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Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics - The ERA-Interim archive data and circulation calculations using a middle and upper atmosphere model (MUAM) have been used to study dynamic processes in...  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics - Equations for the center-of-mass speed of the parcel of heated air, the mass of the entrained cool air, and the resulting buoyancy of the entire air...  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics - This paper considers a typical case of winter cold air invasion into the Black Sea region in January 2010. Using the WRF numerical model, the intensive...  相似文献   

《Ocean Modelling》2010,35(3-4):92-110
A convective adjustment (CA) algorithm is thought to be responsible for grid-scale oceanic-state sustained oscillations seen in oceanic general circulation models (OGCM), an effect that is most evident in simulations with coarse spatio-temporal scales. The CA algorithm is thought to inadvertently create a salt oscillator. Several studies have confirmed that a flip-flop type salt oscillator, which is reminiscent in some respects of simple CA schemes, can develop sustained oscillations. Subsequently, several researchers were able to show how coupled salt oscillators, reacting in a particular temporal sequence, are capable of producing large-scale oscillations not unlike those found in the OGCM simulations. However, the proxy models used to study how CA can create these oscillations in large-scale simulations were never directly related to OGCM results.Here we couple hydrodynamics to the CA and look at zonally-driven flows in the low-frequency, large-scale limit. Adding flow is a step in the direction of developing an analytically tractable model with which to understand the basics of OGCMs. We analytically determine whether, and under what circumstances, the CA scheme is responsible for sustained oscillations.We carry out this program for four basic box-model configurations, each inspired by the general shape of the eigenfunctions and constraints of the large-scale zonally-averaged forced flow over a hemisphere. Furthermore, in order to make our results relevant to the Meridional Ocean Circulation, we also investigate the effect of replacing the usual assumption of a linear relation between thermohaline flow rate and horizontal density gradient with a nonlinear hydraulic relationship.We find that a salt oscillator does not occur in the most common box-model configurations. In one of our models, however, we find wide parameter ranges in which all steady states calculated for the model fail to satisfy the CA scheme, the situation which is expected to result in CA-induced oscillations. The model in question corresponds to a hemispheric shallow thermohaline flow over a deep reservoir. However, we find that oscillations occur in these parameter ranges only if the density threshold for convection is negative, i.e., if the CA scheme turns on convection between vertically adjacent boxes when the density stratification between them is still slightly stable. In this situation, the amplitude and period of the oscillations depend strongly on the size of the density threshold, both vanishing as the threshold is taken toward zero. We also show that the same is true in the Welander flip-flop model of a single salt oscillator. For positive values of the threshold, that is, when the CA scheme is allowed to ignore small unstable stratification changes, oscillations do not occur in the limit of integration time step going to zero, but can still be seen when the time step is finite, even if small. Moreover, the system evolves toward a new steady state, one in which the stratification in one box is exactly the threshold value itself. We show how to calculate these new steady states, and explain why they give way to oscillations when the density threshold is negative.  相似文献   

Monitoring data on the ion composition of precipitation and the water-soluble fraction of aerosol have been used to identify two types of aerosol particles in the surface atmosphere of Irkutsk (“metal” and “ammonia” groups). The aerosol acidity is basically governed by the acidity of ammonia particles, and the ion composition depends on air relative humidity (RH). Preliminary estimates are given for the distribution of major cations and anions by aerosol groups.  相似文献   

Geophysical data collected on three U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office cruises to the Galapagos Rise are presented. These data allow definition of the morphology and structure of the Galapagos Rise.A postulated “hot spot” beneath the Galapagos platform is suggested as the cause of: (1) decreased seismicity along the spreading center for a 400 km E—W distance from the islands; (2) distinctive petro-chemistry of tholeiites from the islands and adjacent oceanic crust generated by the Galapagos Rise; (3) high-amplitude magnetic anomalies in a 1,000 km E—W band including and just north of the Galapagos platform; and (4) morphologic shape and the regionally elevated sea floor of the Galapagos Rise as it approaches the insular platform.  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics - Perigean spring tides in the atmosphere are discussed. In 2016–2017, the smoothed anomalies of air temperature over European Russia were found to...  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics - This paper presents the results of a comprehensive analysis of measurements of CO total content (CO TC) at stations of the Obukhov Institute of...  相似文献   

