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The Rhine catchment experienced strong changes in upstream allogenic forcing during the last 20,000 years. Climatic changes of the glacial–interglacial transition and steadily growing human impact during the second half of the Holocene forced the Rhine to adapt, resulting in changes in the fluvial morphology. The lower Rhine left two late Weichselian terraces and many Holocene palaeo-meanders in the Lower Rhine Valley (western Germany). This well-preserved terrace sequence is used to investigate the exact course of events of the lower Rhine response to changes in allogenic forcing. Five detailed cross-sections that integrate new and existing borehole data were constructed, and the deposits were analysed with regards to abandonment of terraces, changes in number of active channels, fluvial style, terrace gradients, and overbank sedimentation during the Lateglacial and Holocene. We improved and expanded the chronology of the Lower Rhine Valley deposits by dating new samples ( 14C, OSL), and integrated these with existing dating evidence (archaeological and historical data, cross-cutting relationships). Twice during the glacial–interglacial transition, the lower Rhine changed from braided to meandering fluvial style. During both transitional episodes (meandering) secondary channels existed alongside the main channel, with a life span up to 2500 years. The findings imply that the lower Rhine was inherently slow to complete the full morphological transition to a single thread meandering system. On specific aspects of response, the morphological response (point bar/terrace formation, contraction to a single thread) extended over relatively long periods of time, whereas discharge-related response (e.g. fluvial style change, abandonment of braidplains, channel bed lowering/incision) seems to have been near instantaneous. Reach-specific conditions determine the degree to which the geomorphic response is delayed and the complexity of the resultant morphology. Increased human-induced sediment delivery (last 2000–3000 years) is expressed as relative thicker and coarser overbank deposits in the entire study area. In the downstream part of the Lower Rhine Valley it accelerated high-stand deltaic backfilling and decreased incision. The response to human activities occurred relatively quickly in contrast to the long-term fluvial response to the glacial–interglacial transition, because the human impact mainly involved change in delivery of the suspended load. 相似文献
The Niers valley was part of the Rhine system that came into existence during the maximum Saalian glaciation and was abandoned at the end of the Weichselian. The aim of the study was to explain the Late Pleniglacial and Late Glacial fluvial dynamics and to explore the external forcing factors: climate change, tectonics and sea level. The sedimentary units have been investigated by large‐scale coring transects and detailed cross‐sections over abandoned channels. The temporal fluvial development has been reconstructed by means of geomorphological relationships, pollen analysis and 14C dating. The Niers‐Rhine experienced a channel pattern change from braided, via a transformational phase, to meandering in the early Late Glacial. This change in fluvial style is explained by climate amelioration at the Late Pleniglacial to Late Glacial transition (at ca. 12.5 k 14C yr BP) and climate‐related hydrological, lithological and vegetation changes. A delayed fluvial response of ca. 400 14C yr (transitional phase) was established. The channel transformations are not related to tectonic effects and sea‐level changes. Successive river systems have similar gradients of ca. 35–40 cm km ?1. A meandering river system dominated the Allerød and Younger Dryas periods. The threshold towards braiding was not crossed during the Younger Dryas, but increased aeolian activity has been observed on the Younger Dryas point bars. The final abandonment of the Niers‐Rhine was dated shortly after the Younger Dryas to Holocene transition. Traces of Laacher See pumice have been found in the Niers valley, indicating that the Niers‐Rhine was still in use during the Younger Dryas. