD data gathered by the R/VScience I in each Oct. of 1986–1988 and the winter averaged temperature anomaly in southeast China, the interannual variability of the Western Boundary Current (WBC) is examined in terms of volume transport by inverse calculation and its role in the climate is studied by statistical method. The estimated transport is 50, 20, and 33×106 m3/s for the Kuroshio and 24, 34, and 36×106 m3/s for the Mindanao Current (MC) in October of 1986, 1987, and 1988, respectively. The WBC is the biggest channel in the ocean for transporting heat poleward and plays an extremely important role in establishing and maintaining the global heat balance. Results showed that meridional heat transport by the Kuroshio northeast of Luzon apparently dominates coldness or warmness in winter in southeast China. Two phenomena observed in the western Pacific but not in the western Atlantic are the warm pool and the equatorward flowing MC which, together with the North Equatorial Counter-current (NECC) may play an important role in preventing the warm water from extending to the north. So in order to understand the dynamics of the warm pool formation and evolution, the MC and NECC must be studied as well as the Equatorial Current. Contribution No. 1791 from the Institute of Oceanology, Academia Sinica.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONJohannes (1 965)firstshowedtheimportanceofprotozoaasremineralizersinmarineenvironments.Thesignificanceofprotozoainthefreshwaterfoodwebhasbeenknownforthepast2 0years.Protozoaisamainpredatorofplanktonicbacteriaandphytoplankton ,andalsoafoodsourceo…  相似文献   

Taking the development of export-oriented economy (the strength and temporal sequence) as a main line, this paper discusses and analyses the position and role of Wuhan, which is the biggest metropolis in the central China and the middle section of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River basin, in the regional economic macro-strategy of China from a new visual sight. On the basis of the background of a large economic triangle constructed by Hongkong, Wuhan and Shanghai, the paper discusses the relations between Wuhan and Hongkong, Wuhan and Shanghai. The aim of the paper is to provide some new evidences for the development of great regional economy of China under the copropelling of the three great economic pivots. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   


The paper describes a large-area analysis of the triggering zones of shallow landslides on a case of unsaturated layered volcanic air-fall (pyroclastic) soil deposits in Cervinara site (18 km2), Southern Italy. The physically-based model TRIGRS (Transient Rainfall Infiltration-Based Grid Regional Slope-Stability) is used, which is used with either saturated or unsaturated conditions and implemented in a GIS platform. In addition to using the TRIGRS model to simulate some recent landslides, a new simplified approach is also tested to take into account the actual layered soil stratigraphy. The consistency check of the model and of the input data is performed with reference to slope stable conditions before rainfall. The performances of the models are evaluated through the ROC curves and two other quantitative indexes taken from the literature referring to the slope failures caused by December 1999 rainstorm. Notwithstanding the simplifications and limitations of the present work, both unsaturated conditions and layered stratigraphy are outlined as key factors for the slope stability of shallow deposits of unsaturated coarse-grained soils subjected to short heavy rainfall.  相似文献   

Tree uprooting is an important process which leads to many geomorphic consequences.Some of the most important are the transport of sediment and mixing of soil.The aim of this article is to make a detailed examination of the magnitude of sediment transport caused by an extreme windthrow event in three severely affected catchments.Also,a comparison is made of the windthrow event with a mass movement event in the aspect of the magnitude of sediment transport and soil mixing.The study was conducted in three second-to third-order catchments in the Tatra Mountains,where a strong foehn wind event caused extensive windthrow in 2013,and a high-magnitude rainfall event triggered mass movements in 2007.The volume of sediment uplifted by the uprooting event was calculated based on the mapping of root plates using high-resolution(0.04 m)aerial images and measurements of root plate volumes conducted in the field.The volume of sediment transported by shallow landslides was determined based on a Digital Elevation Model(DEM1-m resolution).Windthrows affected 34%,76%,and94%of the area of the investigated catchments.Most of the trees had fallen downslope.The direction of treefall was influenced by the slope aspect and steepness.Root plates and pits covered 1.3%,4.8%,and 5.4%of the area of the catchments.Sediment flux generated by the uprooting event,calculated for the entire area of each investigated catchment ranged from 8.1×10–4 to 9.9×10–3 m3 m–1 event–1.This was notably lower than the sediment flux generated by the mass movement event(also calculated for the entire area of each catchment),which was 1.8-6.1×10–2m3 m–1 event–1.By contrast,uprooting affected a much larger area than the mass movement event,which underlines its significant role in the mixing of soil.  相似文献   

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