海洋-大气二氧化碳通量的观测技术   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
大范围稳定地获取海洋-大气系统中二氧化碳的精确数据,是海洋科学、大气科学以及全球变化科学和可持续发展科学计划中的重要任务.准确评估海-气CO2通量需要对海洋和大气中相关参数的同步精确连续观测,需要发展和建立海-气CO2通量的立体观测平台.该观测平台包括岸基、船基、航空、卫星和浮标等系统,主要技术包括走航大气和海水观测技术、浮标海-气CO2通量观测技术、极区海洋-大气CO2通量的观测技术和遥感海洋-大气CO2通量观测和评估技术.  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics - The results of numerical calculations of the variability of number concentrations of aerosol particles of different sizes and the rates of ion-induced...  相似文献   

We discuss the possibility of detecting deep convection in the Lofoten Basin of the Norwegian Sea based on the eddy structures revealed from the satellite data. Satellite altimetry, SAR imagery, and MODIS satellite spectral radiometer sea-surface temperature (SST) data are used in the analysis, along with the data of oceanographic Argo floats. It is shown that the eddies identified from the satellite data correspond to the convective cells in the same region according to the data of the Argo floats. We consider several examples of the summer eddy and one winter eddy and the corresponding structures in the ocean measured by the Argo floats when they were located close to the identified eddies. As this method develops and improves, it can be used for the analysis of the dynamic of oceanic eddies in the region of the Lofoten Basin, and possibly in other regions with active deep convection.  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics - Introductory article on the issue of the journal Izvestiya RAN, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 2020, vol. 56, no. 3 dedicated to the 40th anniversary...  相似文献   

A two-zone model of the atmospheric circulation over the hemisphere is considered. The geographic latitude φ of the boundary between the Rossby circulation regime zone at middle and high latitudes and the Hadley circulation regime zone at low latitudes serves as a model variable. The closeness between the actual and reference (exponential) air-mass distribution over the hemisphere, with respect to Ertel’s modified potential vorticity (MPV), is accounted for. The informational entropy of the statistical MPV distribution in the hemispheric atmosphere and the informational entropy of the eddy regime in the basic storm-track zone are used to determine a statistically (climatically) equilibrium value of φ. The question of atmospheric blocking over the hemisphere is considered using the proposed statistical–dynamical model.  相似文献   

Convective cloudiness in the Atlantic sector of the Arctic is considered as an atmospheric spatially self-organized convective field. Convective cloud development is usually studied as a local process reflecting the convective instability of the turbulent planetary boundary layer over a heated surface. The convective cloudiness has a different dynamical structure in high latitudes. Cloud development follows cold-air outbreaks into the areas with a relatively warm surface. As a result, the physical and morphological characteristics of clouds, such as the type of convective cloud, and their geographical localization are interrelated. It has been shown that marginal sea ice and coastal zones are the most frequently occupied by Cu hum, Cu med convective clouds, which are organized in convective rolls. Simultaneously, the open water marine areas are occupied by Cu cong, Cb, which are organized in convective cells. An intercomparison of cloud statistics using satellite data ISCCP and ground-based observations has revealed an inconsistency in the cloudiness trends in these data sources: convective cloudiness decreases in ISCCP data and increases in the groundbased observation data. In general, according to the stated hypothesis, the retreat of the sea-ice boundary may lead to an increase in the amount of convective clouds.  相似文献   