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Desert varnish of pristine sandstone and petroglyph surfaces from Takabart Kabort (Naturalistic Bubaline Art School) and Alamas (Tanzina Art School) can be well classified by their (SiO 2+Al 2O 3):MnO 2, Al 2O 3:SiO 2, and P 2O 5:CaO ratios. Specific ratios are due to the occurrence of clay minerals like illite, kaolinite, smectite, and feldspar, quartz, carbonates like calcite and dolomite, manganese oxyhydroxides, and apatite. Their occurrence corresponds to the local origin and composition of the primary aeolian material. In general, the analyzed desert varnish shows lamination patterns characterized by alternating MnO2-rich and -poor layers (25 wt% MnO2) at rather constant iron oxyhydroxide content (6 wt% Fe2O3). Varnish on non-engraved surfaces exhibits three MnO2-rich layers, whereas varnish-coated petroglyphs reveal minor lamination patterns corresponding to the dating of petroglyphs by rock art. The older Naturalistic Bubaline Art School petroglyphs (about 6–4 ka BP) and the younger Tazina Art School petroglyphs (about 3.8–3 ka BP) contain only two and one MnO2-rich layer, respectively. It is assumed that the occurrence of such microlaminations is caused by climate changes in North Africa. Three humid periods are discerned from the Terminal Pleistocene to Holocene in the literature. Such periods are suitable to induce manganese accumulation by biotic and abiotic processes. Accordingly, the distinct lamination patterns gained from this study verify the dating of petroglyphs by rock art. From another point of view, classification of the above petroglyphs may be provided by analyses of microlaminations independently on cultural historical aspects. 相似文献
Little is known about the impact of Late Devensian (Weichselian) aridity on lowland British landscapes, largely because they lack the widespread coversand deposits of the adjacent continent. The concentration of large interformational ice‐wedge casts in the upper part of many Devensian fluvial sequences suggests that fluvial activity may have decreased considerably during this time. The development of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating enables this period of ice‐wedge cast formation to be constrained for the first time in eastern England, where a marked horizon of ice‐wedge casts is found between two distinctive dateable facies associations. Contrasts between this horizon and adjacent sediments show clear changes in environment and fluvial system behaviour in response to changing water supply, in line with palaeontological evidence. In addition to providing chronological control on the period of ice‐wedge formation, the study shows good agreement of the radiocarbon and OSL dating techniques during the Middle and Late Devensian, with direct comparison of these techniques beyond 15 000 yr for the first time in Britain. It is suggested that aridity during the Late Devensian forced a significant decrease in fluvial activity compared with preceding and following periods, initiating a system with low peak flows and widespread permafrost development. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Numerous caves and terraces with late Late Pleistocene (Upper Neopleistocene according to the Russian stratigraphic scale)–Holocene deposits are located in the Lemeza River valley in the surroundings of the Atysh waterfall, the native reserve territory of the Bashkortostan Republic. Lemeza River runs in the southern part of the western slope of the Urals and belongs to the Belaya River valley system (Russian Federation). A summary of the biostratigraphical investigations between 1992 and 2007 in this area is given. Deposits of cave and fluvial origin are characterized in the framework of the regional stratigraphy. The results of mammalian investigations and radiocarbon dating provide the basis for the stratigraphical subdivision. Palynology, mollusca, fishes, amphibian and reptiles are used for the reconstruction the palaeoenvironments. The Southern Urals stratigraphic subdivisions are correlated with Western European (Weichselian-Holocene), Eastern European (Russia) (Leningrad–Ostashkov–Shuvalov) and Uralian (Nevyansk–Polar Urals–Gorbunovsky) stratigraphic schemes. 相似文献
In the present paper the effects of rapid, high‐amplitude base‐level changes during the last glacial‐interglacial transition were studied for the Ain River in eastern France. During the Würm glacial maximum (MIS 2) rapid aggradation by deep‐water Gilbert‐type deltas and shallow‐water fan deltas occurred at the margins of a 20 to 50 m deep proglacial lake. A temporal high‐amplitude lake‐level fall of 60 m resulted in gravel deposition by forced‐regressive deltas, followed by rapid lake‐level rise and fine‐grained glaciolacustrine deposition. During the final deglaciation, a rapid base‐level fall of 40 m resulted in a complex fluvial response. Knickpoint formation and headward incision of the highstand deltas and concomitant deposition of gravel sheets by forced‐regressive deltas and braided systems occurred in several depocentres on the former glacial lake floor. Preservation of highstand and falling‐stage deposits and terrace formation in the incised valley depended on vertical incision and lateral channel migration. Terraces are well developed in the former lake‐floor depressions, whereas vertical incision was dominant in the higher lake‐floor areas. The Ain terrace staircase was likely formed by autogenic processes during a single allogenic base‐level fall. This case study possibly offers an analogue for the preservation of interglacial highstand coastal deltas during sea‐level fall at warm‐to‐cold climate transitions, although the rates of base‐level fall are different. 相似文献
Integrated sedimentological and ichnological case studies of ancient meandering river systems have, for the most part, focused on the deposits of the fluvial–tidal transition zone; much less emphasis has been placed on the purely fluvial realm above the landward limit of tidal effects. This problem needs to be addressed so that in future the defining sedimentological and ichnological criteria assigned to ancient fluvial reaches are sufficiently well‐established to enable their separation from the down‐dip fluvial–tidal transition zone. Accordingly, a case study has been carried out on a well‐exposed meander belt deposit from the Late Jurassic Lourinhã Formation of the Lusitanian Basin, western Portugal (Praia Do Valmitão, Ribamar). Analysis indicates that the meander belt here comprised mixed‐load fluvial channels traversing a vegetated floodplain subject to a seasonal winter wet/summer dry palaeoclimate. This setting facilitated the development of both calcic palaeosols and shallow lakes on the adjacent floodplain. Critically, there is no evidence of the effects of tidal modulation on bedding structures, thereby establishing purely fluvial conditions. Heterolithic point‐bar deposits generated in this setting are bioturbated extensively by a trace fossil assemblage dominated by the meniscate trace Taenidium barretti , with Skolithos linearis , Planolites beverleyensis and Cylindricum isp. also recognized. A number of factors suggest that the Taenidium barretti producer in this case was a subaquatic organism living in an active fluvial channel setting (i.e. not colonizing subaerially exposed channel‐margin/floodplain deposits). Accordingly, there are some implications for current ichnofabric/ichnofacies models in the continental realm. Firstly, Taenidium ‐dominated ichnofabrics need not necessarily be confined to colonization beneath subaerially exposed surfaces; they might also be produced within submerged substrates. Secondly, there is scope to extend the range of the Scoyenia ichnofacies to include active fluvial channels and not simply those channels that were inactive or abandoned. 相似文献
Detailed fieldwork and new extensive 14C dating of residual channel infillings provide data for the reconstruction of the Late‐glacial channel downcutting and incision history of the Venlo–Boxmeer lower reach of the River Meuse (= Maas) in the southern Netherlands. Within a period of 500–1300 yr after Late‐glacial climatic amelioration, the Meuse responded to increased discharges and decreased sediment supply by adjusting the width/depth ratio of its channels. Two main phases of channel downcutting are followed by two main phases of floodplain lowering and narrowing, indicating net floodplain degradation by the fluvial system as a non‐linear response to Late‐glacial and Early Holocene climate change. Some 1300 yr after initial late‐glacial warming, channels downcut rapidly during the Early Bølling (13.3–12.5 kyr BP) and adopted a high‐sinuosity meandering style. Channel downcutting paused around 11.9 kyr BP, possibly in response to rising groundwater levels and/or the Older Dryas cooling event. Between 11.9 and 11.3 kyr BP a new floodplain was formed. Then, lateral erosion took place and initiated a first phase of 2.6 m floodplain lowering during the Late Allerød. Gradual climate deterioration during the Allerød progressively broke up soils and vegetation cover, from 11.3 to 10.9 kyr BP. The Meuse gradually adjusted to an increased ratio of sediment supply over transport capacity through higher width/depth ratios. Main channels became shallower and adopted a low‐sinuosity pattern, finally culminating in a braided river system during the Younger Dryas. The final Holocene warming resulted, within 500 yr, in renewed rapid channel downcutting by a single low‐sinuosity channel during the Early Preboreal, followed by a second phase of 1.8–2.8 m floodplain lowering. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