天津地区的相对海平面上升与地面沉降   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在有关学者以往研究工作的基础上,对天津地区的相对海平面上升和地面沉降问题作了分析探讨。相对海平面上升已经在该区造成了种种危害,随着未来全球理论海平面的上升和该区地面沉降的存在,这些危害还将继续威胁着天津地区的社会和经济生活。天津地区的地面沉降主要由人类活动引起,是该区影响相对海平面上升诸多因子中贡献率最大的因子,也是该区不容忽视的地质灾害之一。由于采取了积极的控制措施,天津地区人为引起地面沉降在相对海平面上升中的贡献率已从上世纪七、八十年代的90%以上降至60%以下。可以预计,在未来几十年中,人为引起地面沉降在相对海平面上升中仍将占相当大的比例,必须引起人们的高度警觉,采取更为积极的防治对策。  相似文献   

利用常规天气资料、气象自动站加密观测资料及乡镇加密雨量站资料、其它物理量资料及卫星云图资料等,对2009-06-08河北省的强降水及强对流天气进行了分析。研究表明,蒙古低涡携带强的正涡度平流和冷空气,为强对流天气提供了良好的动力条件;南风与偏东风急流为大暴雨提供了良好的水汽,同时,低涡底部的西北风急流与2支暖风急流汇合,为暴雨、冰雹、大风等强对流的形成提供了条件。暴雨落区处于低层次大值能量场的顶部,能量场剖面具有鞍形场结构,高层、低层具有大值能量,中层为中性结构,为深对流的发展提供了初始热力条件。自动气象站加密风场资料分析表明,长时间的中小尺度风场辐合增强了地面空气的辐合抬升,同时也是造成此次局地大暴雨的中尺度系统和触发条件。  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics - The results of long-term continuous radar observations of a multicellular hail system that developed over the central part of the North Caucasus June 7,...  相似文献   

Dynamics of Turbidity in the Tweed Estuary   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Results are presented of turbidity measurements made in the Tweed Estuary during 14–29 September 1993. The observations covered a spring-neap period of very strong and relatively weak tides, which included strong wave activity at the mouth of the estuary, the aftermath of a strong freshwater inflow event and a minor inflow event which coincided with neap tides. Turbidity levels between the mouth and the limit of saline intrusion during this period were observed to lie in the range 2–30 ppm. Temperature–salinity relationships, based on rapid sampling throughout the estuary, often indicated conservative mixing between riverine and coastal waters. Turbidity–salinity relationships throughout the estuary were approximately linear for most of the lower salinity range (<30) although the relationships varied throughout a tidal cycle. At the highest salinities, in the lower 2·5 km of estuary, significantly enhanced turbidities occurred during strong, onshore swell-wave conditions. Near-mouth turbidities were very low (<5 ppm) at high-water (HW) when the swell-wave height was small (<0·3 m). There was no correlation between near-mouth turbidity at HW and tidal range, whereas the correlation between near-mouth turbidity and swell-wave height explained over 90% of the variance in near-mouth turbidity. The temporal trends in freshwater turbidity and freshwater inflow during the fieldwork period were fairly similar. A statistically significant relationship existed between these variables when freshwater turbidity was correlated against inflow 30 h earlier. A ‘ model ’ of turbidity, based on 5 days of inflows and used to hindcast turbidity from 14 days of inflows between 16–29 September, explained over 80% of the variance in freshwater turbidity. Therefore, inflow exerted a significant control on the fluvial turbidity. It appears that very fine-grained particles were responsible for the observed turbidity in the central and upper reaches of the Tweed. During the flood, in the presence of strong wave activity in the coastal zone, larger sediment was rapidly winnowed in the lower reaches, close to the mouth, whereas fine silt particles remained in suspension and reached the limit of saline intrusion.  相似文献   

Geoid height anomalies, as determined by satellite altimetry, suggest that the Cape Verde Rise is in local isostatic equilibrium, supported by a low-density root of altered lithosphere. A depth anomaly map shows the Cape Verde Rise to be approximately 1600 km wide and 2km high. Removal of a quadratic surface from the observed geoid heights leaves a residual positive anomaly with the same shape as the rise and an amplitude of about 8 m. The ratio of residual geoid height anomaly to depth anomaly is consistent with an isostatic root only 40 km deep on average.  相似文献   

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