In a multi‐scale approach to the study of the organic and mineral components in an active barrage‐type tufa system of southern Italy, neo‐formed deposits, in both natural depositional sites and on inorganic substrates placed in the stream for this study, were observed and compared through one year of monitoring. Dams and lobes representing the basic morpho‐facies of the deposits are composed of two depositional facies: vacuolar tufa (a mixture of phytoclastic and framestone tufa) and stromatolitic tufa (phytoherm boundstone tufa). Three petrographic components comprise both facies: micrite and microsparite, often forming peloidal to aphanitc, laminar and dendrolitic fabrics, and sparite, which occurs as isolated to coalescent fan‐shaped crystals forming botryoids or continuous crusts. All fabrics occurring in all depositional facies are organized into layers with a more or less well‐developed cyclicity, which has its best expression in stromatolitic lamination. The precipitation of all types of calcite (with Mg 1·0 to 3·2 mole % and Sr 0·5 to 0·8 mole %) takes place more or less constantly during all seasons, in spite of the low saturation state of the water (the saturation index range is 0·75 to 0·89) within the active depositional zone; the latter extends for a few hundred microns through the external surface of the deposit. The active depositional zone has a particular micro‐morphology composed of porous micro‐columns (50 to 150 μm in size), separated by interstitial channels. Mineral precipitation occurs upon both external surfaces and within internal cavities of the micro‐columns, while further point sites of precipitation occur suspended within the masses of cyanobacterial tufts. Sub‐spherical mineral units, ‘nano‐spheres’ (10 to 20 nm in diameter) are the basic biotic neo‐precipitate; they commonly form by replacing non‐living degrading organic matter and at point sites along the external surface of living cyanobacterial sheaths. Nano‐spheres agglutinate to form first rod‐shaped aggregates (100 to 200 nm) which then evolve into triads of fibres or polyhedral structures. Successively, both triads and polyhedral solids coalesce to form larger calcite crystals (mainly tetrahedrons tens of microns in size) that represent the fundamental bricks for the construction of the micro‐columns in the active depositional zone. Precipitation is attributed to the presence of a widespread biofilm that occurs in the active depositional zone; this is composed of a heterogeneous community comprising epilithic and endolithic filamentous cyanobacteria, green algae, unicellular prokaryotes, actinobacteria and fungi, with a variable amount of extracellular polymeric substances. No precipitation takes place where the biofilm is absent, indicating that the biological activities of the biofilm are crucial, with its living organisms and non‐living organic matter. Basic aggregates of neo‐precipitates do not form in association with any one particular type of organic matter substrate, but appear to be related to the seasonal temperature variation: polyhedral micro‐crystals mainly precipitate in the colder season, short triads in the intermediate seasons, and long triads in the warmest conditions. These three basic crystal aggregates have a petrographic counterpart, respectively, in the spar, microspar and micrite. 相似文献
We present a brief synthesis of the Quaternary fluvial record in the Lower Tagus Basin (central Portugal), concentrating on factors controlling infill and incision. The Holocene part of the record forms the focus of this paper and guides the questioning of the basic assumptions of the established Quaternary fluvial evolution model, in particular the link between sea-level change and fluvial incision-deposition. We suggest that several incision-aggradation phases may have occurred during glacial periods. Major aggradation events may overlap with cold episodes, while incision appears to concentrate on the warming limb of climate transitions. The complex stratigraphy of the Quaternary record in the Lower Tagus valley is influenced by repeated base-level and climate changes.This paper submits the first chronostratigraphic framework for valley fill deposits in the Lower Tagus area. Sea-level rise forced aggradation and controlled deposition of the fine-grained sedimentary wedge underlying the low-gradient Lower Tagus floodplain. Investigations have focused on the lower Muge tributary, where rapidly aggrading estuarine and fluvial environments were abruptly established (∼8150 cal BP) as sea level rose. Base level at the valley mouth controlled the upstream extent of the fine-grained backfill. Tidal environments disappeared abruptly (∼5800 cal BP) when the open estuary at the Muge confluence was infilled by the Tagus River. The decrease and final still stand of sea-level rise led to floodplain stabilisation with peat (∼6400–5200 cal BP) and soil formation (∼5200–2200 cal BP). Localised renewed sedimentation (∼2200–200 cal BP) is linked to human activity. 相似文献
The Quaternary deposits of tectonically stable areas are a powerful tool to investigate high‐frequency climate variations (<10 ka) and to distinguish allogenic and autogenic factors controlling deposition. Therefore, an Upper Pleistocene–Holocene coastal apron‐fan system in north–western Sardinia (Porto Palmas, Italy) was studied to investigate the relations between climate changes, sea‐level fluctuations and sediment source‐supply that controlled its development. The sedimentary sequence records the strong influence of local (wet/dry) and worldwide (sea‐level) environmental variations in the sedimentation and preservation of the deposits. A multi‐disciplinary approach allowed subdivision of the succession into four major, unconformity‐bounded stratigraphic units: U1 U2, U3 and U4. Unit U1, tentatively dated to the warm and humid Marine Isotopic Stage (MIS) 5, consists of sandy, gravelly coastal/beach deposits developed during high sea‐level in low‐lying areas. Unit U2 consists of debris‐flow dominated fan‐deposits ( ca 74 ka; MIS 4), preserved as partial fills of small valleys and coves. Unit U2 is mainly composed of reddish silty conglomerate to pebbly siltstones sourced from the Palaeozoic metamorphic inland hills (bedrock), superficially disintegrated during the preceding warm, vegetation‐rich MIS 5. The cold and semi‐arid climate strongly reduced vegetation cover along the valley flanks. Therefore, sediment gravity‐flow processes, possibly activated by rainstorms, led to deposition of debris‐flow dominated fans. Unit U3 consists of water‐flow dominated alluvial‐fan deposits ( ca 47 to 23 ka; MIS 3), developed on a slightly inclined coastal plain. Unit U3 is composed of sandstone and sandy conglomerate fed from two main sediment sources: metamorphic inland bedrock and Quaternary bioclastic‐rich shelf‐derived sands. During this cold phase, sea‐level dropped sufficiently to expose bioclastic sands accumulated on the shelf. Frequent climate fluctuations favoured inland aeolian transport of sand during dry phases, followed by reworking of the aeolian bodies by flash floods during wet phases. Bedrock‐derived fragments mixed with water‐reworked, wind‐blown sands led to the development of water‐flow dominated fans. The Dansgaard–Oeschger events possibly associated with sand landward deflation and main fan formations are Dansgaard–Oeschger 13 ( ca 47 ka), Dansgaard–Oeschger 8 ( ca 39 ka) and Dansgaard–Oeschger 2 ( ca 23 ka). No record of sedimentation during MIS 2 was observed. Finally, bioclastic‐rich aeolianites (Unit U4, ca 10 to 5 ka; MIS 1), preserved on a coastal slope, were developed during the Holocene transgression ( ca 10 to 5 ka; MIS 1). The studied sequence shows strong similarities with those of other Mediterranean sites; it is, however, one of the few where the main MIS 4 and MIS 3 climatic fluctuations are registered in the sedimentary record. 相似文献
The Central Ebro River Basin (NE Spain) is the most northern area of truly semi-arid Mediterranean climate in Europe and prehistoric human occupation there has been strongly influenced by this extreme environmental condition. Modern climate conditions single out this region due to the harsh environment, characterised by the highest absolute summer temperatures of the Ebro River Basin. The Bajo Aragón region (SE Ebro River Basin) was intensively populated during the Early Holocene (9400-8200 cal yr BP) but the settlements were abandoned abruptly at around 8200 cal yr BP. We propose that this “archaeological silence” was caused by the regional impact of the global abrupt 8.2 ka cold event. Available regional paleoclimate archives demonstrate the existence of an aridity crisis then that interrupted the humid Early Holocene. That environmental crisis would have forced hunter-gatherer groups from the Bajo Aragón to migrate to regions with more favourable conditions (i.e. more humid mountainous areas) and only return in the Neolithic. Coherently, archaeological sites persist during this crisis in the nearby Iberian Range (Maestrazgo) and the North Ebro River area (Pre-Pyrenean mountains and along the northwestern Ebro Basin). 相似文献
Lower Priabonian coral bioherms and biostromes, encased in prodelta marls/clays, occur in the Aínsa‐Jaca piggyback basin, in the South Central Pyrenean zone. Detailed mapping of lithofacies and bounding surfaces onto photomosaics reveals the architecture of coral buildups. Coral lithosomes occur either isolated or amalgamated in larger buildups. Isolated lithosomes are 1 to 8 m thick and a few hundred metres wide; clay content within coral colonies is significant. Stacked bioherms form low‐relief buildups, commonly 20 to 30 m thick, locally up to 50 m. These bioherms are progressively younger to the west, following progradation of the deltaic complex. The lowermost skeletal‐rich beds consist of bryozoan floatstone with wackestone to packstone matrix, in which planktonic foraminifera are abundant and light‐related organisms absent. Basal coral biostromes, and the base of many bioherms, consist of platy‐coral colonies ‘floating’ in a fine‐grained matrix rich in branches of red algae. Corals with domal or massive shape, locally mixed with branching corals and phaceloid coral colonies, dominate buildup cores. These corals are surrounded by matrix and lack organic framework. The matrix consists of wackestone to packstone, locally floatstone, with conspicuous red algal and coral fragments, along with bryozoans, planktonic and benthonic foraminifera and locally sponges. Coral rudstone and skeletal packstone, with wackestone to packstone matrix, also occur as wedges abutting the buildup margins. Integrative analysis of rock textures, skeletal components, buildup anatomy and facies architecture clearly reveal that these coral buildups developed in a prodelta setting where shifting of delta lobes or rainfall cycles episodically resulted in water transparency that allowed zooxanthellate coral growth. The bathymetric position of the buildups has been constrained from the light‐dependent communities and lithofacies distribution within the buildups. The process‐product analysis used here reinforces the hypothesis that zooxanthellate corals thrived in mesophotic conditions at least during the Late Eocene and until the Late Miocene. Comparative analysis with some selected Upper Eocene coral buildups of the north Mediterranean area show similarities in facies, components and textures, and suggest that they also grew in relatively low light (mesophotic) and low hydrodynamic conditions. 相似文献
Planktonic foraminiferal Mg/Ca ratios and oxygen isotopic compositions of a spliced sediment record from Feni Drift, NE Atlantic Ocean (box core M200309 and piston core ENAM9606) trace late Holocene sea surface temperature (SST) and salinity changes over the past 2400 years. At this location, the variability of SST and oxygen isotopic composition of seawater (δ 18O w) reflects variable northward advection of warm and saline surface waters, which appears linked to climate variability over the adjacent European continent. Our records reveal a general long-term cooling trend. Superimposed on this overall trend, partly higher temperatures and salinities from 180 to 560 AD and 750 to 1160 AD may be ascribed to the Roman and Medieval Warm Periods, respectively. Subsequently, our record displays highly variable surface water conditions; the main Little Ice Age SST minimum is restricted to the 15th and 16th centuries AD. Pervasive multidecadal- to centennial-scale variability throughout the sedimentary proxy records can be partly attributed to solar forcing and/or variable heat extraction from the surface ocean caused by shifts in the prevailing state of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). High salinities in the 17th and 18th centuries are considered to reflect tropical anomalies linked to a southward shift of the Intertropical Convergence Zone, propagating across the North Atlantic Ocean. 相似文献
The fluvial environment of Early Holocene small‐ to middle‐sized lowland rivers in northwest Europe is mostly unstudied due to a lack of preserved and accessible deposits. A rescue excavation in the Scheldt valley in northern Belgium offered the opportunity to study a Boreal alluvial succession in detail. The results of palaeoecological and sedimentological analyses (diatoms, pollen, botanical macro‐remains, molluscs, grain size) characterize the biotic and physical environment in the middle reach of this medium‐sized river system. Although the Early Holocene in the Scheldt Basin has often been portrayed as a period of fluvial stability with marshy conditions and diffuse discharge, this study showed evidence of point bar formation by a small, low‐energy meandering river between ~9.5 and ~8.8 cal. ka BP. The point bar was at least temporarily vegetated and shows a shift from herbaceous riparian vegetation to an open willow‐dominated alluvial forest. This evidence points to a more open vegetation and a more energetic environment than traditionally described for rivers of this size and age. A link to the 9.3 ka BP cooling event is suggested and possible reasons for the scarcity of records of this type of deposits are discussed. 相似文献